The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#321294 | #2068. Fast as Ryser | hashiryo | AC ✓ | 923ms | 42316kb | C++17 | 28.7kb | 2024-02-04 13:08:55 | 2024-02-04 13:08:55 |
Judging History
// #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// clang-format off
std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream&os,std::int8_t x){return os<<(int)x;}
std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream&os,std::uint8_t x){return os<<(int)x;}
std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream&os,const __int128_t &v){if(!v)os<<"0";__int128_t tmp=v<0?(os<<"-",-v):v;std::string s;while(tmp)s+='0'+(tmp%10),tmp/=10;return std::reverse(s.begin(),s.end()),os<<s;}
std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream&os,const __uint128_t &v){if(!v)os<<"0";__uint128_t tmp=v;std::string s;while(tmp)s+='0'+(tmp%10),tmp/=10;return std::reverse(s.begin(),s.end()),os<<s;}
#define checkpoint() (void(0))
#define debug(...) (void(0))
#define debugArray(x,n) (void(0))
#define debugMatrix(x,h,w) (void(0))
// clang-format on
#include <type_traits>
template <class Int> constexpr inline Int mod_inv(Int a, Int mod) {
Int x= 1, y= 0, b= mod;
for (Int q= 0, z= 0; b;) z= x, x= y, y= z - y * (q= a / b), z= a, a= b, b= z - b * q;
return assert(a == 1), x < 0 ? mod - (-x) % mod : x % mod;
namespace math_internal {
using namespace std;
using u8= unsigned char;
using u32= unsigned;
using i64= long long;
using u64= unsigned long long;
using u128= __uint128_t;
#define CE constexpr
#define IL inline
#define NORM \
if (n >= mod) n-= mod; \
return n
#define PLUS(U, M) \
CE IL U plus(U l, U r) const { return l+= r, l < (M) ? l : l - (M); }
#define DIFF(U, C, M) \
CE IL U diff(U l, U r) const { return l-= r, l >> C ? l + (M) : l; }
#define SGN(U) \
static CE IL U set(U n) { return n; } \
static CE IL U get(U n) { return n; } \
static CE IL U norm(U n) { return n; }
template <class u_t, class du_t, u8 B, u8 A> struct MP_Mo {
u_t mod;
CE MP_Mo(): mod(0), iv(0), r2(0) {}
CE MP_Mo(u_t m): mod(m), iv(inv(m)), r2(-du_t(mod) % mod) {}
CE IL u_t mul(u_t l, u_t r) const { return reduce(du_t(l) * r); }
PLUS(u_t, mod << 1)
DIFF(u_t, A, mod << 1)
CE IL u_t set(u_t n) const { return mul(n, r2); }
CE IL u_t get(u_t n) const {
n= reduce(n);
CE IL u_t norm(u_t n) const { NORM; }
u_t iv, r2;
static CE u_t inv(u_t n, int e= 6, u_t x= 1) { return e ? inv(n, e - 1, x * (2 - x * n)) : x; }
CE IL u_t reduce(const du_t &w) const { return u_t(w >> B) + mod - ((du_t(u_t(w) * iv) * mod) >> B); }
struct MP_Na {
u32 mod;
CE MP_Na(): mod(0){};
CE MP_Na(u32 m): mod(m) {}
CE IL u32 mul(u32 l, u32 r) const { return u64(l) * r % mod; }
PLUS(u32, mod) DIFF(u32, 31, mod) SGN(u32)
struct MP_Br { // mod < 2^31
u32 mod;
CE MP_Br(): mod(0), s(0), x(0) {}
CE MP_Br(u32 m): mod(m), s(95 - __builtin_clz(m - 1)), x(((u128(1) << s) + m - 1) / m) {}
CE IL u32 mul(u32 l, u32 r) const { return rem(u64(l) * r); }
PLUS(u32, mod) DIFF(u32, 31, mod) SGN(u32) private: u8 s;
u64 x;
CE IL u64 quo(u64 n) const { return (u128(x) * n) >> s; }
CE IL u32 rem(u64 n) const { return n - quo(n) * mod; }
struct MP_Br2 { // 2^20 < mod <= 2^41
u64 mod;
CE MP_Br2(): mod(0), x(0) {}
CE MP_Br2(u64 m): mod(m), x((u128(1) << 84) / m) {}
CE IL u64 mul(u64 l, u64 r) const { return rem(u128(l) * r); }
PLUS(u64, mod << 1)
DIFF(u64, 63, mod << 1)
static CE IL u64 set(u64 n) { return n; }
CE IL u64 get(u64 n) const { NORM; }
CE IL u64 norm(u64 n) const { NORM; }
u64 x;
CE IL u128 quo(const u128 &n) const { return (n * x) >> 84; }
CE IL u64 rem(const u128 &n) const { return n - quo(n) * mod; }
struct MP_D2B1 {
u8 s;
u64 mod, d, v;
CE MP_D2B1(): s(0), mod(0), d(0), v(0) {}
CE MP_D2B1(u64 m): s(__builtin_clzll(m)), mod(m), d(m << s), v(u128(-1) / d) {}
CE IL u64 mul(u64 l, u64 r) const { return rem((u128(l) * r) << s) >> s; }
PLUS(u64, mod) DIFF(u64, 63, mod) SGN(u64) private: CE IL u64 rem(const u128 &u) const {
u128 q= (u >> 64) * v + u;
u64 r= u64(u) - (q >> 64) * d - d;
if (r > u64(q)) r+= d;
if (r >= d) r-= d;
return r;
template <class u_t, class MP> CE u_t pow(u_t x, u64 k, const MP &md) {
for (u_t ret= md.set(1);; x= md.mul(x, x))
if (k & 1 ? ret= md.mul(ret, x) : 0; !(k>>= 1)) return ret;
#undef NORM
#undef PLUS
#undef DIFF
#undef SGN
#undef CE
namespace math_internal {
struct m_b {};
struct s_b: m_b {};
template <class mod_t> constexpr bool is_modint_v= std::is_base_of_v<math_internal::m_b, mod_t>;
template <class mod_t> constexpr bool is_staticmodint_v= std::is_base_of_v<math_internal::s_b, mod_t>;
namespace math_internal {
#define CE constexpr
template <class MP, u64 MOD> struct SB: s_b {
static CE MP md= MP(MOD);
template <class Int, class U, class B> struct MInt: public B {
using Uint= U;
static CE inline auto mod() { return B::md.mod; }
CE MInt(): x(0) {}
template <class T, typename= enable_if_t<is_modint_v<T> && !is_same_v<T, MInt>>> CE MInt(T v): x(B::md.set(v.val() % B::md.mod)) {}
CE MInt(__int128_t n): x(B::md.set((n < 0 ? ((n= (-n) % B::md.mod) ? B::md.mod - n : n) : n % B::md.mod))) {}
CE MInt operator-() const { return MInt() - *this; }
#define FUNC(name, op) \
CE MInt name const { \
MInt ret; \
return ret.x= op, ret; \
FUNC(operator+(const MInt & r), B::md.plus(x, r.x))
FUNC(operator-(const MInt & r), B::md.diff(x, r.x))
FUNC(operator*(const MInt & r), B::md.mul(x, r.x))
FUNC(pow(u64 k), math_internal::pow(x, k, B::md))
#undef FUNC
CE MInt operator/(const MInt& r) const { return *this * r.inv(); }
CE MInt& operator+=(const MInt& r) { return *this= *this + r; }
CE MInt& operator-=(const MInt& r) { return *this= *this - r; }
CE MInt& operator*=(const MInt& r) { return *this= *this * r; }
CE MInt& operator/=(const MInt& r) { return *this= *this / r; }
CE bool operator==(const MInt& r) const { return B::md.norm(x) == B::md.norm(r.x); }
CE bool operator!=(const MInt& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
CE bool operator<(const MInt& r) const { return B::md.norm(x) < B::md.norm(r.x); }
CE inline MInt inv() const { return mod_inv<Int>(val(), B::md.mod); }
CE inline Uint val() const { return B::md.get(x); }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const MInt& r) { return os << r.val(); }
friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, MInt& r) {
i64 v;
return is >> v, r= MInt(v), is;
Uint x;
template <u64 MOD> using ModInt= conditional_t < (MOD < (1 << 30)) & MOD, MInt<int, u32, SB<MP_Mo<u32, u64, 32, 31>, MOD>>, conditional_t < (MOD < (1ull << 62)) & MOD, MInt<i64, u64, SB<MP_Mo<u64, u128, 64, 63>, MOD>>, conditional_t<MOD<(1u << 31), MInt<int, u32, SB<MP_Na, MOD>>, conditional_t<MOD<(1ull << 32), MInt<i64, u32, SB<MP_Na, MOD>>, conditional_t<MOD <= (1ull << 41), MInt<i64, u64, SB<MP_Br2, MOD>>, MInt<i64, u64, SB<MP_D2B1, MOD>>>>>>>;
#undef CE
using math_internal::ModInt;
namespace sps {
namespace sps_internal {
using namespace std;
#define ZETA(s, l) \
if constexpr (!t) A[s + l]+= A[s]; \
else if constexpr (t == 1) A[s + l]-= A[s]; \
else if constexpr (t == 2) A[s]+= A[s + l]; \
else A[s]-= A[s + l]
template <int t, class T> void rec(T A[], int l) {
if (l > 127) {
l>>= 1, rec<t>(A, l), rec<t>(A + l, l);
for (int s= 0; s < l; ++s) ZETA(s, l);
} else
for (int k= 1; k < l; k<<= 1)
for (int i= 0; i < l; i+= k + k)
for (int j= 0; j < k; ++j) ZETA(i + j, k);
#undef ZETA
/* subset_zeta: f -> g s.t. g[S] = sum_{T subseteq S} f[T] O(n 2^n) */
template <class T> void subset_zeta(vector<T>& f) { rec<0>(f.data(), f.size()); }
/* supset_zeta: f -> g s.t. g[S] = sum_{S subseteq T} f[T] O(n 2^n) */
template <class T> void subset_mobius(vector<T>& f) { rec<1>(f.data(), f.size()); }
/* subset_mobius: f -> g s.t. f[S] = sum_{T subseteq S} g[T] O(n 2^n) */
template <class T> void supset_zeta(vector<T>& f) { rec<2>(f.data(), f.size()); }
/* supset_mobius: f -> g s.t. f[S] = sum_{S subseteq T} g[T] O(n 2^n) */
template <class T> void supset_mobius(vector<T>& f) { rec<3>(f.data(), f.size()); }
/* h[S] = sum_{U | T == S} f[U]g[T] O(n 2^n) */
template <class T> vector<T> or_convolve(vector<T> f, vector<T> g) {
subset_zeta(f), subset_zeta(g);
for (int s= f.size(); s--;) f[s]*= g[s];
return subset_mobius(f), f;
/* h[S] = sum_{U & T == S} f[U]g[T] O(n 2^n) */
template <class T> vector<T> and_convolve(vector<T> f, vector<T> g) {
supset_zeta(f), supset_zeta(g);
for (int s= f.size(); s--;) f[s]*= g[s];
return supset_mobius(f), f;
template <int t, class T> void rec_r(T A[], int l, int n, int c= 0) {
if (l >= (n << 4)) {
l>>= 1, rec_r<t>(A, l, n, c), rec_r<t>(A + l, l, n, c + 1);
for (int s= l / n; s--;)
if constexpr (!t)
for (int d= 0, e= __builtin_popcount(s) + c + 1; d < e; ++d) A[s * n + d + l]+= A[s * n + d];
for (int d= __builtin_popcount(s) + c + 1; d < n; ++d) A[s * n + d + l]-= A[s * n + d];
} else
for (int k= 1, m= l / n; k < m; k<<= 1)
for (int i= 0; i < m; i+= k + k)
for (int j= 0; j < k; ++j)
if constexpr (!t)
for (int u= i + j, s= u + k, d= 0, e= __builtin_popcount(s) + c; d < e; ++d) A[s * n + d]+= A[u * n + d];
for (int u= i + j, s= u + k, d= __builtin_popcount(s) + c; d < n; ++d) A[s * n + d]-= A[u * n + d];
template <class T> void rnk_zeta(const T f[], T F[], int n) {
for (int s= 1 << n; s--;) F[s * (n + 1) + __builtin_popcount(s)]= f[s];
rec_r<0>(F, (n + 1) << n, n + 1);
template <class T> void rnk_mobius(T F[], T f[], int n) {
rec_r<1>(F, (n + 1) << n, n + 1);
for (int s= 1 << n; s--;) f[s]= F[s * (n + 1) + __builtin_popcount(s)];
template <class T> void cnv_(T A[], const T B[], int n) {
for (int s= 1 << (n - 1); s--;) {
T t, *a= A + s * n;
const T* b= B + s * n;
for (int c= __builtin_popcount(s), d= min(2 * c, n - 1), e; d >= c; a[d--]= t)
for (t= 0, e= d - c; e <= c; ++e) t+= a[e] * b[d - e];
template <class T> void cnv_na(const T f[], const T g[], T h[], int N) {
for (int s= N, t; s--;)
for (h[t= s]= f[s] * g[0]; t; --t&= s) h[s]+= f[s ^ t] * g[t];
// fg, O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> convolve(const vector<T>& f, const vector<T>& g) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1))), assert(N == (int)g.size());
vector<T> h(N);
if (n < 11) return cnv_na(f.data(), g.data(), h.data(), N), h;
vector<T> F((n + 1) << n), G((n + 1) << n);
return rnk_zeta(f.data(), F.data(), n), rnk_zeta(g.data(), G.data(), n), cnv_(F.data(), G.data(), n + 1), rnk_mobius(F.data(), h.data(), n), h;
template <class T> void div_na(T f[], const T g[], int N) {
for (int s= 1; s < N; ++s)
for (int t= s; t; --t&= s) f[s]-= f[s ^ t] * g[t];
// 1/f, "f[empty] = 1" is required, O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> inv(const vector<T>& f) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1))), assert(f[0] == 1);
vector<T> h(N);
if (n < 11) return h[0]= 1, div_na(h.data(), f.data(), N), h;
vector<T> F((n + 1) << n), G((n + 1) << n);
rnk_zeta(f.data(), G.data(), n);
for (int s= N; s--;) {
T *a= F.data() + s * (n + 1), *b= G.data() + s * (n + 1);
a[0]= 1;
for (int d= 0, c= __builtin_popcount(s); d++ < n;)
for (int e= max(0, d - c); e < d; ++e) a[d]-= a[e] * b[d - e];
return rnk_mobius(F.data(), h.data(), n), h;
// f/g, "f[empty] = 1" is required, O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> div(vector<T> f, const vector<T>& g) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1))), assert(N == (int)g.size()), assert(g[0] == 1);
if (n < 12) return div_na(f.data(), g.data(), N), f;
vector<T> F((n + 1) << n), G((n + 1) << n);
rnk_zeta(f.data(), F.data(), n), rnk_zeta(g.data(), G.data(), n);
for (int s= N; s--;) {
T *a= F.data() + s * (n + 1), *b= G.data() + s * (n + 1);
for (int d= 0, c= __builtin_popcount(s); d++ < n;)
for (int e= max(0, d - c); e < d; ++e) a[d]-= a[e] * b[d - e];
return rnk_mobius(F.data(), f.data(), n), f;
template <class T, class P> void oncnv_(const T f[], T h[], const P& phi, int n) {
vector<T> F((n + 1) << n), G((n + 1) << n);
rnk_zeta(f, F.data(), n), fill_n(G.data(), 1 << n, h[0]);
T* a= G.data() + (1 << n);
for (int l= 1 << n; l>>= 1;) phi(l, a[l]= h[0] * f[l]), h[l]= a[l];
for (int d= 2, s; d <= n; ++d) {
for (rec<0>(a, 1 << n), a+= (s= 1 << n); s--;)
if (int c= __builtin_popcount(s); c <= d && d <= 2 * c)
for (int e= d; e--;) a[s]+= G[e << n | s] * F[s * (n + 1) + d - e];
for (rec<1>(a, 1 << n), s= 1 << n; s--;)
if (__builtin_popcount(s) == d) phi(s, a[s]), h[s]= a[s];
else a[s]= 0;
// h[S] = phi(S, sum_{T subsetneq S} h[T]f[S/T] ) O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T, class P> vector<T> semi_relaxed_convolve(const vector<T>& f, T init, const P& phi) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1)));
vector<T> h(N);
if (h[0]= init; n < 12) {
for (int s= 1, t; s < N; phi(s, h[s]), ++s)
for (t= s; t; --t&= s) h[s]+= h[s ^ t] * f[t];
} else oncnv_(f.data(), h.data(), phi, n);
return h;
// h[S] = phi(S, 1/2 sum_{empty neq T subseteq S} h[T]h[S/T] ) O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T, class P> vector<T> self_relaxed_convolve(const P& phi, int n) {
const int e= min(n, 12);
int i= 0, l= 1;
vector<T> f(1 << n);
for (int u= 1; i < e; l<<= 1, ++i)
for (int s= 0; s < l; phi(u, f[u]), ++s, ++u)
for (int t= s; t; --t&= s) f[u]+= f[u ^ t] * f[t];
for (; i < n; l<<= 1, ++i)
phi(l, f[l]), oncnv_(
f.data(), f.data() + l, [&](int s, T& x) { phi(s | l, x); }, i);
return f;
// exp(f) , "f[empty] = 0" is required, O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> exp(const vector<T>& f) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N), e= min(N, 1 << 11);
assert(!(N & (N - 1))), assert(f[0] == 0);
vector<T> h(N);
int i= 0, l= 1;
for (h[0]= 1; l < e; l<<= 1, ++i) cnv_na(h.data(), f.data() + l, h.data() + l, l);
for (; l < N; l<<= 1, ++i) {
vector<T> F((i + 1) << i), G((i + 1) << i);
rnk_zeta(h.data(), F.data(), i), rnk_zeta(f.data() + l, G.data(), i), cnv_(F.data(), G.data(), i + 1), rnk_mobius(F.data(), h.data() + l, i);
return h;
// log(f) , "f[empty] = 1" is required, O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> log(const vector<T>& f) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1))), assert(f[0] == 1);
vector<T> h(N);
int i= n - 1, l= N >> 1;
if (i > 11) {
vector<T> G(n << (n - 1));
rnk_zeta(f.data(), G.data(), n - 1);
for (; i > 11; l>>= 1, --i) {
vector<T> F((i + 1) << i);
rnk_zeta(f.data() + l, F.data(), i);
for (int s= l; s--;) {
T *a= F.data() + s * (i + 1), *b= G.data() + s * n;
for (int d= 0, c= __builtin_popcount(s); d++ < i;)
for (int e= max(0, d - c); e < d; ++e) a[d]-= a[e] * b[d - e];
rnk_mobius(F.data(), h.data() + l, i);
for (; l; l>>= 1) copy_n(f.data() + l, l, h.data() + l), div_na(h.data() + l, f.data(), l);
return h;
// F(f) = sum_i F_i f^i/i! , "f[empty] = 0" is required, O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> egf_comp(const vector<T>& F, const vector<T>& f) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N), e= min(N, 1 << 11);
assert(!(N & (N - 1))), assert(f[0] == 0);
vector<T> h(N);
T* b= h.data() + N;
for (int i= n - F.size(); i++ < n;) h[N - (1 << i)]= F[n - i];
int i= 0, l= 1;
for (; l < e; l<<= 1, ++i)
for (int j= N >> 1; j >= l; j>>= 1) cnv_na(b - j, f.data() + l, b - j - j + l, l);
if (l < N) {
vector<T> A(n << (n - 1)), B(n << (n - 1));
for (; l < N; l<<= 1, ++i) {
fill_n(B.data(), (i + 1) << i, 0), rnk_zeta(f.data() + l, B.data(), i);
for (int j= N >> 1; j >= l; j>>= 1) fill_n(A.data(), (i + 1) << i, 0), rnk_zeta(b - j, A.data(), i), cnv_(A.data(), B.data(), i + 1), rnk_mobius(A.data(), b - j - j + l, i);
return h;
// P(f) = sum_{i=0}^m P_i f^i , O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> poly_comp(vector<T> P, vector<T> f) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1)));
vector<T> F(n + 1);
for (int j= 0, e= P.size();; ++j, --e) {
for (int i= e; i--;) (F[j]*= f[0])+= P[i];
if (j == n || e <= 1) break;
for (int i= 1; i < e; ++i) P[i - 1]= P[i] * i;
return f[0]= 0, egf_comp(F, f);
template <class T> vector<T> _egfT(const T* b, T* h, int M, int n) {
T *a, *d;
vector<T> c(n + 1);
int l= M;
if (int i= __builtin_ctz(M); i > 10) {
vector<T> F((i + 1) << i), G((i + 1) << i);
for (int m, s; i > 10; fill_n(F.data(), (i + 1) << i, 0), rnk_zeta(h, F.data(), i), cnv_(F.data(), G.data(), i + 1), rnk_mobius(F.data(), h, i), b-= (l>>= 1), --i)
for (fill_n(G.data(), (i + 1) << i, 0), rnk_zeta(b, G.data(), i), m= M; m > l; m>>= 1)
for (a= h + (m - l), fill_n(F.data(), (i + 1) << i, 0), rnk_zeta(a + m - l, F.data(), i), cnv_(F.data(), G.data(), i + 1), rec_r<1>(F.data(), (i + 1) << i, i + 1), s= l; s--;) a[s]+= F[s * (i + 1) + __builtin_popcount(s)];
for (; l; cnv_na(h, b, h, l), b-= (l>>= 1))
for (int m= M, s, t; m > l; m>>= 1)
for (a= h + (m - l), d= a + (m - l), s= l; s--;)
for (a[t= s]+= d[s] * b[0]; t; --t&= s) a[s]+= d[s ^ t] * b[t];
for (int i= 0; i <= n; ++i) c[i]= h[(1 << (n - i)) - 1];
return c;
// [X^{[n]}] f^k/k! for k=0,1,...,n , O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> egf_T(vector<T> f) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1)));
if (n == 0) return {1};
if (n == 1) return {0, f[1]};
return _egfT(f.data() + (N >> 2), f.data() + (N >> 1), N >> 2, n);
// [X^{[n]}] f^k/k! g for k=0,1,...,n , O(n^2 2^n)
template <class T> vector<T> egf_T(const vector<T>& f, vector<T> g) {
const int N= f.size(), n= __builtin_ctz(N);
assert(!(N & (N - 1)));
if (n == 0) return {g[1]};
return _egfT(f.data() + (N >> 1), g.data(), N >> 1, n);
using sps_internal::subset_zeta, sps_internal::subset_mobius, sps_internal::supset_zeta, sps_internal::supset_mobius, sps_internal::or_convolve, sps_internal::and_convolve, sps_internal::convolve, sps_internal::semi_relaxed_convolve, sps_internal::self_relaxed_convolve, sps_internal::inv, sps_internal::div, sps_internal::exp, sps_internal::log, sps_internal::egf_comp, sps_internal::poly_comp, sps_internal::egf_T;
template <class Int= int> class UndirectedGraphSetPowerSeries {
template <class T> using Sps= std::vector<T>;
template <class T> using Poly= std::vector<T>;
const int n, N, m, o;
std::vector<Int> adj;
std::vector<int> es;
template <class T> static inline T pow(T x, int k) {
for (T ret(1);; x*= x)
if (k& 1 ? ret*= x : 0; !(k>>= 1)) return ret;
template <class F> inline void bfs(int s, const F& f) const {
for (int t= s, u, j; t;)
for (f(u= 1 << __builtin_ctz(t)); u;) j= __builtin_ctz(u), t^= 1 << j, u^= 1 << j, u|= es[j] & t;
template <class T, class G> static inline void transform_articulation(Sps<T>& f, const G& g) {
const int M= f.size() / 2;
Sps<T> tmp(M);
for (int I= M; I; I>>= 1) {
for (int t= 0; t < M; t+= I)
for (int u= I, t2= t << 1; u--;) tmp[t | u]= f[t2 | I | u];
tmp= g(tmp);
for (int t= 0; t < M; t+= I)
for (int u= I, t2= t << 1; u--;) f[t2 | I | u]= tmp[t | u];
template <class T, bool b> inline void transform_bridge(Sps<T>& f) const {
const int M= N / 2;
Sps<T> tmp(M), tmp2;
for (int i= n, I= M; --i; I>>= 1) {
for (int t= 0; t < M; t+= I)
for (int u= I, t2= t << 1; u--;) tmp[t | u]= f[t2 | I | u];
tmp2.assign(M, 0);
for (int t= 0; t < M; t+= I)
for (int j= i, J= I, t2= t << 1; J>>= 1, j--;)
for (int s= J, J2= J * 2; s < I; s+= J2)
for (int u= s + J; u-- > s;) {
if constexpr (b) tmp2[t | u]+= f[t2 | u] * adj[i * m + j];
else tmp2[t | u]-= f[t2 | u] * adj[i * m + j];
tmp= sps::convolve(tmp, sps::exp(tmp2));
for (int t= 0; t < M; t+= I)
for (int u= I, t2= t << 1; u--;) f[t2 | I | u]= tmp[t | u];
template <class T> inline std::vector<T> cyc() const {
std::vector<T> cyc(1 << o);
for (int i= 0; i < o; ++i) {
int a= i + i, b= a + 1, K= a + 2, I= 1 << i;
std::vector<T> dp0(K << i);
dp0[a]= 1;
for (int s= 0; s < I; ++s) {
T* dp0s= dp0.data() + (s * K);
for (int u= s | I, S= u, j, j0, j1; S; S^= 1 << j) {
j= __builtin_ctz(S), j0= j + j, j1= j0 + 1;
const Int *A0= adj.data() + (j0 * m), *A1= A0 + m;
T dp0s0= dp0s[j0], dp0s1= dp0s[j1];
cyc[u]+= dp0s0 * A0[b] + dp0s1 * A1[b];
for (int U= I - 1 - s, k, k0, k1; U; U^= 1 << k) {
k= __builtin_ctz(U), k0= k + k, k1= k0 + 1;
dp0s[(K << k) + k0]+= dp0s0 * A0[k1] + dp0s1 * A1[k1], dp0s[(K << k) + k1]+= dp0s0 * A0[k0] + dp0s1 * A1[k0];
return cyc;
template <class T> inline std::pair<std::vector<T>, std::vector<T>> cyc_pth() const {
std::vector<T> cyc(1 << o), pth(1 << o);
for (int i= 0; i < o; ++i) {
int a= i + i, b= a + 1, K= a + 2, I= 1 << i;
std::vector<T> dp0(K << i), dp1(K << i);
dp0[a]= 1;
for (int s= 0; s < I; ++s) {
T *dp0s= dp0.data() + (s * K), *dp1s= dp1.data() + (s * K);
for (int j= 0; j < K; ++j) dp1s[b]+= dp0s[j];
for (int u= s | I, S= u, j, j0, j1; S; S^= 1 << j) {
j= __builtin_ctz(S), j0= j + j, j1= j0 + 1;
const Int *A0= adj.data() + (j0 * m), *A1= A0 + m;
T dp0s0= dp0s[j0], dp0s1= dp0s[j1], dp1s0= dp1s[j0], dp1s1= dp1s[j1];
cyc[u]+= dp0s0 * A0[b] + dp0s1 * A1[b], pth[u]+= dp1s0 + dp1s1;
for (int U= I - 1 - s, k, k0, k1; U; U^= 1 << k) {
k= __builtin_ctz(U), k0= k + k, k1= k0 + 1;
dp0s[(K << k) + k0]+= dp0s0 * A0[k1] + dp0s1 * A1[k1], dp0s[(K << k) + k1]+= dp0s0 * A0[k0] + dp0s1 * A1[k0];
dp1s[(K << k) + k0]+= dp1s0 * A0[k1] + dp1s1 * A1[k1], dp1s[(K << k) + k1]+= dp1s0 * A0[k0] + dp1s1 * A1[k0];
return {cyc, pth};
UndirectedGraphSetPowerSeries(int n): n(n), N(1 << n), m(n + (n & 1)), o(m / 2), adj(m * m), es(n) {}
UndirectedGraphSetPowerSeries(const std::vector<std::vector<Int>>& g): n(g.size()), N(1 << n), m(n + (n & 1)), o(m / 2), adj(m * m), es(n) {
for (int i= n; i--;)
for (int j= i; j--;) assert(g[i][j] == g[j][i]);
for (int i= n; i--;)
for (int j= n; j--;) adj[i * m + j]= g[i][j];
for (int i= n; i--;)
for (int j= n; j--;) es[i]|= !(!(adj[i * m + j])) << j;
void add_edge(int u, int v, int cnt= 1) {
adj[u * m + v]= (adj[v * m + u]+= cnt), es[u]|= (1 << v), es[v]|= (1 << u);
if (!(adj[u * m + v])) es[u]^= (1 << v), es[v]^= (1 << u);
const auto operator[](int u) const { return adj.begin() + (u * m); }
template <class T> static inline Sps<T> only_connected(const Sps<T>& f) { return sps::log(f); }
template <class T> static inline Sps<T> disjoint_union(const Sps<T>& f) { return sps::exp(f); }
template <class T> static inline Sps<T> only_biconnected(Sps<T> f) { return transform_articulation(f, sps::log<T>), f; }
template <class T> static inline Sps<T> articulation_union(Sps<T> f) { return transform_articulation(f, sps::exp<T>), f; }
template <class T> inline Sps<T> only_2edge_connected(Sps<T> f) const { return transform_bridge<T, false>(f), f; }
template <class T> inline Sps<T> bridge_union(Sps<T> f) const { return transform_bridge<T, true>(f), f; }
inline Sps<Int> edge_num() const {
Sps<Int> ret(N, 0);
for (int i= n; i--;)
for (int j= i; j--;) ret[(1 << i) | (1 << j)]= adj[i * m + j];
return sps::subset_zeta(ret), ret;
inline Sps<int> connected_component_num() const {
Sps<int> ret(N, 0);
for (int s= N; s--;) bfs(s, [&](int) { ret[s]++; });
return ret;
inline Sps<Int> cycle_space_rank() const {
Sps<Int> e= edge_num(), ret(N, 0);
Sps<int> k= connected_component_num();
for (int s= N; s--;) ret[s]= e[s] + k[s] - __builtin_popcount(s);
return ret;
inline Sps<Int> odd_deg_num() const {
Sps<Int> ret(N, 0);
for (int i= n, I= N; I>>= 1, i--;)
for (int t= 0, I2= I << 1; t < N; t+= I2)
for (int u= I, cnt, v, j; u--; ret[t | I | u]+= cnt & 1)
for (cnt= 0, v= t | u; v; v^= 1 << j) cnt+= adj[i * m + (j= __builtin_ctz(v))];
return ret;
inline Sps<Int> selfloop_num() const {
Sps<Int> ret(N, 0);
for (int i= 0, I= 1; i < n; ++i, I<<= 1)
for (int u= I; u--;) ret[I | u]= ret[u] + adj[i * m + i];
return ret;
template <class T> static inline Sps<T> space_size(const Sps<int>& rank) {
Sps<T> ret(rank.size());
for (int s= rank.size(); s--;) ret[s]= pow<T>(2, rank[s]);
return ret;
template <class T> inline Sps<T> graph() const { return space_size<T>(edge_num()); }
template <class T> inline Sps<T> cycle_space_size() const { return space_size<T>(cycle_space_rank()); }
template <class T> inline Sps<T> connected_graph() const { return sps::log(graph<T>()); }
template <class T> inline Sps<T> eulerian_graph() const { return sps::log(cycle_space_size<T>()); }
template <class T> inline Sps<T> connected_biparate_graph() const {
Sps<T> tmp= graph<T>(), ret(N, 1);
for (int s= N; s--;) ret[s]/= tmp[s];
ret= sps::convolve(ret, ret);
for (int s= N; s--;) ret[s]*= tmp[s];
ret= sps::log(ret);
for (int s= N; s--;) ret[s]/= 2;
return ret;
template <class T> inline Sps<T> tree() const {
Sps<int> e= edge_num();
Sps<T> ret= {0, 1};
for (int I= 2; I < N; I<<= 1) {
Sps<T> g(ret);
for (int s= I; --s;) g[s]*= e[s | I] - e[s] - e[I];
g= sps::exp(g), std::copy(g.begin(), g.end(), std::back_inserter(ret));
return ret;
template <class T> inline Sps<T> forest() const { return sps::exp(tree<T>()); }
template <class T> inline Sps<T> cycle_graph() const {
T dp[N][n - 1];
Sps<T> ret(N, 0);
for (int i= n, I= N; I>>= 1, --i;) {
for (int s= I; --s;) std::fill_n(dp[s], i, 0);
for (int j= i; j--;) dp[1 << j][j]= adj[i * m + j];
for (int s= 1; s < I; ++s)
for (int t= s, j, u, r, k; t; ret[s | I]+= dp[s][j] * adj[j * m + i])
for (t^= 1 << (j= __builtin_ctz(t)), u= r= s ^ (1 << j); u; dp[s][j]+= dp[r][k] * adj[k * m + j]) u^= 1 << (k= __builtin_ctz(u));
for (int i= n; i--;)
for (int j= i; j--;) ret[(1 << i) | (1 << j)]-= adj[i * m + j];
for (int s= N; --s;) ret[s]/= 2;
return ret;
template <class T> inline Sps<T> biconnected_graph() const {
Sps<T> ret= connected_graph<T>();
return transform_articulation(ret, sps::log<T>), ret;
template <class T> inline Sps<T> two_edge_connected_graph() const {
Sps<T> ret= connected_graph<T>();
return transform_bridge<T, false>(ret), ret;
template <class T> inline Sps<T> cactus_graph() const {
auto ret= cycle_graph<T>();
for (int i= n; i--;)
for (int j= i; j--;) ret[(1 << i) | (1 << j)]+= adj[i * m + j];
return transform_articulation(ret, sps::exp<T>), ret;
template <class T> inline Sps<T> acyclic_orientations() const {
auto k= connected_component_num();
Sps<T> g(N, 0);
for (int s= N; --s;)
if (k[s] == __builtin_popcount(s)) g[s]= k[s] & 1 ? -1 : 1;
return g[0]= 1, sps::inv(g);
template <class T> inline std::vector<T> colorings_using_exactly_k_colors_num() const {
if (n == 0) return {0}; // impossible in any number of ways
auto k= connected_component_num();
std::vector<T> indep(N, 0);
for (int s= N; --s;) indep[s]= k[s] == __builtin_popcount(s);
return sps::egf_T(indep);
template <class T> inline Poly<T> chromatic_polynomial() const {
auto e= colorings_using_exactly_k_colors_num<T>();
if (e.back() == 0) return {0};
Poly<T> ret(n + 1, 0);
T tmp[n]= {1};
for (int i= 1, j; i < n; ++i)
for (j= i; j--; tmp[j]*= -i) ret[j + 1]+= tmp[j] * e[i], tmp[j + 1]+= tmp[j];
for (int j= n; j--;) ret[j + 1]+= tmp[j];
return ret;
template <class T> inline T tutte_polynomial(T x, T y) const {
int sum[N], s, t, lim= 2, i, j;
T fum[10'000]= {0, 1};
std::vector<T> g= {0}, h;
for (g.reserve(N), h.reserve(N), i= 0; i < n; h= sps::exp(h), std::copy(h.begin(), h.end(), std::back_inserter(g)), ++i) {
for (sum[0]= j= 0; j < i; j++)
for (s= t= 1 << j; s--;) sum[s | t]= sum[s] + adj[i * m + j];
for (h.resize(s= 1 << i); s--; h[s]= g[s] * fum[sum[s]])
for (; lim <= sum[s]; lim++) fum[lim]= fum[lim - 1] * y + 1;
for (x-= 1, t= ~0, j= 0, i= n; i--;) j+= adj[i * m + i];
for (bfs((s= N) - 1, [&](int u) { t^= u; }); --s&= t;) g[s]*= x;
return sps::exp(g)[N - 1] * pow(y, j);
template <class T> inline T perfect_matching() const { return sps::exp(cyc<T>()).back(); }
template <class T> inline T all_matching() const {
auto [cyc, pth]= cyc_pth<T>();
for (int s= cyc.size(); s--;) cyc[s]+= pth[s];
return sps::exp(cyc).back();
template <class T> std::vector<T> k_mathcing() const {
auto [cyc, pth]= cyc_pth<T>();
auto ret= sps::egf_T(pth, sps::exp(cyc));
return std::reverse(ret.begin(), ret.end()), ret;
using namespace std;
signed main() {
using Mint= ModInt<int(1e9) + 7>;
int n, m;
Mint c;
cin >> n >> m >> c;
UndirectedGraphSetPowerSeries g(n);
for (int i= 0, u, v; i < m; ++i) cin >> u >> v, g.add_edge(--u, --v);
auto k_mch= g.k_mathcing<Mint>();
Mint pw= 1, ans= 0;
for (int i= 0, e= k_mch.size(); i < e; ++i) ans+= pw * k_mch[i], pw*= c;
cout << ans << '\n';
return 0;
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 3604kb
6 10 100 3 6 1 3 2 4 3 4 4 6 1 2 4 5 2 3 1 4 3 5
ok single line: '2171001'
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3508kb
8 11 818466928 6 7 3 6 6 5 7 3 6 2 8 1 1 7 4 3 5 1 6 1 6 4
ok single line: '425176360'
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 909ms
memory: 42136kb
36 123 272968155 33 35 17 5 12 1 36 32 1 11 9 28 24 36 13 17 19 17 35 8 7 19 31 24 31 34 27 18 9 17 35 17 6 17 31 12 12 19 25 18 36 16 24 23 26 34 7 23 25 14 18 34 10 23 32 33 12 28 18 14 35 23 19 33 22 27 14 27 14 15 22 6 1 20 31 17 27 31 15 4 35 4 5 33 26 36 27 2 20 23 2 12 36 13 28 13 4 7 21 24 2...
ok single line: '951479337'
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 902ms
memory: 42188kb
36 465 876331013 34 32 4 12 12 28 12 35 10 11 13 32 21 26 27 31 30 17 32 26 2 5 5 25 35 28 13 18 19 7 4 27 32 35 12 2 17 19 29 34 9 25 17 8 6 5 26 30 26 36 11 7 13 29 1 2 9 3 22 8 8 34 24 17 11 23 4 14 21 13 19 24 22 25 11 19 12 19 21 6 21 12 19 15 34 17 16 27 14 30 33 36 16 35 10 26 19 21 18 24 32 ...
ok single line: '139355408'
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 901ms
memory: 42168kb
36 362 721856249 26 4 33 21 23 15 3 31 23 12 35 17 30 9 3 26 18 2 27 13 10 14 7 36 17 25 14 11 17 4 8 12 1 24 30 1 33 15 22 1 32 31 30 32 29 5 27 12 25 32 9 5 16 18 20 8 33 31 16 6 36 22 11 1 15 28 3 32 10 28 17 24 9 16 22 29 29 7 5 15 18 27 36 26 16 36 9 28 35 27 12 24 13 1 14 1 25 36 14 35 30 2 30...
ok single line: '409886964'
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 894ms
memory: 42176kb
36 284 3732174 34 9 7 11 8 5 17 14 31 36 5 1 21 5 25 26 25 2 28 29 9 17 35 26 35 28 14 19 25 13 34 5 27 19 23 20 19 7 12 36 7 13 33 28 9 28 36 2 27 8 11 34 20 22 1 12 17 1 25 23 4 24 23 24 12 27 11 22 14 31 30 32 27 16 20 26 4 30 22 12 18 28 15 16 21 19 7 8 34 17 33 3 23 34 5 14 14 33 26 21 14 11 12...
ok single line: '825811598'
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 923ms
memory: 42288kb
36 211 812897109 14 36 23 29 29 25 33 14 26 6 14 4 6 11 21 10 35 26 24 18 27 35 23 34 36 23 36 30 28 7 7 5 36 5 8 18 36 20 23 11 27 22 33 11 25 7 31 18 10 24 26 11 9 25 19 28 21 16 7 14 33 36 24 35 3 22 15 6 14 15 7 30 9 6 35 25 21 11 19 12 19 24 29 31 34 33 7 34 23 9 22 9 12 31 17 1 28 8 23 26 35 2...
ok single line: '466059363'
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 909ms
memory: 42156kb
36 538 952519816 5 34 16 15 34 21 16 18 14 17 13 12 4 25 4 18 6 32 18 23 27 36 8 9 35 26 3 6 29 2 29 16 19 36 12 36 30 12 5 26 24 34 20 3 6 33 8 31 25 11 27 19 11 6 26 22 15 30 18 32 36 4 19 29 28 27 29 4 6 8 34 26 9 11 2 23 21 33 30 27 23 11 7 22 15 9 13 6 3 5 23 30 17 6 16 6 6 4 22 30 31 3 2 36 19...
ok single line: '183842696'
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 901ms
memory: 42148kb
36 109 722377035 5 33 11 27 10 1 11 22 13 6 26 25 5 30 33 1 25 3 32 3 22 16 17 34 13 4 30 21 10 32 18 23 3 35 7 8 17 4 18 1 1 26 28 13 28 33 30 36 7 5 17 25 13 19 27 18 18 21 10 7 18 7 5 34 36 24 6 11 2 31 9 26 27 13 27 6 9 21 24 15 12 8 34 27 7 1 6 15 20 10 3 23 5 25 27 22 15 23 8 10 21 4 14 16 12 ...
ok single line: '602614473'
Test #10:
score: 0
time: 911ms
memory: 42116kb
36 474 597422891 13 10 15 18 34 24 13 25 1 9 36 15 35 10 19 25 16 9 22 10 35 3 31 7 18 33 23 30 34 1 30 12 18 29 24 23 27 31 29 13 9 23 12 4 16 30 36 31 13 27 23 31 8 14 5 18 35 22 10 17 8 32 32 19 29 24 3 8 35 17 28 8 21 19 28 5 5 17 31 35 18 34 35 24 7 14 27 32 16 11 21 3 33 13 23 2 30 6 22 18 26 ...
ok single line: '534178430'
Test #11:
score: 0
time: 898ms
memory: 42100kb
36 46 195215736 6 13 10 12 14 22 13 31 3 13 18 28 24 33 3 23 5 36 19 24 12 31 9 35 20 31 23 12 36 10 4 8 1 30 31 4 34 3 30 32 34 7 14 16 30 4 5 8 15 30 33 27 5 20 25 14 35 23 3 10 36 1 3 27 35 15 15 1 16 25 19 28 12 19 29 36 29 3 4 23 3 4 8 17 17 13 21 22 5 23 9 7
ok single line: '984244248'
Test #12:
score: 0
time: 899ms
memory: 42316kb
36 592 469136264 19 32 6 22 6 12 10 14 11 24 15 28 32 13 31 23 15 9 11 29 22 24 28 32 20 14 21 32 27 25 7 35 18 15 23 19 10 4 33 12 3 6 11 1 23 6 31 16 34 6 1 6 34 12 5 13 12 23 22 8 26 7 25 23 36 17 35 26 22 21 17 14 15 10 27 4 2 32 15 19 18 8 23 34 21 31 36 18 6 25 29 32 13 16 26 4 35 6 9 8 26 30 ...
ok single line: '334985208'
Test #13:
score: 0
time: 896ms
memory: 42316kb
36 362 433466696 15 30 23 18 22 29 35 13 25 15 4 17 35 34 3 32 4 3 15 10 19 4 31 1 8 35 30 31 2 28 31 4 15 27 24 14 16 23 32 24 13 3 7 30 18 33 19 6 22 35 27 20 24 12 19 2 30 22 30 1 5 16 10 18 13 9 18 35 18 16 25 4 29 27 22 4 6 35 23 3 12 4 23 15 33 31 27 24 8 32 15 19 13 15 17 28 15 26 21 5 16 33 ...
ok single line: '491766799'
Test #14:
score: 0
time: 898ms
memory: 42288kb
36 102 417246257 35 27 33 25 10 23 25 4 20 31 35 6 33 36 9 32 34 3 2 26 23 8 25 15 29 2 30 29 6 30 27 24 4 32 10 18 16 3 9 3 33 29 26 8 22 36 28 19 25 5 29 34 14 5 29 36 15 31 7 8 2 12 10 26 36 13 24 23 5 6 12 22 27 18 3 5 22 3 30 2 15 24 9 6 1 13 4 13 19 18 27 11 13 8 14 24 17 10 12 18 24 31 25 23 ...
ok single line: '599285973'
Test #15:
score: 0
time: 892ms
memory: 42316kb
36 503 478252988 23 3 14 13 16 23 17 2 31 4 29 25 18 23 6 18 13 32 2 8 3 36 34 20 11 33 2 15 11 20 28 33 16 10 5 29 29 12 15 36 23 15 22 27 3 1 27 21 5 13 11 22 28 8 20 12 1 31 12 6 27 11 12 8 24 13 23 11 9 6 25 35 23 2 19 12 35 36 17 25 23 21 7 9 33 31 27 17 16 8 4 8 24 21 18 8 5 6 5 1 21 29 22 18 ...
ok single line: '195560486'
Test #16:
score: 0
time: 896ms
memory: 42136kb
36 250 950666826 27 26 4 15 36 7 11 36 1 5 26 13 11 5 27 8 30 1 22 1 24 6 8 15 32 36 2 24 33 34 36 25 4 27 4 6 18 21 3 27 2 7 5 7 25 20 22 30 12 33 35 21 27 13 2 23 33 1 8 17 21 9 8 31 13 24 17 31 30 9 24 9 22 9 30 28 8 1 15 9 2 15 18 29 22 10 10 32 24 29 32 31 14 30 31 25 17 11 26 25 17 7 25 2 24 1...
ok single line: '512893447'
Test #17:
score: 0
time: 889ms
memory: 42176kb
36 224 815243647 24 13 3 24 32 22 9 1 30 36 33 12 32 18 22 36 29 6 16 10 19 31 36 18 25 35 1 6 20 22 33 25 16 31 6 34 36 15 32 17 11 36 32 23 35 21 27 31 1 19 20 1 31 7 33 5 20 23 23 28 36 23 34 25 27 24 17 26 14 5 16 19 4 3 20 21 2 23 6 15 3 15 11 9 29 21 1 27 10 13 26 2 21 31 28 10 20 28 21 4 33 3...
ok single line: '75822342'
Test #18:
score: 0
time: 902ms
memory: 42124kb
36 20 72725288 25 31 34 5 29 15 28 14 4 34 35 12 10 34 18 17 33 6 36 17 24 3 27 24 31 30 19 10 15 26 22 14 34 32 2 28 31 5 1 28
ok single line: '10405385'
Test #19:
score: 0
time: 894ms
memory: 42120kb
36 375 731733295 36 28 26 30 3 7 16 20 28 2 25 12 20 30 23 6 9 8 24 5 7 29 25 22 25 17 3 22 20 5 13 24 19 9 34 30 31 7 2 34 23 19 23 7 19 34 24 7 26 16 14 34 9 22 30 22 3 8 36 33 36 32 4 15 9 7 13 6 19 13 33 31 17 34 28 25 34 15 4 29 17 35 25 31 13 25 5 28 35 34 36 23 21 20 25 32 21 29 14 12 3 16 9 ...
ok single line: '71633307'
Test #20:
score: 0
time: 901ms
memory: 42292kb
36 207 50817522 3 21 26 27 15 29 22 26 19 6 19 26 32 7 1 10 27 1 29 18 4 36 32 25 9 2 24 15 25 36 23 26 8 13 6 10 26 24 31 13 11 27 16 17 30 11 19 32 32 17 29 35 5 11 12 6 18 19 20 22 29 5 32 21 9 20 5 28 12 16 14 21 35 19 21 2 24 35 32 5 23 17 6 4 4 18 35 3 10 35 3 36 17 31 15 34 19 34 31 24 16 22 ...
ok single line: '865260163'
Test #21:
score: 0
time: 902ms
memory: 42188kb
36 79 616823516 1 34 15 14 28 23 18 35 14 36 4 19 10 36 14 12 12 3 27 34 6 5 24 2 15 9 34 32 15 16 26 23 12 29 18 33 26 24 8 24 24 1 5 13 19 27 26 10 36 3 25 33 27 14 29 4 5 10 19 30 31 23 3 17 19 1 3 14 21 16 31 11 2 35 28 7 8 9 35 11 2 10 31 20 4 23 27 4 6 30 5 7 25 36 4 6 24 28 25 22 24 34 34 11 ...
ok single line: '750998004'
Test #22:
score: 0
time: 902ms
memory: 42248kb
36 348 986386993 20 24 26 22 3 11 19 32 19 11 32 24 12 22 22 1 13 26 2 20 14 1 17 23 26 35 6 21 29 5 28 17 35 1 23 24 26 14 23 11 26 31 13 23 14 25 13 34 31 17 2 22 36 32 35 9 26 36 13 5 10 13 6 32 6 15 7 17 35 31 16 23 18 9 35 2 23 10 34 2 34 30 28 34 15 19 27 19 2 9 4 26 7 18 18 23 2 21 35 3 35 29...
ok single line: '682561439'
Test #23:
score: 0
time: 892ms
memory: 42312kb
36 0 73190723
ok single line: '1'
Test #24:
score: 0
time: 909ms
memory: 42180kb
36 630 67695848 6 13 35 30 14 31 8 29 30 26 26 1 11 33 13 30 20 7 35 20 18 34 27 30 14 23 1 27 21 27 26 14 13 14 25 4 11 3 17 28 20 33 2 5 31 28 18 10 21 29 31 26 29 28 19 31 17 33 28 33 3 23 28 20 10 8 25 9 8 7 26 5 7 33 17 36 34 13 12 35 6 19 9 19 6 2 15 1 24 4 4 1 36 15 3 17 21 17 18 9 18 27 11 2...
ok single line: '396183330'
Test #25:
score: 0
time: 900ms
memory: 42104kb
36 15 361262017 3 10 30 33 11 3 15 12 12 17 36 20 15 20 23 22 36 35 20 5 17 26 34 27 1 34 27 9 21 5
ok single line: '622932610'
Test #26:
score: 0
time: 884ms
memory: 42172kb
35 269 282064549 6 4 25 31 30 26 9 14 31 26 14 31 17 24 3 34 1 11 14 34 30 3 27 3 11 3 23 25 32 4 12 8 18 29 33 28 3 21 27 33 30 13 32 18 1 28 31 20 9 8 7 23 13 6 35 6 17 31 14 33 10 16 18 17 34 10 30 4 9 21 12 33 24 20 20 23 26 10 11 30 11 27 11 8 14 1 25 16 2 3 25 3 24 3 20 2 4 27 1 27 32 2 15 25 ...
ok single line: '251519103'
Test #27:
score: 0
time: 908ms
memory: 42248kb
35 150 743933078 20 12 3 26 35 13 29 22 27 8 24 6 30 13 35 2 35 19 13 17 7 10 1 12 20 23 26 4 31 7 17 23 13 21 31 14 27 19 31 29 34 2 29 33 6 14 11 25 16 21 8 2 10 1 28 10 26 19 32 13 27 14 24 14 26 10 34 10 12 8 28 24 25 19 30 23 20 29 3 15 12 5 30 6 16 27 5 29 15 9 1 9 17 1 14 34 30 25 10 2 6 29 3...
ok single line: '645624710'
Test #28:
score: 0
time: 886ms
memory: 42136kb
35 322 83215822 23 5 13 5 18 23 20 8 5 32 16 6 23 26 5 33 28 15 28 24 28 34 34 4 21 23 17 1 1 16 16 7 27 28 6 30 1 5 2 24 15 21 21 35 29 8 20 4 24 21 6 13 34 35 27 8 22 20 9 6 29 26 4 7 11 15 33 27 32 20 21 34 11 12 32 8 5 29 30 17 23 35 34 30 12 16 4 26 20 15 22 6 32 6 21 29 33 1 10 1 3 11 14 17 29...
ok single line: '568055158'
Test #29:
score: 0
time: 891ms
memory: 42124kb
35 468 489443848 24 3 4 22 26 32 20 15 35 16 30 18 33 32 1 15 19 29 6 26 17 16 4 28 33 21 6 13 26 14 21 24 27 6 26 10 15 8 7 15 5 7 3 12 11 9 27 4 12 29 15 35 13 16 17 26 35 25 25 1 4 10 2 17 15 30 9 15 12 24 5 23 1 34 9 13 31 29 34 31 23 13 30 28 9 18 30 2 11 13 11 33 25 34 18 17 9 33 13 30 17 31 3...
ok single line: '713518423'
Test #30:
score: 0
time: 892ms
memory: 42124kb
35 366 799296863 30 11 21 9 19 26 28 5 2 34 18 31 35 6 7 6 3 2 30 4 8 12 6 4 8 34 34 31 31 26 24 29 23 14 34 23 4 21 6 22 9 31 34 14 16 6 7 12 26 28 16 20 3 13 23 24 24 3 8 35 23 9 16 19 28 23 29 8 21 26 1 17 2 35 16 2 14 11 1 33 26 13 12 25 16 5 10 13 27 15 4 18 14 10 27 6 10 5 28 16 15 6 30 18 18 ...
ok single line: '526316962'
Test #31:
score: 0
time: 899ms
memory: 42172kb
35 70 240439625 15 4 9 32 6 7 29 30 3 29 11 4 35 3 35 13 28 16 14 24 28 3 13 11 28 32 22 27 19 16 35 8 20 12 23 1 9 21 25 20 26 8 2 14 7 17 4 2 32 7 22 26 12 32 6 22 28 18 12 1 27 9 19 33 22 19 2 30 15 29 14 11 22 17 29 22 25 14 35 7 11 18 28 33 4 31 11 5 8 16 20 29 18 6 10 1 6 26 4 16 24 4 22 14 16...
ok single line: '253768058'
Test #32:
score: 0
time: 895ms
memory: 42248kb
35 37 405284183 9 18 19 15 35 30 21 3 16 21 2 15 8 27 12 24 16 14 24 35 14 10 5 3 3 24 20 4 13 7 7 30 5 17 34 30 31 4 21 33 13 28 34 27 32 13 10 6 22 1 19 20 28 34 8 18 25 14 17 27 8 33 25 26 29 14 26 8 9 6 11 12 22 3
ok single line: '372934214'
Test #33:
score: 0
time: 890ms
memory: 42168kb
35 76 719205944 17 1 13 25 11 34 8 24 32 16 24 33 9 21 17 21 21 3 28 17 6 32 15 29 28 13 21 8 9 20 16 19 4 6 35 14 14 11 35 9 30 18 18 23 24 19 22 17 33 14 31 1 30 4 4 8 10 14 21 33 1 18 34 12 18 27 18 6 15 20 14 18 30 12 14 17 30 23 5 27 8 3 15 28 2 29 24 21 3 30 26 21 22 32 10 7 21 10 35 12 11 27 ...
ok single line: '842468939'
Test #34:
score: 0
time: 905ms
memory: 42108kb
35 569 429963741 34 31 2 7 17 25 24 21 29 21 4 9 1 9 28 23 10 26 1 32 7 5 11 16 9 3 25 10 21 35 25 19 6 2 25 24 18 13 10 11 12 14 27 22 19 20 8 5 3 10 17 2 32 26 23 5 30 35 33 20 33 22 3 17 9 21 29 23 32 27 27 34 3 28 23 18 20 2 12 29 9 18 21 16 12 9 6 7 31 13 1 33 28 34 30 11 7 24 27 20 32 16 9 11 ...
ok single line: '258844910'
Test #35:
score: 0
time: 902ms
memory: 42120kb
35 146 200801667 6 12 4 11 21 2 26 2 23 32 14 34 8 10 15 18 11 24 30 18 7 14 26 12 22 23 16 12 24 18 11 13 2 5 1 16 21 28 33 14 4 28 11 7 25 12 19 3 21 30 19 23 26 30 34 30 15 9 5 23 2 22 25 5 32 33 10 11 30 23 9 26 9 21 17 11 19 7 23 29 4 16 6 1 6 21 3 7 14 27 25 32 18 31 8 13 26 11 4 20 20 34 5 7 ...
ok single line: '919806627'
Test #36:
score: 0
time: 903ms
memory: 42104kb
35 147 617735967 7 12 34 12 22 7 17 23 10 5 7 35 7 16 19 32 15 23 23 27 16 15 15 21 18 13 18 16 35 12 5 17 1 23 1 24 13 11 21 30 17 20 12 14 9 35 34 13 30 33 10 21 34 26 30 23 4 9 19 34 9 23 11 23 35 28 8 6 30 24 20 2 7 13 32 33 17 18 35 3 21 20 26 4 34 17 30 26 12 15 12 1 17 21 17 30 28 5 20 1 25 1...
ok single line: '426225410'
Test #37:
score: 0
time: 893ms
memory: 42288kb
35 90 623211325 35 15 3 26 17 7 2 34 14 3 1 35 23 30 15 28 13 26 1 32 10 14 5 2 31 9 32 27 24 29 23 25 16 13 32 21 33 17 22 1 23 32 6 9 22 12 33 20 12 21 16 17 34 31 1 18 33 26 3 20 34 17 7 33 15 20 5 4 25 20 23 2 4 25 11 3 30 10 4 7 12 24 29 5 35 34 21 14 29 7 7 11 26 9 8 33 9 10 30 11 4 6 17 24 35...
ok single line: '331767880'
Test #38:
score: 0
time: 900ms
memory: 42156kb
35 253 829669609 30 3 27 28 26 12 9 23 22 30 34 3 17 12 35 7 16 18 4 22 14 25 35 19 4 5 13 6 33 1 25 1 33 28 27 29 14 32 30 7 7 6 28 24 16 32 20 16 35 27 5 14 7 25 22 13 28 11 32 15 30 16 34 8 27 5 21 25 8 16 13 4 15 8 32 13 8 28 35 28 16 10 17 24 22 33 28 31 1 8 31 10 16 21 5 19 4 18 3 15 21 24 16 ...
ok single line: '46207147'
Test #39:
score: 0
time: 888ms
memory: 42168kb
35 570 918909015 24 1 30 18 22 31 23 8 34 30 20 26 34 3 3 8 27 14 10 7 26 13 5 7 1 11 18 8 18 21 19 6 14 11 20 35 33 13 28 13 11 28 24 11 4 5 19 31 12 33 23 1 30 4 23 15 9 17 15 7 6 28 8 7 16 11 24 22 4 26 34 28 8 2 5 31 23 20 17 23 6 5 31 16 12 8 3 5 8 13 18 20 27 3 21 19 24 20 32 3 21 25 25 3 18 1...
ok single line: '469807921'
Test #40:
score: 0
time: 908ms
memory: 42176kb
35 129 775293489 5 25 22 26 31 32 23 4 32 8 1 29 26 2 4 11 2 12 2 24 29 21 22 34 34 12 31 3 9 15 17 4 21 19 8 26 15 17 4 25 28 14 3 7 30 18 23 31 15 30 17 31 8 23 33 9 18 15 26 6 23 5 28 3 16 18 21 33 28 27 3 23 34 33 33 35 21 6 32 35 8 16 32 16 23 22 20 31 26 15 18 24 34 10 35 6 5 27 11 26 24 7 29 ...
ok single line: '919339893'
Test #41:
score: 0
time: 898ms
memory: 42136kb
35 185 95250686 18 26 29 25 1 34 28 1 21 33 4 3 27 5 18 22 35 13 3 21 33 25 10 31 20 5 27 28 33 7 10 19 32 33 18 8 34 28 16 14 12 16 23 14 1 5 10 20 33 31 34 29 6 10 2 1 22 21 5 17 31 2 13 5 19 35 11 10 28 30 30 12 4 13 30 9 30 27 21 35 1 8 29 28 35 17 14 29 21 8 23 2 1 25 32 2 31 9 8 6 14 3 30 2 9 ...
ok single line: '795926433'
Test #42:
score: 0
time: 905ms
memory: 42120kb
35 389 720957282 8 26 25 5 21 15 12 23 3 10 19 4 26 15 13 12 9 13 33 13 13 29 28 7 22 15 13 26 18 8 32 21 4 14 30 8 5 26 29 32 28 16 5 4 10 12 32 28 27 25 15 27 35 2 17 25 16 4 11 7 22 8 12 9 5 10 28 14 11 4 26 22 12 24 11 22 25 22 28 29 31 22 13 28 4 33 1 6 6 34 20 21 18 30 29 15 6 4 27 13 29 3 11 ...
ok single line: '637398048'
Test #43:
score: 0
time: 903ms
memory: 42188kb
35 462 243446510 29 35 17 34 1 25 35 19 1 32 29 18 14 7 12 21 7 29 31 26 1 19 5 34 11 3 23 20 3 7 27 32 6 5 30 25 19 7 17 18 2 32 31 14 12 25 12 9 25 21 22 9 19 2 30 34 26 24 3 14 28 22 7 34 11 17 5 15 26 28 28 2 13 27 15 33 2 27 25 19 24 32 15 24 13 24 24 28 29 26 4 3 27 10 4 27 25 5 35 31 27 29 8 ...
ok single line: '69874215'
Test #44:
score: 0
time: 896ms
memory: 42108kb
35 113 645348377 26 23 4 22 30 6 31 12 33 12 25 7 34 17 10 32 14 21 6 12 22 23 3 9 8 7 22 30 1 4 5 25 14 30 4 2 1 22 13 22 18 35 22 24 25 19 19 2 26 25 29 7 10 5 11 14 22 11 27 18 31 17 33 1 17 16 9 1 28 21 8 17 4 3 15 28 4 17 10 14 21 4 33 32 11 10 3 22 21 25 3 6 9 16 5 34 5 29 14 4 15 31 10 4 35 2...
ok single line: '707600894'
Test #45:
score: 0
time: 899ms
memory: 42104kb
35 580 53683173 15 8 1 29 16 3 14 15 22 15 19 6 10 20 19 35 23 9 34 16 17 11 16 33 35 26 29 20 35 13 12 3 19 14 34 21 22 25 8 5 2 31 34 5 30 19 3 15 11 27 21 31 33 1 33 35 13 10 10 19 20 12 26 14 8 29 31 15 30 1 18 1 7 22 14 28 25 7 1 28 29 15 6 32 10 2 28 7 7 26 32 29 24 25 12 10 2 22 12 29 5 27 18...
ok single line: '948550415'
Test #46:
score: 0
time: 908ms
memory: 42248kb
35 0 387237811
ok single line: '1'
Test #47:
score: 0
time: 898ms
memory: 42316kb
35 595 294244417 32 23 1 29 29 7 14 2 18 17 9 6 3 6 21 34 5 14 33 5 34 6 8 19 6 10 18 6 21 25 6 24 29 18 19 5 23 7 12 33 29 24 24 35 11 33 5 20 33 22 28 26 13 14 21 7 1 30 8 6 11 5 3 33 23 24 1 32 21 33 17 28 3 23 22 9 29 15 20 23 30 27 5 2 12 15 13 25 4 35 34 10 5 18 30 33 29 21 5 24 15 32 27 32 21...
ok single line: '381017452'
Test #48:
score: 0
time: 893ms
memory: 42100kb
35 18 520325436 33 25 26 31 25 14 21 14 12 10 29 17 32 8 10 2 19 3 4 23 9 14 26 10 27 11 11 16 16 6 22 35 27 25 29 21
ok single line: '866869480'
Test #49:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3632kb
1 0 240889969
ok single line: '1'
Test #50:
score: 0
time: 0ms
memory: 3840kb
2 0 734305586
ok single line: '1'
Test #51:
score: 0
time: 1ms
memory: 3548kb
2 1 907431552 2 1
ok single line: '907431553'