ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#859748 | #9910. 颠倒歌 | Xiaohuba | 100 ✓ | 1069ms | 395856kb | C++23 | 10.8kb | 2025-01-17 22:38:38 | 2025-01-17 22:38:38 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// #define LOCK_GETCHAR
// #define USE_INT_128
#if __cplusplus < 201400
#warning "Please use c++14 or higher."
#define CONSTEXPR_FUNC constexpr
#define ENABLE_IF_INT , enable_if_t<_is_integer<T>, int> = 0
template <class T> constexpr bool _is_integer = numeric_limits<T>::is_integer;
template <> constexpr bool _is_integer<bool> = false;
template <> constexpr bool _is_integer<char> = false;
#ifdef USE_INT_128
template <> constexpr bool _is_integer<__int128> = true;
template <> constexpr bool _is_integer<__uint128_t> = true;
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(LOCK_GETCHAR)
#define getchar getchar_unlocked
#define il inline
#define mkp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define ssz(x) (signed((x).size()))
#define _loop_i_t(j, k) make_signed_t<decltype((j) - (k))>
#define For(i, j, k) for (_loop_i_t(j, k) i = (j); i <= (k); ++i) // NOLINT
#define ForDown(i, j, k) \
for (_loop_i_t(j, k) i = (j); i >= decltype(i)(k); --i) // NOLINT
#define eb emplace_back
#define FileIO(filename) \
freopen(filename ".in", "r", stdin); \
freopen(filename ".out", "w", stdout)
#define FileIO(filename) void(0)
using ll = long long;
using uint = unsigned int;
using ull = unsigned long long;
using db = double;
using ldb = long double;
using pii = pair<int, int>;
using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
#ifdef USE_INT_128
using lll = __int128_t;
using ulll = __uint128_t;
// clang-format off
CONSTEXPR_FUNC il ll qpow(ll x, ull y, ll mod){ ll ans = 1; x %= mod; while (y) { if (y & 1) (ans *= x) %= mod; (x *= x) %= mod; y >>= 1; } return ans; }
template<typename T> CONSTEXPR_FUNC il void cmin(T & x, const T &y){ x = min(x, y); }
template<typename T> CONSTEXPR_FUNC il void cmax(T & x, const T &y){ x = max(x, y); }
template<typename T ENABLE_IF_INT> il void read(T &x){ x = 0; int f = 1; int c = getchar(); while (!isdigit(c)) { if (c == '-') f = -1; c = getchar(); } while (isdigit(c)) { x = x * 10 + (c - '0'); c = getchar(); } x *= f; }
template<typename T, typename ... Args> il void read(T &x, Args &... y){ read(x), read(y...); }
// clang-format on
// File head end
namespace {
struct chash { // large odd number for C
const uint64_t C = ull(4e18 * acos(0)) | 71;
ull operator()(ull x) const { return __builtin_bswap64(x * C); }
ull operator()(pii x) const {
return this->operator()(ull(x.fi) << 32 | x.se);
struct null_type {
char _[0];
const int SZ = 1 << 15;
template <typename U, typename V> struct hash_map {
struct data {
U u;
V v;
int nex;
data e[SZ];
bitset<SZ> vis;
int h[SZ], cnt;
inline int hash(U u) { return chash{}(u) & (SZ - 1); }
inline bool count(U u) {
int hu = hash(u);
for (int i = h[hu]; i; i = e[i].nex)
if (e[i].u == u)
return 1;
return 0;
inline void clear() {
if (cnt <= (SZ >> 1))
for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
h[hash(e[i].u)] = 0, vis[hash(e[i].u)] = 0;
memset(h, 0, sizeof(h)), vis.reset();
cnt = 0;
inline int size() { return cnt; }
V &operator[](U u) {
int hu = hash(u);
for (int i = h[hu]; i; i = e[i].nex)
if (e[i].u == u)
return e[i].v;
return e[++cnt] = (data){u, {}, h[hu]}, h[hu] = cnt, vis[hu] = 1, e[cnt].v;
struct iterator {
int _p, _q;
const hash_map *self;
tuple<const U &, const V &> operator*() const {
return tie(self->e[_q].u, self->e[_q].v);
iterator &operator++() {
_q = self->e[_q].nex;
if (!_q) {
_p = self->vis._Find_next(_p);
if (_p < SZ)
_q = self->h[_p];
return *this;
bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const {
return self != rhs.self || _q != rhs._q;
iterator begin() const {
int p = vis._Find_first();
int q = (p == SZ) ? 0 : h[p];
return {p, q, this};
iterator end() const { return {SZ, 0, this}; }
constexpr ll MAXN = 5005, MAXK = 1005, mod = 998244353;
[[gnu::always_inline]] il void add(int &x, int y) {
((x += y) >= mod) ? (x -= mod) : 0;
[[gnu::always_inline]] il void fma_mod(int &x, int y, int z) {
x = (x + ll(y) * z) % mod;
int p, k, n;
vector<int> T[MAXK][MAXN];
namespace Sol1 {
bitset<MAXN> G[MAXN];
vector<int> tr[MAXN * 2], st;
int dfn[MAXN], low[MAXN], bcc = 0, cnt = 0;
int S[2][MAXN], pre1[MAXN], pre2[MAXN], f[MAXN * 2][3], g[2][5][5], h[MAXN],
fac[MAXN], ifac[MAXN], pw[MAXN][MAXN];
ll C(int x, int y) { return ll(fac[x]) * ifac[y] % mod * ifac[x - y] % mod; }
void trans(vector<int> *tr) {
auto dfs = [&](auto &&self, int x, int pre) -> void {
int tmp, top = pre;
while (!pre || ssz(tr[x]) == 2)
tmp = x, x = tr[x][tr[x][0] == pre], pre = tmp;
if (x != top)
G[top][x] = G[x][top] = 1;
for (int v : tr[x])
if (v != pre)
self(self, v, x);
int p = 1;
while (ssz(tr[p]) != 1)
For(i, 1, n) for (int j : tr[i]) G[i][j] = 1;
dfs(dfs, p, p);
void dfs1(int x) {
st.eb(x), dfn[x] = low[x] = ++cnt;
for (int v = G[x]._Find_first(); v < ssz(G[x]); v = G[x]._Find_next(v)) {
if (!dfn[v]) {
dfs1(v), cmin(low[x], low[v]);
if (low[v] >= dfn[x]) {
int u;
tr[n + bcc].eb(x), tr[x].eb(n + bcc);
do {
u = st.back(), st.pop_back();
tr[n + bcc].eb(u), tr[u].eb(n + bcc);
} while (u != v);
} else
cmin(low[x], dfn[v]);
void dfs2(int x) {
if (tr[x].empty())
return assert(x <= n), f[x][0] = 1, void();
for (int v : tr[x])
tr[v].erase(find(tr[v].begin(), tr[v].end(), x)), dfs2(v);
int tmp[3];
f[x][0] = 1;
for (int v : tr[x]) {
tmp[0] = ll(f[x][0]) * f[v][0] % mod;
tmp[1] = (ll(f[x][1]) * f[v][0] + ll(f[x][0]) * f[v][1]) % mod;
tmp[2] = (ll(f[x][2]) * f[v][0] + ll(f[x][1]) * f[v][1] +
ll(f[x][0]) * f[v][2]) %
f[x][0] = tmp[0], f[x][1] = tmp[1], f[x][2] = tmp[2];
if (x <= n) {
f[x][0] = f[x][1] = 0;
int sz = 0;
memset(g[0], 0, sizeof g[0]);
memset(h, 0, (n + 1) * sizeof(int));
g[0][0][0] = h[0] = 1;
for (int v : tr[x]) {
int cur = (sz & 1) ^ 1, pre = sz & 1;
memset(g[cur], 0, sizeof g[cur]);
For(i, 0, min(sz, 2)) For(j, 0, min(sz, 2)) {
int val = g[pre][i][j];
fma_mod(g[cur][i + 1][j], val, f[v][0]);
fma_mod(g[cur][i][j], ll(val) * (i + j) % mod, f[v][0]);
fma_mod(g[cur][i][j + 1], val, f[v][1]);
if (i)
fma_mod(g[cur][i - 1][j + 1], ll(val) * i % mod, f[v][1]);
ForDown(i, sz, 0) {
fma_mod(h[i + 1], h[i], f[v][1]);
h[i] = ll(h[i]) * f[v][0] % mod;
For(i, 0, sz) {
For(j, 0, sz - i) {
ll mul = ll(C(sz - i, j)) * pw[i][j] % mod * h[i] % mod;
f[x][1] = (f[x][1] + mul * (pre1[sz - i - j] + pre2[sz - i - j])) % mod;
f[x][2] = (f[x][2] + mul * pre1[sz - i - j] % mod * i) % mod;
int cur = sz & 1;
f[x][0] = g[cur][1][0];
add(f[x][1], mod - g[cur][1][0]);
For(i, 0, sz) For(j, 0, 2 - i) {
int v = g[cur][i][j];
if (i)
fma_mod(f[x][1], v, mod - i);
if (j)
fma_mod(f[x][2], v, mod - j);
void solve() {
fac[0] = 1;
For(i, 1, n) fac[i] = fac[i - 1] * ll(i) % mod;
ifac[n] = qpow(fac[n], mod - 2, mod);
ForDown(i, n, 1) ifac[i - 1] = ifac[i] * ll(i) % mod;
S[0][0] = 1;
For(i, 0, n) pre1[0] = 1;
For(i, 1, n) {
int cur = i & 1, pre = cur ^ 1;
S[cur][0] = 0;
For(j, 1, i) {
S[cur][j] = (S[pre][j - 1] + ll(j) * S[pre][j]) % mod;
pre1[i] = (pre1[i] + S[cur][j]) % mod;
pre2[i] = (pre2[i] + ll(j) * S[cur][j]) % mod;
pw[0][0] = 1;
For(i, 1, n) {
pw[i][0] = 1;
For(j, 1, n) pw[i][j] = ll(pw[i][j - 1]) * i % mod;
For(i, 1, k) trans(T[i]);
dfs1(1), assert(bcc), dfs2(n + 1);
cout << (ll(f[n + 1][0]) + f[n + 1][1] + f[n + 1][2]) % mod << '\n';
} // namespace Sol1
namespace Sol2 {
vector<int> cur[MAXN * 2], ins[MAXN * 2], nxt[MAXN * 2];
int cur_sz, ins_sz;
int trans(vector<int> *tr, vector<int> *dist) {
For(i, 1, 2 * n) dist[i].clear();
int cnt = 0;
auto dfs = [&](auto &&self, int x, int pre) -> void {
int tmp;
if (pre)
dist[n + cnt].eb(pre), dist[pre].eb(n + cnt);
while (!pre || ssz(tr[x]) == 2)
dist[n + cnt].eb(x), dist[x].eb(n + cnt),
tmp = x, x = tr[x][tr[x][0] == pre], pre = tmp;
dist[n + cnt].eb(x), dist[x].eb(n + cnt);
for (int v : tr[x])
if (v != pre)
self(self, v, x);
int p = 1;
while (ssz(tr[p]) != 1)
dfs(dfs, p, 0);
return n + cnt;
hash_map<pii, vector<int>> mp;
hash_map<pii, null_type> have;
int bl[MAXN], fa[MAXN * 2];
void merge() {
mp.clear(), have.clear();
fill(bl, bl + 1 + n, -1);
auto dfs1 = [&](auto &&self, int x, int pre) -> void {
fa[x] = pre;
if (x > n)
for (int v : cur[x])
if (v != pre)
bl[v] = x - n;
for (int v : cur[x])
if (v != pre)
self(self, v, x);
assert(cur_sz > n);
dfs1(dfs1, n + 1, 0);
For(i, n + 1, ins_sz) for (int u : ins[i]) {
if (~bl[u])
mp[{bl[u], i - n}].eb(u);
have[{i - n, u}] = {};
int cnt2 = 0;
For(i, 1, 2 * n) nxt[i].clear();
for (const auto &[key, vec] : mp) {
if (ssz(vec) > 1) {
for (int u : vec)
nxt[u].eb(n + cnt2), nxt[n + cnt2].eb(u);
if (have.count({key.se, fa[key.fi + n]}))
nxt[fa[key.fi + n]].eb(n + cnt2), nxt[n + cnt2].eb(fa[key.fi + n]);
} else if (have.count({key.se, fa[key.fi + n]})) {
nxt[vec[0]].eb(n + cnt2), nxt[n + cnt2].eb(vec[0]);
nxt[fa[key.fi + n]].eb(n + cnt2), nxt[n + cnt2].eb(fa[key.fi + n]);
cur_sz = cnt2 + n;
For(i, 1, 2 * n) cur[i].swap(nxt[i]);
void solve() {
cur_sz = trans(T[1], cur);
For(i, 2, k) {
ins_sz = trans(T[i], ins);
ll ans = 1;
For(i, n + 1, cur_sz) {
if (ssz(cur[i]) > 1)
(ans *= qpow(ssz(cur[i]), ssz(cur[i]) - 2, mod)) %= mod;
cout << ans << '\n';
} // namespace Sol2
void Main() {
read(p, k, n);
For(i, 1, k) For(j, 1, n - 1) {
int u, v;
read(u, v), T[i][u].eb(v), T[i][v].eb(u);
(p == 0) ? Sol1::solve() : Sol2::solve();
} // namespace
signed main() { return Main(), 0; }
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Subtask #1:
score: 10
Test #1:
score: 10
time: 4ms
memory: 7324kb
1 4 7 1 7 4 1 2 3 2 6 5 4 7 2 5 7 7 3 1 2 4 1 4 3 5 6 5 4 2 4 3 5 7 2 2 6 1 7 1 7 6 4 5 2 3 6 3 1 4 5
ok single line: '9'
Test #2:
score: 10
time: 4ms
memory: 9460kb
0 3 6 6 4 1 3 4 1 5 2 4 5 6 4 3 1 2 5 3 4 5 4 4 1 3 1 5 2 5 4 6 4
ok single line: '2'
Test #3:
score: 10
time: 4ms
memory: 9456kb
0 3 8 3 2 5 4 1 2 3 6 5 7 5 2 8 3 8 3 1 2 2 5 6 3 2 4 7 5 3 2 8 3 5 2 2 4 3 6 3 2 1 2 5 7
ok single line: '4'
Test #4:
score: 10
time: 4ms
memory: 5700kb
1 4 8 5 8 3 6 1 4 5 3 2 7 1 7 4 6 5 4 1 3 8 6 6 7 3 7 8 2 4 1 8 5 4 5 6 7 6 2 2 1 7 3 3 4 4 5 2 6 7 3 2 8 3 6 1 4 5 8
ok single line: '262144'
Subtask #2:
score: 4
Test #5:
score: 4
time: 4ms
memory: 13184kb
0 1 189 77 175 145 175 4 175 92 175 175 33 175 125 175 185 157 175 186 175 115 175 113 175 38 175 175 138 175 133 175 48 175 128 175 66 175 34 175 148 150 175 175 104 175 84 175 59 175 154 80 175 176 175 135 175 55 175 139 175 175 132 175 91 13 175 175 110 155 175 175 60 175 184 73 175 152 175 83 17...
ok single line: '5245226'
Test #6:
score: 4
time: 5ms
memory: 13308kb
0 1 183 23 70 23 123 23 75 149 23 142 23 14 23 23 99 23 36 23 73 23 29 23 153 56 23 165 23 82 23 110 23 167 23 18 23 119 23 23 146 93 23 23 176 89 23 23 10 50 23 117 23 40 23 23 115 23 4 139 23 177 23 53 23 132 23 23 84 151 23 154 23 31 23 23 120 183 23 26 23 5 23 23 65 43 23 23 182 23 118 169 23 15...
ok single line: '114478935'
Test #7:
score: 4
time: 4ms
memory: 14212kb
0 1 194 182 96 78 182 182 109 161 182 26 182 194 182 31 182 99 182 182 65 39 182 182 77 159 182 136 182 182 85 182 125 83 182 167 182 182 112 121 182 63 182 11 182 182 145 182 60 182 45 108 182 182 13 24 182 168 182 140 182 182 88 27 182 182 30 182 75 182 155 182 119 80 182 182 56 182 14 52 182 182 ...
ok single line: '608479208'
Test #8:
score: 4
time: 5ms
memory: 13552kb
0 1 200 158 157 158 58 9 158 154 158 104 158 14 158 158 111 158 120 169 158 35 158 98 158 158 174 188 158 192 158 158 72 158 115 145 158 149 158 55 158 6 158 155 158 17 158 158 181 158 162 132 158 158 177 158 195 82 158 158 31 53 158 158 52 158 193 158 127 158 73 158 168 81 158 158 164 158 60 158 99...
ok single line: '325306908'
Subtask #3:
score: 8
Dependency #2:
Test #9:
score: 8
time: 4ms
memory: 14348kb
0 1 200 115 118 97 44 127 197 71 198 116 38 16 58 166 129 200 92 40 136 44 146 37 117 153 59 28 122 139 76 191 104 84 49 22 138 124 98 131 141 151 45 41 9 80 147 159 165 123 13 31 54 199 167 52 33 54 158 142 95 36 101 59 195 35 50 130 44 178 5 192 64 52 21 106 21 171 81 66 35 18 15 39 33 131 126 64 ...
ok single line: '480827728'
Test #10:
score: 8
time: 4ms
memory: 14288kb
0 1 159 23 54 23 123 35 23 143 23 132 23 23 63 134 38 41 23 47 55 98 23 155 2 65 23 23 90 23 136 143 11 23 22 156 45 23 36 104 101 23 39 23 24 64 109 91 23 92 116 104 142 23 115 76 21 71 77 159 23 61 68 153 23 47 23 72 38 60 107 115 148 131 99 71 32 83 93 31 58 23 67 23 13 53 153 22 44 58 99 10 23 2...
ok single line: '73916574'
Test #11:
score: 8
time: 4ms
memory: 16348kb
0 1 200 193 130 89 191 23 109 81 28 69 49 65 99 142 94 176 33 146 112 114 47 200 197 164 138 68 133 143 172 150 54 33 196 182 98 190 64 126 67 175 181 116 132 52 160 106 97 192 155 83 21 5 164 172 131 139 56 153 149 101 157 98 27 140 128 2 156 24 58 12 29 63 13 9 182 199 154 46 34 151 33 150 68 154 ...
ok single line: '170540372'
Test #12:
score: 8
time: 5ms
memory: 13544kb
0 1 200 126 29 85 98 71 157 34 81 59 29 184 29 75 48 38 29 71 99 28 45 92 89 145 130 149 161 57 40 147 149 29 84 29 42 137 29 156 115 173 128 14 200 133 123 29 103 181 6 29 131 138 182 29 71 118 74 29 150 29 16 141 29 29 198 142 128 29 185 180 59 35 29 191 29 89 24 4 188 121 106 22 29 158 29 11 31 5...
ok single line: '204491280'
Subtask #4:
score: 9
Dependency #3:
Test #13:
score: 9
time: 4ms
memory: 12640kb
0 1 160 8 11 75 73 134 158 96 94 20 121 75 100 23 26 135 131 68 26 48 20 77 146 73 40 55 107 17 14 95 4 41 151 87 25 72 51 26 120 112 71 26 12 101 98 142 76 110 132 115 82 143 33 124 29 133 100 28 101 11 120 100 35 111 63 59 30 85 154 84 101 22 30 32 24 64 10 85 6 45 19 70 158 122 110 22 75 47 150 2...
ok single line: '172926914'
Test #14:
score: 9
time: 5ms
memory: 12520kb
0 2 151 112 86 114 18 20 41 51 33 41 29 41 58 74 41 41 147 123 63 136 151 134 41 59 61 41 11 2 41 41 39 99 129 41 63 28 41 19 41 41 65 41 120 133 78 126 41 96 105 143 133 97 72 32 28 72 98 69 41 71 41 145 100 41 50 41 117 86 13 55 41 148 127 41 64 19 12 14 26 23 41 45 151 91 41 141 111 82 146 41 141...
ok single line: '106301136'
Test #15:
score: 9
time: 6ms
memory: 12848kb
0 2 178 5 122 8 93 37 20 3 71 126 178 78 18 163 157 65 154 24 47 174 118 124 16 101 104 21 97 156 58 44 52 22 76 44 19 99 116 105 127 94 97 12 123 132 72 55 171 150 133 145 155 150 11 175 117 125 161 103 109 7 118 165 78 80 126 176 59 34 110 26 156 93 25 59 106 170 167 113 86 20 60 81 171 106 173 95...
ok single line: '6691944'
Test #16:
score: 9
time: 6ms
memory: 14364kb
0 2 200 195 147 163 146 81 146 29 146 55 146 146 35 22 120 122 7 124 146 127 146 182 146 36 146 38 185 146 61 93 197 50 159 109 66 68 146 14 169 182 178 164 127 168 200 146 83 146 103 161 108 44 146 146 187 48 96 146 105 65 193 157 141 55 15 142 146 50 85 186 113 37 36 107 146 53 141 34 146 8 35 169...
ok single line: '725412495'
Subtask #5:
score: 10
Dependency #4:
Test #17:
score: 10
time: 6ms
memory: 14000kb
0 39 180 111 1 69 123 13 43 69 101 41 54 62 139 147 7 56 53 144 111 74 9 20 92 53 1 111 114 94 68 24 25 18 136 160 86 50 128 96 87 173 113 25 112 34 79 7 129 144 73 130 149 138 178 14 67 61 80 178 27 119 43 30 37 43 34 165 76 167 53 19 29 30 91 169 176 118 119 56 84 22 43 180 103 59 74 110 17 15 59 ...
ok single line: '215220514'
Test #18:
score: 10
time: 5ms
memory: 13008kb
0 34 190 84 94 36 110 67 60 189 47 167 106 158 84 84 46 8 49 170 136 98 84 89 100 126 54 84 142 84 5 128 168 146 106 14 79 159 41 149 84 58 84 144 84 113 124 84 31 84 56 72 111 71 88 84 114 126 61 125 84 84 111 16 141 84 67 91 84 179 64 173 137 131 84 39 157 108 151 123 84 84 184 65 79 84 112 135 24...
ok single line: '518168388'
Test #19:
score: 10
time: 4ms
memory: 12400kb
0 35 172 79 4 102 76 122 71 74 116 54 145 126 31 95 132 135 103 25 81 5 123 87 8 37 146 34 39 53 122 155 49 90 70 117 143 133 112 128 52 108 150 13 167 148 85 87 132 9 129 30 22 106 11 132 51 135 48 144 97 61 2 7 105 139 104 46 70 111 100 110 77 29 121 58 120 114 62 78 50 106 50 7 64 45 55 60 172 17...
ok single line: '3523655'
Test #20:
score: 10
time: 3ms
memory: 13596kb
0 40 200 15 152 120 15 193 39 15 107 184 101 9 15 177 167 15 42 140 87 15 139 96 5 61 156 15 161 196 59 157 50 166 179 124 100 177 15 187 15 15 81 15 70 78 165 66 154 188 99 198 15 142 139 103 15 134 15 15 150 15 59 15 169 62 176 144 160 15 86 143 134 158 15 15 116 93 107 15 195 121 195 15 118 54 47...
ok single line: '648232010'
Subtask #6:
score: 14
Dependency #5:
Test #21:
score: 14
time: 532ms
memory: 340464kb
0 1000 4284 2024 1037 1494 1306 536 133 1961 981 1926 3517 3135 259 1313 2789 1200 2081 3576 1279 2712 239 1683 1843 767 2124 3405 3520 996 206 3925 2472 3124 3189 1738 1614 1953 2564 1053 3 36 436 390 134 3691 2635 1285 2419 3548 138 1150 18 101 27 3885 2893 2481 2684 509 3852 958 1392 2588 4193 33...
ok single line: '370256058'
Test #22:
score: 14
time: 545ms
memory: 374748kb
0 980 4730 4258 1867 4528 4258 4258 1316 4258 890 1736 4258 3352 493 2650 3031 1145 4258 4255 4271 824 4258 1372 4258 4258 1925 4258 4307 1326 1794 4258 2955 4258 4497 3163 1156 3917 4388 1776 4258 4258 3698 4675 4258 3353 4546 3547 4053 4258 3496 2823 4258 2608 4258 4258 697 1871 1970 2034 2987 359...
ok single line: '558241818'
Test #23:
score: 14
time: 475ms
memory: 310192kb
0 930 4160 3441 3412 1473 3722 2532 1198 2073 1049 627 810 752 3298 1924 2584 2094 575 1301 21 2330 687 2006 3905 4061 235 2046 3883 147 257 1480 3642 537 65 2387 21 3181 1276 3108 1349 1107 1805 2031 3993 2283 925 622 2868 3597 2806 2447 1476 2490 3552 3038 3643 2153 22 4087 2184 3687 273 4042 1158...
ok single line: '669154252'
Test #24:
score: 14
time: 590ms
memory: 395856kb
0 1000 5000 3894 1313 911 345 292 3894 3156 3894 2865 1404 4001 3894 2733 3436 180 4666 3588 3894 3894 4280 3894 3379 3866 3894 3149 3894 2250 4186 89 132 544 3777 3894 1412 3894 3687 3894 3150 4608 3894 2678 2187 3894 3252 3825 2167 1815 3298 2925 3894 631 3016 3894 91 1375 4625 3894 1928 3894 560 ...
ok single line: '142803865'
Subtask #7:
score: 7
Test #25:
score: 7
time: 5ms
memory: 5960kb
1 1 156 69 74 65 126 110 16 134 129 3 22 78 5 140 23 53 138 109 67 82 74 42 57 23 143 12 112 7 13 154 105 100 118 63 28 41 37 145 25 80 142 111 148 81 85 133 13 104 89 83 14 39 24 120 97 98 131 94 55 107 91 38 130 122 36 2 32 82 94 35 49 40 108 68 146 101 130 101 76 105 58 80 137 152 87 78 66 32 55 ...
ok single line: '261947439'
Test #26:
score: 7
time: 4ms
memory: 5836kb
1 1 168 140 135 69 51 33 66 138 48 168 90 102 43 137 98 117 21 88 131 29 14 117 157 77 78 85 88 119 32 114 68 55 67 160 166 12 149 155 85 20 113 132 149 131 19 97 139 22 78 16 157 151 143 99 156 159 71 72 119 161 163 68 28 101 89 27 133 96 146 125 44 151 24 14 114 116 111 89 25 115 138 46 1 51 47 40...
ok single line: '260505142'
Test #27:
score: 7
time: 4ms
memory: 6464kb
1 1 155 77 28 89 81 138 11 85 7 124 53 29 52 116 32 151 66 103 80 145 77 82 51 116 138 141 144 57 20 34 101 14 84 75 68 42 64 95 117 117 137 122 33 76 50 12 71 112 44 134 83 134 18 105 10 75 122 106 94 84 69 1 123 140 10 70 71 78 133 24 152 87 13 9 31 135 142 101 146 149 129 28 16 52 39 26 119 146 3...
ok single line: '252700555'
Test #28:
score: 7
time: 4ms
memory: 6764kb
1 1 200 24 110 97 182 163 183 115 67 21 193 168 118 88 19 10 150 33 76 15 184 138 131 166 143 151 167 17 60 188 92 110 33 9 65 186 74 198 170 144 161 69 134 179 189 191 70 64 79 10 84 65 107 66 149 123 191 184 141 107 30 170 129 159 186 108 132 17 68 46 198 158 41 13 55 101 59 20 72 200 63 128 23 89...
ok single line: '85910356'
Subtask #8:
score: 7
Dependency #7:
Test #29:
score: 7
time: 5ms
memory: 7292kb
1 1 170 104 123 43 65 8 61 169 138 20 160 34 169 133 25 129 2 115 137 64 168 33 35 77 38 128 166 159 151 78 3 155 34 6 140 16 133 26 117 13 143 144 150 7 131 64 61 162 52 149 16 17 80 136 77 141 83 54 146 85 47 140 24 107 158 91 152 66 43 24 21 86 38 141 85 51 11 162 151 2 66 73 74 9 26 156 68 121 1...
ok single line: '83894725'
Test #30:
score: 7
time: 3ms
memory: 6024kb
1 1 168 46 92 25 154 91 121 21 31 100 152 24 35 115 67 139 111 113 90 88 69 134 83 127 120 74 23 22 108 28 18 58 36 15 125 100 167 3 127 112 34 7 25 3 23 40 13 29 138 124 118 33 143 8 32 17 58 20 120 12 148 158 130 115 122 26 29 90 157 111 73 57 64 79 80 153 159 89 73 50 79 62 105 109 135 96 32 27 1...
ok single line: '314954106'
Test #31:
score: 7
time: 3ms
memory: 6392kb
1 1 173 71 145 155 153 150 80 164 52 158 173 116 96 169 100 59 20 143 151 43 73 66 38 77 161 39 91 166 11 35 136 4 145 65 37 163 67 138 140 170 31 28 124 85 104 27 2 50 129 76 82 69 155 36 33 86 112 58 23 89 40 47 3 64 27 94 110 36 22 47 67 99 19 165 134 55 131 16 118 68 144 45 53 52 35 125 6 120 77...
ok single line: '223769237'
Test #32:
score: 7
time: 3ms
memory: 6216kb
1 1 200 14 29 23 169 138 142 67 145 166 102 126 183 108 69 170 70 85 194 79 132 174 154 30 130 133 21 93 86 68 183 83 168 160 114 4 94 33 11 109 16 98 18 115 27 52 146 88 103 54 7 49 158 121 110 159 55 190 177 193 85 63 8 155 140 43 117 149 93 169 48 125 133 180 95 189 199 78 162 24 144 84 5 135 39 ...
ok single line: '792535599'
Subtask #9:
score: 10
Dependency #8:
Test #33:
score: 10
time: 6ms
memory: 5504kb
1 2 160 85 103 57 106 55 79 43 92 96 116 100 68 93 88 103 24 70 144 7 12 142 123 95 77 134 15 16 153 98 74 8 150 56 142 47 58 91 54 65 59 77 131 101 47 17 8 10 5 61 97 89 115 46 96 92 36 43 34 159 139 73 28 66 151 44 76 18 13 33 76 127 67 4 33 9 102 126 9 133 141 88 109 32 27 50 117 128 140 126 10 7...
ok single line: '138251585'
Test #34:
score: 10
time: 4ms
memory: 5836kb
1 2 170 18 31 34 76 122 66 130 150 32 115 155 69 153 46 77 92 26 83 15 109 93 116 142 62 133 25 99 114 117 37 64 102 152 122 143 86 157 110 10 16 98 51 96 139 52 45 55 108 78 166 137 142 160 80 45 40 7 94 132 54 9 81 153 141 54 70 4 60 127 91 13 26 120 152 124 161 94 82 106 61 121 30 111 77 160 165 ...
ok single line: '402212722'
Test #35:
score: 10
time: 5ms
memory: 6380kb
1 2 165 164 110 44 89 147 71 66 57 104 142 60 31 125 62 163 158 141 161 15 157 109 54 114 108 143 45 25 10 83 75 88 36 118 122 97 72 79 19 19 72 148 153 79 132 153 3 23 130 7 91 148 17 10 46 78 65 151 85 16 128 137 82 136 162 126 75 72 1 101 117 50 60 43 132 69 63 27 94 110 155 162 33 107 140 124 20...
ok single line: '239138702'
Test #36:
score: 10
time: 5ms
memory: 5704kb
1 2 200 48 108 140 189 123 65 47 102 83 53 173 26 176 45 32 167 99 155 7 91 58 136 85 35 40 147 49 70 75 163 94 114 25 16 128 3 47 172 20 191 4 120 187 38 52 98 30 162 151 85 96 124 169 125 175 74 183 163 178 78 192 154 63 76 175 88 136 5 150 83 54 191 134 145 181 60 151 160 152 141 142 66 100 52 15...
ok single line: '94911555'
Subtask #10:
score: 10
Dependency #9:
Test #37:
score: 10
time: 5ms
memory: 6732kb
1 31 151 94 56 7 113 142 50 51 81 131 1 25 10 74 106 87 68 43 76 25 91 128 116 12 61 75 34 43 5 36 53 13 41 48 51 40 73 89 69 59 34 62 10 133 107 89 49 139 53 91 97 125 23 35 44 22 135 98 105 4 83 49 26 100 48 2 110 28 52 3 96 46 96 15 6 132 78 109 73 145 81 69 102 54 92 30 56 74 117 11 146 70 26 99...
ok single line: '494673301'
Test #38:
score: 10
time: 7ms
memory: 6896kb
1 36 194 118 43 73 36 56 124 49 9 173 28 81 113 156 117 151 110 5 117 67 187 18 146 70 177 38 65 59 120 115 13 165 78 75 152 146 87 39 48 151 185 85 120 101 62 177 174 133 166 160 105 84 43 128 149 193 49 153 126 99 78 123 98 116 159 106 98 61 20 48 54 182 114 31 92 50 159 45 102 18 50 178 62 147 14...
ok single line: '248295050'
Test #39:
score: 10
time: 6ms
memory: 6844kb
1 36 164 110 58 147 116 133 17 26 1 160 143 11 112 123 113 97 37 138 132 73 80 67 56 138 142 40 33 115 153 52 6 126 81 124 76 122 83 135 114 67 129 109 89 62 76 36 98 57 91 63 64 85 41 155 118 86 13 12 63 77 15 117 54 146 112 118 26 70 72 74 55 128 98 50 28 30 139 29 78 108 66 105 7 21 78 151 104 11...
ok single line: '273498099'
Test #40:
score: 10
time: 7ms
memory: 6272kb
1 40 200 103 35 185 125 34 90 176 65 48 50 42 77 80 105 82 151 144 26 59 173 81 142 41 192 167 198 131 20 126 6 19 179 122 170 116 120 86 178 147 149 89 168 111 6 3 100 24 166 18 34 169 74 17 95 8 73 46 184 154 52 92 83 129 164 190 77 90 37 87 144 200 70 131 16 113 161 181 98 99 139 150 43 200 78 12...
ok single line: '6219604'
Subtask #11:
score: 11
Dependency #10:
Test #41:
score: 11
time: 688ms
memory: 197184kb
1 820 4113 2108 233 4008 3416 4006 2604 1450 3610 1459 246 3094 1565 3052 3604 3985 3162 1804 92 2848 785 259 2585 2085 1942 1910 68 1191 4039 955 4056 1005 4030 2495 3228 4089 2400 439 2097 2861 663 649 3609 3112 3272 3690 1220 2456 1644 2912 2530 408 2209 2105 2253 851 51 419 3407 2193 2784 280 26...
ok single line: '728750489'
Test #42:
score: 11
time: 672ms
memory: 201028kb
1 919 3763 671 1387 863 3725 1050 3483 219 1528 2871 1049 1787 2307 366 783 1672 1645 420 811 1524 369 740 2151 2160 2692 1348 1150 2917 3299 879 1377 682 1861 3044 775 505 3740 3032 3005 3459 1074 298 698 3257 3694 548 2394 1365 2769 1250 3627 1752 485 1704 3455 793 2764 2111 806 3334 486 2178 2719...
ok single line: '617892430'
Test #43:
score: 11
time: 669ms
memory: 190660kb
1 785 4171 2289 39 3598 563 1549 2149 668 3461 2945 2471 1956 2552 2892 3836 2573 1834 2927 1909 1371 7 874 2271 3975 2907 3223 1098 3083 3893 652 1379 2043 955 1038 4154 2536 1289 3275 3257 3215 198 221 4026 537 3465 3470 646 4128 827 980 3796 142 3490 208 2701 3262 4114 1862 2408 1073 2695 4049 27...
ok single line: '286098367'
Test #44:
score: 11
time: 1069ms
memory: 283120kb
1 1000 5000 233 1051 3865 2813 3677 4977 2643 1598 495 1347 4910 1009 2728 288 2631 2123 3621 1471 2014 2079 2423 4772 2156 592 1687 3441 1394 4842 946 3367 925 3249 1553 892 3670 2729 2112 861 2987 1987 581 1751 1691 103 934 1488 766 4655 3017 2370 3504 1834 1288 2662 1498 3550 238 1058 4776 1182 1...
ok single line: '25113695'