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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#88661 | #5826. 错排 | Withery | 30 | 2086ms | 324212kb | C++20 | 8.7kb | 2023-03-16 20:57:25 | 2023-03-28 12:38:47 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std ;
template <typename T>
T inverse(T a, T m) {
T u = 0, v = 1;
while (a != 0) {
T t = m / a;
m -= t * a; swap(a, m);
u -= t * v; swap(u, v);
assert(m == 1);
return u;
template <typename T>
class Modular {
using Type = typename decay<decltype(T::value)>::type;
constexpr Modular() : value() {}
template <typename U>
Modular(const U& x) {
value = normalize(x);
template <typename U>
static Type normalize(const U& x) {
Type v;
if (-mod() <= x && x < mod()) v = static_cast<Type>(x);
else v = static_cast<Type>(x % mod());
if (v < 0) v += mod();
return v;
const Type& operator()() const { return value; }
template <typename U>
explicit operator U() const { return static_cast<U>(value); }
constexpr static Type mod() { return T::value; }
Modular& operator+=(const Modular& other) { if ((value += other.value) >= mod()) value -= mod(); return *this; }
Modular& operator-=(const Modular& other) { if ((value -= other.value) < 0) value += mod(); return *this; }
template <typename U> Modular& operator+=(const U& other) { return *this += Modular(other); }
template <typename U> Modular& operator-=(const U& other) { return *this -= Modular(other); }
Modular& operator++() { return *this += 1; }
Modular& operator--() { return *this -= 1; }
Modular operator++(int) { Modular result(*this); *this += 1; return result; }
Modular operator--(int) { Modular result(*this); *this -= 1; return result; }
Modular operator-() const { return Modular(-value); }
template <typename U = T>
typename enable_if<is_same<typename Modular<U>::Type, int>::value, Modular>::type& operator*=(const Modular& rhs) {
#ifdef _WIN32
uint64_t x = static_cast<int64_t>(value) * static_cast<int64_t>(rhs.value);
uint32_t xh = static_cast<uint32_t>(x >> 32), xl = static_cast<uint32_t>(x), d, m;
"divl %4; \n\t"
: "=a" (d), "=d" (m)
: "d" (xh), "a" (xl), "r" (mod())
value = m;
value = normalize(static_cast<int64_t>(value) * static_cast<int64_t>(rhs.value));
return *this;
template <typename U = T>
typename enable_if<is_same<typename Modular<U>::Type, int64_t>::value, Modular>::type& operator*=(const Modular& rhs) {
int64_t q = static_cast<int64_t>(static_cast<long double>(value) * rhs.value / mod());
value = normalize(value * rhs.value - q * mod());
return *this;
template <typename U = T>
typename enable_if<!is_integral<typename Modular<U>::Type>::value, Modular>::type& operator*=(const Modular& rhs) {
value = normalize(value * rhs.value);
return *this;
Modular& operator/=(const Modular& other) { return *this *= Modular(inverse(other.value, mod())); }
template <typename U>
friend bool operator==(const Modular<U>& lhs, const Modular<U>& rhs);
template <typename U>
friend bool operator<(const Modular<U>& lhs, const Modular<U>& rhs);
template <typename U>
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& stream, Modular<U>& number);
Type value;
template <typename T> bool operator==(const Modular<T>& lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return lhs.value == rhs.value; }
template <typename T, typename U> bool operator==(const Modular<T>& lhs, U rhs) { return lhs == Modular<T>(rhs); }
template <typename T, typename U> bool operator==(U lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) == rhs; }
template <typename T> bool operator!=(const Modular<T>& lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
template <typename T, typename U> bool operator!=(const Modular<T>& lhs, U rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
template <typename T, typename U> bool operator!=(U lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
template <typename T> bool operator<(const Modular<T>& lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return lhs.value < rhs.value; }
template <typename T> Modular<T> operator+(const Modular<T>& lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) += rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator+(const Modular<T>& lhs, U rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) += rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator+(U lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) += rhs; }
template <typename T> Modular<T> operator-(const Modular<T>& lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) -= rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator-(const Modular<T>& lhs, U rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) -= rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator-(U lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) -= rhs; }
template <typename T> Modular<T> operator*(const Modular<T>& lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) *= rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator*(const Modular<T>& lhs, U rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) *= rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator*(U lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) *= rhs; }
template <typename T> Modular<T> operator/(const Modular<T>& lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) /= rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator/(const Modular<T>& lhs, U rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) /= rhs; }
template <typename T, typename U> Modular<T> operator/(U lhs, const Modular<T>& rhs) { return Modular<T>(lhs) /= rhs; }
template<typename T, typename U>
Modular<T> power(const Modular<T>& a, const U& b) {
assert(b >= 0);
Modular<T> x = a, res = 1;
U p = b;
while (p > 0) {
if (p & 1) res *= x;
x *= x;
p >>= 1;
return res;
template <typename T>
string to_string(const Modular<T>& number) {
return to_string(number());
template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Modular<T>& number) {
return stream << number();
template <typename T>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& stream, Modular<T>& number) {
typename common_type<typename Modular<T>::Type, int64_t>::type x;
stream >> x;
number.value = Modular<T>::normalize(x);
return stream;
using ModType = int;
struct VarMod { static ModType value; };
ModType VarMod::value;
ModType& md = VarMod::value;
using Mint = Modular<VarMod>;
constexpr int md = 998244353 ;
using Mint = Modular<std::integral_constant<decay<decltype(md)>::type, md>>;
int step = 500 ;
Mint dp0[520][200010] ;
Mint dp1[520][200010] ;
Mint fac[200010] ;
Mint ddiv[200010] ;
Mint f[200010] ;
Mint dfs0( int n ,int m ){
if( m < 0 ) return 0 ;
if( m == 0 ) return 1 ;
if( dp0[m/step][n] != 0 ) return dp0[m/step][n] ;
if( n == m + 1 ) return f[n] + f[n-1] ;
if( n == m ) return f[n] ;
// return dp0[n/500][m] = dfs0(n,m-1) * (n-2*m+1) + dfs0(n,m-2)*(n-m+2)*(m-1) ;
return dp0[m/step][n] = (dfs0(n-1,m)*(n+1) - dfs0(n-2,m)) * ddiv[n-m] ;
Mint dfs1( int n ,int m ){
if( m < 0 ) return 0 ;
if( m == 0 ) return 1 ;
if( dp1[m/step][n] != 0 ) return dp1[m/step][n] ;
if( n == m + 1 ) return f[n] + f[n-1] ;
if( n == m ) return f[n] ;
return dp1[m/step][n] = (dfs1(n-1,m)*(n+1) - dfs1(n-2,m)) * ddiv[n-m] ;
// return dp1[n/500][m] = dfs1(n,m-1) * (n-2*m+1) + dfs1(n,m-2)*(n-m+2)*(m-1) ;
Mint dfs1( int n ,int m ){
if( m < 0 ) return 0 ;
if( m == 0 ) return 1 ;
if( tmp[n] != 0 ) return dp[n] ;
if( n == m + 1 ) return f[n] + f[n-1] ;
if( n == m ) return f[n] ;
return tmp[n] = (dfs1(n-1,m)*(n+1) - dfs1(n-2,m)) / (n-m) ;
int main(){
int n ,m ;
fac[0] = 1 ;
for( int i = 1 ;i <= 200000 ;i ++ )
fac[i] = fac[i-1] * i ;
for( int i = 2 ;i <= 200000 ;i ++ ) f[i] = f[i-1] * i + (i%2?-1:1) ;
for( int i = 1 ;i <= 200000 ;i ++ ) ddiv[i] = Mint(1)/i ;
for( int i = 0 ;i <= 200000 ;i += step ){
for( int j = i ;j <= 200000 ;j ++ )
dp0[i/step][j] = dfs0( j ,i ) ;
for( int j = i+1 ;j <= 200000 ;j ++ )
dp1[i/step][j] = dfs1( j ,i+1 ) ;
auto c = [&]( int a ,int b ){ return fac[a] / fac[b] / fac[a-b] ; } ;
int T ;
cin >> T ;
while( T -- ){
cin >> n >> m ;
if( m * 2 > n ){
cout << 0 << endl ;
continue ;
Mint ans ,a0 ,a1 ;
int s = (n-m-m)/step ;
a0 = dp0[s][n-m] ;
a1 = dp1[s][n-m] ;
if( s * step == n - m - m ) ans = dp0[s][n-m] ;
if( s * step + 1 == n - m - m ) ans = dp1[s][n-m] ;
s = s*step+2 ;
for( int i = s ;i <= n-m-m ;i ++ ){
ans = a1 * ( n - m - 2 * i + 1 ) + a0 * ( n - m - i + 2 ) * ( i - 1 ) ;
a0 = a1 ;
a1 = ans ;
cout << ans * fac[m] * c(n-m,m) * fac[m] << endl ;
// cout << dfs( n-m ,n-m-m ) * fac[m] * c(n-m,m) * fac[m] << endl ;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Subtask #1:
score: 1
Test #1:
score: 1
time: 2076ms
memory: 323368kb
ok 0 number(s): ""
Subtask #2:
score: 9
Test #2:
score: 9
time: 1948ms
memory: 323748kb
10 8 6 5 1 4 2 6 3 8 1 3 1 6 2 3 1 4 1 6 2
0 44 4 36 14833 2 168 2 9 168
ok 10 numbers
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 1965ms
memory: 322556kb
10 8 1 8 4 6 3 8 2 8 3 6 3 6 1 7 3 2 1 8 3
14833 576 36 10860 4680 36 265 432 1 4680
ok 10 numbers
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 2018ms
memory: 323428kb
10 7 5 3 1 8 3 7 3 8 1 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 1 7 3
0 2 4680 432 14833 9 24 36 1854 432
ok 10 numbers
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 1941ms
memory: 322392kb
10 7 2 8 4 6 1 5 1 8 2 6 3 4 2 8 3 3 1 8 1
1280 576 265 44 10860 36 4 4680 2 14833
ok 10 numbers
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 1918ms
memory: 323816kb
10 6 6 3 1 8 3 2 1 7 1 3 1 6 2 8 4 7 3 7 0
0 2 4680 1 1854 2 168 576 432 1854
ok 10 numbers
Subtask #3:
score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded
Test #7:
score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded
200000 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 32 0 33 0 34 0 35 0 36 0 37 0 38 0 39 0 40 0 41 0 42 0 43 0 44 0 45 0 46 0 47 0 48 0 49 0 50 0 51 0 52 0 53 0 54 0 55 0 56 0 57 0 58 0 59 0 60 0 61...
0 1 2 9 44 265 1854 14833 133496 1334961 14684570 176214841 294304226 127281753 910981941 600290115 222488424 11814221 224470198 496426549 442513998 751108780 305347938 340640042 530046225 804025262 745550660 910531421 451058030 554564312 221339670 95158970 145512950 954462889 464137465 737039093 31...
Subtask #4:
score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded
Test #8:
score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded
200000 4303 1473 1276 72 967 234 3619 984 1316 384 2679 50 4426 1744 3782 1179 4919 4 805 63 3933 158 1574 528 1277 435 3826 915 2739 68 2286 349 3017 527 3036 476 4280 1764 1504 686 4584 917 1379 145 4764 2178 1881 45 4808 1565 3663 165 4730 2209 2258 103 4181 1687 1636 770 4339 1173 2355 777 3201 ...
855518783 202627962 284771116 596280162 111952425 28114068 922980998 483503998 478475869 42227903 210453242 82826277 349706660 478397018 588903665 672339856 911511930 783922264 224272260 199537336 659467844 383745708 953695418 668329703 880293299 649430530 916687905 550953325 295023552 141584429 871...
Subtask #5:
score: 20
Dependency #1:
Dependency #2:
Test #13:
score: 20
time: 1953ms
memory: 324212kb
10 94764 1149 111140 21372 59140 20928 73376 27175 59837 4344 160865 25705 44518 10326 145794 64106 147628 12887 103719 39458
139176963 393241499 258873190 39229362 870875380 975228452 243360193 751148936 95574458 297629235
ok 10 numbers
Test #14:
score: 0
time: 1973ms
memory: 323348kb
10 158002 80444 9451 2903 173427 12416 137154 16538 166581 24311 127365 41216 190696 67064 103832 40293 108767 52320 109966 50541
0 702735124 750025710 841222658 375040035 583566228 649803213 746573713 113561055 257165994
ok 10 numbers
Test #15:
score: 0
time: 2086ms
memory: 322804kb
10 116222 34542 164940 69028 129899 24339 178863 5716 55643 22577 198734 88929 133306 14275 81416 35799 63999 8310 161489 76991
290743004 378341801 539453217 748305238 182916741 547729744 354427924 684683519 325465086 252320707
ok 10 numbers
Test #16:
score: 0
time: 2066ms
memory: 322608kb
10 195516 163316 189541 26309 135594 44847 135877 65724 130088 25449 43733 28 99690 16935 64787 30191 71441 7633 149688 65415
0 913189292 577808221 197261625 42734325 96320751 700077354 534988269 607854165 915606441
ok 10 numbers
Test #17:
score: 0
time: 1906ms
memory: 323444kb
10 163009 107578 44973 3654 143223 16359 94260 46849 30253 4092 157914 12798 96468 10458 69392 15738 175738 45794 88177 40742
0 3532506 560207666 853291572 71222878 859859971 982136558 976170384 963781875 378642896
ok 10 numbers
Test #18:
score: 0
time: 1969ms
memory: 324104kb
10 110588 39549 80716 17407 111961 32201 141172 69526 113156 9733 197619 33476 175704 25422 193136 84984 121758 34704 186415 47390
365752740 457468561 833768060 154200192 143999958 497510358 149082994 737572231 779740562 243498597
ok 10 numbers
Test #19:
score: 0
time: 1983ms
memory: 323276kb
10 135555 22650 164492 12323 142156 56953 147138 39540 198672 13148 113977 32999 140219 50353 70617 28677 163824 34306 189792 79678
607236911 240877911 474627738 535731583 760041723 433248274 681491153 764919295 435671865 90602437
ok 10 numbers
Test #20:
score: 0
time: 1937ms
memory: 323844kb
10 170490 75332 171298 50434 192270 14874 169646 26194 148215 47449 184554 54250 89981 14289 155225 40485 117440 37074 176617 25601
674081939 124446215 364039988 511947341 952033804 203192142 723185949 644885639 266757734 667462943
ok 10 numbers
Subtask #6:
score: 0
Dependency #1:
Dependency #2:
Dependency #3: