

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#415954#8721. 括号序列feecle6418AC ✓296ms95960kbC++1759.9kb2024-05-21 13:00:192024-05-21 13:00:21

Judging History


  • [2024-05-21 13:00:21]
  • 评测
  • 测评结果:AC
  • 用时:296ms
  • 内存:95960kb
  • [2024-05-21 13:00:19]
  • 提交


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
typedef long long ll;
#define fi first
#define se second
#define SS 524288           // max length of DFT
#define PS (SS * 20 + 1000) // pool for temp arrays
#define PS2 (SS * 7 + 1000) // another pool, see ocmul
#define FS 666666           // length of fac, rfac
const int MOD = 998244353;
ll qp(ll a, ll b) {
	ll ans = 1;
	a %= MOD;
	while (b) {
		if (b & 1) ans = ans * a % MOD;
		a = a * a % MOD;
		b >>= 1;
	return ans;
int getK(int n) {
	int s = 1;
	while (s < n) s <<= 1;
	return s;
typedef unsigned us;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
//+ ntt
namespace RawNTT {
us pool[SS * 8 + 10000] __attribute__((aligned(64))), *ptr = pool;
us *p0[SS], *p1[SS], *q0[SS], *q1[SS], rv[SS];
inline void bit_flip(us *p, int t) {
	for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < t; ++i) {
		if (i > j) swap(p[i], p[j]);
		for (int l = t >> 1; (j ^= l) < l; l >>= 1)
void prep(int n) {
	static int t = 1;
	rv[1] = 1;
	for (; t < n; t <<= 1) {
		int g = qp(3, (MOD - 1) / (t * 2));
		rv[t + t] = rv[t] * (ull)((MOD + 1) / 2) % MOD;
		us *p, *q;
		p = p0[t] = ptr;
		ptr += max(t, 16);
		p[0] = 1;
		for (int m = 1; m < t; ++m) p[m] = p[m - 1] * (ull)g % us(MOD);
		bit_flip(p, t);
		q = q0[t] = ptr;
		ptr += max(t, 16);
		for (int i = 0; i < t; ++i) q[i] = (ull(p[i]) << 32) / MOD;
		g = qp(g, MOD - 2);
		p = p1[t] = ptr;
		ptr += max(t, 16);
		p[0] = 1;
		for (int m = 1; m < t; ++m) p[m] = p[m - 1] * (ull)g % us(MOD);
		bit_flip(p, t);
		q = q1[t] = ptr;
		ptr += max(t, 16);
		for (int i = 0; i < t; ++i) q[i] = (ull(p[i]) << 32) / MOD;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
inline us my_mul(us a, us b, us c) { return b * (ull)a - ((ull(a) * c) >> 32) * ull(998244353); }
#warning intrinsics is on!
#include <immintrin.h>
inline __m128i my_mullo_epu32(const __m128i &a, const __m128i &b) {
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
	return _mm_mullo_epi32(a, b);
	__m128i a13 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0xF5), b13 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(b, 0xF5),
	        prod02 = _mm_mul_epu32(a, b), prod13 = _mm_mul_epu32(a13, b13),
	        prod = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(prod02, prod13),
	                                  _mm_unpackhi_epi32(prod02, prod13));
	return prod;
inline __m128i my_mulhi_epu32(const __m128i &a, const __m128i &b) {
	__m128i a13 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0xF5), b13 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(b, 0xF5),
	        prod02 = _mm_mul_epu32(a, b), prod13 = _mm_mul_epu32(a13, b13),
	        prod = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(prod02, prod13),
	                                  _mm_unpackhi_epi32(prod02, prod13));
	return prod;
void ntt(us *x, int n, bool f = true) {
	int t = n;
	for (int m = 1; m < n; m <<= 1) {
		t >>= 1;
		us *p = p0[m], *q = q0[m];
		if (t == 1 || t == 2) {
			us *xa = x, *xb = x + t;
			for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i, xa += t + t, xb += t + t)
				for (int j = 0; j < t; ++j) {
					us u = xa[j] - (xa[j] >= us(MOD + MOD)) * us(MOD + MOD);
					us v = my_mul(xb[j], p[i], q[i]);
					xa[j] = u + v;
					xb[j] = u - v + us(MOD + MOD);
		} else if (t == 4) {
			us *xa = x, *xb = x + t;
			for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i, xa += t + t, xb += t + t) {
				const __m128i p4 = _mm_set1_epi32(p[i]), q4 = _mm_set1_epi32(q[i]),
				              mm = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD + MOD), m0 = _mm_set1_epi32(0),
				              m1 = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD);
				for (int j = 0; j < t; j += 4) {
					__m128i u = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j));
					u = _mm_sub_epi32(
					    u, _mm_and_si128(
					           _mm_or_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi32(u, mm), _mm_cmpgt_epi32(m0, u)), mm));
					__m128i v = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j));
					v = _mm_sub_epi32(my_mullo_epu32(v, p4),
					                  my_mullo_epu32(my_mulhi_epu32(v, q4), m1));
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j), _mm_add_epi32(u, v));
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j), _mm_add_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(u, v), mm));
		} else {
			us *xa = x, *xb = x + t;
			for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i, xa += t + t, xb += t + t) {
				const __m128i p4 = _mm_set1_epi32(p[i]), q4 = _mm_set1_epi32(q[i]),
				              mm = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD + MOD), m0 = _mm_set1_epi32(0),
				              m1 = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD);
				for (int j = 0; j < t; j += 8) {
					__m128i u0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j)),
					        u1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j + 4)),
					        v0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j)),
					        v1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j + 4));
					u0 = _mm_sub_epi32(u0, _mm_and_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi32(u0, mm),
					                                                  _mm_cmpgt_epi32(m0, u0)),
					u1 = _mm_sub_epi32(u1, _mm_and_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi32(u1, mm),
					                                                  _mm_cmpgt_epi32(m0, u1)),
					v0 = _mm_sub_epi32(my_mullo_epu32(v0, p4),
					                   my_mullo_epu32(my_mulhi_epu32(v0, q4), m1));
					v1 = _mm_sub_epi32(my_mullo_epu32(v1, p4),
					                   my_mullo_epu32(my_mulhi_epu32(v1, q4), m1));
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j), _mm_add_epi32(u0, v0));
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j + 4), _mm_add_epi32(u1, v1));
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j), _mm_add_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(u0, v0), mm));
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j + 4),
					                 _mm_add_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(u1, v1), mm));
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		x[i] -= (x[i] >= us(MOD + MOD)) * us(MOD + MOD), x[i] -= (x[i] >= us(MOD)) * us(MOD);
	if (f) bit_flip(x, n);
void intt(us *x, int n, bool f = true) {
	int t = 1;
	if (f) bit_flip(x, n);
	for (int m = (n >> 1); m; m >>= 1) {
		us *p = p1[m], *q = q1[m];
		if (t == 1 || t == 2) {
			us *xa = x, *xb = x + t;
			for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i, xa += t + t, xb += t + t)
				for (int j = 0; j < t; ++j) {
					us u = xa[j], v = xb[j];
					xa[j] = u + v - (u + v >= us(MOD + MOD)) * us(MOD + MOD);
					xb[j] = my_mul(u - v + us(MOD + MOD), p[i], q[i]);
		} else if (t == 4) {
			us *xa = x, *xb = x + t;
			for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i, xa += t + t, xb += t + t) {
				const __m128i p4 = _mm_set1_epi32(p[i]), q4 = _mm_set1_epi32(q[i]),
				              mm = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD + MOD), m0 = _mm_set1_epi32(0),
				              m1 = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD);
				for (int j = 0; j < t; j += 4) {
					__m128i u = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j)),
					        v = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j)), uv = _mm_add_epi32(u, v);
					    (__m128i *)(xa + j),
					    _mm_sub_epi32(uv, _mm_and_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi32(uv, mm),
					                                                 _mm_cmpgt_epi32(m0, uv)),
					uv = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(u, v), mm);
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j),
					                 _mm_sub_epi32(my_mullo_epu32(uv, p4),
					                               my_mullo_epu32(my_mulhi_epu32(uv, q4), m1)));
		} else {
			us *xa = x, *xb = x + t;
			for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i, xa += t + t, xb += t + t) {
				const __m128i p4 = _mm_set1_epi32(p[i]), q4 = _mm_set1_epi32(q[i]),
				              mm = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD + MOD), m0 = _mm_set1_epi32(0),
				              m1 = _mm_set1_epi32(MOD);
				for (int j = 0; j < t; j += 8) {
					__m128i u0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j)),
					        u1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xa + j + 4)),
					        v0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j)),
					        v1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j + 4)),
					        uv0 = _mm_add_epi32(u0, v0), uv1 = _mm_add_epi32(u1, v1);
					    (__m128i *)(xa + j),
					    _mm_sub_epi32(uv0, _mm_and_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi32(uv0, mm),
					                                                  _mm_cmpgt_epi32(m0, uv0)),
					    (__m128i *)(xa + j + 4),
					    _mm_sub_epi32(uv1, _mm_and_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi32(uv1, mm),
					                                                  _mm_cmpgt_epi32(m0, uv1)),
					uv0 = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(u0, v0), mm);
					uv1 = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(u1, v1), mm);
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j),
					                 _mm_sub_epi32(my_mullo_epu32(uv0, p4),
					                               my_mullo_epu32(my_mulhi_epu32(uv0, q4), m1)));
					_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(xb + j + 4),
					                 _mm_sub_epi32(my_mullo_epu32(uv1, p4),
					                               my_mullo_epu32(my_mulhi_epu32(uv1, q4), m1)));
		t <<= 1;
	us rn = rv[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) x[i] = x[i] * (ull)rn % MOD;
} // namespace RawNTT
//+ modint
union mi // modint, treat as POD
	us w;
	mi() { w = 0; }
	mi(us u) { w = u; }
	mi(int u) {
		u %= MOD;
		w = u + ((u < 0) ? MOD : 0);
	explicit operator us() const { return w; }
	explicit operator int() const { return w; }
mi operator+(const mi &a, const mi &b) { return mi{a.w + b.w - ((a.w + b.w >= MOD) ? (MOD) : 0)}; }
mi operator-(const mi &a, const mi &b) { return mi{a.w - b.w + ((a.w < b.w) ? (MOD) : 0)}; }
mi operator*(const mi &a, const mi &b) { return mi{us((ull)a.w * b.w % MOD)}; }
mi operator/(const mi &a, const mi &b) { return mi{us((ull)a.w * qp(b.w, MOD - 2) % MOD)}; }
mi inv(const mi &a) { return mi{us(qp(a.w, MOD - 2))}; }
bool operator==(const mi &a, const mi &b) { return a.w == b.w; }
bool operator!=(const mi &a, const mi &b) { return a.w != b.w; }
mi &operator+=(mi &a, const mi &b) {
	a.w = a.w + b.w - ((a.w + b.w >= MOD) ? MOD : 0);
	return a;
mi &operator-=(mi &a, const mi &b) {
	a.w = a.w - b.w + ((a.w < b.w) ? MOD : 0);
	return a;
mi operator-(const mi &a) { return mi{a.w ? (MOD - a.w) : 0}; }
mi &operator++(mi &a) {
	a.w = a.w + 1 - ((a.w + 1 >= MOD) ? MOD : 0);
	return a;
mi &operator--(mi &a) {
	a.w = a.w - 1 + (a.w ? 0 : MOD);
	return a;
void ntt(mi *x, int n, bool f = true) { RawNTT::ntt((us *)x, n, f); } // make sure this works
void intt(mi *x, int n, bool f = true) { RawNTT::intt((us *)x, n, f); }
void fft(mi *x, int n, bool r, bool f = true) {
	if (r) intt(x, n, f);
	else ntt(x, n, f);
void cp(mi *t, const mi *s, int K) {
	if (s) memcpy(t, s, sizeof(mi) * K);
	else memset(t, 0, sizeof(mi) * K);
void cp(mi *t, mi s, int K) {
	if (s.w == 0) memset(t, 0, sizeof(mi) * K);
		for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) t[i] = s;
mi qp(mi a, ll b) {
	mi x = 1;
	while (b) {
		if (b & 1) x = x * a;
		a = a * a;
		b >>= 1;
	return x;
string to_string(mi f) { return to_string((int)f); }
string pretty_guess(mi x, int max_dem = 1000) {
	string s = to_string((int)x);
	auto upd = [&](string v) {
		if (v.size() < s.size()) s = v;
	upd("-" + to_string((int)(-x)));
	for (int i = 1; i <= max_dem; ++i) {
		mi w = x * i;
		upd(to_string((int)w) + "/" + to_string(i));
		upd("-" + to_string((int)(-w)) + "/" + to_string(i));
	return s;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const mi &m) {
	os << m.w;
	return os;
istream &operator>>(istream &is, mi &m) {
	int x;
	is >> x;
	m = x;
	return is;
//+ basic ops
mi fac[FS], rfac[FS];
struct Fac_Initer {
	Fac_Initer() {
		fac[0] = 1;
		for (int i = 1; i < FS; ++i) fac[i] = fac[i - 1] * i;
		rfac[FS - 1] = inv(fac[FS - 1]);
		for (int i = FS - 1; i; --i) rfac[i - 1] = rfac[i] * i;
} fac__initer__;
mi mempool[PS], *pt = mempool;
mi *alc(int t, bool c = 0) {
	if (c) cp(pt, 0, t);
	pt += t;
	assert(pt < mempool + PS);
	return pt - t;
void ginv_K(mi *x, mi *o, int K) {
	if (K == 1) {
		o[0] = inv(x[0]);
	ginv_K(x, o, K >> 1);
	mi *fo = alc(K, 1), *fx = alc(K), *fw = alc(K);
	cp(fo, o, (K >> 1));
	fft(fo, K, 0);
	cp(fx, x, K);
	fft(fx, K, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) fw[i] = fx[i] * fo[i];
	fft(fw, K, 1);
	cp(fw, fw + (K >> 1), K >> 1);
	cp(fw + (K >> 1), 0, K >> 1);
	ntt(fw, K);
	for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) fw[i] = fw[i] * fo[i];
	fft(fw, K, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) o[i + (K >> 1)] = -fw[i];
	pt -= K + K + K;
void ginv(mi *x, mi *o, int n) {
	int K = getK(n);
	mi *fx = alc(K, 1), *fo = alc(K);
	cp(fx, x, n);
	ginv_K(fx, fo, K);
	cp(o, fo, n);
	pt -= K + K;
void gdiv(mi *a, mi *b, mi *d, int n, int m) {
	int s = getK(max(n, m));
	mi *ra = alc(s + s, 1), *rb = alc(s + s, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) ra[i] = a[n - 1 - i];
	for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) rb[i] = b[m - 1 - i];
	ginv(rb, rb, s);
	fft(ra, s + s, 0);
	fft(rb, s + s, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < s + s; ++i) rb[i] = ra[i] * rb[i];
	fft(rb, s + s, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i <= n - m; ++i) d[i] = rb[n - m - i];
	pt -= s * 4;
void gdiv(mi *a, mi *b, mi *d, mi *r, int n, int m) {
	gdiv(a, b, d, n, m);
	int s = getK(n + 1);
	mi *bb = alc(s, 1), *dd = alc(s, 1);
	cp(bb, b, m);
	cp(dd, d, n - m + 1);
	fft(bb, s, 0);
	fft(dd, s, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) bb[i] = -bb[i] * dd[i];
	fft(bb, s, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < m - 1; ++i) r[i] = a[i] + bb[i];
	pt -= s * 2;
void gln(mi *a, mi *b, int n) {
	int s = getK(n + n);
	mi *ra = alc(s, 1);
	ginv(a, ra, n);
	mi *rb = alc(s, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i + 1 < n; ++i) rb[i] = a[i + 1] * (i + 1);
	fft(ra, s, 0);
	fft(rb, s, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) ra[i] = ra[i] * rb[i];
	fft(ra, s, 1);
	b[0] = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) b[i] = ra[i - 1] * rfac[i] * fac[i - 1];
	pt -= s * 2;
mi sqrt_f0;
void gsqrt_K(mi *f, mi *g, mi *h, int K, bool ch = 1) {
	static mi gh[SS];
	if (K == 1) {
		assert(sqrt_f0 * sqrt_f0 - f[0] == 0);
		g[0] = sqrt_f0;
		h[0] = inv(sqrt_f0);
		gh[0] = sqrt_f0;
	gsqrt_K(f, g, h, K >> 1);
	mi *fh = alc(K, 1), *gg = alc(K >> 1), *rr = alc(K, 1);
	cp(fh, h, (K >> 1));
	fft(fh, K, 0);
	cp(gg, gh, K >> 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) gg[i] = gg[i] * gg[i];
	fft(gg, K >> 1, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) rr[i + (K >> 1)] = gg[i] - f[i] - f[i + (K >> 1)];
	fft(rr, K, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) rr[i] = rr[i] * fh[i] * ((MOD + 1) / 2);
	fft(rr, K, 1);
	for (int i = (K >> 1); i < K; ++i) g[i] = -rr[i];
	if (ch) {
		mi *fg = alc(K), *fw = alc(K);
		cp(fg, g, K);
		fft(fg, K, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) fw[i] = fg[i] * fh[i];
		fft(fw, K, 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) fw[i] = fw[i + (K >> 1)];
		cp(fw + (K >> 1), 0, K >> 1);
		fft(fw, K, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) fw[i] = fw[i] * fh[i];
		fft(fw, K, 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) h[i + (K >> 1)] = -fw[i];
		cp(gh, fg, K);
		pt -= K + K;
	pt -= K + K + (K >> 1);
void gsqrt(mi *f, mi *g, int n) {
	int s = getK(n);
	mi *mf = alc(s, 1), *mg = alc(s), *mh = alc(s);
	cp(mf, f, n);
	gsqrt_K(mf, mg, mh, s, 0);
	cp(g, mg, n);
	pt -= s + s + s;
void gexp_K(mi *f, mi *g, mi *h, int K, bool ch = 1) {
	if (K == 1) {
		g[0] = h[0] = 1;
	gexp_K(f, g, h, K >> 1);
	mi *gg = alc(K >> 1), *hh = alc(K >> 1), *fh = 0, *dg = alc(K >> 1), *t1 = alc(K, 1),
	   *t2 = alc(K, 1);
	dg[(K >> 1) - 1] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i + 1 < (K >> 1); ++i) dg[i] = g[i + 1] * (i + 1);
	cp(gg, g, K >> 1);
	mi c = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) c = c + dg[i] * h[((K >> 1) - 1) - i];
	if (!ch) cp(hh, h, K >> 1), fft(hh, K >> 1, 0);
	else {
		fh = alc(K, 1);
		cp(fh, h, (K >> 1));
		fft(fh, K, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < K; i += 2) hh[i >> 1] = fh[i];
	fft(gg, K >> 1, 0);
	fft(dg, K >> 1, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) gg[i] = gg[i] * hh[i];
	fft(gg, K >> 1, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) t1[i + (K >> 1)] = (i == 0) - gg[i];
	for (int i = 0; i + 1 < (K >> 1); ++i) t2[i] = f[i + 1] * (i + 1);
	fft(t1, K, 0);
	fft(t2, K, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) t1[i] = t1[i] * t2[i];
	fft(t1, K, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) t1[i] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i + 1 < K; ++i) t1[i] = t1[i] - f[i + 1] * (i + 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) dg[i] = dg[i] * hh[i];
	fft(dg, K >> 1, 1);
	mi r;
	for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i)
		r = (i + 1 == (K >> 1)) ? c : (f[i + 1] * (i + 1)), t1[i] = t1[i] + r,
		t1[i + (K >> 1)] = t1[i + (K >> 1)] + dg[i] - r;
	t2[0] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i + 1 < K; ++i) t2[i + 1] = t1[i] * rfac[i + 1] * fac[i];
	cp(t1, g, K >> 1);
	cp(t1 + (K >> 1), 0, K >> 1);
	fft(t1, K, 0);
	fft(t2, K, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) t1[i] = t1[i] * t2[i];
	fft(t1, K, 1);
	for (int i = (K >> 1); i < K; ++i) g[i] = -t1[i];
	pt -= K * 2 + (K >> 1) * 3;
	if (ch) {
		mi *fg = alc(K), *fw = alc(K);
		cp(fg, g, K);
		fft(fg, K, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) fw[i] = fg[i] * fh[i];
		fft(fw, K, 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) fw[i] = fw[i + (K >> 1)];
		cp(fw + (K >> 1), 0, K >> 1);
		fft(fw, K, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) fw[i] = fw[i] * fh[i];
		fft(fw, K, 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < (K >> 1); ++i) h[i + (K >> 1)] = -fw[i];
		pt -= K + K + K;
void gexp(mi *f, mi *g, int n) {
	int s = getK(n);
	mi *mf = alc(s, 1), *mg = alc(s), *mh = alc(s);
	cp(mf, f, n);
	gexp_K(mf, mg, mh, s, 0);
	cp(g, mg, n);
	pt -= s + s + s;
//+ mod_sqrt
namespace QR {
typedef pair<ll, ll> pll;
ll pll_s;
inline pll mul(pll a, pll b, ll p) {
	pll ans;
	ans.fi = a.fi * b.fi % p + a.se * b.se % p * pll_s % p;
	ans.se = a.fi * b.se % p + a.se * b.fi % p;
	ans.fi %= p;
	ans.se %= p;
	return ans;
pll qp(pll a, ll b, ll c) {
	pll ans(1, 0);
	while (b) {
		if (b & 1) ans = mul(ans, a, c);
		a = mul(a, a, c);
		b >>= 1;
	return ans;
ll qp(ll a, ll b, ll c) {
	ll ans = 1;
	while (b) {
		if (b & 1) ans = ans * a % c;
		a = a * a % c;
		b >>= 1;
	return ans;
int mod_sqrt(ll a, ll p = MOD) {
	if (!a) return 0;
	if (p == 2) return 1;
	ll w, q;
	while (1) {
		w = rand() % p;
		q = w * w - a;
		q = (q % p + p) % p;
		if (qp(q, (p - 1) / 2, p) != 1) break;
	pll_s = q;
	pll rst = qp(pll(w, 1), (p + 1) / 2, p);
	ll ans = (rst.fi % p + p) % p;
	return min(ans, p - ans);
} // namespace QR
using QR::mod_sqrt;
//+ poly
#include <functional>
int default_shrink = -1; // mod x^n
struct poly {
	vector<mi> coeff;
	int shrink_len;
	void rev() {
		reverse(coeff.begin(), coeff.end());
	void insert(mi x) {
		coeff.insert(coeff.begin(), x);
	mi &operator[](int x) {
		if ((x < 0) || (shrink_len != -1 && x >= shrink_len)) throw out_of_range("invalid offset");
		if ((int)coeff.size() < x + 1) coeff.resize(x + 1);
		return coeff[x];
	mi operator[](int x) const {
		if ((x < 0) || (shrink_len != -1 && x >= shrink_len)) throw out_of_range("invalid offset");
		if ((int)coeff.size() < x + 1) return mi(0);
		return coeff[x];
	mi get(int x) const {
		if ((x < 0) || (shrink_len != -1 && x >= shrink_len)) return 0;
		if ((int)coeff.size() < x + 1) return mi(0);
		return coeff[x];
	explicit poly(int shrink_len_ = default_shrink) : shrink_len(shrink_len_) {}
	poly(vector<mi> coeff_, int shrink_len_ = default_shrink)
	    : coeff(coeff_), shrink_len(shrink_len_) {
	poly(vector<int> coeff_, int shrink_len_ = default_shrink) : shrink_len(shrink_len_) {
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)coeff.size(); ++i) this->coeff[i] = coeff_[i];
	void clean_maybe() {
		if (is_poly())
			while (coeff.size() && coeff.back() == 0) coeff.pop_back();
	void clean() {
	void fit_shrink() {
	void set_shrink(int shrink_len_ = default_shrink) {
		this->shrink_len = shrink_len_;
	void dump(char e = 0, bool g = 1, int l = 9) const {
		auto format = [&](mi num) { return g ? pretty_guess(num) : to_string(num); };
		int u = (int)coeff.size() - 1;
		while (u >= 0 && coeff[u] == 0) --u;
		if (u < 0) {
		} else {
			for (int j = 0; j <= u && j <= l; ++j)
				printf("%c%s", "{,"[j != 0], format(coeff[j]).c_str());
			if (u > l) printf("...%s(x^%d)", format(coeff[u]).c_str(), u);
		if (shrink_len == -1) printf(" (poly)");
		else printf(" (mod x^%d)", shrink_len);
		if (e) putchar(e);
	const mi *coeff_ptr() const {
		if (!coeff.size()) return 0;
		return coeff.data();
	mi *coeff_ptr() {
		if (!coeff.size()) return 0;
		return coeff.data();
	int size() const { return coeff.size(); }
	void reserve(int l) {
		if (shrink_len != -1) l = min(l, shrink_len);
		if (l > (int)coeff.size()) coeff.resize(l);
	void print_shrink(char e) {
		for (int i = 0; i < shrink_len; ++i) {
			if (i) printf(" ");
			printf("%d", (int)coeff[i]);
		if (e) printf("%c", e);
	void print_len(int s, char e) {
		for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
			if (i) printf(" ");
			printf("%d", (int)get(i));
		if (e) printf("%c", e);
	void shrink() {
		if (shrink_len != -1 && (int)coeff.size() > shrink_len) coeff.resize(shrink_len);
	bool is_poly() const { return shrink_len == -1; }
	bool is_series() const { return shrink_len != -1; }
	mi eval(mi x) {
		mi w = 0;
		for (int i = size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) w = w * x + coeff[i];
		return w;
poly polyi(mi x) { return poly(vector<mi>{x}, -1); }
poly operator"" _p(unsigned long long int x) { return poly(vector<mi>{int(x % MOD)}, -1); }
poly operator"" _p(const char *str, std::size_t len) {
	poly ans(-1);
	int sgn = 1, phase = 0, coeff = 0, touch = 0;
	ll cnum = 0;
	auto clean = [&]() {
		if (phase == -1) ans[1] += sgn * coeff;
		else if (phase == 0) ans[0] += sgn * (int)cnum;
		else if (phase == 1) ans[cnum] += sgn * coeff;
		else assert(0);
		phase = cnum = touch = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)len; ++i) {
		if (str[i] == '+') clean(), sgn = 1;
		else if (str[i] == '-') clean(), sgn = -1;
		else if (isdigit(str[i])) {
			assert(phase == 0 || phase == 1);
			if (phase == 0) touch = 1, cnum = (cnum * 10LL + str[i] - 48) % MOD;
			else cnum = cnum * 10LL + str[i] - 48, assert(cnum < 1e8);
		} else if (str[i] == 'x') {
			assert(str[i + 1] == '^' || str[i + 1] == '+' || str[i + 1] == '-' || str[i + 1] == 0);
			phase = -1;
			coeff = touch ? cnum : 1;
			cnum = 0;
		} else if (str[i] == '^') {
			assert(phase == -1);
			phase = 1;
	return ans;
//+ poly ops
void share_shrink(poly &a, poly &b) {
	int l = max(a.shrink_len, b.shrink_len);
poly ginv(poly p) {
	ginv(p.coeff_ptr(), p.coeff_ptr(), p.shrink_len);
	return p;
poly gln(poly p) {
	gln(p.coeff_ptr(), p.coeff_ptr(), p.shrink_len);
	return p;
poly gsqrt(poly p, mi f0 = mi(1)) {
	sqrt_f0 = f0;
	gsqrt(p.coeff_ptr(), p.coeff_ptr(), p.shrink_len);
	return p;
poly gexp(poly p) {
	gexp(p.coeff_ptr(), p.coeff_ptr(), p.shrink_len);
	return p;
int merge_shrink(int s1, int s2) {
	if (s1 == -1) return s2;
	if (s2 == -1) return s1;
	assert(s1 == s2); // usually s1=s2
	return min(s1, s2);
poly operator+(const poly &a, const poly &b) {
	poly c(merge_shrink(a.shrink_len, b.shrink_len));
	c.reserve(max(a.size(), b.size()));
	for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
	return c;
poly operator-(const poly &a, const poly &b) {
	poly c(merge_shrink(a.shrink_len, b.shrink_len));
	c.reserve(max(a.size(), b.size()));
	for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) c[i] = a[i] - b[i];
	return c;
poly operator-(poly a) {
	for (auto &s : a.coeff) s = -s;
	return a;
poly operator*(mi v, poly a) {
	for (auto &t : a.coeff) t = t * v;
	return a;
poly operator*(poly a, mi v) {
	for (auto &t : a.coeff) t = t * v;
	return a;
poly operator+(poly a, mi b) {
	if (a.size()) a[0] += b;
	return a;
poly operator-(poly a, mi b) {
	if (a.size()) a[0] -= b;
	return a;
poly operator*(const poly &a, const poly &b) {
	if (!a.size()) return a;
	if (!b.size()) return b;
	poly c(merge_shrink(a.shrink_len, b.shrink_len));
	c.reserve(a.size() + b.size() - 1);
	int as = min(a.size(), c.size()), bs = min(b.size(), c.size());
	int K = getK(as + bs - 1);
	mi *da = alc(K, 1), *db = alc(K, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < as; ++i) da[i] = a[i];
	for (int i = 0; i < bs; ++i) db[i] = b[i];
	fft(da, K, 0, 0);
	fft(db, K, 0, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) da[i] = da[i] * db[i];
	fft(da, K, 1, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) c[i] = da[i];
	pt -= K * 2;
	return c;
pair<poly, poly> gdiv(poly a, poly b) { //(quotient, remainder)
	assert(a.is_poly() && b.is_poly());
	int n = a.size(), m = b.size();
	assert(m > 0);
	if (n < m) return make_pair(poly(-1), a);
	poly d(-1), r(-1);
	d.reserve(n - m + 1);
	r.reserve(m - 1);
	gdiv(a.coeff_ptr(), b.coeff_ptr(), d.coeff_ptr(), r.coeff_ptr(), n, m);
	return make_pair(d, r);
poly gdiv_quo(poly a, poly b) { // quotient
	assert(a.is_poly() && b.is_poly());
	int n = a.size(), m = b.size();
	assert(m > 0);
	if (n < m) return poly(-1);
	poly d(-1);
	d.reserve(n - m + 1);
	gdiv(a.coeff_ptr(), b.coeff_ptr(), d.coeff_ptr(), n, m);
	return d;
poly gint(poly a) { // shrink actually changes
	a.reserve(a.size() + 1);
	for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 1; --i) a[i] = a[i - 1] * rfac[i] * fac[i - 1];
	if (a.size()) a[0] = 0;
	return a;
poly gde(poly a) { // shrink actually changes
	if (!a.size()) return a;
	for (int i = 1; i < a.size(); ++i) a[i - 1] = a[i] * i;
	a[a.size() - 1] = 0;
	return a;
poly gnewton( // solve G(f)=0
    function<poly(const poly &)> g, function<poly(const poly &)> gp, int f0,
    int len = default_shrink) {
	poly f(1);
	f[0] = f0;
	while (f.shrink_len != len) {
		int old_len = f.shrink_len;
		int new_len = min(old_len * 2, len);
		poly s = g(f);
		poly h = f;
		h.set_shrink(new_len - old_len);
		h = ginv(gp(h));
		s.coeff.erase(s.coeff.begin(), s.coeff.begin() + old_len);
		s.set_shrink(new_len - old_len);
		s = h * s;
		s.coeff.insert(s.coeff.begin(), old_len, mi(0));
		f = f - s;
	return f;
poly gpow(poly p, string k) {
	int u = p.shrink_len, x = 0;
	while (x < u && p[x] == 0) ++x;
	double kd = 0;
	mi m0 = 0;
	ll m1 = 0;
	for (char c : k) {
		kd = kd * 10 + c - 48;
		m0 = m0 * 10 + int(c - 48);
		m1 = (m1 * 10 + int(c - 48)) % (MOD - 1);
	if (x == u || x * kd >= u * 2) return poly(u);
	p.coeff.erase(p.coeff.begin(), p.coeff.begin() + x);
	mi v = p[0], s = qp(v, m1), iv = inv(v);
	for (mi &w : p.coeff) w = w * iv;
	p = gexp(m0 * gln(p));
	for (mi &w : p.coeff) w = w * s;
	p.coeff.insert(p.coeff.begin(), x * m1, mi(0));
	return p;
poly gpow(poly p, ll k) { return gpow(p, to_string(k)); }
poly gnewton_d( // solve f'=G(f), gp=(G,G')
    function<pair<poly, poly>(const poly &)> gp, int f0, int len = default_shrink) {
	poly f(1);
	f[0] = f0;
	while (f.shrink_len != len) {
		int old_len = f.shrink_len;
		int new_len = min(old_len * 2, len);
		auto fp = gp(f);
		poly gpf = fp.second, r = gexp(mi(-1) * gint(gpf));
		f = gint((fp.first - gpf * f) * r);
		f[0] = f0;
		f = f * ginv(r);
	return f;
poly gnewton_d(function<poly(const poly &)> g, function<poly(const poly &)> gp, int f0,
               int len = default_shrink) {
	return gnewton_d([&](const poly &s) { return make_pair(g(s), gp(s)); }, f0, len);
poly gcompinv( // G^<-1>, gp=(G,G')
    function<pair<poly, poly>(const poly &)> gp, int f0, int len = default_shrink) {
	poly f(1);
	f[0] = f0;
	while (f.shrink_len != len) {
		int old_len = f.shrink_len;
		int new_len = min(old_len * 2, len);
		auto fp = gp(f);
		auto gf = fp.first;
		gf = mi(-1) * gf;
		f = f + gf * ginv(fp.second);
	return f;
poly gcompinv(function<poly(const poly &)> g, function<poly(const poly &)> gp, int f0,
              int len = default_shrink) {
	return gcompinv([&](const poly &s) { return make_pair(g(s), gp(s)); }, f0, len);
poly prod_recurse(poly *a, int n) {
	if (n == 1) return *a;
	int m = n >> 1;
	return prod_recurse(a, m) * prod_recurse(a + m, n - m);
poly prod(vector<poly> p) {
	if (!p.size()) return poly(-1);
	sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [&](const poly &a, const poly &b) { return a.size() < b.size(); });
	return prod_recurse(p.data(), p.size());
poly gcorner(poly a, vector<mi> b) {
	for (int i = 0; i < a.size() && i < (int)b.size(); ++i) a[i] = b[i];
	return a;
poly gshl(poly a, int b) {
	a.coeff.insert(a.coeff.begin(), b, mi(0));
	return a;
poly gshr(poly a, int b) {
	if (a.size() < b) a.coeff.clear();
	else a.coeff.erase(a.coeff.begin(), a.coeff.begin() + b);
	return a;
poly gamp(const poly &a, int u) { // A(x)=a(x^u)
	assert(a.is_series() && u >= 1);
	poly b(a.shrink_len);
	for (int i = 0; i * u < a.shrink_len; ++i) b[i * u] = a[i];
	return b;
//+ less-used poly ops
mi linear_eval(poly a, poly b, ll n) { //[x^n](a(x)/b(x))
	assert(a.is_poly() && b.is_poly() && b.size() >= 1);
	while (n) {
		poly nb = b;
		for (int i = 1; i < nb.size(); i += 2) nb[i] = -nb[i];
		auto clip = [&](poly p) {
			int u = p.size() - 1;
			for (int i = 1; i <= u / 2; ++i) p[i] = p[i + i];
			p.coeff.resize(u / 2 + 1);
			return p;
		poly s = a * nb, t = b * nb;
		if (n & 1) s.reserve(1), s.coeff.erase(s.coeff.begin());
		a = clip(s);
		b = clip(t);
		n >>= 1;
	return a.get(0) * inv(b.get(0));
vector<mi> BM(vector<mi> x) {
	vector<mi> ls, cur;
	int lf = 0;
	mi ldt;
	for (int i = 0; i < int(x.size()); ++i) {
		mi t = -x[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < int(cur.size()); ++j) t = t + x[i - j - 1] * cur[j];
		if (t == 0) continue;
		if (!cur.size()) {
			cur.resize(i + 1);
			lf = i;
			ldt = t;
		mi k = -t * inv(ldt);
		vector<mi> c(i - lf - 1);
		for (int j = 0; j < int(ls.size()); ++j) c.pb(ls[j] * k);
		if (c.size() < cur.size()) c.resize(cur.size());
		for (int j = 0; j < int(cur.size()); ++j) c[j] = c[j] + cur[j];
		if (i - lf + (int)ls.size() >= (int)cur.size()) ls = cur, lf = i, ldt = t;
		cur = c;
	return cur;
pair<poly, poly> bm_poly(vector<mi> x) {
	vector<mi> f = BM(x);
	int k = f.size();
	f.insert(f.begin(), mi(-1));
	poly r(f, -1), s(x, -1);
	poly u = r * s;
	return make_pair(u, r);
mi linear_eval(vector<mi> x, ll n) {
	auto s = bm_poly(x);
	return linear_eval(s.first, s.second, n);
vector<poly> eval_tmp;
void eval_build(int x, mi *a, int n) {
	if ((int)eval_tmp.size() < x + 1) eval_tmp.resize(x + 1);
	if (n == 1) {
		eval_tmp[x] = poly(vector<mi>{mi(1), -*a}, -1);
	int m = (n + 1) >> 1;
	eval_build(x + x, a, m);
	eval_build(x + x + 1, a + m, n - m);
	eval_tmp[x] = eval_tmp[x + x] * eval_tmp[x + x + 1];
poly mul_transpose(const poly &a, const poly &b) { // transposed mul
	assert(a.is_poly() && b.size() > 0 && b.is_poly());
	if (a.size() < b.size()) return poly(-1);
	poly c(-1);
	c.reserve(a.size() - b.size() + 1);
	int K = getK(a.size());
	mi *da = alc(K, 1), *db = alc(K, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) da[i] = a[i];
	for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) db[i] = b[b.size() - 1 - i];
	fft(da, K, 0);
	fft(db, K, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) da[i] = da[i] * db[i];
	fft(da, K, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) c[i] = da[i + b.size() - 1];
	pt -= K * 2;
	return c;
void eval_recurse(int x, poly p, mi *o, int n) {
	if (n == 1) {
		*o = p.get(0);
	int m = (n + 1) >> 1;
	eval_recurse(x + x, mul_transpose(p, eval_tmp[x + x + 1]), o, m);
	eval_recurse(x + x + 1, mul_transpose(p, eval_tmp[x + x]), o + m, n - m);
vector<mi> multipoint_eval(poly p, vector<mi> q) {
	if (!q.size()) return q;
	eval_build(1, q.data(), q.size());
	int d = p.size();
	poly o = eval_tmp[1];
	p = p * ginv(o);
	vector<mi> s(q.size());
	eval_recurse(1, p, s.data(), q.size());
	return s;
vector<poly> interp_tmp;
vector<mi> interp_y;
void interp_build(int x, mi *a, int n) {
	if ((int)interp_tmp.size() < x + 1) interp_tmp.resize(x + 1);
	if (n == 1) {
		interp_tmp[x] = poly(vector<mi>{-*a, mi(1)}, -1);
	int m = (n + 1) >> 1;
	interp_build(x + x, a, m);
	interp_build(x + x + 1, a + m, n - m);
	interp_tmp[x] = interp_tmp[x + x] * interp_tmp[x + x + 1];
poly interp_calc(int x, int o, int n) {
	if (n == 1) return poly(vector<mi>{interp_y[o]}, -1);
	int m = (n + 1) >> 1;
	return interp_calc(x + x, o, m) * interp_tmp[x + x + 1] +
	       interp_calc(x + x + 1, o + m, n - m) * interp_tmp[x + x];
poly multipoint_interp(vector<mi> x, vector<mi> y) {
	assert(x.size() == y.size());
	interp_build(1, x.data(), x.size());
	interp_y = multipoint_eval(gde(interp_tmp[1]), x);
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)y.size(); ++i) interp_y[i] = y[i] * inv(interp_y[i]);
	poly ans = interp_calc(1, 0, x.size());
	return ans;
poly powersum_recurse(mi *a, int n) {
	if (n == 1) return poly({mi(1), -*a}, -1);
	int m = n >> 1;
	return powersum_recurse(a, m) * powersum_recurse(a + m, n - m);
vector<mi> powersum(vector<mi> x, int n) {
	poly s = powersum_recurse(x.data(), x.size());
	poly t = s;
	for (int i = 0; i <= (int)x.size() && i < t.size(); ++i) t[i] = t[i] * ((int)x.size() - i);
	poly w = t * ginv(s);
	vector<mi> o(n);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) o[i] = w.get(i);
	return o;
poly PMSet(poly p, bool s) {
	assert(p.get(0) == 0);
	poly q(p.shrink_len);
	for (int i = 1; i < p.size(); ++i) {
		mi iv = rfac[i] * fac[i - 1];
		if (!(i & 1) && s) iv = -iv;
		for (int j = 1; i * j < p.size(); ++j) q[i * j] = q[i * j] + p[j] * iv;
	return gexp(q);
poly MSet(poly p) { return PMSet(p, 0); }
poly PSet(poly p) { return PMSet(p, 1); }
poly invPMSet(poly p, bool s) {
	assert(p.get(0) == 1);
	p = gln(p);
	for (int i = 1; i < p.size(); ++i) {
		for (int j = 2; i * j < p.size(); ++j) {
			mi iv = rfac[j] * fac[j - 1];
			if (!(j & 1) && s) iv = -iv;
			p[i * j] = p[i * j] - p[i] * iv;
	return p;
poly invMSet(poly p) { return invPMSet(p, 0); }
poly invPSet(poly p) { return invPMSet(p, 1); }
pair<poly, poly> gsincos(poly p) {
	mi j = qp(mi(3), (MOD - 1) / 4);
	poly a = gexp(j * p), b = gexp(-j * p);
	poly s = (a - b) * inv(2 * j), c = (a + b) * inv(2);
	return make_pair(s, c);
//+ polygcd
namespace polygcd {
struct polym {
	poly a[2][2];
	polym() {
pair<poly, poly> operator*(const polym &a, const pair<poly, poly> &b) {
	const poly *v[2] = {&b.first, &b.second};
	int mx = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		mx = max(mx, a.a[0][0].size() + v[0]->size()),
		mx = max(mx, a.a[0][1].size() + v[1]->size()),
		mx = max(mx, a.a[1][0].size() + v[0]->size()),
		mx = max(mx, a.a[1][1].size() + v[1]->size());
	int k = getK(mx + 1);
	mi *s[6];
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) s[i] = alc(k, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
			cp(s[i * 2 + j], a.a[i][j].coeff_ptr(), a.a[i][j].size()), ntt(s[i * 2 + j], k, 0);
	for (int w = 0; w < 2; ++w) cp(s[w + 4], v[w]->coeff_ptr(), v[w]->size()), ntt(s[w + 4], k, 0);
	pair<poly, poly> op;
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
		for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) s[i * 2][j] = s[i * 2][j] * s[4][j] + s[i * 2 + 1][j] * s[5][j];
		intt(s[i * 2], k, 0);
		int u = k - 1;
		while (u >= 0 && s[i * 2][u] == 0) --u;
		poly &o = i ? op.second : op.first;
		o.reserve(u + 1);
		cp(o.coeff_ptr(), s[i * 2], u + 1);
	pt -= k * 6;
	return op;
polym operator*(const polym &a, const polym &b) {
	polym c;
	int mx = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
			for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) mx = max(mx, a.a[i][j].size() + b.a[j][k].size());
	int k = getK(mx + 1);
	mi *sa[2][2], *sb[2][2];
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) sa[i][j] = alc(k, 1), sb[i][j] = alc(k, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
			cp(sa[i][j], a.a[i][j].coeff_ptr(), a.a[i][j].size()),
			    cp(sb[i][j], b.a[i][j].coeff_ptr(), b.a[i][j].size()), ntt(sa[i][j], k, 0),
			    ntt(sb[i][j], k, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
		for (int t = 0; t < k; ++t) {
			auto a = sa[i][0][t] * sb[0][0][t] + sa[i][1][t] * sb[1][0][t];
			auto b = sa[i][0][t] * sb[0][1][t] + sa[i][1][t] * sb[1][1][t];
			sa[i][0][t] = a;
			sa[i][1][t] = b;
		intt(sa[i][0], k, 0);
		intt(sa[i][1], k, 0);
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
			int u = k - 1;
			while (u >= 0 && sa[i][j][u] == 0) --u;
			poly &o = c.a[i][j];
			o.reserve(u + 1);
			cp(o.coeff_ptr(), sa[i][j], u + 1);
	pt -= k * 8;
	return c;
polym hgcd(poly a, poly b) {
	assert(a.size() > b.size());
	int m = a.size() / 2; // a.size()=deg(A)+1
	if (b.size() <= m) {
		polym w;
		return w;
	poly a0 = gshr(a, m), b0 = gshr(b, m);
	polym r = hgcd(a0, b0);
	tie(a, b) = r * make_pair(a, b);
	if (b.size() <= m) return r;
	poly w;
		auto d = gdiv(a, b);
		w = -d.first;
		a = b;
		b = d.second;
		// tie(a,b)=w*make_pair(a,b);
	int k = m + m - (a.size() - 1);
	assert(k >= 0);
	a0 = gshr(a, k), b0 = gshr(b, k);
	// r=w*r;
	swap(r.a[0][0].coeff, r.a[1][0].coeff);
	swap(r.a[0][1].coeff, r.a[1][1].coeff);
	r.a[1][0] = r.a[1][0] + w * r.a[0][0];
	r.a[1][1] = r.a[1][1] + w * r.a[0][1];
	return hgcd(a0, b0) * r;
polym cogcd(poly a, poly b) {
	polym r = hgcd(a, b);
	tie(a, b) = r * make_pair(a, b);
	if (!b.size()) return r;
	poly w;
		auto d = gdiv(a, b);
		w = -d.first;
		a = b;
		b = d.second;
		// tie(a,b)=w*make_pair(a,b);
	// r=w*r;
	swap(r.a[0][0].coeff, r.a[1][0].coeff);
	swap(r.a[0][1].coeff, r.a[1][1].coeff);
	r.a[1][0] = r.a[1][0] + w * r.a[0][0];
	r.a[1][1] = r.a[1][1] + w * r.a[0][1];
	if (!b.size()) return r;
	return cogcd(a, b) * r;
poly ggcd(poly a, poly b) {
	assert(a.is_poly() && b.is_poly());
	polym s = cogcd(a, b);
	return s.a[0][0] * a + s.a[0][1] * b;
pair<poly, poly> bm_poly_fast(vector<mi> x) {
	poly s(x, -1), t(-1);
	int n = x.size();
	t[n] = 1;
	polym m0 = hgcd(t, x);
	poly r = m0.a[1][1];
	r = r * (-inv(r.get(0)));
	poly u = r * s;
	return make_pair(u, r);
} // namespace polygcd
using polygcd::bm_poly_fast;
using polygcd::ggcd;
//+ ocpoly
namespace onlineconv {
int oc_shrink = 1e9;
struct ocpoly {
	function<mi(int)> get_handle;
	vector<int> vis;
	vector<mi> val;
	string typ; // debug purpose
	mi get(int x) {
#ifdef LOCAL
		if (!vis.size()) cerr << " - Calling " << typ << ".\n";
		// cerr<<"debug: get("<<x<<") ("<<this<<","<<typ<<")\n";
		assert(x >= 0);
		if ((int)vis.size() > x && vis[x]) return val[x];
		if ((int)vis.size() <= x) vis.resize(x + 1), val.resize(x + 1);
		val[x] = get_handle(x);
		vis[x] = 1;
		return val[x];
	poly await(int n) {
		poly s(-1);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) s[i] = get(i);
		return s;
	void copy(ocpoly *b) {
		if (typ == "") typ = "copier";
		get_handle = [=](int c) { return b->get(c); };
	ocpoly() { typ = "custom"; }
	ocpoly(ocpoly const &) = delete;
	ocpoly &operator=(ocpoly const &) = delete;
struct ocint : public ocpoly {
	ocint(ocpoly *p, mi c = 0) {
		typ = "integ";
		get_handle = [=](int u) {
			if (u == 0) return c;
			return p->get(u - 1) * rfac[u] * fac[u - 1];
struct ocde : public ocpoly {
	ocde(ocpoly *p) {
		typ = "deriv";
		get_handle = [=](int u) { return p->get(u + 1) * mi(u + 1); };
struct ocshr : public ocpoly {
	ocshr(ocpoly *p, int c) {
		typ = "shiftr";
		assert(c >= 0);
		get_handle = [=](int u) { return p->get(u + c); };
struct ocshl : public ocpoly {
	ocshl(ocpoly *p, int c) {
		typ = "shiftl";
		assert(c >= 0);
		get_handle = [=](int u) {
			if (u < c) return mi(0);
			return p->get(u - c);
struct ocscale : public ocpoly {
	ocscale(ocpoly *p, mi c) {
		typ = "scale";
		get_handle = [=](int u) { return p->get(u) * c; };
struct ocadd : public ocpoly {
	ocadd(ocpoly *a, ocpoly *b) {
		typ = "add";
		get_handle = [=](int u) { return a->get(u) + b->get(u); };
struct ocminus : public ocpoly {
	ocminus(ocpoly *a, ocpoly *b) {
		typ = "minus";
		get_handle = [=](int u) { return a->get(u) - b->get(u); };
struct ocfixed : public ocpoly {
	ocfixed(const poly &p) {
		typ = "fixed";
		get_handle = [=](int u) { return p.get(u); };
struct occorner : public ocpoly {
	occorner(ocpoly *p, vector<mi> v) {
		typ = "corner";
		get_handle = [=](int u) {
			if (u < (int)v.size()) return v[u];
			return p->get(u);
mi pool1[PS2], *ptr1 = pool1;
mi *alc1(int t, bool c = 0) {
	if (c) cp(ptr1, 0, t);
	ptr1 += t;
	assert(ptr1 < pool1 + PS2);
	return ptr1 - t;
struct ocmul : public ocpoly {
	// fully-relaxed convolution!
	// try to put 0 on a if possible
	ocmul(ocpoly *a, ocpoly *b) {
		typ = "mul";
		bool is_sqr = 0;
		if (a == b) typ = "mul_sqr", is_sqr = 1;
		int &oaf = *new int(), &obf = *new int(), &oa = *new int(), &ob = *new int(),
		    &cm = *new int(), &cpool = *new int();
		oaf = obf = oa = ob = cm = cpool = 0;
		poly &cp = *new poly(-1);
		vector<pair<pair<mi *, mi *>, int>> &st = *new vector<pair<pair<mi *, mi *>, int>>();
		vector<pair<pair<mi *, mi *>, int>> &fa = *new vector<pair<pair<mi *, mi *>, int>>();
		vector<mi> &pool = *new vector<mi>();
		mi *sa = new mi[128], *sb = new mi[128], *la = new mi[128], *lb = new mi[128];
		get_handle = [=, &oa, &ob, &oaf, &obf, &cm, &cp, &st, &fa, &pool, &cpool](int u) {
			if (u) this->get(u - 1);
			auto alc0 = [&](int s) {
				if (cpool + s > (int)pool.size()) {
					auto od = pool.data();
					pool.resize(max(cpool + s, (int)pool.size() * 2));
					auto dt = pool.data() - od;
					if (dt)
						for (auto &x : st)
							if (x.first.first) x.first.first += dt, x.first.second += dt;
				assert(cpool + s <= (int)pool.size());
				mi *ptr = pool.data() + cpool;
				::cp(ptr, 0, s);
				cpool += s;
				return ptr;
			auto cnt_bk = [&](int x) {
				int ans = 0;
				for (int j = (int)st.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
					if (st[j].second == x) ++ans;
					else break;
				return ans;
			auto st_pop = [&]() {
				if (st.back().first.first) cpool -= st.back().second * 2 * (1 + !(is_sqr));
				assert(cpool >= 0);
			// cerr<<u<<":"<<oa<<","<<ob<<"\n";
			// this is where deadlock usually happens..
			while (u >= oa + ob && !(oaf && obf)) {
				if ((oa <= ob && !oaf) || obf) {
					if (oa > u) break;
					if (a->get(oa) == 0) ++oa;
					else oaf = 1;
				} else {
					if (ob > u) break;
					if (b->get(ob) == 0) ++ob;
					else obf = 1;
			if (u < oa + ob) return mi(0);
			assert(oaf && obf);
			u -= oa + ob;
#define ga(x) (a->get((x) + oa))
#define gb(x) (b->get((x) + ob))
			la[u & 127] = ga(u), lb[u & 127] = gb(u);
			if (u < 128) sa[u] = ga(u), sb[u] = gb(u);
			if (u == 0) cp[0] += sa[0] * sb[0];
			else cp[u] += sa[0] * lb[u & 127] + la[u & 127] * sb[0];
			if ((cm + 1) * 2 <= u) {
				int k = getK((u + 1) * 2);
				mi *tp = alc(k, 1), *tq = alc(k, 1);
				for (int i = 0; i <= u; ++i) tp[i] = ga(i);
				for (int i = 0; i <= u; ++i) tq[i] = gb(i);
				cp.coeff.resize(u * 2 + 1);
				ntt(tp, k, 0);
				ntt(tq, k, 0);
				for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) tp[i] = tp[i] * tq[i];
				intt(tp, k, 0);
				for (int i = 0; i <= u * 2; ++i) cp.coeff[i] = tp[i];
				cm = u;
				pt -= k * 2;
				while (st.size()) st_pop();
			// for i+j=u, at least one of [i,j] is <=cm
			if (u > cm && u != cm * 2 + 1) {
				auto gfa = [&](int cu, int of, int cs) {
					int id = cu * 8 + of;
					if ((int)fa.size() < id + 1)
						fa.resize(id + 1, make_pair(pair<mi *, mi *>(0, 0), 0));
					if (fa[id].second) {
						assert(fa[id].second == cs);
						return fa[id].first;
					fa[id].second = cs;
					mi *da = alc1(cs + cs, 1), *db = 0;
					if (!is_sqr) {
						db = alc1(cs + cs, 1);
						for (int i = 0; i < cs; ++i)
							da[i] = ga(i + cs * of), db[i] = gb(i + cs * of);
					} else
						for (int i = 0; i < cs; ++i) da[i] = ga(i + cs * of);
					ntt(da, cs + cs, 0);
					if (!is_sqr) ntt(db, cs + cs, 0);
					return fa[id].first = make_pair(da, db);
				int cs = 1, cu = 0;
				while (cnt_bk(cs) == 3) st_pop(), st_pop(), st_pop(), cs *= 4, ++cu;
				assert(getK(cs) == cs);
				if (cs > 16) {
					mi *da = alc0(cs * 2 * (1 + (!is_sqr))), *db = da + (cs + cs);
					for (int i = 0; i < cs; ++i) {
						da[i] = ga(u - cs + 1 + i);
						if (!is_sqr) db[i] = gb(u - cs + 1 + i);
					ntt(da, cs + cs, 0);
					if (!is_sqr) ntt(db, cs + cs, 0);
					st.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(da, db), cs));
				} else st.push_back(make_pair(pair<mi *, mi *>(0, 0), cs));
				int c = cnt_bk(cs);
				assert(c >= 1 && c <= 7);
				if (cs > 16) {
					mi *tg = alc(cs + cs, 1);
					int l = st.size();
					for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
						auto cur = st[l - c + i];
						int bd = c - i - 1;
						pair<mi *, mi *> fbd = gfa(cu, bd, cs), fbd2 = gfa(cu, bd + 1, cs);
						if (!is_sqr) {
							for (int j = 0; j < cs; ++j)
								tg[j] += cur.first.first[j] * (fbd.second[j] + fbd2.second[j]) +
								         cur.first.second[j] * (fbd.first[j] + fbd2.first[j]);
							for (int j = cs; j < cs + cs; ++j)
								tg[j] += cur.first.first[j] * (fbd.second[j] - fbd2.second[j]) +
								         cur.first.second[j] * (fbd.first[j] - fbd2.first[j]);
						} else {
							for (int j = 0; j < cs; ++j)
								tg[j] += cur.first.first[j] * (fbd.first[j] + fbd2.first[j]);
							for (int j = cs; j < cs + cs; ++j)
								tg[j] += cur.first.first[j] * (fbd.first[j] - fbd2.first[j]);
					intt(tg, cs + cs, 0);
					if (is_sqr)
						for (int i = cs; i < cs + cs && i - cs + u + 1 <= oc_shrink; ++i)
							cp[i - cs + u + 1] += tg[i] + tg[i];
						for (int i = cs; i < cs + cs && i - cs + u + 1 <= oc_shrink; ++i)
							cp[i - cs + u + 1] += tg[i];
					pt -= cs + cs;
				} else {
					int l = u - cs * c + 1, r = min(min(cm * 2 + 1, oc_shrink), u + cs);
					assert(r - l < 128);
					static mi ta[128], tb[128];
					mi *pa = ta - l, *pb = tb - l;
					if (!is_sqr) {
						for (int i = l; i <= u; ++i) pa[i] = la[i & 127], pb[i] = lb[i & 127];
						int w = min(u - l + 1, 8);
						if (u - l + 1 == 12) w = 12;
						switch (w) {
						case 8:
							assert((u - l + 1) % 8 == 0);
							for (int i = u + 1; i <= r; ++i) {
								ull sum = 0;
								for (int j = l; j <= u; j += 8) {
#define par(s) (ull) pa[j + s].w *sb[i - j - s].w + (ull)pb[j + s].w *sa[i - j - s].w
									sum += par(0) + par(1) + par(2) + par(3) + par(4) + par(5) +
									       par(6) + par(7);
									sum %= MOD;
#undef par
								cp[i] += int(sum);
#define par(s) ((ull)pa[l + s].w * sb[i - l - s].w + (ull)pb[l + s].w * sa[i - l - s].w)
						case 12:
							for (int i = u + 1; i <= r; ++i)
								cp[i] += int(((par(0) + par(1) + par(2) + par(3) + par(4) + par(5) +
								               par(6) + par(7)) %
								                  MOD +
								              par(8) + par(9) + par(10) + par(11)) %
#undef par
							for (int i = u + 1; i <= r; ++i) {
								ull sum = 0;
								for (int j = l; j <= u; ++j)
									sum += (ull)pa[j].w * sb[i - j].w + (ull)pb[j].w * sa[i - j].w;
								cp[i] += int(sum % MOD);
					} else {
						for (int i = l; i <= u; ++i) pa[i] = la[i & 127];
						int w = min(u - l + 1, 16);
						switch (w) {
						case 16:
							assert((u - l + 1) % 16 == 0);
							for (int i = u + 1; i <= r; ++i) {
								ull sum = 0;
								for (int j = l; j <= u; j += 16) {
#define par(s) (ull) pa[j + s].w *sa[i - j - s].w
									sum += par(0) + par(1) + par(2) + par(3) + par(4) + par(5) +
									       par(6) + par(7) + par(8) + par(9) + par(10) + par(11) +
									       par(12) + par(13) + par(14) + par(15);
									sum %= MOD;
#undef par
								cp[i] += int(sum) * 2 % MOD;
							for (int i = u + 1; i <= r; ++i) {
								ull sum = 0;
								for (int j = l; j <= u; ++j) sum += (ull)pa[j].w * sa[i - j].w;
								cp[i] += int(sum % MOD) * 2 % MOD;
#undef ga
#undef gb
			return cp.get(u);
//+ ocmul_semi
struct ocmul_semi : public ocpoly {
	// semi-relaxed convolution
	// b must be a polynomial-like object
	ocmul_semi(ocpoly *a, ocpoly *b) {
		typ = "mul_semi";
		int &oaf = *new int(), &obf = *new int(), &oa = *new int(), &ob = *new int(),
		    &cpool = *new int();
		oaf = obf = oa = ob = cpool = 0;
		poly &cp = *new poly(-1);
		vector<pair<mi *, int>> &st = *new vector<pair<mi *, int>>();
		vector<pair<mi *, int>> &fa = *new vector<pair<mi *, int>>();
		vector<mi> &pool = *new vector<mi>();
		mi *sa = new mi[128], *sb = new mi[128], *la = new mi[128], *lb = new mi[128];
		get_handle = [=, &oa, &ob, &oaf, &obf, &cp, &st, &fa, &pool, &cpool](int u) {
			if (u) this->get(u - 1);
			auto alc0 = [&](int s) {
				if (cpool + s > (int)pool.size()) {
					auto od = pool.data();
					pool.resize(max(cpool + s, (int)pool.size() * 2));
					auto dt = pool.data() - od;
					if (dt)
						for (auto &x : st)
							if (x.first) x.first += dt;
				assert(cpool + s <= (int)pool.size());
				mi *ptr = pool.data() + cpool;
				::cp(ptr, 0, s);
				cpool += s;
				return ptr;
			auto cnt_bk = [&](int x) {
				int ans = 0;
				for (int j = (int)st.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
					if (st[j].second == x) ++ans;
					else break;
				return ans;
			auto st_pop = [&]() {
				if (st.back().first) cpool -= st.back().second * 2;
				assert(cpool >= 0);
			while (u >= oa + ob && !obf) {
				if (b->get(ob) == 0) ++ob;
				else obf = 1;
			while (u >= oa + ob && !oaf) {
				if (a->get(oa) == 0) ++oa;
				else oaf = 1;
			if (u < oa + ob) return mi(0);
			assert(oaf && obf);
			u -= oa + ob;
#define ga(x) (a->get((x) + oa))
#define gb(x) (b->get((x) + ob))
			la[u & 127] = ga(u), lb[u & 127] = gb(u);
			if (u < 128) sa[u] = ga(u);
			if (u < 64) sb[u * 2] = gb(u * 2), sb[u * 2 + 1] = gb(u * 2 + 1);
			cp[u] += la[u & 127] * sb[0];
			auto gfa = [&](int cu, int of, int cs) {
				int id = cu * 8 + of;
				if ((int)fa.size() < id + 1) fa.resize(id + 1, make_pair((mi *)0, 0));
				if (fa[id].second) {
					assert(fa[id].second == cs);
					return fa[id].first;
				fa[id].second = cs;
				mi *db = alc1(cs + cs, 1);
				for (int i = 0; i < cs; ++i) db[i] = gb(i + cs * of);
				ntt(db, cs + cs, 0);
				return fa[id].first = db;
			int cs = 1, cu = 0;
			while (cnt_bk(cs) == 3) st_pop(), st_pop(), st_pop(), cs *= 4, ++cu;
			assert(getK(cs) == cs);
			if (cs > 16) {
				mi *da = alc0(cs + cs);
				for (int i = 0; i < cs; ++i) da[i] = ga(u - cs + 1 + i);
				ntt(da, cs + cs, 0);
				st.push_back(make_pair(da, cs));
			} else st.push_back(make_pair((mi *)0, cs));
			int c = cnt_bk(cs);
			assert(c >= 1 && c <= 3);
			if (cs > 16) {
				mi *tg = alc(cs + cs, 1);
				int l = st.size();
				for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
					auto cur = st[l - c + i];
					int bd = c - i - 1;
					mi *fbd = gfa(cu, bd, cs), *fbd2 = gfa(cu, bd + 1, cs);
					for (int j = 0; j < cs; ++j) tg[j] += cur.first[j] * (fbd[j] + fbd2[j]);
					for (int j = cs; j < cs + cs; ++j) tg[j] += cur.first[j] * (fbd[j] - fbd2[j]);
				intt(tg, cs + cs, 0);
				for (int i = cs; i < cs + cs && i - cs + u + 1 <= oc_shrink; ++i)
					cp[i - cs + u + 1] += tg[i];
				pt -= cs + cs;
			} else {
				int l = u - cs * c + 1, r = min(u + cs, oc_shrink);
				assert(r - l < 128);
				static mi ta[128];
				mi *pa = ta - l;
				for (int i = l; i <= u; ++i) pa[i] = la[i & 127];
				int w = min(u - l + 1, 16);
				switch (w) {
				case 16:
					for (int i = u + 1; i <= r; ++i) {
						ull sum = 0;
						for (int j = l; j <= u; j += 16) {
#define par(s) (ull) pa[j + s].w *sb[i - j - s].w
							sum += par(0) + par(1) + par(2) + par(3) + par(4) + par(5) + par(6) +
							       par(7) + par(8) + par(9) + par(10) + par(11) + par(12) +
							       par(13) + par(14) + par(15);
							sum %= MOD;
#undef par
						cp[i] += int(sum);
					for (int i = u + 1; i <= r; ++i) {
						ull sum = 0;
						for (int j = l; j <= u; ++j) sum += (ull)pa[j].w * sb[i - j].w;
						cp[i] += int(sum % MOD);
#undef ga
#undef gb
			return cp.get(u);
struct ocexp : public ocpoly {
	ocexp(ocpoly *a) {
		typ = "exp";
		ocpoly *tmp = new ocpoly();
		tmp->typ = "exp_helper";
		tmp->get_handle = [=](int u) {
			if (u == 0) return mi(0);
			return a->get(u) * u;
		ocpoly *m = new ocmul(this, tmp);
		get_handle = [=](int u) {
			if (u == 0) return mi(1);
			return m->get(u) * rfac[u] * fac[u - 1];
struct ocmpsetp : public ocpoly { // mpset without exp
	ocmpsetp(ocpoly *a, bool s) {
		typ = "mpset1";
		vector<mi> &tmp = *new vector<mi>();
		get_handle = [=, &tmp](int u) {
			if (u) this->get(u - 1);
			int l = u;
			if (u >= (int)tmp.size()) {
				l = 1;
				int ns = tmp.size() * 2;
			for (int j = l; j <= u; ++j) {
				mi v = a->get(j);
				if (j == 0) assert(v == 0);
				if (v == 0) continue;
				for (int i = 1; i * j < (int)tmp.size(); ++i) {
					mi iv = rfac[i] * fac[i - 1];
					if (!(i & 1) && s) iv = -iv;
					tmp[i * j] += iv * v;
			return tmp[u];
struct ocinvmpsetp : public ocpoly { // invmpset without ln
	ocinvmpsetp(ocpoly *a, bool s) {
		typ = "invmpset1";
		vector<mi> &tmp = *new vector<mi>();
		get_handle = [=, &tmp](int u) {
			if (u) this->get(u - 1);
			int l = u;
			if (u >= (int)tmp.size()) {
				l = 1;
				int ns = tmp.size() * 2;
			for (int j = l; j <= u; ++j) {
				mi v = a->get(j) - tmp[j];
				if (j == 0) assert(v == 0);
				if (v == 0) continue;
				for (int i = 2; i * j < (int)tmp.size(); ++i) {
					mi iv = rfac[i] * fac[i - 1];
					if (!(i & 1) && s) iv = -iv;
					tmp[i * j] += iv * v;
			return a->get(u) - tmp[u];
struct ocmset : public ocpoly {
	ocmset(ocpoly *a) {
		typ = "mset";
		copy(new ocexp(new ocmpsetp(a, 0)));
struct ocpset : public ocpoly {
	ocpset(ocpoly *a) {
		typ = "pset";
		copy(new ocexp(new ocmpsetp(a, 1)));
struct ocinv : public ocpoly {
	ocinv(ocpoly *a) {
		typ = "inv";
		mi &oi = *new mi();
		ocpoly *s = new ocmul(new occorner(a, vector<mi>{0}), this);
		get_handle = [=, &oi](int u) {
			if (!u) return oi = inv(a->get(0));
			return s->get(u) * (-oi);
struct ocsqrt : public ocpoly {
	ocsqrt(ocpoly *a, mi f0 = 1) {
		typ = "sqrt";
		mi c = inv(f0 * 2);
		ocpoly *g = new occorner(this, vector<mi>{0});
		ocpoly *s = new ocminus(a, new ocmul(g, g));
		get_handle = [=](int u) {
			if (!u) {
				mi w = s->get(u);
				assert(f0 * f0 == w);
				return f0;
			return s->get(u) * c;
struct ocquo : public ocpoly {
	ocquo(ocpoly *a, ocpoly *b) {
		typ = "quo";
		mi &oi = *new mi();
		ocpoly *s = new ocminus(a, new ocmul(new occorner(b, vector<mi>{0}), this));
		get_handle = [=, &oi](int u) {
			if (!u) return s->get(0) * (oi = inv(b->get(0)));
			return s->get(u) * oi;
struct ocln : public ocpoly {
	ocln(ocpoly *a) {
		typ = "ln";
		copy(new ocint(new ocquo(new ocde(a), a)));
struct ocinvmset : public ocpoly {
	ocinvmset(ocpoly *a) {
		typ = "invmset";
		copy(new ocinvmpsetp(new ocln(a), 0));
struct ocinvpset : public ocpoly {
	ocinvpset(ocpoly *a) {
		typ = "invpset";
		copy(new ocinvmpsetp(new ocln(a), 1));
struct ocpow : public ocpoly {
	ocpow(ocpoly *a, string k) {
		typ = "pow";
		mi m0 = 0;
		ll m1 = 0, m2 = 0;
		for (auto c : k)
			m0 = m0 * 10 + int(c - 48), m1 = (m1 * 10 + c - 48) % (MOD - 1),
			m2 = min(m2 * 10 + c - 48, ll(1e9));
		ocpoly *&s = *new ocpoly *();
		s = 0;
		int &pad = *new int();
		pad = 0;
		get_handle = [=, &pad, &s](int u) {
			if (m2 == 0) return (u == 0) ? mi(1) : mi(0);
			if (u) this->get(u - 1);
			if (pad == u && a->get(u) == 0) ++pad;
			if (u < pad * m2) return mi(0);
			u -= pad * m2;
			if (!u) {
				ocpoly *r = new ocshr(a, pad);
				s = new ocint(new ocquo(
				    new ocscale(new ocmul(new ocde(r), new ocshr(this, pad * m2)), m0), r));
				return qp(r->get(0), m1);
			return s->get(u);
	ocpow(ocpoly *a, ll k) : ocpow(a, to_string(k)) {}
struct ocamp : public ocpoly {
	ocamp(ocpoly *a, int k) {
		typ = "amp";
		get_handle = [=](int u) {
			if (u % k) return mi(0);
			return a->get(u / k);
//+ pipeline (sugar for ocpoly*)
struct pipeline {
	ocpoly *p;
	pipeline() { p = new ocpoly(); }
	pipeline(ocpoly *q) {
		p = q;
	pipeline(poly s) { p = new ocfixed(s); }
	mi get(int n) { return p->get(n); }
	poly await(int n) { return p->await(n); }
	void set(pipeline q) { p->copy(q.p); }
	operator ocpoly *() { return p; }
#define pl pipeline
pl operator+(pl a, pl b) { return new ocadd(a, b); }
pl operator-(pl a, pl b) { return new ocminus(a, b); }
pl operator*(pl a, pl b) { return new ocmul(a, b); }
pl operator*(pl a, poly b) { return new ocmul_semi(a, new ocfixed(b)); }
pl operator*(poly a, pl b) { return new ocmul_semi(b, new ocfixed(a)); }
pl operator*(pl a, mi b) { return new ocscale(a, b); }
pl operator*(mi a, pl b) { return new ocscale(b, a); }
pl operator/(pl a, mi b) { return new ocscale(a, inv(b)); }
pl gcorner(pl a, vector<mi> b) { return new occorner(a, b); }
pl gscale(pl a, mi b) { return new ocscale(a, b); }
pl gshl(pl a, int b) { return new ocshl(a, b); }
pl gshr(pl a, int b) { return new ocshr(a, b); }
pl gamp(pl a, int b) { return new ocamp(a, b); }
pl gde(pl a) { return new ocde(a); }
pl gint(pl a) { return new ocint(a); }
pl ginv(pl a) { return new ocinv(a); }
pl gexp(pl a) { return new ocexp(a); }
pl gln(pl a) { return new ocln(a); }
pl gpow(pl a, string k) { return new ocpow(a, k); }
pl gpow(pl a, ll k) { return gpow(a, to_string(k)); }
pl gquo(pl a, pipeline b) { return new ocquo(a, b); }
pl gsqrt(pl a, mi f0 = mi(1)) { return new ocsqrt(a, f0); }
pl PSet(pl a) { return new ocpset(a); }
pl MSet(pl a) { return new ocmset(a); }
pl invPSet(pl a) { return new ocinvpset(a); }
pl invMSet(pl a) { return new ocinvmset(a); }
pl operator-(pl a) { return new ocscale(a, mi(-1)); }
#undef pl
} // namespace onlineconv
using namespace onlineconv;
const int mod = 998244353;
int Power(int x, int y) {
	int r = 1;
	while (y) {
		if (y & 1) r = 1ll * r * x % mod;
		x = 1ll * x * x % mod, y >>= 1;
	return r;
int n, g[250005], h[250005], f[250005], jc[250005];
int main() {
	cin >> n, g[1] = jc[0] = 1;
	default_shrink = n + 20;
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) jc[i] = 1ll * jc[i - 1] * i % mod;
	poly pp = "x+2"_p, qq = "1"_p;
	poly tmp = gnewton([&](poly g) { return 2 * gexp(g) - g - pp; },
	                   [&](poly g) { return 2 * gexp(g) - qq; }, 1, n + 1);
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		g[i] = (int)tmp.get(i);
		if (i % 2 == 0) g[i] = (mod - g[i]) % mod;
	vector<int> gg(n + 1);
	for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) gg[i] = (mod - g[i]) % mod;
	gg[0] = 1;
	poly p(gg);
	p = ginv(gcorner(p, {1}));
	cout << 1ll * (int)p.get(n) * jc[n] % mod << '\n';



Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information

Test #1:

score: 100
time: 4ms
memory: 77416kb






ok 1 number(s): "28"

Test #2:

score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 77464kb






ok 1 number(s): "1"

Test #3:

score: 0
time: 8ms
memory: 77464kb






ok 1 number(s): "4"

Test #4:

score: 0
time: 7ms
memory: 77624kb






ok 1 number(s): "282"

Test #5:

score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 77696kb






ok 1 number(s): "3718"

Test #6:

score: 0
time: 11ms
memory: 77460kb






ok 1 number(s): "60694"

Test #7:

score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 77440kb






ok 1 number(s): "1182522"

Test #8:

score: 0
time: 7ms
memory: 77408kb






ok 1 number(s): "26791738"

Test #9:

score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 77496kb






ok 1 number(s): "692310518"

Test #10:

score: 0
time: 11ms
memory: 77392kb






ok 1 number(s): "135061370"

Test #11:

score: 0
time: 4ms
memory: 77480kb






ok 1 number(s): "423669705"

Test #12:

score: 0
time: 6ms
memory: 79792kb






ok 1 number(s): "878522960"

Test #13:

score: 0
time: 68ms
memory: 78588kb






ok 1 number(s): "827950477"

Test #14:

score: 0
time: 109ms
memory: 88996kb






ok 1 number(s): "380835743"

Test #15:

score: 0
time: 231ms
memory: 84764kb






ok 1 number(s): "842796122"

Test #16:

score: 0
time: 162ms
memory: 92752kb






ok 1 number(s): "981021531"

Test #17:

score: 0
time: 154ms
memory: 92860kb






ok 1 number(s): "480197639"

Test #18:

score: 0
time: 232ms
memory: 92716kb






ok 1 number(s): "383000585"

Test #19:

score: 0
time: 230ms
memory: 84692kb






ok 1 number(s): "316664839"

Test #20:

score: 0
time: 292ms
memory: 95744kb






ok 1 number(s): "119658643"

Test #21:

score: 0
time: 296ms
memory: 95960kb






ok 1 number(s): "78110138"

Test #22:

score: 0
time: 295ms
memory: 89120kb






ok 1 number(s): "297253469"

Extra Test:

score: 0
Extra Test Passed