ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#818808 | #7853. Naming Wine Bottles | ucup-team3723# | AC ✓ | 8ms | 4248kb | C++20 | 1.3kb | 2024-12-18 09:17:40 | 2024-12-18 09:17:40 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define dbg(x) cerr << #x << ':' << (x) << endl;
#define ALL(x) x.begin(),x.end()
using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
cin >> n;
auto gen = [](int x) -> string
string ret;
while (x > 0)
ret.push_back('a' + x % 26);
x /= 26;
return ret;
int cnt = 1;
map<long long, string> mp;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
string s;
cin >> s;
if (s.back() == 'L') s.pop_back();
int id = s.find('.');
if (id == -1) id = s.size();
long long val = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < id; ++j)
val *= 10;
val += s[j] - '0';
if (id < s.size())
int nok = s.size() - id - 1;
for (int j = id + 1; j < s.size(); ++j)
val *= 10;
val += s[j] - '0';
nok = 10 - nok;
while (nok--) val *= 10;
val *= 10000000000LL;
// cout << val << endl;
if (mp.find(val) == mp.end())
mp[val] = gen(cnt);
cout << mp[val] << endl;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3560kb
6 15L 0.88L 1.0L 1L 1000L 1024L
b c d d e f
ok correct
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3528kb
3 0.03L 0.031L 0.03L
b c b
ok correct
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3704kb
10 4.770735L 4.770735L 5.92862L 5.92862L 3.425951L 5.92862L 3.425951L 3.425951L 5.92862L 4.770735L
b b c c d c d d c b
ok correct
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3440kb
10 7.36436L 6.289289L 2.133974L 4.457658L 4.457658L 7.710847L 7.710847L 7.710847L 0.478477L 0.478477L
b c d e e f f f g g
ok correct
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3708kb
100 5.05522L 8.862544L 6.172678L 6.172678L 8.862544L 0.841998L 2.638153L 6.172678L 9.411611L 9.411611L 2.638153L 0.697531L 0.841998L 2.638153L 9.411611L 0.697531L 3.927525L 8.862544L 6.172678L 0.697531L 2.638153L 3.576146L 5.795909L 2.638153L 9.411611L 5.795909L 0.697531L 8.862544L 0.841998L 0.69753...
b c d d c e f d g g f h e f g h i c d h f j k f g k h c e h e g i e h f c k j f c i h d h d i i b j c j h h i b c d j b h h f d c b e i d b f b h h i j k k d e c j f e e e d f b b e d j h h b d b f g
ok correct
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 2ms
memory: 3560kb
1000 5.538973L 8.168853L 7.756989L 5.187158L 8.566494L 5.161256L 4.365565L 9.83514L 0.451117L 5.434878L 6.587507L 6.353477L 3.955333L 7.158839L 7.034269L 9.979945L 8.273649L 6.964936L 7.512418L 2.749434L 1.005619L 9.550021L 8.982797L 7.800609L 6.353477L 8.273649L 3.325318L 2.544549L 5.538973L 3.4033...
b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y m r z ab b bb cb t db eb fb gb hb ib gb jb kb lb f mb nb ob pb qb rb nb sb cb tb j h u ub vb wb sb ib fb xb pb yb zb lb i hb ac bc fb cc ib dc b ec ec yb ec e rb pb zb tb ec fc gc nb hc ic jc ic kc t hc r rb lc mc v lc nc oc f j j kc dc t pc bb qc yb p...
ok correct
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 4ms
memory: 3772kb
10000 2.587081L 7.950315L 0.50137L 8.130996L 8.258044L 6.360881L 7.972785L 8.785474L 7.329022L 5.585725L 1.273491L 8.446212L 2.148699L 0.464245L 0.668281L 5.106325L 1.803361L 8.130996L 5.936396L 5.585725L 1.762492L 8.126972L 7.329022L 4.021037L 7.950315L 7.51875L 8.785474L 5.106325L 0.668281L 0.4642...
b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r e s k t u j v c w i q p o x y z ab bb cb db eb fb gb q hb ib jb kb lb mb nb ob pb i qb rb k i sb t tb ub vb kb wb xb yb zb ac bc xb bc zb cc dc vb ec fc gc hc q t vb hb ic jc p hb z l lb bc x kc lc rb vb mc nc hb bb dc yb g oc ob pc fb qc y s r qb gc j m fc l ob rc ...
ok correct
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 8ms
memory: 4248kb
10000 1.93645L 8.537884L 1.285027L 6.410685L 3.528163L 0.926381L 7.718155L 0.811629L 8.951888L 7.56814L 9.379188L 2.199272L 5.680321L 7.277497L 3.698285L 3.728882L 2.998746L 2.750217L 5.037808L 7.405915L 1.290851L 3.946109L 1.770729L 9.99265L 8.156179L 9.414128L 8.481497L 3.308084L 0.382196L 6.10429...
b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ab bb cb db eb fb gb hb ib jb kb lb mb nb ob pb qb rb sb tb ub vb wb xb yb zb ac bc cc dc ec fc gc hc ic jc kc lc mc nc oc pc qc rc sc tc uc vc wc xc yc zc ad bd cd dd ed fd gd hd id jd kd ld md nd od pd qd rd sd td ud vd wd xd yd zd ae be ce de ee f...
ok correct
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3548kb
11 9999.0000000000L 9999.0000000001L 9999.0000000002L 9999.0000000003L 9999.0000000004L 9999.0000000005L 9999.0000000006L 9999.0000000007L 9999.0000000008L 9999.0000000009L 9999.0000000010L
b c d e f g h i j k l
ok correct