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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#447483 | #7627. Phony | Rong7 | WA | 1ms | 8136kb | C++14 | 4.5kb | 2024-06-18 15:06:15 | 2024-06-18 15:06:15 |
Judging History
// Not afraid to dark.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
clock_t start_time, end_time;
#define GET_START start_time = clock ();
#define GET_END end_time = clock (); fprintf (stderr, "TIME COSSEMED : %0.3lf\n", 1.0 * (end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
#define inline __inline__ __attribute__ ((always_inline))
#define int long long
namespace io {
int read_pos, read_dt; char read_char;
inline int read (int &p = read_pos){
p = 0, read_dt = 1; read_char = getchar ();
while (! isdigit (read_char)){
if (read_char == '-')
read_dt = - 1;
read_char = getchar ();
while (isdigit (read_char)){
p = (p << 1) + (p << 3) + read_char - 48;
read_char = getchar ();
return p = p * read_dt;
int write_sta[65], write_top;
inline void write (int x){
if (x < 0)
putchar ('-'), x = - x;
write_top = 0;
write_sta[write_top ++] = x % 10, x /= 10;
while (x);
while (write_top)
putchar (write_sta[-- write_top] + 48);
const int N = 5e5;
int n, m, k, a[N + 5], rt[N + 5], dv[N + 5], cnt;
namespace Banlanced_Tree{
int T;
tree < pair < int , int > , null_type , greater < pair < int , int > > , rb_tree_tag , tree_order_statistics_node_update > tr;
inline void Clear (){
T = 0;
tr.clear ();
inline void Insert (int x){
tr.insert (make_pair (x, T ++));
inline int Kth (int k){
if (k < 1 || k > T)
return - 4e18;
return (*tr.find_by_order (k - 1)).first;
} using namespace Banlanced_Tree;
inline int MOD (int x){
return (x % k + k) % k;
inline int PAR (int x){
if (x >= 0)
return x / k;
return (x - k + 1) / k;
signed main (){
io::read (n), io::read (m), io::read (k);
for (int i = 1;i <= n;++ i)
io::read (a[i]);
sort (a + 1, a + n + 1, [] (const int &x, const int &y){
return x > y;
++ n;
a[n] = - 4e18;
for (int i = 1;i <= n;++ i)
if (i == n || PAR (a[i + 1]) < PAR (a[i])){
++ cnt;
rt[cnt] = i, dv[cnt] = PAR (a[i]);
int p = 1, rest = 0;
for (int i = 1;i <= rt[p];++ i)
Insert (MOD (a[i]));
// if (n == 101)
// for (int i = 29;i <= 37;++ i)
// printf ("%lld (%lld)\n", MOD (a[i]), a[i]);
int TT = 0, all = 0;
while (m --){
char opt;
cin >> opt;
if (opt == 'A'){
++ TT;
int x = io::read ();
// if (TT == 23){
// int u = 0;
// for (int i = 1;i <= rt[p];++ i)
// u += PAR (a[i]) - dv[p];
// printf ("%lld [%lld %lld %lld] (%lld %lld) : %lld %lld<<<\n", x, rest, u, all, dv[p], dv[p + 1], Kth (x - (rt[p] - rest)) + (dv[p] - 1) * k, Kth (x + rest) + dv[p] * k);
// // printf ("(%d) > ", (int) tr.size ());
// // for (auto x : tr)
// // printf ("%lld ", x.first);
// // puts ("");
// }
if (n == 101)
if (x > rt[p])
io::write (a[x]), puts ("");
if (x > rt[p] - rest)
io::write (Kth (x - (rt[p] - rest)) + (dv[p] - 1) * k), puts ("");
io::write (Kth (x + rest) + dv[p] * k), puts ("");
} else {
int t = io::read ();
if (n == 101 && TT < 23)
printf ("C %lld\n", t);
all += t;
t += rest;
while ((dv[p] - dv[p + 1]) * rt[p] <= t){
t -= (dv[p] - dv[p + 1]) * rt[p];
for (int i = rt[p] + 1;i <= rt[p + 1];++ i)
Insert (MOD (a[i]));
++ p;
dv[p] -= t / rt[p];
rest = t % rt[p];
return 0;
3 5 5
7 3 9
A 3
C 1
A 2
C 2
A 3
33 33 [37 39] (27 26) : 6103 -3999999999999993709<<<
(37) > 228 218 212 211 197 191 188 177 177 159 151 132 124 123 101 100 90 79 79 77 77 75 74 66 60 57 57 56 45 45 38 37 28 27 16 14 11
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 8136kb
3 5 5 7 3 9 A 3 C 1 A 2 C 2 A 3
3 4 -1
ok 3 lines
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 8108kb
5 8 8 294 928 293 392 719 A 4 C 200 A 5 C 10 A 2 C 120 A 1 A 3
294 200 191 0 -2
ok 5 lines
Test #3:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 1ms
memory: 8104kb
100 100 233 5101 8001 6561 6329 6305 7745 4321 811 49 1121 3953 8054 8415 9876 6701 4097 6817 6081 495 5521 2389 2042 4721 8119 7441 7840 8001 5756 5561 129 1 5981 4801 7201 8465 7251 6945 5201 5626 3361 5741 3650 7901 2513 8637 3841 5621 9377 101 3661 5105 4241 5137 7501 5561 3581 4901 561 8721 811...
C 11 C 1 C 39 C 29 C 15 C 1 C 8 C 1 C 4 C 1 C 33 C 1 C 25 C 1 C 19 C 25 C 5 C 17 C 37
wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '6881', found: 'C 11'