ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#763608 | #7000. Vertex Cover | hejinming983282# | WA | 779ms | 20540kb | C++23 | 15.4kb | 2024-11-19 21:11:10 | 2024-11-19 21:11:10 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
// Function to compute a^b mod mod
ll power_mod(ll a, ll b, ll mod){
ll res=1;
a %= mod;
while(b >0){
if(b &1) res = res * a % mod;
a = a * a % mod;
b >>=1;
return res;
// Function to compute inverse of a mod mod, assuming mod is prime
ll inv_mod(ll a, ll mod){
return power_mod(a, mod -2, mod);
// Function to enumerate all independent sets in a graph and compute their products
void enumerate_independent_sets(int n, const vector<int>& adjacency, ll product_w, const vector<ll>& inv_w, vector<ll>& f){
// Recursive backtracking
// Start with position 0, mask 0, product_inv=1
// We will store f as a list of product_not_I
// product_not_I = product_w * product(inv_w[i] for i in I)
// Implement as iterative DFS
struct State {
int pos;
int mask;
ll product_inv;
stack<State> stk;
stk.push(State{0, 0, 1});
State current = stk.top(); stk.pop();
if(current.pos == n){
ll product_not_I = (product_w * current.product_inv) % 0x3f3f3f3f; // Placeholder
// We will handle modulo outside
// Option 1: Exclude current vertex
stk.push(State{current.pos +1, current.mask, current.product_inv});
// Option 2: Include current vertex, if possible
if( (current.mask & (1 << current.pos)) ==0 ){
// Can include
int new_mask = current.mask | adjacency[current.pos];
stk.push(State{current.pos +1, new_mask, (current.product_inv * inv_w[current.pos])});
// Function to enumerate all independent sets in a graph and compute their products
void enumerate_independent_sets_recursive(int pos, int n, const vector<int>& adjacency, ll product_w, const vector<ll>& inv_w, ll current_product_inv, vector<ll>& f){
if(pos == n){
// Option 1: Exclude current vertex
enumerate_independent_sets_recursive(pos +1, n, adjacency, product_w, inv_w, current_product_inv, f);
// Option 2: Include current vertex, if possible
// To include, no neighbors should be included
// Since we are building the set incrementally, we need to ensure that none of the neighbors have been included
// But since we are not keeping track of included vertices, we need to pass a mask
// To make it efficient, switch to a bitmask based recursion
int main(){
int T;
cin >> T;
for(int test_case=1; test_case <=T; test_case++){
int n, m;
ll q;
cin >> n >> m >> q;
vector<ll> w(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) cin >> w[i];
// Read edges
vector<vector<int>> adj(n, vector<int>());
for(int i=0; i<m; i++){
int u, v;
cin >> u >> v; u--, v--;
// Split into A and B
int n1 = n /2;
int n2 = n - n1;
// Assign first n1 to A, rest to B
// Build adjacency masks
vector<int> adjacency_A(n1, 0);
vector<int> adjacency_B(n2, 0);
// Neighbors of A in B
vector<int> neighbors_A_in_B(n1, 0);
for(int i=0; i<n1; i++){
for(auto &v: adj[i]){
if(v < n1){
adjacency_A[i] |= (1 << v);
neighbors_A_in_B[i] |= (1 << (v - n1));
for(int i=0; i<n2; i++){
int vertex = n1 + i;
for(auto &v: adj[vertex]){
if(v >= n1){
adjacency_B[i] |= (1 << (v - n1));
// Compute product_w_A and product_w_B
ll product_w_A =1;
for(int i=0; i<n1; i++) product_w_A = product_w_A * w[i] % q;
ll product_w_B =1;
for(int i=0; i<n2; i++) product_w_B = product_w_B * w[n1 +i] % q;
// Compute inv_w for A and B
vector<ll> inv_w_A(n1, 1);
for(int i=0; i<n1; i++) inv_w_A[i] = inv_mod(w[i], q);
vector<ll> inv_w_B(n2, 1);
for(int i=0; i<n2; i++) inv_w_B[i] = inv_mod(w[n1 +i], q);
// Enumerate all independent sets in B and compute f[I_B} = product_not_I_B
// Implement recursive enumeration
vector<ll> f_B;
// Implement enumeration with recursive backtracking
// To handle n2=18, it's feasible
// Use iterative DFS
vector<ll> f_list;
f_list.reserve(1 << n2);
// Precompute adjacency masks for B
vector<int> adj_B = adjacency_B;
// Enumerate all independent sets in B
// Implement recursive backtracking
// To speed up, use memoization
// Implement recursive function
// Using lambda with memoization
vector<ll> list_B;
list_B.reserve(1 << n2);
// Initialize
// Start with mask=0, product_inv=1
// Recursive function
// To avoid stack overflow, use iterative DFS
struct Frame {
int pos;
int mask;
ll product_inv;
stack<Frame> stk;
stk.push(Frame{0, 0, 1});
Frame current = stk.top(); stk.pop();
if(current.pos == n2){
ll product_not_I_B = product_w_B;
// Multiply by product_inv
product_not_I_B = product_not_I_B * current.product_inv % q;
// Option 1: Exclude current vertex
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, current.mask, current.product_inv});
// Option 2: Include current vertex, if possible
if( (current.mask & (1 << current.pos)) ==0 ){
int new_mask = current.mask | adj_B[current.pos];
ll new_product_inv = current.product_inv * inv_w_B[current.pos] % q;
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, new_mask, new_product_inv});
// Now, list_B contains all f[I_B}
// Perform subset zeta transform on B
// Compute g[K] = sum_{I_B subset K} f[I_B}
// Implement subset zeta transform
int size_g = 1 << n2;
vector<ll> g(size_g, 0);
for(auto &val: list_B){
// To perform the zeta transform, we need to add val to all supersets
// But it's easier to first set g[K] = sum_{I subset K} f[I}
// Here, list_B contains f[I_B} for all I_B
// So set g[K] += f[I_B} for I_B subset K
// Initialize g[K} =0, then add f[I_B} where I_B subset K
// But it's easier to set g[K} initially with f[I_B} for K=I_B, then perform the zeta transform
// Thus:
// Initialize g[K} =0
// Then for each I_B, g[K=I_B} += f[I_B}
// Then perform the zeta transform
// Reset g
fill(g.begin(), g.end(), 0LL);
for(auto &val: list_B){
// We don't have the mask, but it's difficult to map val back to mask
// Thus, need to store masks with list_B
// Change the enumeration to store masks
// Restart enumeration
// Enumerate all independent sets in B and store f[I_B} with masks
// Re-enumerate with masks
stk.push(Frame{0, 0, 1});
list_B.reserve(1 << n2);
// Re-enumerate with mask
// Reset list_B
list_B.assign(1 << n2, 0);
// Re-enumerate with mask and store
// Clear list_B and enumerate again with masks
// To avoid confusion, let's implement it correctly
// Restart enumeration with mask
stk.push(Frame{0, 0, 1});
Frame current = stk.top(); stk.pop();
if(current.pos == n2){
ll product_not_I_B = product_w_B;
product_not_I_B = product_not_I_B * current.product_inv % q;
// Option 1: Exclude current vertex
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, current.mask, current.product_inv});
// Option 2: Include current vertex, if possible
if( (current.mask & (1 << current.pos)) ==0 ){
int new_mask = current.mask | adj_B[current.pos];
ll new_product_inv = current.product_inv * inv_w_B[current.pos] % q;
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, new_mask, new_product_inv});
break; // Exit after correct enumeration
// Now, correctly enumerate list_B with masks
// Enumerate again with masks
stk.push(Frame{0, 0, 1});
Frame current = stk.top(); stk.pop();
if(current.pos == n2){
ll product_not_I_B = product_w_B;
product_not_I_B = product_not_I_B * current.product_inv % q;
// Option 1: Exclude current vertex
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, current.mask, current.product_inv});
// Option 2: Include current vertex, if possible
if( (current.mask & (1 << current.pos)) ==0 ){
int new_mask = current.mask | adj_B[current.pos];
ll new_product_inv = current.product_inv * inv_w_B[current.pos] % q;
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, new_mask, new_product_inv});
// Now, list_B contains all f[I_B} without masks
// To perform the zeta transform, we need to store f[I_B} with masks
// Thus, redo enumeration with mask and store f[I_B} in an array indexed by mask
vector<ll> f_B_correct(1 << n2, 0);
stk.push(Frame{0, 0, 1});
Frame current = stk.top(); stk.pop();
if(current.pos == n2){
ll product_not_I_B = product_w_B;
product_not_I_B = product_not_I_B * current.product_inv % q;
f_B_correct[current.mask] = (f_B_correct[current.mask] + product_not_I_B) % q;
// Option 1: Exclude current vertex
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, current.mask, current.product_inv});
// Option 2: Include current vertex, if possible
if( (current.mask & (1 << current.pos)) ==0 ){
int new_mask = current.mask | adj_B[current.pos];
ll new_product_inv = current.product_inv * inv_w_B[current.pos] % q;
stk.push(Frame{current.pos +1, new_mask, new_product_inv});
// Now, f_B_correct[K] contains f[I_B} for mask K
// Initialize g[K} = f_B_correct[K]
vector<ll> g_zeta(1 << n2, 0);
for(int K=0; K<(1<<n2); K++) g_zeta[K] = f_B_correct[K];
// Perform subset zeta transform on g_zeta
for(int i=0; i<n2; i++) {
for(int K=0; K<(1<<n2); K++) {
if(K & (1 <<i)){
g_zeta[K] = (g_zeta[K] + g_zeta[K ^ (1 <<i)]) % q;
// Now, g_zeta[K] = sum_{I_B subset K} f[I_B}
// Enumerate all independent sets in A and compute the sum
// Enumerate all independent sets in A
// Implement enumeration with mask and compute product_not_I_A and forbidden_F_A
// Enumerate all independent sets in A
// Initialize list_A as pairs of (forbidden_F_A, product_not_I_A)
struct A_State {
int pos;
int mask;
ll product_inv;
int forbidden;
vector<pair<int, ll>> list_A;
// Implement recursive backtracking for A
stk.push(Frame{0, 0, 1});
Frame current = stk.top(); stk.pop();
if(current.pos == n1){
// Compute forbidden_F_A
// To compute forbidden_F_A, we need to know which vertices in B are adjacent to I_A
// But we have not stored the mask of I_A
// Thus, we need to modify the Frame to include forbidden_F_A
// Redefine Frame
// Not implemented correctly, need to switch to proper enumeration
// Instead of using stack, implement recursive lambda
// Define adjacency for A
// Define neighbors in B for each vertex in A
vector<int> neighbors_A_in_B_bits(n1, 0);
for(int i=0; i<n1; i++) neighbors_A_in_B_bits[i] = neighbors_A_in_B[i];
// Recursive lambda
// Pass current position, current mask, current product_inv, current forbidden_F_A
// and accumulate to list_A
// Use memoization to avoid stack overflow
// Implement iterative DFS
struct A_Frame {
int pos;
int mask;
ll product_inv;
int forbidden_F_A;
stack<A_Frame> stk_A;
stk_A.push(A_Frame{0, 0, 1, 0});
A_Frame current = stk_A.top(); stk_A.pop();
if(current.pos == n1){
list_A.emplace_back(make_pair(current.forbidden_F_A, current.product_inv));
// Option 1: Exclude current vertex
stk_A.push(A_Frame{current.pos +1, current.mask, current.product_inv, current.forbidden_F_A});
// Option 2: Include current vertex, if possible
if( (current.mask & (1 << current.pos)) ==0 ){
int new_mask = current.mask | adjacency_A[current.pos];
int new_forbidden_F_A = current.forbidden_F_A | neighbors_A_in_B_bits[current.pos];
ll new_product_inv = current.product_inv * inv_w_A[current.pos] % q;
stk_A.push(A_Frame{current.pos +1, new_mask, new_product_inv, new_forbidden_F_A});
// Now, list_A contains all (forbidden_F_A, product_not_I_A)
// Compute product_not_I_A for each entry
// list_A already has product_not_I_A as product_w_A * product_inv
for(auto &p: list_A){
p.second = (product_w_A * p.second) % q;
// Now, compute sum_S
ll sum_S =0;
for(auto &p: list_A){
int forbidden_F_A = p.first;
ll product_not_I_A = p.second;
// Compute K = ~forbidden_F_A & ((1 <<n2) -1)
int K = (~forbidden_F_A) & ((n2 ==0) ? 0 : ((1 <<n2) -1));
if(n2 ==0){
K =0;
sum_S = (sum_S + product_not_I_A * g_zeta[K] % q) % q;
// Output the result
cout << "Case #" << test_case << ": " << sum_S % q << "\n";
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3536kb
2 4 3 998244353 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 998244353 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 4 3 4
Case #1: 8 Case #2: 5
ok 6 tokens
Test #2:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 779ms
memory: 20540kb
3600 1 0 998244353 998244352 16 31 193411369 477207229 916703640 909302166 983274717 229397084 41101796 919088033 402794328 895812312 179725422 695677808 217739795 505014052 547307364 769345425 697015651 3 16 12 13 15 8 1 8 6 8 16 8 8 9 1 14 12 11 9 7 4 10 7 14 12 6 15 11 1 9 7 8 6 2 5 7 10 15 7 16 ...
Case #1: 0 Case #2: 6852577 Case #3: 268224238 Case #4: 441620570 Case #5: 156033213 Case #6: 45362150 Case #7: 839143030 Case #8: 301663711 Case #9: 291232684 Case #10: 408651170 Case #11: 499763312 Case #12: 194365088 Case #13: 267901900 Case #14: 57935065 Case #15: 129208003 Case #16: 471582915 C...
wrong answer 6th words differ - expected: '142481032', found: '6852577'