The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#494418 | #6215. 轻重路径 | Qiuly | 100 ✓ | 374ms | 12940kb | C++23 | 2.4kb | 2024-07-27 15:43:33 | 2024-07-27 15:43:34 |
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Final Tests
Test #1:
score: 10
time: 2ms
memory: 9904kb
10 6 2 7 3 4 8 9 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 10 9 6 5 4 8 3 2
24 24 14 14 14 9 13 5 2 0
ok 10 lines
Test #2:
score: 10
time: 2ms
memory: 10096kb
900 12 2 3 13 4 14 5 15 16 6 7 17 18 8 19 9 10 20 21 11 22 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 27 28 26 25 33 29 31 50 36 30 39 104 34 35 32 37 38 46 47 62 116 57 70 98 139 43 44 41 42 295 129 72 67 40 59 45 187 48 65 56 54 123 52 49 68 250 288 132 75 51 79 55 89 81 61 0 94 111 74 386 53 5...
268205 267880 267406 267330 267330 266501 265769 265769 265769 265769 265025 265025 265025 265025 265025 265025 265025 265025 265025 265031 264144 263264 263264 262555 262555 262555 261898 261218 261316 260463 259813 259632 259632 259632 258857 258995 258371 258371 258371 258371 257586 256766 256766...
ok 900 lines
Test #3:
score: 10
time: 0ms
memory: 8012kb
1000 2 22 23 3 4 24 25 5 26 6 7 27 8 28 9 29 30 10 11 31 32 12 13 33 14 34 15 35 36 16 17 37 18 38 39 19 40 20 41 21 42 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 43 60 59 47 48 50 46 72 168 57 51 49 53 55 54 671 0 52 56 85 103 62 107 58 93 71 74 61 66 137 ...
327054 327054 326467 325853 325192 324378 323622 323622 323622 323574 322634 322634 321675 320745 320745 319876 319680 319680 319680 319680 319680 319079 319079 319104 318125 318125 317327 317499 316682 315873 315873 315965 315965 315965 315965 315965 315283 314653 314127 313392 313413 313413 312420...
ok 1000 lines
Test #4:
score: 10
time: 68ms
memory: 10964kb
50000 10002 2 10003 3 10004 4 10005 5 6 10006 10007 7 8 10008 9 10009 10010 10 11 10011 12 10012 13 10013 14 10014 10015 15 10016 16 10017 17 18 10018 10019 19 10020 20 10021 21 22 10022 10023 23 24 10024 25 10025 10026 26 10027 27 10028 28 29 10029 10030 30 10031 31 10032 32 10033 33 10034 34 10035...
711872301 711872301 711872301 711832923 711832923 711832923 711832923 711792238 711792238 711807464 711770275 711770275 711770275 711770275 711770275 711770275 711770275 711770275 711770275 711770275 711730717 711730717 711730717 711730717 711730717 711683529 711683529 711683529 711683529 711683529 ...
ok 48001 lines
Test #5:
score: 10
time: 70ms
memory: 9244kb
50000 10002 2 10003 3 10004 4 5 10005 6 10006 7 10007 8 10008 10009 9 10010 10 11 10011 10012 12 10013 13 10014 14 10015 15 16 10016 10017 17 10018 18 19 10019 20 10020 21 10021 22 10022 23 10023 24 10024 10025 25 26 10026 10027 27 10028 28 29 10029 10030 30 31 10031 32 10032 33 10033 34 10034 35 10...
708802150 708802150 708802150 708807841 708807841 708807841 708807841 708807841 708807841 708807841 708807841 708807841 708807841 708758166 708758166 708758166 708758218 708758218 708715881 708715881 708715881 708715881 708715881 708667294 708667294 708667294 708667294 708618528 708579105 708579105 ...
ok 50000 lines
Test #6:
score: 10
time: 147ms
memory: 9104kb
100000 2 10002 10003 3 10004 4 10005 5 10006 6 10007 7 8 10008 10009 9 10010 10 11 10011 10012 12 10013 13 10014 14 15 10015 16 10016 10017 17 18 10018 19 10019 20 10020 21 10021 22 10022 10023 23 10024 24 25 10025 10026 26 27 10027 28 10028 29 10029 10030 30 31 10031 10032 32 33 10033 10034 34 35 1...
3109461726 3109440696 3109351193 3109351193 3109351193 3109351193 3109259093 3109187430 3109155293 3109155293 3109155293 3109155293 3109058706 3109058706 3109042061 3108950464 3108941665 3108941665 3108941665 3108846324 3108846324 3108757770 3108661321 3108596978 3108596978 3108623997 3108623997 310...
ok 99998 lines
Test #7:
score: 10
time: 147ms
memory: 9448kb
100000 10002 2 3 10003 10004 4 5 10005 6 10006 10007 7 8 10008 9 10009 10 10010 10011 11 12 10012 10013 13 10014 14 15 10015 10016 16 17 10017 18 10018 19 10019 10020 20 10021 21 10022 22 10023 23 24 10024 10025 25 10026 26 10027 27 10028 28 29 10029 30 10030 31 10031 32 10032 33 10033 10034 34 1003...
3091424929 3091424929 3091424929 3091411418 3091411418 3091411418 3091406154 3091321840 3091321840 3091261927 3091261927 3091261927 3091258651 3091258651 3091258651 3091257549 3091167934 3091167934 3091071477 3090986697 3090986697 3091010242 3091010242 3090917283 3090917283 3090917283 3090863020 309...
ok 100000 lines
Test #8:
score: 10
time: 294ms
memory: 12852kb
200000 2 20002 20003 3 4 20004 5 20005 6 20006 7 20007 8 20008 20009 9 10 20010 20011 11 12 20012 20013 13 20014 14 20015 15 16 20016 17 20017 20018 18 20019 19 20020 20 20021 21 20022 22 20023 23 24 20024 20025 25 20026 26 20027 27 28 20028 29 20029 20030 30 31 20031 32 20032 33 20033 20034 34 35 2...
12391910784 12391882519 12391882519 12391756806 12391560321 12391560321 12391415851 12391415851 12391415851 12391230152 12391045693 12390849932 12390849932 12390849932 12390849932 12390645206 12390645206 12390457119 12390457119 12390457119 12390457119 12390282296 12390282296 12390083838 12390131597 ...
ok 180001 lines
Test #9:
score: 10
time: 374ms
memory: 12796kb
200000 2 20002 3 20003 20004 4 20005 5 20006 6 7 20007 20008 8 20009 9 20010 10 20011 11 20012 12 20013 13 20014 14 20015 15 20016 16 17 20017 18 20018 19 20019 20020 20 21 20021 22 20022 23 20023 24 20024 20025 25 20026 26 27 20027 20028 28 29 20029 20030 30 20031 31 20032 32 33 20033 20034 34 35 2...
12390276806 12390276806 12390067487 12389873662 12389727088 12389611577 12389611577 12389611577 12389611577 12389611577 12389611577 12389477527 12389477527 12389314868 12389314868 12389294924 12389294924 12389294924 12389100978 12389005265 12389005265 12388817571 12388638967 12388638967 12388638967 ...
ok 199999 lines
Test #10:
score: 10
time: 345ms
memory: 12940kb
200000 20002 2 20003 3 20004 4 20005 5 6 20006 20007 7 20008 8 9 20009 10 20010 20011 11 20012 12 13 20013 14 20014 20015 15 16 20016 17 20017 20018 18 20019 19 20020 20 20021 21 20022 22 23 20023 24 20024 25 20025 26 20026 27 20027 20028 28 29 20029 30 20030 20031 31 32 20032 20033 33 34 20034 2003...
12400149553 12400177008 12400192028 12400192028 12400231309 12400235505 12400235505 12400235505 12400038308 12399873171 12399709573 12399709573 12399709573 12399571370 12399571370 12399571370 12399571370 12399571370 12399571370 12399426558 12399245265 12399253079 12399247928 12399244532 12399080726 ...
ok 200000 lines