The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#864680 | #4828. Four Plus Four | binminh01 | AC ✓ | 217ms | 77524kb | C++23 | 9.9kb | 2025-01-20 21:35:07 | 2025-01-20 21:35:13 |
Judging History
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC target("avx2,fma,bmi,bmi2,popcnt,lzcnt,tune=native")
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
#define ull unsigned long long
#define int128 __int128_t
#define double long double
#define gcd __gcd
#define lcm(a, b) ((a)/gcd(a, b)*(b))
#define sqrt sqrtl
#define log2 log2l
#define log10 log10l
#define floor floorl
#define to_string str
#define yes cout << "YES"
#define no cout << "NO"
#define trav(i, a) for (auto &i: (a))
#define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()
#define rall(a) (a).rbegin(), (a).rend()
#define sz(a) (int)a.size()
#define Max(a) *max_element(all(a))
#define Min(a) *min_element(all(a))
#define Find(a, n) (find(all(a), n) - a.begin())
#define Count(a, n) count(all(a), n)
#define Upper(a, n) (upper_bound(all(a), n) - a.begin())
#define Lower(a, n) (lower_bound(all(a), n) - a.begin())
#define next_perm(a) next_permutation(all(a))
#define prev_perm(a) prev_permutation(all(a))
#define sorted(a) is_sorted(all(a))
#define sum(a) accumulate(all(a), 0)
#define sumll(a) accumulate(all(a), 0ll)
#define Sort(a) sort(all(a))
#define Reverse(a) reverse(all(a))
#define Unique(a) Sort(a), (a).resize(unique(all(a)) - a.begin())
#define pb push_back
#define eb emplace_back
#define popcount __builtin_popcount
#define popcountll __builtin_popcountll
#define clz __builtin_clz
#define clzll __buitlin_clzll
#define ctz __builtin_ctz
#define ctzll __builtin_ctzll
#define open(s) freopen(s, "r", stdin)
#define write(s) freopen(s, "w", stdout)
#define fileopen(s) open((string(s) + ".inp").c_str()), write((string(s) + ".out").c_str());
#define For(i, a, b) for (auto i = (a); i < (b); ++i)
#define Fore(i, a, b) for (auto i = (a); i >= (b); --i)
#define FOR(i, a, b) for (auto i = (a); i <= (b); ++i)
#define ret(s) return void(cout << s);
constexpr int mod = 1e9 + 7, mod2 = 998244353;
constexpr double eps = 1e-9;
const double PI = acos(-1);
constexpr ull npos = string::npos;
constexpr int dx[] = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1}, dy[] = {0, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1};
using pii = pair<int, int>;
using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
using cd = complex<double>;
mt19937 mt(79);
mt19937_64 mt64(chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<vi> vvi;
typedef vector<ll> vll;
typedef vector<vll> vvll;
typedef vector<double> vdo;
typedef vector<vdo> vvdo;
typedef vector<string> vs;
typedef vector<pii> vpair;
typedef vector<vpair> vvpair;
typedef vector<bool> vb;
typedef vector<vb> vvb;
typedef vector<char> vc;
typedef vector<vc> vvc;
typedef vector<cd> vcd;
typedef priority_queue<int> pq;
typedef priority_queue<int, vi, greater<int>> pqg;
typedef priority_queue<ll> pqll;
typedef priority_queue<ll, vll, greater<ll>> pqgll;
ll add(ll a, ll b, int m) {a = (a >= m ? a % m: a);b = (b >= m ? b % m: b);a+=b;return a >= m ? a - m: a;}
ll sub(ll a, ll b, int m) {a = (a >= m ? a % m: a);b = (b >= m ? b % m: b);a-=b;return a < 0 ? a + m: a;}
ll mul(ll a, ll b, int m) {a = (a >= m ? a % m: a);b = (b >= m ? b % m: b);return a*b % m;}
ll bin_mul(ll a, ll b, ll m) {a = (a >= m ? a % m: a);b = (b >= m ? b % m: b);ll x = 0;while (b) {if (b & 1) x = (x + a) % m;a = (a + a) % m;b>>=1;}return x;}
ll bin_pow(ll a, ll b, ll m) {ll x = 1;a = (a >= m ? a % m: a); while (b) {if (b & 1) x = bin_mul(x, a, m);a = bin_mul(a, a, m);b>>=1;}return x;}
ll power(ll a, ll b, int m) {ll x = 1;a = (a >= m ? a % m: a); while (b) {if (b & 1) x = x*a % m;a = a*a % m;b>>=1;}return x;}
ll power(ll a, ll b) {ll x = 1;while (b) {if (b & 1) x = x*a;a = a*a;b>>=1;}return x;}
ll ceil(ll a, ll b) {return (a + b - 1)/b;}
ll to_int(const string &s) {ll x = 0; for (int i = (s[0] == '-'); i < sz(s); ++i) x = x*10 + s[i] - '0';return x*(s[0] == '-' ? -1: 1);}
bool is_prime(ll n) {if (n < 2) return 0;if (n < 4) return 1;if (n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0) return 0;for (ll i = 5; i*i <= n; i+=6) {if(n % i == 0 || n % (i + 2) == 0) return 0;}return 1;}
bool is_square(ll n) {ll k = sqrt(n); return k*k == n;}
ll factorial(int n) {ll x = 1;for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) x*=i;return x;}
ll factorial(int n, int m) {ll x = 1;for (ll i = 2; i <= n; ++i) x = x*i % m;return x;}
bool is_power(ll n, ll k) {while (n % k == 0) n/=k;return n == 1ll;}
string str(ll n) {if (n == 0) return "0"; string s = ""; bool c = 0; if (n < 0) c = 1, n = -n; while (n) {s+=n % 10 + '0'; n/=10;} if (c) s+='-'; Reverse(s); return s;}
string repeat(const string &s, int n) {if (n < 0) return ""; string x = ""; while (n--) x+=s; return x;}
string bin(ll n) {string s = ""; while (n) {s+=(n & 1) + '0'; n>>=1;} Reverse(s); return s;}
void sieve(vector<bool> &a) {int n = a.size(); a[0] = a[1] = 0; for (int i = 4; i < n; i+=2) a[i] = 0; for (int i = 3; i*i < n; i+=2) {if (a[i]) {for (int j = i*i; j < n; j+=(i << 1)) a[j] = 0;}}}
void sieve(bool a[], int n) {a[0] = a[1] = 0; for (int i = 4; i < n; i+=2) a[i] = 0; for (int i = 3; i*i < n; i+=2) {if (a[i]) {for (int j = i*i; j < n; j+=(i << 1)) a[j] = 0;}}}
void sieve(vector<int> &a) {int n = a.size(); for (int i = 2; i < n; i+=2) a[i] = 2; for (int i = 3; i*i < n; i+=2) {if (!a[i]) {for (int j = i; j < n; j+=(i << 1)) a[j] = i;}} for (int i = 3; i < n; i+=2) {if (!a[i]) a[i] = i;}}
void sieve(int a[], int n) {for (int i = 2; i < n; i+=2) a[i] = 2; for (int i = 3; i*i < n; i+=2) {if (!a[i]) {for (int j = i; j < n; j+=(i << 1)) a[j] = i;}} for (int i = 3; i < n; i+=2) {if (!a[i]) a[i] = i;}}
vector<pii> factorize(int n) {vector<pii> a; for (int i = 2; i*i <= n; ++i) {if (n % i == 0) {int k = 0; while (n % i == 0) ++k, n/=i; a.emplace_back(i, k);}} if (n > 1) a.emplace_back(n, 1); return a;}
int rand(int l, int r) {return uniform_int_distribution<int>(l, r)(mt);}
ll rand(ll l, ll r) {return uniform_int_distribution<ll>(l, r)(mt64);}
int Log2(int n) {return 31 - __builtin_clz(n);}
ll Log2(ll n) {return 63 - __builtin_clzll(n);}
template<class T> void compress(vector<T> &a) {vector<T> b; for (T &i: a) b.push_back(i); sort(all(b)); b.resize(unique(all(b)) - b.begin()); for (T &i: a) i = lower_bound(all(b), i) - b.begin() + 1;}
template<class A, class B> bool ckmin(A &a, const B &b) {return a > b ? a = b, 1: 0;}
template<class A, class B> bool ckmax(A &a, const B &b) {return a < b ? a = b, 1: 0;}
template<class A, class B> istream& operator>>(istream& in, pair<A, B> &p) {in >> p.first >> p.second; return in;}
template<class A, class B> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const pair<A, B> &p) {out << p.first << ' ' << p.second; return out;}
template<class T> istream& operator>>(istream& in, vector<T> &a) {for (auto &i: a) in >> i; return in;}
template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const vector<T> &a) {for (auto &i: a) out << i << ' '; return out;}
template<class T> istream& operator>>(istream& in, vector<vector<T>> &a) {for (auto &i: a) in >> i; return in;}
template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const vector<vector<T>> &a) {for (auto &i: a) out << i << '\n'; return out;}
template<class T> istream& operator>>(istream& in, deque<T> &a) {for (auto &i: a) in >> i; return in;}
template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const deque<T> &a) {for (auto &i: a) out << i << ' '; return out;}
// istream& operator>>(istream& in, __int128_t &a) {string s; in >> s; a = 0; for (auto &i: s) a = a*10 + (i - '0'); return in;}
// ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, __int128_t a) {string s = ""; if (a < 0) s+='-', a = -a; if (a == 0) s+='0'; while (a > 0) {s+=(int)(a % 10) + '0'; a/=10;} Reverse(s); out << s; return out;}
string task;
int q;
vector<pair<string, string>> S;
vs a, b;
vi key[28558];
tuple<int, int, int> ans[28558];
int f[3919][3919];
int main() {
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL);
cout << fixed << setprecision(10);
cin >> task >> q;
cin >> S[i].first;
if (task == "keys") cin >> S[i].second;
int n, m; cin >> n;
a.resize(n); cin >> a;
cin >> m;
b.resize(m); cin >> b;
unordered_map<int, vi> msk;
string s = b[k];
int v = 0;
trav(i,s) v|=1 << (i - 'a');
string s = a[l];
vi c(26);
int v = 0;
trav(i,s) v|=1 << (i - 'a'), ++c[i - 'a'];
for (int i = v; i; i = (i - 1) & v) if (msk.count(i)) {
string t = b[u];
bool o = 1;
if (!c[t[j] - 'a']) {
o = 0;
For(k,0,j) ++c[t[k] - 'a'];
--c[t[j] - 'a'];
if (o) {
trav(j,t) ++c[j - 'a'];
if (sz(key[l]) < 3) continue;
vi p(n); iota(all(p), 0);
sort(all(p), [&](int i, int j){return sz(key[i]) < sz(key[j]);});
memset(f, -1, sizeof(f));
auto shuf = [&](vi A) {
shuffle(all(A), mt);
return A;
auto solve = [&](int l){
if (sz(key[l]) < 3) return;
for (int i: shuf(key[l])) for (int j: shuf(key[l])) if (f[i][j] == -1) for (int k: shuf(key[l])) if (f[i][k] == -1 && f[j][k] == -1) {
ans[l] = {i, j, k};
f[i][j] = f[j][i] = f[i][k] = f[k][i] = f[j][k] = f[k][j] = l;
trav(l,p) solve(l);
if (task == "password") {
for (auto [s, _]: S) {
int l = Lower(a, s);
auto [i, j, k] = ans[l];
cout << b[i] << ' ' << b[j] << ' ' << b[k] << '\n';
} else {
for (auto [s, t]: S) cout << a[f[Lower(b, s)][Lower(b, t)]] << '\n';
cerr << "\nProcess returned 0 (0x0) execution time : " << 0.001*clock() << " s";
return 0;
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 185ms
memory: 73764kb
password 2 password couthier 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abet...
dors proa wasp itch coir euro
keys 4 dors proa euro coir wasp dors proa wasp 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abet...
password couthier password password
ok OK
Test #2:
score: 100
time: 189ms
memory: 73764kb
password 1 quirkier 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abet...
keir keir keir
keys 1 keir keir 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abettin...
ok OK
Test #3:
score: 100
time: 187ms
memory: 73700kb
password 3 aardvark aardwolf aardvark 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abet...
dark dark arak loaf wold load dark dark arak
keys 18 dark arak dark arak load loaf dark dark dark arak arak dark wold load loaf wold arak dark load wold dark arak loaf load dark dark arak dark dark dark wold loaf arak dark dark dark 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatise...
aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardwolf aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark
ok OK
Test #4:
score: 100
time: 211ms
memory: 77432kb
password 10000 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abetting abetto...
dark dark arak loaf wold load save seal gale suba abas sacs anal bale nabe maar para reap anon ados sand pail laic paca dyes sled ably anis bias snag abet blae baba sibs eats abas airt tori bota bibs asci abbe abba alba tail eses babe bass idea acta cite amen nods sand nada amin moan ands cube cads ...
keys 60000 cage gain cees else felt felt goas gane dine code fino grog rusk rubs kits kite area raid kore reft mare germ some demo fall offs fell bile tire kist etna duad clon dale rose sone sash dahs spat plat cite beth arcs cell stir rids sego logs fico nodi sail file ires seis fork moor inti gait...
cleaning fleeches felsitic agonizes coincide frogging bruskest dinkiest arabized forkiest armigero endosome falloffs fallible briskest denudate canoodle conquers dashiest flypasts bioethic carrells dextrins cloggers fricando filarees dressier formwork aviating dogeship arousals celestas buttocks epi...
ok OK
Test #5:
score: 100
time: 213ms
memory: 77512kb
password 10000 fucoidal fuddling fuehrers fuellers fuelling fuelwood fugacity fuggiest fugitive fugleman fuglemen fuguists fulcrums fulfills fullback fullered fullface fullness fulmined fulmines fulminic fumarase fumarate fumarole fumatory fumblers fumbling fumeless fumelike fumettes fumigant fumiga...
lido fado coal find fund find surf furs suer fell slur furs fine lung flue feod fowl feud fact yuca yuga tugs gest sift gift etui five fume mule geum luge feel mule gits sits fugu curl crus slur fils fill lull balk calk club lure fere full clef alec clue ells sues fell lien film diel flus mine elms ...
keys 60000 rate sent tore heir lorn birl pone node tell sort trop tope imps spot rill bole dore drew raft roam vier mirk grit gins lube rump neon inro opah hoya anoa watt skin wigs rial ales ayin nail deil dins eery gree seat nets duit diet trop spue trio kilo memo nabe celt tyer sump pees utas muse...
inertias hitherto hornbill proponed pollster pokeroot imposted overbill overword platform maverick outrings plumbery inventor pansophy nanowatt knowings realiser quaintly linseeds greenery notecase pictured posturer milkwort moonbeam rectally presumer nutmeats legality hidrosis panderer haunches ove...
ok OK
Test #6:
score: 100
time: 205ms
memory: 76964kb
password 8488 redounds redpolls redrafts redrawer redreams redreamt redrills redriven redrives redroots redrying redshank redshift redshirt redskins redstart redtails redubbed reducers reducing reductor reduviid redwares redwings redwoods redyeing reearned reechier reechoed reechoes reedbird reedbuc...
eons euro dues sell orle prod rest ates efts read awee ware dams mars maes reed date ream lied ells dirl even dene nevi vees devs rise eros tors trod edgy grid rend shea earn rake eths tier reds sire dirt rite rids ires send tret errs teds rale ired site drub deer bred rees ecru duce nude nurd cedi ...
keys 50928 evil orle sent tsar sour sour sene nite roar roam dire pine mete dart sene mise foot rope byte busy engs wren cork cloy dose sloe mina nigh slog soil very five nisi iris spic sipe tory arty lima olea test regs tact fate clag agas warp proa kina sign tets eels buss urus dink link daps sera...
voleries serenata survivor veinlets variorum underpin tampered seemings wetproof subtypes resawing rollicky souffled whamming soilages revivify sinister spicules rotatory wailsome strength trifecta scalawag warpower snacking shtetels sunburns unkindly spreader uprushed remotest wastries shitakes scr...
ok OK
Test #7:
score: 100
time: 188ms
memory: 73772kb
password 10 clumsier accursed dovening electron ruddling roadshow tabooley eugenics meristic nebulose 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abd...
lies mire cris crus acre sade oven nodi vied leet cent colt dirl dirl durn hows sard whoa late boot obol cues sene sung sire rims sect bens lens nose
keys 46 acre crus obol boot nose lens sard whoa crus acre lies mire boot late cris mire bens lens rims sect vied nodi late boot crus sade lies cris leet cent sade acre vied oven sard hows dirl durn cent colt mire lies nodi oven cris lies sene sung sade crus nodi vied cues sene oven nodi whoa sard be...
accursed tabooley nebulose roadshow accursed clumsier tabooley clumsier nebulose meristic dovening tabooley accursed clumsier electron accursed dovening roadshow ruddling electron clumsier dovening clumsier eugenics accursed dovening eugenics dovening roadshow nebulose ruddling meristic ruddling mer...
ok OK
Test #8:
score: 100
time: 189ms
memory: 73812kb
password 100 bandying travoise wattapes moonfish guruship reground canvased undenied areolate choushes angakoks replicas widthway pitchout noumenal skeining reshines invokers golconda unchokes slowworm peplumed captious glochids longeing spectate helicoid spongily donators bunchier strummer unsolder...
agin dang yang sort osar tori watt stat paws moon ohms fons ship sugh ghis node dour rune acne anas vasa need died nude rale rate tala hose hose coss snag koan goas sear reap pica with what whid tout chip toit mole aloe lune kins kine kens ires sene hies inks rove kens coal dago coda hunk sone heck ...
keys 313 ohms moon exam eaux edge drug tier deer suet tuis mops gyms dear tate aryl waur tile miss moos moot span harp kobs bobs lets lute alef alme coup atop riel kilt digs cods eaux exam cedi iced ergs pigs noun tegs hose coss nota tors kine kins gyps gyms exam mabe reap sear silt anis eats tate r...
moonfish jambeaux repugned trendier yummiest gypsydom striated outlawry leftisms mosquito hardpans bibcocks outliers fishmeal captious treelike glochids jambeaux cribbled respring nonguest choushes donators skeining gypsydom jambeaux replicas ventails striated areolate treelike donators brougham bun...
ok OK
Test #9:
score: 100
time: 188ms
memory: 73904kb
password 1000 idealist xanthein reworded hopheads scutters beakless charkhas gaywings footpath tonearms extremes mortuary journals hominids notchers variorum wangling arousing curacoas tellable fellator muenster flatuses canzonet biasness reremind ectozoan graftage typhonic masthead scholars amygdal...
elds aids tela thin ante eath drew owed doer heap epos hahs sues tret rust able sake sale scar arak cask yawn winy ways phat phot that tame ores taro rest teem seme torr arty your sorn sola anus nims shod mind rent cone then mair roar roam agin wail lang rigs snog osar sour oars orcs ball tell bale ...
keys 2230 ires dits ills ills taos spin repp reps tolu post peon pian amie dram cede crew wauk cask scab rids rose stir oven keno tars cays snog rigs ills ills peri iron tern lure beer leer glee epee sene tees dies soke tens tile ails leas dial lamb amus anus ired gied rial ires tass test cire emit ...
sturdied sibyllic appoints slippers pullouts canopied affirmed richweed sawbucks carbides ripostes novalike cryostat arousing sibyllic peperoni trundler verbless espiegle descents misyoked tintless caliches imbalmed ladanums rerigged salliers antsiest eremitic botanize reaginic apostles couloirs eye...
ok OK
Test #10:
score: 100
time: 206ms
memory: 76648kb
password 10000 parrying wayfarer resodded trounced fumbling outvaunt dealated flappers canonist eggheads roughage intoners totalism lobsters soundmen toothier implores revamped foreword floccule glossier slideway bottlers expiates mephitic erratics overcook kipperer wickiups rescuers fauvisms tyrami...
grip rani yagi raya rear fear dree rose reds dour note dore bung limn glib nova auto tout tela dale dale leap refs rase oast oats ions geds shad dags gore ager aero rote into toes tams slat milo belt sobs rose sunn dome eons tire hero tote miso silo pose mere deer vera word food doer foul fell flue ...
keys 49151 vees wive etui bute sues ecus plot noil gest tens secs acme giga nevi adit data vies vies snit seen dure drub ante haut ears mesa yond dyne toss toys lion coys coly luck alar ryas rete peat bora oast sols fuel plan gain dree delf ares kens arbs scar sord dour fila alit face curf head head...
viewiest bauxites hocusses toppling genettes amesaces gingivae adnation vestiges essonite numbered hazelnut massacre convoyed cytosols acyloins mullocky arrayals accepter abettors sulfones dappling refelled kaiserin brechans dolorous fayalite surfacer capuched weeniest carbaryl clinched followed sca...
ok OK
Test #11:
score: 100
time: 195ms
memory: 74252kb
password 10000 inertiae satiable riverbed defeater coffling sucroses nonbeing martagon birdcall cumberer octuplet befitted witchier faithing euphuism disunity meathead musician currants basilary erepsins fluorine ripostes mesnalty downhaul squarely conjoins sweatier outlined enchants extincts lifele...
erne rite inia best tala beta dree dive dive daft drat fare ling coil coif ours ores sues ebon gibe ebon grat rang grat caid dirl dial curr burr burr cult pout coup debt diet bite hire cire cite thin gait hang muse muse supe undy tiny tins meed ahem ahem muns mina mini cats stun cats arbs lair isba ...
keys 1 lily yeuk 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abettin...
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Test #12:
score: 100
time: 211ms
memory: 77292kb
password 10000 biunique chinning chowchow civility cyclicly diacidic dibbukim diluvium divvying dizzying exceeded exiguity expellee finiking fizzling frizzily froufrou giddying gimmicky gingilli haggadah henequin heniquen higgling humidify illiquid infinity infixion jingling jujutsus kickback levell...
unbe unbe bine chin chin inch chow chow coho tivy clit city yill lily yill cadi caid cadi midi midi midi mild midi mild nidi viny nidi ding ding ding exec deed deed etui exit exit peel pele pele fink gink fink fizz zing fizz liri friz liri roof ruff four didy nidi didy immy icky mick nill ling gill ...
keys 60000 hade herd mare euro join togs dean done wily wail repo open leys ylem rice ling line mile gins gist cusk kues mime memo chip ping hair hisn goos agio bura babu tine vine baba raia zein neif full gulf revs eves lire lier hang vagi dorm rack aero bore alec caca loll mell wish hiss chic chin...
hardhead armourer jingoist anodized willywaw pyroxene cymosely creeling bemingle stirring buckshee memorize pinching harianas grazioso suburban genitive barbaric frenzily guileful reserves livelier behaving drammock abhorrer caecally mellowly whiskeys catching coldcock covetous tittuppy sailfish hic...
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Test #13:
score: 100
time: 194ms
memory: 74396kb
password 10000 biunique chinning chowchow civility cyclicly diacidic dibbukim diluvium divvying dizzying exceeded exiguity expellee finiking fizzling frizzily froufrou giddying gimmicky gingilli haggadah henequin heniquen higgling humidify illiquid infinity infixion jingling jujutsus kickback levell...
unbe unbe bine chin chin inch chow chow coho tivy clit city yill lily yill cadi caid cadi midi midi midi mild midi mild nidi viny nidi ding ding ding exec deed deed etui exit exit peel pele pele fink gink fink fizz zing fizz liri friz liri roof ruff four didy nidi didy immy icky mick nill ling gill ...
keys 10000 ally away lins iwis lyes oles wino wino pork zori oops pony oots also cook cued term term need nidi rigs lins drew drew gaps rasp chad chad aryl alan inia into brio goad dues suds kami kina tern rete oral loan uses oles lode dodo wine hern yins spin dahl holy torc doth bots sobs rete punt...
wellaway wiliness bellboys windowed pirozhki opsonify axolotls cuckooed temperer deionize brisling rewarder parasang dutchman carnally tithonia gabbroid squushed mannikin entrench nonroyal soleuses dolloped whinnier gypsying ladyhood crotched bossiest unexpert overseer wineskin mandarin bryozoan air...
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Test #14:
score: 100
time: 203ms
memory: 76260kb
password 9998 sacredly yeshivas tattiest diluvian conjunct crumbers lambasts pupilage leggings dispirit galleass deserver shutting schmucks bitching methanol prefects floppers untended usurpers trundler syringes lambency skylines intender disclaim reanoint recoiler tincture feminize vicomtes moistur...
real leys clay eyas vies shay ties east tats diva lain laid unco noun conn user emus rues mats lama bams pile lipa pulp sine ling lien dipt iris dits sale gall seas reed ever seer hunt hung stun suck much huck chin inti chit aeon holm alme pree recs refs fore plop pols deet dent unde user purr sure ...
keys 40537 head peds fons neon foss foss dire vier kier cole less lipe lwei diel anil glia rids pets rent reft wets rise hern tree eros carl ambo amas vole blue sima dram yard wary ceil deco iglu blub nils nail club bull moat math rail oval seed feds perp lope cole loci bees nobs soil leis spun dies...
headship infernos showoffs viverrid rocklike pliskies dawnlike waggling disputer efferent retwists retrench solacers gambados lovebugs dismaler cityward collided flubbing anglings bullocky bathroom nonviral deafness repeople coquille bonesets soilless unpoised thronged vitiates picquets derating pli...
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Test #15:
score: 100
time: 206ms
memory: 76248kb
password 9997 imperils gunfight beladies fatstock nonionic oblongly mensural bolognas gleaners ascetics midterms windsurf aweather groschen priedieu sporular unsonsie evulsion shogunal cardioid mortises lapidify intrudes opposing rooftops snippier adultery meteoric mestizas gainless shoptalk ceiling...
mire lire mils ting thug hunt labs dele dabs oafs taos sack cion noon cion lobo goby nolo anes amen merl loan snag gobs sear lang sene ices etic seat emit mems dirt firs rins find hear hart haar once ergo rhos ripe pied ride pars oars pars neon sins sunn nevi lone vole lash luna song odic orca caid ...
keys 41296 bone enow tuna guan kins suns gang nazi ling plop repo pros hent tome tels ales lati tail yard yaws bosh bets eses cere toil iron seat arse hype hame olea lots balk clam cars cars anis snip moos hols sial bait rave rill kite uses grig sins unit nits lees tree tics cete imps semi soma mast...
wobegone nutating skinfuls agnizing poppling reproves monteith athletes litigate haywards biotechs screwers nitrolic gastraea hyphemia otalgies blackgum raccoons spamming homologs satiably lavalier duskiest sniggers quinnats clearest niceties demireps mastodon talesman floppers tapeless steroids ren...
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Test #16:
score: 100
time: 206ms
memory: 76384kb
password 9999 flitting perigons andirons torosity valuable prickles kismetic gomerils motivate cocksure albumins triplite epicarps honorand spending clinched copilots misbound furcated smellier tectites seriated yestreen phenetic drinkers caudally defiling easiness huisache rouleaux deadhead cleanes...
lift ting ling nips nogs pens raid naoi nods tory trio tyro blue blue blae lire pice cels tiki mice semi slog glom mils toea meat matt sure okes cors bins slab mina rile tilt ripe arcs asci pice road darn roan sipe gies ides hide hind lice opts lips cool dibs doum duos care rued tref mels emes rims ...
keys 41858 noes gien amas gnar hind erne lens tens zinc zinc vile lids bide nidi pint tins cate cope tret slit carl liar anes arse eyas twas rags ales silt site side dose rani ants nods raid unai acid togs oust pigs impi piss sris hods dors nota hant cask owls ling guid lich hila mels leas rapt teas...
enginous grandams rehinged unsteels zecchino midlives benzidin satinpod compleat slitters critical ensnares gateways regalers niellist disowned starring andirons jaundice gunboats priggism spurries scorched althorns woolsack bundling chalazia mesially sceptral impledge pygmyish paradrop dactylic sig...
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Test #17:
score: 100
time: 202ms
memory: 76360kb
password 9998 enneagon ungotten electors applique delights vibronic foothold sappiest wheedled detruded databank melanoma ironware starkers witherer walloper mitogens stiflers foreside semitone johnnies conceals sublunar recusals aldehyde leprotic ptomains linkable antitank insurers reshowed caruncl...
neon none gaen neon tent gone tore rose seel quip pula pupa gilt hies lets coir iron coni loth loof tool spae teas pipe weld heed weel dure redd rudd data taka nada mama olea lean roar naoi worn seas east keas wert weer thee poll warp wore mote into mons fess frit lift doer deer froe sent mons note ...
keys 44951 kirs rose cola call ruse suck dele vide chia haik lone long hoer rhea bens buns seer here erns irks smit stum reel frae bots moos alit etic snot tods roof reef anes tels aahs smug poem ices rime riot cels cool boil bloc sloe mogs sene tote shin such erne ness dews seed pees sole hers suer...
einkorns calomels truckers swiveled highjack eloining reproach subzones shelvers trinkets luminist preflame motorbus citeable odorants forebode gantlets mahuangs polemics amitrole floccose cuboidal beglooms oftenest fuchsine versines dyeweeds employes unhorses everyman empurple premixes commoved sli...
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Test #18:
score: 100
time: 211ms
memory: 76732kb
password 9995 hatching liturgic ravagers defrayal whickers lockstep mufflers zoogenic repairer multiped beclouds demising steading bodysurf balloter mousings xanthoma directer chancels linguine bandages cajolery despited littered finances fontanel impaling paltered messiahs backlogs pedicure trithin...
than than chit grit curl iglu agas rear eras dray rale leaf kirs ices chew cols slop colt muff ruse lues coin zing once pear pree aper diel meld meld sold duel slue semi gids dine edit nest egis udos boys furs aero bota bort mons muss migs moth noma atma deet tier dite shea elan sane lien lune genu ...
keys 48114 teth eats lums muni gone goes stub sura ghis show tire tiro lull fuel trow roto idly tidy cion kink maes ebon huge hero stet sati pone rand eons hoes arse kame yarn eyra cere rant ales vela book nolo jeer erne fire fire true stew roti tear idyl idyl nets suet nods dost made clue raia aits...
lathiest luminous isogenic outbarks showgirl thornier bellyful wormroot torridly knocking jobnames roughhew staidest pomander ethnoses kerygmas greenway carotene salvager bobolink reinjure rifflers crewcuts fireboat lividity muteness disjoint muscadel tsaritza peatiest coadmits sisterly crofters vin...
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Test #19:
score: 100
time: 209ms
memory: 77508kb
password 9995 bribable confrere cohoshes whoopers subspace arenites tinniest tornados kolhozes longeron octonary werewolf shoveler anodized announce reniform haploidy defoamer prelives tamboura fleshpot peponium fanworts refrying stobbing fathered horsecar disposal clobbers slippage coquitos trample...
rial rail bleb corn cero cone cess shoo hose hoer rope poor cusp pubs upas rets ares rant sine nite nisi nota ands ants loos hols holk ogle ogre gone toon rota rant role lowe ewer seer oles rove dean nazi done neon neon cone fine noir mien dhal opah holp redo odea dome vees plie pree tour mart bort ...
keys 59872 tela elds year abye bred loan deme mods loss lits sire erst rime rump dabs ants sues dues cete thee weld lude tire unit rage need urus stir seel fees moan moil inly yang post pots ebon mabe pare page brat batt gets tons meed debs gait gits obit wort sere peer fail flan rave earn eggs udos...
idealist waxberry banderol daemones solecist internes perineum cabstand dumbness kvetched gulfweed mutineer gandered virtuous fuselage monaxial tallying oviposit jobnames grapples tabouret histogen embodies agouties ribworts prepense flailing cravened gudgeons hunkered glassier outliner hooklike sli...
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Test #20:
score: 100
time: 209ms
memory: 77524kb
password 9997 coleslaw rikshaws intended rondeaux dendroid footling tackling shittahs beaklike unpacker bearhugs misthrow sphinges franklin terrible somebody firetrap peasecod leukosis ferruled subgraph grizzles oversize argentum didactic buckbean previews driveway allovers sailorly flavorer cycling...
lowe cole lows haws wars sris tied teen dene dune darn undo deni noir rode loft lift lino link clit laic hits hahs tits kale blae bake aper acne rape gabs rugs bugs moth hits with sign shes pehs fail kiln rank leet leet rete boom beys mood tier pert rare dose spae cade loss kiss oles reel reef dure ...
keys 59908 frow gulf mule mems ones cots dorr gird agin grid neif zein tent sent hots hots tote doat acre fiar aves ichs nite rise lace alme fils illy oink nodi fist tees emes omen kaes khan need geed trad caid stem dees vein sine meed semi tern cart nils iron lane acne pied tied awes aero onus dins...
wrongful pummelos concents gridiron darnings frenzily settling woolhats outacted craftier achieves nitrides cyclamen flimsily drouking beefiest envenoms hackneys bewinged carditic esteemed vixenish misdeeds crenated rosinols colander dippiest woomeras disbound peacocks trawlnet meatuses tenderer con...
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Test #21:
score: 100
time: 215ms
memory: 77520kb
password 9989 manacles pastromi squarely fetterer anatoxin bilberry demagogs libelers scarphed berretta birdings diapered evincive mannered unfilmed misprize strikers abductee ovariole eyeholes clotting wooingly locutory doorknob pitiless extruded repugned quiniela heroizes ravagers crispers sixpenn...
elms seal name proa mair arms sale yare aery fere tref fete tain nana nota rile bile bier mads mage game ells bris beer dear ears reap brae beet teat gibs bind rids pied peri reap neve vein vine amen nene dare dine dime fuel iris rips sipe sris tsks erst bead cade beat rave liar viol hoes sole oles ...
keys 59915 aver save tier eths sain nils miss sacs corm nome crus oses pale koel woes dose ughs hint haes sels cusp epic drat lars beta tine roof form sets mess user grog harl ally cats tear sore bosk team mage sera fads rial slam dura roue seal ease last lits inks snug skew stew shat road chip inch...
aversive redshift melanins classism sermonic cornuses soaplike swounded huntings slathers specious dilators reobtain foreboom meshiest gorgeous phyllary scantier brockets augments drafters oralisms favoured haleness nautilus kingcups kotowers hardtops punchily dindling coniosis knitwear shkotzim run...
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Test #22:
score: 100
time: 212ms
memory: 77344kb
password 9992 seatwork hominian liqueurs clomping repliers hulloaed fallowed dialyzed fireless vaqueros neumatic creamier moneyers hilliest cravings quezales reenacts myrmidon hacklers morainal inbursts headland motility handbell consumed enduring counties herrying faltboat feldsher blowiest robotic...
seat wots stoa nona moan main urus rise ruse coil milo clon lisp else ripe hold auld haed alow leaf floe lead eddy dyad life leer sris ours aver euro tune acme mice acre ream emic seen sore eyre hill elhi hies vans cris gnar else zeal alee tans seta rete immy modi rind calk care lars lair loan amin ...
keys 59935 tell yare oils sora lore mere etas tats jack orca eger beet turd froe hies sale sour purr part alar bred fard euro ruer mire rare bani kail aero bran rill pill huts thir yeld sued eels cine mitt item limo laid nick pyin sots toss rhea tore tree acre slur laps reps spae hath what sain sand...
retrally rasorial motleyer attaches jackaroo begetter outfired chalices provirus trapball fordable burrower dreamier blackfin baroness impeller mistruth cussedly licenses mistiest mandolin picnicky stertors shortage execrate larkspur parvises hawkmoth adjoints ballyhoo gharials escapers airsheds tup...
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Test #23:
score: 100
time: 217ms
memory: 77428kb
password 10000 tornados overwise martagon pleasers doggones photonic monishes affirmed monogamy timorous coinvent prodigal misstart kailyard decreers chabouks agronomy grossest movement medusoid floccose caecally arenites gabelled fervency tableted marasmus cowberry brokages supermom bellbird outspa...
nota ands ants eros wore veer grat rang grat rase pele less send goes sego topi toph phon isms mhos noes dram amie fiar goon yoga gamy oots moos roto none vote vine ragi pial lira amis tsar rats airy dirl aril dere cees recs cubs such busk norm orgy gray toss sort rots meno teem even idem doms emus ...
keys 59903 corf refs bans anis dolt holt duct dere dove code late boot kegs kine feel fere moos oyes eons spun yuga toga lace alee rets hers lies lies gink agin doer rids lite lest gyri lice sone erns dona cons tire hent lehr mair trod thro sear aves lota mate dins dash crow cock tael tarn alba baal...
frescoer nabobish holytide curveted convened tabooley kennings cheerful oxysomes eupnoeas autogamy cleavage soothers gigglers polkaing soldiers chillest glyceric schooner cyanosed thornier haulmier trochoid oversave tomalley banished cockcrow antlered albizzia corbinas motordom backwrap moronism cus...
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