

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#834579#9727. Barkley IIIremain11WA 1ms3784kbC++205.4kb2024-12-27 20:38:522024-12-27 20:38:54

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2025-01-13 03:55:43]
  • hack成功,自动添加数据
  • (/hack/1447)
  • [2024-12-27 20:38:54]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: WA
  • Time: 1ms
  • Memory: 3784kb
  • [2024-12-27 20:38:52]
  • Submitted



using namespace std;

using ll = long long;
using ld = double;
using ull = unsigned long long;

constexpr int N = 3e5 + 5;
const ll inf = 1e16;

template<class T>
T& cmax(T &a, const T &b) {if (a < b) a = b; return a;}

template<class T>
T& cmin(T &a, const T &b) {if (a > b) a = b; return a;}

template<class T, class S>
struct Segment {
    int n;
    vector<T> tree;
    vector<S> lazy;

    Segment() {}
    Segment(int n) {init(n);}
    Segment(vector<T> &a) : n(a.size() - 1), tree((n + 1) << 2), lazy((n + 1) << 2) {
        build(1, 1, n, a);
    void init(int n) {
        this->n = n;
        tree.resize((n + 1) << 2);
        lazy.resize((n + 1) << 2);
    void pushup(int now){
        tree[now] = tree[now << 1] + tree[now << 1 | 1];
    void build(int now, int left, int right, vector<T> &a){       //[l , r]
        if(left == right){
            tree[now] = T(a[left]);
            return ;
        int mid = (left + right) >> 1;
        build(now << 1, left, mid, a);
        build(now << 1 | 1, mid + 1, right, a);
    void push(int now, const S &x){
    void pushdown(int now){
        push(now << 1, lazy[now]);
        push(now << 1 | 1, lazy[now]);
        lazy[now] = S();
    void modify(int now, int l, int r, int al, int ar, const S &x) {   //[l , r]
        if(al > r || ar < l){
        if(al <= l && ar >= r){
            push(now, x);
        int mid = (l + r) >> 1 ;
        modify(now << 1, l, mid, al, ar, x);
        modify(now << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, al, ar, x);
    void modify(int al, int ar, const S &x){
        modify(1, 1, n, al, ar, x);
	void modify(int now, int l, int r, int pos, const T &x) {   //[l , r]
        if (l == r) {
			tree[now] = x;
        int mid = (l + r) >> 1 ;
        if (pos <= mid) modify(now << 1, l, mid, pos, x);
        else modify(now << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, pos, x);
    void modify(int pos, const T &x){
        modify(1, 1, n, pos, x);
    T ask(int now, int l, int r, int al, int ar) {
        if(al > r || ar < l){
            return T();
        if(al <= l && ar >= r){
            return tree[now];
        int mid = (l + r) >> 1 ;
        return ask(now << 1, l, mid, al, ar) + ask(now << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, al, ar);
    T ask(int al, int ar) {
        return ask(1, 1, n, al, ar);
    template<class F>
    int ask_first(int now, int l, int r, const F &f) {
        if (l == r) {
            return l;
        int mid = (l + r) >> 1 ;
        if (f(tree[now << 1])) {
            return ask_first(now << 1, l, mid, f);
        } else {
            return ask_first(now << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, f);
    template<class F>
    int ask_first(const F &f) {
        if (!f(tree[1])) return 0;
        return ask_first(1, 1, n, f);
    template<class F>
    int ask_last(int now, int l, int r, const F &f) {
        if (l == r) {
            return l;
        int mid = (l + r) >> 1 ;
        if (f(tree[now << 1 | 1])) {
            return ask_last(now << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, f);
        } else {
            return ask_last(now << 1, l, mid, f);
    template<class F>
    int ask_last(const F &f) {
        if (!f(tree[1])) return 0;
        return ask_last(1, 1, n, f);

struct Info1 {
	ll x;
	Info1() : x(LONG_MAX) {}
	Info1(ll x) : x(x) {}

	void push(const Info1 &a) {
		x &= a.x;
	friend Info1 operator + (const Info1 &a, const Info1 &b) {
		return a.x & b.x;

struct Info2 {
	ll x, y, sz;
	Info2() : x(0), y(0), sz(1) {}
	Info2(ll x, ll y, ll sz) : x(x), y(y), sz(sz) {}

	void push(const Info1 &a) {
		if (sz == 1) {
			x |= LONG_MAX ^ a.x;
		} else {
			y |= (LONG_MAX ^ a.x);
			x &= a.x;
	friend Info2 operator + (const Info2 &a, const Info2 &b) {
		ll x = a.x ^ b.x;
		ll y = (a.y | b.y) | (a.x & b.x);
		x = x ^ (x & y);
		return {x, y, a.sz + b.sz};

void solve() {
    int n, q;
    cin >> n >> q;
    vector<ll> a(n + 1);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        cin >> a[i];
	Segment<Info1, Info1> t1(n);
	Segment<Info2, Info1> t2(n);
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
		t1.modify(i, a[i]);
		Info2 tmp;
		t2.modify(i, tmp);
	while(q--) {
		int op, l, r, x;
		cin >> op >> l;
		if (op == 1) {
			cin >> r >> x;
			t1.modify(l, r, x);
			t2.modify(l, r, x);
		} else if (op == 2) {
			cin >> x;
			t1.modify(l, x);
			Info2 tmp;
			t2.modify(l, tmp);
		} else {
			cin >> r;
			auto [ox, oy, sz] = t2.ask(l, r);
			if (ox == 0) {
				cout << t1.ask(l, r).x << "\n";
			// cout << bitset<64>(ox) << "\n";
			int pos = __lg(ox);
			int id = t1.ask_first([&](const Info1 &info) {
				return !(info.x >> pos & 1);
			cout << (t1.ask(l, id - 1).x & t1.ask(id + 1, r).x) << "\n";

int main(void){
	cin.tie(nullptr), cout.tie(nullptr);
	int t = 1;
	// cin >> t;
	for (int i = 0; i < t; ++i) {
	return 0;


Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information

Test #1:

score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 3784kb


5 9
7 7 7 6 7
3 1 5
2 1 3
3 1 5
3 1 3
1 1 2 3
3 1 3
2 2 8
3 1 3
3 1 2




ok 6 lines

Test #2:

score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3568kb


10 10
6760061359215711796 1568091718842717482 1568091718842717482 1568091718842717482 5232472783634052627 8795942500783873690 1568091718842717482 1568091718842717482 1568091718842717482 1568091718842717482
1 3 5 7587422031989082829
3 6 10
1 7 8 5197616143400216932
2 4 2518604563805514908
2 2 4533959...



wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '1568091718842717482', found: ''