

#459235#4688. Window Managerucup-team1005WA 1ms3880kbC++205.4kb2024-06-29 23:52:222024-06-29 23:52:25


Test #1:

score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 3588kb


320 200
OPEN 50 50 10 10
OPEN 70 55 10 10
OPEN 90 50 10 10
RESIZE 55 55 40 40
RESIZE 55 55 15 15
MOVE 55 55 40 0
CLOSE 55 55
CLOSE 110 60
MOVE 95 55 0 -100


Command 4: RESIZE - window does not fit
Command 7: CLOSE - no window at given position
Command 9: MOVE - moved 50 instead of 100
2 window(s):
90 0 15 15
115 50 10 10


ok 6 lines

Test #2:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3588kb


10 10
OPEN 0 0 8 8
MOVE 0 0 5 0


Command 2: MOVE - moved 2 instead of 5
1 window(s):
2 0 8 8


ok 3 lines

Test #3:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3588kb


10 10
OPEN 2 2 8 8
MOVE 3 3 -5 0


Command 2: MOVE - moved 2 instead of 5
1 window(s):
0 2 8 8


ok 3 lines

Test #4:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3592kb


10 10
OPEN 2 2 8 8
MOVE 3 3 0 -5


Command 2: MOVE - moved 2 instead of 5
1 window(s):
2 0 8 8


ok 3 lines

Test #5:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3852kb


10 10
OPEN 0 0 8 8
MOVE 0 0 0 5


Command 2: MOVE - moved 2 instead of 5
1 window(s):
0 2 8 8


ok 3 lines

Test #6:

score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3852kb


6000 6000
OPEN 5000 5000 5 5
OPEN 5000 4990 5 5
OPEN 5000 4980 5 5
OPEN 5000 4970 5 5
OPEN 5000 4960 5 5
OPEN 5000 4950 5 5
OPEN 5000 4940 5 5
OPEN 5000 4930 5 5
OPEN 5000 4920 5 5
OPEN 5000 4910 5 5
OPEN 5000 4900 5 5
OPEN 5000 4890 5 5
OPEN 5000 4880 5 5
OPEN 5000 4870 5 5
OPEN 5000 4860 5 5
OPEN ...


200 window(s):
5000 1000 5 5
5000 995 5 5
5000 990 5 5
5000 985 5 5
5000 980 5 5
5000 975 5 5
5000 970 5 5
5000 965 5 5
5000 960 5 5
5000 955 5 5
5000 950 5 5
5000 945 5 5
5000 940 5 5
5000 935 5 5
5000 930 5 5
5000 925 5 5
5000 920 5 5
5000 915 5 5
5000 910 5 5
5000 905 5 5
5000 900 5 5
5000 895 5 ...


ok 201 lines

Test #7:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3688kb


1000 1000
OPEN 0 0 10 10
OPEN 10 0 10 10
OPEN 20 0 10 10
OPEN 0 10 10 10
OPEN 10 10 10 10
OPEN 20 10 10 10
OPEN 0 20 10 10
OPEN 10 20 10 10
OPEN 20 20 10 10
CLOSE 19 19
CLOSE 20 20
CLOSE 0 10


6 window(s):
0 0 10 10
10 0 10 10
20 0 10 10
20 10 10 10
0 20 10 10
10 20 10 10


ok 7 lines

Test #8:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3592kb


1000 1000
OPEN 500 500 10 10
CLOSE 499 499
CLOSE 499 500
CLOSE 500 499
CLOSE 510 509
CLOSE 509 510
CLOSE 510 510
CLOSE 499 510
CLOSE 500 510
CLOSE 499 509
CLOSE 510 499
CLOSE 510 500
CLOSE 509 499


Command 2: CLOSE - no window at given position
Command 3: CLOSE - no window at given position
Command 4: CLOSE - no window at given position
Command 5: CLOSE - no window at given position
Command 6: CLOSE - no window at given position
Command 7: CLOSE - no window at given position
Command 8: CLOSE -...


ok 14 lines

Test #9:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3880kb


320 200


0 window(s):


ok single line: '0 window(s):'

Test #10:

score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3588kb


1048576 1048576
OPEN 0 0 100 1048576
OPEN 1000 0 100 524288
OPEN 1000 524288 100 524288
OPEN 2000 0 100 262144
OPEN 2000 262144 100 262144
OPEN 2000 524288 100 262144
OPEN 2000 786432 100 262144
OPEN 3000 0 100 131072
OPEN 3000 131072 100 131072
OPEN 3000 262144 100 131072
OPEN 3000 393216 100 13107...


Command 128: MOVE - moved 1047876 instead of 1048576
127 window(s):
1047876 0 100 1048576
1047976 0 100 524288
1047976 524288 100 524288
1048076 0 100 262144
1048076 262144 100 262144
1048076 524288 100 262144
1048076 786432 100 262144
1048176 0 100 131072
1048176 131072 100 131072
1048176 262144 10...


ok 129 lines

Test #11:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3648kb


1000 1000
OPEN 0 0 1 1
MOVE 0 0 100000 0
MOVE 999 0 0 100000
MOVE 999 999 -100000 0
MOVE 0 999 0 -100000


Command 2: MOVE - moved 999 instead of 100000
Command 3: MOVE - moved 999 instead of 100000
Command 4: MOVE - moved 999 instead of 100000
Command 5: MOVE - moved 999 instead of 100000
1 window(s):
0 0 1 1


ok 6 lines

Test #12:

score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3648kb


1000000000 1000000000
OPEN 843863694 500000001 20 20
OPEN 766187149 500000004 20 20
OPEN 13035129 500000000 20 20
OPEN 798317341 499999996 20 20
OPEN 483704743 500000004 20 20
OPEN 922731855 500000003 20 20
OPEN 931133659 500000001 20 20
OPEN 160148701 499999995 20 20
OPEN 343043291 499999995 20 20


Command 101: MOVE - moved 998944099 instead of 1000000000
100 window(s):
999999640 500000001 20 20
999999560 500000004 20 20
999998100 500000000 20 20
999999580 499999996 20 20
999999060 500000004 20 20
999999840 500000003 20 20
999999860 500000001 20 20
999998500 499999995 20 20
999998860 499999995...


ok 102 lines

Test #13:

score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3584kb


1000000000 1000000000
OPEN 8095 50000030 1000 1000
OPEN 56873 355000042 1000 1000
OPEN 14421 90000036 1000 1000
OPEN 16813 105000063 1000 1000
OPEN 1625 10000002 1000 1000
OPEN 19287 120000007 1000 1000
OPEN 64021 400000022 1000 1000
OPEN 79236 495000076 1000 1000
OPEN 73600 460000092 1000 1000


Command 101: MOVE - moved 999899990 instead of 1000000000
100 window(s):
8095 899971001 1000 1000
56873 999971000 1000 1000
14421 899979001 1000 1000
16813 899982001 1000 1000
1625 899963001 1000 1000
19287 899985001 1000 1000
64021 999980000 1000 1000
29236 899999001 1000 1000
73600 999992000 1000 ...


ok 102 lines

Test #14:

score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3656kb


1000 1000
OPEN 0 0 10 10
OPEN 0 999 10 10
OPEN 0 991 10 10
OPEN 0 990 10 10
OPEN 999 0 10 10
OPEN 991 0 10 10
OPEN 990 0 10 10
OPEN 999 999 10 10
OPEN 991 991 10 10
OPEN 990 990 10 10
OPEN 990 500 20 20
OPEN 500 990 20 20
OPEN 10 10 980 980


Command 3: OPEN - window does not fit
Command 4: OPEN - window does not fit
Command 6: OPEN - window does not fit
Command 7: OPEN - window does not fit
Command 9: OPEN - window does not fit
Command 10: OPEN - window does not fit
7 window(s):
0 0 10 10
0 999 10 10
999 0 10 10
999 999 10 10
990 500 20...


wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: 'Command 2: OPEN - window does not fit', found: 'Command 3: OPEN - window does not fit'