The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#92270 | #4512. Goose, Goose, Ducks? | KHIN | 35 ✓ | 4072ms | 47356kb | C++17 | 8.9kb | 2023-03-30 15:04:53 | 2023-03-30 15:04:54 |
Judging History
# define NDEBUG
# if not KHIN_SOURCE_H
# define KHIN_SOURCE_H true
# include <cstdarg>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <type_traits>
# include <utility>
# include <climits>
# include <cassert>
# include <cctype>
# include <cstring>
# include <map>
# include <set>
# include <vector>
# include <iterator>
# include <algorithm>
# include <cstdio>
namespace khin {
using namespace std;
namespace main {
inline namespace source {
template <typename T>
constexpr T& cmin(T& a, T const& b) { return a = min(a, b); }
template <typename T>
constexpr T& cmax(T& a, T const& b) { return a = max(a, b); }
template <typename T, class Compare>
constexpr T& cmin(T& a, T const& b, Compare const comp)
{ return a = min(a, b, comp); }
template <typename T, class Compare>
constexpr T& cmax(T& a, T const& b, Compare const comp)
{ return a = max(a, b, comp); }
template <typename T>
constexpr pair<T&, T&> cminmax(T& a, T& b)
{ return pair<T&, T&>(a, b) = minmax(T(a), T(b)); }
template <typename T>
constexpr pair<T, T>& cminmax(pair<T, T>& a)
{ return a = minmax(T(a.first), T(a.second)); }
template <typename T, class Compare>
constexpr pair<T&, T&> cminmax(T& a, T& b, Compare const comp)
{ return pair<T&, T&>(a, b) = minmax(T(a), T(b), comp); }
template <typename T, class Compare>
constexpr pair<T, T>& cminmax(pair<T, T>& a, Compare const comp)
{ return a = minmax(T(a.first), T(a.second), comp); }
inline namespace io {
class Scanner {
FILE* const stream; char buffer[BUFSIZ];
char *head = buffer, *tail = buffer;
Scanner(FILE* const stream = stdin)
: stream(stream) {}
Scanner(char const* const filename)
: Scanner(fopen(filename, "r")) {}
~Scanner() { fclose(stream); }
void flush() {
tail = head = buffer;
tail += fread(buffer, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, stream);
char getc() {
if (head == tail) flush();
return assert(head != tail), *head++;
template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_signed_v<T>, int> = 0>
T get() {
char ch;
while (!isgraph(ch = getc()) && ch != EOF);
int const sign(ch == '-' ? ch = getc(), -1 : +1);
T res(0);
while (isdigit(ch))
res = res * 10 + sign * (ch - '0'), ch = getc();
return res;
template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_unsigned_v<T>, int> = 0>
T get() {
char ch;
while (!isgraph(ch = getc()) && ch != EOF);
T res(0);
while (isdigit(ch)) res = res * 10 + (ch - '0'), ch = getc();
return res;
void read() {}
template <typename T, typename... U>
void read(T& value, U&... args)
{ value = get<T>(), read(args...); }
class Printer {
FILE* const stream; char buffer[BUFSIZ];
char *head = buffer, *tail = buffer;
Printer(FILE* const stream = stdout)
: stream(stream) {}
Printer(char const* const filename)
: Printer(fopen(filename, "w")) {}
~Printer() { flush(), fclose(stream); }
void flush() {
head += fwrite(head, sizeof(char), tail - head, stream);
memmove(buffer, head, sizeof(char) * (tail - head));
tail -= head - buffer, head -= head - buffer;
assert(head == tail);
void putc(char const ch) {
if (tail == buffer + BUFSIZ) flush();
assert(tail != buffer + BUFSIZ), *tail++ = ch;
template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_unsigned_v<T>, int> = 0>
void put(T value) {
static char stk[CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T)], *top(stk);
while (*top++ = value % 10 + '0', value /= 10);
while (putc(*--top), top != stk);
void println(char const* fmt...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
while (*fmt)
if (*fmt == '%')
switch (*(++fmt)++) {
case 'h':
switch (*fmt++) {
case 'u': put((ushort)va_arg(args, int)); break;
default: assert(false); break;
case 'u': put(va_arg(args, uint)); break;
default: assert(false); break;
else putc(*fmt++);
namespace b { void main(); }
# endif
int main() { khin::main::b::main(); }
namespace khin::main::b {
Scanner scanner; Printer printer;
namespace test_case {
constexpr uint N_max(100'000), M_max(100'000), S_max(100'000);
class Digraph {
struct Vertex { vector<uint> t; uint index, low, bel; bool vis; };
uint n; Vertex v[N_max + 1]; uint index, num;
uint siz[N_max + 2], deg[N_max + 2];
void tarjan(uint const x) {
static uint stk[N_max + 1], *top(stk);
v[x].low = v[x].index = ++index, *top++ = x;
for (uint const y : v[x].t)
if (!v[y].index) tarjan(y), cmin(v[x].low, v[y].low);
else if (!v[y].bel) cmin(v[x].low, v[y].index);
if (v[x].low == v[x].index) {
while (v[*--top].bel = num, *top != x);
void search(uint const x) {
if (v[x].vis) return; else v[x].vis = true;
for (uint const y : v[x].t) search(y);
void assign(uint const n) { this->n = n; }
void clear() {
fill(v, v + n + 1, Vertex());
memset(siz + 1, 0x00, sizeof(uint) * num);
memset(deg + 1, 0x00, sizeof(uint) * num);
num = index = n = 0;
void add(uint const s, uint const t) { v[s].t.push_back(t); }
void tarjan() {
for (uint i(0); i <= n; ++i) if (!v[i].index) tarjan(i);
for (uint i(0); i <= n; ++i) ++siz[v[i].bel];
for (uint i(0); i <= n; ++i) for (uint const j : v[i].t)
deg[v[i].bel] += v[i].bel != v[j].bel;
uint sub(uint const x) {
uint cnt(0);
for (uint i(0); i <= n; ++i)
cnt += v[i].vis, v[i].vis = false;
return cnt;
uint size(uint const x) const { return siz[v[x].bel]; }
uint calc() {
if (sub(0) > 1) return sub(0) - 1;
uint res(n + 1);
for (uint i(1); i <= num; ++i)
if (i != v[0].bel && !deg[i]) cmin(res, siz[i]);
return res;
struct Meeting { int x, y; uint c; };
struct Statement { uint a, b; Meeting m; };
uint N, M, S; Meeting m[M_max]; Statement s[S_max];
vector<Statement> buc[N_max + 1]; Digraph G;
inline bool consistent(Meeting const a, Meeting const b) {
uint const dx(abs((int)(a.x - b.x)));
uint const dy(abs((int)(a.y - b.y)));
uint const dc(abs((int)(a.c - b.c)));
return 1ul * dx * dx + 1ul * dy * dy <= 1ul * dc * dc;
void main(ushort const x) {
scanner.read(N, M, S), G.assign(N);
for (uint i(0); i < M; ++i)
scanner.read(m[i].x, m[i].y, m[i].c);
for (uint i(0); i < S; ++i) {
scanner.read(s[i].a, s[i].b, s[i].m.x, s[i].m.y, s[i].m.c);
buc[s[i].a].push_back(s[i]), buc[s[i].b].push_back(s[i]);
auto const comp([] (Meeting const m, uint const t) { return m.c < t; });
uint const find(lower_bound(m, m + M, s[i].m.c, comp) - m);
if (find != 0 && !consistent(s[i].m, m[find - 1])) G.add(s[i].b, s[i].a);
if (find != M && !consistent(s[i].m, m[find - 0])) G.add(s[i].b, s[i].a);
for (uint i(1); i <= N; ++i) {
multimap<uint, Statement> map;
for (Statement const s : buc[i]) {
auto it(map.lower_bound(s.m.c));
while (it != map.begin() && !consistent(prev(it)->second.m, s.m))
G.add(0, prev(it)->second.a), map.erase(prev(it));
while (it != map.end() && !consistent(it->second.m, s.m))
G.add(0, it->second.a), it = map.erase(it);
map.emplace(s.m.c, s);
printer.println("Case #%hu: %u", x, G.calc());
void main() {
ushort const T(scanner.get<ushort>());
for (ushort i(1); i <= T; ++i) test_case::main(i);
Test #1:
score: 11
time: 7ms
memory: 13096kb
49 50 50 50 163613760 713073253 1 163613074 713073414 45509363 163613493 713073166 46300992 163613485 713073005 80138666 163613622 713073511 83426448 163613432 713072985 84610910 163613622 713073822 116617501 163613531 713073803 148444428 163613146 713073069 201070918 163613202 713073381 227533076 1...
Case #1: 1 Case #2: 45 Case #3: 1 Case #4: 32 Case #5: 32 Case #6: 26 Case #7: 43 Case #8: 18 Case #9: 23 Case #10: 1 Case #11: 1 Case #12: 2 Case #13: 32 Case #14: 1 Case #15: 23 Case #16: 48 Case #17: 24 Case #18: 25 Case #19: 10 Case #20: 17 Case #21: 1 Case #22: 24 Case #23: 14 Case #24: 2 Case ...
ok 49 lines
Test #2:
score: 24
time: 4072ms
memory: 47356kb
50 100000 100000 100000 -151361672 -750817089 1 -151361411 -750816686 7177 -151361458 -750817229 26692 -151361132 -750817625 39463 -151361170 -750817401 66577 -151361814 -750817632 76620 -151361394 -750817421 84901 -151360854 -750817620 89272 -151360852 -750817474 100354 -151360887 -750817072 111318...
Case #1: 1 Case #2: 99995 Case #3: 1 Case #4: 66666 Case #5: 2 Case #6: 66660 Case #7: 99541 Case #8: 2 Case #9: 25 Case #10: 1 Case #11: 2 Case #12: 2 Case #13: 1 Case #14: 2 Case #15: 37519 Case #16: 99998 Case #17: 49999 Case #18: 1 Case #19: 2 Case #20: 2 Case #21: 4095 Case #22: 2 Case #23: 36 ...
ok 50 lines