The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#622024 | #4339. 青蛙题 / rmscne | rotcar07 | 0 | 2664ms | 152716kb | C++20 | 1.6kb | 2024-10-08 19:31:24 | 2024-10-08 19:31:26 |
Judging History
using namespace std;
constexpr int maxn=2e6+5;
int n,q;
#define ls p<<1
#define rs p<<1|1
struct seg1{
int t[maxn<<2],g[maxn<<2];
inline void pushup(int p){t[p]=min(t[ls],t[rs]);}
inline void pushdown(int p,int l,int mid){
void modify(int p,int l,int r,int ql,int qr,int k){
if(ql<=l&&r<=qr) return t[p]=k-l+1,g[p]=k,void();
int mid=l+r>>1;
if(ql<=mid) modify(ls,l,mid,ql,qr,k);
if(qr>mid) modify(rs,mid+1,r,ql,qr,k);
int query(int p,int l,int r,int ql,int qr){
// cout<<p<<' '<<l<<' '<<r<<' '<<g[p]<<' '<<t[p]<<'\n';
if(ql<=l&&r<=qr) return t[p];
int mid=l+r>>1,res=n+1;pushdown(p,l,mid);
if(ql<=mid) res=query(ls,l,mid,ql,qr);
if(qr>mid) res=min(res,query(rs,mid+1,r,ql,qr));
return res;
int lst[maxn],a[maxn],fa[maxn];
vector<pair<int,int>> Q[maxn];
int ans[maxn];
inline int getfa(int x){return fa[x]==x?x:fa[x]=getfa(fa[x]);}
int main(){
cin>>n;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) cin>>a[i],fa[i]=i;cin>>q;
for(int i=1,x,y;i<=q;i++) cin>>x>>y,Q[y].emplace_back(x,i);
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
int x=lst[a[i]];A.modify(1,1,n,x+1,i,i);fa[getfa(x)]=getfa(x+1);
for(auto [x,id]:Q[i]) ans[id]=A.query(1,1,n,x,getfa(x));
for(int i=1;i<=q;i++) cout<<ans[i]<<'\n';cout<<'\n';
Subtask #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 46ms
memory: 11308kb
49877 5 19104 10024 26645 44019 3799 47144 18957 16261 7730 49099 47900 6246 42506 7445 29494 29292 23364 40488 16750 6800 21668 27296 36297 18566 37148 15851 40842 5872 11177 46903 1732 38477 12305 27376 35840 33232 36691 34829 20037 36492 33175 40983 7253 13581 2 4603 3443 22203 49583 38890 14550 ...
308 2669 29667 1994 4345 2206 9867 9432 6497 15313 4691 35920 2504 13085 18158 43914 7180 24316 10061 27156 1061 20341 15979 32174 9761 41891 33530 8350 7624 7071 28284 17944 37105 24743 12990 2822 11094 26076 15015 6211 5570 38782 3664 8493 8295 3086 2482 16262 17710 4164 1998 21064 40701 9000 7959...
wrong answer 5th numbers differ - expected: '4344', found: '4345'
Subtask #2:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #13:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 6ms
memory: 10024kb
4681 11 7 2524 4128 1315 4444 205 750 3112 932 1690 3540 3647 461 3547 2873 1944 1617 1439 85 4106 3897 2853 6 3270 1159 1636 5 2966 4463 4288 688 1982 1274 4454 4270 3129 4255 118 4549 4266 7 7 1347 3638 1280 4022 2901 368 2238 3 2750 2987 3218 3507 6 1137 983 4327 2867 1155 2096 7 414 1564 10 1044...
571 348 1396 2748 1171 1119 2183 3117 2050 2759 1122 1913 584 1188 2343 1766 3730 3166 997 112 836 563 210 2082 1853 2808 1686 2459 276 2143 2414 371 3031 1035 2437 3656 4407 100 3670 1905 383 2309 3090 2422 2316 2740 450 4081 1756 2657 524 1447 2444 79 694 366 2752 1291 1980 3039 518 790 855 2114 5...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '570', found: '571'
Subtask #3:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #25:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 2664ms
memory: 152716kb
1927935 1307002 177803 328035 1844109 5 532876 1638997 1111173 1392421 1704007 241552 613377 262779 4 1823788 394795 52876 11 8 1103445 1293860 1033234 1745826 249295 670713 1452644 1891635 331608 933251 1531742 559293 291541 732326 969795 1592807 8 1358796 1389801 1074221 1709205 945430 726546 1488...
727848 1026164 1233157 552414 388216 432550 74976 700049 8114 452986 612727 137410 933681 469414 253893 451868 899632 25552 1341719 1197525 744046 198241 186021 635522 875168 424572 1846218 952996 808896 843011 89400 864211 402012 167625 283143 1010292 113288 259012 549760 67737 1259389 1780006 1565...
wrong answer 5th numbers differ - expected: '388215', found: '388216'