ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#753260 | #9552. The Chariot | 无敌坦克手贝塔 (Yuze Chen, Jun Li, Haoyou Yao)# | WA | 15ms | 3652kb | C++20 | 27.4kb | 2024-11-16 12:02:23 | 2024-11-16 12:02:24 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define fi first
#define se second
#define MISAKA main
#define eb emplace_back
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i)
#define _rep(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i>=(b);--i)
#define debug(...) fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__)
#define FIO(FILE) freopen(FILE".in","r",stdin),freopen(FILE".out","w",stdout)
using namespace std;
inline int read(){
char ch=getchar();int f=1,x=0;
while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-') f=-1;ch=getchar();}
return x*f;
namespace Super_BigInteger{
class ZeroDivisionError : public std::exception {
const char* what() const throw() {return "BigInteger::divmod";}
class FFTLimitExceededError : public std::exception {
const char* what() const throw() {return "BigInteger::fft_mul";}
class BigInteger {
using digit_t = long long;
static constexpr int WIDTH = 8;
static constexpr digit_t BASE = 1e8;
static constexpr long long FFT_LIMIT = 32;
static constexpr long long NEWTON_LIMIT = 128;
static constexpr long long NEWTON_MIN_LEVEL = 16;
digit_t* digits;
int capacity, size;
bool flag;
inline void push(const digit_t&);
inline void pop();
inline int compare(const BigInteger&) const;
static inline BigInteger fft_mul(const BigInteger&, const BigInteger&);
BigInteger newton_inv(int) const;
inline std::pair<BigInteger, BigInteger> newton_div(const BigInteger&) const;
template <class F>
inline static BigInteger binary_op_helper(const BigInteger&, const BigInteger&, const F&);
inline void reserve(const int&);
inline void resize(const int&);
BigInteger() : digits(nullptr), flag(true) {*this = 0;}
BigInteger(const BigInteger& x) : digits(nullptr) {*this = x;}
BigInteger(const long long& x) : digits(nullptr) {*this = x;}
BigInteger(const std::string& s) : digits(nullptr) {*this = s;}
BigInteger(const std::vector<bool>& b) : digits(nullptr) {*this = b;}
template <class BoolIt>
BigInteger(const BoolIt& begin, const BoolIt& end) : digits(nullptr)
{*this = std::vector<bool>(begin, end);}
BigInteger& operator= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator= (const long long&);
BigInteger& operator= (const std::string&);
BigInteger& operator= (const std::vector<bool>&);
void clear();
~BigInteger() {clear();}
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const BigInteger& x) {
if (!x.flag) out << '-';
out << (long long) x.digits[x.size];
for (int i = x.size - 1; i >= 1; i--)
out << std::setw(WIDTH) << std::setfill('0') << (long long) x.digits[i];
return out;
friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& in, BigInteger& x) {
std::string s; in >> s; x = s;
return in;
std::string to_string() const;
long long to_long_long() const;
std::vector<bool> to_binary() const;
int _digit_len() const;
BigInteger operator- () const;
BigInteger operator~ () const;
BigInteger abs() const;
bool operator== (const BigInteger&) const;
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
auto operator<=> (const BigInteger&) const;
bool operator< (const BigInteger&) const;
bool operator> (const BigInteger&) const;
bool operator!= (const BigInteger&) const;
bool operator<= (const BigInteger&) const;
bool operator>= (const BigInteger&) const;
#endif //__cplusplus >= 202002L
BigInteger div2() const;
std::pair<BigInteger, BigInteger> divmod(const BigInteger&, bool = false) const;
BigInteger operator+ (const BigInteger&) const;
BigInteger operator- (const BigInteger&) const;
BigInteger operator* (const int&) const;
BigInteger operator* (const BigInteger&) const;
BigInteger operator/ (const long long&) const;
BigInteger operator/ (const BigInteger&) const;
BigInteger operator% (const long long&) const;
BigInteger operator% (const BigInteger&) const;
BigInteger pow(const long long&) const;
BigInteger pow(const long long&, const BigInteger&) const;
BigInteger root(const long long& = 2) const;
BigInteger sqrt() const;
BigInteger gcd(const BigInteger&) const;
BigInteger lcm(const BigInteger&) const;
inline BigInteger _move_l(int) const;
inline BigInteger _move_r(int) const;
BigInteger& operator+= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator-= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator*= (int);
BigInteger& operator*= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator/= (const long long&);
BigInteger& operator/= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator%= (const long long&);
BigInteger& operator%= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger operator<< (const long long&);
BigInteger operator>> (const long long&);
BigInteger& operator<<= (const long long&);
BigInteger& operator>>= (const long long&);
BigInteger operator& (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger operator| (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger operator^ (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator&= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator|= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator^= (const BigInteger&);
BigInteger& operator++ ();
BigInteger operator++ (int);
BigInteger& operator-- ();
BigInteger operator-- (int);
inline void BigInteger::push(const digit_t& val) {
if (size == capacity) {
int new_capacity = 0;
if (capacity < 256) new_capacity = capacity << 1;
else new_capacity = std::pow(capacity + 1, 0.125) * capacity;
digit_t* new_digits = new digit_t[new_capacity + 1];
std::memcpy(new_digits, digits, sizeof(long long) * (capacity + 1));
delete[] digits;
digits = new_digits, capacity = new_capacity;
digits[++size] = val;
inline void BigInteger::pop() {digits[size--] = 0;}
inline int BigInteger::compare(const BigInteger& x) const {
if (flag && !x.flag) return 1;
if (!flag && x.flag) return -1;
int sgn = (flag && x.flag ? 1 : -1);
if (size > x.size) return sgn;
if (size < x.size) return -sgn;
for (int i = size; i >= 1; i--) {
if (digits[i] > x.digits[i]) return sgn;
if (digits[i] < x.digits[i]) return -sgn;
return 0;
inline void BigInteger::reserve(const int& sz) {
if (sz < 0) return;
if (digits != nullptr) delete[] digits;
capacity = sz, size = 0;
digits = new digit_t[sz + 1];
std::memset(digits, 0, sizeof(digit_t) * (sz + 1));
inline void BigInteger::resize(const int& sz) {reserve(sz), size = sz;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator= (const BigInteger& x) {
reserve(x.size + 1);
flag = x.flag, size = x.size;
std::memcpy(digits, x.digits, sizeof(digit_t) * (x.size + 1));
return *this;
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator= (const long long& x) {
flag = (x >= 0), reserve(4);
if (x == 0) return size = 1, digits[1] = 0, *this;
if (x == LLONG_MIN) return *this = "-9223372036854775808";
long long n = std::abs(x);
do {push(n % BASE), n /= BASE;} while (n);
return *this;
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator= (const std::string& s) {
flag = true, reserve(s.size() / WIDTH + 1);
if (s.empty() || s == "-") return *this = 0;
int i = 0; if (s[0] == '-') flag = false, i++;
for (int j = s.size() - 1; j >= i; j -= WIDTH) {
int start = std::max(i, j - WIDTH + 1), len = j - start + 1;
push(std::stoll(s.substr(start, len)));
return *this;
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator= (const std::vector<bool>& b) {
*this = 0;
if (b.empty() || (b.size() == 1 && b[0] == 0)) return *this;
BigInteger pow2 = 1;
for (int i = b.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--, pow2 += pow2) if (b[i]) *this += pow2;
return *this;
void BigInteger::clear() {if (digits != nullptr) delete[] digits, digits = nullptr;}
std::string BigInteger::to_string() const {std::stringstream ss; ss << *this; return ss.str();}
long long BigInteger::to_long_long() const {return std::stoll(to_string());}
std::vector<bool> BigInteger::to_binary() const {
if (*this == 0) return {0};
std::vector<bool> res;
for (BigInteger x = *this; x != 0; x = x.div2()) res.emplace_back(x.digits[1] & 1);
std::reverse(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator- () const {
if (*this == 0) return 0;
BigInteger res = *this; res.flag = !flag; return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator~ () const {return -(*this) - 1;}
BigInteger BigInteger::abs() const {BigInteger res = *this; res.flag = true; return res;}
int BigInteger::_digit_len() const {return size;}
bool BigInteger::operator== (const BigInteger& x) const {return compare(x) == 0;}
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
auto BigInteger::operator<=> (const BigInteger& x) const {return compare(x);}
bool BigInteger::operator< (const BigInteger& x) const {return compare(x) < 0;}
bool BigInteger::operator> (const BigInteger& x) const {return compare(x) > 0;}
bool BigInteger::operator!= (const BigInteger& x) const {return compare(x) != 0;}
bool BigInteger::operator<= (const BigInteger& x) const {return compare(x) <= 0;}
bool BigInteger::operator>= (const BigInteger& x) const {return compare(x) >= 0;}
#endif //__cplusplus >= 202002L
BigInteger BigInteger::operator+ (const BigInteger& x) const {
if (!x.flag) return *this - x.abs();
if (!flag) return x - abs();
BigInteger res;
res.flag = !(flag ^ x.flag);
int n = std::max(size, x.size) + 1;
digit_t carry = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
digit_t d1 = i <= size ? digits[i] : 0, d2 = i <= x.size ? x.digits[i] : 0;
res.push(d1 + d2 + carry);
carry = res.digits[i] / BASE;
res.digits[i] %= BASE;
while (res.size > 1 && res.digits[res.size] == 0) res.pop();
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator- (const BigInteger& x) const {
if (!x.flag) return *this + x.abs();
if (!flag) return -(abs() + x);
BigInteger res;
if (*this < x) res.flag = false;
digit_t carry = 0;
int n = std::max(size, x.size);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
digit_t d1 = i <= size ? digits[i] : 0, d2 = i <= x.size ? x.digits[i] : 0;
if (res.flag) res.push(d1 - d2 - carry);
else res.push(d2 - d1 - carry);
if (res.digits[i] < 0) res.digits[i] += BASE, carry = 1;
else carry = 0;
while (res.size > 1 && res.digits[res.size] == 0) res.pop();
return res;
namespace __FFT {
constexpr long long FFT_BASE = 1e4;
constexpr double PI2 = 6.283185307179586231995927;
constexpr double PI6 = 18.84955592153875869598778;
constexpr int RECALC_WIDTH = 10;
constexpr int RECALC_BASE = (1 << RECALC_WIDTH) - 1;
struct complex {
double real, imag;
complex(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0) : real(x), imag(y) {}
complex operator+ (const complex& other) const {return complex(real + other.real, imag + other.imag);}
complex operator- (const complex& other) const {return complex(real - other.real, imag - other.imag);}
complex operator* (const complex& other) const {return complex(real * other.real - imag * other.imag, real * other.imag + other.real * imag);}
complex& operator+= (const complex& other) {return real += other.real, imag += other.imag, *this;}
complex& operator-= (const complex& other) {return real -= other.real, imag -= other.imag, *this;}
complex& operator*= (const complex& other) {return *this = *this * other;}
complex* arr = nullptr;
inline void init(int n) {
if (arr != nullptr) delete[] arr, arr = nullptr;
arr = new complex[n + 1];
template <const int n>
inline void fft(complex* a) {
const int n2 = n >> 1, n4 = n >> 2;
complex w(1.0, 0.0), w3(1.0, 0.0);
const complex wn(std::cos(PI2 / n), std::sin(PI2 / n)), wn3(std::cos(PI6 / n), std::sin(PI6 / n));
for (int i = 0; i < n4; i++, w *= wn, w3 *= wn3) {
if (!(i & RECALC_BASE)) w = complex(std::cos(PI2 * i / n), std::sin(PI2 * i / n)), w3 = w * w * w;
complex x = a[i] - a[i + n2], y = a[i + n4] - a[i + n2 + n4];
y = complex(y.imag, -y.real);
a[i] += a[i + n2], a[i + n4] += a[i + n2 + n4];
a[i + n2] = (x - y) * w, a[i + n2 + n4] = (x + y) * w3;
fft<n2>(a), fft<n4>(a + n2), fft<n4>(a + n2 + n4);
template <> inline void fft<0>(complex* a) {}
template <> inline void fft<1>(complex* a) {}
template <> inline void fft<2>(complex* a) {
complex x = a[0], y = a[1];
a[0] += y, a[1] = x - y;
template <> inline void fft<4>(complex* a) {
complex a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], a2 = a[2], a3 = a[3];
complex x = a0 - a2, y = a1 - a3;
y = complex(y.imag, -y.real);
a[0] += a2, a[1] += a3, a[2] = x - y, a[3] = x + y;
template <const int n>
inline void ifft(complex* a) {
const int n2 = n >> 1, n4 = n >> 2;
ifft<n2>(a), ifft<n4>(a + n2), ifft<n4>(a + n2 + n4);
complex w(1.0, 0.0), w3(1.0, 0.0);
const complex wn(std::cos(PI2 / n), -std::sin(PI2 / n)), wn3(std::cos(PI6 / n), -std::sin(PI6 / n));
for (int i = 0; i < n4; i++, w *= wn, w3 *= wn3) {
if (!(i & RECALC_BASE)) w = complex(std::cos(PI2 * i / n), -std::sin(PI2 * i / n)), w3 = w * w * w;
complex p = w * a[i + n2], q = w3 * a[i + n2 + n4];
complex x = a[i], y = p + q, x1 = a[i + n4], y1 = p - q;
y1 = complex(y1.imag, -y1.real);
a[i] += y, a[i + n4] += y1, a[i + n2] = x - y, a[i + n2 + n4] = x1 - y1;
template <> inline void ifft<0>(complex* a) {}
template <> inline void ifft<1>(complex* a) {}
template <> inline void ifft<2>(complex* a) {
complex x = a[0], y = a[1];
a[0] += y, a[1] = x - y;
template <> inline void ifft<4>(complex* a) {
complex p = a[2], q = a[3];
complex x = a[0], y = p + q, x1 = a[1], y1 = p - q;
y1 = complex(y1.imag, -y1.real);
a[0] += y, a[1] += y1, a[2] = x - y, a[3] = x1 - y1;
inline void dft(complex* a, int n) {
if (n <= 1) return;
switch (n) {
case 1 << 2: fft<1 << 2>(a); break;
case 1 << 3: fft<1 << 3>(a); break;
case 1 << 4: fft<1 << 4>(a); break;
case 1 << 5: fft<1 << 5>(a); break;
case 1 << 6: fft<1 << 6>(a); break;
case 1 << 7: fft<1 << 7>(a); break;
case 1 << 8: fft<1 << 8>(a); break;
case 1 << 9: fft<1 << 9>(a); break;
case 1 << 10: fft<1 << 10>(a); break;
case 1 << 11: fft<1 << 11>(a); break;
case 1 << 12: fft<1 << 12>(a); break;
case 1 << 13: fft<1 << 13>(a); break;
case 1 << 14: fft<1 << 14>(a); break;
case 1 << 15: fft<1 << 15>(a); break;
case 1 << 16: fft<1 << 16>(a); break;
case 1 << 17: fft<1 << 17>(a); break;
case 1 << 18: fft<1 << 18>(a); break;
case 1 << 19: fft<1 << 19>(a); break;
case 1 << 20: fft<1 << 20>(a); break;
case 1 << 21: fft<1 << 21>(a); break;
case 1 << 22: fft<1 << 22>(a); break;
case 1 << 23: fft<1 << 23>(a); break;
case 1 << 24: fft<1 << 24>(a); break;
case 1 << 25: fft<1 << 25>(a); break;
case 1 << 26: fft<1 << 26>(a); break;
case 1 << 27: fft<1 << 27>(a); break;
case 1 << 28: fft<1 << 28>(a); break;
case 1 << 29: fft<1 << 29>(a); break;
case 1 << 30: fft<1 << 30>(a); break;
throw FFTLimitExceededError();
inline void idft(complex* a, int n) {
if (n <= 1) return;
switch (n) {
case 1 << 2: ifft<1 << 2>(a); break;
case 1 << 3: ifft<1 << 3>(a); break;
case 1 << 4: ifft<1 << 4>(a); break;
case 1 << 5: ifft<1 << 5>(a); break;
case 1 << 6: ifft<1 << 6>(a); break;
case 1 << 7: ifft<1 << 7>(a); break;
case 1 << 8: ifft<1 << 8>(a); break;
case 1 << 9: ifft<1 << 9>(a); break;
case 1 << 10: ifft<1 << 10>(a); break;
case 1 << 11: ifft<1 << 11>(a); break;
case 1 << 12: ifft<1 << 12>(a); break;
case 1 << 13: ifft<1 << 13>(a); break;
case 1 << 14: ifft<1 << 14>(a); break;
case 1 << 15: ifft<1 << 15>(a); break;
case 1 << 16: ifft<1 << 16>(a); break;
case 1 << 17: ifft<1 << 17>(a); break;
case 1 << 18: ifft<1 << 18>(a); break;
case 1 << 19: ifft<1 << 19>(a); break;
case 1 << 20: ifft<1 << 20>(a); break;
case 1 << 21: ifft<1 << 21>(a); break;
case 1 << 22: ifft<1 << 22>(a); break;
case 1 << 23: ifft<1 << 23>(a); break;
case 1 << 24: ifft<1 << 24>(a); break;
case 1 << 25: ifft<1 << 25>(a); break;
case 1 << 26: ifft<1 << 26>(a); break;
case 1 << 27: ifft<1 << 27>(a); break;
case 1 << 28: ifft<1 << 28>(a); break;
case 1 << 29: ifft<1 << 29>(a); break;
case 1 << 30: ifft<1 << 30>(a); break;
throw FFTLimitExceededError();
BigInteger BigInteger::fft_mul(const BigInteger& a, const BigInteger& b) {
// static_assert(__FFT::FFT_BASE * __FFT::FFT_BASE == BASE);
int least = (a.size + b.size) << 1, lim = 1 << std::__lg(least);
if (lim < least) lim <<= 1;
using __FFT::arr;
for (int i = 0; i < a.size; i++) {
arr[i << 1].real = a.digits[i + 1] % 10000;
arr[i << 1 | 1].real = a.digits[i + 1] / 10000 % 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < b.size; i++) {
arr[i << 1].imag = b.digits[i + 1] % 10000;
arr[i << 1 | 1].imag = b.digits[i + 1] / 10000 % 10000;
__FFT::dft(arr, lim);
for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++) arr[i] *= arr[i];
__FFT::idft(arr, lim);
BigInteger res;
res.resize(a.size + b.size + 1);
digit_t carry = 0;
double inv = 0.5 / lim;
for (int i = 0; i <= a.size + b.size; i++) {
carry += (digit_t)(arr[i << 1].imag * inv + 0.5);
carry += (digit_t)(arr[i << 1 | 1].imag * inv + 0.5) * 10000LL;
res.digits[i + 1] += carry % BASE, carry /= BASE;
while (res.size > 1 && res.digits[res.size] == 0) res.pop();
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator* (const BigInteger& x) const {
BigInteger zero = 0;
if (*this == zero || x == zero) return zero;
int n = size, m = x.size;
long long lim = 1LL * n * m;
if (lim >= FFT_LIMIT) {
BigInteger res = fft_mul(*this, x);
res.flag = !(flag ^ x.flag);
return res;
BigInteger res;
res.flag = !(flag ^ x.flag);
res.resize(n + m + 2);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
res.digits[i + j - 1] += digits[i] * x.digits[j];
res.digits[i + j] += res.digits[i + j - 1] / BASE;
res.digits[i + j - 1] %= BASE;
for (int i = 1; i <= n + m + 1; i++) {
res.digits[i + 1] += res.digits[i] / BASE;
res.digits[i] %= BASE;
while (res.size > 1 && res.digits[res.size] == 0) res.pop();
return res;
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator*= (int x) {
if (x == 0 || *this == 0) return *this = 0;
if (x < 0) flag = !flag, x = -x;
digit_t carry = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= size || carry; i++) {
if (i > size) push(0);
digit_t cur = digits[i] * x + carry;
carry = cur / BigInteger::BASE;
digits[i] = cur % BigInteger::BASE;
while (size > 1 && digits[size] == 0) pop();
return *this;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator* (const int& x) const {BigInteger t = *this; return t *= x;}
BigInteger BigInteger::div2() const {
BigInteger res = *this;
for (int i = size; i >= 1; i--) {
if ((res.digits[i] & 1) && (i > 1)) res.digits[i - 1] += BASE;
res.digits[i] >>= 1;
while (res.size > 1 && res.digits[res.size] == 0) res.pop();
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator/ (const long long& x) const {
if (x == 0) throw -1;
if (*this == 0) return 0;
if (x == 2) return div2();
if (x == -2) {BigInteger res = div2(); res.flag = !res.flag; return res;}
BigInteger res;
res.flag = !(flag ^ (x >= 0));
digit_t cur = 0, div = std::abs(x);
for (int i = size; i >= 1; i--) {
cur = cur * BASE + digits[i];
res.digits[i] = res.flag ? (cur / div) : (-cur / -div);
cur %= div;
while (res.size > 1 && res.digits[res.size] == 0) res.pop();
return res;
inline BigInteger BigInteger::_move_r(int d) const {
if (*this == 0 || d >= size) return 0;
if (d == 0) return *this;
BigInteger res; res.reserve(size - d + 1);
for (int i = d + 1; i <= size; i++) res.push(digits[i]);
return res;
inline BigInteger BigInteger::_move_l(int d) const {
if (*this == 0) return 0;
if (d == 0) return *this;
BigInteger res; res.reserve(size + d + 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= d; i++) res.push(0);
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) res.push(digits[i]);
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::newton_inv(int n) const {
if (*this == 0) throw ZeroDivisionError();
if (std::min(size, n - size) <= NEWTON_MIN_LEVEL) {
BigInteger a; a.resize(n + 1);
std::memset(a.digits, 0, sizeof(digit_t) * a.size);
a.digits[n + 1] = 1;
return a.divmod(*this, true).first;
int k = (n - size + 2) >> 1, k2 = k > size ? 0 : size - k;
BigInteger x = _move_r(k2);
int n2 = k + x.size;
BigInteger y = x.newton_inv(n2), a = y + y, b = (*this) * y * y;
return a._move_l(n - n2 - k2) - b._move_r(2 * (n2 + k2) - n) - 1;
std::pair<BigInteger, BigInteger> BigInteger::newton_div(const BigInteger& x) const {
int k = size - x.size + 2, k2 = k > x.size ? 0 : x.size - k;
BigInteger x2 = x._move_r(k2);
if (k2 != 0) x2 += 1;
int n2 = k + x2.size;
BigInteger u = (*this) * x2.newton_inv(n2);
BigInteger q = u._move_r(n2 + k2), r = (*this) - q * x;
while (r >= x) q += 1, r -= x;
return std::make_pair(q, r);
std::pair<BigInteger, BigInteger> BigInteger::divmod(const BigInteger& x, bool dis_newton) const {
static const int base = BigInteger::BASE;
BigInteger a = abs(), b = x.abs();
if (b == 0) throw ZeroDivisionError();
if (a < b) return std::make_pair(0, flag ? a : -a);
if (!dis_newton && size > NEWTON_LIMIT) return newton_div(x);
int t = base / (x.digits[x.size] + 1);
a *= t, b *= t;
int n = a.size, m = b.size;
BigInteger q = 0, r = 0;
for (int i = n; i >= 1; i--) {
r *= base, r += a.digits[i];
digit_t d1 = m < r.size ? r.digits[m + 1] : 0, d2 = m - 1 < r.size ? r.digits[m] : 0;
int d = (d1 * base + d2) / b.digits[m];
r -= b * d;
while (!r.flag) r += b, d--;
q.digits[i] = d;
q.flag = !(flag ^ x.flag), r.flag = flag;
while (q.size > 1 && q.digits[q.size] == 0) q.pop();
return std::make_pair(q, r / t);
BigInteger BigInteger::operator/ (const BigInteger& x) const {return divmod(x).first;}
BigInteger BigInteger::operator% (const long long& x) const {
if (x == 2 || x == 4 || x == 5) return digits[1] % x;
return *this - (*this / x * x);
BigInteger BigInteger::operator% (const BigInteger& x) const {return divmod(x).second;}
BigInteger BigInteger::pow(const long long& x) const {
BigInteger res = 1, a = *this;
for (long long t = x; t != 0; t >>= 1) {
if (t & 1) res *= a;
a *= a;
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::pow(const long long& x, const BigInteger& p) const {
BigInteger res = 1, a = *this % p;
for (long long t = x; t != 0; t >>= 1) {
if (t & 1) res = res * a % p;
a = a * a % p;
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::root(const long long& m) const {
if (*this == 0 || m == 1) return *this;
if (m == 2) return sqrt();
static constexpr long long base = BigInteger::BASE;
BigInteger n = *this, t = base, x0 = std::min(n, t._move_l((n.size + m) / m));
long long l = 0, r = base - 1;
while (l < r) {
long long mid = (l + r) >> 1;
x0.digits[x0.size] = mid;
if (x0.pow(m) <= n) l = mid + 1;
else r = mid;
x0.digits[x0.size] = l;
while (x0.size > 1 && x0.digits[x0.size] == 0) x0.pop();
BigInteger x = (x0 * (m - 1) + n / x0.pow(m - 1)) / m;
while (x < x0) std::swap(x, x0), x = (x0 * (m - 1) + n / x0.pow(m - 1)) / m;
return x0;
BigInteger BigInteger::sqrt() const {
if (*this <= 1) return *this;
static constexpr long long base = BigInteger::BASE;
BigInteger n = *this, x0 = BigInteger(base)._move_l((n.size + 2) >> 1);
BigInteger x = (x0 + n / x0).div2();
while (x < x0) std::swap(x, x0), x = (x0 + n / x0).div2();
return x0;
BigInteger BigInteger::gcd(const BigInteger& x) const {
BigInteger a = *this, b = x;
if (a < b) std::swap(a, b);
if (b == 0) return a;
int t = 0;
while (a % 2 == 0 && b % 2 == 0) a = a.div2(), b = b.div2(), t++;
while (b > 0) {
if (a % 2 == 0) a = a.div2();
else if (b % 2 == 0) b = b.div2();
else a -= b;
if (a < b) std::swap(a, b);
while (t--) a += a;
return a;
BigInteger BigInteger::lcm(const BigInteger& x) const {return *this / gcd(x) * x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator+= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this + x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator-= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this - x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator*= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this * x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator/= (const long long& x) {return *this = *this / x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator/= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this / x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator%= (const long long& x) {return *this = *this / x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator%= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this % x;}
BigInteger BigInteger::operator<< (const long long& x) {
if (x <= 0) return *this;
BigInteger res = *this;
for (long long i = 1; i <= x; i++) res += res;
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator>> (const long long& x) {
if (x <= 0) return *this;
BigInteger res = *this;
for (long long i = 1; i <= x; i++) res = res.div2();
return res;
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator<<= (const long long& x) {return *this = *this << x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator>>= (const long long& x) {return *this = *this >> x;}
template <class F>
inline BigInteger BigInteger::binary_op_helper(const BigInteger& x, const BigInteger& y, const F& func) {
auto to_bin = [](BigInteger x) -> std::vector<bool> {
if (x == 0) return {0};
std::vector<bool> res;
for (; x != 0; x = x.div2()) res.emplace_back(x.digits[1] & 1);
return res;
std::vector<bool> a = to_bin(x), b = to_bin(y);
int n = a.size(), m = b.size(), lim = std::max(n, m);
std::vector<bool> res(lim, 0);
for (int i = lim - 1; i >= 0; i--) res[i] = func(i < n ? a[i] : 0, i < m ? b[i] : 0);
std::reverse(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
BigInteger BigInteger::operator& (const BigInteger& x) {return binary_op_helper(*this, x, [](bool a, bool b) -> bool {return a & b;});}
BigInteger BigInteger::operator| (const BigInteger& x) {return binary_op_helper(*this, x, [](bool a, bool b) -> bool {return a | b;});}
BigInteger BigInteger::operator^ (const BigInteger& x) {return binary_op_helper(*this, x, [](bool a, bool b) -> bool {return a ^ b;});}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator&= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this & x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator|= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this | x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator^= (const BigInteger& x) {return *this = *this ^ x;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator++ () {return *this += 1;}
BigInteger BigInteger::operator++ (int) {BigInteger t = *this; return *this += 1, t;}
BigInteger& BigInteger::operator-- () {return *this -= 1;}
BigInteger BigInteger::operator-- (int) {BigInteger t = *this; return *this -= 1, t;}
using namespace Super_BigInteger;
#define ll BigInteger
const int N=1e5+10,mod=998244353;
ll A,B,C,X,Y,D;
void qmn(ll &x,ll y){if(x==-1||y<x)x=y;}
ll c1(ll d){return A*((d+X-1)/X);}
ll c2(ll d){
ll res=(A+B*Y)*(d/(X+Y));
if(d<=X) return res+A;
return res+A+(d-X)*B;
ll c3(ll d){return (A+B*Y)+(d-(X+Y))*C;}
ll solve(ll d){
if(d==0) return 0;
if(d<X) return c1(d);
ll res=-1;
ll k=(d-Y)/X*X,p=d-k;
return res;
void misaka(){
signed MISAKA(){
int T=read();
while(T--) misaka();
return 0;
160 27 41 3 12 3
160 27 41 3 12 4
160 27 41 3 12 99
1 999 999 1 99 999
999 999 1 1 99 9999999999999999
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 3652kb
5 160 27 41 3 12 3 160 27 41 3 12 4 160 27 41 3 12 99 1 999 999 1 99 999 999 999 1 1 99 9999999999999999
160 187 3226 999 10000000000099799
ok 5 lines
Test #2:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 15ms
memory: 3648kb
2077 63 88 64 47 55 88 4 75 38 53 33 41 41 1 28 6 13 100 57 88 77 35 5 48 100 36 97 24 93 87 57 25 26 84 62 18 29 11 33 88 86 71 33 16 7 4 73 68 50 65 72 14 43 78 15 31 72 42 39 29 31 10 76 58 35 89 39 55 99 11 16 82 21 18 57 44 80 16 38 31 99 58 59 69 24 22 69 76 14 83 96 40 56 31 14 36 75 84 27 57...
126 4 311 114 400 57 29 561 300 15 62 312 21 76 48 192 150 130 97 672 76 32 112 186 39 138 36 605 30 23 88 76 291 20 330 325 174 128 32 36 1 36 30 24 192 170 17 88 83 102 140 86 52 81 25 44 8 21 180 49 51 145 55 82 31 85 156 70 192 21 84 48 156 51 145 174 156 86 2 73 83 5 200 117 44 6 152 58 122 26 ...
wrong answer 3rd lines differ - expected: '310', found: '311'