ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#550501 | #9248. An Easy Math Problem | ucup-team133# | TL | 0ms | 3604kb | C++23 | 4.9kb | 2024-09-07 13:13:36 | 2024-09-07 13:13:37 |
Judging History
This is the latest submission verdict.
- [2024-10-31 22:36:43]
- hack成功,自动添加数据
- (/hack/1098)
- [2024-10-31 22:13:58]
- hack成功,自动添加数据
- (/hack/1096)
- [2024-10-31 22:00:43]
- hack成功,自动添加数据
- (/hack/1095)
- [2024-09-07 13:13:36]
- Submitted
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#ifdef LOCAL
#include <debug.hpp>
#define debug(...) void(0)
template <class T> std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, std::vector<T>& v) {
for (auto& e : v) {
is >> e;
return is;
template <class T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& v) {
for (std::string_view sep = ""; const auto& e : v) {
os << std::exchange(sep, " ") << e;
return os;
template <class T, class U = T> bool chmin(T& x, U&& y) {
return y < x and (x = std::forward<U>(y), true);
template <class T, class U = T> bool chmax(T& x, U&& y) {
return x < y and (x = std::forward<U>(y), true);
template <class T> void mkuni(std::vector<T>& v) {
auto result = std::ranges::unique(v);
v.erase(result.begin(), result.end());
template <class T> int lwb(const std::vector<T>& v, const T& x) {
return std::distance(v.begin(), std::ranges::lower_bound(v, x));
namespace elementary_math {
template <typename T> std::vector<T> divisor(T n) {
std::vector<T> res;
for (T i = 1; i * i <= n; i++) {
if (n % i == 0) {
if (i * i != n) res.emplace_back(n / i);
return res;
template <typename T> std::vector<std::pair<T, int>> prime_factor(T n) {
std::vector<std::pair<T, int>> res;
for (T p = 2; p * p <= n; p++) {
if (n % p == 0) {
res.emplace_back(p, 0);
while (n % p == 0) {
n /= p;
if (n > 1) res.emplace_back(n, 1);
return res;
std::vector<int> osa_k(int n) {
std::vector<int> min_factor(n + 1, 0);
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (min_factor[i]) continue;
for (int j = i; j <= n; j += i) {
if (!min_factor[j]) {
min_factor[j] = i;
return min_factor;
std::vector<int> prime_factor(const std::vector<int>& min_factor, int n) {
std::vector<int> res;
while (n > 1) {
n /= min_factor[n];
return res;
long long modpow(long long x, long long n, long long mod) {
assert(0 <= n && 1 <= mod && mod < (1LL << 31));
if (mod == 1) return 0;
x %= mod;
long long res = 1;
while (n > 0) {
if (n & 1) res = res * x % mod;
x = x * x % mod;
n >>= 1;
return res;
long long extgcd(long long a, long long b, long long& x, long long& y) {
long long d = a;
if (b != 0) {
d = extgcd(b, a % b, y, x);
y -= (a / b) * x;
} else
x = 1, y = 0;
return d;
long long inv_mod(long long a, long long mod) {
assert(1 <= mod);
long long x, y;
if (extgcd(a, mod, x, y) != 1) return -1;
return (mod + x % mod) % mod;
template <typename T> T euler_phi(T n) {
auto pf = prime_factor(n);
T res = n;
for (const auto& p : pf) {
res /= p.first;
res *= p.first - 1;
return res;
std::vector<int> euler_phi_table(int n) {
std::vector<int> res(n + 1, 0);
std::iota(res.begin(), res.end(), 0);
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (res[i] != i) continue;
for (int j = i; j <= n; j += i) res[j] = res[j] / i * (i - 1);
return res;
// minimum i > 0 s.t. x^i \equiv 1 \pmod{m}
template <typename T> T order(T x, T m) {
T n = euler_phi(m);
auto cand = divisor(n);
std::sort(cand.begin(), cand.end());
for (auto& i : cand) {
if (modpow(x, i, m) == 1) {
return i;
return -1;
template <typename T> std::vector<std::tuple<T, T, T>> quotient_ranges(T n) {
std::vector<std::tuple<T, T, T>> res;
T m = 1;
for (; m * m <= n; m++) res.emplace_back(m, m, n / m);
for (; m >= 1; m--) {
T l = n / (m + 1) + 1, r = n / m;
if (l <= r and std::get<1>(res.back()) < l) res.emplace_back(l, r, n / l);
return res;
} // namespace elementary_math
using ll = long long;
using namespace std;
void solve() {
ll n;
cin >> n;
auto ps = elementary_math::prime_factor(n);
set<pair<ll, ll>> s;
auto dfs = [&](auto self, int d, ll p, ll q) -> void {
if (d == int(ps.size())) {
if (p > q) return;
ll g = gcd(p, q);
s.emplace(p / g, q / g);
auto [x, y] = ps[d];
for (int i = 0; i <= y; i++) {
for (int j = 0; i + j <= y; j++) {
ll np = p, nq = q;
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) np *= x;
for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) nq *= x;
self(self, d + 1, np, nq);
dfs(dfs, 0, 1, 1);
int ans = s.size();
cout << ans << "\n";
int main() {
cout << fixed << setprecision(15);
int q;
cin >> q;
for (; q--;) solve();
return 0;
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3604kb
10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 2 3 2 5 2 4 3 5
ok 10 lines
Test #2:
score: -100
Time Limit Exceeded
2000 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 6469693230 646969323...