The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#343238 | #6182. 6G 网络问题 | zlxFTH | 0 | 1ms | 3720kb | C++14 | 146b | 2024-03-02 10:21:00 | 2024-03-02 10:21:00 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
long long n;
while (cin >> n) cout << n * (n - 1) / 2 << "\n";
return 0;
Test #1:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3596kb
91 6643 757 2451 21
4095 22061403 286146 3002475 210
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '910', found: '4095'
Test #2:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3672kb
273 73 6643 651 1057 757
37128 2628 22061403 211575 558096 286146
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '4641', found: '37128'
Test #3:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3672kb
294517083 91 1057 24142483 651 519908403 47052741 83811 65793 777824211 282492057 1772893 260160771 16513 280371 244156251 895774971 104070603 12120843 38956323 4829007 73 2451 4196353 3420651 1875531 594847711 16781313 607597851 9768751 13849563 20155611 62750163 1049601
43370155942155903 4095 558096 291429730631403 211575 135152373495051003 1106980194280170 3512099955 2164326528 302505251219974155 39900880992799596 1571573908278 33841813253576835 136331328 39303808635 29806137329109375 401206398887137935 5415345152356503 73457411454903 758797531362003 1165965188852...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '5054502178446', found: '43370155942155903'
Test #4:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3716kb
131091051 282492057 262657 59293 1049601 65793 24142483 5767203 895774971 519908403 73 117993 1875531 38956323 16781313 268451841 4161 352294131 2451 130683 16513 47052741 391251 62750163 260160771 15751 141170043 280371 13849563 244156251 21 1772893 148048057 83811 67117057 163060131 3420651 885386...
8592431760596775 39900880992799596 34494218496 1757800278 550830604800 2164326528 291429730631403 16630312338003 401206398887137935 135152373495051003 2628 6961115028 1758807328215 758797531362003 140806224611328 36033195333918720 8654880 62055577192375515 3002475 8538957903 136331328 11069801942801...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '1500992533950', found: '8592431760596775'
Test #5:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3624kb
705938331 815759283 131091051 12120843 88538691 373320363 887533473 15751 14763 130683 163060131 65793 1057 47052741 28403571 9768751 777824211 62750163 387440173 20155611 38956323 594847711 294517083 651 3420651 2451 25416723 273 4196353 214373523 73 1049601 91 24142483 83811 282492057 924483 17728...
249174463234563615 332731603492457403 8592431760596775 73457411454903 3919549857727395 69684046528565703 393857832403954128 124039125 108965703 8538957903 13294303079338515 2164326528 558096 1106980194280170 403381408574235 47714243165625 302505251219974155 1968791446888203 75054943633414878 2031243...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '18756781454670', found: '249174463234563615'
Test #6:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 1ms
memory: 3720kb
1057 6643 4881891 262657 607597851 47465211 294517083 3420651 4785157 67117057 88538691 141170043 244156251 112561491 4196353 1875531 65793 777824211 20155611 5767203 4829007 16781313 2827443 24142483 73 214373523 12120843 148048057 28403571 163060131 924483 757
558096 22061403 11916427426995 34494218496 184587573966110175 1126473103904655 43370155942155903 5850424921575 11448861364746 2252349636612096 3919549857727395 9964490449725903 29806137329109375 6335044571790795 8804687152128 1758807328215 2164326528 302505251219974155 203124317313855 16630312338003...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '34881', found: '558096'
Test #7:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3660kb
25416723 83811 887533473 28403571 492906603 12120843 1057 65793 13849563 924483 88538691 20155611 214373523 4829007 273 131091051 5767203 387440173 16513 705938331 62750163 4881891 815759283 47052741 268451841 67117057 38956323 244156251 777824211 7893291 47465211 59293 352294131 294517083 757 16781...
323004891321003 3512099955 393857832403954128 403381408574235 121478459394046503 73457411454903 558096 2164326528 95905190720703 427333946403 3919549857727395 203124317313855 22978003574529003 11659651888521 37128 8592431760596775 16630312338003 75054943633414878 136331328 249174463234563615 1968791...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '128151117366', found: '323004891321003'
Test #8:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3716kb
7893291 20155611 2451 62750163 38956323 924483 895774971 59293 73 47052741 887533473 260160771 757 65793 532171 9768751 104070603 352294131 607597851 6643 130683 268451841 91 214373523 1057 708123 1875531 4881891 43053283 28403571 262657 2827443
31152017458695 203124317313855 3002475 1968791446888203 758797531362003 427333946403 401206398887137935 1757800278 2628 1106980194280170 393857832403954128 33841813253576835 286146 2164326528 141602720535 47714243165625 5415345152356503 62055577192375515 184587573966110175 22061403 8538957903 360331...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '22180147710', found: '31152017458695'
Test #9:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3640kb
519908403 112561491 1875531 88538691 148048057 244156251 373320363 131091051 67117057 21 4881891 4161 16781313 25416723 38956323 2451 62750163 352294131 4785157 43053283 1049601 280371 651 387440173 9768751 607597851 47465211 91 16513 924483 895774971 12120843 28403571 391251 24142483 260160771 1630...
135152373495051003 6335044571790795 1758807328215 3919549857727395 10959113516713596 29806137329109375 69684046528565703 8592431760596775 2252349636612096 210 11916427426995 8654880 140806224611328 323004891321003 758797531362003 3002475 1968791446888203 62055577192375515 11448861364746 926792567012...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '11854951405206', found: '135152373495051003'
Test #10:
score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 0ms
memory: 3676kb
1057 20155611 25416723 28403571 24142483 4196353 15751 12120843 130683 16781313 104070603 21 519908403 1875531 708123 3420651 163060131 141170043 594847711 4785157 65793 7893291 131091051 4881891 651 38956323 260160771 282492057 280371 373320363 6643 16513 43053283 815759283 91 148048057 14763 24415...
558096 203124317313855 323004891321003 403381408574235 291429730631403 8804687152128 124039125 73457411454903 8538957903 140806224611328 5415345152356503 210 135152373495051003 1758807328215 250718737503 5850424921575 13294303079338515 9964490449725903 176921899343545905 11448861364746 2164326528 31...
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '34881', found: '558096'