ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#59084 | #95. Radix | hhblw | Compile Error | / | / | C++ | 5.1kb | 2022-10-27 22:14:21 | 2022-10-27 22:14:22 |
Judging History
- [2023-08-10 23:21:45]
- System Update: QOJ starts to keep a history of the judgings of all the submissions.
- [2022-10-27 22:14:22]
- 评测
- 测评结果:Compile Error
- 用时:0ms
- 内存:0kb
- [2022-10-27 22:14:21]
- 提交
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned short dig;
typedef unsigned int u64;
#define DIGM ( ~(dig)(0) )
#define DIGL ( 8 * sizeof(dig) )
#define sz size()
typedef complex<long double> base;
typedef vector<dig> bi;
int rev[1000000];
base wlen_pw[1000000];
base fa[1000000];
base fb[1000000];
#define BASE10 100
#define BASE10L 2
bi digits[BASE10+1];
#define MAXN (10000000+100500)
char s[MAXN];
void print(bi x, char * s) {
int j = DIGL - 1;
if(!x.sz) {
*s++ = '0';
*s++ = 0;
return ;
while( !((x[x.sz-1]>>j)&1) )
while(j >= 0)
*s++ = '0' + ((x[x.sz-1]>>(j--))&1);
int i = x.sz-2;
while(i>=0) {
j = DIGL - 1;
*s++ = '0' + ((x[i]>>(j--))&1);
while(j >= 0);
*s++ = 0;
void fft (base a[], int n, bool invert) {
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
if (i < rev[i])
swap (a[i], a[rev[i]]);
for (int len=2; len<=n; len<<=1) {
long double ang = 2*M_PI/len * (invert?-1:+1);
int len2 = len>>1;
base wlen (cosl(ang), sinl(ang));
wlen_pw[0] = base (1, 0);
for (int i=1; i<len2; ++i)
wlen_pw[i] = wlen_pw[i-1] * wlen;
for (int i=0; i<n; i+=len) {
base t,
*pu = a+i,
*pv = a+i+len2,
*pu_end = a+i+len2,
*pw = wlen_pw;
for (; pu!=pu_end; ++pu, ++pv, ++pw) {
t = *pv * *pw;
*pv = *pu - t;
*pu += t;
if (invert)
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
a[i] /= n;
void calc_rev (int n, int log_n) {
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
rev[i] = 0;
for (int j=0; j<log_n; ++j)
if (i & (1<<j))
rev[i] |= 1<<(log_n-1-j);
typedef vector<dig> bi;
bi mul(bi op1, bi op2) {
size_t n = 1;
size_t logn = 0;
while (n < max (op1.size(), op2.size())) n <<= 1, logn += 1;
n <<= 1; logn += 1;
for(int i = 0; i < op1.sz; ++i) fa[i] = op1[i];
for(int i = op1.sz; i < n; ++i) fa[i] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < op2.sz; ++i) fb[i] = op2[i];
for(int i = op2.sz; i < n; ++i) fb[i] = 0;
calc_rev(n, logn);
//for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cerr << fa[i] << ' '; cerr << '\n';
//for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cerr << fb[i] << ' '; cerr << '\n';
fft (fa, n, false), fft (fb, n, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
fa[i] *= fb[i];
fft (fa, n, true);
//for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cerr << fa[i] << ' '; cerr << '\n';
bi res(n);
unsigned long long t = 0, carry = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
t = (unsigned long long)(fa[i].real() + 0.5) + carry;
res[i] = (dig)(t & DIGM);
carry = t >> DIGL;
while(!res.empty() && !res.back())
return res;
/*bi mul(bi op1, bi op2) {
bi res(op1.sz + op2.sz);
for(int i = 0; i < op1.sz; ++i) {
dig carry = 0;
u64 t;
int j;
for(j = 0; j < op2.sz; ++j) {
t = op1[i];
t *= op2[j];
t += res[i+j];
t += carry;
res[i+j] = t & DIGM;
carry = t >> DIGL;
while(carry) {
t = res[i+j] + carry;
res[i+j] = t & DIGM;
carry = t >> DIGL;
while(res.sz > 0 && res[res.sz-1] == 0)
return res;
int max(int i, int j) { return i < j ? j : i; }
bi sum(bi op1, bi op2) {
bi res(max(op1.sz, op2.sz)+1);
dig carry = 0;
u64 t;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < op1.sz && i < op2.sz; ++i) {
t = op1[i];
t += op2[i];
t += carry;
res[i] = t & DIGM;
carry = t >> DIGL;
for(; i < op1.sz; ++i) {
t = op1[i];
t += carry;
res[i] = t & DIGM;
carry = t >> DIGL;
for(; i < op2.sz; ++i) {
t = op2[i];
t += carry;
res[i] = t & DIGM;
carry = t >> DIGL;
res[i] = carry;
while(res.sz > 0 && res[res.sz-1] == 0)
return res;
bi read(char * s) {
int n = strlen(s);
bi res((n + BASE10L)/BASE10L);
int l = 0;
for(int i = n; i > 0; i -= BASE10L) {
char si = s[i];
s[i] = 0;
res[l++] = atoi(s+max(i-BASE10L, 0));
s[i] = si;
return res;
bi step[20];
bi go(bi x) {
if(!x.sz) return bi(0);
if(x.sz <= 1) return bi(1, x[0]);
int i = 1;
while( (1<<(i-1)) < x.sz) ++i; --i;
int l = (1 << (i-1));
bi y = bi(x.begin() + l, x.end());
return sum(mul(go(y), step[i]) , go(x));
bi solve2(bi x) {
step[0] = bi(1, 1);
step[1] = bi(1, BASE10);
for(int i = 2; (1<<(i-1)) < x.sz; ++i)
step[i] = mul(step[i-1], step[i-1]);
return go(x);
int main() {
for(int i = 0; i <= BASE10; ++i) {
digits[i] = bi(1, i);
if( strlen(s) == 1 && s[0] == '0' ) { puts("0"); return 0; }
bi input = read(s);
bi ans = solve2(input);
print(ans, s);
return 0;
answer.code: In function ‘int main()’: answer.code:231:5: error: ‘gets’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘getw’? 231 | gets(s); | ^~~~ | getw