

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#842572#9969. Kindergarten SquareMofumofu Binary Tree (Shunsuke Fujisawa, Yui Tamura, Kawaue Yamato)#AC ✓0ms3840kbC++2310.8kb2025-01-04 13:29:572025-01-04 13:29:58

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2025-01-04 13:29:58]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: AC
  • Time: 0ms
  • Memory: 3840kb
  • [2025-01-04 13:29:57]
  • Submitted


//line 1 "answer.cpp"
#include __FILE__
int solve() {
    ll a,b,c,d; input(a,b,c,d);
    ll width = c - a;
    if (width <= 0) return print(-1);
    if (b != a + 1) return print(-1);
    if (d != c + 1) return print(-1);
    ll h = a / width + 1;
    ll w = a % width + 1;
    if (a % width == 0) return print(-1);
    print(100000, width);
    return 0;
int main() {
    ll t; input(t);
    rep(t) solve();
//line 2 "/home/seekworser/.cpp_lib/competitive_library/competitive/std/std.hpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#ifndef LOCAL_TEST
#pragma GCC target ("avx")
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native")
#endif // LOCAL_TEST
using namespace std;
using std::cout;
// shorten typenames
using ll = long long;
using pii = pair<int, int>; using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
using vi = vector<int>;  using vvi = vector<vi>; using vvvi = vector<vvi>;
using vl = vector<ll>;  using vvl = vector<vl>; using vvvl = vector<vvl>;
using vb = vector<bool>; using vvb = vector<vb>; using vvvb = vector<vvb>;
using vc = vector<char>; using vvc = vector<vc>; using vvvc = vector<vvc>;
using vd = vector<double>; using vvd = vector<vd>; using vvvd = vector<vvd>;
using vs = vector<string>; using vvs = vector<vector<string>>; using vvvs = vector<vector<vector<string>>>;
template<typename T> vector<vector<T>> vv(int h, int w, T val = T()) { return vector(h, vector<T>(w, val)); }
template<typename T> vector<vector<vector<T>>> vvv(int h1, int h2, int h3, T val = T()) { return vector(h1, vector(h2, vector<T>(h3, val))); }
template<typename T> vector<vector<vector<vector<T>>>> vvvv(int h1, int h2, int h3, int h4, T val = T()) { return vector(h1, vector(h2, vector(h3, vector<T>(h4, val)))); }
template <class T> using priority_queue_min = priority_queue<T, vector<T>, greater<T>>;
// define CONSTANTS
constexpr double PI = 3.14159265358979323;
constexpr int INF = 100100111; constexpr ll INFL = 3300300300300300491LL;
float EPS = 1e-8; double EPSL = 1e-10;
template<typename T> bool eq(const T x, const T y) { return x == y; }
template<> bool eq<double>(const double x, const double y) { return (abs(x - y) < EPSL * x || abs(x - y) < EPSL); }
template<> bool eq<float>(const float x, const float y) { return abs(x - y) < EPS * x; }
template<typename T> bool neq(const T x, const T y) { return !(eq<T>(x, y)); }
template<typename T> bool ge(const T x, const T y) { return (eq<T>(x, y) || (x > y)); }
template<typename T> bool le(const T x, const T y) { return (eq<T>(x, y) || (x < y)); }
template<typename T> bool gt(const T x, const T y) { return !(le<T>(x, y)); }
template<typename T> bool lt(const T x, const T y) { return !(ge<T>(x, y)); }
constexpr int MODINT998244353 = 998244353;
constexpr int MODINT1000000007 = 1000000007;
// fasten io
struct Nyan { Nyan() { cin.tie(nullptr); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cout << fixed << setprecision(18); } } nyan;
// define macros
#define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()
#define sz(x) ((ll)(x).size())
#define rep1(n) for(ll dummy_iter = 0LL; dummy_iter < n; ++dummy_iter) // 0,1,...,n-1
#define rep2(i, n) for(ll i = 0LL, i##_counter = 0LL; i##_counter < ll(n); ++(i##_counter), (i) = i##_counter) // i=0,1,...,n-1
#define rep3(i, s, t) for(ll i = ll(s), i##_counter = ll(s); i##_counter < ll(t); ++(i##_counter), (i) = (i##_counter)) // i=s,s+1,...,t-1
#define rep4(i, s, t, step) for(ll i##_counter = step > 0 ? ll(s) : -ll(s), i##_end = step > 0 ? ll(t) : -ll(t), i##_step = abs(step), i = ll(s); i##_counter < i##_end; i##_counter += i##_step, i = step > 0 ? i##_counter : -i##_counter) // i=s,s+step,...,<t
#define overload4(a, b, c, d, e, ...) e
#define rep(...) overload4(__VA_ARGS__, rep4, rep3, rep2, rep1)(__VA_ARGS__)
#define repe(a, v) for(auto& a : (v)) // iterate over all elements in v
#define smod(n, m) ((((n) % (m)) + (m)) % (m))
#define sdiv(n, m) (((n) - smod(n, m)) / (m))
#define uniq(a) {sort(all(a)); (a).erase(unique(all(a)), (a).end());}
int Yes(bool b=true) { cout << (b ? "Yes\n" : "No\n"); return 0; };
int YES(bool b=true) { cout << (b ? "YES\n" : "NO\n"); return 0; };
int No(bool b=true) {return Yes(!b);};
int NO(bool b=true) {return YES(!b);};
template<typename T, size_t N> T max(array<T, N>& a) { return *max_element(all(a)); };
template<typename T, size_t N> T min(array<T, N>& a) { return *min_element(all(a)); };
template<typename T> T max(vector<T>& a) { return *max_element(all(a)); };
template<typename T> T min(vector<T>& a) { return *min_element(all(a)); };
template<typename T> vector<T> vec_slice(const vector<T>& a, int l, int r) { vector<T> rev; rep(i, l, r) rev.push_back(a[i]); return rev; };
template<typename T> T sum(vector<T>& a, T zero = T(0)) { T rev = zero; rep(i, sz(a)) rev += a[i]; return rev; };
template<typename T> bool in_range(const T& val, const T& s, const T& t) { return s <= val && val < t; };

template <class T> inline vector<T>& operator--(vector<T>& v) { repe(x, v) --x; return v; }
template <class T> inline vector<T>& operator++(vector<T>& v) { repe(x, v) ++x; return v; }

ll powm(ll a, ll n, ll mod=INFL) {
    ll res = 1;
    while (n > 0) {
        if (n & 1) res = (res * a) % mod;
        if (n > 1) a = (a * a) % mod;
        n >>= 1;
    return res;
ll sqrtll(ll x) {
    assert(x >= 0);
    ll rev = sqrt(x);
    while(rev * rev > x) --rev;
    while((rev+1) * (rev+1)<=x) ++rev;
    return rev;
template <class T> inline bool chmax(T& M, const T& x) { if (M < x) { M = x; return true; } return false; }
template <class T> inline bool chmin(T& m, const T& x) { if (m > x) { m = x; return true; } return false; }
int digit(ll x, int d=10) { int rev=0; while (x > 0) { rev++; x /= d;}; return rev; }
 * @brief std.hpp
 * @docs docs/std/std.md
//line 3 "/home/seekworser/.cpp_lib/competitive_library/competitive/std/io.hpp"
// overload operators (prototypes)
template <class T, class U> inline istream& operator>>(istream& is, pair<T, U>& p);
template <class T> inline istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<T>& v);
template <class T, class U> inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const pair<T, U>& p);
template <class T> inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v);
template <typename T, typename S> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const map<T, S> &mp);
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const set<T> &st);
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const multiset<T> &st);
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const unordered_set<T> &st);
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, queue<T> q);
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, deque<T> q);
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, stack<T> st);
template <class T, class Container, class Compare> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, priority_queue<T, Container, Compare> pq);

// overload operators
template <class T, class U> inline istream& operator>>(istream& is, pair<T, U>& p) { is >> p.first >> p.second; return is; }
template <class T> inline istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<T>& v) { repe(x, v) is >> x; return is; }
template <class T, class U> inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const pair<T, U>& p) { os << p.first << " " << p.second; return os; }
template <class T> inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) { rep(i, sz(v)) { os << v.at(i); if (i != sz(v) - 1) os << " "; } return os; }
template <typename T, typename S> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const map<T, S> &mp) { for (auto &[key, val] : mp) { os << key << ":" << val << " "; } return os; }
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const set<T> &st) { auto itr = st.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)st.size(); i++) { os << *itr << (i + 1 != (int)st.size() ? " " : ""); itr++; } return os; }
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const multiset<T> &st) { auto itr = st.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)st.size(); i++) { os << *itr << (i + 1 != (int)st.size() ? " " : ""); itr++; } return os; }
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const unordered_set<T> &st) { ll cnt = 0; for (auto &e : st) { os << e << (++cnt != (int)st.size() ? " " : ""); } return os; }
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, queue<T> q) { while (q.size()) { os << q.front() << " "; q.pop(); } return os; }
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, deque<T> q) { while (q.size()) { os << q.front(); q.pop_front(); if (q.size()) os << " "; } return os; }
template <typename T> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, stack<T> st) { while (st.size()) { os << st.top() << " "; st.pop(); } return os; }
template <class T, class Container, class Compare> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, priority_queue<T, Container, Compare> pq) { while (pq.size()) { os << pq.top() << " "; pq.pop(); } return os; }

template <typename T> int print_sep_end(string sep, string end, const T& val) { (void)sep; cout << val << end; return 0; };
template <typename T1, typename... T2> int print_sep_end(string sep, string end, const T1 &val, const T2 &...remain) {
    cout << val << sep;
    print_sep_end(sep, end, remain...);
    return 0;
template <typename... T> int print(const T &...args) { print_sep_end(" ", "\n", args...); return 0; };
template <typename... T> void flush() { cout << flush; };
template <typename... T> int print_and_flush(const T &...args) { print(args...); flush(); return 0; };
#define debug(...) debug_func(0, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__) // debug print
template <typename T> void input(T &a) { cin >> a; };
template <typename T1, typename... T2> void input(T1&a, T2 &...b) { cin >> a; input(b...); };
template <typename T> void debug_func(int i, const T name) { (void)i; (void)name; cerr << endl; }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... T3> void debug_func(int i, const T1 &name, const T2 &a, const T3 &...b) {
    int scope = 0;
    for ( ; (scope != 0 || name[i] != ',') && name[i] != '\0'; i++ ) {
        cerr << name[i];
        if (name[i] == '(' || name[i] == '{') scope++;
        if (name[i] == ')' || name[i] == '}') scope--;
    cerr << ":" << a << " ";
    debug_func(i + 1, name, b...);
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... T3> void debug_func(int i, const T1 &name, T2 &a, T3 &...b) {
    int scope = 0;
    for ( ; (scope != 0 || name[i] != ',') && name[i] != '\0'; i++ ) {
        cerr << name[i];
        if (name[i] == '(' || name[i] == '{') scope++;
        if (name[i] == ')' || name[i] == '}') scope--;
    cerr << ":" << a << " ";
    debug_func(i + 1, name, b...);
#ifndef LOCAL_TEST
template <typename... T>
void debug_func(T &...) {}
template <typename... T>
void debug_func(const T &...) {}
 * @brief io.hpp
 * @docs docs/std/io.md
//line 22 "answer.cpp"


Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information

Test #1:

score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3632kb


6 7
10 11
2 3
4 5
8 5
5 13
1 2
5 6


100000 4
100000 4


ok All testcases passed.

Test #2:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3556kb


1 2
4 5
4 3
2 1
1 2
5 6
2 3
5 6
2 3
6 7
3 4
6 7
2 1
3 4
1 2
2 3
2 3
3 4
7 7
7 7


100000 3
100000 4
100000 3
100000 4


ok All testcases passed.

Test #3:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3772kb


1 1
1 1
1 2
3 4
1 2
5 7
4 5
7 8
1001 1002
1003 1004
1001 1002
1005 1007
1004 1005
1007 1008
249 250
251 252
250 251
250 251
250 250
250 251


100000 2
100000 3
100000 2
100000 3
100000 2


ok All testcases passed.

Test #4:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3536kb


249 251
250 251
249 250
250 251
249 250
251 251
249 250
251 251
51 52
61 62
50 52
61 62
52 52
61 62
51 51
61 62
51 53
61 62
51 52
60 62


100000 10


ok All testcases passed.

Test #5:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3840kb


51 52
62 62
51 52
61 61
51 52
61 63
109 110
119 120
108 110
119 120
110 110
119 120
109 109
119 120
109 111
119 120
109 110
118 120
109 110
120 120


100000 10


ok All testcases passed.

Test #6:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3772kb


109 110
119 119
109 110
119 121
1050 1075
2050 2075
1 2
1001 1002
101 102
1101 1102
999 1000
1999 2000
2 2
1001 1002
1 1
1001 1002
1 3
1001 1002
1 2
1000 1002


100000 1000
100000 1000
100000 1000


ok All testcases passed.

Test #7:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3708kb


1 2
1002 1002
1 2
1001 1001
1 2
1001 1003
100 102
1101 1102
102 102
1101 1102
101 101
1101 1102
101 103
1101 1102
101 102
1100 1102
101 102
1102 1102
101 102
1101 1101




ok All testcases passed.

Test #8:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3532kb


101 102
1101 1103
998 1000
1999 2000
1000 1000
1999 2000
999 999
1999 2000
999 1001
1999 2000
999 1000
1998 2000
999 1000
2000 2000
999 1000
1999 1999
999 1000
1999 2001
48000 48002
49001 49002




ok All testcases passed.

Test #9:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3508kb


48002 48002
49001 49002
48001 48001
49001 49002
48001 48003
49001 49002
48001 48002
49000 49002
48001 48002
49002 49002
48001 48002
49001 49001
48001 48002
49001 49003
48100 48102
49101 49102
48102 48102
49101 49102
48101 48101
49101 49102




ok All testcases passed.

Test #10:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3620kb


48101 48103
49101 49102
48101 48102
49100 49102
48101 48102
49102 49102
48101 48102
49101 49101
48101 48102
49101 49103
48998 49000
49999 50000
49000 49000
49999 50000
48999 48999
49999 50000
48999 49001
49999 50000
48999 49000
49998 50000




ok All testcases passed.

Test #11:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3528kb


48999 49000
50000 50000
48999 49000
49999 49999
1 2
1001 1002
1001 1002
1 2
2 1
1002 1001
1002 1001
2 1
2 1
1001 1002
1 2
1002 1001
50000 49999
1 2
1 49999
2 50000


100000 1000


ok All testcases passed.

Test #12:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3640kb


49997 49998
49999 50000
1 2
49998 49999
1 2
49999 50000
24999 25000
49999 50000
1 2
25001 25002
48001 48002
49001 49002
48101 48102
49101 49102
48999 49000
49999 50000
49993 49994
49998 49999
49992 49993
49997 49998


100000 2
100000 49997
100000 49998
100000 25000
100000 25000
100000 1000
100000 1000
100000 1000
100000 5
100000 5


ok All testcases passed.

Test #13:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3780kb


49996 49997
49998 49999
49999 50000
49999 50000
1 3
49999 50000
2 3
49998 50000
1 2
49998 49998
1 2
49999 49999
1 25000
25001 50000
47000 46500
48000 47500
49992 49994
49998 49999
49992 49993
49996 49998




ok All testcases passed.

Extra Test:

score: 0
Extra Test Passed