

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#794971#9804. Guess the Polygonucup-team133#WA 6ms3904kbC++238.4kb2024-11-30 17:13:512024-11-30 17:13:52

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2024-11-30 17:13:52]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: WA
  • Time: 6ms
  • Memory: 3904kb
  • [2024-11-30 17:13:51]
  • Submitted


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#ifdef LOCAL
#include <debug.hpp>
#define debug(...) void(0)

template <class T> std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, std::vector<T>& v) {
    for (auto& e : v) {
        is >> e;
    return is;

template <class T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& v) {
    for (std::string_view sep = ""; const auto& e : v) {
        os << std::exchange(sep, " ") << e;
    return os;

template <class T, class U = T> bool chmin(T& x, U&& y) {
    return y < x and (x = std::forward<U>(y), true);

template <class T, class U = T> bool chmax(T& x, U&& y) {
    return x < y and (x = std::forward<U>(y), true);

template <class T> void mkuni(std::vector<T>& v) {
    auto result = std::ranges::unique(v);
    v.erase(result.begin(), result.end());

template <class T> int lwb(const std::vector<T>& v, const T& x) {
    return std::distance(v.begin(), std::ranges::lower_bound(v, x));

template <typename T, bool Reduce = false> class Rational {
    static T my_gcd(T x_, T y_) {
        unsigned long long x = x_ < 0 ? -x_ : x_, y = y_ < 0 ? -y_ : y_;
        if (!x or !y) return x + y;
        int n = __builtin_ctzll(x), m = __builtin_ctzll(y);
        x >>= n, y >>= m;
        while (x != y) {
            if (x > y)
                x = (x - y) >> __builtin_ctzll(x - y);
                y = (y - x) >> __builtin_ctzll(y - x);
        return x << (n > m ? m : n);

    void normalize() {
        if (den < 0) num = -num, den = -den;
        if (den == 0) num = (num > 0 ? 1 : num < 0 ? -1 : 0);
        if constexpr (Reduce) {
            T g = my_gcd(num, den);
            if (g > 0) num /= g, den /= g;

    T num, den;

    Rational() {}
    Rational(T num) : num(num), den(T(1)) {}
    Rational(T num, T den) : num(num), den(den) { normalize(); }

    Rational operator+(const Rational& r) const { return Rational(num * r.den + den * r.num, den * r.den); }
    Rational operator-(const Rational& r) const { return Rational(num * r.den - den * r.num, den * r.den); }
    Rational operator*(const Rational& r) const { return Rational(num * r.num, den * r.den); }
    Rational operator/(const Rational& r) const { return Rational(num * r.den, den * r.num); }
    Rational& operator+=(const Rational& r) { return *this = *this + r; }
    Rational& operator-=(const Rational& r) { return *this = *this - r; }
    Rational& operator*=(const Rational& r) { return *this = *this * r; }
    Rational& operator/=(const Rational& r) { return *this = *this / r; }

    Rational operator+(const T& val) const { return *this + Rational(val); }
    Rational operator-(const T& val) const { return *this - Rational(val); }
    Rational operator*(const T& val) const { return *this * Rational(val); }
    Rational operator/(const T& val) const { return *this / Rational(val); }
    Rational& operator+=(const T& val) { return *this = *this + val; }
    Rational& operator-=(const T& val) { return *this = *this - val; }
    Rational& operator*=(const T& val) { return *this = *this * val; }
    Rational& operator/=(const T& val) { return *this = *this / val; }
    friend Rational operator+(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r + val; }
    friend Rational operator-(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r - val; }
    friend Rational operator*(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r * val; }
    friend Rational operator/(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r / val; }

    Rational operator-() const { return Rational(-num, den); }
    Rational abs() const { return Rational(num < 0 ? -num : num, den); }

    bool operator==(const Rational& r) const {
        if (den == 0 and r.den == 0) return num == r.num;
        if (den == 0 or r.den == 0) return false;
        return num * r.den == den * r.num;
    bool operator!=(const Rational& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
    bool operator<(const Rational& r) const {
        if (den == 0 and r.den == 0) return num < r.num;
        if (den == 0) return num < 0;
        if (r.den == 0) return r.num > 0;
        return num * r.den < den * r.num;
    bool operator<=(const Rational& r) const { return (*this == r) or (*this < r); }
    bool operator>(const Rational& r) const { return r < *this; }
    bool operator>=(const Rational& r) const { return (*this == r) or (*this > r); }

    bool operator==(const T& val) const { return *this == Rational(val); }
    bool operator!=(const T& val) const { return *this != Rational(val); }
    bool operator<(const T& val) const { return *this < Rational(val); }
    bool operator<=(const T& val) const { return *this <= Rational(val); }
    bool operator>(const T& val) const { return *this > Rational(val); }
    bool operator>=(const T& val) const { return *this >= Rational(val); }
    friend bool operator==(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r == val; }
    friend bool operator!=(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r != val; }
    friend bool operator<(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r > val; }
    friend bool operator<=(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r >= val; }
    friend bool operator>(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r < val; }
    friend bool operator>=(const T& val, const Rational& r) { return r <= val; }

    explicit operator double() const { return (double)num / (double)den; }
    explicit operator long double() const { return (long double)num / (long double)den; }
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Rational& r) { return os << r.num << '/' << r.den; }

using namespace std;

using ll = long long;

using R = Rational<ll, true>;

int rest;

R query(R val) {
    assert(rest-- > 0);
    cout << "? " << val.num << " " << val.den << endl;
    ll r, s;
    cin >> r >> s;
    return R(r, s);

void answer(R ans) { cout << "! " << ans.num << " " << ans.den << endl; }

void solve() {
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    rest = n - 2;
    vector<int> x(n), y(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cin >> x[i] >> y[i];

    map<int, vector<int>> mp;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) mp[x[i]].emplace_back(y[i]);
    vector<pair<int, vector<int>>> xs;
    for (auto [key, val] : mp) xs.emplace_back(key, val);

    int N = xs.size();
    vector<R> ls(N, -1), rs(N, -1);
    ls[0] = rs[N - 1] = 0;
    R ans = 0;
    long double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i + 1 < N; i++) {
        R lx = xs[i].first, rx = xs[i + 1].first;
        vector<pair<R, R>> line;
            // determine rs[i];
            int len = xs[i].second.size();
            if (i == 0) {
                if (len == 1) {
                    line.emplace_back(lx, 0);
                } else {
                    auto qx = lx + R(1, 3);
                    line.emplace_back(qx, query(qx));
            } else {
                if (len == 1) {
                    assert(ls[i] != -1);
                    line.emplace_back(lx, ls[i]);
                } else {
                    auto qx = lx + R(1, 3);
                    line.emplace_back(qx, query(qx));
            // determine ls[i + 1];
            int len = xs[i + 1].second.size();
            if (i + 1 == N - 1) {
                if (len == 1) {
                    line.emplace_back(rx, 0);
                } else {
                    auto qx = rx - R(1, 3);
                    line.emplace_back(qx, query(qx));
            } else {
                if (len == 1) {
                    assert(rs[i + 1] == -1);
                    line.emplace_back(rx, query(rx));
                } else {
                    auto qx = rx - R(1, 3);
                    line.emplace_back(qx, query(qx));
            assert(line.size() == 2);
            auto d = (line[1].second - line[0].second) / (line[1].first - line[0].first);
            rs[i] = line[0].second + d * (lx - line[0].first);
            ls[i + 1] = line[0].second + d * (rx - line[0].first);
        ans += (rs[i] + ls[i + 1]) * (rx - lx) / 2;
            auto s = rs[i] + ls[i + 1];
            sum += (long double)(s.num * (xs[i + 1].first - xs[i].first)) / s.den;
    // assert(ans.den == 1 or ans.den == 2);
    ll p = roundl(sum);
    ans = (p & 1 ? R(p, 2) : R(p / 2, 1));


int main() {
    cout << fixed << setprecision(15);

    int T;
    cin >> T;
    for (; T--;) solve();
    return 0;


Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information

Test #1:

score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3592kb


3 0
1 3
1 1
0 0
4 3
5 3
0 0
999 1000
1000 999
1999 1000


? 2 3
? 4 3
! 3 1
? 999 1
! 1999 2


ok correct! (2 test cases)

Test #2:

score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3520kb


1 1
1 3
3 0
0 0
2 1
5 6
0 0
1 3
1 1
3 0
2 3
5 2
0 0
3 0
1 2
1 1
2 3
5 6
0 0
3 0
1 2
1 1
4 3
5 6
0 0
3 0
1 1
1 2
2 3
5 3
1000 0
0 0
0 1000
2999 3
0 0
1000 0
1000 1000
0 1000
1000 1
1000 1
0 1
1000 1000
1000 0
0 1000
1 0
2998 3
1000 1
1000 1
4 1000
3 1
2 1000
3 1000
1 1
2 1
0 0
1 1...


? 2 3
? 4 3
! 5 2
? 2 3
? 4 3
! 7 2
? 2 3
? 4 3
! 3 2
? 2 3
? 4 3
! 2 1
? 2 3
? 4 3
! 5 2
? 1 3
! 500000 1
? 1 3
? 2999 3
! 1000000 1
? 1 3
? 1 1
? 2999 3
! 1999999 2
? 2 3
? 4 3
? 5 3
? 7 3
? 8 3
? 10 3
? 11 3
! 4003 2


ok correct! (9 test cases)

Test #3:

score: 0
time: 6ms
memory: 3904kb


951 614
927 614
957 614
957 604
937 614
942 619
951 610
927 604
10 1
10 1
15 1
19 3
10 1
10 1
562 260
602 250
582 255
587 260
602 260
562 250
577 260
10 1
10 1
5 1
10 1
10 1
454 98
494 68
455 68
117 4
526 589
566 559
527 559
117 4
854 496
854 466
894 466
119 4
797 264
827 254
857 264


? 2782 3
? 937 1
? 942 1
? 2852 3
? 2854 3
? 2870 3
! 317 1
? 1687 3
? 577 1
? 582 1
? 587 1
? 1805 3
! 375 1
? 455 1
! 585 1
? 527 1
! 585 1
? 2563 3
! 600 1
? 827 1
! 300 1
? 2158 3
! 600 1
? 162 1
! 400 1
? 2227 3
? 2240 3
? 2242 3
? 2255 3
? 2257 3
? 2375 3
! 275 1
? 2797 3
? 2810 3
? 2812 3
? 2...


ok correct! (78 test cases)

Test #4:

score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 2ms
memory: 3632kb


123 815
168 800
133 795
27 827
153 805
28 830
178 780
138 810
78 830
192 772
148 790
88 810
43 825
183 795
103 805
163 785
118 800
93 825
63 835
73 815
58 820
198 790
48 840
108 820
10 3
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
95 6
15 2
15 1


? 28 1
? 43 1
? 48 1
? 58 1
? 63 1
? 73 1
? 78 1
? 88 1
? 93 1
? 103 1
? 108 1
? 118 1
? 123 1
? 133 1
? 138 1
? 148 1
? 153 1
? 163 1
? 168 1
? 178 1
? 183 1
? 192 1
! 1925 1
? 54 1
? 69 1
? 74 1
? 84 1
? 89 1
? 99 1
? 104 1
? 114 1
? 119 1
? 129 1
? 134 1
? 144 1
? 149 1
? 159 1
? 164 1
? 174 1
? ...


wrong answer format  Expected int32, but "-4611686018427387904" found (test case 27)