ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#498793 | #8230. Submissions | ucup-team3896 | WA | 120ms | 3848kb | C++17 | 4.3kb | 2024-07-30 19:50:06 | 2024-07-30 19:50:06 |
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 3612kb
2 5 TSxingxing10 G 0 rejected TSxingxing10 B 83 accepted aoliaoligeiliao J 98 accepted TS1 J 118 accepted TS1 B 263 accepted 12 AllWayTheNorth A 0 rejected YaoYaoLingXian Y 10 accepted XuejunXinyoudui1 X 200 rejected XuejunXinyoudui1 X 200 accepted LetItRot L 215 accepted AllWayTheNorth W 250 accept...
2 TS1 TSxingxing10 4 AllWayTheNorth ImYourFan LetItRot XuejunXinyoudui1
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3848kb
2 2 jiangly_fan A 1 accepted jiangly B 23 accepted 3 conqueror_of_tourist A 1 accepted conqueror_of_tourist A 2 accepted tourist B 23 accepted
2 jiangly_fan jiangly 1 conqueror_of_tourist
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3584kb
2 13 A A 1 accepted A X 1 accepted K K 1 rejected B B 2 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 accepted G G 2 accepted H H 2 accepted I I 2 accepted J J 2 accepted K K 2 rejected 12 A A 1 accepted A X 1 accepted B B 2 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 a...
11 A B C D E F G H I J K 1 A
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3584kb
2 11 A A 1 accepted B B 1 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 accepted G G 2 accepted H H 2 accepted I I 2 accepted J J 2 accepted K K 2 accepted 12 A A 1 accepted A X 1 accepted K K 1 rejected B B 2 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 accepted G G 2 a...
2 A B 2 A K
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 120ms
memory: 3608kb
100000 1 M3JytWoaEXxkACy_mBAQ R 111 accepted 1 sQ O 151 accepted 1 JinbrcS58gNEE5yTSkT B 140 accepted 1 cklwBY V 243 accepted 1 v_o42YmvEKFwy Q 260 rejected 1 ftQVK8S_um22w K 265 accepted 1 _bQBeFeDpYQhvZcLf9l3 Z 147 accepted 1 KvDcEAIDN A 75 rejected 1 H3MUK6 A 101 rejected 1 gxYo_oCFn2J8aIben U 54...
1 M3JytWoaEXxkACy_mBAQ 1 sQ 1 JinbrcS58gNEE5yTSkT 1 cklwBY 1 v_o42YmvEKFwy 1 ftQVK8S_um22w 1 _bQBeFeDpYQhvZcLf9l3 1 KvDcEAIDN 1 H3MUK6 1 gxYo_oCFn2J8aIben 1 _isnlUGK0ddI 1 BERcVjyCp 1 6In2do_50ylch 1 f0r3SXc6brMjT 1 7njYOapSwvogA 1 x 1 y1w3KvxylfxwprRBYw 1 aGedzS 1 iPo0GDhIF 1 4Vf...
ok 100000 test cases ok. (100000 test cases)
Test #6:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 116ms
memory: 3668kb
10000 42 Bzs0PiQMXGZ5rRZ_2D G 2 accepted 9XtB_VIfbRRL E 11 accepted FVJL M 13 rejected a S 19 accepted tsd Z 20 rejected MyCqVEg1ONjZ U 22 accepted 6SgZMn N 51 rejected Qua1Pti3vKhyQKDUm P 54 accepted i29 M 63 accepted zPqu D 68 rejected xx2yiu6x C 71 rejected fYuK1KNkuyO5HRCq L 76 rejected tXWpYVqj...
xiLm0TUOF3T A 212accepted fYuK1KNkuyO5HRCq J 213accepted l5ClvOhvY_DEMrXu B 218accepted Qua1Pti3vKhyQKDUm K 221rejected FjP7vHdRibt U 223accepted FVJL U 229accepted ex5qMuW C 251rejected Ra3Qeta_qR A 267accepted fYuK1KNkuyO5HRCq I 268accepted tsd I 271accepted hQ H 284accepted Ra3Qeta_qR Q 293accept...
wrong output format Expected integer, but "xiLm0TUOF3T" found (test case 1)