ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#665410 | #7417. Honorable Mention | user10086 | WA | 1623ms | 52516kb | C++23 | 6.0kb | 2024-10-22 12:24:59 | 2024-10-22 12:25:00 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
#define printf
const int N = 3.5e4 + 10, inf = 1e10;
void chkmax(int &x, int y)
if (y > x) x = y;
int cnt;
namespace tree
int n, len[N << 2];
vector<int> d[N << 2][2][2], sum[N << 2][2][2]; // sum[0] = f(1), f(0) = 0
int v0[N << 2][2][2];
void pushup(int i)
for (int c00 : {0, 1}) for (int c11 : {0, 1})
v0[i][c00][c11] = LLONG_MIN;
d[i][c00][c11].resize(len[i], -inf);
sum[i][c00][c11].resize(len[i], -inf);
for (int c01 : {0, 1}) for (int c10 : {0, 1})
vector<int> tmp(d[i << 1][c00][c01].size() + d[i << 1 | 1][c10][c11].size());
merge(all(d[i << 1][c00][c01]), all(d[i << 1 | 1][c10][c11]), tmp.begin(), greater<int>());
int tmpv0 = v0[i << 1][c00][c01] + v0[i << 1 | 1][c10][c11];
chkmax(v0[i][c00][c11], tmpv0);
int cur = tmpv0;
for (int x = 0; x < tmp.size(); x++) cur += tmp[x], chkmax(sum[i][c00][c11][x], cur);
if (c01 && c10)
// pop front
cur = tmpv0 + tmp[0];
for (int x = 0; x + 1 < tmp.size(); x++) cur += tmp[x + 1], chkmax(sum[i][c00][c11][x], cur);
// if (i == 4 && c00 == 1 && c11 == 1)
// {
// cout << tmpv0 << '/';
// for (int x : tmp) cout << x << ' '; cout << endl;
// assert(tmpv0 <= -2 * inf), assert(sum[i][c00][c11][0] < 0);
// }
for (int x = (int)sum[i][c00][c11].size() - 1; x >= 1; x--) d[i][c00][c11][x] = sum[i][c00][c11][x] - sum[i][c00][c11][x - 1];
d[i][c00][c11].front() = sum[i][c00][c11].front() - v0[i][c00][c11];
for (int x = 0; x < d[i][c00][c11].size(); x++)
if (d[i][c00][c11][x] < -5e9)
for (int j = x; j < d[i][c00][c11].size(); j++) d[i][c00][c11][j] = -inf;
// for (int x = 0; x <= len[i]; x++)
// for (int c0 : {0, 1}) for (int c1 : {0, 1})
// f[i][x][c0][c1] = -inf;
// for (int x = 0; x <= len[i << 1]; x++)
// for (int y = 0; y <= len[i << 1 | 1]; y++)
// for (int c00 : {0, 1}) for (int c01 : {0, 1}) for (int c10 : {0, 1}) for (int c11 : {0, 1})
// {
// if (f[i << 1][x][c00][c01] <= -inf || f[i << 1 | 1][y][c10][c11] <= -inf) continue;
// chkmax(f[i][x + y - (c01 && c10)][c00][c11], f[i << 1][x][c00][c01] + f[i << 1 | 1][y][c10][c11]);
// }
void build(int i, int *a, int li, int ri)
len[i] = ri - li + 1;
if (li == ri)
d[i][0][0].resize(1, -inf), d[i][1][1].resize(1, a[li] + inf), d[i][0][1].resize(1, 0), d[i][1][0].resize(1, 0);
v0[i][0][0] = 0, v0[i][1][0] = v0[i][0][1] = v0[i][1][1] = -inf;
for (int c0 : {0, 1})
for (int c1 : {0, 1}) sum[i][c0][c1] = d[i][c0][c1], sum[i][c0][c1][0] += v0[i][c0][c1];
int mid = (li + ri) >> 1;
build(i << 1, a, li, mid), build(i << 1 | 1, a, mid + 1, ri);
void init(int *a, int sz)
n = sz;
build(1, a, 1, n);
void print(int i = 1, int li = 1, int ri = n)
printf("node %lld : [%lld, %lld]\n", i, li, ri);
for (int c0 : {0, 1})
for (int c1 : {0, 1})
printf("v0(%lld, %lld, %lld) = %lld\n", i, c0, c1, v0[i][c0][c1]);
printf("sum(%lld, %lld, %lld): ", i, c0, c1);
for (int x : sum[i][c0][c1]) printf("%lld ", x); printf("\n");
printf("d(%lld, %lld, %lld): ", i, c0, c1);
for (int x : d[i][c0][c1]) printf("%lld ", x); printf("\n");
if (li == ri) return;
int mid = (li + ri) >> 1;
print(i << 1, li, mid), print(i << 1 | 1, mid + 1, ri);
typedef array<array<array<int, 2>, 2>, 2> info; // info[c0][c1] = {x, f(x) - px}
info null = {};
info merge(info x, info y, int p)
if (x == null) swap(x, y);
if (y == null) return x;
info res;
for (int c0 : {0, 1}) for (int c1 : {0, 1})
res[c0][c1] = {0, -inf};
for (int c00 : {0, 1}) for (int c11 : {0, 1})
for (int c01 : {0, 1}) for (int c10 : {0, 1})
int val = x[c00][c01][1] + y[c10][c11][1];
if (c01 && c10 && val + p > res[c00][c11][1]) res[c00][c11] = {x[c00][c01][0] + y[c10][c11][0] - 1, val + p};
if (val > res[c00][c11][1]) res[c00][c11] = {x[c00][c01][0] + y[c10][c11][0], val};
return res;
info getinfo(int l, int r, int p, int i = 1, int li = 1, int ri = n)
printf("getinfo(%lld, %lld, %lld, %lld, %lld, %lld)\n", l, r, p, i, li, ri);
if (l <= li && ri <= r)
info res;
for (int c0 : {0, 1}) for (int c1 : {0, 1})
int id = lower_bound(all(d[i][c0][c1]), p, greater<int>()) - d[i][c0][c1].begin() - 1;
assert(-1 <= id && id < (int)sum[i][c0][c1].size());
if (id < 0) res[c0][c1] = {0, v0[i][c0][c1]};
else res[c0][c1] = {id + 1, sum[i][c0][c1][id]};
res[c0][c1][1] -= res[c0][c1][0] * p;
return res;
int mid = (li + ri) >> 1;
info cur = null;
if (l <= mid) cur = getinfo(l, r, p, i << 1, li, mid);
if (r > mid) cur = merge(cur, getinfo(l, r, p, i << 1 | 1, mid + 1, ri), p);
return cur;
int n, q, a[N];
//int F(int q, int n)
// if (q == 0) return 1;
// if (q == 1) return __lg(n) + 1;
// if (n == 1) return q;
// return F(q / 2, n / 2) + F((q + 1) / 2, (n + 1) / 2) + min(q * (__lg(n) + 1) * (__lg(n) + 1), 4 * n);
const int V = 3.5e4 + 10;
signed main()
cin >> n >> q;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> a[i];
tree::init(a, n);
while (q--)
int l, r, k; cin >> l >> r >> k;
int pl = -2 * inf, pr = 2 * inf;
while (pl < pr)
int mid = (pl + pr) >> 1;
auto res = tree::getinfo(l, r, mid);
int val = -inf, x = 0;
for (int c0 : {0, 1}) for (int c1 : {0, 1})
if (res[c0][c1][1] > val) val = res[c0][c1][1], x = res[c0][c1][0];
printf("x = %lld, val = %lld, pl = %lld, pr = %lld, mid = %lld\n", x, val, pl, pr, mid);
if (x > k) pl = mid + 1;
else pr = mid;
auto res = tree::getinfo(l, r, pl);
int val = -inf;
for (int c0 : {0, 1}) for (int c1 : {0, 1})
chkmax(val, res[c0][c1][1]);
cout << val + k * pl << endl;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 5680kb
5 5 -1 2 -3 4 -5 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 5 3 1 5 4 1 5 5
4 6 5 2 -3
ok 5 number(s): "4 6 5 2 -3"
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 2ms
memory: 5632kb
5 1 7 7 7 7 7 1 5 1
ok 1 number(s): "35"
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 1618ms
memory: 51652kb
25000 25000 -11889 -16468 18402 -13238 14125 12120 -3295 -12106 20152 7478 8575 9968 -13946 -13408 23715 -14670 -21837 12589 7029 20609 2868 12728 -6942 982 5884 -7561 -2058 -7892 7806 16344 14645 13904 7355 9860 15446 -539 24072 21969 19028 -24939 -21911 -11836 21045 -4727 -3882 2138 18513 -4796 -1...
10341941 44514177 6687268 77971944 99605102 107722534 15473041 17383093 62015893 10703102 41214044 22949449 9407209 9022260 39351814 72311292 5178065 42027491 52700848 38135774 37045964 4761513 16326256 16812496 107985169 28306484 46710957 864270 102812861 27960495 50366764 16379719 2791377 21112728...
ok 25000 numbers
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 1582ms
memory: 52516kb
25000 25000 6000 -3019 -11754 -7445 -8441 7523 7149 -9202 7895 12217 7475 3656 1303 1710 9238 7029 5141 -1777 8992 -2357 5436 8102 4094 -10002 -7052 3213 1387 -41 -5364 -8259 4860 -721 12482 3791 6804 -10687 4462 -7578 -12456 5135 10987 -9087 5706 -8716 10036 9149 -11514 -7407 4623 9555 -4053 6603 -...
34173465 3726494 235962 7075586 30183529 3643608 48804222 7114899 4984843 15646757 1887647 2330595 47535902 239762 6115278 7951919 1734323 2623203 1495055 1420131 10657149 3064884 12169559 9504529 617684 25801604 3732771 6630548 9892438 1190577 24266894 3527999 23386393 33402029 16816797 62284476 37...
ok 25000 numbers
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 1623ms
memory: 52148kb
25000 25000 -2969 1681 -2312 -367 -2816 2496 -2066 -636 182 -522 1159 3035 -1616 -2017 -727 -64 987 -3044 -721 1871 -465 452 -2136 -636 1252 2947 -2252 -602 1521 1299 -3070 100 -3111 -1212 -1211 132 2798 -467 1610 408 491 520 2182 2323 2984 -1105 458 -384 917 165 1019 -1424 -1740 1838 225 1043 -1643...
3696093 5856268 1569949 43110 361033 1251419 5991586 11948087 10350223 3152434 10667775 4975400 8739958 9585292 6671359 6889903 10775826 200001 7290024 4142281 7861955 7191701 644506 803034 1932372 9842195 6618617 12318124 4618343 5306047 12502164 612289 2157188 11618855 7200073 5016967 2463491 3209...
ok 25000 numbers
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 1603ms
memory: 51312kb
25000 25000 -240 -760 1554 200 279 1306 -394 1272 967 -1151 -13 1286 994 1110 551 445 1428 -175 -1427 854 927 911 -969 -920 968 -913 -1481 -669 1487 -600 291 -1070 -782 1504 -222 599 -939 1194 1129 -397 -185 627 772 -870 133 -695 -1092 -137 -778 1332 -158 1545 -329 273 1098 -671 947 -1095 257 -1024 ...
5052771 5348425 6990219 1782518 4288908 124491 4603645 662433 3354133 2273603 2117016 908991 3981909 181606 180388 1445473 8334703 3417019 3832988 1156373 751967 816152 207595 5328156 304047 4822038 8095611 4532395 4836019 4415840 779952 5397423 5924339 1559505 2746919 3784667 3664365 1427979 207448...
ok 25000 numbers
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 1573ms
memory: 51212kb
25000 25000 -235 -315 120 -376 455 154 461 150 -280 -74 -242 -432 -50 25 -303 -327 263 499 -464 -203 333 59 -265 -72 357 -213 2 275 -159 -4 160 -304 -320 103 447 382 -120 -65 364 -351 73 -307 284 -469 -118 -324 -310 93 -347 -48 -286 139 -25 401 105 -479 -377 428 -26 -313 97 -132 78 14 -64 -59 -455 -...
166178 1692049 770543 2394705 1908039 1005349 356998 25023 355550 891075 214103 788750 1008340 1536696 160682 151535 300585 373884 849931 800218 2440857 1009992 311596 635872 2502637 288362 284558 538137 1553207 849175 165203 544829 230264 163844 1284945 801960 371289 637139 1249915 203702 12408 830...
ok 25000 numbers
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 1579ms
memory: 52164kb
25000 25000 163 -18 16 -124 54 -71 -111 -81 46 27 139 16 -51 -78 36 21 85 -31 49 33 -42 -42 122 81 -25 -43 166 -131 2 -45 154 -68 -76 127 48 124 92 -26 128 44 -22 -95 -80 -52 -64 -113 22 104 -76 58 49 53 -115 70 -159 -67 62 83 69 164 -11 -13 -4 81 -82 -98 68 136 -7 146 17 138 89 89 18 57 143 57 51 1...
494541 25814 267902 153374 150628 206276 98909 261258 5231 645604 828846 372159 655216 2523 152068 199639 515692 443552 753836 15295 70205 795943 704318 398355 396254 15170 495548 103742 129088 19442 870390 146159 8499 270179 380106 191900 682344 4356 559722 372147 426880 529125 46890 161656 291764 ...
ok 25000 numbers
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 1499ms
memory: 52140kb
25000 25000 10 9 3 19 -1 -5 26 11 3 15 -1 -9 23 11 -24 12 -3 21 -20 10 -10 12 -19 -16 11 -2 19 20 18 -23 27 -23 9 2 1 1 16 -24 -23 -10 -13 21 6 -1 -20 -24 -17 20 23 12 -25 -13 -3 -20 13 24 -27 20 19 5 7 7 9 -24 15 17 -27 16 -13 -15 16 -4 7 13 5 -2 16 25 10 -3 -20 -11 22 -1 -5 -16 19 4 -19 15 5 -25 5...
54921 58348 91837 2814 18931 43185 74327 16895 936 59014 117622 124161 120167 3943 29622 6749 86196 11513 98358 48694 34346 87327 44195 21361 94794 23566 21059 113460 121018 5009 2641 1200 27270 37878 32708 43496 39506 33574 58612 6251 5481 10564 78957 79670 49585 21564 100771 40511 716 93538 21835 ...
ok 25000 numbers
Test #10:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 1432ms
memory: 52248kb
25000 25000 -1 6 4 3 5 5 3 4 6 -4 0 -5 3 -6 6 3 5 5 -3 3 6 2 -3 4 -4 0 6 -1 -4 -3 1 -1 -3 -3 -5 0 1 2 -4 -1 -6 5 -6 -4 0 4 -6 1 -1 -1 -4 3 -4 -2 0 4 -3 -2 -3 0 5 -4 -5 -2 -6 0 5 3 -4 -2 -4 0 -3 -6 -6 -5 -3 4 3 -1 -3 -2 -1 -4 3 -3 -3 -5 1 1 -3 -2 1 -3 3 6 -4 0 -6 -4 -2 -6 -1 -2 0 -1 2 -5 -4 -5 -4 -5 ...
3471 9242 14877 3247 25345 1268 12419 4913 9553 3945 12865 6204 24807 103 6552 27546 24866 17021 9674 9271 32781 18711 2582 18824 31679 7479 1569 15391 21198 19186 4196 13914 284 15798 6722 1620 34719 122 33294 1652 5213 16791 20 26381 15749 1627 3923 13190 2548 3981 10159 10964 8728 2814 6359 5167 ...
wrong answer 1249th numbers differ - expected: '642', found: '643'