#ifndef MyGO
#define MyGO
#include MyGO __FILE__ MyGO
mt19937_64 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
template<typename T>
T randint(T x) { return uniform_int_distribution<T>(0, x-1)(rng); }
constexpr int MAXN = 1e6+5;
constexpr int MAXK = 1e4+5;
constexpr i128 P = 1e6+3;
constexpr i128 MOD = 1e12+39;
i128 PPOW[MAXK];
struct Treap;
using TreapP = Treap*;
struct Treap {
int sz, data;
int id; i128 hash;
TreapP l, r;
Treap(int k, int i) : sz(1), data(k), id(i), hash(i), l(0), r(0) {}
inline int sz(TreapP o) { return o ? o->sz : 0; }
inline i128 H(TreapP o) { return o ? o->hash : 0; }
void pull(TreapP o) {
auto lsz = sz(o->l), rsz = sz(o->r);
o->sz = lsz + 1 + rsz;
o->hash = ((i128)H(o->l) * PPOW[rsz+1] + o->id * PPOW[rsz] + H(o->r)) % MOD;
void push(TreapP o) {}
TreapP merge(TreapP a, TreapP b) {
if (!a or !b) return a ? a : b;
TreapP r;
if (randint(sz(a) + sz(b)) < sz(a))
r = a, push(r), r->r = merge(a->r, b);
else r = b, push(r), r->l = merge(a, b->l);
return pull(r), r;
void split(TreapP o, TreapP &a, TreapP &b, int k) {
if (!o) return a = b = 0, void();
if (o->data <= k)
a = o, split(o->r, a->r, b, k), pull(a);
else b = o, split(o->l, a, b->l, k), pull(b);
void split2(TreapP o, TreapP &a, TreapP &b, int k) {
if (sz(o) <= k) return a = o, b = 0, void();
if (sz(o->l) + 1 <= k)
a = o, split2(o->r, a->r, b, k - sz(o->l) - 1);
else b = o, split2(o->l, a, b->l, k);
bool erase(TreapP &o, int k) {
if (!o) return 0;
if (o->data == k) {
TreapP t = o;
push(o), o = merge(o->l, o->r);
delete t;
return 1;
TreapP &t = k < o->data ? o->l : o->r;
return erase(t, k) ? pull(o), 1 : 0;
void insert(TreapP &o, int k, int v) {
TreapP a, b;
split(o, a, b, k);
o = merge(a, merge(new Treap(k, v), b));
void solve() {
int K, M, N;
cin >> K >> M >> N;
vector<vector<int>> tickets(M);
for (auto &v: tickets) {
for (auto &x: v) cin >> x;
vector<int> seq(N);
for (auto &x: seq) cin >> x;
vector<i128> Ha(M);
vector<vector<int>> rev_ticket(M);
map<i128, vector<int>> mp{};
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
auto& v = tickets[i];
auto& u = rev_ticket[i];
for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
u[v[j]-1] = j+1;
i128 hash = 0;
for (auto x: u)
hash = (hash * P + x) % MOD;
Ha[i] = hash;
assert(hash >= 0 and hash < MOD);
TreapP root = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
insert(root, seq[i], i+1);
i128 idi = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
idi = (idi * P + 1) % MOD;
auto check = [=](int x, int y) {
debug(x, y);
vector<int> v(seq.begin()+y, seq.begin()+y+K);
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
if (seq[y+i] != v[tickets[x][i]-1])
return false;
return true;
int ans = -1;
for (int i = K; i <= N; i++) {
int p = i - K; // [p, i)
i128 hh = (H(root) - idi * p % MOD + MOD) % MOD;
assert(hh >= 0 and hh < MOD);
debug(i, hh);
auto it = mp.find(hh);
if (it != mp.end()) {
for (auto x: it->second) {
if (check(x, p)) {
ans = x;
if (ans != -1) break;
if (i == N) break;
assert(erase(root, seq[p]));
insert(root, seq[i], i+1);
// if (ans != -1) debug(tickets[ans]);
if (ans == -1)
cout << 0 << '\n';
for (auto x: tickets[ans])
cout << x << ' ';
int32_t main() {
PPOW[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < MAXK; i++)
PPOW[i] = PPOW[i-1] * P % MOD;
int t = 1;
// cin >> t;
while (t--) solve();
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC target("avx,popcnt,sse4,abm")
#pragma GCC target("avx,sse2,sse3,sse4,mmx")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using i64 = long long;
using u64 = unsigned long long;
using i128 = __int128;
// #define int i64
using pii = pair<int, int>;
#define ee emplace
#define eb emplace_back
#define ef emplace_front
#define pb pop_back
#define pf pop_front
#define ALL(x) begin(x), end(x)
#define RALL(x) rbegin(x), rend(x)
#define SZ(x) ((int)(x).size())
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const i128 v) {
return os << (i64)v;
template <typename T>
ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const vector<T> &vec) {
for (int i = 0; i < SZ(vec); ++i) {
if (i) os << " ";
os << vec[i];
return os;
#ifdef local
#define fastIO() void()
#define debug(...) \
fprintf(stderr, "\u001b[33m"), \
fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: (%s) = ", __LINE__, #__VA_ARGS__), \
_do(__VA_ARGS__), \
fprintf(stderr, "\u001b[0m")
template <typename T> void _do(T &&_t) { cerr << _t << "\n"; }
template <typename T, typename ...U> void _do(T &&_t, U &&..._u) { cerr << _t << ", ", _do(_u...); }
#define fastIO() cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0)
#define debug(...) void()
template <typename T, typename U> bool chmin(T &lhs, U rhs) { return lhs > rhs ? lhs = rhs, 1 : 0; }
template <typename T, typename U> bool chmax(T &lhs, U rhs) { return lhs < rhs ? lhs = rhs, 1 : 0; }