The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#627318 | #9412. Stop the Castle | Luckyblock | AC ✓ | 1ms | 3904kb | C++20 | 3.6kb | 2024-10-10 15:31:53 | 2024-10-10 15:31:54 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define LL long long
#define pii std::pair<int,int>
#define mp std::make_pair
const int kN = 1e3 + 10;
const int kM = 2e5 + 10;
int housenum, bannum, n, maxnode;
int edgenum, head[kN], v[kM], ne[kM];
struct Blank {
int l, r, id;
int temp;
std::vector<pii> ans;
std::map<pii, pii> point;
std::map<int, std::set<pii> > rhouse, chouse;
std::map<int, std::vector<Blank> > rnode, cnode;
int match[kN];
bool vis[kN];
void Add(int u_, int v_) {
v[++ edgenum] = v_;
ne[edgenum] = head[u_];
head[u_] = edgenum;
bool init() {
std::cin >> housenum;
edgenum = 0;
n = 0, maxnode = 4 * housenum;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxnode; ++ i) head[i] = match[i] = 0;
ans.clear(), point.clear();
rhouse.clear(), chouse.clear(), rnode.clear(), cnode.clear();
for (int i = 1; i <= housenum; ++ i) {
int r, c; std::cin >> r >> c;
rhouse[r].insert(mp(c, 0));
chouse[c].insert(mp(r, 0));
std::cin >> bannum;
for (int i = 1; i <= bannum; ++ i) {
int r, c; std::cin >> r >> c;
rhouse[r].insert(mp(c, 1));
chouse[c].insert(mp(r, 1));
int flag = 0;
for (auto [r, s]: rhouse) {
int last = -1;
for (auto [c, type]: s) {
if (last != -1 && type == 0) {
flag |= (c == last + 1);
rnode[r].push_back((Blank){last + 1, c - 1, ++ n});
last = type ? -1 : c;
for (auto [c, s]: chouse) {
int last = -1;
for (auto [r, type]: s) {
if (last != -1 && type == 0) {
flag |= (r == last + 1);
cnode[c].push_back((Blank){last + 1, r - 1, ++ n});
last = type ? -1 : r;
if (flag) return true;
for (auto [r, sr]: rnode) {
for (auto [l1, r1, id1]: sr) {
for (auto [c, sc]: cnode) {
if (c < l1 || r1 < c) continue;
for (auto [l2, r2, id2]: sc) {
if (r < l2 || r2 < r) continue;
Add(id1, id2);
point[mp(id1, id2)] = mp(r, c);
return false;
bool dfs(int u_) {
for (int i = head[u_]; i; i = ne[i]) {
int v_ = v[i];
if (vis[v_]) continue;
vis[v_] = 1;
if (!match[v_] || dfs(match[v_])) {
match[v_] = u_;
return 1;
return 0;
void solve() {
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++ j) vis[j] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
if (match[i]) {
ans.push_back(point[mp(match[i], i)]);
auto [r, c] = ans.back();
rhouse[r].insert(mp(c, 1));
chouse[c].insert(mp(r, 1));
temp = ans.size();
for (auto [r, s]: rhouse) {
int last = -1;
for (auto [c, type]: s) {
if (last != -1 && type == 0) {
ans.push_back(mp(r, c - 1));
last = type ? -1 : c;
for (auto [c, s]: chouse) {
int last = -1;
for (auto [r, type]: s) {
if (last != -1 && type == 0) {
ans.push_back(mp(r - 1, c));
last = type ? -1 : r;
int main() {
// freopen("1.txt", "r", stdin);
std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0), std::cin.tie(0);
int T; std::cin >> T;
while (T --) {
if (init()) {
// std::cout << -1 << "----\n";
std::cout << -1 << "\n";
std::cout << ans.size() << "\n";
for (auto [x, y]: ans) std::cout << x << " " << y << "\n";
return 0;
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3520kb
4 7 1 3 6 6 4 7 2 1 6 3 4 1 2 6 3 3 4 6 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 0
2 2 3 4 6 0 1 2 3 -1
ok ok 4 cases (4 test cases)
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3644kb
21 11 3 5 18 6 19 12 27 48 28 38 30 12 33 18 42 18 43 38 45 46 48 34 3 2 6 24 4 41 45 15 11 6 15 27 16 9 16 14 16 48 19 26 25 12 27 26 28 4 31 40 32 6 33 50 37 50 46 11 50 29 17 1 49 4 9 9 15 9 22 11 31 11 46 14 28 17 5 17 49 18 43 20 31 30 46 33 11 33 33 34 15 36 6 47 10 2 16 46 36 30 11 7 34 7 41 ...
3 29 12 41 18 42 38 5 16 13 16 47 31 6 26 26 36 50 0 1 42 10 0 1 43 35 5 1 11 1 40 33 47 44 46 43 44 0 5 27 41 29 40 44 38 10 1 31 15 1 32 12 0 0 0 0 6 23 10 35 34 12 40 23 45 29 33 34 46 0 3 20 31 43 32 34 17 0 -1 3 16 36 25 12 31 39 6 5 5 8 11 6 6 7 7 9 9 10 10
ok ok 21 cases (21 test cases)
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3648kb
2 200 7 52 9 160 10 4 12 61 18 436 19 430 20 499 24 139 25 416 29 53 33 153 35 275 35 310 37 25 38 477 39 349 42 120 44 158 45 330 49 486 50 204 51 67 52 138 52 305 56 139 63 132 66 4 67 327 70 484 71 67 72 308 74 218 76 479 81 139 82 90 86 201 87 335 91 35 91 220 92 496 94 29 94 436 96 359 97 299 1...
46 94 35 91 61 126 67 349 112 154 138 52 139 185 147 224 153 132 160 311 177 352 186 126 275 270 305 393 307 277 356 334 367 306 374 199 432 187 467 154 496 35 309 187 451 224 431 260 293 261 492 274 111 277 271 311 481 390 366 440 191 453 375 65 4 143 25 351 35 386 61 70 67 80 139 278 186 289 272 4...
ok ok 2 cases (2 test cases)
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3644kb
20 13 89287395 441913071 89287395 590314987 142917372 582720391 142917372 598813561 232930851 582720391 263974835 468188689 263974835 490702144 543529670 152471388 543529670 219371706 647691663 598813561 772865038 598813561 773363571 482933265 773363571 561453301 8 128947560 120560639 264980960 4742...
8 89287395 590314986 142917372 598813560 263974835 490702143 543529670 219371705 773363571 561453300 232930850 582720391 647691662 598813561 772865037 598813561 7 808969359 818037531 808969359 762966372 808969359 917024052 869847376 354711322 183418802 358274214 808969358 762966373 203395425 8719512...
ok ok 20 cases (20 test cases)
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3716kb
2 184 35763790 435860426 152681166 443483111 261932524 745277126 261932524 787982418 314305867 342102981 314305867 522593781 314305867 747023891 314305867 811404535 314305867 816914009 314305867 857896659 319901983 797458033 321347896 342102981 332550928 902179526 343207116 914408792 350635050 15515...
160 702209411 328140561 407380694 342102981 469496529 342102981 593934227 357262498 702209411 362635470 673102149 421876106 314305867 435860426 469496529 438907614 561219907 438907614 350635050 443483111 712954986 449645826 702209411 468900569 469496529 526518374 730593611 526518374 812959730 526518...
ok ok 2 cases (2 test cases)
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3720kb
2 193 78368109 329329995 87932514 657474465 87932514 903492853 94608574 845872655 103602204 88649154 124431127 405860533 145262472 108198774 145262472 907127202 154400439 136367504 165270984 773451933 184157521 409828915 197728547 291882089 197728547 609623645 211750768 843867422 246178069 108396139...
145 412106895 135814914 365329221 136367504 412106895 141752547 365329221 211655411 412106895 211655411 412106895 211732513 246178069 291882089 412106895 291882089 585325539 326063938 365329221 329329995 585325539 381964778 412106895 398630021 197728547 405860533 365329221 409828915 545745067 417008...
ok ok 2 cases (2 test cases)
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3616kb
2 192 1075648 579875717 1075648 937648715 1393060 191616432 3957616 541362608 3957616 971879257 5415801 541362608 5887448 541362608 5887448 624842533 25767120 610618164 26193206 214214028 26193206 231445627 26727662 374314271 29550509 755417826 29550509 917592925 30033126 610618164 31134588 58188305...
131 622701955 58188305 31134588 191616432 597642622 194741814 746663436 213352628 31134588 231445627 341366249 231445627 417168695 231445627 622701955 231445627 757703054 231445627 954450160 231445627 750293881 239560090 235369723 264208611 250896470 288390629 673815006 322666885 679286177 345284339...
ok ok 2 cases (2 test cases)
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3844kb
20 14 378192988 147499872 378192988 837331700 449924898 147499872 449924898 837331700 592684636 147499872 592684636 837331700 783332532 147499872 783332532 837331700 378192988 197547597 783332532 197547597 378192988 343857831 783332532 343857831 378192988 576579017 783332532 576579017 2 449924898 19...
15 378192988 197547596 378192988 343857830 378192988 576579016 378192988 837331699 783332532 197547596 783332532 343857830 783332532 576579016 783332532 837331699 449924897 147499872 592684635 147499872 783332531 147499872 783332531 576579017 449924897 837331700 592684635 837331700 783332531 8373317...
ok ok 20 cases (20 test cases)
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3904kb
2 200 8623893 3649468 8623893 989134714 24820918 3649468 24820918 989134714 43705451 3649468 43705451 989134714 45500146 3649468 45500146 989134714 58265855 3649468 58265855 989134714 112263159 3649468 112263159 989134714 126496650 3649468 126496650 989134714 137574156 3649468 137574156 989134714 14...
249 24820918 6255307 43705451 11610914 45500146 23366504 58265855 28938721 112263159 31914492 126496650 36029445 137574156 66226935 140089445 84152868 156036789 132710904 170794245 149083019 176576709 174305881 186774359 180413073 194114590 195080121 222368048 231772824 237249112 234663336 250839457...
ok ok 2 cases (2 test cases)
Test #10:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3712kb
2 200 2691939 27674656 2691939 984614319 30225807 27674656 30225807 984614319 39388076 27674656 39388076 984614319 55883389 27674656 55883389 984614319 77258752 27674656 77258752 984614319 106874917 27674656 106874917 984614319 144383292 27674656 144383292 984614319 145360776 27674656 145360776 9846...
216 279200011 293316179 347252805 363531956 446662965 376231503 496057717 383623456 514655989 390555088 523731402 441004197 538628510 490065400 562810007 540189713 630132600 545422987 631858791 565468975 643299496 646360861 754008138 861149655 782710197 901945895 2691939 69029839 2691939 160188717 2...
ok ok 2 cases (2 test cases)
Test #11:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3896kb
2 200 1005937 7 3412691 7 5764908 7 7897785 7 8061992 7 12801501 7 18529696 7 22574605 7 25203351 7 34574958 7 34998216 7 40928451 7 49792193 7 55962320 7 59632864 7 62353373 7 62611196 7 65346591 7 71459320 7 71550121 7 72215989 7 82584263 7 86119549 7 96204862 7 96940713 7 97693112 7 102067050 7 1...
199 3412690 7 5764907 7 7897784 7 8061991 7 12801500 7 18529695 7 22574604 7 25203350 7 34574957 7 34998215 7 40928450 7 49792192 7 55962319 7 59632863 7 62353372 7 62611195 7 65346590 7 71459319 7 71550120 7 72215988 7 82584262 7 86119548 7 96204861 7 96940712 7 97693111 7 102067049 7 105454642 7 1...
ok ok 2 cases (2 test cases)
Extra Test:
score: 0
Extra Test Passed