ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#323235 | #5104. Guardians of the Gallery | crimson231 | WA | 1ms | 4088kb | C++14 | 7.0kb | 2024-02-09 00:03:54 | 2024-02-09 00:03:54 |
Judging History
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
const ld TOL = 1e-7;
const ld INF = 1e17;
const int LEN = 102;
int N, t{ 0 };
struct Info {
int i;
ld c;
bool operator < (const Info& x) const { return c > x.c; }
std::vector<Info> G[LEN];
std::priority_queue<Info> Q;
ld dijkstra(int v, int g) {
for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) COST[i] = INF;
Q.push({ v, 0 });
COST[v] = 0;
while (Q.size()) {
Info p = Q.top(); Q.pop();
if (p.c > COST[p.i]) continue;
for (const Info& w : G[p.i]) {
ld cost = p.c + w.c;
if (COST[w.i] > cost) {
COST[w.i] = cost;
Q.push({ w.i, cost });
return COST[g];
bool z(const ld& x) { return std::abs(x) < TOL; }
struct Pos {
ld x, y;
int i;
Pos(ld X, ld Y, int I) : x(X), y(Y), i(I) {}
Pos() : x(0), y(0), i(0) {}
bool operator == (const Pos& p) const { return z(x - p.x) && z(y - p.y); }
bool operator < (const Pos& p) const { return z(x - p.x) ? y < p.y : x < p.x; }
Pos operator + (const Pos& p) const { return { x + p.x, y + p.y, 0 }; }
Pos operator - (const Pos& p) const { return { x - p.x, y - p.y, 0 }; }
Pos operator * (const ld& n) const { return { x * n, y * n, 0 }; }
Pos operator / (const ld& n) const { return { x / n, y / n, 0 }; }
ld operator * (const Pos& p) const { return { x * p.x + y * p.y }; }
ld operator / (const Pos& p) const { return { x * p.y - y * p.x }; }
Pos operator ~ () const { return { -y, x, 0 }; }
ld operator ! () const { return x * y; }
Pos& operator += (const Pos& p) { x += p.x; y += p.y; return *this; }
Pos& operator *= (const ld& scale) { x *= scale; y *= scale; return *this; }
ld mag() const { return hypot(x, y); }
} gallery[LEN], nodes[LEN], sculpture{ 0, 0, 0 }, guard{ 0, 0, 1 };// const Pos O = { 0, 0, -1 };
struct Vec {
ld vy, vx;
bool operator < (const Vec& v) const { return z(vy - v.vy) ? vx < v.vx : vy < v.vy; }
bool operator == (const Vec& v) const { return (z(vy - v.vy) && z(vx - v.vx)); }
ld operator / (const Vec& v) const { return vy * v.vx - vx * v.vy; }
Vec operator ~ () const { return { -vx, vy }; }
}; const Vec Zero = { 0, 0 };
struct Line {
Vec s;
ld c;
bool operator < (const Line& l) const {
bool f1 = Zero < s;
bool f2 = Zero < l.s;
if (f1 != f2) return f1;
ld ccw = s / l.s;
return z(ccw) ? c * hypot(l.s.vy, l.s.vx) < l.c * hypot(s.vy, s.vx) : ccw > 0;
ld operator / (const Line& l) const { return s / l.s; }
Line L(const Pos& s, const Pos& e) {
ld dy, dx, c;
dy = e.y - s.y;
dx = s.x - e.x;
c = dy * s.x + dx * s.y;
return { { dy, dx } , c };
Line rotate90(const Line& l, const Pos& p) {
Vec s = ~l.s;
ld c = s.vy * p.x + s.vx * p.y;
return { s, c };
Pos intersection(const Line& l1, const Line& l2) {
Vec v1 = l1.s, v2 = l2.s;
ld det = v1 / v2;
return {
(l1.c * v2.vx - l2.c * v1.vx) / det,
(l2.c * v1.vy - l1.c * v2.vy) / det,
ld cross(const Pos& d1, const Pos& d2, const Pos& d3) { return (d2 - d1) / (d3 - d2); }
int ccw(const Pos& d1, const Pos& d2, const Pos& d3) {
ld ret = cross(d1, d2, d3);
return z(ret) ? 0 : ret > 0 ? 1 : -1;
ld dot(const Pos& d1, const Pos& d2, const Pos& d3) { return (d2 - d1) * (d3 - d2); }
bool on_seg_strong(const Pos& d1, const Pos& d2, const Pos& d3) {
ld dot_ = dot(d1, d3, d2);
return z(cross(d1, d2, d3)) && (dot_ > 0 || z(dot_));
bool on_seg_weak(const Pos& d1, const Pos& d2, const Pos& d3) {
ld dot_ = dot(d1, d3, d2);
return z(cross(d1, d2, d3)) && dot_ > 0;
bool inner_check(Pos H[], const int& sz, const Pos& p) {
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
Pos cur = H[i], nxt = H[(i + 1) % sz];
if (on_seg_strong(cur, nxt, p)) continue;
if (z(cur.y - nxt.y)) continue;
if (cur.x < p.x && nxt.x < p.x) continue;
if (nxt.y < cur.y) std::swap(cur, nxt);
if (nxt.y - TOL < p.y || cur.y > p.y) continue;
cnt += ccw(cur, nxt, p) > 0;
return cnt & 1;
bool intersect(const Pos& s1, const Pos& s2, const Pos& d1, const Pos& d2) {
bool f1 = ccw(s1, s2, d1) * ccw(s2, s1, d2) > 0;
bool f2 = ccw(d1, d2, s1) * ccw(d2, d1, s2) > 0;
return f1 && f2;
bool blocked(const Pos& s1, const Pos& s2, const Pos& d1, const Pos& d2) {
bool f1 = ccw(s1, s2, d1) * ccw(s2, s1, d2) > 0;
bool f2 = ccw(d1, d2, s1) * ccw(d2, d1, s2) > 0;
bool f3 = on_seg_weak(s1, s2, d1) || on_seg_weak(s1, s2, d2);
return (f1 && f2) || f3;
bool blocked(Pos H[], const int& sz, const Pos& s1, const Pos& s2) {
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) if (blocked(s1, s2, H[i], H[(i + 1) % sz])) return 1;
return 0;
bool invisible(Pos H[], const int& sz, const Pos& p, const Pos& target) {
bool l{ 0 }, r{ 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
Pos cur = H[i], nxt = H[(i + 1) % sz];
if (!ccw(p, target, cur) && !ccw(p, target, nxt)) continue;
if (intersect(p, target, cur, nxt)) return 1;
if (on_seg_weak(p, target, cur) && ccw(p, target, nxt) > 0) l = 1;
if (on_seg_weak(p, target, nxt) && ccw(p, target, cur) > 0) l = 1;
if (on_seg_weak(p, target, cur) && ccw(p, target, nxt) < 0) r = 1;
if (on_seg_weak(p, target, nxt) && ccw(p, target, cur) < 0) r = 1;
if (l && r) return 1;
//return l && r;
return 0;
bool visible(Pos H[], const int& sz, const Pos& p, const Pos& inx, const Pos& target) {
return inner_check(H, sz, inx) && !blocked(H, sz, p, inx) && inner_check(H, sz, (p + inx) * .5) && !invisible(H, sz, inx, target);
void init() {
std::cout << std::fixed;
std::cin >> N;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) std::cin >> gallery[i].x >> gallery[i].y, gallery[i].i = i + 2;
std::cin >> guard.x >> guard.y >> sculpture.x >> sculpture.y;
sculpture.i = 0;
guard.i = 1;
if (!invisible(gallery, N, guard, sculpture)) { G[1].push_back({ 0, 0 }); return; }
t = 0;
nodes[t++] = sculpture;
nodes[t++] = guard;
Pos seg;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) nodes[t++] = gallery[i];
for (int i = 1; i < t; i++) {
if (!invisible(gallery, N, nodes[i], nodes[0])) G[i].push_back({ 0, 0 });
for (int j = i + 1; j < t; j++) {
if (!blocked(gallery, N, nodes[i], nodes[j])
&& inner_check(gallery, N, (nodes[i] + nodes[j]) * .5)) {
seg = nodes[i] - nodes[j];
G[i].push_back({ j, seg.mag() });
G[j].push_back({ i, seg.mag() });
Line view_line, last;
Pos inx;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
view_line = L(sculpture, gallery[i]);
last = rotate90(view_line, guard);
inx = intersection(view_line, last);
if (visible(gallery, N, guard, inx, sculpture))
G[guard.i].push_back({ 0, (guard - inx).mag() });
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
if (i == j) continue;
last = rotate90(view_line, gallery[j]);
inx = intersection(view_line, last);
if (visible(gallery, N, gallery[j], inx, sculpture))
G[gallery[j].i].push_back({ 0, (gallery[j] - inx).mag() });
void solve() { init(); std::cout << dijkstra(1, 0) << "\n"; return; }
int main() { solve(); return 0; }//boj26133
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 4048kb
15 13 7 20 20 39 20 49 7 73 13 100 5 117 38 98 20 80 20 66 40 68 20 51 20 41 39 22 48 2 39 10 20 104 20
ok found '29.0000000', expected '29.0000000', error '0.0000000'
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 4088kb
16 39 2 48 22 39 41 20 51 20 68 40 66 20 80 20 98 38 117 5 100 13 73 7 49 19 39 20 23 20 20 7 13 20 10 20 104
ok found '13.0000000', expected '13.0000000', error '0.0000000'
Test #3:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 1ms
memory: 3992kb
16 13 33 20 60 23 66 39 97 49 105 73 166 100 205 117 272 98 216 80 180 66 172 68 156 51 122 41 121 22 92 2 44 10 40 104 228
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '140.8722826', found: '144.2854439', error = '0.0242288'