ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#91166 | #6126. Sequence and Sequence | Golovanov399 | AC ✓ | 4588ms | 225116kb | Python3 | 7.8kb | 2023-03-27 15:50:21 | 2023-03-27 15:50:23 |
Judging History
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
from fractions import Fraction
def add(p, q):
res = [0] * max(len(p), len(q))
for i in range(len(p)):
res[i] += p[i]
for i in range(len(q)):
res[i] += q[i]
return res
def sub(p, q):
res = [0] * max(len(p), len(q))
for i in range(len(p)):
res[i] += p[i]
for i in range(len(q)):
res[i] -= q[i]
return res
def mult(p, q):
res = [0] * ((len(p) - 1) + (len(q) - 1) + 1)
for i in range(len(p)):
for j in range(len(q)):
res[i + j] += p[i] * q[j]
return res
def subst(p, q):
# P(Q(x))
res = [0]
cur = [1]
for c in p:
res = add(res, [x * c for x in cur])
cur = mult(cur, q)
return res
def apply_poly(p, x):
res = 0
for c in p[::-1]:
res = res * x + c
return res
def norm_to_bin(p):
res = [0] * len(p)
bins = [[1]]
for i in range(len(p) - 1):
q = mult(bins[-1], [i, 1])
for i in range(len(p) - 1, -1, -1):
c = p[i]
res[i] = c
p = add(p, [-c * x for x in bins[i]])
return res
def lift(p):
p = [0] + p
for i in range(1, len(p)):
p[i] = Fraction(p[i]) / i
return p
def bin_to_norm(p):
res = [0]
q = [1]
for i in range(len(p)):
res = add(res, [x * p[i] for x in q])
q = mult(q, [i, 1])
return res
def _poly_to_sum(p):
return bin_to_norm(lift(norm_to_bin(p)))
# N = 3_000
# D = 37
N = 184_000
D = 17
pss = [_poly_to_sum([0] * i + [1]) for i in range(D)]
def poly_to_sum(p):
res = [0]
for i in range(len(p)):
res = add(res, [x * p[i] for x in pss[i]])
return res
def sumpoly(p, x):
return apply_poly(poly_to_sum(p), x)
def varsumpoly(p, q):
return subst(poly_to_sum(p), q)
def isqrt(n: int) -> int: # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=line-too-long # Accommodate long link URLs on docstring.
Returns the largest root such that ``root**2 <= n (root + 1)**2 > n``.
When using Python 3.8 or later, this function acts as a wrapper for the
built-in :obj:`math.isqrt` function.
For all other supported versions of Python, this function reverts to a
pure Python algorithm that is adapted from an
`implementation by Alexander Gosselin <https://gist.github.com/castle-bravo/e841684d6bad8e0598e31862a7afcfc7>`__,
which is based on a `Stack Overflow answer by Tobin Fricke <http://stackoverflow.com/a/23279113/2738025>`__.
>>> isqrt(4)
>>> isqrt(16)
>>> list(map(isqrt, range(16, 26)))
[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5]
>>> from random import randint
>>> all([isqrt(r**2 + randint(0, r)) == r for r in range(0, 1000)])
>>> r = randint(2**511, 2**512 - 1)
>>> isqrt(r**2) == r
>>> isqrt(2**30000) == 2**15000
The type and sign of the input are checked.
>>> isqrt(-2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input must be a non-negative integer
>>> isqrt('abc')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: input must be an integer
Test scenarios in which the :obj:`math.isqrt` function is not available.
>>> if hasattr(math, 'isqrt'):
... delattr(math, 'isqrt')
>>> isqrt(16)
>>> isqrt(2**30000) == 2**15000
>>> isqrt(-2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input must be a non-negative integer
>>> isqrt('abc')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: input must be an integer
# Try using built-in integer square root function (available in Python 3.8 or later).
# To ensure this implementation is backwards-compatible with previous versions while
# not introducing performance overheads for the most common case, only convert
# exceptions if the initial call to the built-in function raises an exception.
if hasattr(math, 'isqrt'):
return math.isqrt(n)
except ValueError as e:
if str(e) == 'isqrt() argument must be nonnegative':
raise ValueError('input must be a non-negative integer') from None
# Continue to default implementation to ensure backwards-compatible behavior.
except TypeError as e:
if str(e).endswith('object cannot be interpreted as an integer'):
raise TypeError('input must be an integer') from None
# Continue to default implementation to ensure backwards-compatible behavior.
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except # pragma: no cover
pass # Continue to default implementation to ensure backwards-compatible behavior.
try: # Attempt to use the :obj:`math.sqrt` function.
root = int(math.sqrt(n))
if root * root == n: # No error from floating point conversion.
return root
except ValueError as e:
if str(e) == 'math domain error':
raise ValueError('input must be a non-negative integer') from None
# Continue to default implementation to ensure backwards-compatible behavior.
except TypeError as e:
if str(e).startswith('must be real number'):
raise TypeError('input must be an integer') from None
# Continue to default implementation to ensure backwards-compatible behavior.
except OverflowError:
pass # Use the integer-only bit-wise algorithm.
if n is None or (not isinstance(n, int)):
raise TypeError('input must be an integer') # pragma: no cover
if n < 0:
raise ValueError('input must be a non-negative integer') # pragma: no cover
root = 0 # Running result.
rmdr = 0 # Running remainder n - root**2.
for s in reversed(range(0, n.bit_length(), 2)): # Shift n by s bits.
bits = n >> s & 3 # The next two most significant bits of n.
rmdr = rmdr << 2 | bits # Increase the remainder.
cand = root << 2 | 1 # Shifted candidate root value to try.
bit_next = int(rmdr >= cand) # The next bit in the remainder.
root = root << 1 | bit_next # Add next bit to running result.
rmdr -= cand * bit_next # Reduce the remainder if bit was added.
return root
def S(n):
return (n + 1) * (n + 2) // 2 - 1
def P(n):
# max k: (k + 1) * (k + 2) / 2 - 1 >= n
# max k: (k + 1) * (k + 2) >= 2 * n + 2
# max k: k^2 + 3k >= 2 * n
# max k: 4k^2 + 12k >= 8 * n
# max k: 4k^2 + 12k + 9 >= 8 * n + 9
k = (isqrt(8 * n + 9) - 3) // 2
while S(k) < n:
k += 1
return k
Q = [1] * N
prefQ = [[1] * N for i in range(D)]
for i in range(2, N):
Q[i] = Q[i - 1] + Q[P(i)]
cur = Q[i]
for j in range(D):
prefQ[j][i] = prefQ[j][i - 1] + cur
cur *= i
denom = 107520
for v in pss:
for i in range(len(v)):
if isinstance(v[i], Fraction) and denom % v[i].denominator == 0:
v[i] = int(v[i] * denom)
v[i] *= denom
def f(n, p):
global find_Q
# returns sum for k = 1 .. n of Q(k) * p(k)
if n < N:
return sum(prefQ[i][n] * p[i] for i in range(len(p)))
mx = P(n)
fr = S(mx - 1) + 1
p = poly_to_sum(p)
q = [-x for x in subst(p, [-1, 1])]
q[0] += apply_poly(p, n)
q = poly_to_sum(q)
# ans += sum_{fr <= i <= n} (sumpoly(p, n) - sumpoly(p, i - 1))
ans = find_Q(mx) * (apply_poly(q, n) - apply_poly(q, fr - 1))
# ans += sum_{j < mx} sum_{S(j - 1) < i <= S(j)} (sumpoly(p, n) - sumpoly(p, i - 1))
mult = 2 ** (len(q) - 1)
ans *= mult
for i in range(len(q)):
q[i] *= 2 ** (len(q) - 1 - i)
# q = sub(subst(q, [0, Fraction(3, 2), Fraction(1, 2)]), subst(q, [-1, Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 2)]))
q = sub(subst(q, [0, 3, 1]), subst(q, [-2, 1, 1]))
ans += f(mx - 1, q)
return ans // (denom**2 * mult)
def find_Q(n):
if n < N:
return Q[n]
mx = P(n)
return f(mx, [1, 1]) - find_Q(mx) * (S(mx) - n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = int(input())
for _ in range(t):
n = int(input())
# n = 10**40
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1214ms
memory: 224600kb
4 10 100 1000 987654321123456789
30 2522 244274 235139898689017607381017686096176798
ok 4 lines
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 1940ms
memory: 225004kb
10000 613939207402503646 408978283345333197 976677512231308716 629053280913850466 148712339 236220313279945487 590396556995977994 9226 215693877607285701 649702683896705 343173887453826567 847003949499596615 867133040287550291 159928123569892354 864534948175618654 209739383170746721 4295456752378791...
91030728117067063595428375419346402 40469246710473908695676971059074376 229951682342450470520349294486964970 95558039501640054006660579352994194 5418340556433412 13536357243714243974772906966693552 84197207203086091733385317631619504 20934656 11291075621624104092841708040651034 104019777231815308683...
ok 10000 lines
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 1538ms
memory: 224828kb
1000 6403632579734162001008235137760132245297 1307698664787972023762442022139627469666 668870338048562416595095770565441759482 5092270 8806864498496723812760785099973409980711 2178464116010775202899984038946879469187 204381824371 8638495456004772442511643693521120926431 45954412333082528168092594892...
9822905445826021159291522774438593145331066315784567505849706373529921001845336 409552844852728078841401625660602682494169687360338453221088647649526339235330 107160056181509722327918304399871120167096186888511567354513496578559803370274 6354453295964 185817323129718525790559571287806776421589155460...
ok 1000 lines
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 1848ms
memory: 224804kb
2000 2587627816607030340103003175959756184662 7728753705064569253253827797978613582938 6507847628603052973674714721 6989857636824717968431061258300652290539 4734281027640913533293237760425416005062 9411123735455625690768098631226366597446 8309753930995253536640660321476246470149 63565157427098067709...
1603610451790269237852635641930301658193367441164307312552842461667027137613454 14309943493171496191506053530749878345271155973702143153225815632926701434642842 10414697803791950572309383355053080338229465674803757518 11704102206894264239190418551798088411458157423624785417336589284698838535371266 5...
ok 2000 lines
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 2940ms
memory: 225116kb
5000 6701025283447923273597553918313900029215 1618190467906965189844764312914748628527 2135261797018456059451326428589353332126 8027429917075086154217136768450383650445 8263301530632040969183919589286944799002 376886964626613356031779878 1191561726595055348898524031899625958102 453561433135467095374...
10756647971303093856509780939435968749671842310025383400207261624750784751725876 627115945498078452730193858129037650151913122482133071938783012929533045529940 1091921493223233296724616654299408127388059493196845968361252389122720100379070 154375707400033063668088306493199269136326791073281723548116...
ok 5000 lines
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 4588ms
memory: 225032kb
10000 260865660295317278841 5232352637620496342310336202478387251106 7108789244285764135987032973912918380 12766535319519586095540974948550152061 5138306300154916887884637635208203681949 7603163140266839847784708214115317398585 149590294591155205497765668766786424787 63283557694500045989299147454323...
16323111740957704392106241109891718054228 6557703685144914472554701877112177422100848067214049191882271294010013621817762 12143115079716078114619105501427985631361994195400195527663921137836417758 39139456824156526604158618001888125076786817219954316014947704612553450312 6324051018379978443719363340...
ok 10000 lines