ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#850335 | #4828. Four Plus Four | nathan4690 | AC ✓ | 62ms | 166552kb | C++17 | 170.6kb | 2025-01-10 01:12:29 | 2025-01-10 01:12:30 |
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 32ms
memory: 162688kb
password 2 password couthier 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abet...
waps wasp wops chit hire ouch
keys 4 waps wasp ouch hire wops waps wasp wops 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abet...
password couthier password password
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Test #2:
score: 100
time: 23ms
memory: 162004kb
password 1 quirkier 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abet...
keir keir keir
keys 1 keir keir 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abettin...
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Test #3:
score: 100
time: 19ms
memory: 162044kb
password 3 aardvark aardwolf aardvark 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abet...
kava kava kava flaw fowl ward kava kava kava
keys 18 kava kava kava kava ward flaw kava kava kava kava kava kava fowl ward flaw fowl kava kava ward fowl kava kava flaw ward kava kava kava kava kava kava fowl flaw kava kava kava kava 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatise...
aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardwolf aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark aardvark aardwolf aardvark aardvark
ok OK
Test #4:
score: 100
time: 55ms
memory: 165792kb
password 10000 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abetting abetto...
kava kava kava flaw fowl ward gave levo vasa cube scab secs boas nabs obes perm pram ramp bads bods bond blip clap clip ably dyes yald bash ghis hags baba beat beta bise sabs tabs bait batt boat abbe bice sibb abba baba blab babe base ebbs abed bade bice beam debs mobs ambo damn ia...
keys 60000 ceil clag fees fees fits flic size azon coni iced frog frog busk ukes kent kits bize daze skit kefs germ ogam mood noms offs sofa flab leaf bisk kits dead duad clon dace ecus unco hist sash flay flap etch both lace call dine nixe clog cors fard fico serf lief ired deer fork fork viga vain...
cleaning fleeches felsitic agonizes coincide frogging bruskest dinkiest arabized forkiest armigero endosome falloffs fallible briskest denudate canoodle conquers dashiest flypasts bioethic carrells dextrins cloggers fricando filarees dressier formwork aviating dogeship arousals celestas buttocks epi...
ok OK
Test #5:
score: 100
time: 44ms
memory: 165000kb
password 10000 fucoidal fuddling fuehrers fuellers fuelling fuelwood fugacity fuggiest fugitive fugleman fuglemen fuguists fulcrums fulfills fullback fullered fullface fullness fulmined fulmines fulminic fumarase fumarate fumarole fumatory fumblers fumbling fumeless fumelike fumettes fumigant fumiga...
coif fado flic find gulf gulf fehs furs hues feel fuse refs flue flue gulf delf flew wolf cagy cagy cagy fist fugs gift five five five fame flam fume fume geum gulf figs fugs fugu curf scum surf full full luff buck flak fuck delf flee fuel caff clef luff feus funs fuse fend film fu...
keys 60000 rant aits heth teth hill birl poop drop pest repo pork trek temp mids verb rive word dove frap flam cake kiva gins guts elmy upby rove vent hoys syph want want gowk woks eras arse inly luny ides diss eyre eyer acne taco puce dipt purs pore work milk ammo mabe racy year emus spue mane mutt...
inertias hitherto hornbill proponed pollster pokeroot imposted overbill overword platform maverick outrings plumbery inventor pansophy nanowatt knowings realiser quaintly linseeds greenery notecase pictured posturer milkwort moonbeam rectally presumer nutmeats legality hidrosis panderer haunches ove...
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Test #6:
score: 100
time: 51ms
memory: 165544kb
password 8488 redounds redpolls redrafts redrawer redreams redreamt redrills redriven redrives redroots redrying redshank redshift redshirt redskins redstart redtails redubbed reducers reducing reductor reduviid redwares redwings redwoods redyeing reearned reechier reechoed reechoes reedbird reedbuc...
duds odds rued oped opes pled deft fare fart draw wade ware arms mead seem deem dram teem dire ired ride dire vein vend reds vied vies door door door edgy grey yird daks dhak drek deft edhs fish hied hist resh desk inks kind dear sade sard deal dial idea bred bree burd cees cued cu...
keys 50928 virl vees rats sate sori sori vest vein ovum vair pend puri tamp perm emes emes woof poof yups upby wags awes yock lick doff fled wham wham egos goas five very nets nits epic pule troy roto wise swim hest hets fate cafe claw caws warp warp skag nick tees eths subs urbs dink dink raps peed...
voleries serenata survivor veinlets variorum underpin tampered seemings wetproof subtypes resawing rollicky souffled whamming soilages revivify sinister spicules rotatory wailsome strength trifecta scalawag warpower snacking shtetels sunburns unkindly spreader uprushed remotest wastries shitakes scr...
ok OK
Test #7:
score: 100
time: 23ms
memory: 162936kb
password 10 clumsier accursed dovening electron ruddling roadshow tabooley eugenics meristic nebulose 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abd...
ceil culm mure ceca curd recs give vend void celt colt torc gild gird grid hows shaw whoa abye boyo toyo cigs cine ecus cist emic trim bone bone unbe
keys 46 curd ceca toyo boyo unbe bone shaw whoa ceca curd ceil culm boyo abye mure culm bone bone emic trim void vend abye boyo ceca recs ceil mure celt colt recs curd void give shaw hows gild grid colt torc culm ceil vend give mure ceil cine ecus recs ceca vend void cigs cine give vend whoa shaw bo...
accursed tabooley nebulose roadshow accursed clumsier tabooley clumsier nebulose meristic dovening tabooley accursed clumsier electron accursed dovening roadshow ruddling electron clumsier dovening clumsier eugenics accursed dovening eugenics dovening roadshow nebulose ruddling meristic ruddling mer...
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Test #8:
score: 100
time: 27ms
memory: 162692kb
password 100 bandying travoise wattapes moonfish guruship reground canvased undenied areolate choushes angakoks replicas widthway pitchout noumenal skeining reshines invokers golconda unchokes slowworm peplumed captious glochids longeing spectate helicoid spongily donators bunchier strummer unsolder...
gaby inby yagi avos veto vise swap wats wept fish hoof shmo pugh push ship doge dour dung cave devs nave died dine unde teel tola tole cosh echo hush kaka konk skag apse crap pase wady wady whid chip ouph ouph alum lame lame kegs kine sike hern shes shri keno kens kine clag coda co...
keys 313 hoof fish jeux jeux peed pung dree deet yeti mems mopy pogy ides sard towy waly film fist most most harp haps cock sick lour orts emfs half pics caps kilt keet gosh chid jeux jeux drib bleb reps pine gens nogs echo hush ands dons kine kegs gyps pogy jeux jeux crap apse save vale aide sard t...
moonfish jambeaux repugned trendier yummiest gypsydom striated outlawry leftisms mosquito hardpans bibcocks outliers fishmeal captious treelike glochids jambeaux cribbled respring nonguest choushes donators skeining gypsydom jambeaux replicas ventails striated areolate treelike donators brougham bun...
ok OK
Test #9:
score: 100
time: 24ms
memory: 162848kb
password 1000 idealist xanthein reworded hopheads scutters beakless charkhas gaywings footpath tonearms extremes mortuary journals hominids notchers variorum wangling arousing curacoas tellable fellator muenster flatuses canzonet biasness reremind ectozoan graftage typhonic masthead scholars amygdal...
delt dits lied hant next taxi weed weer wore epha hash shop cess curs scut asks kabs leks cask hack sack awny winy yawn haft phat toph mast mort team exes stem term mayo your yurt jarl jars soja mhos shim shmo cosh hens horn arvo ovum vair lawn lawn wing gnus guar rung cars croc sc...
keys 2230 ides redd lily illy pant paps lisp lisp loup puts cape odic fife daff wich chid cask wack dice bide sipe pois leak kale racy tory guar gnus lily lily pipe prop tend tend revs verb pegs slip cess dene mike dyke lest list haes haes maim mabe mads maun geed grig seal seal nite tets teem meet ...
sturdied sibyllic appoints slippers pullouts canopied affirmed richweed sawbucks carbides ripostes novalike cryostat arousing sibyllic peperoni trundler verbless espiegle descents misyoked tintless caliches imbalmed ladanums rerigged salliers antsiest eremitic botanize reaginic apostles couloirs eye...
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Test #10:
score: 100
time: 44ms
memory: 164300kb
password 10000 parrying wayfarer resodded trounced fumbling outvaunt dealated flappers canonist eggheads roughage intoners totalism lobsters soundmen toothier implores revamped foreword floccule glossier slideway bottlers expiates mephitic erratics overcook kipperer wickiups rescuers fauvisms tyrami...
pray pyin yagi fray wary wear eddo odes rode coed crud ecru bumf bumf bumf nova nova nova dada deed dele frap palp peps coat coin scat edhs gash ghee hoer hoer hogg nets rote torn mail mats slam rebs slob stob mode muds sumo hoer hoot thio pome sipe some damp pave vamp drew feod fr...
keys 49151 view wise ibex buts echo hoes plop pint gent engs seam mace gave vain nada data vest egis nest tons bend dumb haze lutz marc seam cony envy loco cosy yoni cyan yock yock slay slay peat ceca beat bros fons self palp paid fell reef raki keir cabs herb loud duro flay felt face surf chap chad...
viewiest bauxites hocusses toppling genettes amesaces gingivae adnation vestiges essonite numbered hazelnut massacre convoyed cytosols acyloins mullocky arrayals accepter abettors sulfones dappling refelled kaiserin brechans dolorous fayalite surfacer capuched weeniest carbaryl clinched followed sca...
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Test #11:
score: 100
time: 31ms
memory: 163356kb
password 10000 inertiae satiable riverbed defeater coffling sucroses nonbeing martagon birdcall cumberer octuplet befitted witchier faithing euphuism disunity meathead musician currants basilary erepsins fluorine ripostes mesnalty downhaul squarely conjoins sweatier outlined enchants extincts lifele...
inti nite rite baas bile bits ever vibe vied deaf fart feet coff floc golf core coss curs bong ebon gibe agma morn tram cadi carb drib berm cube curb clop pout puce beef debt deft thew whir wich ghat gift haft hemp hems mush tidy undy yids amah haed meth cams mica scam cans curt sc...
keys 1 yeuk inky 28558 aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical abasedly abashing abatable abatises abattoir abbacies abbatial abbesses abdicate abdomens abdomina abducens abducent abducing abducted abductee abductor abelmosk aberrant abetment abettals abetters abettin...
ok OK
Test #12:
score: 100
time: 35ms
memory: 164932kb
password 10000 biunique chinning chowchow civility cyclicly diacidic dibbukim diluvium divvying dizzying exceeded exiguity expellee finiking fizzling frizzily froufrou giddying gimmicky gingilli haggadah henequin heniquen higgling humidify illiquid infinity infixion jingling jujutsus kickback levell...
quin quin quin chin chin chin chow chow chow tivy tivy tivy illy illy illy acid acid acid dumb dumb dumb imid imid imid viny viny viny ding ding zing exec exec exec exit exit exit peel peel peel fink gink gink fizz fizz fizz fizz friz friz ruff ruff ruff didy didy didy icky icky ic...
keys 60000 haha hard mure murr jogs ting adze nazi wily yawl prex exon syce coys cere ceil neem gibe gist ting heck husk zero mime inch inch hisn hair zags zags bura urbs neve give barb barb friz fley fugu life seer errs riel vill hive have mark dock hora hero lacy caca ylem yowe whys skew than tach...
hardhead armourer jingoist anodized willywaw pyroxene cymosely creeling bemingle stirring buckshee memorize pinching harianas grazioso suburban genitive barbaric frenzily guileful reserves livelier behaving drammock abhorrer caecally mellowly whiskeys catching coldcock covetous tittuppy sailfish hic...
ok OK
Test #13:
score: 100
time: 34ms
memory: 163192kb
password 10000 biunique chinning chowchow civility cyclicly diacidic dibbukim diluvium divvying dizzying exceeded exiguity expellee finiking fizzling frizzily froufrou giddying gimmicky gingilli haggadah henequin heniquen higgling humidify illiquid infinity infixion jingling jujutsus kickback levell...
quin quin quin chin chin chin chow chow chow tivy tivy tivy illy illy illy acid acid acid dumb dumb dumb imid imid imid viny viny viny ding ding zing exec exec exec exit exit exit peel peel peel fink gink gink fizz fizz fizz fizz friz friz ruff ruff ruff didy didy didy icky icky ic...
keys 10000 wale wyle wins wise obey byes wind wide phiz phiz pony posy last last cock duck perm term doze eide glib bris draw were pang pans chum chad clay racy thio that bard barb suqs shed kina akin eche thee lory lory soul less dope pled hewn hewn yips gyps dyad yodh etch croc stob stob prex punt...
wellaway wiliness bellboys windowed pirozhki opsonify axolotls cuckooed temperer deionize brisling rewarder parasang dutchman carnally tithonia gabbroid squushed mannikin entrench nonroyal soleuses dolloped whinnier gypsying ladyhood crotched bossiest unexpert overseer wineskin mandarin bryozoan air...
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Test #14:
score: 100
time: 51ms
memory: 165228kb
password 9998 sacredly yeshivas tattiest diluvian conjunct crumbers lambasts pupilage leggings dispirit galleass deserver shutting schmucks bitching methanol prefects floppers untended usurpers trundler syringes lambency skylines intender disclaim reanoint recoiler tincture feminize vicomtes moistur...
acyl drys yeld have shiv yeah east teat teat diva ulva vina conn conn conn berm burs cubs balm mats slab pipe pulp pupa eggs legs legs drip drip drip ages alga slag deer devs reds hisn huts sugh huck much suck chin chit itch haem holm than cepe pecs reef fops pelf plop dude duet nu...
keys 40537 ship hahs fons fire hows hows vive vide rick coke skep piki wink dawk gnaw wing drip ripe teff fere sews wire hent etch case rocs gamb mobs guvs luvs mels idem wiry wady cedi dido flub flub sang sang buck yuck bath harm roan vair fade feds peep pope cull cull sobs stob lies lose spud pied...
headship infernos showoffs viverrid rocklike pliskies dawnlike waggling disputer efferent retwists retrench solacers gambados lovebugs dismaler cityward collided flubbing anglings bullocky bathroom nonviral deafness repeople coquille bonesets soilless unpoised thronged vitiates picquets derating pli...
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Test #15:
score: 100
time: 56ms
memory: 164016kb
password 9997 imperils gunfight beladies fatstock nonionic oblongly mensural bolognas gleaners ascetics midterms windsurf aweather groschen priedieu sporular unsonsie evulsion shogunal cardioid mortises lapidify intrudes opposing rooftops snippier adultery meteoric mestizas gainless shoptalk ceiling...
prim sipe slim nigh thug thug able bads base kafs sock tack coon icon noon bony goby logy emus merl nema bang bogs nobs ager egal gene ceca scat secs derm dims mime fuds fuds fund rath thaw whee chon gosh shog deep drip peri pour prau purs ions nous seis love luvs vies gash hong hu...
keys 41296 gown gown gait ting kifs sunk zing gain plop plop pros voes home moth hale hats gilt gelt wady wash beth itch crew sews loci clit gars stag hype hype sage loge mack buck ocas croc amps gimp ohms shog syli stay aver vill desk duke grig gens ains quin tace cees tics ices idem pied mots mods...
wobegone nutating skinfuls agnizing poppling reproves monteith athletes litigate haywards biotechs screwers nitrolic gastraea hyphemia otalgies blackgum raccoons spamming homologs satiably lavalier duskiest sniggers quinnats clearest niceties demireps mastodon talesman floppers tapeless steroids ren...
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Test #16:
score: 100
time: 49ms
memory: 164968kb
password 9999 flitting perigons andirons torosity valuable prickles kismetic gomerils motivate cocksure albumins triplite epicarps honorand spending clinched copilots misbound furcated smellier tectites seriated yestreen phenetic drinkers caudally defiling easiness huisache rouleaux deadhead cleanes...
flit gift ling peso pong rips dons rads rids rosy ryot toys vale vale vale lick peck spik mick skit tick glom grim roms emit move vita cock cuke soke bima blam mibs plie plie plie pipe sice spec hand hard hood dips pend pigs chic hide hide pics tics tops dumb mobs modi daft fact fa...
keys 41858 genu nogs gams mads hind ghee slue sets zone chez veld vims bize bide nipa paid camp clop slit rest cart laic sene sene gays ways gree rags site lits owes wise gait tags rids dons jean djin nobs bung impi migg peri pies hods edhs holt tosh sock wack glib bund hail chia limy lays plat cart...
enginous grandams rehinged unsteels zecchino midlives benzidin satinpod compleat slitters critical ensnares gateways regalers niellist disowned starring andirons jaundice gunboats priggism spurries scorched althorns woolsack bundling chalazia mesially sceptral impledge pygmyish paradrop dactylic sig...
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Test #17:
score: 100
time: 39ms
memory: 164324kb
password 9998 enneagon ungotten electors applique delights vibronic foothold sappiest wheedled detruded databank melanoma ironware starkers witherer walloper mitogens stiflers foreside semitone johnnies conceals sublunar recusals aldehyde leprotic ptomains linkable antitank insurers reshowed caruncl...
gaen gane gone gone gone gone cees cols cost palp pupa quip digs ghis hied corn crib vino doth hold hoof pipe step taps held held whee dude redd rudd bank bank bank loam mama memo ware ware wren kats rake tsks whee whit wire pawl wore wrap emit mogs mots efts life refs feed fido fi...
keys 44951 kirn kirs mesa mace cusk ukes wive veld jack jack gone ling chap hope zone nubs ever eves kens sink stum smit perm flap mort boom bice blat sand nods feed forb gest gate hums amah cols imps atom mart foes clef bald clad glom gobs efts fete ichs cuif vein rins yews yews espy ylem shoe hens...
einkorns calomels truckers swiveled highjack eloining reproach subzones shelvers trinkets luminist preflame motorbus citeable odorants forebode gantlets mahuangs polemics amitrole floccose cuboidal beglooms oftenest fuchsine versines dyeweeds employes unhorses everyman empurple premixes commoved sli...
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Test #18:
score: 100
time: 51ms
memory: 164376kb
password 9995 hatching liturgic ravagers defrayal whickers lockstep mufflers zoogenic repairer multiped beclouds demising steading bodysurf balloter mousings xanthoma directer chancels linguine bandages cajolery despited littered finances fontanel impaling paltered messiahs backlogs pedicure trithin...
chat chia high clit cult uric revs vasa vera defy fled yard heck wich wick kelp pock skep effs fems muff zinc zing zoic rape rape rape dipt plum temp bode club cuds midi mids migs digs gaed tend doby foys fury bolt bota brat mogs mugs sims amah axon hoax cere iced ride cash each le...
keys 48114 hist haet sumo slum cogs nice kbar turk wish wish thir hern flub yell trow worm oldy yird konk kick jobs jane huge huge idea adit pome mend tosh then mark syke gyre awny once race gave vars bilk kino jeer jeer reif riff crew wert fear fort idly idyl mute mess jots jins acme scum ritz zits...
lathiest luminous isogenic outbarks showgirl thornier bellyful wormroot torridly knocking jobnames roughhew staidest pomander ethnoses kerygmas greenway carotene salvager bobolink reinjure rifflers crewcuts fireboat lividity muteness disjoint muscadel tsaritza peatiest coadmits sisterly crofters vin...
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Test #19:
score: 100
time: 48ms
memory: 165436kb
password 9995 bribable confrere cohoshes whoopers subspace arenites tinniest tornados kolhozes longeron octonary werewolf shoveler anodized announce reniform haploidy defoamer prelives tamboura fleshpot peponium fanworts refrying stobbing fathered horsecar disposal clobbers slippage coquitos trample...
abbe bare bibb corf fern froe cosh hehs shoo hope howe phew baps cape cups seta tire tsar inti nest tint dost soda tads okeh ooze zeks glen gone loge arty racy ryot flew lowe wore heel hove love adze doze nazi cone cone conn fern form neif holp hyla hypo fado farm ford eves live sp...
keys 59872 lied delt waxy waxy bald bred seem mads cite loci stir rent prim pier scad scab numb mend deck deck weed feud menu mure drag dead tuis urus flag flea maxi limo tyin agly spot spiv jane jamb perp page abet tube gosh hent mibs meed gust gust swob trow pens peps fila flag carn card dugs doge...
idealist waxberry banderol daemones solecist internes perineum cabstand dumbness kvetched gulfweed mutineer gandered virtuous fuselage monaxial tallying oviposit jobnames grapples tabouret histogen embodies agouties ribworts prepense flailing cravened gudgeons hunkered glassier outliner hooklike sli...
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Test #20:
score: 100
time: 54ms
memory: 166412kb
password 9997 coleslaw rikshaws intended rondeaux dendroid footling tackling shittahs beaklike unpacker bearhugs misthrow sphinges franklin terrible somebody firetrap peasecod leukosis ferruled subgraph grizzles oversize argentum didactic buckbean previews driveway allovers sailorly flavorer cycling...
claw scow waes hawk khis wark deed dint tide axed axon doux died eddo redd flog gift loof calk king tack hahs hast this bake kaki keek pack punk ruck habu herb shag hows whim with ghis pegs pish flak karn karn bree brie brit body boys emyd frap frat reft aped cape scop ilks souk uk...
keys 59908 flow flow mump mope scot sect rind rind gads grid fley friz gels engs thaw slow coda coed tref fact vacs shiv dire dent lacy many lily film dunk kudo fits fibs move noms achy heck wind wend cadi caid mete stem nixe vies mids miss cade cart oils oils carn clad sped peps swam mews dibs bids...
wrongful pummelos concents gridiron darnings frenzily settling woolhats outacted craftier achieves nitrides cyclamen flimsily drouking beefiest envenoms hackneys bewinged carditic esteemed vixenish misdeeds crenated rosinols colander dippiest woomeras disbound peacocks trawlnet meatuses tenderer con...
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Test #21:
score: 100
time: 51ms
memory: 165612kb
password 9989 manacles pastromi squarely fetterer anatoxin bilberry demagogs libelers scarphed berretta birdings diapered evincive mannered unfilmed misprize strikers abductee ovariole eyeholes clotting wooingly locutory doorknob pitiless extruded repugned quiniela heroizes ravagers crispers sixpenn...
acme cels slam prim spam stop lays lays quay fete free rete axon naan taxi bleb byre byrl doms mogs ogam bier bile bris chad harp pehs bate bear beer dibs drib gibs dead deep padi vein vein vive mare mead meed defi film fled imps prez size keir kist sike bade cube cued aver levo vi...
keys 59915 aver viva edhs deft slam slam lacs macs semi emic coss crus pika kepi down weds hunt gush lath hers cups pecs laid load bare bran form forb hets hiss ergs grog hyla hyla acts etic rock beck mage seam deaf fast mirs mail feud deaf haes sash ulan ulna guck puck kore woke pash toph pyic puny...
aversive redshift melanins classism sermonic cornuses soaplike swounded huntings slathers specious dilators reobtain foreboom meshiest gorgeous phyllary scantier brockets augments drafters oralisms favoured haleness nautilus kingcups kotowers hardtops punchily dindling coniosis knitwear shkotzim run...
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Test #22:
score: 100
time: 62ms
memory: 165044kb
password 9992 seatwork hominian liqueurs clomping repliers hulloaed fallowed dialyzed fireless vaqueros neumatic creamier moneyers hilliest cravings quezales reenacts myrmidon hacklers morainal inbursts headland motility handbell consumed enduring counties herrying faltboat feldsher blowiest robotic...
take wake woks ohia ohia ohia rues rues rues clop comp limp peer pile rips dhal hold hued fade flaw owed adze didy lazy file fils fire revs uvea vaus emit mica mice came cram rice mony rosy ryes elhi hilt hits vacs viga vigs ease laze zees cent race scan immy miry mony cark each he...
keys 59935 arty aryl osar soli ylem oyer aahs haet jock raja berg berg fido frit chis ceca pois pois plat plat fard fold brew brew deme mire kaif fink bora bren merl perm shut shut yeld dyes eels lice smit isms mina damn pick icky tors tore hags haes care exec rusk rusk rave vars hawk hawk djin jiao...
retrally rasorial motleyer attaches jackaroo begetter outfired chalices provirus trapball fordable burrower dreamier blackfin baroness impeller mistruth cussedly licenses mistiest mandolin picnicky stertors shortage execrate larkspur parvises hawkmoth adjoints ballyhoo gharials escapers airsheds tup...
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Test #23:
score: 100
time: 54ms
memory: 166552kb
password 10000 tornados overwise martagon pleasers doggones photonic monishes affirmed monogamy timorous coinvent prodigal misstart kailyard decreers chabouks agronomy grossest movement medusoid floccose caecally arenites gabelled fervency tableted marasmus cowberry brokages supermom bellbird outspa...
dost soda tads vows weer wive agma morn tram leap peas rape dogs gogo nogg chip coho pooh hies hone shmo daff fife miff gamy many mony moot smut toms cove otic vein apod drip prog mirs smit tams alky kadi kyar dree recs seed bach bock huck army gamy orgy egos gets grot meme move ve...
keys 59903 fees corf bash bobs tody hyte vert crud cove even abye boyo skeg skeg curf lehr sexy soys pens epos maya gamy lave gave hero eths eggs gigs knop knap does sods lich hell gley gyre hone coho cosy deys thir hoer hale halm doth chit aves vavs elmy mayo edhs hade work rock dent drat alba alba...
frescoer nabobish holytide curveted convened tabooley kennings cheerful oxysomes eupnoeas autogamy cleavage soothers gigglers polkaing soldiers chillest glyceric schooner cyanosed thornier haulmier trochoid oversave tomalley banished cockcrow antlered albizzia corbinas motordom backwrap moronism cus...
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