ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#96953 | #2918. Tree Number Generator | megz112233 | WA | 1ms | 5764kb | C++14 | 4.8kb | 2023-04-16 08:59:45 | 2023-04-16 08:59:47 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long
#define all(v) v.begin(),v.end()
#define sz(x) (int) (x).size()
#define el '\n'
#define Megz ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);
using namespace std;
int mod = 1e9 + 7, N = 1e6+5;
ll const inf = 1e18;
int binpow (int x , int y ){
int res = 1 ;
while (y){
if (y%2)res= ((res)%mod * (x)%mod) %mod ;
x=((x)%mod*(x)%mod)%mod ;
y/=2 ;
return res%mod ;
int mul (int x , int y ){
x%=mod ;
y%=mod ;
return 1ll* (x*y)%mod;
int plu (int x , int y ){
x%=mod ;
y%=mod ;
return 1ll* (x+y)%mod;
struct vertex {
int anc , up , down ;
struct lca {
vector<vector<vertex>> yup_lifting ;
vector<int> depth ;
vector<int> adj[100005] ;
vector<int> val ;
vector<int> pow ;
const int LOG = 19 ;
int get_down (int x) {
string s = to_string(x) ;
reverse(all(s)) ;
x = stoi(s) ;
return x ;
void init (int n ){
depth.assign(n+5, 0) ;
val.assign(n+5,0) ;
yup_lifting.assign(n+5, vector<vertex>(LOG, {0,0,0})) ;
for (int i =0 ; i< LOG ; i++){
pow.push_back(binpow(10,(1<<i))) ;
void dfs (int node , int par ){
yup_lifting[1][0] = {par, val[1], val[1]};
for (auto child : adj[node]){
if (child == par)continue;
depth[child] = depth[node]+1 ;
// cout <<child<<" "<<depth[child]<<el ;
yup_lifting[child][0] = {node, val[child], val[child]};
for (int i =1 ; i < LOG ;i++){
yup_lifting[child][i].anc = yup_lifting[yup_lifting[child][i-1].anc][i-1].anc ;
yup_lifting[child][i].up = plu(mul (yup_lifting[child][i-1].up , pow[i-1]) , yup_lifting[yup_lifting[child][i-1].anc][i-1].up ) ;
yup_lifting[child][i].down = plu(mul (yup_lifting[yup_lifting[child][i-1].anc][i-1].down , pow[i-1]) , yup_lifting[child][i-1].down) ;
// cout <<i <<" " <<child<<" " <<yup_lifting[child][i-1].anc<<" " <<yup_lifting[child][i-1].up<<" " <<yup_lifting[child][i-1].down<<el ;
dfs(child, node) ;
vertex go_up (int k , int node ){
vertex curr = {node , 0,0} ;
int cnt = 0 ;
for (int i =0 ; i < LOG ; i++){
if (k&(1<<i)){
curr.up = plu(mul(curr.up , pow[i]) , yup_lifting[curr.anc][i].up) ;
curr.down = plu(mul (yup_lifting[curr.anc][i].down , binpow(10,cnt)) , curr.down) ;
// cout<<k << " " <<i<<" " <<curr.down<< "hahahahha" <<el ;
cnt+=(1<<i) ;
curr.anc = yup_lifting[curr.anc][i].anc ;
return curr ;
int get_lca (int a , int b){
if (depth[a]<depth[b])swap(a,b) ;
int k = depth[a]-depth[b] ;
a = go_up(k , a).anc ;
if (a==b){
return a ;
for (int i = LOG -1 ; i>=0 ; i--){
if (yup_lifting[a][i].anc!=yup_lifting[b][i].anc){
a = go_up((1<<i) , a) .anc;
b = go_up((1<<i) , b).anc ;
return go_up(1,a).anc ;
int get_query (int from ,int to){
int lca = get_lca(from , to ) ;
if (lca==from){
// cout<<lca <<" " <<from << " " <<to <<" " <<depth[from]<<" "<<depth[to] <<el;
vertex ans = go_up(depth[to]-depth[from]+1 , to) ;
return ans.down ;
else if (lca==to){
vertex ans = go_up(depth[from]-depth[to]+1 , from) ;
return ans.up ;
else {
int left = go_up(depth[from]-depth[lca]+1 , from).up , right = go_up((depth[to]-depth[lca]) , to).down ;
return plu(mul(left , binpow(10, depth[lca]-depth[to]) ), right) ;
} lca;
void acc() {
int n , q ;cin >>n>>mod >>q ;
mod = 100 ;
lca.init(n+5) ;
for (int i =0 ; i < n-1; i++){
int x , y ;cin>>x>>y ;
x%=mod ;
y%=mod ;
lca.adj[x].push_back(y) ;
lca.adj[y].push_back(x) ;
for (int i =1 ; i<=n ; i++){
cin >>lca.val[i] ;
lca.dfs(1, 0) ;
lca.go_up(5,3) ;
// cout <<" -----" <<el ;
while (q--){
int from , to ;cin >>from >>to ;
cout <<lca.get_query(from ,to)<<el ;
// cout <<"-----"<<el ;
int main() {
int t = 1;
// cin >>t;
while (t--) {
//5 100 4
//1 2
//1 3
//1 4
//5 3
//1 5
//5 1
//4 2
//3 3
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 1ms
memory: 5764kb
2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2
13 31 1 3
wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '0', found: '13'