

#783257#1196. Fun RegionJose_17TL 1ms4040kbC++2012.9kb2024-11-26 03:57:182024-11-26 03:57:18

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2024-11-26 03:57:18]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: TL
  • Time: 1ms
  • Memory: 4040kb
  • [2024-11-26 03:57:18]
  • Submitted


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Holi c:

//#define ll long long int
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
#define all(v) v.begin(), v.end()

typedef long long int ll;

const int Inf = 1e5;
const ll mod = 1e9+7;
const ll INF = 1e12;

using ld = long double;
//const ld eps = 1e-9, inf = numeric_limits<ld>::max(), pi = acos(-1);

struct fraccion{
	ll num, den;
		num = 0, den = 1;
	fraccion(ll x, ll y){
		if(y < 0)
			x *= -1, y *=-1;
		ll d = __gcd(abs(x), abs(y));
		num = x/d, den = y/d;
	fraccion(ll v){
		num = v;
		den = 1;
	fraccion operator+(const fraccion& f) const{
		ll d = __gcd(den, f.den);
		return fraccion(num*(f.den/d) + f.num*(den/d), den*(f.den/d));
	fraccion operator-() const{
		return fraccion(-num, den);
	fraccion operator-(const fraccion& f) const{
		return *this + (-f);
	fraccion operator*(const fraccion& f) const{
		return fraccion(num*f.num, den*f.den);
	fraccion operator/(const fraccion& f) const{
		return fraccion(num*f.den, den*f.num);
	fraccion operator+=(const fraccion& f){
		*this = *this + f;
		return *this;
	fraccion operator-=(const fraccion& f){
		*this = *this - f;
		return *this;
	fraccion operator++(int xd){
		*this = *this + 1;
		return *this;
	fraccion operator--(int xd){
		*this = *this - 1;
		return *this;
	fraccion operator*=(const fraccion& f){
		*this = *this * f;
		return *this;
	fraccion operator/=(const fraccion& f){
		*this = *this / f;
		return *this;
	bool operator==(const fraccion& f) const{
		ll d = __gcd(den, f.den);
		return (num*(f.den/d) == (den/d)*f.num);
	bool operator!=(const fraccion& f) const{
		ll d = __gcd(den, f.den);
		return (num*(f.den/d) != (den/d)*f.num);
	bool operator >(const fraccion& f) const{
		ll d = __gcd(den, f.den);
		return (num*(f.den/d) > (den/d)*f.num);
	bool operator <(const fraccion& f) const{
		ll d = __gcd(den, f.den);
		return (num*(f.den/d) < (den/d)*f.num);
	bool operator >=(const fraccion& f) const{
		ll d = __gcd(den, f.den);
		return (num*(f.den/d) >= (den/d)*f.num);
	bool operator <=(const fraccion& f) const{
		ll d = __gcd(den, f.den);
		return (num*(f.den/d) <= (den/d)*f.num);
	fraccion inverso() const{
		return fraccion(den, num);
	fraccion fabs() const{
		fraccion nueva;
		nueva.num = abs(num);
		nueva.den = den;
		return nueva;
	long double value() const{
		return (long double)num / (long double)den;

bool geq(fraccion a, fraccion b){return a >= b;}
bool leq(fraccion a, fraccion b){return a <= b;}
bool ge(fraccion a, fraccion b){return a > b;}
bool le(fraccion a, fraccion b){return a < b;}
bool eq(fraccion a, fraccion b){return a == b;}
bool neq(fraccion a, fraccion b){return a != b;}

struct point {
    fraccion x, y;
    point(): x(fraccion()), y(fraccion()) {}
    point(fraccion x, fraccion y): x(x), y(y) {}

    point operator+(const point & p) const{return point(x + p.x, y + p.y);}
    point operator-(const point & p) const{return point(x - p.x, y - p.y);}
    point operator*(const fraccion & k) const{return point(x * k, y * k);}
    point operator/(const fraccion & k) const{return point(x / k, y / k);}

    point operator+=(const point & p){*this = *this + p; return *this;}
    point operator-=(const point & p){*this = *this - p; return *this;}
    point operator*=(const fraccion & p){*this = *this * p; return *this;}
    point operator/=(const fraccion & p){*this = *this / p; return *this;}

    fraccion dot(const point & p) const{return x * p.x + y * p.y;}
    fraccion cross(const point & p) const{return x * p.y - y * p.x;}
    fraccion norm() const{return x * x + y * y;}

    bool operator==(const point & p) const{return eq(x, p.x) && eq(y, p.y);}
    bool operator!=(const point & p) const{return !(*this == p);}
    bool operator<(const point & p) const{return le(x, p.x) || (eq(x, p.x) && le(y, p.y));}
    bool operator>(const point & p) const{return ge(x, p.x) || (eq(x, p.x) && ge(y, p.y));}
    bool half(const point & p) const{return le(p.cross(*this), 0) || (eq(p.cross(*this), 0) && le(p.dot(*this), 0));}

int sgn(fraccion x){
    if(ge(x, fraccion(0))) return 1;
    if(le(x, fraccion(0))) return -1;
    return 0;

void polarSort(vector<pair<point, int>> & P, const point & o, const point & v){
	//sort points in P around o, taking the direction of v as first angle
	sort(P.begin(), P.end(), [&](const pair<point, int> & a, const pair<point, int> & b){
		return point((a.fi - o).half(v), 0) < point((b.fi - o).half(v), (a.fi - o).cross(b.fi - o));

bool pointInLine(const point & a, const point & v, const point & p){
    return eq((p - a).cross(v), fraccion());

bool pointInSegment(const point & a, const point & b, const point & p){
    return pointInLine(a, b - a, p) && leq((a - p).dot(b - p), fraccion());

point intersectLines(const point & a1, const point & v1, const point & a2, const point & v2){
    fraccion det = v1.cross(v2);
    return a1 + v1 * ((a2 - a1).cross(v2) / det);

int intersectLineSegmentInfo(const point & a, const point & v, const point & c, const point & d){
    point v2 = d - c;
    fraccion det = v.cross(v2);
    if(eq(det, fraccion(0))){
        if(eq((c - a).cross(v), fraccion(0))){
            return -1; // infinity points
        } else {
            return 0; // no point
    } else {
        return sgn(v.cross(c - a)) != sgn(v.cross(d - a)); // 1: single point, 0: no point

vector<point> convexHull(vector<point> P){
    sort(P.begin(), P.end());
    vector<point> L, U;
    for(int i = 0; i < P.size(); i++){
        while(L.size() >= 2 && leq((L[L.size() - 2] - P[i]).cross(L[L.size() - 1] - P[i]), 0)){
    for(int i = P.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
        while(U.size() >= 2 && leq((U[U.size() - 2] - P[i]).cross(U[U.size() - 1] - P[i]), 0)){
    L.insert(L.end(), U.begin(), U.end());
    return L;

ld area(vector<point> & P){
    int n = P.size();
    ld ans = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        auto s = P[i].cross(P[(i + 1) % n]);
		ans += s.value();
    return abs(ans / 2);

int intersectSegmentsInfo(const point &a, const point &b, const point &c, const point &d) {
    point v1 = b - a, v2 = d - c;
    int t = sgn(v1.cross(c - a)), u = sgn(v1.cross(d - a));
    if (t == u) {
        if (t == 0) {
            if (pointInSegment(a, b, c) || pointInSegment(a, b, d) || pointInSegment(c, d, a) || pointInSegment(c, d, b)) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                return 0;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else {
        return sgn(v2.cross(a - c)) != sgn(v2.cross(b - c));

pair<vector<pair<point, point>>, vector<point>> precFunPolygon(vector<point> P) {
    int n = P.size();
    vector<point> prov;
    vector<pair<point, point>> Lprov;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if(geq((P[(i + 1) % n] - P[i]).cross(P[(i + 2) % n] - P[i]), fraccion())) {
            prov.pb(P[(i + 1) % n]); prov.pb(P[(i + 2) % n]);
            Lprov.pb({P[(i + 1) % n], P[(i + 2) % n]});
            point at(fraccion(Inf), fraccion(Inf + 1)), seg;
            for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
                if(j == i || j == ((i + 1) % n) || ((j + 1) % n) == i || ((j + 1) % n) == ((i + 1) % n)) continue;
                auto u = intersectLineSegmentInfo(P[i], P[(i + 1) % n] - P[i], P[j], P[(j + 1) % n]);
                if(u == 1){
                    auto v = intersectLines(P[i], P[(i + 1) % n] - P[i], P[j], P[(j + 1) % n] - P[j]);
                    if(le((P[i] - v).norm(), (P[(i + 1) % n] - v).norm())) continue;
                    if(v == P[(j + 1) % n]) continue;
                    if(v == P[j] && le((P[(i + 1) % n] - v).norm(), (P[(i + 1) % n] - at).norm())){
                        if(ge((v - P[(i + 1) % n]).cross(P[(j - 1 + n) % n] - P[(i + 1) % n]), fraccion())) at = v, seg = P[(j - 1 + n) % n];
                        if(ge((v - P[(i + 1) % n]).cross(P[(j + 1) % n] - P[(i + 1) % n]), fraccion())) at = v, seg = P[(j + 1) % n];
                    }else if(le((P[(i + 1) % n] - v).norm(), (P[(i + 1) % n] - at).norm())) {
                        if(ge((v - P[(i + 1) % n]).cross(P[j] - P[(i + 1) % n]), fraccion())) at = v, seg = P[j];
                        if(ge((v - P[(i + 1) % n]).cross(P[(j + 1) % n] - P[(i + 1) % n]), fraccion())) at = v, seg = P[(j + 1) % n];
            if(at.x == Inf && at.y == Inf + 1){
                return {};
            prov.pb(P[(i + 1) % n]); prov.pb(at); prov.pb(seg);
            Lprov.pb({P[(i + 1) % n], at}); Lprov.pb({at, seg});
    prov.erase(unique(all(prov)), prov.end());
    Lprov.erase(unique(all(Lprov)), Lprov.end());
    return {Lprov, prov};

pair<vector<vector<int>>, vector<point>> precFunPolygon1(vector<pair<point, point>> L, vector<point> P){
	int n = L.size();
	map<point, point> mp;
	map<point, vector<point>> mps;
	vector<pair<point, point>> Lprov;
	vector<point> prov;
	point minf(-Inf, -Inf);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
		point at = L[i].se;
		int l1 = -1;
		for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
			if(L[i].fi == L[j].fi || L[i].fi == L[j].se || L[i].se == L[j].fi || L[i].se == L[j].se) continue;
			if(intersectSegmentsInfo(L[i].fi, L[i].se, L[j].fi, L[j].se) == 1){
				if(leq((L[j].se - L[j].fi).cross(L[i].fi - L[j].fi), 0)) continue;
				auto it = intersectLines(L[i].fi, L[i].se - L[i].fi, L[j].fi, L[j].se - L[j].fi);
				if(it == at) continue;
				if(le((it - L[i].fi).norm(), (at - L[i].fi).norm())) at = it, l1 = j;
		if(at != L[i].se){
			int i1 = lower_bound(all(L), make_pair(L[i].fi, minf)) - L.begin(), i2 = lower_bound(all(L), make_pair(L[i].se, minf)) - L.begin();
			if(at != L[i].fi) Lprov.pb({L[i].fi, at});
			mp[L[i].fi] = at;	
	    	prov.pb(at); prov.pb(L[i].fi);
		    mp[L[i].fi] = L[i].se;
		    prov.pb(L[i].fi); prov.pb(L[i].se);
			Lprov.pb({L[i].fi, L[i].se});
	for(auto e : mps){
		auto at = mp[e.fi];
	//	cout<<e.fi<<" "<<at<<'\n';
		for(auto d : e.se){
			Lprov.pb({d, at});
	prov.erase(unique(all(prov)), prov.end());
	int k = prov.size();
	vector<vector<int>> Lf(k);
	for(int i = 0; i < Lprov.size(); i++){
		int i1 = lower_bound(all(prov), Lprov[i].fi) - prov.begin(), i2 = lower_bound(all(prov), Lprov[i].se) - prov.begin();
		if(i1 != i2) Lf[i1].pb(i2);
	return {Lf, prov};

vector<point> funPolygon(vector<vector<int>> L, vector<point> P, int ini){
	int n = P.size(), ant = ini;
	int v = L[ini][0]; 
	vector<int> res;
	vector<point> ans;
	vector<bool> fls(n, false);
	stack<int> q;
	q.push(v); res.pb(v);
		v = q.top();
			bool fl = false;
			for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++){
				if(res[i] == v) fl = true;
				if(fl) ans.pb(P[res[i]]);
		fls[v] = true;
		if(L[v].size() > 1){
		    vector<pair<point, int>> aux;
		    for(int l = 0; l < L[v].size(); l++) aux.pb({P[L[v][l]], L[v][l]});
		    polarSort(aux, P[v], P[v] - P[ant]);
		    int u = aux[0].se;
			ant = v;
			int u = L[v][0];
			ant = v;
	ans = convexHull(ans);
	return ans;

int main(){
	int n; cin>>n;
	vector<point> P(n);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
		int a, b; cin>>a>>b;
		//cout<<a<<" "<<b<<'\n';
		P[i] = point(fraccion(a), fraccion(b));
	//for(auto e : P) cout<<e<<" "; cout<<'\n';
	auto u = precFunPolygon(P);
	for(int i = 0; i < u.se.size(); i++){
	  //  cout<<i<<" -> "<<u.se[i]<<" | ";
    for(int i = 0; i < u.fi.size(); i++){
	  //  cout<<u.fi[i].fi<<" "<<u.fi[i].se<<'\n';
	//return 0;
	auto v = precFunPolygon1(u.fi, u.se);
	for(int i = 0; i < v.se.size(); i++){
	    //cout<<i<<" -> "<<v.se[i]<<" | ";
	for(int i = 0; i < v.fi.size(); i++){
	  //  cout<<i<<" -> "; if(v.fi[i].size()) cout<<v.fi[i][0]; cout<<'\n';
	    //if(v.fi[i].size() > 1) cout<<v.fi[i][1]<<'\n';
	vector<vector<point>> Ps;
	for(int i = 0; i < v.fi.size(); i++){
		if(v.fi[i].size() > 1 || v.fi[i].size() == 0) continue;
		auto t = funPolygon(v.fi, v.se, i);
		if(t.size() > 2) Ps.pb(t);
	Ps.erase(unique(all(Ps)), Ps.end());
	ld ans = 0;
	if(Ps.size()) ans = area(Ps[0]);
	for(auto e : Ps){
	    //for(auto d : e) cout<<d.x.value()<<" "<<d.y.value()<<" | "; cout<<'\n';
	if(Ps.size() > 1) ans = 0;


Test #1:

score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 3876kb


10 0
20 10
10 30
0 10




ok found '300.0000000', expected '300.0000000', error '0.0000000'

Test #2:

score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3836kb


145 269
299 271
343 193
183 139
408 181
356 324
176 327
147 404
334 434
102 424




ok found '12658.3130191', expected '12658.3130191', error '0.0000000'

Test #3:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 4040kb


144 401
297 322
114 282
372 178
197 271
368 305




ok found '0.0000000', expected '0.0000000', error '-0.0000000'

Test #4:

score: -100
Time Limit Exceeded


9274 7020
6000 7020
6000 7030
8801 7030
8801 7040
6000 7040
6000 7050
6517 7050
6517 7060
6000 7060
6000 7070
6182 7070
6182 7080
6000 7080
6000 7090
9928 7090
9928 7100
6000 7100
6000 7110
8928 7110
8928 7120
6000 7120
6000 7130
7778 7130
7778 7140
6000 7140
6000 7150
8627 7150
8627 7160
6000 ...

