ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#363153 | #618. 多项式乘法 | NOI_AK_ME | 0 | 62ms | 39128kb | C++23 | 24.9kb | 2024-03-23 18:51:39 | 2024-03-23 18:51:40 |
Judging History
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
using i32 = int;
using u32 = unsigned;
using i64 = long long;
using u64 = unsigned long long;
#define IL __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))
#define RC(T, x) reinterpret_cast<T>(x)
namespace Setting
constexpr u32 mod = 998244353;
constexpr int sta_l_MB = 64;
constexpr int Detail = 1;
namespace __qed
constexpr u32 primitive_root_constexpr(u32 M)
u32 ed = 0, n = M - 1, d[11] = {};
for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; i++)
if (n % i == 0)
d[ed++] = i;
n /= i;
} while (n % i == 0);
if (n > 1)
d[ed++] = n;
for (u32 g = 2, r = 0;; ++g)
for (u32 i = 0; i < ed; ++i)
u32 b = (M - 1) / d[i], a = g;
for (r = 1; b; b >>= 1, a = u64(a) * a % M)
if (b & 1)
r = u64(r) * a % M;
if (r == 1)
if (r != 1)
return g;
constexpr int bceil(int x) { return 1 << (32 - __builtin_clz(x - 1)); }
constexpr int bit_up(int x) { return 1 << (32 - __builtin_clz(x)); }
constexpr int cro_32(int x) { return __builtin_ctz(~x); }
constexpr bool ispow2(u64 x) { return (x & (x - 1)) == 0; }
namespace Stat_Info
using Setting::Detail;
i64 ntt_size;
i64 fill0_size, copy_size, rev_size;
size_t max_cost_sta_l;
constexpr const char *Author = "QedDust413 & killer_joke";
constexpr const char *Thanks = "negiizhao, chaihf, rogeryoungh, Qdedawsd2233, bh1234666, yosupo, Pulsating_Dust, KKKKa, qdc, and more.";
template <typename Tf = std::ostream>
void report(Tf &outf = std::clog)
outf << '\n';
if constexpr (Detail <= 0)
outf << "Statistics are turned off.\n";
if constexpr (Detail > 0)
outf << "ntt_size:" << ntt_size << "\n";
if constexpr (Detail > 1)
outf << "fill0_size:" << fill0_size << " copy_size:" << copy_size << " rev_size:" << rev_size << "\nmax_cost_sta:" << (double(max_cost_sta_l) / double(1 << 20)) << "\n";
outf << std::endl;
namespace mem_helper
using namespace __qed;
template <size_t align>
void *to_align(void *mem)
static_assert(ispow2(align) && (align != 0));
return RC(void *, (RC(u64, mem) + (align - 1)) & (-align));
template <size_t align>
bool is_align(const void *mem)
static_assert(ispow2(align) && (align != 0));
return (RC(u64, mem) & (align - 1)) == 0;
using Setting::sta_l_MB;
char _mem[sta_l_MB << 20];
void *now = _mem;
struct pre_aloc
void *t;
pre_aloc() { t = now; }
~pre_aloc() { now = t; }
template <typename T, size_t align>
T *AlocS(size_t n)
T *r = RC(T *, to_align<align>(now));
now = r + n;
if constexpr (Stat_Info::Detail > 1)
Stat_Info::max_cost_sta_l = std::max<size_t>(RC(char *, now) - _mem, Stat_Info::max_cost_sta_l);
return r;
template <size_t align>
void *_alocH(size_t n)
constexpr size_t ptr_size = sizeof(void *), Extra = (align + ptr_size);
void *base = std::malloc(n + Extra), *p = to_align<align>(RC(char *, base) + ptr_size);
return RC(void **, p)[-1] = base, p;
template <typename T, size_t align>
T *AlocH(size_t n) { return RC(T *, _alocH<align>(n * sizeof(T))); }
void Freed(void *p) { std::free(RC(void **, p)[-1]); }
template <typename T, size_t align>
struct Trivial_Aligned_Allocator
typedef T value_type;
T *allocate(std::size_t n) { return AlocH<T, align>(n); }
template <class T1>
struct rebind
using other = Trivial_Aligned_Allocator<T1, align>;
void deallocate(T *p, std::size_t n) { Freed(p); }
namespace Montgo
struct Mont32
u32 Mod, Mod2, Inv, NInv, R2;
constexpr Mont32(u32 n) : Mod(n), Mod2(n << 1), Inv(1), NInv(), R2((-u64(n)) % n)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
Inv *= 2 - n * Inv;
NInv = -Inv;
constexpr IL u32 reduce(u64 x) const { return (x + u64(u32(x) * NInv) * Mod) >> 32; }
constexpr IL u32 reduce_s(u64 x) const
u32 r = (x >> 32) - ((u64(u32(x) * Inv) * Mod) >> 32);
return r >> 31 ? r + Mod : r;
constexpr IL u32 mul(u32 x, u32 y) const { return reduce(u64(x) * y); }
constexpr IL u32 mul_s(u32 x, u32 y) const { return reduce_s(u64(x) * y); }
constexpr IL u32 In(u32 x) const { return mul(x, R2); }
constexpr IL u32 In_s(u32 x) const { return mul_s(x, R2); }
constexpr IL u32 Out(u32 x) const
u32 r = (x + (u64(x * NInv) * Mod)) >> 32;
return __builtin_expect(r < Mod, 1) ? r : r - Mod;
namespace field_Z
using Setting::mod;
constexpr Montgo::Mont32 Space(mod);
constexpr u32 mod2 = Space.Mod2;
constexpr IL u32 shrink(u32 x) { return x >= mod ? x - mod : x; }
constexpr IL u32 dilate2(u32 x) { return x >> 31 ? x + mod2 : x; }
using Z = u32;
constexpr bool isgood(Z x) { return x < mod2; }
constexpr IL Z InZ(u32 x) { return Space.In(x); }
constexpr IL Z InZs(u32 x) { return Space.In_s(x); }
constexpr Z zero_Z(0), one_Z(InZs(1)), not_exist_Z(-1);
constexpr IL u32 OutZ(Z x) { return Space.Out(x); }
constexpr bool equalZ(Z x, Z y) { return shrink(x) == shrink(y); }
namespace calc
constexpr IL Z addZ(Z x, Z y) { return dilate2(x + y - mod2); }
constexpr IL Z subZ(Z x, Z y) { return dilate2(x - y); }
constexpr IL Z mulZ(Z x, Z y) { return Space.mul(x, y); }
constexpr Z powZ(Z a, u32 b, Z r = one_Z)
for (; b; a = mulZ(a, a), b >>= 1)
if (b & 1)
r = mulZ(r, a);
return r;
constexpr IL Z invZ(Z x) { return powZ(x, mod - 2); }
constexpr IL Z divZ(Z x, Z y) { return powZ(y, mod - 2, x); }
template <bool strict = true>
constexpr IL Z mulZs(Z x, Z y)
if constexpr (strict)
return Space.mul_s(x, y);
return mulZ(x, y);
constexpr Z negZ(Z x) { return (!x - 1) & (mod2 - x); }
namespace extend_
constexpr Z absZ(Z x)
u32 r = OutZ(x);
return InZs(std::min(r, mod - r));
constexpr Z legendre(Z x) { return powZ(x, (mod - 1) >> 1); }
constexpr bool isQR(Z x) { return equalZ(legendre(x), one_Z); }
constexpr Z sqrtZ(Z x)
if (!isQR(x))
return not_exist_Z;
Z a(1), I_mul(0);
while (isQR(I_mul = subZ(mulZ(a, a), x)))
struct dZ
Z r, i;
constexpr void Mul(dZ d, Z I_) { *this = {addZ(mulZ(r, d.r), mulZ(mulZ(I_, i), d.i)), addZ(mulZ(r, d.i), mulZ(i, d.r))}; }
dZ s = {a, one_Z}, r = {one_Z, zero_Z};
for (u32 b = (mod + 1) >> 1; b; b >>= 1, s.Mul(s, I_mul))
if (b & 1)
r.Mul(s, I_mul);
return absZ(r.r);
template <int fixes, bool strict = true>
constexpr Z trans(Z x)
constexpr Z o = fixes > 0 ? calc::powZ(Space.R2, fixes) : calc::powZ(1, -fixes);
return calc::mulZs<strict>(x, o);
template <bool strict = true>
constexpr Z trans(Z x, int fixes) { return calc::mulZs<strict>(x, fixes > 0 ? calc::powZ(Space.R2, fixes) : calc::powZ(1, -fixes)); }
namespace Const
constexpr Z _half = InZs((mod + 1) >> 1), _neghalf = InZs((mod - 1) >> 1), neg_one = InZs(mod - 1);
constexpr Z img = calc::extend_::sqrtZ(neg_one), imgI = mod - img, _imghalf = calc::mulZs(_half, img);
#pragma GCC target("avx2")
#include <immintrin.h>
#define VEC(sz, T) __attribute((vector_size(sz))) T
namespace SIMD
using i32x8 = VEC(32, i32);
using u32x8 = VEC(32, u32);
using i64x4 = VEC(32, i64);
using u64x4 = VEC(32, u64);
using I256 = __m256i;
constexpr IL u32x8 setu32x8(u32 x) { return (u32x8){x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x}; }
template <int typ>
IL u32x8 shuffle(const u32x8 &x) { return RC(u32x8, _mm256_shuffle_epi32(RC(I256, x), typ)); }
template <int typ>
IL u32x8 blend(const u32x8 &x, const u32x8 &y) { return RC(u32x8, _mm256_blend_epi32(RC(I256, x), RC(I256, y), typ)); }
IL I256 swaplohi128(const I256 &x) { return _mm256_permute2x128_si256(x, x, 1); }
IL u32x8 &x8(u32 *data) { return *RC(u32x8 *, data); }
IL const u32x8 &x8(const u32 *data) { return *RC(const u32x8 *, data); }
IL I256 loadu(const void *data) { return _mm256_loadu_si256(RC(const __m256i_u *, data)); }
IL void storeu(const I256 &x, void *data) { return _mm256_storeu_si256(RC(__m256i_u *, data), x); }
IL u64x4 fus_mul(const u32x8 &x, const u32x8 &y) { return RC(u64x4, _mm256_mul_epu32(RC(I256, x), RC(I256, y))); }
namespace field_Z
using SIMD::setu32x8;
using SIMD::u32x8;
using SIMD::x8;
using Zx8 = u32x8;
constexpr u32x8 modx8 = setu32x8(mod), mod2x8 = setu32x8(mod2), NInvx8 = setu32x8(Space.NInv);
constexpr Zx8 one_Zx8 = setu32x8(one_Z), zerox8 = setu32x8(0u);
IL Zx8 dilate2x8(const Zx8 &x) { return x + (RC(Zx8, RC(SIMD::i32x8, x) < RC(SIMD::i32x8, zerox8)) & mod2x8); }
IL Zx8 shrinkx8(const Zx8 &x) { return x - ((x >= modx8) & modx8); }
namespace calc
using namespace SIMD;
IL Zx8 addZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y) { return dilate2x8(x + y - mod2x8); }
IL Zx8 subZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y) { return dilate2x8(x - y); }
IL Zx8 mulZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y)
u32x8 z = (NInvx8 * x * y);
return blend<0xaa>(RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(x, y) + fus_mul(z, modx8)) >> 32), RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(u32x8(u64x4(x) >> 32), u32x8(u64x4(y) >> 32)) + fus_mul(shuffle<0xf5>(z), modx8))));
IL Zx8 powZx8(const Zx8 &y, u32 b, const Zx8 &_r = one_Zx8)
Zx8 x = y, r = _r;
for (; b; x = mulZx8(x, x), b >>= 1)
if (b & 1)
r = mulZx8(r, x);
return r;
IL Zx8 invZx8(const Zx8 &x) { return powZx8(x, mod - 2); }
IL Zx8 divZx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y) { return powZx8(y, mod - 2, x); }
template <bool strict = true>
IL Zx8 mulZsx8(const Zx8 &x, const Zx8 &y)
if constexpr (strict)
u32x8 z = (NInvx8 * x * y);
z = blend<0xaa>(RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(x, y) + fus_mul(z, modx8)) >> 32), RC(u32x8, (fus_mul(u32x8(u64x4(x) >> 32), u32x8(u64x4(y) >> 32)) + fus_mul(shuffle<0xf5>(z), modx8)))) - modx8;
return z + (RC(Zx8, RC(i32x8, z) < RC(i32x8, zerox8)) & modx8);
return mulZx8(x, y);
IL Zx8 negZx8(const Zx8 &x) { return (x != zerox8) & (mod2x8 - x); }
IL Zx8 _AmulZx8(const Zx8 &a, const Zx8 &b, const Zx8 &c) { return mulZx8(a + b, c); }
IL Zx8 _SmulZx8(const Zx8 &a, const Zx8 &b, const Zx8 &c) { return mulZx8(a - b + mod2x8, c); }
#undef VEC
#define STATI(ifo, dt, num) \
if constexpr (Stat_Info::Detail > dt) \
{ \
Stat_Info::ifo += (num); \
namespace poly
namespace poly_base
using namespace field_Z;
using __qed::bit_up;
void fl0(Z *f, int l) { STATI(fill0_size, 1, l)
std::fill_n(f, l, zero_Z); }
void fl0(Z *bg, Z *ed) { STATI(fill0_size, 1, ed - bg)
std::fill(bg, ed, zero_Z); }
void Cpy(const Z *f, int l, Z *g) { STATI(copy_size, 1, l)
std::copy_n(f, l, g); }
void Cpy(const Z *bg, const Z *ed, Z *g) { STATI(copy_size, 1, ed - bg)
std::copy(bg, ed, g); }
void rev(Z *bg, Z *ed) { STATI(rev_size, 1, ed - bg)
std::reverse(bg, ed); }
void rev(Z *f, int l) { STATI(rev_size, 1, l)
std::reverse(f, f + l); }
void Cpy_fl0(const Z *f, int n, Z *g, int lim) { Cpy(f, n, g), fl0(g + n, g + lim); }
void Cpy_rev(const Z *f, int l, Z *g) { STATI(rev_size, 1, l)
STATI(copy_size, 1, l) std::reverse_copy(f, f + l, g); }
void mul_t_s(const Z *A, int l, Z *B, Z t)
int i = 0;
if (l > 16)
Zx8 tx8 = setu32x8(t);
for (; i + 7 < l; i += 8)
x8(B + i) = calc::mulZx8(x8(A + i), tx8);
for (; i < l; ++i)
B[i] = calc::mulZ(A[i], t);
#define flx(nam, opt) \
void nam(Z *A, int l, const Z *B) \
{ \
int i = 0; \
for (; i + 7 < l; i += 8) \
{ \
x8(A + i) = calc::opt##Zx8(x8(A + i), x8(B + i)); \
} \
for (; i < l; ++i) \
{ \
A[i] = calc::opt##Z(A[i], B[i]); \
} \
} \
void nam(const Z *A, const Z *B, int l, Z *C) \
{ \
int i = 0; \
for (; i + 7 < l; i += 8) \
{ \
x8(C + i) = calc::opt##Zx8(x8(A + i), x8(B + i)); \
} \
for (; i < l; ++i) \
{ \
C[i] = calc::opt##Z(A[i], B[i]); \
} \
flx(dot, mul) flx(addP, add) flx(subP, sub)
#undef flx
namespace poly_base
using mem_helper::pre_aloc;
const std::function<Z *(size_t)> alocS = mem_helper::AlocS<Z, 32>;
const std::function<Z *(size_t)> alocH = mem_helper::AlocH<Z, 32>;
const std::function<void(void *)> freed = mem_helper::Freed;
using namespace poly_base;
namespace poly
namespace f_n_t_t_base
using namespace calc;
using __qed::cro_32;
constexpr int base4thre = 16;
template <bool strict = false>
void mul_t(Z *A, int l, Z t)
for (int j = 0; j < l; ++j)
A[j] = mulZs<strict>(A[j], t);
constexpr int mp2 = __builtin_ctz(mod - 1);
constexpr Z _g(InZ(__qed::primitive_root_constexpr(mod)));
struct P_R_Tab
Z t[mp2 + 1];
constexpr P_R_Tab(Z G) : t()
t[mp2] = shrink(powZ(G, (mod - 1) >> mp2));
for (int i = mp2 - 1; ~i; --i)
t[i] = mulZs(t[i + 1], t[i + 1]);
constexpr Z operator[](int i) const { return t[i]; }
constexpr P_R_Tab rt1(_g), rt1_I(invZ(_g));
template <int lim>
struct omega_info_base2
Z o[lim >> 1];
constexpr omega_info_base2(const P_R_Tab &Tb) : o()
o[0] = one_Z;
for (int i = 0; (1 << i) < (lim >> 1); ++i)
o[1 << i] = Tb[i + 2];
for (int i = 1, l = lim >> 1; i < l; ++i)
o[i] = mulZ(o[i & (i - 1)], o[i & -i]);
constexpr Z operator[](int i) const { return o[i]; }
const omega_info_base2<base4thre> w(rt1), wI(rt1_I);
constexpr Zx8 powXx8(Z X)
Z X2 = mulZs(X, X), X3 = mulZs(X2, X), X4 = mulZs(X3, X), X5 = mulZs(X4, X), X6 = mulZs(X5, X), X7 = mulZs(X6, X);
return (Zx8){one_Z, X, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7};
struct ntt_info_base4x8
Z rt3[mp2 - 2], rt3_I[mp2 - 2];
Zx8 rt4ix8[mp2 - 3], rt4ix8_I[mp2 - 3];
constexpr ntt_info_base4x8() : rt3(), rt3_I(), rt4ix8(), rt4ix8_I()
Z pr = one_Z, pr_I = one_Z;
for (int i = 0; i < mp2 - 2; ++i)
rt3[i] = mulZs(pr, rt1[i + 3]), rt3_I[i] = mulZs(pr_I, rt1_I[i + 3]);
pr = mulZs(pr, rt1_I[i + 3]), pr_I = mulZs(pr_I, rt1[i + 3]);
pr = one_Z, pr_I = one_Z;
for (int i = 0; i < mp2 - 3; ++i)
rt4ix8[i] = powXx8(mulZs(pr, rt1[i + 4])), rt4ix8_I[i] = powXx8(mulZs(pr_I, rt1_I[i + 4]));
pr = mulZs(pr, rt1_I[i + 4]), pr_I = mulZs(pr_I, rt1[i + 4]);
template <int typ>
IL u32x8 Neg(const u32x8 &x) { return blend<typ>(x, mod2x8 - x); }
namespace f_n_t_t
using namespace f_n_t_t_base;
template <bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>
void dif_base2(Z *A, int lim)
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
for (int L = lim >> 1, R = lim; L; L >>= 1, R >>= 1)
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < lim; i += R, ++k)
for (int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
Z x = dilate2(A[i + j] - mod2), y = mulZ(w[k], A[i + j + L]);
A[i + j] = x + y, A[i + j + L] = x - y + mod2;
if constexpr (fixes)
mul_t<strict>(A, lim, trans<fixes>(one_Z));
for (int j = 0; j < lim; ++j)
A[j] = dilate2(A[j] - mod2);
if constexpr (strict)
A[j] = shrink(A[j]);
template <bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>
void dit_base2(Z *A, int lim)
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
for (int L = 1, R = 2; L < lim; L <<= 1, R <<= 1)
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < lim; i += R, ++k)
for (int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
Z x = A[i + j], y = A[i + j + L];
A[i + j] = addZ(x, y), A[i + j + L] = mulZ(x - y + mod2, wI[k]);
mul_t<strict>(A, lim, trans<fixes + 1>(mod - ((mod - 1) / lim)));
constexpr Zx8 imagx8 = setu32x8(rt1[2]), imag_Ix8 = setu32x8(rt1_I[2]);
constexpr Z w38 = mulZs(rt1[2], rt1[3]), w38I = mulZs(rt1_I[2], rt1_I[3]);
constexpr ntt_info_base4x8 iab4;
template <bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>
void dif_base4x8(Z *A, int lim)
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
int n = lim >> 3, L = n >> 1;
Zx8 *f = RC(Zx8 *, A);
if (__builtin_ctz(n) & 1)
for (int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
Zx8 x = f[j], y = f[j + L];
f[j] = x + y, f[j + L] = x - y + mod2x8;
L >>= 1;
L >>= 1;
for (int R = L << 2; L; L >>= 2, R >>= 2)
Z _r = one_Z, _r2 = one_Z, _r3 = one_Z;
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < n; i += R, ++k)
Zx8 r = setu32x8(_r), r2 = setu32x8(_r2), r3 = setu32x8(_r3);
for (int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
#define F(c) f[i + j + c * L]
Zx8 f0 = dilate2x8(F(0) - mod2x8), f1 = mulZx8(F(1), r), f2 = mulZx8(F(2), r2), f3 = mulZx8(F(3), r3);
Zx8 f1f3 = _SmulZx8(f1, f3, imagx8), f02 = addZx8(f0, f2), f13 = addZx8(f1, f3), f_02 = subZx8(f0, f2);
F(0) = f02 + f13, F(1) = f02 - f13 + mod2x8, F(2) = f_02 + f1f3, F(3) = f_02 - f1f3 + mod2x8;
#undef F
_r = mulZs(_r, iab4.rt3[cro_32(k)]), _r2 = mulZs(_r, _r), _r3 = mulZs(_r2, _r);
constexpr Zx8 _r = setu32x8(trans<fixes>(one_Z)), pr2 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1[2], one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1[2]}, pr4 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1[3], rt1[2], w38};
Zx8 r = _r;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Zx8 &fi = f[i];
fi = mulZx8(fi, r);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xf0>(fi), RC(Zx8, swaplohi128(RC(I256, fi))), pr4);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xcc>(fi), shuffle<0x4e>(fi), pr2);
fi = addZx8(Neg<0xaa>(fi), shuffle<0xb1>(fi));
if constexpr (strict)
fi = shrinkx8(fi);
r = mulZsx8(r, iab4.rt4ix8[cro_32(i)]);
template <bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>
void dit_base4x8(Z *A, int lim)
STATI(ntt_size, 0, lim);
int n = lim >> 3, L = 1;
Zx8 *f = RC(Zx8 *, A);
constexpr Zx8 pr2 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1_I[2], one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1_I[2]}, pr4 = {one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, one_Z, rt1_I[3], rt1_I[2], w38I};
Zx8 r = setu32x8(trans<fixes + 1>(mod - ((mod - 1) / lim)));
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Zx8 &fi = f[i];
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xaa>(fi), shuffle<0xb1>(fi), pr2);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xcc>(fi), shuffle<0x4e>(fi), pr4);
fi = _AmulZx8(Neg<0xf0>(fi), RC(Zx8, swaplohi128(RC(I256, fi))), r);
r = mulZsx8(r, iab4.rt4ix8_I[cro_32(i)]);
for (int R = L << 2; L < (n >> 1); L <<= 2, R <<= 2)
Z _r = one_Z, _r2 = one_Z, _r3 = one_Z;
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < n; i += R, ++k)
Zx8 r = setu32x8(_r), r2 = setu32x8(_r2), r3 = setu32x8(_r3);
for (int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
#define F(c) f[i + j + c * L]
Zx8 f0 = F(0), f1 = F(1), f2 = F(2), f3 = F(3);
Zx8 f2f3 = _SmulZx8(f2, f3, imag_Ix8), f01 = addZx8(f0, f1), f23 = addZx8(f2, f3), f_01 = subZx8(f0, f1);
F(0) = addZx8(f01, f23), F(1) = _AmulZx8(f_01, f2f3, r), F(2) = _SmulZx8(f01, f23, r2), F(3) = _SmulZx8(f_01, f2f3, r3);
#undef F
_r = mulZs(_r, iab4.rt3_I[cro_32(k)]), _r2 = mulZs(_r, _r), _r3 = mulZs(_r2, _r);
if (__builtin_ctz(n) & 1)
for (int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
Zx8 x = f[j], y = f[j + L];
f[j] = addZx8(x, y), f[j + L] = subZx8(x, y);
if constexpr (strict)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
f[i] = shrinkx8(f[i]);
template <bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>
void dif(Z *A, int lim) { lim >= base4thre ? dif_base4x8<strict, fixes>(A, lim) : dif_base2<strict, fixes>(A, lim); }
template <bool strict = false, int fixes = 0>
void dit(Z *A, int lim) { lim >= base4thre ? dit_base4x8<strict, fixes>(A, lim) : dit_base2<strict, fixes>(A, lim); }
using f_n_t_t::dif;
using f_n_t_t::dit;
#undef STATI
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cstring>
namespace QIO_base
constexpr int O_buffer_default_size = 1 << 18;
constexpr int O_buffer_default_flush_threshold = 40;
struct _int_to_char_tab
char tab[40000];
constexpr _int_to_char_tab() : tab()
for (int i = 0; i != 10000; ++i)
for (int j = 3, n = i; ~j; --j)
tab[i * 4 + j] = n % 10 + 48, n /= 10;
} constexpr _otab;
namespace QIO_I
using namespace QIO_base;
struct Qinf
FILE *f;
char *bg, *ed, *p;
struct stat Fl;
Qinf(FILE *fi) : f(fi)
int fd = fileno(f);
fstat(fd, &Fl);
bg = (char *)mmap(0, Fl.st_size + 1, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
p = bg, ed = bg + Fl.st_size;
madvise(p, Fl.st_size + 1, MADV_SEQUENTIAL);
~Qinf() { munmap(bg, Fl.st_size + 1); }
void skip_space()
while (*p <= ' ')
char get() { return *p++; }
char seek() { return *p; }
bool eof() { return p == ed; }
Qinf &read(char *s, size_t count) { return memcpy(s, p, count), p += count, *this; }
Qinf &operator>>(u32 &x)
skip_space(), x = 0;
for (; *p > ' '; ++p)
x = x * 10 + (*p & 0xf);
return *this;
Qinf &operator>>(int &x)
if (*p == '-')
for (++p, x = 48 - *p++; *p > ' '; ++p)
x = x * 10 - (*p ^ 48);
for (x = *p++ ^ 48; *p > ' '; ++p)
x = x * 10 + (*p ^ 48);
return *this;
} qin(stdin);
namespace QIO_O
using namespace QIO_base;
struct Qoutf
FILE *f;
char *bg, *ed, *p;
char *ed_thre;
int fp;
u64 _fpi;
Qoutf(FILE *fo, size_t sz = O_buffer_default_size) : f(fo), bg(new char[sz]), ed(bg + sz), p(bg), ed_thre(ed - O_buffer_default_flush_threshold), fp(6), _fpi(1000000ull) {}
void flush() { fwrite_unlocked(bg, 1, p - bg, f), p = bg; }
void chk()
if (__builtin_expect(p > ed_thre, 0))
delete[] bg;
void put4(u32 x)
if (x > 99u)
if (x > 999u)
memcpy(p, _otab.tab + (x << 2) + 0, 4), p += 4;
memcpy(p, _otab.tab + (x << 2) + 1, 3), p += 3;
if (x > 9u)
memcpy(p, _otab.tab + (x << 2) + 2, 2), p += 2;
*p++ = x ^ 48;
void put2(u32 x)
if (x > 9u)
memcpy(p, _otab.tab + (x << 2) + 2, 2), p += 2;
*p++ = x ^ 48;
Qoutf &write(const char *s, size_t count)
if (count > 1024 || p + count > ed_thre)
flush(), fwrite_unlocked(s, 1, count, f);
memcpy(p, s, count), p += count, chk();
return *this;
Qoutf &operator<<(char ch) { return *p++ = ch, *this; }
Qoutf &operator<<(u32 x)
if (x > 99999999u)
put2(x / 100000000u), x %= 100000000u;
memcpy(p, _otab.tab + ((x / 10000u) << 2), 4), p += 4;
memcpy(p, _otab.tab + ((x % 10000u) << 2), 4), p += 4;
else if (x > 9999u)
put4(x / 10000u);
memcpy(p, _otab.tab + ((x % 10000u) << 2), 4), p += 4;
return chk(), *this;
Qoutf &operator<<(int x)
if (x < 0)
*p++ = '-', x = -x;
return *this << static_cast<u32>(x);
} qout(stdout);
namespace QIO
using QIO_I::qin;
using QIO_I::Qinf;
using QIO_O::qout;
using QIO_O::Qoutf;
using namespace QIO;
void solve()
int n, m;
qin >> n >> m;
int lim = __qed::bit_up(n + m - 2);
auto F = poly::alocH(lim), G = poly::alocH(lim);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
qin >> F[i];
std::fill(F + n, F + lim, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
qin >> G[i];
std::fill(G + m, G + lim, 0);
poly::dif(F, lim), poly::dif(G, lim), poly::dot(F, lim, G), poly::dit<true, 1>(F, lim);
for (int i = 0; i < n + m - 1; ++i)
qout << F[i] << ' ';
poly::freed(F), poly::freed(G);
int main()
return 0;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 1ms
memory: 3780kb
96 96 600395131 184265451 942971382 534262851 830366882 542271170 294355449 501371170 797809599 964826049 276651245 375755165 662619442 941920605 328216963 507795473 460271147 874920847 818231910 156789488 590591583 732194508 793983630 93566697 836155866 305319153 432040686 621119061 835023373 57138...
839208708 333519742 308384233 828550760 517115557 245390137 8620616 207279106 12912510 670903368 386534548 219408834 216562617 24549339 220484129 292971713 292685288 770184287 167568589 451703759 593756365 322392928 758767430 975160636 81723296 255296493 726210793 790378760 251967305 860838662 39108...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '683858396', found: '839208708'
Test #2:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 1ms
memory: 3808kb
4992 4994 471194390 313639917 705341086 119536186 430124603 244978845 185588341 13731324 707132801 88167972 927324568 846658454 523684029 5133605 767200778 502476309 539772401 778154025 266136872 183516351 260704325 49303370 475056182 928574546 740424153 277920667 708439854 746983628 839491869 53579...
656941404 537977808 401643863 222658346 230899491 981319102 442648846 335639856 648897884 545032725 505678461 113399144 831227611 365205408 451934393 500473282 965913947 332217310 863599699 546051709 85597525 909329037 467933655 310212299 480646571 876526572 260388133 869603179 498642657 664964060 7...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '700935456', found: '656941404'
Test #3:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 3ms
memory: 4664kb
29995 29992 417238081 53580806 733071257 224121793 786137422 127072245 129083351 988357079 246853229 150935424 596994106 975796660 838029970 619117898 328485797 948485083 574261409 79312345 596346086 489787404 929520168 515647000 211731260 50868568 811515357 428215135 498099163 644485329 802849075 3...
904089758 610158974 285153121 144083647 511437199 796650415 215335158 653070865 41629215 884585479 147472675 627667755 273126955 390262421 472341498 101379986 164520194 600538135 612650327 673733525 940336738 147214822 536516138 41136050 543560370 584903984 866888403 894811094 193473787 867267112 83...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '115270920', found: '904089758'
Test #4:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 4ms
memory: 7436kb
100000 99993 812398607 947396010 797321381 883949986 56052416 586258761 193247973 611124334 773505112 142179482 565466227 140875825 79890768 893500101 553768089 648879319 480419657 915530184 799329430 494818755 793895824 851865180 459534006 259473419 610037701 472768430 868914058 887444584 588850309...
593216203 461992134 291089262 694940362 247406246 45255489 897698151 856797403 133588922 367468764 122819740 476228298 589124786 708455419 376244036 470572162 45937340 335325027 823027240 293155384 244386316 427997603 241803222 155132668 937492251 496408310 612138338 388354454 457851340 714196461 32...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '821875273', found: '593216203'
Test #5:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 62ms
memory: 39128kb
999993 999994 388529697 811245378 165909114 295553883 667981275 78502012 400874009 139394758 249494489 4636487 997712665 259780805 431039016 716944209 709300152 356513646 823185021 699568300 650937921 859190797 899514799 785648601 933470757 627225124 349752104 471458923 456404256 48134357 315599086 ...
961328074 131113480 690191492 17758559 386624233 555759095 834719952 831723109 992595540 208879695 675079863 281947093 709923353 314567970 911436642 658565915 300816232 433039242 343408597 841850790 333812919 187190510 60290159 309328193 260283751 124834194 653548243 923669883 357316626 134415047 68...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '199012842', found: '961328074'