ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#479745 | #620. 多项式对数函数 | NOI_AK_ME# | 100 ✓ | 68ms | 47448kb | C++23 | 27.3kb | 2024-07-15 20:40:23 | 2024-07-15 20:40:23 |
Judging History
using i32 = int;
using u32 = unsigned;
using i64 = long long;
using u64 = unsigned long long;
#define IL __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))
#define RC(T, x) reinterpret_cast<T>(x)
namespace Setting{
constexpr u32 mod = 998244353;
constexpr int sta_l_MB = 64;
constexpr int Detail = 1;
namespace __qed{
constexpr u32 primitive_root(u32 M)
u32 ed = 0, n = M - 1, d[11] = {};
for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; i++){
if (n % i == 0){
d[ed++] = i;
do{n /= i;}while (n % i == 0);
if (n > 1){d[ed++] = n;}
for (u32 g = 2, r = 0; ; ++g){
for (u32 i = 0; i < ed; ++i){
u32 b = (M - 1) / d[i], a = g;
for(r = 1; b; b >>= 1, a = u64(a) * a % M){
if(b & 1){r = u64(r) * a % M;}
if (r == 1){break;}
if(r != 1){return g;}
constexpr int bceil(int x){return 1 << (32 - __builtin_clz(x - 1));}
constexpr int bit_up(int x){return 1 << (32 - __builtin_clz(x));}
constexpr int cro_32(int x){return __builtin_ctz(~x);}
constexpr bool ispow2(u64 x){return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;}
namespace Stat_Info{
using Setting::Detail;
i64 ntt_size;
i64 fill0_size, copy_size, rev_size;
size_t max_cost_sta_l;
namespace mem_helper{
using namespace __qed;
template<size_t align>void *to_align(void *mem){
static_assert(ispow2(align) && (align != 0));
return RC(void*, (RC(u64, mem) + (align - 1)) & (-align));
template<size_t align>bool is_align(const void* mem){
static_assert(ispow2(align) && (align != 0));
return (RC(u64, mem) & (align - 1)) == 0;
using Setting::sta_l_MB;
char _mem[sta_l_MB << 20];
void *now = _mem;
struct pre_aloc{
void *t;
pre_aloc(){t = now;}
~pre_aloc(){now = t;}
template<typename T, size_t align>T *AlocS(size_t n){
T *r = RC(T*, to_align<align>(now));
now = r + n;
if constexpr(Stat_Info::Detail > 1){
Stat_Info::max_cost_sta_l = std::max<size_t>(RC(char*, now) - _mem, Stat_Info::max_cost_sta_l);
return r;
template<size_t align>void *_alocH(size_t n){
constexpr size_t ptr_size = sizeof(void*), Extra = (align + ptr_size);
void *base = std::malloc(n + Extra), *p = to_align<align>(RC(char*, base) + ptr_size);
return RC(void**, p)[-1] = base, p;
template<typename T, size_t align>T *AlocH(size_t n){
return RC(T*, _alocH<align>(n * sizeof(T)));
void Freed(void* p){
std::free(RC(void**, p)[-1]);
template<typename T, size_t align>struct Trivial_Aligned_Allocator{
typedef T value_type;
T *allocate(std::size_t n) {return AlocH<T, align>(n);}
template <class T1>struct rebind {using other = Trivial_Aligned_Allocator<T1, align>;};
void deallocate(T *p, std::size_t n) {Freed(p);}
namespace Montgo{
//Author : QedDust413
struct Mont32{
u32 Mod, Mod2, Inv, NInv, R2;
constexpr Mont32(u32 n):Mod(n), Mod2(n << 1), Inv(1), NInv(), R2((-u64(n)) % n){
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){Inv *= 2 - n * Inv;}NInv = -Inv;
constexpr IL u32 reduce (u64 x)const{return (x + u64(u32(x) * NInv) * Mod) >> 32;}
constexpr IL u32 reduce_s (u64 x)const{
u32 r = (x >> 32) - ((u64(u32(x) * Inv) * Mod) >> 32);
return r >> 31 ? r + Mod : r;
constexpr IL u32 mul(u32 x, u32 y)const{return reduce(u64(x) * y);}
constexpr IL u32 mul_s(u32 x, u32 y)const{return reduce_s(u64(x) * y);}
constexpr IL u32 In(u32 x)const{return mul(x, R2);}
constexpr IL u32 In_s(u32 x)const{return mul_s(x, R2);}
constexpr IL u32 Out(u32 x)const{
u32 r = (x + (u64(x * NInv) * Mod)) >> 32;
return __builtin_expect(r < Mod, 1) ? r : r - Mod;
namespace field_Z{
//Author : QedDust413
using Setting::mod;
constexpr Montgo::Mont32 Space(mod);
constexpr u32 mod2 = Space.Mod2;
constexpr IL u32 shrink(u32 x){return x >= mod ? x - mod : x;}
constexpr IL u32 dilate2(u32 x){return x >> 31 ? x + mod2 : x;}
using Z = u32;
constexpr bool isgood(Z x){return x < mod2;}
constexpr IL Z InZ(u32 x){return Space.In(x);}
constexpr IL Z InZs(u32 x){return Space.In_s(x);}
constexpr Z zero_Z(0), one_Z(InZs(1)), not_exist_Z(-1);
constexpr IL u32 OutZ(Z x){return Space.Out(x);}
constexpr bool equalZ(Z x, Z y){return shrink(x) == shrink(y);}
namespace calc{
constexpr IL Z addZ(Z x, Z y){return dilate2(x + y - mod2);}
constexpr IL Z subZ(Z x, Z y){return dilate2(x - y);}
constexpr IL Z mulZ(Z x, Z y){return Space.mul(x, y);}
constexpr Z powZ(Z a, u32 b, Z r = one_Z){
for(; b; a = mulZ(a, a), b >>= 1){if(b & 1){r = mulZ(r, a);}}
return r;
constexpr IL Z invZ(Z x){return powZ(x, mod - 2);}
constexpr IL Z divZ(Z x, Z y){return powZ(y, mod - 2, x);}
template<bool strict = true>constexpr IL Z mulZs(Z x, Z y){
if constexpr(strict){return Space.mul_s(x, y);}
return mulZ(x, y);
constexpr Z negZ(Z x){return (!x - 1) & (mod2 - x);}
namespace extend_{
constexpr Z absZ(Z x){
u32 r = OutZ(x);
return InZs(std::min(r, mod - r));
constexpr Z legendre(Z x){return powZ(x, (mod - 1) >> 1);}
constexpr bool isQR(Z x){return equalZ(legendre(x), one_Z);}
constexpr Z sqrtZ(Z x){
if(!isQR(x)){return not_exist_Z;}
Z a(1), I_mul(0);
while(isQR(I_mul = subZ(mulZ(a, a), x))){++a;}
struct dZ{
Z r, i;
constexpr void Mul(dZ d, Z I_){*this = {addZ(mulZ(r, d.r), mulZ(mulZ(I_, i), d.i)), addZ(mulZ(r, d.i), mulZ(i, d.r))};}
dZ s = {a, one_Z}, r = {one_Z, zero_Z};
for(u32 b = (mod + 1) >> 1; b; b >>= 1, s.Mul(s, I_mul)){if(b & 1){r.Mul(s, I_mul);}}
return absZ(r.r);
template<int fixes, bool strict = true>constexpr Z trans(Z x){
constexpr Z o = fixes > 0 ? calc::powZ(Space.R2, fixes) : calc::powZ(1, -fixes);
return calc::mulZs<strict>(x, o);
template<bool strict = true>constexpr Z trans(Z x, int fixes){
return calc::mulZs<strict>(x, fixes > 0 ? calc::powZ(Space.R2, fixes) : calc::powZ(1, -fixes));
namespace Const{
constexpr Z _half = InZs((mod + 1) >> 1), _neghalf = InZs((mod - 1) >> 1), neg_one = InZs(mod - 1);
constexpr Z img = calc::extend_::sqrtZ(neg_one), imgI = mod - img, _imghalf = calc::mulZs(_half, img);
#pragma GCC target("avx2")
#include <immintrin.h>
#define VEC(sz, T) __attribute((vector_size(sz))) T
namespace SIMD{
using i32x8 = VEC(32, i32);
using u32x8 = VEC(32, u32);
using i64x4 = VEC(32, i64);
using u64x4 = VEC(32, u64);
using I256 = __m256i;
constexpr IL u32x8 setu32x8(u32 x){return (u32x8){x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x};}
template<int typ>IL u32x8 shuffle(const u32x8 &x){return RC(u32x8, _mm256_shuffle_epi32(RC(I256, x), typ));}
template<int typ>IL u32x8 blend(const u32x8 &x, const u32x8 &y){return RC(u32x8, _mm256_blend_epi32(RC(I256, x), RC(I256, y), typ));}
IL I256 swaplohi128(const I256 &x){return _mm256_permute2x128_si256(x, x, 1);}
IL u32x8& x8(u32 *data){return *RC(u32x8* ,data);}
IL const u32x8& x8(const u32 *data){return *RC(const u32x8*, data);}
IL I256 loadu(const void* data){return _mm256_loadu_si256(RC(const __m256i_u*, data));}
IL void storeu(const I256 &x, void* data){return _mm256_storeu_si256(RC(__m256i_u*, data), x);}
IL u64x4 fus_mul(const u32x8 &x, const u32x8 &y){return RC(u64x4, _mm256_mul_epu32(RC(I256, x), RC(I256, y)));}
namespace field_Z{
using SIMD::x8;
using SIMD::u32x8;
using SIMD::setu32x8;
using Zx8 = u32x8;
constexpr u32x8 modx8 = setu32x8(mod), mod2x8 = setu32x8(mod2), NInvx8 = setu32x8(Space.NInv);
constexpr Zx8 one_Zx8 = setu32x8(one_Z), zerox8 = setu32x8(0u);
IL Zx8 dilate2x8(const Zx8 &x){return x + (RC(Zx8, RC(SIMD::i32x8, x) < RC(SIMD::i32x8, zerox8)) & mod2x8);}
IL Zx8 shrinkx8(const Zx8 &x){return x - ((x >= modx8) & modx8);}
namespace calc{
//Author : killer_joke
using namespace SIMD;
IL Zx8 addZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y){return dilate2x8(x + y - mod2x8);}
IL Zx8 subZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y){return dilate2x8(x - y);}
IL Zx8 mulZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y){
u32x8 z = (NInvx8 * x * y);
return blend<0xaa>(RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(x, y) + fus_mul(z, modx8)) >> 32), RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(u32x8(u64x4(x) >> 32), u32x8(u64x4(y) >> 32)) + fus_mul(shuffle<0xf5>(z), modx8))));
IL Zx8 powZx8(const Zx8 &y, u32 b, const Zx8 &_r = one_Zx8){
Zx8 x = y, r = _r;
for(; b; x = mulZx8(x, x), b >>= 1){if(b & 1){r = mulZx8(r, x);}}
return r;
IL Zx8 invZx8(const Zx8 &x){return powZx8(x, mod - 2);}
IL Zx8 divZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y){return powZx8(y, mod - 2, x);}
template<bool strict = true>IL Zx8 mulZsx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y){
if constexpr (strict){
u32x8 z = (NInvx8 * x * y);
z = blend<0xaa>(RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(x, y) + fus_mul(z, modx8)) >> 32), RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(u32x8(u64x4(x) >> 32), u32x8(u64x4(y) >> 32)) + fus_mul(shuffle<0xf5>(z), modx8)))) - modx8;
return z + (RC(Zx8, RC(i32x8, z) < RC(i32x8, zerox8)) & modx8);
return mulZx8(x, y);
IL Zx8 negZx8(const Zx8 &x){return (x != zerox8) & (mod2x8 - x);}
IL Zx8 _AmulZx8(const Zx8 &a, const Zx8 &b, const Zx8 &c){return mulZx8(a + b, c);}
IL Zx8 _SmulZx8(const Zx8 &a, const Zx8 &b, const Zx8 &c){return mulZx8(a - b + mod2x8, c);}
#undef VEC
#define STATI(ifo, dt, num) if constexpr (Stat_Info::Detail > dt){Stat_Info::ifo += (num);}
namespace poly_base{
using namespace field_Z;
using __qed::bit_up;
void fl0(Z *f, int l){STATI(fill0_size, 1, l)std::fill_n(f, l, zero_Z);}
void fl0(Z *bg, Z *ed){STATI(fill0_size, 1, ed - bg)std::fill(bg, ed, zero_Z);}
void Cpy(const Z *f, int l, Z *g){STATI(copy_size, 1, l)std::copy_n(f, l, g);}
void Cpy(const Z *bg, const Z *ed, Z *g){STATI(copy_size, 1, ed - bg)std::copy(bg, ed, g);}
void rev(Z *bg, Z *ed){STATI(rev_size, 1, ed - bg)std::reverse(bg, ed);}
void rev(Z *f, int l){STATI(rev_size, 1, l)std::reverse(f, f + l);}
void Cpy_fl0(const Z *f, int n, Z *g, int lim){Cpy(f, n, g), fl0(g + n, g + lim);}
void Cpy_rev(const Z *f, int l, Z *g){STATI(rev_size, 1, l)STATI(copy_size, 1, l)std::reverse_copy(f, f + l, g);}
#define flx(nam, opt) void nam(const Z *A, int l, Z *B, Z t){int i=0;if(l>16){Zx8 tx8=setu32x8(t);for(;i+7<l;i+=8){x8(B+i)=calc::opt##Zx8(x8(A+i),tx8);}}for(;i<l;++i){B[i]=calc::opt##Z(A[i],t);}}
flx(mul_t_s, mul)
flx(add_t_s, add)
flx(sub_t_s, sub)
#undef flx
#define flx(nam, opt) void nam(Z *A,int l,const Z *B){int i=0;for(;i+7<l;i+=8){x8(A + i)=calc::opt##Zx8(x8(A+i),x8(B+i));}for(;i<l;++i){A[i]=calc::opt##Z(A[i],B[i]);}} void nam(const Z *A,const Z *B,int l,Z *C){int i=0;for(;i+7<l;i+=8){x8(C+i)=calc::opt##Zx8(x8(A+i),x8(B+i));}for(;i<l;++i){C[i]=calc::opt##Z(A[i],B[i]);}}
flx(dot, mul)
flx(addP, add)
flx(subP, sub)
#undef flx
void NegP(const Z *A, int l, int r, Z *B){
int i = l;
if(r - l >= 16){
for(; i & 7; ++i){B[i] = calc::negZ(A[i]);}
for(; i + 7 < r; i += 8){x8(B + i) = calc::negZx8(x8(A + i));}
for(; i < r; ++i){B[i] = calc::negZ(A[i]);}
namespace poly_base{
using mem_helper::pre_aloc;
using mem_helper::Freed;
const std::function<Z*(size_t)> alocS = mem_helper::AlocS<Z, 32>;
const std::function<Z*(size_t)> alocH = mem_helper::AlocH<Z, 32>;
namespace cal_helper{
using namespace calc;
constexpr Zx8 eight_Zx8 = setu32x8(InZs(8));
Z *_iv = nullptr, *_i = nullptr;
int sz_iv = 0;
void precal(int n){
if(n > sz_iv){
n = ((n + 7) >> 3) << 3;
Z *nxtiv = alocH(n), *nxti = alocH(n);
Cpy(_iv, sz_iv, nxtiv), Cpy(_i, sz_iv, nxti);
if(_iv != nullptr){Freed(_iv), Freed(_i);}
_iv = nxtiv, _i = nxti;
Zx8 *_ix8 = RC(Zx8*, _i), *_ivx8 = RC(Zx8*, _iv);
if(sz_iv == 0){
for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i){_i[i] = InZs(i);}
*_ivx8 = invZx8(*_ix8), sz_iv = 8;
if(n == 8){return ;}
int L = sz_iv >> 3, R = n >> 3;
for(int i = L; i < R; ++i){_ix8[i] = addZx8(_ix8[i - 1], eight_Zx8);}
_ivx8[L] = _ix8[L];
for(int i = L + 1; i < R; ++i){_ivx8[i] = mulZx8(_ivx8[i - 1], _ix8[i]);}
_ivx8[R - 1] = invZx8(_ivx8[R - 1]);
for(int i = R - 1; i > L; --i){
Zx8 ivix8 = _ivx8[i];
_ivx8[i] = mulZx8(_ivx8[i], _ivx8[i - 1]), _ivx8[i - 1] = mulZx8(ivix8, _ix8[i]);
sz_iv = n;
void deriv(const Z *g, int n, Z *f){
precal(n + 1);
int i = 0;
if(n > 7){
for(; i < 7; ++i){f[i] = mulZ(g[i + 1], _i[i + 1]);}
for(; i + 7 < n; i += 8){storeu(RC(I256, mulZx8(x8(g + i + 1), x8(_i + i + 1))), f + i);}
for(; i < n; ++i){f[i] = mulZ(g[i + 1], _i[i + 1]);}
f[n] = zero_Z;
void integ(const Z *g, int n, Z *f){
precal(n + 1);
int i = n - 1;
if(i > 7){
for(; (i & 7) != 6; --i){f[i + 1] = mulZ(g[i], _iv[i + 1]);}
for(i -= 7; ~i; i -= 8){x8(f + i + 1) = mulZx8(RC(Zx8, loadu(g + i)), x8(_iv + i + 1));}
i += 7;
for(; ~i; --i){f[i + 1] = mulZ(g[i], _iv[i + 1]);}
f[0] = zero_Z;
using cal_helper::precal;
using cal_helper::deriv;
using cal_helper::integ;
namespace poly_base{
namespace Tools{
int compP(const Z *f, int l, const Z *g){
for(int i = 0; i < l; ++i){if(!equalZ(f[i], g[i])){return i;}}
return -1;
template<int fixes = 1, typename Tf = std::istream>void scanP(Z *f, int l, Tf &inf = std::cin){
for(int i = 0; i < l; ++i){inf >> f[i], f[i] = trans<fixes, false>(f[i]);}
template<int fixes = -1, typename Tf = std::ostream>void printP(const Z *f, int l, Tf &outf = std::cout){
outf << trans<fixes>(f[0]);
for(int i = 1; i < l; ++i){outf << ' ' << trans<fixes>(f[i]);}
outf << '\n';
template<typename T = int, typename lT = long long>T stoi_m(const std::string &s, const T m){
T r(0);
for(auto ch:s){r = ((lT)r * 10 + (ch - '0')) % m;}
return r;
int clzP(const Z *f, int n){
int i = 0;
while(i < n && equalZ(f[i], zero_Z)){++i;}return i;
int crzP(const Z *f, int n){
int i = n;
while(i && equalZ(f[i - 1], zero_Z)){--i;}return n - i;
namespace poly_base{
//Author : QedDust413
namespace f_n_t_t_base{
using namespace calc;
using __qed::cro_32;
constexpr int base4thre = 16;
template<bool strict = false>void mul_t(Z *A, int l, Z t){
for(int j = 0; j < l; ++j){A[j] = mulZs<strict>(A[j], t);}
constexpr int mp2 = __builtin_ctz(mod - 1);
constexpr Z _g(InZ(__qed::primitive_root(mod)));
struct P_R_Tab{
Z t[mp2 + 1];
constexpr P_R_Tab(Z G) : t(){
t[mp2] = shrink(powZ(G, (mod - 1) >> mp2));
for(int i = mp2 - 1; ~i; --i){t[i] = mulZs(t[i + 1], t[i + 1]);}
constexpr Z operator [] (int i) const {
return t[i];
constexpr P_R_Tab rt1(_g), rt1_I(invZ(_g));
template<int lim>struct omega_info_base2{
Z o[lim >> 1];
constexpr omega_info_base2(const P_R_Tab &Tb) : o(){
o[0] = one_Z;
for(int i = 0; (1 << i) < (lim >> 1); ++i){o[1 << i] = Tb[i + 2];}
for(int i = 1, l = lim >> 1; i < l; ++i){o[i] = mulZ(o[i & (i - 1)], o[i & -i]);}
constexpr Z operator [] (int i) const {
return o[i];
const omega_info_base2<base4thre> w(rt1), wI(rt1_I);
constexpr Zx8 powXx8(Z X){
Z X2 = mulZs(X, X), X3 = mulZs(X2, X), X4 = mulZs(X3, X), X5 = mulZs(X4, X), X6 = mulZs(X5, X), X7 = mulZs(X6, X);
return (Zx8){one_Z, X, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7};
struct ntt_info_base4x8{
Z rt3[mp2 - 2], rt3_I[mp2 - 2];
Zx8 rt4ix8[mp2 - 3], rt4ix8_I[mp2 - 3];
constexpr ntt_info_base4x8() : rt3(), rt3_I(), rt4ix8(), rt4ix8_I()
Z pr = one_Z, pr_I = one_Z;
for(int i = 0; i < mp2 - 2; ++i){
rt3[i] = mulZs(pr, rt1[i + 3]), rt3_I[i] = mulZs(pr_I, rt1_I[i + 3]);
pr = mulZs(pr, rt1_I[i + 3]), pr_I = mulZs(pr_I, rt1[i + 3]);
pr = one_Z, pr_I = one_Z;
for(int i = 0; i < mp2 - 3; ++i){
rt4ix8[i] = powXx8(mulZs(pr, rt1[i + 4])), rt4ix8_I[i] = powXx8(mulZs(pr_I, rt1_I[i + 4]));
pr = mulZs(pr, rt1_I[i + 4]), pr_I = mulZs(pr_I, rt1[i + 4]);
template<int typ>IL u32x8 Neg(const u32x8 &x){return blend<typ>(x, mod2x8 - x);}
//Author : QedDust413
namespace f_n_t_t{
using namespace f_n_t_t_base;
template<bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>void dif_base2(Z *A, int lim){
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
for(int L = lim >> 1, R = lim; L; L >>= 1, R >>= 1){
for(int i = 0, k = 0; i < lim; i += R, ++k){
for(int j = 0; j < L; ++j){
Z x = dilate2(A[i + j] - mod2) , y = mulZ(w[k], A[i + j + L]);
A[i + j] = x + y, A[i + j + L] = x - y + mod2;
if constexpr(fixes){mul_t<strict>(A, lim, trans<fixes>(one_Z));}
for(int j = 0; j < lim; ++j){
A[j] = dilate2(A[j] - mod2);
if constexpr(strict){A[j] = shrink(A[j]);}
template<bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>void dit_base2(Z *A, int lim){
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
for(int L = 1, R = 2; L < lim; L <<= 1, R <<= 1){
for(int i = 0, k = 0; i < lim; i += R, ++k){
for(int j = 0; j < L; ++j){
Z x = A[i + j], y = A[i + j + L];
A[i + j] = addZ(x, y), A[i + j + L] = mulZ(x - y + mod2, wI[k]);
mul_t<strict>(A, lim, trans<fixes + 1>(mod - ((mod - 1) / lim)));
constexpr Zx8 imagx8 = setu32x8(rt1[2]), imag_Ix8 = setu32x8(rt1_I[2]);
constexpr Z w38 = mulZs(rt1[2], rt1[3]), w38I = mulZs(rt1_I[2], rt1_I[3]);
constexpr ntt_info_base4x8 iab4;
template<bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>void dif_base4x8(Z *A, int lim){
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
int n = lim >> 3, L = n >> 1;
Zx8 *f = RC(Zx8*, A);
if(__builtin_ctz(n) & 1){
for(int j = 0; j < L; ++j){
Zx8 x = f[j], y = f[j + L];
f[j] = x + y, f[j + L] = x - y + mod2x8;
L >>= 1;
L >>= 1;
for(int R = L << 2; L; L >>= 2, R >>= 2){
Z _r = one_Z, _r2 = one_Z, _r3 = one_Z;
for(int i = 0, k = 0; i < n; i += R, ++k){
Zx8 r = setu32x8(_r), r2 = setu32x8(_r2), r3 = setu32x8(_r3);
for(int j = 0; j < L; ++j){
#define F(c) f[i + j + c * L]
Zx8 f0 = dilate2x8(F(0) - mod2x8), f1 = mulZx8(F(1), r), f2 = mulZx8(F(2), r2), f3 = mulZx8(F(3), r3);
Zx8 f1f3 = _SmulZx8(f1, f3, imagx8), f02 = addZx8(f0, f2), f13 = addZx8(f1, f3), f_02 = subZx8(f0, f2);
F(0) = f02 + f13, F(1) = f02 - f13 + mod2x8, F(2) = f_02 + f1f3, F(3) = f_02 - f1f3 + mod2x8;
#undef F
_r = mulZs(_r, iab4.rt3[cro_32(k)]), _r2 = mulZs(_r, _r), _r3 = mulZs(_r2, _r);
constexpr Zx8 _r = setu32x8(trans<fixes>(one_Z)), pr2 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1[2], one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1[2]}, pr4 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1[3], rt1[2], w38};
Zx8 r = _r;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
Zx8& fi = f[i];
fi = mulZx8(fi, r);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xf0>(fi), RC(Zx8, swaplohi128(RC(I256, fi))), pr4);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xcc>(fi), shuffle<0x4e>(fi), pr2);
fi = addZx8(Neg<0xaa>(fi), shuffle<0xb1>(fi));
if constexpr(strict){fi = shrinkx8(fi);}
r = mulZsx8(r, iab4.rt4ix8[cro_32(i)]);
template<bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>void dit_base4x8(Z *A, int lim){
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
int n = lim >> 3, L = 1;
Zx8 *f = RC(Zx8*, A);
constexpr Zx8 pr2 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1_I[2], one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1_I[2]}, pr4 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1_I[3], rt1_I[2], w38I};
Zx8 r = setu32x8(trans<fixes + 1>(mod - ((mod - 1) / lim)));
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
Zx8& fi = f[i];
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xaa>(fi), shuffle<0xb1>(fi), pr2);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xcc>(fi), shuffle<0x4e>(fi), pr4);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xf0>(fi), RC(Zx8, swaplohi128(RC(I256, fi))), r);
r = mulZsx8(r, iab4.rt4ix8_I[cro_32(i)]);
for (int R = L << 2; L < (n >> 1) ; L <<= 2, R <<= 2){
Z _r = one_Z, _r2 = one_Z, _r3 = one_Z;
for(int i = 0, k = 0; i < n; i += R, ++k){
Zx8 r = setu32x8(_r), r2 = setu32x8(_r2), r3 = setu32x8(_r3);
for(int j = 0; j < L; ++j){
#define F(c) f[i + j + c * L]
Zx8 f0 = F(0), f1 = F(1), f2 = F(2), f3 = F(3);
Zx8 f2f3 = _SmulZx8(f2, f3, imag_Ix8), f01 = addZx8(f0, f1), f23 = addZx8(f2, f3), f_01 = subZx8(f0, f1);
F(0) = addZx8(f01, f23), F(1) = _AmulZx8(f_01, f2f3 ,r), F(2) = _SmulZx8(f01, f23, r2), F(3) = _SmulZx8(f_01, f2f3, r3);
#undef F
_r = mulZs(_r, iab4.rt3_I[cro_32(k)]), _r2 = mulZs(_r, _r), _r3 = mulZs(_r2, _r);
if(__builtin_ctz(n) & 1){
for(int j = 0; j < L; ++j){
Zx8 x = f[j], y = f[j + L];
f[j] = addZx8(x, y), f[j + L] = subZx8(x, y);
if constexpr (strict){for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){f[i] = shrinkx8(f[i]);}}
template<bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>void dif(Z *A, int lim){
lim >= base4thre ? dif_base4x8<strict, fixes>(A, lim) : dif_base2<strict, fixes>(A, lim);
template<bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>void dit(Z *A,int lim){
lim >= base4thre ? dit_base4x8<strict, fixes>(A, lim) : dit_base2<strict, fixes>(A, lim);
using f_n_t_t::dif;
using f_n_t_t::dit;
void Conv(Z *f, int lim, Z *g){
dif(f, lim), dif(g, lim), dot(f, lim, g), dit(f, lim);
namespace poly{
using namespace poly_base;
#undef STATI
namespace poly{
//Author : QedDust413
void Mul(const Z *f, int n, const Z *g, int m, Z *h){
int lim = bit_up(n + m);
pre_aloc mem;
Z *F = alocS(lim), *G = alocS(lim);
Cpy_fl0(f, n + 1, F, lim), Cpy_fl0(g, m + 1, G, lim), Conv(F, lim, G), Cpy(F, n + m + 1, h);
void Inv(const Z *g, int n, Z *f){
int lim = bit_up(n);
pre_aloc mem;
Z *o = alocS(lim), *h = alocS(lim);
f[0] = calc::invZ(g[0]);
for(int t = 2, mid = 1; t <= lim; t <<= 1, mid <<= 1){
int xl = std::min<int>(t, n + 1);
Cpy_fl0(g, xl, o, t), Cpy_fl0(f, mid, h, t), Conv(o, t, h), fl0(o, mid), dif(o, t), dot(o, t, h), dit(o, t), NegP(o, mid, xl, f);
void _Div(const Z *g, int n, const Z *f, Z *q){
if(n == 0){
return q[0] = calc::divZ(g[0], f[0]), void();
int lim = bit_up(n) << 1;
pre_aloc mem;
Z *o = alocS(lim), *h = alocS(lim);
Inv(f, n, o), fl0(o + n + 1, o + lim), Cpy_fl0(g, n + 1, h, lim), Conv(h, lim, o), Cpy(h, n + 1, q);
void Div(const Z *g, int n, const Z *f, Z *q){
using namespace calc;
if(n <= 64){return _Div(g, n, f, q);}
int bn = bit_up(n >> 4), bt = (n / bn) + 1, bn2 = bn << 1;
pre_aloc mem;
Z *o = alocS(bn2), *jok = alocS(bn2);
Inv(f, bn - 1, o), fl0(o + bn, bn), Cpy_fl0(g, bn, jok, bn2), Conv(jok, bn2, o);
Z *nf = alocS(bn2 * bt), *ng = alocS(bn2 * (bt - 1));
Cpy(jok, bn, q), Cpy_fl0(f, bn, nf, bn2), dif(nf, bn2);
for(int bi = 1; bi < bt; ++bi){
int xl = std::min<int>(bn, n + 1 - bn * bi);
Cpy_fl0(f + bi * bn, xl, nf + bi * bn2, bn2), dif(nf + bi * bn2, bn2);
Cpy_fl0(q + (bi - 1) * bn, bn, ng + (bi - 1) * bn2, bn2), dif<true>(ng + (bi - 1) * bn2, bn2), fl0(jok, bn2);
for(int j = 0; j < bi; ++j){
Z *nF = nf + (bi - j) * bn2, *nF1 = nF - bn2, *ngj = ng + j * bn2;
for(int i = 0; i < bn; i += 8){
x8(jok + i) = subZx8(x8(jok + i), _AmulZx8(x8(nF + i), x8(nF1 + i), x8(ngj + i)));
for(int i = bn; i < bn2; i += 8){
x8(jok + i) = subZx8(x8(jok + i), _SmulZx8(x8(nF + i), x8(nF1 + i), x8(ngj + i)));
dit(jok, bn2), fl0(jok + bn, bn), addP(jok, xl, g + bn * bi), dif(jok, bn2), dot(jok, bn2, o), dit(jok, bn2), Cpy(jok, xl, q + bn * bi);
void Ln(const Z *g, int n, Z *f){
precal(n + 1), dot(g, cal_helper::_i, n + 1, f), Div(f, n, g, f), dot(f, n + 1, cal_helper::_iv);
namespace Command{
void cut_string(){
using poly_base::alocS;
using poly_base::pre_aloc;
using namespace poly_base::Tools;
using namespace field_Z;
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cstring>
namespace QIO_base{
verison 0.4.1
Author : QedDust413
Date : 2023 / 6 / 22
constexpr int O_buffer_default_size = 1 << 18;
constexpr int O_buffer_default_flush_threshold = 40;
struct _int_to_char_tab{
char tab[40000];
constexpr _int_to_char_tab():tab(){
for(int i=0;i!=10000;++i){
for(int j=3,n=i;~j;--j){
}constexpr _otab;
namespace QIO_I {
using namespace QIO_base;
struct Qinf{
FILE* f;
char *bg,*ed,*p;
struct stat Fl;
Qinf(FILE *fi):f(fi)
int fd = fileno(f);
fstat(fd, &Fl);
bg = (char*)mmap(0, Fl.st_size + 1, PROT_READ,MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
p = bg, ed = bg + Fl.st_size;
madvise(p,Fl.st_size + 1, MADV_SEQUENTIAL);
munmap(bg,Fl.st_size + 1);
void skip_space(){
while(*p <= ' '){
char get(){
return *p++;
char seek(){
return *p;
bool eof(){
return p == ed;
Qinf& read(char* s,size_t count){
return memcpy(s, p, count), p += count, *this;
Qinf& operator >> (u32 &x){
for(; *p > ' '; ++p){
x = x * 10 + (*p & 0xf);
return *this;
Qinf& operator >> (int &x){
if(*p == '-'){
for(++p, x = 48 - *p++;*p > ' ';++p){
x = x * 10 - (*p ^ 48);
for(x = *p++ ^ 48;*p > ' ';++p){
x = x * 10 + (*p ^ 48);
return *this;
namespace QIO_O{
using namespace QIO_base;
struct Qoutf{
FILE *f;
char *bg,*ed,*p;
char *ed_thre;
int fp;
u64 _fpi;
Qoutf(FILE *fo,size_t sz = O_buffer_default_size):
bg(new char[sz]),ed(bg+sz),p(bg),
ed_thre(ed - O_buffer_default_flush_threshold),
void flush(){
fwrite_unlocked(bg,1,p - bg,f),p=bg;
void chk(){
if(__builtin_expect(p > ed_thre, 0)){
flush();delete[] bg;
void put4(u32 x){
if(x > 99u){
if(x > 999u){
memcpy(p,_otab.tab + (x << 2) + 0,4),p += 4;
memcpy(p,_otab.tab + (x << 2) + 1,3),p += 3;
if(x > 9u){
memcpy(p,_otab.tab + (x << 2) + 2,2),p += 2;
*p++ = x^48;
void put2(u32 x){
if(x > 9u){
memcpy(p,_otab.tab + (x << 2) + 2,2),p += 2;
*p++ = x^48;
Qoutf& write(const char* s,size_t count){
if(count > 1024 || p + count > ed_thre){
return *this;
Qoutf& operator << (char ch){
return *p++ = ch, *this;
Qoutf& operator << (u32 x){
if(x > 99999999u){
put2(x / 100000000u),x %= 100000000u;
memcpy(p,_otab.tab + ((x / 10000u) << 2),4),p += 4;
memcpy(p,_otab.tab + ((x % 10000u) << 2),4),p += 4;
else if(x > 9999u){
put4(x / 10000u);
memcpy(p,_otab.tab + ((x % 10000u) << 2),4),p += 4;
return chk() ,*this;
Qoutf& operator << (int x){
if(x < 0){
*p++ = '-', x = -x;
return *this << static_cast<u32>(x);
namespace QIO{
using QIO_I::Qinf;
using QIO_I::qin;
using QIO_O::Qoutf;
using QIO_O::qout;
using namespace QIO;
void solve(){
int N;
qin >> N;
auto F = alocS(N), G = alocS(N);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
qin >> F[i];
poly::Ln(F, N - 1, G);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
qout << trans<-1>(G[i]) << ' ';
int main(){
std::cin.tie(nullptr) -> sync_with_stdio(false);
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 20
time: 0ms
memory: 3836kb
100 1 961880754 72654790 829592288 646635609 311233105 453229378 664750040 147019368 89089702 319123224 785184513 130058112 232462250 915136660 400585378 710632575 470300421 785452776 22895339 267215672 816821438 688384368 814593296 401856501 121390605 474566074 229876909 179995671 479480781 1150666...
0 961880754 109050820 910057683 452181005 796593970 362074759 53194053 540144365 291711835 996774416 338261551 172006522 156841252 598600919 311016398 440325847 20403335 269495509 528824266 723093435 143651758 274603604 232097861 366573798 240410404 263548039 813262296 718323828 688147861 784480664 ...
ok 100 numbers
Test #2:
score: 20
time: 0ms
memory: 3828kb
5000 1 18893689 800248942 590834626 422952919 370806502 832521768 157416021 449498617 50268466 481346733 588328257 836431005 172279377 701248316 688081741 641390799 971605524 529682685 15073211 370474889 330708737 461612260 427248257 124799236 2295287 579063610 911278897 850964373 680664511 61289593...
0 18893689 649428805 738833568 120891255 19670140 608054187 781421921 559764661 292759237 202235517 465634637 516704148 737098204 892179011 495729143 603364788 154939005 564276135 247402588 951327329 502706506 503981602 661783358 672492854 55298928 349262035 379325690 748797260 36812211 286288663 84...
ok 5000 numbers
Test #3:
score: 20
time: 3ms
memory: 5976kb
30000 1 970882639 503981013 404846066 863588691 801944716 361233000 107564825 85420624 950377978 209112662 646496760 470328364 139325904 593853922 301851602 265141963 464762654 225023703 474139631 555855644 900153878 865682768 387642831 292054593 592453364 468382456 907565611 122026085 280142449 472...
0 970882639 457403585 873878370 318261289 5420793 914065224 347039061 368768664 63992668 817003966 398719209 868368828 188152960 579963976 211917006 499838248 97901028 786777661 15634701 242132107 434131354 537665508 126497027 873212165 645988134 766323255 611262222 83799227 780873982 171681961 5453...
ok 30000 numbers
Test #4:
score: 20
time: 5ms
memory: 9512kb
100000 1 636749537 301358055 13535739 884134558 389669951 669242330 226185280 157140037 941409936 290390837 486338369 9840834 587277544 277161163 427234947 202859695 898077735 682355257 509533156 571238511 227077530 100718382 191992899 462596953 832899262 101253983 596098985 595161513 259772722 4995...
0 636749537 893745725 208856897 833356726 645101318 331081085 674809362 376515893 529729696 159424368 64304300 38260664 651978624 757150457 656660176 981816671 482124761 664996997 340575888 544387934 224993025 630282066 889077734 595392417 65927703 145196506 381507561 80669600 779290852 657316164 76...
ok 100000 numbers
Test #5:
score: 20
time: 68ms
memory: 47448kb
1000000 1 785396418 410648986 62677121 16031158 710742216 677635002 789886669 737278658 655583592 459342332 542680522 553715144 799887527 99957827 533567330 838324845 788131790 637348498 428285164 429527739 233116765 772393666 138968071 917779658 494447494 910763455 642522636 855227115 698468466 219...
0 785396418 121390930 573141379 208264134 820348528 437016261 369027464 119111821 432492474 342634043 694859972 192041833 336177730 969184881 829638906 173117766 779517533 982980311 517238274 459092122 579250908 924006190 697936237 885177047 350279990 695355377 923665009 83389011 582391001 956169113...
ok 1000000 numbers