

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit timeJudge time
#386804#7855. 不跳棋valeriuCompile Error//C++206.7kb2024-04-11 20:19:022024-04-11 20:19:03

Judging History

This is the latest submission verdict.

  • [2024-04-11 20:19:03]
  • Judged
  • [2024-04-11 20:19:02]
  • Submitted


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
using namespace std;

using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;

//#define int ll
#define sz(x) ((int)(x).size())

using pii = pair<int,int>;
using tii = tuple<int,int,int>;

const int nmax = 1e6 + 5;
const int bmax = 20;

vector<int> g[nmax];

static inline int mjb(signed x) { return (x == 0? 0 : 32 - __builtin_clz(x)); }
static inline int ctz(signed x) { return (x == 0? -nmax : __builtin_ctz(x)); }

namespace Centroid {
   int forbid[nmax];
   int label[nmax];
   void init(int node, int f) {
      int once = 0, twice = 0;
      for(auto x : g[node]) {
         if(x == f) continue;
         init(x, node);
         twice |= once & forbid[x];
         once |= forbid[x];
      forbid[node] = (((1 << mjb(twice)) - 1) | once) + 1;
      label[node] = ctz(forbid[node]);
   int parent[nmax];
   // ai ceva care tine date peste fii, si ceva ce tine date wrt parinte
   void initparents(int n) {
      int root;
      auto dfs = [&](auto&& self, int node, int f) -> void {
         if(node != root && (parent[node] == -1 || label[parent[node]] > label[root])) parent[node] = root;
         for(auto x : g[node]) {
            if(x == f || label[x] >= label[root]) continue;
            self(self, x, node);
      for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) parent[i] = -1;
      for(root = 1; root <= n; root++) dfs(dfs, root, root);
      for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if(parent[i] == -1) parent[i] = i;

namespace CentroidTree {
   using namespace Centroid;
   struct Batch {
      int sum;
      ll sumsq;
      ll autoref() const { return ((ll)sum * sum - sumsq) / 2; }
      void insert(int a) { sum += a; sumsq += abs(a) * a; }
   ll multiref(const Batch& A, const Batch& B) {
      return (ll)A.sum * B.sum;
   struct Slider { // inserezi progresiv elemente tot mai mari.. nu?
      vector<Batch> v;
      int ptr[2] = {-1, -1};
      void add(int p, int a) {
         if(p >= sz(v))
            v.resize(p + 1, Batch(0, 0));
      void recalibrate() {
         int before_modif = ptr[0];
         bool qualified_before = (ptr[0] < sz(v) && v[ptr[0]].sum * v[ptr[0]].sum == v[ptr[0]].sumsq);
         while(ptr[0] < sz(v) && v[ptr[0]].sum == 0) ptr[0]++;
         if(ptr[0] < sz(v) && v[ptr[0]].sum * v[ptr[0]].sum == v[ptr[0]].sumsq) {
            ptr[1] = ((ptr[0] != before_modif) || qualified_before? ptr[0] + 1 : ptr[1]);
            while(ptr[1] < sz(v) && v[ptr[1]].sum == 0) ptr[1]++;
         else ptr[1] = ptr[0];
      void add(pii a) { add(a.first, a.second); }
      void sub(pii a) { add(a.first, -a.second); }
      pii getmultiref() {
         if(ptr[1] == sz(v)) return pii{nmax, 0};
         if(ptr[0] == ptr[1]) return pii{ptr[0] * 2, v[ptr[0]].autoref()};
         return pii{ptr[0] + ptr[1], multiref(v[ptr[0]], v[ptr[1]])};
      pii getref() {
         if(ptr[0] == sz(v)) return pii{ptr[0], 0};
         return pii{ptr[0], v[ptr[0]].sum};
   Slider forparent[nmax]; // pentru parinte (gen, cadou ..); nu structura de date pentru parinte T_T
   Slider overkids[nmax];
   int distc[nmax][bmax];
   Slider ANS;
   void initsliders(int n) {
      int root;
      auto dfs = [&](auto&& self, int node, int f, int color, int d) -> void {
         if(label[node] >= label[root]) return;
         forparent[color].add(d, 1);
         distc[node][label[root]] = d;
         for(auto x : g[node]) {
            if(x == f) continue;
            self(self, x, node, color, d + 1);
      auto findson = [&](auto &&self, int node, int f) -> int { 
         if(label[node] == label[root] - 1) return node;
         if(label[node] >= label[root]) return -1;
         int mx = node;
         auto updmx = [&](int a) { mx = (a == -1? mx : mx == -1? a : label[a] > label[mx]? a : mx); };
         for(auto x : g[node]) {
            if(x == f) continue;
            updmx(self(self, x, node));
         return mx;
      for(root = 1; root <= n; root++) {
         overkids[root].add(0, 1);
         for(auto x : g[root]) {
            int U = findson(findson, x, root);
            if(U == -1) continue;
            dfs(dfs, x, root, U, 1);
            //cerr << root << ": " << U << '\t' << forparent[U].getref().first << ' ' << forparent[U].getref().first << '\n';
   void eraseUpward(int p, int prev_p, int node) {
      if(p == prev_p) return;
      //cerr << p << ' ' << prev_p << " " << node << ": \t";
            forparent[prev_p].sub(pii{distc[node][label[p]], 1});
            //cerr << forparent[prev_p].getref().first << ' ' << forparent[prev_p].getref().second << '\t';
         //cerr << overkids[p].getref().first << ' ' << overkids[p].getref().second << '\n';
      eraseUpward(parent[p], p, node);
   void erase(int x) {
         overkids[x].sub(pii{0, 1});
         //cerr << x << ": " << overkids[x].getref().first << ' ' << overkids[x].getref().second << '\n';
         eraseUpward(parent[x], x, x);

signed main() {
   cin.tie(0) -> sync_with_stdio(0);
   int n, type;
   cin >> n >> type;
   for(int i = 1, x, y; i < n; i++) {
      cin >> x >> y;
   Centroid::init(1, 1);
   //for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cerr << Centroid::label[i] << '\t' << Centroid::parent[i] << '\n';;
   ll lastans = 0;
   for(int i = 1; i <= n - 2; i++) {
      ll x, pula;
      cin >> x;
      x ^= (lastans * type);
      tie(pula, lastans) = CentroidTree::ANS.getref();
      cout << pula << ' ' << lastans << '\n';

      Istenem! Nu poate fi real.
-- Surse verificate


answer.code:217:1: fatal error: error writing to /tmp/ccsJWjdh.s: File too large
  217 | }
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compilation terminated.