The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#367825 | #8229. 栈 | YMH_fourteen | 21 | 175ms | 23332kb | C++14 | 2.5kb | 2024-03-26 14:43:34 | 2024-03-26 14:43:34 |
Judging History
// Author: Minghan Ye (Donotplaygame)
// Name: C. 栈
// URL: https://qoj.ac/contest/1515/problem/8229
// ML: 1024 MB
// TL: 1000 ms
// Powered by CP Editor (https://cpeditor.org)
using namespace std;
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "E:/OI/normal/templates/debug.h"
#define dbg(...) (void)0
#define msg(...) (void)0
#define ll long long
#define endl '\n'
#define PB emplace_back
#define PPB pop_back
#define MP make_pair
#define ALL(Name) Name.begin(),Name.end()
#define PII pair<int,int>
#define VI vector<int>
#define fi first
#define se second
const int N=100005;
int n,q;
struct oper
int op,pos;ll x,y;
oper(int o,int p,ll x,ll y):op(o),pos(p),x(x),y(y){}
ll ans[N];
#define lid (id<<1)
#define rid (lid|1)
#define mid (l+r>>1)
#define rmd (mid+1)
struct node
ll push,pop,sum,val;
ll query(int L,int R,ll &cnt,int l=1,int r=q,int id=1)
if(!cnt)return 0;
if(!tr[id].val)return 0;
ll c=min(cnt,tr[id].push);
return tr[id].val*c;
ll res=0;
ll rem=tr[lid].push-tr[rid].pop;
else res+=query(L,min(R,mid),cnt,l,mid,lid);
return res;
void pushup(int id,int l,int r,bool f=1)
ll tmp;
// else tr[id].sum=query(l,r,tmp=tr[id].push,l,r,id);
void change(oper &op,int l=1,int r=q,int id=1)
else tr[id].pop=op.x;
else change(op,rmd,r,rid),pushup(lid,l,mid,0);
int main()
// int _;cin>>_;while(_--)
for(int i=1;i<=q;i++)
int op,a,d;ll b,c;
else if(op==2){ops[a].PB(2,i,c,0),ops[b+1].PB(2,i,0,0);}
else ops[a].PB(3,i,b,c);
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(auto j:ops[i])
else change(j);
for(int i=1;i<=q;i++)if(~ans[i])cout<<ans[i]<<endl;
return 0;
Subtask #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 6ms
memory: 10036kb
4907 4910 2 763 3330 1 3 307 1 1 1 2262 3430 22699 89397 1 1915 4000 51541 67587 2 212 2990 9763 2 1086 2162 1 2 1813 4496 16760 1 51 2796 68005 99390 1 1267 1519 74236 66178 3 1768 23808 54314 2 900 4122 27758 3 3287 17350 28989 2 3277 4024 3633 2 444 4866 1 2 353 4219 1061 1 987 3141 99906 17320 2...
0 3032090730 903396180 471569175 200648623 1065522843 2242691487 1340955 50793012 129501640 67587 0 0 762429740 0 0 0 0 0 1792521566 6640460369 2415375780 349612541 228958356 4347970203 661459478 140071334 1237150725 118545795 3169267707 6444801743 178747954 128509524 5377449866 10229033005 39437118...
wrong answer 6th numbers differ - expected: '98486697', found: '1065522843'
Subtask #2:
score: 21
Test #6:
score: 21
time: 132ms
memory: 22312kb
99999 99998 1 5026 18575 27178 90423 3 30623 1 1 3 76936 1 1 1 77021 95683 84664 24734 1 46085 74886 40512 11266 3 5048 8594 22468 1 53318 77721 97151 70784 1 70645 91192 37556 13013 1 56752 56940 91812 62887 1 7928 34576 87339 69404 3 74875 32807 100970 3 22338 17221 25771 3 21421 20602 57957 3 717...
0 0 1254619125 4366274868 593473604 2592655824 3657975552 5652513833 110091352 1226646296 1989326852 763582808 8205318671 1659086055 3012598941 20085582585 3242801176 17381308704 24555397019 4722824224 20308857160 899316516 38935050954 988382364 13341823621 11397759491 2449683584 5875277101 80572355...
ok 49797 numbers
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 129ms
memory: 22368kb
100000 99994 3 92225 1 1 3 10037 1 1 3 74283 1 1 3 2266 1 1 3 50962 1 1 3 81075 1 1 1 503 97219 60712 28632 1 20530 96581 71439 60132 3 41317 2559 104920 1 38204 95641 16185 4127 1 81150 90487 12130 78009 3 26946 49794 94793 3 30822 94956 120229 3 3139 25745 34556 1 31304 71829 59249 1581 1 34152 81...
0 0 0 0 0 0 4323380784 2361991500 1519776168 252305184 5480718598 475075230 355440252 50964960 470925609 563617236 5250822628 167047570 5642890643 263790112 16650744580 9469618067 1523342134 5252794500 3397151474 44843260 15925043590 7615102649 642874296 805218390 12371730590 946262746 19013805530 1...
ok 49918 numbers
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 175ms
memory: 23332kb
99992 100000 1 47419 74011 81562 83218 1 24365 27999 38558 68071 1 28685 99034 50336 45319 1 9957 51419 65767 96547 1 26613 48906 69394 57314 1 53501 94770 64814 21312 1 17181 66742 69740 22586 3 16409 7244 53001 1 88013 89718 83001 55044 1 37425 73824 89216 49784 1 14648 78441 67461 78275 1 9378 35...
4417797626 26979560445 4524699650 21738613173 262351691 12978001923 17651184324 0 273579160 4411564116 1970670680 17453286633 14834332800 20575290994 10992737164 42531639041 7318986928 7239761756 24667868512 11295443456 33762100957 3516593780 14180850735 92220338161 448071480 72233196570 82174722698...
ok 20053 numbers
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 174ms
memory: 23312kb
99993 100000 3 62344 1 1 1 46505 84554 62554 13482 1 8919 48492 3447 94458 1 3631 10892 36393 96414 1 2116 19576 2034 35286 1 76156 78230 41441 84879 1 36883 94127 37375 63171 1 39186 82305 6701 95798 3 78504 62801 72899 1 80076 91666 32526 7060 1 72382 96261 53068 10233 1 13914 57881 72281 7618 3 9...
0 637963929 0 1496578500 10148463667 4717998934 125126442 10787190313 11490899784 2030671668 37797648 715325384 21191265941 3879816018 24364790835 25534294755 36504541523 6078290241 317915871 18538657312 22064935269 1065997831 3053544299 2695680279 55437334876 88991768121 1121205357 15153767807 5230...
ok 20050 numbers
Test #10:
score: 0
time: 91ms
memory: 21232kb
99993 99996 3 38184 1 1 3 82734 1 1 1 25048 36616 78516 82979 3 95863 1 1 3 21933 1 1 3 49811 1 1 3 86826 1 1 3 94697 1 1 3 85109 1 1 3 40304 1 1 3 74963 1 1 3 21627 1 1 3 59714 1 1 3 87341 1 1 3 31090 15354 46066 1 38063 59594 70848 33527 3 32282 26788 77780 3 48817 25308 34737 3 58282 24515 41180 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2548534027 4231348147 316159610 558760982 0 0 0 1166203168 1096131738 0 1103574732 299664326 11812262 0 0 0 147854070 78842610 60214492 331278844 0 0 3357828214 814586369 6914566022 603327305 0 0 515587541 244451179 0 560342272 2883490236 0 0 2965823280 29999739 511675577 2...
ok 80045 numbers
Test #11:
score: 0
time: 93ms
memory: 21284kb
99999 99992 1 55982 96008 8771 41000 3 64884 827 1792 1 61684 84951 91560 74217 3 11864 1 1 3 73424 650 93216 1 45712 86024 18142 11742 3 69505 1599 109909 3 4215 1 1 3 70815 3258 82166 1 32918 86166 51184 24724 3 49468 10556 63376 3 11217 1 1 3 32460 1 1 3 58673 3861 11467 1 41409 47728 99526 31031...
39606000 0 6600256565 7201866396 0 5673230715 1207451970 0 0 233007432 0 7603519685 4128358246 4817987659 0 4234154067 1579488960 70725000 0 243499000 1045745784 328164000 2552685084 209221360 114636000 139687000 1223600748 6074963562 1977843509 10990094062 220744000 36039000 243602384 3717973598 85...
ok 80206 numbers
Subtask #3:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #12:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 104ms
memory: 22812kb
100000 99993 1 47773 70467 16065 1 2 52349 78446 2304 3 40821 1 1 1 40216 93069 78144 1 1 41089 43671 76025 1 2 35263 68629 31066 3 79881 13534 57327 3 5556 1 1 2 21962 38192 1 1 664 58116 9417 1 3 28089 6039 7989 2 88500 90302 9946 3 63215 49410 60770 2 11069 89527 57581 2 70303 97603 12363 1 3420 ...
0 43794 0 1951 11361 129 898 29245 7969 1947 34972 0 30547 123666 24537 68209 41363 48165 32225 37527 48165 31810 16824 3650 14285 262999 57614 0 129470 117356 0 45924 -59490 114241 174019 179359 250368 0 183349 125791 17414 182697 0 1 2698 183297 0 54464 0 115212 377030 35604 4996 4996 18437 0 108 ...
wrong answer 12th numbers differ - expected: '16405', found: '0'
Subtask #4:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #17:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 96ms
memory: 22988kb
99999 99996 3 77889 1 10000000000 1 6316 86327 89644 386 3 9260 1 10000000000 2 2603 47234 69717 2 20260 73011 19290 2 62477 81233 26127 1 50140 68508 37004 98794 2 14449 22788 16063 1 43860 84932 50375 21777 1 67345 94584 28202 66610 2 661 68654 1 1 14411 94422 82738 61196 1 16563 94416 4920 38408 ...
0 34602584 7691436 6300225495 27739639583 1837269456 20325497036 1902514434 1902514434 2147615080 1902514434 15794375094 599197876 4791644533 15797478185 13141921145 599197876 16141621477 6036794382 370832949 2201022433 2201022433 10226500 12514583679 5667974412 250667843 293629914 14657819710 77340...
wrong answer 3rd numbers differ - expected: '0', found: '7691436'
Subtask #5:
score: 0
Dependency #1: