ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#387814 | #7872. 崩坏天际线 | valeriu# | 30 | 5843ms | 54748kb | C++20 | 5.2kb | 2024-04-12 21:00:55 | 2024-07-04 03:36:18 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;
//#define int ll
#define sz(x) ((int)(x).size())
using pii = pair<int,int>;
using tii = tuple<int,int,int>;
const int nmax = 5e4 + 5, inf = 1e9 + 6;
const int mod = 998244353;
struct Mint {
int val;
Mint(ll x = 0): val((x % mod + mod) % mod) {;}
Mint operator +(const Mint& x) const { return Mint(val + x.val); }
Mint operator -(const Mint& x) const { return Mint(val - x.val); }
Mint operator *(const Mint& x) const { return Mint((ll)val * x.val); }
Mint operator +=(const Mint& x) { return *this = Mint(val + x.val); }
Mint operator -=(const Mint& x) { return *this = Mint(val - x.val); }
Mint operator *=(const Mint& x) { return *this = Mint((ll)val * x.val); }
Mint operator ^(const int& _b) const {
Mint accum = 1, a = *this;
if(val == 2 && _b == mod - 2) return (mod + 1) / 2;
int b = _b;
while(b) {
accum = (b & 1? accum * a : accum);
a *= a;
b >>= 1;
return accum;
Mint operator /(const Mint& x) { return Mint((ll)val * (x ^ (mod - 2)).val); }
Mint operator /=(const Mint& x) { return *this = Mint((ll)val * (x ^ (mod - 2)).val); }
int cut[nmax];
Mint ip2[nmax], p2[nmax];
void Brut(int n, int q) {
vector<pair<pii, Mint>> segm;
for(int tc = 0; tc < q; tc++) {
int t;
cin >> t;
if(t == 1) {
int l, r;
cin >> l >> r;
segm.emplace_back(make_pair(l, r), 1);
else {
int x;
cin >> x;
for(int i = 0; i < sz(segm); i++) {
auto [a, m] = segm[i];
auto [l, r] = a;
if(l < x && x < r) {
segm[i] = make_pair(make_pair(l, x), m * ((mod + 1) / 2));
segm.emplace_back(make_pair(x, r), m * ((mod + 1) / 2));
Mint total;
for(auto [a, m] : segm) {
auto [l, r] = a;
total += Mint(r - l) * m;
cout << total.val;
void S3(int cmax, int q) {
vector<pii> segm;
for(int tc = 1, t; tc <= q; tc++) {
cin >> t;
if(t == 1) {
int l, r;
cin >> l >> r;
segm.emplace_back(l, r);
else {
int x;
cin >> x;
cut[x] = tc;
vector<Mint> rez(sz(segm));
int n = sz(segm);
auto sweep = [&]() {
vector<pair<int, Mint>> st;
vector<Mint> spart;
cut[0] = -inf;
st.emplace_back(0, 0);
vector<vector<pii>> qs(cmax + 1, vector<pii>());
int II = 0;
for(auto [l, r] : segm)
qs[r].emplace_back(l, II++);
for(int i = 1; i <= cmax; i++) {
bool revert = 0;
if(cut[i] == 0)
revert = 1;
Mint sum = i - st.back().first;
spart.emplace_back(spart.back() + sum * ip2[sz(st) - 1]);
st.emplace_back(i, sum);
//cerr << " ! " << i << ' ' << sz(st) << ' ' << sum.val << '\n';
for(auto [l, idx] : qs[i]) {
//cerr << l << ' ' << idx << '\n';
//for(auto [a, b] : st) cerr << '\t' << a << ' ' << b.val <<'\n';
//for(auto a : spart) cerr << '\t' << '\t' << a.val <<'\n';
auto it = distance(st.begin(), upper_bound(all(st), make_pair(l, Mint(0)), [&](pair<int, Mint> a, pair<int, Mint> b) { return a.first < b.first; })) - 1;
//cerr << '\t' << it << '\n';
rez[idx] += (spart.back() - spart[it + 1]) * p2[it];
//cerr << '\t' << ((spart.back() - spart[it + 1]) * p2[it]).val << '\n';
if(revert) {
else {
while(cut[i] < cut[st.back().first]) {
sum = sum / 2 + st.back().second / 2;
spart.emplace_back(spart.back() + sum * ip2[sz(st)]);
st.emplace_back(i, sum);
for(auto& [l, r] : segm) {
r = cmax - r + 1;
l = cmax - l + 1;
swap(l, r);
reverse(cut + 1, cut + cmax + 1);
Mint total;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
total += rez[i];
if(rez[i].val == 0) total += segm[i].second - segm[i].first;
cout << total.val << '\n';
signed main() {
ip2[0] = 1;
p2[0] = 1;
for(int i = 1; i < nmax; i++)
ip2[i] = ip2[i - 1] * ((mod + 1) / 2),
p2[i] = p2[i - 1] * 2;
//cerr << ip2[1].val << ' ' << ip2[2].val << '\n';
cin.tie(0) -> sync_with_stdio(0);
int n, q;
cin >> n >> q;
#ifdef DLOCAL
S3(n, q);
if(q <= 5e3) {
Brut(n, q);
else {
S3(n, q);
Istenem! Nu poate fi real.
-- Surse verificate
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Subtask #1:
score: 10
Test #1:
score: 10
time: 3ms
memory: 4124kb
500 500 1 119 258 2 134 2 417 2 176 2 61 2 60 2 110 1 335 336 1 96 111 2 202 1 138 344 2 358 2 134 1 29 54 1 73 381 1 179 495 2 490 2 418 2 186 2 183 1 168 340 2 78 1 15 27 2 373 1 245 498 1 372 495 2 244 2 63 1 174 490 2 282 2 417 1 272 408 1 109 134 2 303 2 345 1 238 401 1 36 480 1 21 483 2 10 1 3...
ok single line: '855279801'
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 4112kb
495 466 1 35 393 2 236 1 4 335 2 455 1 36 470 1 23 61 2 195 2 109 2 451 1 282 491 2 238 2 117 2 468 1 2 60 1 439 487 2 238 1 209 294 2 321 2 309 1 113 183 2 409 2 87 2 130 2 124 2 176 2 448 2 379 1 181 446 2 146 2 450 1 171 423 2 355 2 332 1 123 387 1 151 269 1 17 417 2 122 1 324 494 1 265 439 2 225...
ok single line: '294468977'
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 4340kb
441 467 2 180 1 51 344 2 180 1 16 345 1 39 419 1 64 432 2 176 1 35 372 2 426 1 8 415 1 1 439 1 17 430 2 433 1 89 369 1 83 353 2 292 1 1 421 1 63 430 1 33 345 1 69 421 1 49 373 1 77 343 1 24 393 1 90 375 1 8 425 2 322 2 61 2 112 2 209 1 39 406 1 12 426 1 29 430 1 50 374 1 47 394 1 9 387 2 234 1 19 35...
ok single line: '526117259'
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 4296kb
500 500 2 442 1 12 414 1 40 435 2 138 1 79 448 1 16 464 2 163 1 94 492 2 97 2 335 1 7 452 1 25 474 1 78 442 2 286 1 93 430 1 78 438 2 469 2 354 2 270 2 292 2 108 2 301 1 100 480 2 258 1 17 487 2 2 2 409 2 385 2 338 1 83 454 1 41 490 1 95 475 1 43 442 1 66 445 2 406 2 168 1 10 406 2 330 2 20 1 90 491...
ok single line: '810270061'
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 7ms
memory: 4444kb
500 500 1 29 407 1 89 480 1 31 497 1 28 494 1 21 492 1 91 465 1 13 467 1 89 425 1 22 444 1 20 430 1 48 445 1 33 441 1 61 435 1 69 427 1 89 485 1 90 446 1 23 488 1 6 424 1 76 425 1 36 460 1 16 421 1 20 500 1 3 487 1 99 481 1 53 412 1 96 456 1 39 436 1 28 436 1 4 409 1 9 486 1 22 484 1 88 413 1 26 467...
ok single line: '419428992'
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 6ms
memory: 4532kb
500 500 1 85 442 1 20 473 1 10 441 1 31 426 1 95 478 1 60 454 1 54 491 1 97 464 1 14 443 1 88 474 1 28 462 1 97 410 1 99 496 1 96 493 1 62 479 1 12 466 1 64 471 1 43 490 1 50 411 1 85 448 1 48 433 1 30 456 1 39 462 1 46 409 1 63 494 1 39 409 1 36 436 1 27 463 1 37 498 1 69 464 1 8 441 1 99 436 1 84 ...
ok single line: '519347055'
Subtask #2:
score: 20
Dependency #1:
Test #7:
score: 20
time: 697ms
memory: 16344kb
5000 5000 2 2254 2 4832 2 208 1 335 3080 2 481 1 527 3659 1 2645 3803 1 855 3544 2 3824 2 347 1 1567 4426 1 2184 4493 2 142 2 2451 1 995 4170 2 576 2 999 2 2726 1 278 3540 2 3218 1 922 3302 2 3253 2 4161 2 4505 1 4201 4534 1 1827 3540 2 3241 2 1909 2 2667 1 723 2453 2 3123 1 1017 4791 1 2953 3384 1 ...
ok single line: '275175220'
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 604ms
memory: 16124kb
4753 4704 1 589 2183 1 922 2210 2 2885 2 171 2 1597 2 3601 1 1906 4730 1 411 3615 2 1665 1 87 801 2 3525 2 2426 2 2723 1 323 4345 2 3950 2 460 2 4165 1 1156 2642 1 1490 3965 1 329 4081 1 1206 2077 2 4216 1 996 2254 2 2219 2 1035 2 4074 2 714 1 952 2726 2 3097 2 409 1 3320 4713 2 4061 1 1765 2040 1 2...
ok single line: '840227126'
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 529ms
memory: 29676kb
4141 4610 2 3761 2 2872 1 334 3247 1 273 3914 1 307 3651 1 607 4105 1 458 3269 1 270 3782 2 311 1 533 3332 2 2495 1 991 3573 1 376 3593 1 239 3682 1 259 3350 1 213 3380 2 1904 1 591 3512 1 845 3785 1 189 3335 1 817 3362 1 335 3288 2 3633 1 747 3586 2 4062 2 3812 1 487 3333 1 740 4002 1 847 3937 1 53...
ok single line: '597472157'
Test #10:
score: 0
time: 1642ms
memory: 28688kb
5000 5000 2 2864 1 473 4676 2 858 2 2672 2 4473 2 800 2 3259 2 470 2 3859 2 2228 1 491 4536 1 700 4378 2 498 1 769 4837 1 80 4861 1 109 4201 1 908 4094 1 9 4706 2 1017 2 737 2 4155 1 270 4290 2 4434 2 1867 1 148 4119 1 299 4194 2 4076 2 1863 2 1570 2 4855 1 1000 4834 1 637 4827 2 1961 2 4518 1 811 4...
ok single line: '251906928'
Test #11:
score: 0
time: 5843ms
memory: 54748kb
5000 5000 1 327 4388 1 768 4973 1 438 4243 1 288 4244 1 105 4460 1 862 4894 1 125 4611 1 934 4115 1 631 4349 1 635 4088 1 250 4629 1 873 4204 1 977 4296 1 391 4821 1 107 4589 1 86 4810 1 615 4072 1 221 4113 1 745 4771 1 806 4983 1 675 4334 1 709 4428 1 587 4180 1 494 4949 1 904 4253 1 901 4527 1 717...
ok single line: '845230417'
Test #12:
score: 0
time: 5143ms
memory: 54144kb
5000 5000 1 902 4097 1 263 4218 1 502 4305 1 798 4433 1 392 4689 1 479 4006 1 518 4269 1 764 4295 1 48 4834 1 966 4574 1 374 4970 1 950 4925 1 54 4860 1 987 4144 1 448 4504 1 329 4838 1 734 4807 1 403 4387 1 275 4396 1 731 4769 1 206 4348 1 282 4258 1 676 4956 1 274 4943 1 892 4146 1 337 4962 1 798 ...
ok single line: '678724707'
Subtask #3:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #13:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 8ms
memory: 6264kb
50000 50000 1 24367 33007 1 14396 42256 1 6375 22327 1 7892 42501 1 10100 37998 1 6284 48524 1 7357 18164 1 16200 46424 1 18972 34131 1 16849 32591 1 1917 3018 1 19897 30272 1 45044 45753 1 18999 25448 1 5167 31033 1 6182 35335 1 7270 37270 1 12651 39965 1 28896 38022 1 13853 35426 1 35516 48244 1 1...
wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '733099543', found: '537975095'
Subtask #4:
score: 0
Dependency #1:
Dependency #2:
Dependency #3: