

#622782#7775. 【模板】矩阵快速幂nhuang6850 62ms115584kbC++2311.9kb2024-10-09 05:41:232024-10-09 05:41:24

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2024-10-09 05:41:24]
  • Judged
  • Verdict: 0
  • Time: 62ms
  • Memory: 115584kb
  • [2024-10-09 05:41:23]
  • Submitted


 * @author n685
 * @brief
 * @date 2024-09-20 21:20:01
#ifndef LOCAL
#pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops")
// #pragma GCC target("avx2,bmi,bmi2,lzcnt,popcnt")
#include "bits/stdc++.h"

#ifdef LOCAL
#include "dd/debug.h"
#define dbg(...) 42
#define dbg_proj(...) 420
#define dbg_rproj(...) 420420
void nline() {}
void bar() {}
void start_clock() {}
void end_clock() {}

namespace rs = std::ranges;
namespace rv = std::views;

template <class T> constexpr std::pair<T, T> ex_eucl(T a, T b) {
  if (a < b) {
    auto [x, y] = ex_eucl(b, a);
    return {y, x};
  if (b == 0) {
    assert(a == 1);
    return {1, 0};
  auto [x, y] = ex_eucl(b, a % b);
  return {y, x - (a / b) * y};

template <class Md, class V = int64_t>
  requires std::signed_integral<std::decay_t<decltype(Md::value)>>
struct Mod {
  using T = std::decay_t<decltype(Md::value)>;
  T val = 0;

  static constexpr T normalize(auto val) {
    using U = decltype(Md::value + val);
    U uval = static_cast<U>(val);
    U umd = static_cast<U>(Md::value);
    if (uval <= -umd || umd <= uval) {
      uval %= umd;
    if (val < 0) {
      uval += umd;
    return static_cast<T>(uval);
  constexpr Mod() : val(0) {}
  constexpr explicit Mod(auto _val) : val(normalize(_val)) {}

  static inline const Mod ZERO = Mod(0);
  static inline const Mod ONE = Mod(1);
  static inline const Mod TWO = Mod(2);

  // addition
  constexpr Mod &operator+=(Mod b) {
    val += b.val;
    if (val >= Md::value) {
      val -= Md::value;
    return *this;
  friend constexpr Mod operator+(Mod a, Mod b) { return a += b; }
  constexpr Mod &operator++() { return *this += Mod(1); }
  constexpr Mod operator++(int) {
    Mod res = *this;
    return res;

  // subtraction
  constexpr Mod &operator-=(Mod b) {
    val -= b.val;
    if (val < 0) {
      val += Md::value;
    return *this;
  friend constexpr Mod operator-(Mod a, Mod b) { return a -= b; }
  constexpr Mod &operator--() { return *this -= Mod(1); }
  constexpr Mod operator--(int) {
    Mod res = *this;
    return res;
  // negation
  constexpr Mod operator-() const { return Mod(-val); }

  // multiplication
  constexpr Mod &operator*=(Mod b) {
    val = static_cast<T>(static_cast<V>(val) * b.val % Md::value);
    return *this;
  friend constexpr Mod operator*(Mod a, Mod b) { return a *= b; }
  constexpr Mod binpow(std::integral auto b) const {
    Mod res = Mod(1), a = *this;
    while (b > 0) {
      if (b % 2 == 1) {
        res *= a;
      a *= a;
      b /= 2;
    return res;

  // factorial
  // align with fft, if code fails to compile make this smaller (if using array)
  static constexpr int MXINV = 1 << 22;
  static inline bool init = false;
  static inline std::vector<Mod> ff, iff;
  static void reset_fac() { init = false; }
  static void init_fac() {
    if (init) {
    ff.resize(MXINV + 1);
    ff[0] = Mod(1);
    for (int i = 1; i <= MXINV; ++i) {
      ff[i] = ff[i - 1] * Mod(i);
    iff.resize(MXINV + 1);
    iff[MXINV] = ff[MXINV].large_inv();
    for (int i = MXINV - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
      iff[i] = iff[i + 1] * Mod(i + 1);
    init = true;
  static Mod fac(int v) {
    if (!init) {
    return ff[v];
  static Mod ifac(int v) {
    if (!init) {
    return iff[v];
  static Mod comb(int n, int k) {
    if (n < 0 || k < 0 || n < k) {
      return Mod(0);
    return fac(n) * ifac(n - k) * ifac(k);
  static Mod perm(int n, int k) {
    if (n < 0 || k < 0 || n < k) {
      return Mod(0);
    return fac(n) * ifac(n - k);

  // inverse
  Mod small_inv() const {
    return ifac(static_cast<int>(val)) * fac(static_cast<int>(val) - 1);
  constexpr Mod large_inv() const {
    return Mod(ex_eucl(static_cast<V>(val), static_cast<V>(Md::value)).first);
    // return binpow(Md::value - 2);
  Mod inv() const {
    if (val <= MXINV) {
      return small_inv();
    return large_inv();

  // sqrt
  std::optional<Mod> sqrt() {
    static std::mt19937 rng(
    Mod c = Mod::ZERO;
    while ((c * c - *this).binpow((Md::value - 1) / 2) == Mod::ONE) {
      c = Mod(rng());
    if (c == Mod::ZERO) {
      return std::nullopt;
    std::pair<Mod, Mod> res(Mod::ONE, Mod::ZERO), a(c, Mod::ONE);
    T b = (Md::value + 1) / 2;
    auto mul = [&c, this](
                 const std::pair<Mod, Mod> &u,
                 const std::pair<Mod, Mod> &v
               ) -> std::pair<Mod, Mod> {
      return {
        u.first * v.first + u.second * v.second * (c * c - *this),
        u.second * v.first + u.first * v.second
    while (b > 0) {
      if (b % 2 == 1) {
        res = mul(res, a);
      a = mul(a, a);
      b /= 2;
    return res.first;
    // return std::min(res.first, -res.first);

  // comparison
  constexpr bool operator==(const Mod &b) const = default;
  constexpr std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const Mod &b) const = default;

  // io
  friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Mod &a) {
    int64_t v;
    in >> v;
    a = Mod(v);
    return in;
  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Mod &a) {
    out << a.val;
    return out;

  // conversion
  constexpr T value() const { return val; }

#if defined(__cpp_lib_format) && __cplusplus >= 202302L
template <class Md, class V>
  requires std::formattable<typename Mod<Md, V>::T, char>
struct std::formatter<Mod<Md, V>, char> {
  using T = typename Mod<Md, V>::T;
  std::formatter<T, char> underlying;
  constexpr formatter() {
    if constexpr (requires { underlying.set_debug_format(); }) {
  template <class ParseContext> constexpr auto parse(ParseContext &ctx) {
    return underlying.parse(ctx);
  template <class FormatContext>
  auto format(const Mod<Md, V> &val, FormatContext &ctx) const {
    return underlying.format(val.value(), ctx);

constexpr int MOD = 998'244'353;
using Mint = Mod<std::integral_constant<std::decay_t<decltype(MOD)>, MOD>>;

using i128 = __int128_t;

template <class T>
concept integral = std::integral<T> || std::is_same_v<i128, T>;

template <class T> constexpr T INF = T{};
template <std::floating_point T>
constexpr T INF<T> = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
template <> constexpr int INF<int> = 0x3f3f3f3f; // 1061109567
template <>
constexpr int64_t INF<int64_t> = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f; // 4557430888798830399
template <>
constexpr i128 INF<i128> = (static_cast<i128>(INF<int64_t>) << 64)
  | INF<int64_t>; // 84069761239290679208598432424319205183

struct Edge {
  int u, v;
  i128 w;

i128 abs_i128(i128 a) { return a < 0 ? -a : a; }
i128 k = 0;
Mint kmint;
// (ak + b) / c
struct Frac {
  i128 a = 0, b = 0, c = 1;
  Frac &operator+=(i128 rhs) {
    b += c * rhs;
    return *this;
  bool is_inf() const { return c == 0; }
  auto operator<=>(const Frac &rhs) const {
    using ord = std::strong_ordering;
    if (is_inf()) {
      if (rhs.is_inf()) {
        return ord::equal;
      return ord::greater;
    if (rhs.is_inf()) {
      return ord::less;
    i128 al = a * rhs.c, bl = b * rhs.c;
    i128 ar = rhs.a * c, br = rhs.b * c;
    if (al == ar) {
      return bl <=> br;
    if (al < ar && bl <= br) {
      return ord::less;
    if (al > ar && bl >= br) {
      return ord::greater;
    i128 ii = (abs_i128(bl - br) + abs_i128(al - ar) - 1) / abs_i128(al - ar);
    if (al < ar) {
      if (ii >= k) {
        return ord::less;
      return ord::greater;
    if (ii < k) {
      return ord::less;
    return ord::greater;
  Mint to_mint() const { return (Mint{a} * kmint + Mint{b}) * Mint{c}.inv(); }
const Frac FINF{0, 1, 0};
const Frac operator+(Frac lhs, i128 rhs) { return lhs += rhs; }

clock_t tot = 0;
clock_t tot2 = 0;
clock_t tot3 = 0;

void solve() {
  auto start = clock();
  int n, m;
  std::string sk;
  std::cin >> n >> m >> sk;
  const int thres = n * n;
  std::string infk = []() {
    i128 val = INF<i128>;
    std::string ans;
    while (val > 0) {
      ans += static_cast<char>('0' + val % 10);
      val /= 10;
    return ans;
  if (sk.size() > infk.size() || (sk.size() == infk.size() && sk > infk)) {
    k = INF<i128>;
  } else {
    for (char c : sk | rv::reverse) {
      k = 10 * k + (c - '0');
  std::vector<int> mk(n + 1);
  for (char c : sk | rv::reverse) {
    kmint = kmint * Mint{10} + Mint{c - '0'};
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
      mk[i] = (mk[i] * 10 + (c - '0')) % i;

  std::vector<Edge> edges(m);
  for (auto &[u, v, w] : edges) {
    int64_t ww;
    std::cin >> u >> v >> ww;
    w = ww;

  std::vector dist(n + 1, std::vector(n, std::vector<i128>(n, INF<i128>)));
  std::vector d0(thres + 1, std::vector<i128>(n, INF<i128>));
  d0[0][0] = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    dist[0][i][i] = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
      for (auto &[u, v, w] : edges) {
        dist[i][j][v] = std::min(dist[i][j][v], dist[i - 1][j][u] + w);
    d0[i] = dist[i][0];
  for (int i = n + 1; i <= thres; ++i) {
    for (auto &[u, v, w] : edges) {
      d0[i][v] = std::min(d0[i][v], d0[i - 1][u] + w);
  tot += clock() - start;
  start = clock();
  if (k <= 3 * thres) {
    int kk = static_cast<int>(k);
    d0.resize(3 * thres + 1, std::vector<i128>(n, INF<i128>));
    for (int i = thres + 1; i <= 3 * thres; ++i) {
      for (auto &[u, v, w] : edges) {
        d0[i][v] = std::min(d0[i][v], d0[i - 1][u] + w);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      if (d0[kk][i] == INF<i128>) {
        std::cout << "-1 ";
      } else {
        std::cout << static_cast<int>(d0[kk][i] % MOD) << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';

  std::vector dp(thres + 1, std::vector<Frac>(n, FINF));
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    i128 mi = INF<i128> / n;
    int sz = 1;
    for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
      if (dist[j][i][i] != INF<i128> && dist[j][i][i] * sz < mi * j) {
        mi = dist[j][i][i];
        sz = j;
    if (mi == INF<i128> / n) {
    for (int j = thres - n; j <= thres; ++j) {
      if (d0[j][i] == INF<i128>) {
      int rem = (mk[sz] - j - thres + sz - 1) % sz;
      if (rem < 0) {
        rem += sz;
      dp[thres - sz + 1 + rem][i] = std::min(
        dp[thres - sz + 1 + rem][i],
        Frac{mi, d0[j][i] * sz + mi * (-j - n * n + sz - 1 - rem), sz}
  tot2 += clock() - start;
  start = clock();
  for (int i = thres - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    for (const auto &[u, v, w] : edges) {
      if (!dp[i + 1][u].is_inf()) {
        if (dp[i][v].is_inf()) {
          dp[i][v] = dp[i + 1][u] + w;
        } else {
          dp[i][v] = std::min(dp[i][v], dp[i + 1][u] + w);
  tot3 += clock() - start;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (dp[0][i].is_inf()) {
      std::cout << "-1 ";
    } else {
      std::cout << Mint(dp[0][i].to_mint()) << ' ';
  std::cout << '\n';

int main() {
#ifndef LOCAL
  // std::freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);

  int s, t;
  std::cin >> s >> t;
  auto start = clock();
  for (int i = 0; i < t; ++i) {
  dbg(clock() - start);


Subtask #1:

score: 0
Wrong Answer

Test #1:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 62ms
memory: 115584kb


100 101 899539897889989959
74 35 910832669819965536
35 85 910832669819965536
85 88 910832669819965536
88 30 910832669819965536
30 58 910832669819965536
58 60 910832669819965536
60 34 910832669819965536
34 8 910832669819965536
8 67 910832669819965536
67 89 910832669819965536
89 32 910832669819965...


100955187 100955276 100955278 100955234 100955188 100955284 100955249 100955227 100955240 100955250 100955218 100955268 100955248 100955195 100955277 100955258 100955242 100955256 100955189 100955186 100955281 100955216 100955193 100955260 100955267 100955265 100955252 100955214 100955238 100955223 ...


wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '395495792', found: '100955187'

Subtask #2:

score: 0
Memory Limit Exceeded

Test #7:

score: 0
Memory Limit Exceeded


300 598 8179377797889487867988994778539839593376697796496698959964978969
1 2 977880533270721156
2 1 977880533270721156
2 3 977880533270721156
3 2 977880533270721156
3 4 977880533270721156
4 3 977880533270721156
4 5 977880533270721156
5 4 977880533270721156
5 6 977880533270721156
6 5 977880533270...


493726862 -1 493716700 -1 493706538 -1 493696376 -1 493686214 -1 493676052 -1 493665890 -1 493655728 -1 493645566 -1 493635404 -1 493625242 -1 493615080 -1 493604918 -1 493594756 -1 493584594 -1 493574432 -1 493564270 -1 493554108 -1 493543946 -1 493533784 -1 493523622 -1 493513460 -1 493503298 -1 4...


Subtask #3:

score: 0

Dependency #2:


Subtask #4:

score: 0

Dependency #1:


Subtask #5:

score: 0

Dependency #1:


Subtask #6:

score: 0

Dependency #3:
