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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#487551 | #6661. 야유회 | Rafi22# | 0 | 443ms | 0kb | C++20 | 1.4kb | 2024-07-22 23:32:16 | 2024-07-22 23:32:16 |
Judging History
#include "workshop.h"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#ifdef DEBUG
auto&operator<<(auto&o,pair<auto,auto>p){return o<<"("<<p.first<<", "<<p.second<<")";}
auto operator<<(auto&o,auto x)->decltype(x.end(),o){o<<"{";int i=0;for(auto e:x)o<<","+!i++<<e;return o<<"}";}
#define debug(X...)cerr<<"["#X"]: ",[](auto...$){((cerr<<$<<"; "),...)<<endl;}(X)
#define debug(...){}
#define ll long long
#define ld long double
#define endl '\n'
#define st first
#define nd second
#define pb push_back
#define sz(x) (int)(x).size()
#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
#define FOR(i,l,r) for(int i=(l);i<=(r);i++)
#define ROF(i,r,l) for(int i=(r);i>=(l);i--)
int inf=1000000007;
ll infl=1000000000000000007;
ll mod=1000000007;
ll mod1=998244353;
const int K=17,N=10000000;
int w[N];
void init()
FOR(i,0,N-1) w[i]=rand()%1000000000;
int morning(int x,int r)
if(w[x]%2==1) return x;
int ban=-1;
if(w[r]%2==1) ban=w[w[r]%N]%K;
while(w[x]%K==ban) x=w[x]%N;
return x;
int afternoon(int l,int x,int r)
FOR(j,0,K-1) if(j!=w[x]%K) vals.pb(j);
return vals[w[x]%sz(vals)];
else return w[x]%K;
int evening(int l,int x,int r)
if(l==x&&r==x) return (x+1)%K;
else if(r==x)
if(l==(x-1+K)%K) return (x-2+K)%K;
else return (x-1+K)%K;
else return x;
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Subtask #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #1:
score: 5
time: 62ms = 61ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 1 2 40 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 0 3 1 5 7 9 6 4 2 10 8 23 21 25 27 29 26 24 22 30 28 13 11 15 17 19 16 14 12 20 18 33 31 35 37 39 36 34 32 38
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 28 28 28 28 89 88 8b 8a 8d 8c 8f 8e 81 80 83 82 85 84 87 86 99 98 9b 9a 9d 9c 9f 9e 91 90 93 92 95 94 97 96 a9 a8 ab aa ad ac af ae 0072070c 0052df80 006154d7 00252458 0054134c 00601d26 0016254a 003ce68b 009711c6 00245957 003f2f06 004ed7df 005f55e1 00361a44...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 28 28 28 28 89 88 8b 8a 8d 8c 8f 8e 81 80 83 82 85 84 87 86 99 98 9b 9a 9d 9c 9f 9e 91 90 93 92 95 94 97 96 a9 a8 ab aa ad ac af ae 0072070c 0052df80 006154d7 00252458 0054134c 00601d26 0016254a 003ce68b 009711c6 00245957 003f2f06 004ed7df 005f55e1 00361a44...
4468cc07-dabe-OUTPUT-ba95-7ddd49645c94 17
ok Correct, m = 17
Test #2:
score: 5
time: 67ms = 66ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 1 2 40 7 6 9 4 2 1 5 7 40 10 6 9 4 2 0 1 5 7 3 8
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 7 6 4 2 8f 80 8d 8b 88 8c 8e 0016254a 00245957 0054134c 006154d7 0052df80 00601d26 00000089 00000083 00000081 00000080 83 81 a 9 7 5 8f 80 8d 8b 89 88 8c 8e 8a 81 0016254a 00245957 0054134c 006154d7 0072070c 0052df80 00601d26 003ce68b 00252458 00000089...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 7 6 4 2 8f 80 8d 8b 88 8c 8e 0016254a 00245957 0054134c 006154d7 0052df80 00601d26 00000089 00000083 00000081 00000080 83 81 a 9 7 5 8f 80 8d 8b 89 88 8c 8e 8a 81 0016254a 00245957 0054134c 006154d7 0072070c 0052df80 00601d26 003ce68b 00252458 00000089...
4468cc07-dabe-OUTPUT-ba95-7ddd49645c94 17
ok Correct, m = 17
Test #3:
score: 5
time: 405ms = 404ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 1 25000 40 40 12 4 16 7 26 21 10 20 0 32 15 3 33 37 23 8 34 38 13 1 29 18 17 25 39 35 31 24 36 28 30 9 14 5 19 22 2 27 11 6 40 40 3 34 21 38 36 7 33 39 26 15 2 13 22 20 5 25 10 12 30 35 0 31 24 17 11 37 32 18 9 28 6 16 23 27 1 4 8 14 19 29 40 40 18 34 29 31 22 3...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 25000 28 28 28 28 85 8d 99 8e 93 9c 83 9d 89 a9 86 8a a8 ac 9e 81 ab af 84 88 94 9b 98 90 ae aa 96 91 ad 95 97 80 87 8c 9a 9f 8b 92 82 8f 005f55e1 0054134c 0029ef1c 003ce68b 0087016c 007c1665 003f2f06 00793237 0072070c 005f6c54 00692867 00252458 0085acb3 0009...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 25000 28 28 28 28 85 8d 99 8e 93 9c 83 9d 89 a9 86 8a a8 ac 9e 81 ab af 84 88 94 9b 98 90 ae aa 96 91 ad 95 97 80 87 8c 9a 9f 8b 92 82 8f 005f55e1 0054134c 0029ef1c 003ce68b 0087016c 007c1665 003f2f06 00793237 0072070c 005f6c54 00692867 00252458 0085acb3 0009...
4468cc07-dabe-OUTPUT-ba95-7ddd49645c94 17
ok Correct, m = 17
Test #4:
score: 5
time: 59ms = 58ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 1 2 10 7 6 9 4 2 1 5 7 10 10 6 9 4 2 0 1 5 7 3 8
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 7 6 4 2 8f 80 8d 8b 88 8c 8e 004bf3da 002e3c7f 00152ff2 005695f6 00225f26 00201b78 00000089 0000008a 00000084 0000008a 8a 84 a a a a 8f 80 8d 8b 89 88 8c 8e 8a 81 004bf3da 002e3c7f 00152ff2 005695f6 007d6020 00225f26 00201b78 0026100a 005a0cd0 007c732d ...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 7 6 4 2 8f 80 8d 8b 88 8c 8e 004bf3da 002e3c7f 00152ff2 005695f6 00225f26 00201b78 00000089 0000008a 00000084 0000008a 8a 84 a a a a 8f 80 8d 8b 89 88 8c 8e 8a 81 004bf3da 002e3c7f 00152ff2 005695f6 007d6020 00225f26 00201b78 0026100a 005a0cd0 007c732d ...
4468cc07-dabe-OUTPUT-ba95-7ddd49645c94 17
ok Correct, m = 17
Test #5:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 443ms = 442ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 1 100000 10 10 4 8 3 7 1 0 2 5 6 9 10 10 3 7 9 4 5 6 0 1 8 2 10 10 9 3 6 1 0 4 2 7 8 5 10 10 2 8 6 3 1 5 0 4 9 7 10 10 1 7 5 3 4 0 6 9 8 2 10 10 2 1 0 7 5 9 3 6 4 8 10 10 5 2 9 3 6 0 1 7 8 4 10 10 3 6 8 2 1 5 9 7 4 0 10 10 6 4 2 8 3 0 7 1 9 5 10 10 9 2 6 0 4 7 1...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 100000 a a a a 8d 81 8a 8e 88 89 8b 8c 8f 80 00152ff2 002367d9 005a0cd0 0026100a 00225f26 007d6020 005695f6 00201b78 004bf3da 002e3c7f 00000082 00000083 00000089 0000008a 0000008f 00000084 00000089 0000008f 00000089 0000008a 83 89 8a 8f 84 89 8f 89 8a 82 a...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 100000 a a a a 8d 81 8a 8e 88 89 8b 8c 8f 80 00152ff2 002367d9 005a0cd0 0026100a 00225f26 007d6020 005695f6 00201b78 004bf3da 002e3c7f 00000082 00000083 00000089 0000008a 0000008f 00000084 00000089 0000008f 00000089 0000008a 83 89 8a 8f 84 89 8f 89 8a 82 a...
64be09ab-d709-ERROR-82bc-c23f6124dd26 Wrong Answer [6]
wrong answer Wrong Answer [6]
Subtask #2:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #8:
score: 29
Acceptable Answer
time: 63ms = 62ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 2 2 40 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 0 3 1 5 7 9 6 4 2 10 8 23 21 25 27 29 26 24 22 30 28 13 11 15 17 19 16 14 12 20 18 33 31 35 37 39 36 34 32 38
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 28 28 28 28 89 88 8b 8a 8d 8c 8f 8e 81 80 83 82 85 84 87 86 99 98 9b 9a 9d 9c 9f 9e 91 90 93 92 95 94 97 96 a9 a8 ab aa ad ac af ae 002144c4 004dab2b 00029e59 0068fb80 008e967c 006119ea 008a25c7 001f5de2 006d4df4 00729298 00633e4e 009862bf 00755d36 003da26a...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 2 28 28 28 28 89 88 8b 8a 8d 8c 8f 8e 81 80 83 82 85 84 87 86 99 98 9b 9a 9d 9c 9f 9e 91 90 93 92 95 94 97 96 a9 a8 ab aa ad ac af ae 002144c4 004dab2b 00029e59 0068fb80 008e967c 006119ea 008a25c7 001f5de2 006d4df4 00729298 00633e4e 009862bf 00755d36 003da26a...
4468cc07-dabe-OUTPUT-ba95-7ddd49645c94 17
points 0.30526315790 Incorrect, m = 17
Test #9:
score: 31
Acceptable Answer
time: 59ms = 58ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 2 2 40 7 6 9 4 2 1 5 7 40 10 6 9 4 2 0 1 5 7 3 8
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 15 2 7 6 4 2 8f 80 8d 8b 88 8c 8e 008a25c7 00729298 008e967c 00029e59 004dab2b 006119ea 0000008e 00000080 00000082 00000088 80 82 a 9 7 5 8f 80 8d 8b 89 88 8c 8e 8a 81 008a25c7 00729298 008e967c 00029e59 002144c4 004dab2b 006119ea 001f5de2 0068fb80 0000008e...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 15 2 7 6 4 2 8f 80 8d 8b 88 8c 8e 008a25c7 00729298 008e967c 00029e59 004dab2b 006119ea 0000008e 00000080 00000082 00000088 80 82 a 9 7 5 8f 80 8d 8b 89 88 8c 8e 8a 81 008a25c7 00729298 008e967c 00029e59 002144c4 004dab2b 006119ea 001f5de2 0068fb80 0000008e...
4468cc07-dabe-OUTPUT-ba95-7ddd49645c94 15
points 0.32631578950 Incorrect, m = 15
Test #10:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 418ms = 417ms + 1ms
2dc2b1d4-8de2-INPUT-bcd3-aa55b691fdb3 2 25000 40 40 8 20 9 10 28 26 23 38 21 15 0 12 24 5 17 33 19 27 16 35 36 1 13 39 6 25 2 7 22 3 32 29 14 31 34 30 18 4 37 11 40 40 22 39 8 4 38 5 24 12 20 33 15 37 28 0 19 36 13 26 25 34 27 35 14 16 18 10 3 7 23 29 9 31 1 30 17 2 21 32 11 6 40 40 23 7 33 4 16 15 ...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 25000 28 28 28 28 81 9d 80 83 95 93 9e af 9c 86 89 85 91 8c 98 a8 9a 92 99 aa ad 88 84 ae 8f 90 8b 8e 9f 8a a9 94 87 96 ab 97 9b 8d ac 82 006d4df4 004644d5 00729298 00633e4e 0079dbee 001b0bd8 0004b4ad 006ae839 00967c03 006b698a 002144c4 00755d36 00709297 0061...
dd180566-1d37-PIPE-b85d-c176ae85727d 17 25000 28 28 28 28 81 9d 80 83 95 93 9e af 9c 86 89 85 91 8c 98 a8 9a 92 99 aa ad 88 84 ae 8f 90 8b 8e 9f 8a a9 94 87 96 ab 97 9b 8d ac 82 006d4df4 004644d5 00729298 00633e4e 0079dbee 001b0bd8 0004b4ad 006ae839 00967c03 006b698a 002144c4 00755d36 00709297 0061...
64be09ab-d709-ERROR-82bc-c23f6124dd26 Wrong Answer [5]
wrong answer Wrong Answer [5]