ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#324099 | #8230. Submissions | ucup-team266# | AC ✓ | 127ms | 77656kb | C++14 | 5.7kb | 2024-02-10 15:55:11 | 2024-10-14 10:06:41 |
Judging History
#define rep(i, n) for(int i = 0; i < (n); ++i)
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
typedef pair<ll, int> pli;
typedef array<int, 3> ai3;
const ll inf = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3fll;
const int Mod = 147744151;
const int inv[5] = {0, 1, (Mod+1) / 2, (Mod+1) / 3};
inline int sign(int a){ return (a&1) ? (Mod-1) : 1; }
inline void uadd(int &a, int b){ a += b-Mod; a += (a>>31) & Mod; }
inline void usub(int &a, int b){ a -= b, a += (a>>31) & Mod; }
inline void umul(int &a, int b){ a = (int)(1ll * a * b % Mod); }
inline int add(int a, int b){ a += b-Mod; a += (a>>31) & Mod; return a; }
inline int sub(int a, int b){ a -= b, a += (a>>31) & Mod; return a; }
inline int mul(int a, int b){ a = (int)(1ll * a * b % Mod); return a; }
int qpow(int b, int p){ int ret = 1; while(p){ if(p&1) umul(ret, b); umul(b, b), p >>= 1; } return ret; }
const int fN = 111;
int fact[fN], invfact[fN], pw2[fN], invpw2[fN];
void initfact(int n){
pw2[0] = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) pw2[i] = mul(pw2[i-1], 2);
invpw2[0] = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) invpw2[i] = mul(invpw2[i-1], (Mod+1) / 2);
fact[0] = 1; for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) fact[i] = mul(fact[i-1], i);
invfact[n] = qpow(fact[n], Mod-2); for(int i = n; i > 0; --i) invfact[i-1] = mul(invfact[i], i);
int binom(int n, int m){ return (m < 0 || m > n) ? 0 : mul(fact[n], mul(invfact[m], invfact[n-m])); }
const double pi = acos(-1);
inline void chmax(ll &a, ll b){ (b>a) ? (a=b) : 0; }
inline void chmin(ll &a, ll b){ (b<a) ? (a=b) : 0; }
map<string, int> mp;
int cn = 0;
int has0[100100][26], fst0[100100][26], lst0[100100][26], has1[100100][26], cnt[100100], tpen[100100][26], pen[100100], can[100100];
int nhas0[100100][26], nhas1[100100][26], ntpen[100100][26];
int m;
int ord[100100];
int calc(){
rep(i, cn) ord[i] = i;
//rep(i, cn) cout << "(" << cnt[i] << " " << pen[i] << ") ";
//cout << "\n";
sort(ord, ord + cn, [&](int lh, int rh){
if(cnt[lh] != cnt[rh])
return cnt[lh] > cnt[rh];
return pen[lh] < pen[rh];
int lmt = 0;
while(lmt < cn && cnt[ord[lmt]]) ++lmt;
lmt = min((lmt+9) / 10, 35);
rep(i, lmt) can[ord[i]] = 1;
int p = lmt;
while(p < cn && cnt[ord[p]] == cnt[ord[p-1]] && pen[ord[p]] == pen[ord[p-1]]) can[ord[p++]] = 1;
return lmt;
void solve(){
mp.clear(), cn = 0;
cin >> m;
rep(i, m){
memset(has0[i], 0, sizeof(has0[i])), memset(has1[i], 0, sizeof(has1[i])), can[i] = cnt[i] = pen[i] = 0;
memset(nhas0[i], 0, sizeof(nhas0[i])), memset(nhas1[i], 0, sizeof(nhas1[i]));
string c;
char cp;
int t;
string s;
cin >> c >> cp >> t >> s;
if(!mp.count(c)) mp[c] = cn++;
int id = mp[c];
int p = (int)(cp - 'A'), tp = (s[0] == 'a');
if(tp == 1){
pen[id] += (tpen[id][p] = (t + 20 * has0[id][p]));
has1[id][p] = 1;
} else {
if(!has0[id][p]) fst0[id][p] = t;
lst0[id][p] = t;
} else if(!nhas1[id][p]){
if(tp == 1){
ntpen[id][p] = (t + 20 * (has0[id][p] + 1 + nhas0[id][p]));
nhas1[id][p] = 1;
} else {
//cerr << cn << endl;
rep(i, cn) rep(j, 26) cnt[i] += has1[i][j];
int n = 0;
rep(i, cn) n += (bool)(cnt[i]);
int lmt = calc();
rep(i, cn){
int has = 0;
rep(j, 26) has |= has0[i][j];
can[i] = has;
} else {
int lst = ord[lmt-1];
rep(i, cn) if(!can[i]){
//cout << "! " << i << "\n";
int mnp = -1;
rep(j, 26) if(!has1[i][j] && has0[i][j] && (mnp < 0 || fst0[i][j] < fst0[i][mnp])){
mnp = j;
//cout << mnp << "\n";
if(mnp >= 0){
if(cnt[i] == cnt[lst]) can[i] = 1;
else {
//cout << i << ": " << (!cnt[i] && lmt < 35 && n % 10 == 0) << "\n";
int nxt = ord[lmt + (!cnt[i] && lmt < 35 && n % 10 == 0) - 1];
can[i] |= (cnt[i] + 1 > cnt[nxt] || (cnt[i] + 1 == cnt[nxt] && pen[i] + fst0[i][mnp] <= pen[nxt]));
mnp = -1;
rep(j, 26) if(has1[i][j] && has0[i][j] && (mnp < 0 || fst0[i][j] - tpen[i][j] < fst0[i][mnp] - tpen[i][mnp])){
mnp = j;
if(mnp >= 0){
can[i] |= (cnt[i] == cnt[lst] && pen[i] + fst0[i][mnp] - tpen[i][mnp] <= pen[lst]);
if(cnt[ord[lmt]] == cnt[ord[lmt-1]] && pen[ord[lmt]] == pen[ord[lmt-1]])
else {
bool done = 0;
rep(i, lmt){
int u = ord[i];
rep(j, 26) if(has1[u][j]){
if(!nhas1[u][j] && (cnt[u] - 1 < cnt[ord[lmt]] || (cnt[u] - 1 == cnt[ord[lmt]] && pen[u] - tpen[u][j] >= pen[ord[lmt]]))){
--cnt[u], pen[u] -= tpen[u][j];
calc(); done = 1;
++cnt[u], pen[u] += tpen[u][j];
} else if(nhas1[u][j] && cnt[u] == cnt[ord[lmt]] && pen[u] - tpen[u][j] + ntpen[u][j] >= pen[ord[lmt]]){
pen[u] += ntpen[u][j] - tpen[u][j];
calc(); done = 1;
pen[u] -= ntpen[u][j] - tpen[u][j];
if(done) break;
if(done) break;
if(done) calc();
int mxi = -1, mxj = -1;
rep(i, cn) if(!cnt[i]){
rep(j, 26) if(has0[i][j]){
if(mxi < 0 || lst0[i][j] + 20 * (has0[i][j] - 1) > lst0[mxi][mxj] + 20 * (has0[mxi][mxj] - 1))
mxi = i, mxj = j;
if(mxi >= 0){
++cnt[mxi], pen[mxi] += lst0[mxi][mxj] + 20 * (has0[mxi][mxj] - 1);
int sum = 0;
for(auto it : mp) sum += (bool)(can[it.second]);
cout << sum << "\n";
for(auto it : mp) if(can[it.second]) cout << it.first << " ";
cout << "\n";
int main(){
int T;
cin >> T;
//cerr << 1. * clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
return 0;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 18172kb
2 5 TSxingxing10 G 0 rejected TSxingxing10 B 83 accepted aoliaoligeiliao J 98 accepted TS1 J 118 accepted TS1 B 263 accepted 12 AllWayTheNorth A 0 rejected YaoYaoLingXian Y 10 accepted XuejunXinyoudui1 X 200 rejected XuejunXinyoudui1 X 200 accepted LetItRot L 215 accepted AllWayTheNorth W 250 accept...
2 TS1 TSxingxing10 4 AllWayTheNorth ImYourFan LetItRot XuejunXinyoudui1
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 13852kb
2 2 jiangly_fan A 1 accepted jiangly B 23 accepted 3 conqueror_of_tourist A 1 accepted conqueror_of_tourist A 2 accepted tourist B 23 accepted
2 jiangly jiangly_fan 1 conqueror_of_tourist
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 2ms
memory: 19964kb
2 13 A A 1 accepted A X 1 accepted K K 1 rejected B B 2 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 accepted G G 2 accepted H H 2 accepted I I 2 accepted J J 2 accepted K K 2 rejected 12 A A 1 accepted A X 1 accepted B B 2 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 a...
11 A B C D E F G H I J K 1 A
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 20256kb
2 11 A A 1 accepted B B 1 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 accepted G G 2 accepted H H 2 accepted I I 2 accepted J J 2 accepted K K 2 accepted 12 A A 1 accepted A X 1 accepted K K 1 rejected B B 2 accepted C C 2 accepted D D 2 accepted E E 2 accepted F F 2 accepted G G 2 a...
2 A B 2 A K
ok 2 test cases ok. (2 test cases)
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 43ms
memory: 17984kb
100000 1 M3JytWoaEXxkACy_mBAQ R 111 accepted 1 sQ O 151 accepted 1 JinbrcS58gNEE5yTSkT B 140 accepted 1 cklwBY V 243 accepted 1 v_o42YmvEKFwy Q 260 rejected 1 ftQVK8S_um22w K 265 accepted 1 _bQBeFeDpYQhvZcLf9l3 Z 147 accepted 1 KvDcEAIDN A 75 rejected 1 H3MUK6 A 101 rejected 1 gxYo_oCFn2J8aIben U 54...
1 M3JytWoaEXxkACy_mBAQ 1 sQ 1 JinbrcS58gNEE5yTSkT 1 cklwBY 1 v_o42YmvEKFwy 1 ftQVK8S_um22w 1 _bQBeFeDpYQhvZcLf9l3 1 KvDcEAIDN 1 H3MUK6 1 gxYo_oCFn2J8aIben 1 _isnlUGK0ddI 1 BERcVjyCp 1 6In2do_50ylch 1 f0r3SXc6brMjT 1 7njYOapSwvogA 1 x 1 y1w3KvxylfxwprRBYw 1 aGedzS 1 iPo0GDhIF 1 4Vf...
ok 100000 test cases ok. (100000 test cases)
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 42ms
memory: 19968kb
10000 42 Bzs0PiQMXGZ5rRZ_2D G 2 accepted 9XtB_VIfbRRL E 11 accepted FVJL M 13 rejected a S 19 accepted tsd Z 20 rejected MyCqVEg1ONjZ U 22 accepted 6SgZMn N 51 rejected Qua1Pti3vKhyQKDUm P 54 accepted i29 M 63 accepted zPqu D 68 rejected xx2yiu6x C 71 rejected fYuK1KNkuyO5HRCq L 76 rejected tXWpYVqj...
4 Qua1Pti3vKhyQKDUm fYuK1KNkuyO5HRCq tsd xiLm0TUOF3T 2 JP t3 2 77sgqpbTIr_Zt1 fhYPGC8W82NwJTQL 2 3BQ pVWDEz 2 buCeoOotAkV8DaFD6 tg 1 UkXQ3iaNJ 2 ALTqPt7JUSLrl vwfw 1 QTEzV6tp 3 4e1l0pO8eFjZwkDo 9cy_y_RNRwex8j7224hz wJlbqIU 2 6mbCu5zA eiuF7a_ 1 xy6QBr8ECi 3 PezeyUurYoz7N1iGU _Yej1PrINtydmO...
ok 10000 test cases ok. (10000 test cases)
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 41ms
memory: 17928kb
10000 27 bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo U 24 accepted bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo O 37 rejected bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo D 40 accepted bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo H 45 accepted bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo B 60 rejected bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo J 63 accepted bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo M 81 rejected bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo M 98 rejected bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo D 103 rejected bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo Q 11...
1 bhAGFVDBjp4_Tvo 2 euenQ rl 1 seny 2 8zfFqdixKjh nLWe5xvBqfYkN 1 VDeEtfbb 1 9PAd7wtbCZMws6u 1 Wsfc5qold4uacAjI1y 2 NX6GLK3Nz h68cyLwQ7drM__pSJub 3 U7S8zgJhR6 sdf0IGct21OeEFJ yOgwg 1 acesvM9yT 1 2hQb 2 3twK2MJI_ P5 1 eGCz 3 39GgHUPovILESCd0 UXRu8i tLHWIEVr5i7vlKpvlP 1 20gsbZ25SsYp8 1 ...
ok 10000 test cases ok. (10000 test cases)
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 37ms
memory: 19964kb
10000 2 vVflLovvnhJEO U 3 accepted Fg P 48 rejected 12 V9UJ5hEaWiwMq3lxwKw9 P 30 accepted CKsw M 34 rejected dCZBzKMxgQfgBDZO R 50 rejected A1R2kF N 54 rejected A1R2kF X 65 accepted HEih51ut H 68 rejected HEih51ut J 75 rejected l0MCFXNXlH6T2wT I 163 accepted A1R2kF B 180 accepted dCZBzKMxgQfgBDZO A ...
1 vVflLovvnhJEO 2 A1R2kF V9UJ5hEaWiwMq3lxwKw9 4 2 5sFcoMh fLUS3NYE xgdxQ7t 2 2ra47EFC7LWzxTF2tSH S25TIbMLU5FMV6ys4 2 tczurXngUW uwm 3 DNAv Zh4tWi1QdYjTblw5 gWG1aLfP1Gk 1 qN_OnmRhGksD 1 pAJC7fTKPJjaxPP 2 Jr9Sqekor mElj5iV4wfu 1 _Z13N_OO 1 rn 1 HhjFL6Rg 1 2q 5 LjvEZmSkrsT QFFNJcyah90 eO6B...
ok 10000 test cases ok. (10000 test cases)
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 37ms
memory: 22076kb
10000 4 BUqwUvN2v7co K 45 accepted fb4ykhGx9CBzWxLcGYjf F 96 rejected 3X39YaWp0LItH14Owx R 142 rejected 7JGP4qtBonRiKpsKW U 155 rejected 3 Z0cxqdpQ69NGV5wDoht X 92 rejected 1E0aicZDqPhh E 105 accepted a3fvTkSrKXqQipNGs4h K 261 rejected 6 LR6PY6OjDoSaZpT W 33 accepted Et8w1E52xfM27 Q 155 accepted LR6...
1 BUqwUvN2v7co 2 1E0aicZDqPhh Z0cxqdpQ69NGV5wDoht 1 LR6PY6OjDoSaZpT 3 7f YX b 4 WqSH buFAkOkQ_F o7VPp sgpEsfgf_Fd 1 coTjuCSsnonAgjYkChE 2 GC0Lw1Di clGo2Z4AMe9Qp 2 FCCHBTUTGJTbTjEb IrJ_n_Ym 1 fkBpEQxhBl21ARSTVR 1 fQzlJS9JEIS97gIIG7p4 6 CVVvEx bLED4G7CY_M ljfPMl71hE otcG2t pqyDmprb2RmUBafc76...
ok 10000 test cases ok. (10000 test cases)
Test #10:
score: 0
time: 38ms
memory: 22012kb
10000 7 dBv7DiT L 42 rejected dBv7DiT P 123 accepted 7Bj2dZF6Gy7csrXYakI T 131 rejected 9KtuO O 190 accepted BxACEk Q 285 rejected BxACEk Q 291 rejected HK0pq9qsGnlkgAQT L 296 accepted 3 NQgnW3CShrFJYkKdjagN G 53 rejected ZwZCr O 261 accepted ZwZCr P 270 accepted 6 mbGQ7wcZYr9leKBCsFN Z 4 rejected 7...
2 9KtuO dBv7DiT 1 ZwZCr 2 4LUVnW93OFHOl6fJOmXK 7s1bgtS 4 CZNz6k1QgLrHojbY _g2LouxyEI_BXaOYQWn pz upCvWQnHRgRSQQ 3 q t ungF4dKzJt290JMWNgeH 3 4FjAuM44Nzaz6Tc0 6mCVqSBpHVkrNZ SuBp7xLMGCHgk 1 xXqqS7r1OU 1 YEHiJvhHR8OmUWz 3 0WZFvefoPtNo BiasA1Md2ViU m 1 MzQD 2 L501za_ktc MJJ4n2rC7YHRflGzEL 1 ...
ok 10000 test cases ok. (10000 test cases)
Test #11:
score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 18268kb
7 110 10 A 0 accepted 0 A 100 accepted 1 A 100 accepted 2 A 100 accepted 3 A 100 accepted 4 A 100 accepted 5 A 100 accepted 6 A 100 accepted 7 A 100 accepted 8 A 100 accepted 9 A 100 accepted 0 B 100 accepted 1 B 100 accepted 2 B 100 accepted 3 B 100 accepted 4 B 100 accepted 5 B 100 accepted 6 B 10...
11 0 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 0 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 0 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 0 1 100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 0 1 10 100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 36 0 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 30 31 32 33 34 35 4 5 6 7 8 9 35 0 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 2...
ok 7 test cases ok. (7 test cases)
Test #12:
score: 0
time: 49ms
memory: 17956kb
1000 58 8VR4968BiWGrjt0 G 1 accepted KfduBOJVYor3ixLgzUo Y 5 accepted r9l9P_xyc7oagiZS0ZJ G 26 accepted PL3OrMzXRJRVskByRHHl Y 38 accepted 7wL2M4T1PWyv9rJSdzGN N 47 rejected Vu56KH6ZGwSm E 48 rejected 8VR4968BiWGrjt0 D 53 accepted SI7h8yP C 57 rejected aSVEsYSH9PJjsjSAyH N 61 accepted D3UrdM8xI S 71...
5 8VR4968BiWGrjt0 PL3OrMzXRJRVskByRHHl SI7h8yP mn0iyGyqWOakTAs1Qw umqh9D 6 3A4BJULiR9S 6OSsIJ 9M EYdAeGI f22a5ba_ze2qsm2_2k uxPAbOmdBcWg64Q52 25 19Mbp 6zU 9DVkaj8vMDxLV4MVh2O_ 9sFtbGG4oMjSgmtZh D6SdnJFh6xFQlZehalkc DIt FJhecJwM JjWIyr8 OltMSo53IsdGRLoUb0 Qo8l4lQKg V XJ9p0AKseAnbt7vmR_ Zsl aaM4iPkd...
ok 1000 test cases ok. (1000 test cases)
Test #13:
score: 0
time: 56ms
memory: 20312kb
100 974 qG R 0 accepted k2K I 0 accepted NelrCjQd_AHSw107 D 1 accepted ybeH_JvdmCLMOGl9x K 1 accepted h3 Q 2 accepted 9qOW O 2 accepted v1IWHoW7Mkuce6qH Y 2 accepted mlypVkK5Xl1KXw3o P 2 rejected zs X 3 accepted 1Fpyq8oUYV_aNp I 3 rejected e1bM8xUh E 3 rejected myaSH0LCL4hD5BlAj F 4 rejected IJETUS2...
65 0NhoPE 185RryPWmjK2h47NJax 1qXXQyXNhDyf97IT0n 2cBZ 2tougTgqY91VXB3 3f3gDxR 55IlpzN 7DHKKRDYO 9qOW DO0tQAc FJ9Y Hy551D5ZPfvBDS IJETUS2jG Io5tMwXAJlbYL2Wikqqq JSC6wpny7viIbAUq LM5B LhlGfI4XZ Ms7FjfFm NelrCjQd_AHSw107 OZv7jP6ZP1L0pmwrtfW PGbK PlD7x1RoiUUo Q3wkiZxpn13i_s64Y QGg QW QXFitGeaPT8BjI T0nx...
ok 100 test cases ok. (100 test cases)
Test #14:
score: 0
time: 70ms
memory: 42376kb
10 5371 r0JLpp2hFx T 0 accepted w19l89 X 0 rejected PeEB Y 0 accepted 2MwVQe3 Y 0 accepted CarjodD8k4E K 0 accepted vNjq0LmY D 0 accepted Bvi16IvVACG3uREuoO X 0 accepted yMlDlaWPTluR1dk43nl6 A 0 rejected 4LBA3qILgaib4lrQ X 1 accepted vRSpyKVAU7e I 1 rejected 627aFcGG4zh8 Z 1 rejected FHwI U 1 accept...
85 2AF3LbCAMXg 2HT7G5q_UM4CH 2YL1K5JThyVh6 2q1QkMCewAeWl 3L 3ntTBJ2G 3oyR1q 4J8yfyWPQLaYwOPbQ1c 5gGJk 61F 7Ezg6 7R 9Saa 9al As_jBpG0uR9t CgcD1 DP3Q56WAbP DdOUBy DoLs Du2Rmmj_rlgveV EpqKVhDBeo4JaEWcz7 FHjsj6oWpg72iBLgjLf FHwI FlTsTqSJ Gthf5xZXaX6rY I9Tfaeo6lTwLkgC90n IxS JH8 KwjId5DA66 LENUDmAZjz8S6Q...
ok 10 test cases ok. (10 test cases)
Test #15:
score: 0
time: 127ms
memory: 77656kb
1 100000 OZeDY6m2v P 0 accepted DolcP A 0 accepted 2Z9Yd M 0 rejected Vjl F 0 accepted SPetC8_ru4S3nXJkkD C 0 rejected XhLC G 0 rejected wZvhcns7t7EaOero E 0 accepted HRqRKcO87 I 0 rejected dwfT7D H 0 rejected cxvYaN8zSMGpoa9Q9xv U 0 accepted nvXlrCa1zbx8uokfd T 0 accepted E_bbU5C9bgpD_wGo P 0 rejec...
213 0I6_zoHOMIlwLEAjxGA 0hELBpU5n_QXtw 0hH 0jTK9uR3FcSB 1T 1dH9n4ucH5tDCWoaEBXl 2bAcFJDTW9 2pY7Nw 2rzxtwkikpsE 3Pokt6fwaxOe9TjlAV 4Va0Qz3xegJa1YTzfwB 4dQZ7VRS3v8lyV 4rcv 5FfAavp 5Zuy37 6CTTfzkMmnDqDIP 6r0Uc4guMCP2kZU 6rxpy_f_0 6u 72oo 7DqC__BGQC70H0v 7XG 7aO76gOH3CfOnT0vsJqh 7ibHgbbm7tvPSzrCqmo 7rhb...
ok 1 test cases ok. (1 test case)
Test #16:
score: 0
time: 8ms
memory: 53256kb
1 100000 A A 0 accepted B Z 299 accepted B Z 299 accepted B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A 299 rejected B A ...
1 B
ok 1 test cases ok. (1 test case)
Test #17:
score: 0
time: 125ms
memory: 67224kb
1 100000 qyGXWlwMuXY3212 A 20 accepted l_IeEuuLy9 A 20 accepted nlyFO0YOiDxyiNjBb A 20 accepted 8H A 20 accepted ek A 20 accepted Em63tewQVLljOUO4r A 20 accepted AHdtZtwK8debApdvxMy8 A 20 accepted l3aTB A 20 accepted vyFuSSSLTV5yP A 20 accepted uzPnnAXshwHCbl7 A 20 accepted sL A 20 accepted K099qoYV...
99965 0 00 007mawglm06cPZNN7 00A 00BUQ 00FVI 00Fwie2FNFR_XzgHwXil 00ObZvqs6 00Uje 00W8Bfcyz0vDuDs_ 00Z97SPwvgLwAq9kZegU 00aDRwta 00cBeSNblKNhjdKxSz5 00drpJISUCyvYc6eBn 00eCVZJ4p 00h0eUV8p 00hoC2RgGv8Kc9ETJzn 00iNgG 00k9 00mL_J6I8FRwgMPTayq 00n6UfgiQ1vTqNHR8fh 00p9F6eBESgO_ 00x0bBx7ABaC 01 012IoZbWS4...
ok 1 test cases ok. (1 test case)
Test #18:
score: 0
time: 122ms
memory: 67524kb
1 100000 xhmAFe A 20 accepted loPCkhj2qt A 20 accepted WIx A 20 accepted T3zIPb A 20 accepted xEEBg A 20 accepted Gd0_zLXNJ1l1_Zrqa2 A 20 accepted cM68n01suqhgjrBA A 20 accepted LA6 A 20 accepted AXBqy A 20 accepted VLc4yxmdrN7S A 20 accepted 6p_z1vz2 A 20 accepted wujWaUQNU0 A 20 accepted eHIPyc0l3...
99965 0 00 007mawglm06cPZNN7 00A 00BUQ 00FVI 00Fwie2FNFR_XzgHwXil 00ObZvqs6 00Uje 00W8Bfcyz0vDuDs_ 00Z97SPwvgLwAq9kZegU 00aDRwta 00cBeSNblKNhjdKxSz5 00drpJISUCyvYc6eBn 00eCVZJ4p 00h0eUV8p 00hoC2RgGv8Kc9ETJzn 00iNgG 00k9 00mL_J6I8FRwgMPTayq 00n6UfgiQ1vTqNHR8fh 00p9F6eBESgO_ 00x0bBx7ABaC 01 012IoZbWS4...
ok 1 test cases ok. (1 test case)
Extra Test:
score: 0
Extra Test Passed