ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#751854 | #8779. Square of Triangles | cyj888 | WA | 0ms | 3848kb | C++11 | 7.5kb | 2024-11-15 21:01:21 | 2024-11-15 21:01:22 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
//#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
#define gt()
#define ott(i, l, r) for (register int i = (l); i <= (r); i ++)
#define tto(i, l, r) for (register int i = (r); i >= (l); i --)
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef double db;
typedef long double ld;
int read () {
int x = 0; bool f = false; char c = getchar ();
while (!isdigit (c)) f |= (c == '-'), c = getchar ();
while (isdigit (c)) x = (x << 3) + (x << 1) + (c ^ 48), c = getchar ();
return f ? -x : x;
const int N = 1100, mod = 1e9 + 7;
const ld eps = 1e-6;
int T; int l2[5][4], id[5];
ld p, s;
ld ib[5][4];
ld sl, xl; ld l[5][4];
inline bool cmp (const ld &a1, const ld &a2) {
return fabs (a1 - a2) <= eps;
inline bool irt (ld* jb) {
return cmp (jb[1] * jb[1] + jb[2] * jb[2], jb[3] * jb[3]);
//level 0
inline bool test1 () {
// if (irt (ib[1]) || irt (ib[2]) || irt (ib[3]) || irt (ib[4])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][3], sl) && cmp (ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[3][3], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[1][2], ib[2][1]) && cmp (ib[2][2], ib[3][1]) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][1]) && cmp (ib[4][2], ib[1][1]);
inline bool test2 () {
if (!cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[3][2], xl) || !cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[4][2], xl)) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][3], sl) && cmp (ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[3][3], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[1][2], ib[3][1]) && cmp (ib[2][2], ib[4][1]) && cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[3][2], ib[2][1] + ib[4][2]);//sl * pow (2,0.5)
//level 1
inline bool test3 () {
if (!irt (ib[2]) || !irt (ib[3])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[2][2] + ib[3][2], sl) && cmp (ib[3][1], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[4][1]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[4][2]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test4 () {
if (!irt (ib[2])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[2][2], sl) && cmp (ib[3][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][1] + ib[3][2], ib[1][3]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][2]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test5 () {
if (!irt (ib[2])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[4][1] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[2][2], sl) && cmp (ib[3][1], sl) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[1][3]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][3]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[4][2]);
inline bool test6 () {
if (!irt (ib[4])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[3][1], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[2][3]) && cmp (ib[2][2], ib[3][2]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test7 () {
if (!irt (ib[4])) return false;//no xl
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][1] + ib[3][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[2][2]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[3][2]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test8 () {
if (!irt (ib[4]) || !cmp (ib[3][3], xl)) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[3][1] + ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[2][2]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[3][3]) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test9 () {//irt?
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][2], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[3][3], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[3][1], ib[1][3]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[4][1]) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][2]);
inline bool test10 () {
if (!irt (ib[2])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][2], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[3][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[4][1]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[3][2]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][2]);
inline bool test11 () {
if (!irt (ib[4])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[3][1], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[2][3]) && cmp (ib[2][2], ib[3][2]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test12 () {
if (!irt (ib[4])) return false;
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2], sl) && cmp (ib[3][1] + ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[2][2]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[3][3]) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test13 () {
if (!irt (ib[4])) return false;//no xl
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][2], sl) && cmp (ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[3][1], ib[1][3]) && cmp (ib[2][3], ib[3][2]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test14 () {
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[3][3], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[2][2]) && cmp (ib[3][1] + ib[4][2], ib[2][3]) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][1]);
inline bool test15 () {
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[3][3], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[4][1]) && cmp (ib[2][3] + ib[3][2], ib[4][2]) && cmp (ib[2][2], ib[3][1]);
inline bool test16 () {
if (!irt (ib[4])) return false;//no xl
return cmp (ib[1][1] + ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[3][3]) && cmp (ib[2][1], ib[3][1]) && cmp (ib[2][2] + ib[3][2], ib[4][3]);
//level 2
inline bool test17 () {
return cmp (ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[3][1] + ib[4][1], ib[1][3]) && cmp (ib[3][1], ib[2][2]) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][2]);
inline bool test18 () {
if (!irt (ib[4])) return false;
return cmp (ib[3][1] + ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[4][2] + ib[2][1], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[2][3]) && cmp (ib[2][2], ib[3][3]) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][3]);
inline bool test19 () {
return cmp (ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[3][1] + ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[3][2], ib[4][2]) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[4][3], ib[1][3]) && cmp (ib[2][2], ib[3][3]);
inline bool test20 () {
return cmp (ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[4][3], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1] + ib[3][2], ib[1][3]) && cmp (ib[3][1] + ib[4][1], ib[2][2]) && cmp (ib[3][3], ib[4][2]);
inline bool test21 () {
return cmp (ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[3][3] + ib[4][1], sl) && cmp (ib[1][3], ib[4][3]) && cmp (ib[2][2] + ib[3][1], ib[4][2]) && cmp (ib[2][1], ib[3][2]);
inline bool test22 () {
return cmp (ib[2][3], sl) && cmp (ib[3][3], sl) && cmp (ib[2][1], ib[3][1]) && cmp (ib[4][1], ib[2][2]) && cmp (ib[4][2], ib[3][2]) && cmp (ib[4][3], ib[1][3]);
bool sol () {
sl = 0; ott (i, 1, 4) {
ott (j, 1, 3) l2[i][j] = read (); sort (l2[i] + 1, l2[i] + 4);
p = 0; ott (j, 1, 3) p += l[i][j] = (ld)sqrt (l2[i][j]), printf ("%0.10Lf\n", l[i][j]); p /= 2.0;
s = p; ott (j, 1, 3) s *= p - l[i][j]; sl += (ld)sqrt (s); id[i] = i;
sl = (ld)sqrt (sl), xl = sl * pow (2, 0.5); printf ("%.10Lf\n", sl); do {
ott (i, 1, 4)
ott (j, 1, 3)
ib[i][j] = l[id[i]][j];
do {
do {
do {
do {
if (test1 ()) return true; if (test2 ()) return true;
if (!cmp (ib[1][2], sl) || !irt (ib[1])) continue;
if (test3 ()) return true; if (test4 ()) return true;
if (test5 ()) return true; if (test6 ()) return true;
if (test7 ()) return true; if (test8 ()) return true;
if (test9 ()) return true; if (test10 ()) return true;
if (test11 ()) return true; if (test12 ()) return true;
if (test13 ()) return true; if (test14 ()) return true;
if (test15 ()) return true; if (test16 ()) return true;
if (!cmp (ib[1][1], sl)) continue;
if (test17 ()) return true; if (test18 ()) return true;
if (test19 ()) return true; if (test20 ()) return true;
if (test21 ()) return true; if (test22 ()) return true;
} while (next_permutation (ib[4] + 1, ib[4] + 4));
} while (next_permutation (ib[3] + 1, ib[3] + 4));
} while (next_permutation (ib[2] + 1, ib[2] + 4));
} while (next_permutation (ib[1] + 1, ib[1] + 4));
} while (next_permutation (id + 1, id + 5));
return false;
int main () {
T = read (); while (T --) puts (sol () ? "1" : "0");
return 0;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3848kb
3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 125 130 125 20 145 45 130 145 145 145 80
1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.4142135624 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.4142135624 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.4142135624 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.4142135624 1.4142135624 1 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000...
wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '1', found: '1.0000000000'