The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#447100 | #4832. Telepathy | egypt_ioi2024_12 | 0 | 8ms | 4412kb | C++14 | 767b | 2024-06-17 22:13:56 | 2024-06-17 22:13:57 |
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 7ms
memory: 4348kb
Flim 1000000 100000 1101111111100010011110111001110011110110100000111110011111111111110111110100000001001000000110111000000101110000001100111110100100000100010111001011111010001000101100101100001111011100110010010000100100100101110100100110101001001000001011111101111111001100101000010110001011011000...
1 9 18 25 33 41 49 57 65 74 82 92 97 106 115 121 134 138 145 153 161 169 177 185 197 203 209 218 226 235 241 249 257 266 273 285 289 297 305 314 322 329 337 346 353 362 370 380 386 396 401 409 419 430 433 441 450 458 465 473 481 489 497 505 514 521 530 537 546 553 563 569 578 586 597 602 610 617 625...
Flam 1000000 100000 0000001101000100010010001001011111000101010011011001010100101001110101001011001011100001011100110100011110011010100101110101101101100101111011000111001101001100010000010010101110101010111110001100110000110001001111010010000010111101110001011011101101010000111111011111100100010001...
7 10 18 25 33 42 49 59 65 73 81 90 98 105 113 122 130 137 146 154 162 171 177 185 193 203 211 219 225 233 241 250 257 265 276 283 291 297 305 314 322 332 337 346 354 362 369 377 385 395 402 410 422 426 433 445 453 457 465 473 482 490 497 505 513 522 529 541 546 554 561 570 577 585 597 607 610 619 62...
ok 66743 matched
Test #2:
score: 100
time: 7ms
memory: 4272kb
Flim 1000000 100000 0100111111111101010011101010110100100101000101101111011100000000001000100010110011011010010000010011011100110000010001001111110101111000111011001110000101100000011110110100100100110101011101011001111001111011111100110010000110000101001111100011111100001001000000111110011001010100...
2 9 18 25 35 44 49 58 67 75 81 90 99 107 114 121 130 137 145 154 162 170 179 186 193 202 209 219 225 235 243 253 263 265 274 282 290 297 307 314 321 330 337 346 353 361 369 377 385 396 401 409 417 425 433 442 449 457 466 473 481 491 498 507 514 523 529 538 545 554 562 569 577 586 593 604 612 619 626...
Flam 1000000 100000 1011011100010010001100011101110001001000011011100101011000000110000111001100010011101101111010100011101011100110111111100011101000111101110001111110111000010110011100011101001111101100001111010000100110111001101110101000110110101101111010101111010010010011111010001001000110100001...
1 12 19 25 34 42 50 62 68 73 81 89 99 105 113 123 131 137 145 156 162 169 177 187 197 201 209 217 225 233 241 249 257 265 273 282 290 297 305 313 324 331 337 345 353 361 369 384 388 396 401 409 418 425 435 441 450 459 465 473 485 491 498 506 514 521 531 537 545 553 562 572 579 585 593 601 609 618 62...
ok 66873 matched
Test #3:
score: 100
time: 3ms
memory: 4224kb
Flim 1000000 100000 1011011100010100100000110101011111010001111000101100011110101101111101011001110000101111000101001011100010010101000100000110100110101010110101010010110000111111001000101000101111011111001011111011000011111000111010001101000000011001101011110100001001111010100000011000011000111101...
1 12 17 26 33 41 49 57 65 73 83 92 97 105 116 122 129 137 147 155 163 169 177 187 193 201 209 217 228 233 242 250 257 265 275 281 289 297 305 314 326 329 337 346 355 362 369 377 386 394 401 410 417 427 433 442 450 457 465 473 484 489 499 506 513 522 535 540 547 558 561 570 577 585 597 601 611 617 62...
Flam 1000000 100000 1000000110110000010101111010110100011001100000000100011111010000100011011000100110110101101000000000111000100010001100000011101011001010111010101010101000000010101001001010000011000001100011011000001111000110000100000111101010100101011110110100111101001100100110001111001010010110...
1 9 18 25 36 41 50 57 65 73 81 89 101 107 115 123 129 137 145 159 161 169 177 185 193 201 212 218 225 234 242 250 257 265 273 281 291 297 308 313 321 329 340 345 353 363 370 377 386 394 401 410 417 426 434 441 449 458 465 473 482 489 497 505 513 521 529 539 545 553 561 570 577 586 593 601 610 619 62...
ok 66694 matched
Test #4:
score: 100
time: 7ms
memory: 4232kb
Flim 1000000 100000 0111100010111011111010101001101010001100100000101111100010100101101011101101000111100000100101000110110111010101110111000011100000000111101100001111111000100000001101111100111001000000110111100100101111011010111110001011101110101011100000111101110101110101001100010001010000100111...
2 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 98 105 113 123 134 137 145 155 163 169 178 185 194 201 209 217 225 233 241 250 259 268 275 285 292 300 309 314 322 329 339 348 353 363 369 377 387 394 403 414 421 427 435 441 449 457 468 474 481 492 497 507 513 521 529 540 547 554 561 569 579 587 593 601 609 617 625...
Flam 1000000 100000 1110010010000011001110110011100111011011011010011100001001111110101101010001000001100110001000000001110001011110001101011000111010001000011010110010001011100110010100101001101000000000100100001010001000101101110111100100111001011000100101000101111110010110010101011110001100111000...
1 9 19 27 33 42 49 58 65 76 82 91 100 106 115 121 129 138 147 153 162 169 178 185 193 203 209 218 226 233 242 249 258 265 275 282 290 298 305 313 322 329 339 346 355 363 369 377 385 395 401 409 417 429 436 441 449 458 465 474 483 489 498 505 514 521 530 537 549 555 561 569 579 585 593 607 611 618 62...
ok 66667 matched
Test #5:
score: 100
time: 7ms
memory: 4412kb
Flim 1000000 100000 0010100101001111100010100011100011010001010110111111100111101101110010111011010111001000011001111010101011110101010011000010111100101101100110101000010101010011111110100001111001010110111111010100000100010110110000001110010010111001000111000010000000000011100000001011011011100001...
3 10 17 27 33 42 49 57 65 73 81 90 97 105 114 123 131 137 145 154 161 172 178 185 194 204 209 217 225 236 243 255 257 265 273 282 289 300 305 316 321 331 337 347 353 361 369 378 385 393 401 409 421 425 434 444 449 457 466 473 483 490 500 507 513 523 529 537 545 556 561 569 578 585 595 601 610 617 62...
Flam 1000000 100000 0110011010000010100110111110001010011001010101001000000000001000100110000010001011100110011110011011111100011100111100100101101111011100011000110000101111010011111001111111100111110000100000110101011000011100110110110100110000001010101101001100000110010011010110110110011101100011...
2 9 17 25 33 42 49 61 65 75 81 90 97 108 113 122 129 138 149 153 161 169 177 185 194 204 209 218 229 233 241 249 258 266 274 284 289 301 306 313 324 329 337 348 353 361 372 377 386 397 402 409 419 429 434 443 449 457 465 475 481 489 497 505 513 523 529 537 552 553 561 570 578 587 594 601 609 618 625...
ok 66763 matched
Test #6:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 8ms
memory: 4340kb
Flim 1000000 100000 0111000101101011010001110010110111010100011111011111111110100111001001111111100110001010101110000110101001000000111010010010011000000111011101111101101010011010111010010000000101100110010111101001000001000101100100111011001101101010011010001001101100101001110111111110000110000001...
2 10 18 27 33 42 49 57 67 73 81 89 98 106 113 123 134 138 145 153 161 176 178 186 193 202 209 217 226 234 241 251 257 265 273 282 289 299 305 313 325 329 339 346 354 362 370 377 388 393 401 409 417 430 436 441 449 457 465 475 481 489 498 507 519 521 529 541 545 553 561 569 577 588 596 601 610 617 62...
Flam 1000000 100000 1101110100000110001111100000000111000100101101110000100110101100011010000011001011011100001101101001010001110110101111010010011100111001011000100111101010100010100010110110101000000101000001100101010111101011110111001100000100010110010110011011101010111010010100101001000110010101...
1 14 19 32 33 41 53 57 66 75 81 91 97 106 113 123 131 138 146 153 161 170 182 190 194 201 209 217 228 234 241 249 258 265 273 286 290 304 306 315 327 331 339 345 357 361 369 377 385 397 401 410 417 428 435 441 450 458 468 473 481 489 498 506 513 523 529 540 546 553 563 570 577 587 594 602 609 617 62...
wrong answer 66578 matched, but you need to match at least 66666 positions