ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#360302 | #8229. 栈 | mfeitveer | 0 | 416ms | 266060kb | C++14 | 3.6kb | 2024-03-21 17:09:44 | 2024-03-21 17:09:44 |
Judging History
! Though life is hard, I want it to be boiling.
! Created: 2024/03/21 16:06:39
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 1e5 + 10;
const double alp = 1 - sqrt(2) / 2;
const double dlp = alp / (1 - alp);
typedef long long i64;
int n, m, ct;
struct tree {
int l, r, vl, ct; i64 sz, sm;
} t[N<<7];
inline void pup(int p) {
t[p].ct = t[t[p].l].ct + t[t[p].r].ct;
t[p].sz = t[t[p].l].sz + t[t[p].r].sz;
t[p].sm = t[t[p].l].sm + t[t[p].r].sm;
inline auto heb(int x, int y) {
return t[++ct] = {x, y, 0, t[x].ct + t[y].ct, t[x].sz + t[y].sz, t[x].sm + t[y].sm}, ct;
inline auto mer(int x, int y) {
if (!x || !y) return x + y; int l, r;
if (t[x].ct * dlp <= t[y].ct && t[y].ct * dlp <= t[x].ct)
return heb(x, y);
if (t[x].ct <= t[y].ct) {
l = t[y].l, r = t[y].r;
if ((t[x].ct + t[y].ct) * alp <= t[r].ct)
return mer(mer(x, l), r);
return mer(mer(x, t[l].l), mer(t[l].r, r));
} else {
l = t[x].l, r = t[x].r;
if ((t[x].ct + t[y].ct) * alp <= t[l].ct)
return mer(l, mer(r, y));
return mer(mer(l, t[r].l), mer(t[r].r, y));
inline void spl(int p, int k, int &x, int &y) {
if (!k) return x = p, y = 0, void();
if (t[p].sz == k) return x = 0, y = p, void();
if (!t[p].l) {
t[x = ++ct] = {0, 0, t[p].vl, 1, t[p].sz - k, t[p].sm - k * t[p].vl};
t[y = ++ct] = {0, 0, t[p].vl, 1, k, k * t[p].vl};
if (k <= t[t[p].r].sz)
spl(t[p].r, k, x, y), x = mer(t[p].l, x);
spl(t[p].l, k - t[t[p].r].sz, x, y), y = mer(y, t[p].r);
inline auto ask(int p, int l, int r, int L, int R) {
if (L <= l && r <= R) return t[p].sm;
if (!t[p].l) {
if (l <= L && R <= r) return 1ll * (R - L + 1) * t[p].vl;
if (R <= r) return 1ll * (R - l + 1) * t[p].vl;
if (l <= L) return 1ll * (r - L + 1) * t[p].vl;
return 0ll;
int mid = (l + t[t[p].l].sz - 1); i64 num = 0;
if (mid >= L) num += ask(t[p].l, l, mid, L, R);
if (mid < R) num += ask(t[p].r, mid + 1, r, L, R);
return num;
struct Data {
i64 dl; int rt;
} d[N<<2];
inline void print(int p) {
if (t[p].l) {
else {
for (int i = 1; i <= t[p].sz; i++)
cout << t[p].vl << " ";
inline void put(int p) {
cout << "! "; print(p); cout <<endl;
inline void add(Data &x, Data y) {
if (t[x.rt].sz <= y.dl) {
x.dl += y.dl - t[x.rt].sz;
x.rt = y.rt;
int a; spl(x.rt, y.dl, x.rt, a);
x.rt = mer(x.rt, y.rt);
inline void pdo(int p, int mid) {
add(d[mid<<1], d[p]);
add(d[mid<<1|1], d[p]), d[p] = {};
inline void upd(int p, int l, int r, int L, int R, Data k) {
if (L <= l &&r <= R) return add(d[p], k);
int mid = (l + r) >> 1; pdo(p, mid);
if (mid >= L) upd(mid<<1, l, mid, L, R, k);
if (mid < R) upd(mid<<1|1, mid + 1, r, L, R, k);
inline auto ask(int p, int l, int r, int k, i64 L, i64 R) {
if (l == r) return ask(d[p].rt, 1, t[d[p].rt].sz, L, R);
int mid = (l + r) >> 1; pdo(p, mid);
if (mid >= k) return ask(mid<<1, l, mid, k, L, R);
return ask(mid<<1|1, mid + 1, r, k, L, R);
signed main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0);
cin >> n >> m;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
i64 op, l, r, x, y, w, k, p, q;
cin >> op;
if (op == 1) {
cin >> l >> r >> x >> y;
t[++ct] = {0, 0, y, 1, x, x * y};
upd(1, 1, n, l, r, (Data){0, ct});
if (op == 2) {
cin >> l >> r >> w;
upd(1, 1, n, l, r, (Data){w, 0});
if (op == 3) {
cin >> k >> p >> q;
cout << ask(1, 1, n, k, p, q) << "\n";
return 0;
Subtask #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 3ms
memory: 6792kb
4907 4910 2 763 3330 1 3 307 1 1 1 2262 3430 22699 89397 1 1915 4000 51541 67587 2 212 2990 9763 2 1086 2162 1 2 1813 4496 16760 1 51 2796 68005 99390 1 1267 1519 74236 66178 3 1768 23808 54314 2 900 4122 27758 3 3287 17350 28989 2 3277 4024 3633 2 444 4866 1 2 353 4219 1061 1 987 3141 99906 17320 2...
0 3032090730 903396180 471569175 200648623 98486697 647114751 123945 50793012 61782451 0 0 0 762429740 321140700 871619914 536311874 5361094892 0 1792521566 6640518748 2415375780 249435711 225987900 5250788038 5440099803 140071334 0 118545795 3086405469 5646099271 84280112 1232466642 13582901367 796...
wrong answer 26th numbers differ - expected: '1145132507', found: '5440099803'
Subtask #2:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #6:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 416ms
memory: 266060kb
99999 99998 1 5026 18575 27178 90423 3 30623 1 1 3 76936 1 1 1 77021 95683 84664 24734 1 46085 74886 40512 11266 3 5048 8594 22468 1 53318 77721 97151 70784 1 70645 91192 37556 13013 1 56752 56940 91812 62887 1 7928 34576 87339 69404 3 74875 32807 100970 3 22338 17221 25771 3 21421 20602 57957 3 717...
0 0 1254619125 4366274868 593473604 2592655824 3657975552 5652513833 110091352 1226646296 1989326852 763582808 8205318671 1659086055 3012598941 20085582585 3242801176 17381308704 24555397019 4722824224 20308857160 899316516 38935050954 988382364 13341823621 11397759491 2449683584 5875277101 80572355...
wrong answer 276th numbers differ - expected: '36038013050', found: '0'
Subtask #3:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #12:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 120ms
memory: 91948kb
100000 99993 1 47773 70467 16065 1 2 52349 78446 2304 3 40821 1 1 1 40216 93069 78144 1 1 41089 43671 76025 1 2 35263 68629 31066 3 79881 13534 57327 3 5556 1 1 2 21962 38192 1 1 664 58116 9417 1 3 28089 6039 7989 2 88500 90302 9946 3 63215 49410 60770 2 11069 89527 57581 2 70303 97603 12363 1 3420 ...
0 43794 0 1951 11361 129 898 29245 7969 1947 34972 16405 59952 123666 24537 68209 34537 0 32225 37527 0 31810 16824 96178 14285 300941 57614 1602 129470 61935 4068 114182 17609 152949 26099 179359 250368 4796 183349 125791 17414 61871 42058 0 2698 183297 23029 54464 0 26259 204595 35604 0 0 18437 29...
wrong answer 224th numbers differ - expected: '37865', found: '0'
Subtask #4:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #17:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 132ms
memory: 92200kb
99999 99996 3 77889 1 10000000000 1 6316 86327 89644 386 3 9260 1 10000000000 2 2603 47234 69717 2 20260 73011 19290 2 62477 81233 26127 1 50140 68508 37004 98794 2 14449 22788 16063 1 43860 84932 50375 21777 1 67345 94584 28202 66610 2 661 68654 1 1 14411 94422 82738 61196 1 16563 94416 4920 38408 ...
0 34602584 0 0 27739639583 1363823412 0 1902514434 1902514434 6442521180 1902514434 15794375094 0 4192446657 15797478185 17436888441 0 6351944090 5775183021 363222594 6290539407 6488318178 0 6843261316 5508935691 250667843 0 14181223499 7734049978 21958753162 21442499136 4496343819 15011219087 19921...
wrong answer 10th numbers differ - expected: '2147553884', found: '6442521180'
Subtask #5:
score: 0
Dependency #1: