ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#92085 | #5. 在线 O(1) 逆元 | Crysfly🌈# | 100 ✓ | 2869ms | 21140kb | C++11 | 3.3kb | 2023-03-30 10:28:17 | 2024-11-05 21:47:52 |
Judging History
This is the latest submission verdict.
- [2023-08-10 23:21:45]
- System Update: QOJ starts to keep a history of the judgings of all the submissions.
- [2023-03-30 10:28:17]
- Submitted
不会卡常 /kel
存个 skip2004 的代码在这。。
#include "inv.h"
#define For(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i)
#define Rep(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i>=(b);--i)
#define ll long long
#define ull unsigned long long
using namespace std;
#define getchar()(p1==p2&&(p2=(p1=buf)+fread(buf,1,1<<21,stdin),p1==p2)?EOF:*p1++)
char buf[1<<21],*p1=buf,*p2=buf;
inline int read()
char c=getchar();int x=0;bool f=0;
if(f)x=-x;return x;
#define mod 998244353
struct modint{
int x;
modint(int o=0){x=o;}
modint &operator = (int o){return x=o,*this;}
modint &operator +=(modint o){return x=x+o.x>=mod?x+o.x-mod:x+o.x,*this;}
modint &operator -=(modint o){return x=x-o.x<0?x-o.x+mod:x-o.x,*this;}
modint &operator *=(modint o){return x=1ll*x*o.x%mod,*this;}
modint &operator ^=(int b){
modint a=*this,c=1;
return x=c.x,*this;
modint &operator /=(modint o){return *this *=o^=mod-2;}
friend modint operator +(modint a,modint b){return a+=b;}
friend modint operator -(modint a,modint b){return a-=b;}
friend modint operator *(modint a,modint b){return a*=b;}
friend modint operator /(modint a,modint b){return a/=b;}
friend modint operator ^(modint a,int b){return a^=b;}
friend bool operator ==(modint a,int b){return a.x==b;}
friend bool operator !=(modint a,int b){return a.x!=b;}
bool operator ! () {return !x;}
modint operator - () {return x?mod-x:0;}
bool operator <(const modint&b)const{return x<b.x;}
inline modint qpow(modint x,int y){return x^y;}
vector<modint> fac,ifac,iv;
inline void initC(int n)
int m=iv.size(); ++n;
inline modint C(int n,int m){
if(m<0||n<m)return 0;
return initC(n),fac[n]*ifac[m]*ifac[n-m];
inline modint sign(int n){return (n&1)?(mod-1):(1);}
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
#define mkp make_pair
typedef pair<int,int>pii;
typedef vector<int>vi;
#define maxn 300005
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
const int mod2 = 974849;
const int w = sqrt(mod2);
const int limit = 3 * (w + 1) * 1024;
int djq[limit], arr[mod2];
int inv(int x) {
const int p = (ull) x * arr[x >> 10] % mod;
if(p >= limit && p <= mod - limit) {
std::cerr << "debug : " << x << '\n';
return (ull) arr[x >> 10] * (p < limit ? djq[p] : mod - djq[mod - p]) % mod;
int getinv(int x) {
return x == 1 ? 1 : mod2 - (ull)(mod2 / x) * getinv(mod2 % x) % mod2;
void init(int) {
for(int i = w;i >= 1;--i) {
int inv = getinv(i);
for(int j = 1;j <= w;++j) {
arr[(ull) j * inv % mod2] = i;
arr[mod2 - (ull) j * inv % mod2] = mod - i;
arr[0] = 1;
// 0 <= x * arr[x] - k * mod2 < w, and arr[x] < w, k < w
// 998244353 = mod2 * 1024 - 1023
// 0 <= 1024x * arr[x] - k * 998244353 < w * 1024 + 1023 * k
// 0 <= (1024x + y) * arr[x] - k * 998244353 < w * 1024 + 1023 * k + 1024 * w
djq[1] = 1;
// 等下再优化这个
for(int i = 2;i < limit;++i) {
djq[i] = mod - (ull)(mod / i) * djq[mod % i] % mod;
Final Tests
Test #1:
score: 10
time: 19ms
memory: 21140kb
Test #2:
score: 20
time: 304ms
memory: 19808kb
Test #3:
score: 30
time: 1338ms
memory: 20052kb
Test #4:
score: 20
time: 2727ms
memory: 19516kb
Test #5:
score: 20
time: 2869ms
memory: 21112kb