The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#358052 | #3276. 出题高手 | Froranzen | 50 | 406ms | 31276kb | C++14 | 8.4kb | 2024-03-19 16:45:50 | 2024-03-19 16:45:50 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define rep(i, f, t) for(int i(f); i <= t; ++i)
#define re(i, t) for(int i(1); i <= t; ++i)
#define per(i, t, f) for(int i(t); i >= f; --i)
#define pe(i, t) for(int i(t); i >= 1; --i)
#define ste(i, f, t, s) for(int i(f); i <= t; i += s)
#define ets(i, t, f, s) for(int i(t); i >= f; i -= s)
#define each(i, x) for(auto &i : (x))
#define nx(i, u) for(int i(head[u]); i; i = e[i].nxt)
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double lb;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
// #define int long long
using namespace std;
// typedef pair <double, int> pdi;
typedef pair <int, int> pii;
// typedef pair <string, bool> psb;
#define pb push_back
#define fi first
#define se second
#define ix(l, r) ((l + r) | (l != r))
#define ls (ix(l, mid))
#define rs (ix(mid + 1, r))
#define mp(i, j) (make_pair(i, j))
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f
#define i128 __int128
#define exp 1e-7
#define look_memory cerr<<abs(&sT-&eD)/1024.0/1024<<'\n'
int sT;
struct IO {
#define MAXSIZE 1<<21
#define isdigit(x) (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
#define isspace(x) (x == ' ' || x == '\n' || x == '\r' || x == '\t')
char ibuf[MAXSIZE], obuf[MAXSIZE], *s1, *s2, *s3, endl, blank;
int round[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, sta[65], precisions;
bool fail;
FILE *in_stream, *out_stream;
IO(FILE *_stream = stdin, FILE *__stream = stdout) { reset(_stream,__stream); }
~IO() {close();}
inline void reset (FILE *_stream = stdin, FILE *__stream = stdout, bool reset = true) {
s1 = s3 = ibuf, s2 = obuf, in_stream = _stream, out_stream = __stream, fail = false;
if(reset) { endl = '\n'; blank = ' '; precisions = 6; }
inline void flush_in() {s3 = (s1 = ibuf) + fread(ibuf, 1, MAXSIZE, in_stream); }
inline void flush_out() { fwrite(obuf, 1, s2-obuf, out_stream), s2 = obuf; }
inline void flush_out_with_stream() { flush_out(); fflush(out_stream); }
inline char get() {
return getchar();
return s1 == s3 && (flush_in(), fail = s1 == s3) ? 0 : *s1++;
inline void put(char ch) {
s2-obuf == MAXSIZE ? flush_out(), 0 : 0, *s2++=ch;
template <class T>
inline void read(T &x) {
bool sign = false; char c = get(); x = 0;
while(!isdigit(c) && c) {sign=c=='-'; c = get(); }
while(isdigit(c)) { x = (x<<1) + (x<<3) + (c^'0'); c = get(); }
sign ? x = ~x+1 : 0;
inline void read(double &x) {
bool sign = false; char c = get(); x = 0;
while(!isdigit(c) && c) { sign=c=='-'; c = get(); }
while(isdigit(c)) { x = x * 10 + (c^'0'); c = get(); }
if(c=='.') { c = get(); double tmp = 1; while(isdigit(c)) { tmp /= 10, x += tmp * (c^'0'); c = get(); } }
sign ? x = -x : 0;
inline void read(long double &x) {
bool sign = false; register char c = get(); x = 0;
while(!isdigit(c) && c) { sign=c=='-'; c = get(); }
while(isdigit(c)) { x = x * 10 + (c^'0'); c = get(); }
if(c == '.') { c = get(); register long double tmp = 1; while(isdigit(c)) { tmp /= 10, x += tmp * (c^'0'); c = get(); } }
sign ? x = -x : 0;
inline void read(char *s) {
char c = get();
while(isspace(c)) c = get();
while(!isspace(c) && c) { *s++=c; c = get(); }
*s = '\0';
inline void read(char &c) {
c = get();
template <class T, class ...Args>
inline void read(T &x, Args &...args) { read(x), read(args...); }
template <class T>
inline void write(T x) {
int top = 0;
if(x<0) { put('-'); sta[top++] = ~(x%10)+1, x /= 10; x = ~x+1; }
else sta[top++] = x%10, x /= 10;
while(x) sta[top++] = x%10 ,x /= 10;
while(top) put(sta[--top]^'0');
inline void write(double y) {
int top = 0;
if(y<0) { put('-'); y=-y; }
int x = y; y -=x;
if(y) {
sta[top++] = y*10, y = y*10 - sta[top-1];
sta[top++] = y*10 + round[(int)((y*10-((int)(y*10)))*10)];
for(int i(0); i<top; ++i) put(sta[i]^'0');
for(int i(top); i<precisions; ++i) put('0');
inline void write(long double y) {
register int top = 0;
if(y<0) { put('-'); y=-y; }
int x = y; y -= x;
if(y) {
sta[top++] = y*10, y = y*10 - sta[top-1];
sta[top++] = y*10 + round[(int)((y*10-((int)(y*10)))*10)];
for(register int i(0); i < top; ++i) put(sta[i]^'0');
for(register int i(top); i < precisions; ++i) put('0');
inline void write(const char ch) { put(ch); }
inline void write(char *s) { while(*s!='\0') put(*s++); }
inline void write(const char *s) { while(*s!='\0') put(*s++); }
inline void write(const std::string str) { write(str.c_str()); }
inline IO &precision(const int x) { precisions=x; return *this; }
template <class T,class ...Args>
inline void write(T x,Args ...args) { write(x), blank?put(blank), 0:0, write(args...); }
template <class ...Args>
inline void writeln(Args ...args) { write(args...), endl?put(endl), 0:0; }
template <class T>
inline IO &operator>>(T &x) { read(x); return *this; }
inline IO &operator>>(IO &x) { return *this; }
template <class T>
inline IO &operator<<(const T x) { write(x); return *this; }
inline IO &operator<<(IO &x) { return *this; }
inline operator bool() { return !fail; }
template <class T>
inline operator T() { T x; read(x); return x; }
inline void open(FILE *_stream=stdin,FILE *__stream=stdout) { close(), reset(_stream, __stream, false); }
inline void close() { flush_out_with_stream(); fclose(in_stream), fclose(out_stream); }
#define read(x) io>>x
#define out(x) io<<x
const int N = 5e5 + 5;
int n, a[N];
int m;
struct Que {
int id, l, r;
bool cmp (Que a, Que b) {
return a.r < b.r;
int f[N];
ll ans[N][2], pre[N], tag[N][2], val[N][2];
int sq, bl[N], lth[N], rth[N];
void check (ll a, ll b, ll &x, ll &y) {
if((i128)1 * a * y >= (i128)1 * b * x) {
x = a, y = b;
void update (int p, ll a, ll b) {
check(a, b, tag[bl[p]][0], tag[bl[p]][1]);
check(a, b, val[p][0], val[p][1]);
void query (int id, int l, int r) {
if(bl[l] + 1 >= bl[r]) {
rep(i, l, r) check(val[i][0], val[i][1], ans[id][0], ans[id][1]);
return ;
rep(i, l, rth[bl[l]]) check(val[i][0], val[i][1], ans[id][0], ans[id][1]);
rep(i, lth[bl[r]], r) check(val[i][0], val[i][1], ans[id][0], ans[id][1]);
rep(i, bl[l] + 1, bl[r] - 1) check(tag[i][0], tag[i][1], ans[id][0], ans[id][1]);
mt19937 rnd(time(0));
int main () {
io >> n;
sq = sqrt(n);
re(i, n) bl[i] = (i - 1) / sq + 1;
re(i, bl[n]) {
lth[i] = rth[i-1] + 1;
rth[i] = i * sq;
re(i, n) val[i][0] = tag[i][0] = 0, tag[i][1] = val[i][1] = 1;
rth[bl[n]] = n;
re(r, n) {
io >> a[r];
pre[r] = pre[r-1] + a[r];
f[r] = r;
int sum = 0;
if(a[r] == 0) continue;
if(a[r] < 0) {
pe(l, r) {
sum += a[l];
if(sum >= 0) break;
f[r] = l;
else {
pe(l, r) {
sum += a[l];
if(sum <= 0) break;
f[r] = l;
f[r] = max(f[r], r - 500 + 1);
io >> m;
re(i, m) {
ans[i][0] = 0, ans[i][1] = 1;
io >> p[i].l >> p[i].r;
p[i].id = i;
sort(p + 1, p + m + 1, cmp);
int now = 1;
re(i, n) {
per(j, i, f[i]) update(j, 1ll * (pre[i] - pre[j-1]) * (pre[i] - pre[j-1]), i - j + 1);
while(now <= m && p[now].r == i) {
query(p[now].id, p[now].l, p[now].r);
re(i, m) {
ll w = __gcd(ans[i][0], ans[i][1]);
ans[i][0] /= w;
ans[i][1] /= w;
io << ans[i][0] << " " << ans[i][1] << "\n";
return 0;
Subtask #1:
score: 5
Test #1:
score: 5
time: 26ms
memory: 8628kb
2000 -113 314 -664 697 211 -199 -38 -190 8 -661 910 -811 -113 942 77 433 -261 -368 129 -525 968 -608 -21 38 -562 438 -935 -228 220 333 985 -430 916 586 764 476 794 664 383 503 206 -60 380 -130 -988 -904 -996 -304 -286 31 114 119 850 -942 714 -369 -842 250 -192 -462 -727 -427 -602 126 231 718 121 559...
54826875 11 14638276 7 1185921 1 81018001 24 6310144 3 12545764 5 3362000 1 23068809 8 23068809 8 12545764 5 1444908 1 5424241 3 1083603 1 2140369 1 2752281 2 3095072 1 3003289 2 4959529 2 17106496 13 4780232 1 89605156 31 8543929 4 129163225 48 5094049 2 68591524 23 8543929 4 35688676 11 3775249 1 ...
ok 200000 numbers
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 23ms
memory: 8460kb
2000 717 273 112 -879 -487 -164 -403 -895 391 721 223 895 -34 146 -779 -84 253 44 690 716 975 -625 844 731 204 457 -790 349 -739 610 -536 -561 721 -868 -967 68 729 878 672 -158 -395 -836 383 -634 -371 -262 -443 -123 -20 354 198 171 681 -390 -964 954 735 713 -904 -900 -522 561 -639 -86 326 -479 448 -...
82773604 23 58201641 20 2289169 1 40500496 19 1849372 1 12759184 5 2896804 1 14775048 7 7636232 5 1806005 1 3179089 2 26388769 16 1638050 1 2778889 2 156275001 49 17181522 7 2289169 1 6817321 3 758912 1 40500496 19 4941729 2 8276763 5 5841889 3 3250809 2 1806005 1 2289169 1 156275001 49 9684544 5 25...
ok 200000 numbers
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 22ms
memory: 8400kb
2000 -851 -108 -432 344 -251 251 529 923 363 -346 416 -296 -686 832 565 66 150 -492 70 0 -977 -275 -454 -409 -979 353 -511 -458 -403 632 250 -689 -15 773 664 -386 931 -866 436 -213 711 -961 662 -849 -286 -143 -7 -933 960 -523 135 -609 86 408 643 -147 437 411 -580 -184 735 -968 417 977 863 325 518 83...
15984004 5 2520500 1 49900050 19 28451556 13 12830724 5 2975625 2 24157225 11 1733522 1 11909401 4 15864289 5 8487200 3 1733522 1 1733522 1 6993800 3 15721225 6 1937664 1 3411409 2 11377129 5 2849344 3 1594323 1 15984004 5 15864289 5 7557001 6 2050624 1 2286387 1 1733522 1 49900050 19 5320322 3 3910...
ok 200000 numbers
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 19ms
memory: 8468kb
2000 269 60 -850 537 -525 -153 877 649 998 -864 -642 -77 -69 -127 537 315 -521 -922 -629 277 162 -541 659 -572 -542 -203 -997 494 364 156 276 -780 -274 94 -410 -215 -700 -840 -906 352 972 -61 824 -973 841 80 -180 634 496 -111 934 -692 328 151 297 -13 -465 380 450 -324 -367 40 318 -447 -820 -340 -107...
41190724 9 1872300 1 3530641 1 12061729 7 17032129 6 7873636 3 21641104 7 100876808 37 7946761 5 10246401 4 1836025 1 12061729 7 1836025 1 2490010 1 1687500 1 7946761 5 3613801 2 14768649 5 11404129 5 7873636 3 22033636 15 10246401 4 10067929 4 1453248 1 41190724 9 9006001 5 1718658 1 5428900 3 4452...
ok 200000 numbers
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 23ms
memory: 8452kb
2000 599 530 -362 736 -402 -252 901 -481 318 -100 716 -726 221 -887 217 455 -516 -948 -10 -963 -373 42 -968 -949 -440 -643 -649 35 197 64 -141 -465 -975 -804 -735 -847 396 100 -131 219 543 571 -566 653 -308 725 105 668 -509 416 309 -945 260 -302 -704 -914 -648 495 -595 32 -831 -607 -104 373 -810 -12...
1154640400 203 2812329 1 11826721 4 35224225 11 3276726 1 74528689 18 11539609 5 24433249 12 1431432 1 17884441 6 51739249 12 2339280 1 1565001 1 2354988 1 3276726 1 1920800 1 11539609 5 21846050 11 964324 1 11548332 5 5433561 4 142324900 29 31102929 17 35224225 11 1569992 1 8720209 4 8892324 5 6165...
ok 200000 numbers
Subtask #2:
score: 15
Test #6:
score: 15
time: 36ms
memory: 9272kb
100000 754 792 -680 426 425 347 481 -690 530 378 73 -907 -431 45 -530 -552 440 -890 -15 712 695 -679 -310 13 718 805 193 -291 -877 -74 -355 511 -679 -395 166 -710 -657 -19 874 26 832 507 854 -289 700 -404 472 -302 -977 8 -698 40 766 705 369 838 700 -964 552 -535 -75 -608 -181 -503 468 447 772 904 -2...
466344025 67
ok 2 number(s): "466344025 67"
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 43ms
memory: 9268kb
100000 -387 -313 -47 -714 -74 239 8 591 541 -633 -660 981 -230 -148 -813 -802 -108 -543 -640 50 962 137 -972 -936 -975 885 793 -541 932 861 -348 885 -280 -977 -677 964 355 604 54 -977 -548 979 -516 136 437 -697 -23 -748 492 897 -538 785 617 -840 675 -978 307 -288 -493 682 678 -623 613 762 -622 -283 ...
2417885584 385
ok 2 number(s): "2417885584 385"
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 42ms
memory: 9380kb
100000 -127 303 92 -235 -794 293 -272 199 -175 693 -799 -750 -501 -283 -358 -657 -867 -152 -399 -299 530 -5 285 959 390 -928 617 -478 -889 -133 -492 -855 986 -664 -984 -690 887 -738 39 -570 -268 -767 640 883 711 -748 -75 426 -268 -541 -926 -792 902 214 561 -428 -285 781 -225 -299 -233 134 -896 569 -...
202236841 30
ok 2 number(s): "202236841 30"
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 45ms
memory: 9212kb
100000 -340 -696 48 -515 -584 -60 -888 257 214 -889 782 915 905 -964 -536 459 779 -519 -338 -867 622 -902 655 -153 600 -117 269 -887 -242 -985 -267 132 406 98 -368 400 -871 -908 -489 118 -140 -755 -869 -943 965 609 47 -748 194 -160 994 527 871 119 -891 580 -687 865 826 56 -978 -775 -47 792 313 -944 ...
272184004 39
ok 2 number(s): "272184004 39"
Test #10:
score: 0
time: 51ms
memory: 9148kb
100000 -736 -691 738 209 -411 -136 792 -110 -441 -753 254 744 -958 -317 312 856 245 995 912 87 -830 131 393 37 -400 934 279 -784 -308 618 -647 967 527 -162 -874 -770 188 -917 -855 772 482 -373 -749 -40 80 -459 710 -354 221 -343 -132 -947 -445 62 -744 851 848 554 -530 -892 -721 -910 -642 -138 -480 -7...
393070276 51
ok 2 number(s): "393070276 51"
Subtask #3:
score: 30
Test #11:
score: 30
time: 333ms
memory: 31064kb
500000 794 -75 -596 -322 -945 -908 -609 -164 488 626 -877 -710 140 -120 -475 -837 738 669 634 -643 -682 667 816 -785 -608 -836 -860 -932 242 70 -620 268 -121 288 209 -392 732 750 558 -480 565 327 -217 -891 767 211 -690 -66 813 -889 952 615 432 19 411 800 678 718 522 422 940 -510 -544 449 -357 640 40...
1878442281 242
ok 2 number(s): "1878442281 242"
Test #12:
score: 0
time: 406ms
memory: 31192kb
500000 145 33 695 -456 761 -556 698 272 121 -445 100 -93 954 485 161 798 -279 921 456 570 151 -880 456 -640 -69 385 -301 -707 -84 -514 -964 597 874 346 841 274 -727 -177 -44 -883 903 -792 -776 926 416 -862 -247 -985 518 674 174 535 -295 960 -952 722 -947 -365 366 -520 -60 -404 800 811 -139 779 735 3...
457831609 56
ok 2 number(s): "457831609 56"
Test #13:
score: 0
time: 322ms
memory: 31020kb
500000 762 -391 336 983 -962 920 -428 955 487 -525 281 514 851 -508 607 153 -439 -307 345 557 -615 -997 272 813 -556 -69 -401 -625 143 -142 -499 380 749 613 -190 173 -633 -489 -285 183 -799 645 -863 379 169 -177 993 -184 753 346 58 770 254 705 -467 -700 -337 587 -333 685 -1 -618 -961 327 -33 -722 65...
1160015481 110
ok 2 number(s): "1160015481 110"
Test #14:
score: 0
time: 272ms
memory: 31276kb
500000 -819 -236 -303 662 -316 -328 51 821 717 -423 -565 -394 858 -816 -246 -993 831 -999 237 779 52 -642 826 945 307 -675 83 -715 -797 -451 -250 996 53 -765 -869 -717 -126 -250 532 -848 82 -100 542 80 798 701 -648 -433 234 362 462 -770 554 -211 -368 -653 897 -940 416 632 734 -18 727 319 -328 697 11...
188897536 23
ok 2 number(s): "188897536 23"
Test #15:
score: 0
time: 395ms
memory: 31128kb
500000 -161 619 -969 31 102 781 561 617 -685 -814 385 -998 911 -206 -404 519 276 -318 -731 -908 901 856 839 333 124 481 29 407 -315 -219 896 956 -286 996 -991 -800 951 109 -846 624 750 -88 955 -752 -814 134 -316 -777 844 391 359 -324 789 -713 -620 849 -553 575 357 792 -735 -828 373 378 -213 -501 -29...
167832025 17
ok 2 number(s): "167832025 17"
Subtask #4:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #16:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 45ms
memory: 9476kb
100000 -496 -233 354 -632 -196 177 -878 -255 -19 -636 685 -70 101 -975 -406 -988 -965 -205 563 -766 763 511 -116 -746 -129 14 106 928 -457 -257 -283 226 3 899 -359 -792 615 490 -57 986 -243 624 -239 931 -555 -821 -72 -611 -380 -397 248 -132 956 -195 -322 -231 319 -214 837 -379 -931 -301 -4 -673 280 ...
1352474176 205 13957947 4 67914081 16 33243858 7 10885778 3 27836176 7 50680161 11 235284921 74 106770889 25 2411809 2 2835045 1 14017536 5 134699236 43 286523329 74 28100601 11 17546888 5 23396569 6 80839443 25 4012009 3 2661336 1 42947912 11 3474284 1 61496964 19 3672245 1 6120676 3 7573504 3 1489...
wrong answer 915th numbers differ - expected: '574800625', found: '28448919'
Subtask #5:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
Test #31:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 209ms
memory: 21184kb
100000 139 -485 -497 -818 254 169 -560 22 377 -67 -243 -75 743 -788 -676 -26 -775 371 576 -303 54 733 422 800 445 687 479 -16 -288 259 783 -586 912 616 439 -416 676 -555 172 659 501 -868 337 22 -60 260 603 -982 -149 466 769 -595 -117 949 -544 904 753 20 776 175 -888 937 -792 -647 -615 59 -298 452 -6...
401594700 47 3916125 1 4343056 1 23049601 8 19713600 7 62900761 15 46076944 15 6620329 2 3775805 1 7868025 4 20659592 7 66569281 16 3354050 1 48818169 10 10629610 3 44129449 10 62837329 19 10975969 2 2958400 1 6786025 2 2683044 1 3323047 1 83631025 17 10329796 3 78198649 18 7840000 3 401594700 47 65...
wrong answer 1087th numbers differ - expected: '1773336321', found: '59397849'