ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#85868 | #5686. 种苹果 | Renshey | TL | 65ms | 30056kb | C++23 | 3.1kb | 2023-03-08 19:35:01 | 2023-03-08 19:35:03 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define Getchar() p1 == p2 and (p2 = (p1 = buf) + fread(buf, 1, 1 << 21, stdin), p1 == p2) ? EOF : *p1++
char buf[1 << 21], *p1, *p2;
int read (void)
int x = 0; char c = Getchar(); bool f = c != '-';
while (c < '0' or c > '9') if ((c = Getchar()) == '-') f = false;
while (c >= '0' and c <= '9') x = x * 10 + c - 48, c = Getchar();
return f ? x : -x;
const int maxn = 1 << 19, B = 350;
int n, m, siz[maxn], fa[maxn], ch[maxn][2], rev[maxn]; std::vector<int> e[maxn];
long long a[maxn], tag[maxn]; std::vector<long long> g[maxn];
int get (int x) {return ch[fa[x]][1] == x;}
bool isroot (int x) {return ch[fa[x]][0] != x and ch[fa[x]][1] != x;}
void pushup (int x)
siz[x] = siz[ch[x][0]] + siz[ch[x][1]] + 1;
std::vector<long long>().swap(g[x]);
if (siz[x] <= B)
g[x].insert(g[x].end(), g[ch[x][0]].begin(), g[ch[x][0]].end()),
g[x].insert(g[x].end(), g[ch[x][1]].begin(), g[ch[x][1]].end()),
std::inplace_merge(g[x].begin(), g[x].begin() + siz[ch[x][0]], g[x].end()),
g[x].insert(std::lower_bound(g[x].begin(), g[x].end(), a[x]), a[x]);
void upd (int u, long long w)
if (u)
a[u] += w; tag[u] += w;
if (siz[u] <= B) for (auto &c: g[u]) c += w;
void reverse (int x) {if (x) std::swap(ch[x][0], ch[x][1]), rev[x] ^= 1;}
void pushdown (int x)
if (rev[x]) reverse(ch[x][0]), reverse(ch[x][1]), rev[x] = 0;
if (tag[x]) upd(ch[x][0], tag[x]), upd(ch[x][1], tag[x]), tag[x] = 0;
void rotate (int x)
int y = fa[x], z = fa[y], k = get(x);
fa[x] = z; if (!isroot(y)) ch[z][get(y)] = x;
fa[ch[x][k ^ 1]] = y; ch[y][k] = ch[x][k ^ 1];
fa[y] = x; ch[x][k ^ 1] = y; pushup(y); pushup(x);
void splay (int x)
static int st[maxn], tp; st[tp = 1] = x;
for (int y = x; !isroot(y); y = fa[y]) st[++tp] = fa[y];
while (tp) pushdown(st[tp--]);
while (!isroot(x))
int y = fa[x];
if (!isroot(y)) rotate(get(x) == get(y) ? y : x);
void access (int u) {for (int v = 0; u; u = fa[v = u]) splay(u), ch[u][1] = v, pushup(u);}
void makeroot (int u) {access(u); splay(u); reverse(u);}
void split (int u, int v) {makeroot(u); access(v); splay(v);}
void link (int u, int v) {split(u, v); fa[u] = v;}
void cut (int u, int v) {split(u, v); ch[v][0] = fa[u] = 0; siz[v] = 1; g[v] = {a[v]};}
int ask (int u, long long w)
if (siz[u] <= B) return g[u].end() - std::lower_bound(g[u].begin(), g[u].end(), w);
pushdown(u); return (ch[u][0] ? ask(ch[u][0], w) : 0) + (ch[u][1] ? ask(ch[u][1], w) : 0) + (a[u] >= w);
void dfs (int u, int fr)
for (int v: e[u]) if (v != fr) fa[v] = u, dfs(v, u), ch[u][1] = v;
signed main ()
n = read(); m = read();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) g[i] = {a[i] = read()}, siz[i] = 1;
for (int i = 1, u, v; i < n; i++) u = read(), v = read(), e[u].push_back(v), e[v].push_back(u);
dfs(1, 0);
for (int ans = 0; m--; )
int o = read(), u = read() ^ ans, v = o ^ 2 ? read() ^ ans : 0, w = read() ^ ans;
if (o == 1) a[++n] = w, cut(u, v), link(u, n), link(v, n);
if (o == 2) a[++n] = w, link(u, n);
if (o == 3) split(u, v), upd(v, w);
if (o == 4) split(u, v), printf("%d\n", ans = ask(v, w));
return 0;
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 56ms
memory: 30056kb
5000 5000 -1201801 4507224 -765313 5795451 -126649 -5052948 470601 -5571705 7680665 -2662502 -689392 -3195719 3416253 -1023134 -3112032 3810606 -6975732 712075 257599 -180764 5190759 177433 -6055975 1555412 7768627 3402404 -872471 -1311920 -4231370 117735 3172664 -1502849 -3929398 -90435 6955032 382...
645 0 0 0 57 0 1665 1087 1455 73 1172 1094 0 1739 1202 1290 0 0 0 569 0 1532 0 358 337 437 0 567 1086 12 73 922 1024 183 25 0 0 0 979 4 3 7 162 305 1285 0 1185 0 1263 402 576 1284 0 0 832 908 0 422 1425 1268 12 0 1692 439 0 0 28 0 384 0 0 1079 1257 1149 541 642 133 966 406 0 0 848 1335 431 0 0 363 8...
ok 1020 lines
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 58ms
memory: 29996kb
5000 5000 -994733 862196 -2643618 4810652 2000445 -712322 -3955371 2924820 -675771 -6848147 825176 -5612153 4757907 1475460 1043402 1647007 -1015110 2001651 -6330733 2969460 -815149 6241724 136943 2360333 -3204656 5569099 809569 -4081554 -178998 -1363975 -4486956 -1858705 -59824 845830 4381332 17942...
1469 2442 2 0 35 1869 0 353 993 1572 1095 0 12 1458 0 1659 545 0 0 1243 0 0 1410 911 1701 1660 0 0 84 728 0 5 0 1031 2089 1108 524 225 1237 2233 3 43 1324 327 1085 1049 615 61 1840 1892 0 491 989 242 1058 965 625 0 2592 340 36 0 211 0 146 2168 46 0 227 0 0 0 8 2103 1334 0 23 128 0 0 1307 0 0 0 2280 ...
ok 962 lines
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 65ms
memory: 30000kb
5000 5000 1655881 -6171013 -6563069 6407036 -349214 1212406 2942912 -6594577 2008815 -1128329 -2115530 3807690 2938269 3705147 -5102093 -5658055 -2326373 4349357 -299635 825659 877457 3662152 358404 -892346 4685730 5257128 -6518733 -852709 4390588 -3492594 4680660 -386634 1743811 4770445 1735641 -39...
1263 2159 0 107 4 2257 15 1329 172 0 929 0 1465 260 2106 496 685 80 347 1492 0 2638 409 0 177 0 0 0 5 0 2324 0 179 0 0 0 2122 1322 102 412 300 3 1272 0 6 0 1823 0 13 1739 1459 13 1207 278 0 1261 0 684 0 284 639 69 1700 88 243 1529 1970 0 98 2178 0 978 0 1229 1637 1620 660 835 0 0 214 953 203 674 159...
ok 1055 lines
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 63ms
memory: 29984kb
5000 5000 1916330 -1277666 -2692038 -1686680 445447 522240 -9102533 4958411 5497747 -6470449 -1304451 -327692 -3951014 -5481922 -71181 -324109 -2416764 -6133434 -2713206 -6507719 -4562989 3531489 2232499 -1303696 3799685 1596321 4508356 -698966 6244189 -3451377 1146222 -1190263 -1224078 -1867687 256...
0 0 0 1099 0 463 0 1182 25 0 784 0 663 1483 2171 0 1057 0 0 1377 0 0 0 218 0 0 70 906 1524 141 89 992 0 1667 0 308 0 77 6 0 148 0 1364 121 513 162 0 1440 1 1588 290 0 380 0 1517 8 1125 0 1362 592 74 0 83 443 857 0 0 0 10 307 1182 6 2352 15 953 31 966 2 536 2104 872 347 0 1846 185 146 1096 0 368 295 ...
ok 1023 lines
Test #5:
score: -100
Time Limit Exceeded
200000 200000 3962736 -7195878 -1853269 5312599 2123365 7028251 2312158 123258 -4443494 -5269322 877331 -616200 927434 -1927540 2943960 -7002528 -5869789 2362131 -2612652 -7859698 2076672 3520022 5147597 17824 -54033 5931665 -8193552 4202786 2726128 1137312 5233018 -580693 2414120 4925088 1642992 35...
47152 78705 47731 29708 99910 0 62117 0 44783 61200 5955 2 46232 0 16545 1271 36509 0 90957 1856 0 84922 27751 45838 0 91943 2373 28623 1118 32482 0 3 63630 57801 81142 0 0 0 9458 0 34391 12206 9510 0 0 1284 92189 98017 23372 7 4783 38278 54827 0 0 0 65641 0 13882 16443 908 0 59951 44221 36623 0 897...