ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#646660 | #7961. 一棵树 | hos_lyric | WA | 331ms | 54544kb | C++14 | 11.0kb | 2024-10-17 02:46:13 | 2024-10-17 02:46:13 |
Judging History
#include <assert.h>
#include <utility>
using std::pair;
using std::swap;
// T: monoid representing information of an element and an interval.
// T() should return the identity.
// T::push(T *l, T *r) should push the lazy update.
// T::pull(const Node *l, const Node *r) should pull two intervals.
// The node itself contains an element: This should calculate l * self * r.
// T::operator<(const T &t) is used for "Cmp" functions.
template <class T> struct Splay {
Splay *p, *l, *r;
T t;
Splay() : p(nullptr), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), t() {}
Splay(const T &t_) : p(nullptr), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), t(t_) {}
void push() {
t.push(l ? &l->t : nullptr, r ? &r->t : nullptr);
void pull() {
t.pull(l ? &l->t : nullptr, r ? &r->t : nullptr);
void pushRec() {
if (p) p->pushRec();
void rotate() {
if (p->l == this) { if (r) { r->p = p; } p->l = r; r = p; }
else { if (l) { l->p = p; } p->r = l; l = p; }
Splay *pp = p->p;
if (pp) ((pp->l == p) ? pp->l : pp->r) = this;
p->pull(); p->p = this; p = pp;
Splay *splay() {
for (; p; rotate()) if (p->p) ((p->l == this) == (p->p->l == p)) ? p->rotate() : rotate();
return this;
void linkL(Splay *a) {
l = a; if (l) l->p = this;
void linkR(Splay *a) {
r = a; if (r) r->p = this;
void linkLR(Splay *a, Splay *b) {
assert(!l); assert(!r);
l = a; if (l) l->p = this;
r = b; if (r) r->p = this;
void cutL() {
if (l) l->p = nullptr;
l = nullptr;
void cutR() {
if (r) r->p = nullptr;
r = nullptr;
void cutLR() {
if (l) l->p = nullptr;
if (r) r->p = nullptr;
l = r = nullptr;
// Splays the leftmost node.
Splay *leftmost() {
Splay *a = this;
for (; a->l; a = a->l) {}
return a->splay();
// Splays the rightmost node.
Splay *rightmost() {
Splay *a = this;
for (; a->r; a = a->r) {}
return a->splay();
// Iterates the tree, calling f on each node.
template <class F> void dfs(F f) {
if (l) l->dfs(f);
if (r) r->dfs(f);
// Concatenates two trees.
friend Splay *concat(Splay *a, Splay *b) {
if (!a) return b;
if (!b) return a;
a = a->rightmost();
return a;
// Splays the k-th element.
Splay *at(int k) {
assert(0 <= k); assert(k < t.size);
for (Splay *a = this; ; ) {
const int sizeL = a->l ? a->l->t.size : 0;
if (k < sizeL) {
a = a->l;
} else if (k == sizeL) {
return a->splay();
} else {
a = a->r;
k -= (sizeL + 1);
// Splits the tree by size: [0, k), [k, a->size).
friend pair<Splay *, Splay *> splitAt(Splay *a, int k) {
assert(0 <= k); assert(k <= (a ? a->t.size : 0));
if (k == 0) return std::make_pair(nullptr, a);
if (k == a->t.size) return std::make_pair(a, nullptr);
a = a->at(k);
Splay *l = a->l;
return std::make_pair(l, a);
// Finds the leftmost elements s.t. (>= target), using T::operator<.
// - If found, splays it and returns true.
// - Otherwise, splays the rightmost element and returns false.
friend bool lowerBoundCmp(Splay *&a, const T &target) {
if (!a) return false;
for (; ; ) {
if (a->t < target) {
if (a->r) {
a = a->r;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (a->l) {
a = a->l;
} else {
return true;
// Splits the trees by operator<: (< target), (>= target)
friend pair<Splay *, Splay *> splitCmp(Splay *a, const T &target) {
if (!a) return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
if (!lowerBoundCmp(a, target)) return std::make_pair(a, nullptr);
Splay *l = a->l;
return std::make_pair(l, a);
// Inserts b into the tree, using T::operator<.
friend void insertCmp(Splay *&a, Splay *b) {
auto res = splitCmp(a, b->t);
b->linkLR(res.first, res.second);
a = b;
// Inserts b's nodes into the tree one by one, using T::operator<.
friend void meldRecCmp(Splay *&a, Splay *b) {
if (!b) return;
Splay *l = b->l, *r = b->r;
meldRecCmp(a, l);
insertCmp(a, b);
meldRecCmp(a, r);
// Meld two trees, using T::operator<.
friend Splay *meldCmp(Splay *a, Splay *b) {
if (!a) return b;
if (!b) return a;
if (a->t.size < b->t.size) swap(a, b);
meldRecCmp(a, b);
return a;
template <class F> friend void range(Splay *&a, int kL, int kR, F f) {
assert(0 <= kL); assert(kL <= kR); assert(kR <= (a ? a->t.size : 0));
if (kL == kR) { f(nullptr); return; }
Splay *b = nullptr;
if (kR < a->t.size) {
b = a->at(kR);
a = b->l;
if (0 < kL) a = a->at(kL - 1)->r;
if (b) b->linkL(a->splay());
template <class F, class... Args>
friend void ch(Splay *&a, int kL, int kR, F f, Args &&... args) {
range(a, kL, kR, [&](Splay *b) -> void { if (b) (b->t.*f)(args...); });
friend T get(Splay *&a, int kL, int kR) {
T t;
range(a, kL, kR, [&](Splay *b) -> void { if (b) t = b->t; });
return t;
struct Node {
int size;
Node() : size(0) {}
void push(Node *l, Node *r) {}
void pull(const Node *l, const Node *r) {
size = (l ? l->size : 0) + 1 + (r ? r->size : 0);
bool operator<(const Node &t) {
return false;
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::min;
using std::vector;
void unittest() {
// https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/dynamic_sequence_range_affine_range_sum
namespace yosupo_dynamic_sequence_range_affine_range_sum {
constexpr unsigned MO = 998244353;
struct Node {
int size;
unsigned val, sum, lzB, lzC;
Node() : size(0), val(0), sum(0), lzB(1), lzC(0) {}
Node(unsigned val_) : size(1), val(val_), sum(val_), lzB(1), lzC(0) {}
void push(Node *l, Node *r) {
if (l) l->apply(lzB, lzC);
if (r) r->apply(lzB, lzC);
lzB = 1; lzC = 0;
void pull(const Node *l, const Node *r) {
size = (l ? l->size : 0) + 1 + (r ? r->size : 0);
sum = ((l ? l->sum : 0) + val + (r ? r->sum : 0)) % MO;
void apply(unsigned long long b, unsigned long long c) {
val = (b * val + c) % MO;
sum = (b * sum + c * size) % MO;
lzB = (b * lzB) % MO;
lzC = (b * lzC + c) % MO;
void run() {
int N, Q;
for (; ~scanf("%d%d", &N, &Q); ) {
int numNodes = 0;
vector<Splay<Node>> nodes((N + Q) << 1);
auto newNode = [&](unsigned val) -> Splay<Node> * {
return &(nodes[numNodes++] = Node(val));
Splay<Node> *seg0 = nullptr, *seg1 = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
unsigned A;
scanf("%u", &A);
seg0 = concat(seg0, newNode(A));
seg1 = concat(newNode(A), seg1);
int n = N;
for (int q = 0; q < Q; ++q) {
int O;
scanf("%d", &O);
switch (O) {
case 0: {
// insert
int I;
unsigned X;
scanf("%d%u", &I, &X);
auto res0 = splitAt(seg0, I);
seg0 = concat(concat(res0.first, newNode(X)), res0.second);
auto res1 = splitAt(seg1, n - I);
seg1 = concat(concat(res1.first, newNode(X)), res1.second);
} break;
case 1: {
// erase
int I;
scanf("%d", &I);
assert(0 <= I); assert(I < n);
auto res0 = splitAt(seg0, I);
auto res0R = splitAt(res0.second, 1);
seg0 = concat(res0.first, res0R.second);
auto res1 = splitAt(seg1, n - 1 - I);
auto res1R = splitAt(res1.second, 1);
seg1 = concat(res1.first, res1R.second);
} break;
case 2: {
// reverse
int L, R;
scanf("%d%d", &L, &R);
auto res0 = splitAt(seg0, R);
auto res0L = splitAt(res0.first, L);
auto res1 = splitAt(seg1, n - L);
auto res1L = splitAt(res1.first, n - R);
seg0 = concat(concat(res0L.first, res1L.second), res0.second);
seg1 = concat(concat(res1L.first, res0L.second), res1.second);
} break;
case 3: {
// apply
int L, R;
unsigned B, C;
scanf("%d%d%u%u", &L, &R, &B, &C);
ch(seg0, L, R, &Node::apply, B, C);
ch(seg1, n - R, n - L, &Node::apply, B, C);
} break;
case 4: {
// sum
int L, R;
scanf("%d%d", &L, &R);
const Node res = get(seg0, L, R);
printf("%u\n", res.sum);
} break;
default: assert(false);
} // yosupo_dynamic_sequence_range_affine_range_sum
namespace qoj7961 {
// dp[u]: convex function on [0, sz[u]]
// dp[u] = 0_[0,1] * *[v] (|K - 2 x| + dp[v])
// *: min-plus convolution
struct Node {
int size;
int val, lz;
Node() : size(0), val(0), lz(0) {}
Node(int val_) : size(1), val(val_), lz(0) {}
void push(Node *l, Node *r) {
if (l) l->add(lz);
if (r) r->add(lz);
lz = 0;
void pull(const Node *l, const Node *r) {
size = (l ? l->size : 0) + 1 + (r ? r->size : 0);
void add(int a) {
val += a;
lz += a;
bool operator<(const Node &t) {
return (val < t.val);
int N, K;
vector<int> A, B;
vector<vector<int>> graph;
vector<Splay<Node>> nodes;
Splay<Node> *solve(int u, int p) {
auto ret = &(nodes[u] = Node(0));
for (const int v : graph[u]) if (p != v) {
auto res = solve(v, u);
ch(res, 0, min(K/2, res->t.size), &Node::add, -2);
if ((K+1)/2 < res->t.size) ch(res, (K+1)/2, res->t.size, &Node::add, +2);
ret = meldCmp(ret, res);
return ret;
void run() {
for (; ~scanf("%d%d", &N, &K); ) {
A.resize(N - 1);
B.resize(N - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
scanf("%d%d", &A[i], &B[i]);
graph.assign(N, {});
for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
auto res = solve(0, -1);
long long ans = static_cast<long long>(N - 1) * K;
int k = 0;
res->dfs([&](const Splay<Node> *a) -> void {
if (k++ < K) ans += a->t.val;
printf("%lld\n", ans);
} // qoj7961
int main() {
// unittest(); cerr << "PASSED unittest" << endl;
// yosupo_dynamic_sequence_range_affine_range_sum::run();
return 0;
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 331ms
memory: 54544kb
499991 31473 1 2 2 3 1 4 2 5 4 6 4 7 6 8 4 9 8 10 6 11 9 12 10 13 10 14 1 15 14 16 3 17 14 18 12 19 13 20 11 21 16 22 16 23 20 24 5 25 16 26 18 27 8 28 15 29 27 30 27 31 26 32 21 33 3 34 27 35 33 36 25 37 22 38 11 39 11 40 17 41 25 42 3 43 3 44 2 45 35 46 25 47 5 48 6 49 41 50 42 51 1 52 39 53 14 54...
wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '15734930984', found: '15735550428'