ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#97704 | #6327. Count Arithmetic Progression | Bazoka13 | WA | 190ms | 94472kb | C++14 | 16.5kb | 2023-04-17 22:57:22 | 2023-04-17 22:57:25 |
Judging History
using namespace std;
#define ll __int128
#define pi acos(-1.0)
#define pb push_back
#define eps 1e-9
#define db double
int sgn(double x){
if(fabs(x)<eps)return 0;
if(x<0)return -1;
return 1;
double cmp(double a,double b){return sgn(a-b);}
double sqr(double x){return x*x;}
double inmid(double x,double l,double r){return sgn(x-l)>=0&&sgn(r-x)>=0;}
struct Point{
double x,y;
Point(double xx,double yy){x=xx;y=yy;}
void input(){scanf("%lf %lf",&x,&y);}
void output(){printf("%.0f %.0f\n",x,y);}
bool operator ==(const Point &p)const{return sgn(x-p.x)==0&&sgn(y-p.y)==0;}
bool operator !=(const Point &p)const{return sgn(x-p.x)!=0||sgn(y-p.y)!=0;}
bool operator < (const Point &p)const{
return sgn(x-p.x)<0||(sgn(x-p.x)==0&&sgn(y-p.y)<0);
Point operator + (const Point &p)const{
return {x+p.x,y+p.y};
Point operator - (const Point &p)const{
return {x-p.x,y-p.y};
Point operator * (double k)const{
return {x*k,y*k};
Point operator / (const double &k)const{
return {x/k,y/k};
double dot(Point p) const{return p.x*x+p.y*y;}
double cross(Point p) const {return x * p.y - y * p.x;}
double dis(Point p) const {return sqrt(sqr(x - p.x) + sqr(y - p.y));}
double abs() const{return sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y));}
double abs2() const{return sqr(x)+sqr(y);}
Point rot(Point p,double a){
Point v = (*this) - p;
double c = cos(a), s = sin(a);
return Point(p.x + v.x*c - v.y*s,p.y + v.x*s + v.y*c);
Point rotLeft() const{return Point(-y,x);}
Point rotRight() const{return Point(y,-x);}
double getW() const{return atan2(y,x);}
Point unit()const{
if(sgn(abs())==0)return (*this);
else return {x/abs(),y/abs()};
Point trunc(double r)const{Point tmp=unit();return tmp*r;}
double rad(Point a,Point b)const{
Point k1=a-(*this),k2=b-(*this);
return atan2(k1.cross(k2), k1.dot(k2));
double cross(Point p1,Point p2,Point p3){
return (p2-p1).cross(p3-p1);
double dot(Point p1,Point p2,Point p3){
return (p2-p1).dot(p3-p1);
struct Line{
Point s,e;//鏈夊悜鐩寸嚎
double ang;
ll k,b;
Line(Point ss,Point ee){s=ss;e=ee;}
void input(){s.input();e.input();}
bool operator ==(const Line &v)const{return s==v.s&&e==v.e;}
double len(){return (e-s).abs();}
void calcAng(){ang= atan2(dir().y,dir().x);}
Point dir(){return e-s;}
ll getY(ll x){
double dx1=e.x-s.x;
double dx2=x-s.x;
double dy1=e.y-s.y;
ll dy2=s.y+dy1*(dx2/dx1);
return dy2;
int checkLP(Point p){
/* s e p make a counterclockwise 1
* s e p make a clockwise 2
* p is on a line p s e 3
* p is on a line s e p 4
* p is on a seg s e 5
* error 6 */
int tmp = sgn(cross(s,p,e));
if(tmp<0)return 1;
if(tmp>0)return 2;
int dt=sgn(dot(p,s,e));
if(dt<=0)return 5;
if(sgn(dot(s,p,e))>0)return 4;
if(sgn(dot(s,p,e))<0)return 3;
int checkLL(Line v){
// 3 coincide 2 parallel 1 orthogonal 0 others
int tmp = sgn((e-s).cross(v.e-v.s));
if(v.checkLP(e)>2)return 3;
return 2;
if(sgn((e-s).dot(v.e-v.s))==0)return 1;
return 0;
int checkSS(Line v){
// 2 not strict 1 strict 0 not ins
if(checkLP(v.s)==5|| checkLP(v.e)==5)return 2;
if(v.checkLP(s)==5||v.checkLP(e)==5)return 2;
int tmp=sgn(cross(s,e,v.s)* cross(s,e,v.e));
int tmp2=sgn(cross(v.s,v.e,s)* cross(v.s,v.e,e));
if(tmp<0&&tmp2<0)return 1;
return 0;
int checkLS(Line v){//untested 2涓ユ牸1涓嶄弗鏍?
int d1 = sgn((e-s).cross(v.s-s));
int d2 = sgn((e-s).cross(v.e-s));
if((d1^d2)==-2) return 2;
return (d1==0||d2==0);
Point getLL(Line v){
double tmp=(s-v.s).cross(v.e-v.s),tmp2=(v.e-v.s).cross(e-v.s);
return (s*tmp2+e*tmp)/(tmp+tmp2);
Point proj(Point p){
return s+(e-s).trunc(dot(s,p,e)/len());
Point ref(Point p){
Point tmp= proj(p);
return tmp+tmp-p;
double disLP(Point p){return p.dis(proj(p));}
double disSP(Point p){
if(checkLP(proj(p))!=5)return min(p.dis(s),p.dis(e));
return disLP(p);
double disSS(Line v){
if(checkSS(v))return 0.0;
return min({disSP(v.s), disSP(v.e),v.disSP(s),v.disSP(e)});
Line trans(Point v,double d){
Point tmp=v.trunc(d);
return {s+tmp,e+tmp};
Line transLeft(double d){return trans((e-s).rotLeft(),d);}
Line transRight(double d){return trans((e-s).rotRight(),d);}
bool onSeg(Point p,Point a,Point b){return Line(a,b).checkLP(p)==5;}
struct Circle{
Point p;
double r;
Circle(Point pp,double rr){p=pp;r=rr;}
bool operator == (const Circle &c)const{
return (p==c.p)&&(sgn(r-c.r)==0);
Point point(double a){return p+Point(r*cos(a),r*sin(a));}
void input(){p.input();scanf("%lf",&r);}
int include(Point q){if(sgn(p.dis(q)-r)==0)return 1;if(sgn(p.dis(q)-r)
<0)return 2;return 0;}
int checkCC(Circle c){
//0 鍐呭惈 1 鍐呭垏 2 鐩镐氦 3 澶栧垏 4 鐩哥
double d=c.p.dis(p);
if(sgn(d-r-c.r)>0)return 4;
if(sgn(d-r-c.r)==0)return 3;
if(sgn(d- fabs(r-c.r))==0)return 1;
if(sgn(d- fabs(r-c.r))<0)return 0;
return 2;
int checkCL(Line l){
//2 鐩镐氦 1鐩稿垏 0 鐩哥
if(sgn(l.disLP(p)-r)==0)return 1;
if(sgn(l.disLP(p)-r)<0)return 2;
return 0;
vector<Point> getCL(Line v){
if(checkCL(v)==0)return {};
vector<Point> tmp;
double d=v.disLP(p);
double x=sqrt(r*r-d*d);
return tmp;
double circ(){return 2*pi*r;}
double area(){return pi*r*r;}
vector<Point> getCC(Circle c){//娌垮綋鍓嶉€嗘椂閽堢粰鍑?鐩稿垏缁欏嚭涓や釜
if(checkCC(c)==0|| checkCC(c)==4)return {};
double b=p.dis(c.p),cosA=(r*r+b*b-c.r*c.r)/(2*r*b);
double tmp=r*cosA,h=sqrt(r*r-tmp*tmp);
Point v=(c.p-p).trunc(tmp).rotLeft().trunc(h);
Point ini=p+(c.p-p).trunc(tmp);
return {ini-v,ini+v};
vector<Point> TangentCP(Point q){
if(include(q)==2)return {};
if(include(q)==1)return {q,q};
// double cosA=r/p.dis(q),h=sqrt(sqr(r)- sqr(r*cosA));
// Point ini=(q-p).trunc(r*cosA),v=ini.rotLeft().trunc(h);
// return {p+ini-v,p+ini+v};
db d = (q - p).abs2();
db x = d - sqr(r);
Point q1 = (q - p) * sqr(r) / d;
Point q2 = ((q -p) * -r * sqrtl(x) / d).rotLeft();
return {p+q1-q2,p+q1+q2};
Point getPoint(double t){
return p+Point(r* cos(t),r* sin(t));
double insCC(Circle c){
if(checkCC(c)<2)return pi*sqr(min(r,c.r));
if(checkCC(c)>2)return 0.0;
double d=(p-c.p).abs();
double x=(d*d+r*r-c.r*c.r)/(2*d);
double t1= acos(x/r),t2= acos((d-x)/c.r);
return sqr(r)*t1+sqr(c.r)*t2-d*r* sin(t1);
double insCT(Point a,Point b){
auto tmp= getCL({a,b});
if(tmp.empty())return r*r*p.rad(a,b)/2.0;
int i1= include(a),i2= include(b);
return (sqr(r)*(p.rad(a,b)-p.rad(tmp[0],tmp[1]))+(tmp[0]-
}else return sqr(r)*p.rad(a,b)/2.0;
}else if(i1==0){
return (sqr(r)*p.rad(a,tmp[0])+(tmp[0]-p).cross(b-p))/2.0;
}else if(i2==0){
return (sqr(r)*p.rad(tmp[1],b)+(a-p).cross(tmp[1]-p))/2.0;
}else return (a-p).cross(b-p)/2.0;
double insCP(const vector<Point> &poly){
int sz=poly.size();
double ans=0.0;
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++){
int j=(i+1)%sz;
ans+= insCT(poly[i],poly[j]);
return fabs(ans);
double Green_Circle(double t1,double t2){
return r*(r*(t2-t1)+p.x*(sin(t2)-sin(t1))-p.y*(cos(t2)-cos(t1)));
Circle outTri(Point a,Point b,Point c){//澶栨帴鍦?
Line l={(a+b)/2.0,(a+b)/2.0+((a-b)/2.0).rotLeft()};
Line r={(c+b)/2.0,(c+b)/2.0+((c-b)/2.0).rotLeft()};
return {l.getLL(r),a.dis(l.getLL(r))};
Circle inTri(Point a,Point b,Point c){
double d1=((a-c).getW()+(b-c).getW())/2,d2=((c-a).getW()+(b-a).getW())/2;
Line tmp={c,c+Point(cos(d1), sin(d1))},tmp2={a,a+Point(cos(d2), sin(d2))};
return {tmp.getLL(tmp2),Line(a,b).disLP(tmp.getLL(tmp2))};
vector<Line> TangentOutCC(Circle a,Circle b){
if(a.checkCC(b)<2)return {};
return {{a.p+(b.p-a.p).trunc(a.r).rotLeft(),b.p+(a.p-b.p).trunc(b.r).rotRight()},
int fl=sgn(a.r-b.r)>0?0:1;
double alpha=acos((a.r-b.r)/(a.p.dis(b.p)));
Point tmp=a.p+(b.p-a.p).rot({0,0},alpha).trunc(a.r),tmp2=a.p+(b.p-a.p).rot({0,0},-alpha).trunc(a.r);
Point tmp3=b.p+(a.p-b.p).rot({0,0},-(pi-alpha)).trunc(b.r),tmp4=b.p+(a.p-b.p).rot({0,0},pi-alpha).trunc(b.r);
if(fl)swap(tmp,tmp3), swap(tmp2,tmp4), swap(a,b);
return {{tmp,tmp3},{tmp2,tmp4}};
vector<Line> TangentInCC(Circle a,Circle b){
if(a.checkCC(b)==1|| a.checkCC(b)==3){
Point tmp= a.getCC(b)[0];
return {{tmp,tmp+(a.p-tmp).rotLeft()}};
}else if(a.checkCC(b)!=4)return {};
Point mid=a.p+(b.p-a.p)*(a.r/(a.r+b.r));
auto l= a.TangentCP(mid),rr=b.TangentCP(mid);
vector<Line> tmp;
for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++){tmp.pb({l[i],rr[i]});}
return tmp;
vector<Line> TangentCC(Circle a,Circle b){//鍐呭垏瑙嗕綔浜員angentInCC
auto inc = TangentInCC(a,b),outc= TangentOutCC(a,b);
vector<Line> tmp;
for(auto i:inc)tmp.push_back(i);for(auto i:outc)tmp.push_back(i);
return tmp;
double polyArea(const vector<Point> &p){
double ans=0;
int sz=p.size();
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++){
return fabs(ans)/2.0;
double polyCir(const vector<Point> &p){
double ans=0;
int sz=p.size();
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++){
return ans;
bool isConvex(const vector<Point> &p,int flag=0){//0 涓ユ牸 1 闈炰弗鏍?counterclockwise
int sz=p.size();
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++){
int x=Line(p[i],p[(i+1)%sz]).checkLP(p[(i+2)%sz]);
if(flag){if(x==2)return false;}
else return false;
return true;
int contain(vector<Point> ps, Point p){ //2:inside 1:onSeg 0:outside
int n = ps.size(), ret = 0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
Point u=ps[i],v=ps[(i+1)%n];
if(onSeg(p,u,v)) return 1;
if(cmp(u.y,v.y)<=0) swap(u,v);
if(cmp(p.y,u.y) >0 || cmp(p.y,v.y) <= 0) continue;
ret ^= sgn(cross(p,u,v)) > 0;
return ret*2;
vector<Point> convexCut(const vector<Point>&ps, Point q1, Point q2) {
vector<Point> qs;
int n = ps.size();
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
Point p1 = ps[i], p2 = ps[(i+1)%n];
int d1 = sgn(cross(q1,q2,p1)), d2 = sgn(cross(q1,q2,p2));
if(d1 >= 0) qs.pb(p1);
if(d1 * d2 < 0) qs.pb(Line(p1,p2).getLL({q1,q2}));
return qs;
double convexDiameter(vector<Point> ps){
int n = ps.size(); if(n <= 1) return 0;
int is = 0, js = 0;
for(int k=0;k<n;k++)is=ps[k]<ps[is]?k:is, js = ps[js] < ps[k]?k:js;
int i = is, j = js;
double ret = ps[i].dis(ps[j]);
if((ps[(i+1)%n]-ps[i]).cross(ps[(j+1)%n]-ps[j]) >= 0)
ret = max(ret,ps[i].dis(ps[j]));
}while(i!=is || j!=js);
return ret;
vector<Point> convexHull(vector<Point>A, int flag = 1) { // flag=0 涓嶄弗鏍?flag=1 涓ユ牸
int n = A.size(); vector<Point>ans(n * 2);
if(n==1)return A;
sort(A.begin(), A.end()); int now = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) {
while (now > 0 && sgn(cross(ans[now-1],ans[now],A[i]))<flag)now--;
ans[++now] = A[i];
} int pre = now;
for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
while (now > pre && sgn(cross(ans[now-1],ans[now],A[i]))<flag)now--;
ans[++now] = A[i];
} ans.resize(now); return ans;
vector<Point> norm(vector<Point> p,Point q){//鏋佽鎺掑簭
sort(p.begin(),p.end(),[&](Point a,Point b){
int d = sgn((a-q).cross(b-q));
if(d == 0){
return sgn(a.dis(q)-b.dis(q)) < 0;
return d > 0;
return p;
vector<Point> graHam(vector<Point> ps){
auto mi=ps[0];
for(auto i:ps)mi=min(mi,i);
ps = norm(ps,mi);
int n=ps.size();
vector<Point> ans(n*2);
int top = 0;
if(n == 1){
top = 1;
ans[0] = ps[0];
}else if(n == 2){
top = 2;
ans[0] = ps[0];
ans[1] = ps[1];
if(ans[0] == ans[1])top--;
ans[0] = ps[0];
ans[1] = ps[1];
top = 2;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
while (top > 1 &&
sgn((ans[top-1]-ans[top - 2]).cross(ps[i]-ans[top-2]))<=0)
ans[top++] = ps[i];
if (top== 2 && (ans[0] == ans[1]))top--;
ans.resize(top);return ans;
vector<Point> getHL(vector<Line> &L) {//璁板緱calcAng ==2鍙互鍖呭惈鍏辩嚎 !=1涓嶅寘鍚?
int n = L.size();
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)L[i].calcAng();
sort(L.begin(), L.end(),[&](Line a,Line b){return sgn(a.ang-b.ang)<0;});
int first, last;
vector<Point> p(n);
vector<Line> q(n);
vector<Point> ans;
q[first = last = 0] = L[0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
while (first < last && L[i].checkLP(p[last - 1])!=1)last--;
while (first < last && L[i].checkLP(p[first])!=1)first++;
q[++last] = L[i];
if (sgn((q[last].dir().cross(q[last - 1].dir())))==0) {
if (q[last].checkLP(L[i].s)==1) q[last] = L[i];
if (first < last) p[last - 1] = q[last - 1].getLL(q[last]);
while (first < last && q[first].checkLP(p[last - 1])!=1) last--;
if (last - first <= 1) return ans;
p[last] = q[last].getLL(q[first]);
for (int i = first; i <= last; i++)
return ans;
const int N = 3e5+10;
ll l[N],r[N];
ll qpow(ll a,ll k){
ll ans=1ll;
ll mod=998244353;
return ans%mod;
ll gcd(ll a, ll b) {
while (b != 0) {
ll tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp % b;
return a;
ll absl(ll x){
if(x<0)return -x;
return x;
int main(){
int n;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
long long tmp;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
long long tmp;
vector<Line> ls;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
int j=i-1;
auto ch = getHL(ls);
int sz=ch.size();
double s= polyArea(ch);
ll tot=0;
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++){
int j=(i+1)%sz;
ll xr=ch[j].x;
ll xl=ch[i].x;
ll yr=ch[j].y;
ll yl=ch[i].y;
ll g=gcd(absl(xr-xl),absl(yr-yl));
return 0;
ll mod=998244353;
ll ans=((ll)s+1ll)%mod+tot*qpow(2,998244351)%mod;
printf("%lld\n",(long long)ans);
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 3ms
memory: 5980kb
3 5 5 2 7 6 7
ok 1 number(s): "6"
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 5872kb
4 2 3 1 6 5 6 4 8
ok 1 number(s): "0"
Test #3:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 190ms
memory: 94472kb
300000 121398540794 60081434790 252920491076 43666218735 95583832019 21178121624 315727133812 89837170656 138389231466 174687947367 124350262341 108583578309 289629745492 321006985392 301201031648 138149017169 255983300245 138801256482 285614769875 130583757928 261690466826 74624776159 303504239011 ...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '2000014', found: '644943019'