ID | 题目 | 提交者 | 结果 | 用时 | 内存 | 语言 | 文件大小 | 提交时间 | 测评时间 |
#310056 | #8133. When Anton Saw This Task He Reacted With 😩 | ucup-team296# | TL | 3646ms | 42596kb | Rust | 54.0kb | 2024-01-21 00:39:50 | 2024-01-21 00:39:50 |
Judging History
pub mod solution {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::bit_set::BitSet;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge::Edge;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::graph::Graph;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::topological_sort::TopologicalSort;
use crate::algo_lib::io::input::Input;
use crate::algo_lib::io::input::Readable;
use crate::algo_lib::io::output::Output;
use crate::algo_lib::misc::recursive_function::Callable;
use crate::algo_lib::misc::recursive_function::RecursiveFunction;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::matrix::Matrix;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::mod_int::ModIntF;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::One;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::Zero;
type PreCalc = ();
fn solve(input: &mut Input, out: &mut Output, _test_case: usize, _data: &PreCalc) {
let n = input.read_size();
let q = input.read_size();
type Mod = ModIntF;
enum Vertex {
Internal(usize, usize),
Leaf(Mod, Mod, Mod),
impl Readable for Vertex {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self {
let tp = input.read_char();
match tp {
'x' => {
let l = input.read::<usize>() - 1;
let r = input.read::<usize>() - 1;
Vertex::Internal(l, r)
'v' => {
let a = input.read::<Mod>();
let b = input.read::<Mod>();
let c = input.read::<Mod>();
Vertex::Leaf(a, b, c)
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut tree = input.read_vec::<Vertex>(n);
let mut graph = Graph::new(n);
for i in 0..n {
match &tree[i] {
Vertex::Internal(l, r) => {
graph.add_edge(Edge::new(i, *l));
graph.add_edge(Edge::new(i, *r));
_ => {}
let mut mat = vec![Matrix::ident(3); n];
let mut order = graph.topological_sort().unwrap();
let queries = input.read_vec::<(usize, Mod, Mod, Mod)>(q);
const BUBEN: usize = 300;
let mut condensed_tree = vec![Vertex::None; n];
let mut interesting = BitSet::new(n);
let mut ans = vec![(Mod::zero(), Mod::zero(), Mod::zero()); n];
let mut temp = Matrix::ident(3);
let mut res = Matrix::ident(3);
for i in (0..q).step_by(BUBEN) {
for j in i..q.min(i + BUBEN) {
interesting.set(queries[j].0 - 1);
let mut ord = Vec::new();
for &v in &order {
match &tree[v] {
Vertex::Internal(l, r) => {
if interesting[*l] {
if interesting[*r] {
condensed_tree[v] = Vertex::Internal(*l, *r);
} else {
let vert = match &condensed_tree[*l] {
Vertex::Huynya(x) => *x,
_ => {
for i in 0..3 {
for j in 0..3 {
mat[*l][(i, j)] =
if i == j { Mod::one() } else { Mod::zero() };
let (wx, wy, wz) = match &condensed_tree[*r] {
Vertex::Leaf(x, y, z) => (*x, *y, *z),
_ => unreachable!(),
temp[(0, 0)] = Mod::zero();
temp[(0, 1)] = wz;
temp[(0, 2)] = -wy;
temp[(1, 0)] = -wz;
temp[(1, 1)] = Mod::zero();
temp[(1, 2)] = wx;
temp[(2, 0)] = wy;
temp[(2, 1)] = -wx;
temp[(2, 2)] = Mod::zero();
condensed_tree[v] = Vertex::Huynya(vert);
Matrix::do_mult(&mut res, &temp, &mat[*l]);
for i in 0..3 {
for j in 0..3 {
mat[v][(i, j)] = res[(i, j)];
} else {
if interesting[*r] {
let vert = match &condensed_tree[*r] {
Vertex::Huynya(x) => *x,
_ => {
for i in 0..3 {
for j in 0..3 {
mat[*r][(i, j)] =
if i == j { Mod::one() } else { Mod::zero() };
let (vx, vy, vz) = match &condensed_tree[*l] {
Vertex::Leaf(x, y, z) => (*x, *y, *z),
_ => unreachable!(),
temp[(0, 0)] = Mod::zero();
temp[(0, 1)] = -vz;
temp[(0, 2)] = vy;
temp[(1, 0)] = vz;
temp[(1, 1)] = Mod::zero();
temp[(1, 2)] = -vx;
temp[(2, 0)] = -vy;
temp[(2, 1)] = vx;
temp[(2, 2)] = Mod::zero();
condensed_tree[v] = Vertex::Huynya(vert);
Matrix::do_mult(&mut res, &temp, &mat[*r]);
for i in 0..3 {
for j in 0..3 {
mat[v][(i, j)] = res[(i, j)];
} else {
let (vx, vy, vz) = match &condensed_tree[*l] {
Vertex::Leaf(x, y, z) => (*x, *y, *z),
_ => unreachable!(),
let (wx, wy, wz) = match &condensed_tree[*r] {
Vertex::Leaf(x, y, z) => (*x, *y, *z),
_ => unreachable!(),
condensed_tree[v] = Vertex::Leaf(
vy * wz - vz * wy,
vz * wx - vx * wz,
vx * wy - vy * wx,
Vertex::Leaf(a, b, c) => {
condensed_tree[v] = Vertex::Leaf(*a, *b, *c);
if interesting[v] {
_ => unreachable!(),
if let Some(&x) = ord.last() {
if x != 0 {
for j in i..q.min(i + BUBEN) {
let (v, x, y, z) = queries[j];
condensed_tree[v - 1] = Vertex::Leaf(x, y, z);
tree[v - 1] = Vertex::Leaf(x, y, z);
for &vert in &ord {
ans[vert] = match &condensed_tree[vert] {
Vertex::Leaf(a, b, c) => (*a, *b, *c),
Vertex::Huynya(v) => {
let (a, b, c) = ans[*v];
mat[vert][(0, 0)] * a + mat[vert][(0, 1)] * b + mat[vert][(0, 2)] * c,
mat[vert][(1, 0)] * a + mat[vert][(1, 1)] * b + mat[vert][(1, 2)] * c,
mat[vert][(2, 0)] * a + mat[vert][(2, 1)] * b + mat[vert][(2, 2)] * c,
Vertex::Internal(l, r) => {
let (vx, vy, vz) = ans[*l];
let (wx, wy, wz) = ans[*r];
(vy * wz - vz * wy, vz * wx - vx * wz, vx * wy - vy * wx)
_ => unreachable!(),
/*let mut rec = RecursiveFunction::new(|rec, vert: usize| -> (Mod, Mod, Mod) {
match &condensed_tree[vert] {
Vertex::Leaf(a, b, c) => (*a, *b, *c),
Vertex::Huynya(v, mat) => {
let (a, b, c) = rec.call(*v);
let res = mat.mult(&Matrix::new(&[&[a], &[b], &[c]]));
(res[(0, 0)], res[(1, 0)], res[(2, 0)])
Vertex::Internal(l, r) => {
let (vx, vy, vz) = rec.call(*l);
let (wx, wy, wz) = rec.call(*r);
(vy * wz - vz * wy, vz * wx - vx * wz, vx * wy - vy * wx)
_ => unreachable!(),
// out.print_line(rec.call(0));
pub(crate) fn run(mut input: Input, mut output: Output) -> bool {
let pre_calc = ();
enum TestType {
let test_type = TestType::Single;
match test_type {
TestType::Single => solve(&mut input, &mut output, 1, &pre_calc),
TestType::MultiNumber => {
let t = input.read();
for i in 1..=t {
solve(&mut input, &mut output, i, &pre_calc);
TestType::MultiEof => {
let mut i = 1;
while input.peek().is_some() {
solve(&mut input, &mut output, i, &pre_calc);
i += 1;
pub mod algo_lib {
pub mod collections {
pub mod bit_set {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::slice_ext::legacy_fill::LegacyFill;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::bit_ops::BitOps;
use std::ops::BitAndAssign;
use std::ops::BitOrAssign;
use std::ops::Index;
const TRUE: bool = true;
const FALSE: bool = false;
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct BitSet {
data: Vec<u64>,
len: usize,
impl BitSet {
pub fn new(len: usize) -> Self {
let data_len = if len == 0 {
} else {
Self::index(len - 1) + 1
Self {
data: vec![0; data_len],
pub fn from_slice(len: usize, set: &[usize]) -> Self {
let mut res = Self::new(len);
for &i in set {
pub fn set(&mut self, at: usize) {
assert!(at < self.len);
self.data[Self::index(at)].set_bit(at & 63);
pub fn unset(&mut self, at: usize) {
assert!(at < self.len);
self.data[Self::index(at)].unset_bit(at & 63);
pub fn change(&mut self, at: usize, value: bool) {
if value {
} else {
pub fn flip(&mut self, at: usize) {
self.change(at, !self[at]);
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn fill(&mut self, value: bool) {
// 1.43
self.data.legacy_fill(if value { std::u64::MAX } else { 0 })
pub fn is_superset(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
assert_eq!(self.len, other.len);
for i in 0..self.data.len() {
if self.data[i] & other.data[i] != other.data[i] {
return false;
pub fn is_subset(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + '_ {
fn index(at: usize) -> usize {
at >> 6
pub fn count_ones(&self) -> usize {
self.data.iter().map(|x| x.count_ones() as usize).sum()
pub struct BitSetIter<'s> {
at: usize,
inside: usize,
set: &'s BitSet,
impl<'s> Iterator for BitSetIter<'s> {
type Item = usize;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while self.at < self.set.data.len()
&& (self.inside == 64 || (self.set.data[self.at] >> self.inside) == 0)
self.at += 1;
self.inside = 0;
if self.at == self.set.data.len() {
} else {
while !self.set.data[self.at].is_set(self.inside) {
self.inside += 1;
let res = self.at * 64 + self.inside;
if res < self.set.len {
self.inside += 1;
} else {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a BitSet {
type Item = usize;
type IntoIter = BitSetIter<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
BitSetIter {
at: 0,
inside: 0,
set: self,
impl BitOrAssign<&BitSet> for BitSet {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: &BitSet) {
assert_eq!(self.len, rhs.len);
for (i, &j) in self.data.iter_mut().zip(rhs.data.iter()) {
*i |= j;
impl BitAndAssign<&BitSet> for BitSet {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: &BitSet) {
assert_eq!(self.len, rhs.len);
for (i, &j) in self.data.iter_mut().zip(rhs.data.iter()) {
*i &= j;
impl Index<usize> for BitSet {
type Output = bool;
fn index(&self, at: usize) -> &Self::Output {
assert!(at < self.len);
if self.data[Self::index(at)].is_set(at & 63) {
} else {
impl From<Vec<bool>> for BitSet {
fn from(data: Vec<bool>) -> Self {
let mut res = Self::new(data.len());
for (i, &value) in data.iter().enumerate() {
res.change(i, value);
pub mod dsu {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::iter_ext::collect::IterCollect;
use crate::algo_lib::collections::slice_ext::bounds::Bounds;
use crate::algo_lib::collections::slice_ext::legacy_fill::LegacyFill;
use std::cell::Cell;
pub struct DSU {
id: Vec<Cell<u32>>,
size: Vec<u32>,
count: usize,
impl DSU {
pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self {
Self {
id: (0..n).map(|i| Cell::new(i as u32)).collect_vec(),
size: vec![1; n],
count: n,
pub fn size(&self, i: usize) -> usize {
self.size[self.get(i)] as usize
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + '_ {
self.id.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(i, id)| {
if (i as u32) == id.get() {
} else {
pub fn set_count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn join(&mut self, mut a: usize, mut b: usize) -> bool {
a = self.get(a);
b = self.get(b);
if a == b {
} else {
self.size[a] += self.size[b];
self.id[b].replace(a as u32);
self.count -= 1;
pub fn get(&self, i: usize) -> usize {
if self.id[i].get() != i as u32 {
let res = self.get(self.id[i].get() as usize);
self.id[i].replace(res as u32);
self.id[i].get() as usize
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.count = self.id.len();
self.id.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, id)| {
id.replace(i as u32);
pub fn parts(&self) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
let roots = self.iter().collect_vec();
let mut res = vec![Vec::new(); roots.len()];
for i in 0..self.id.len() {
pub mod iter_ext {
pub mod collect {
pub trait IterCollect<T>: Iterator<Item = T> + Sized {
fn collect_vec(self) -> Vec<T> {
impl<T, I: Iterator<Item = T> + Sized> IterCollect<T> for I {}
pub mod md_arr {
pub mod arr2d {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::slice_ext::legacy_fill::LegacyFill;
use crate::algo_lib::io::input::Input;
use crate::algo_lib::io::input::Readable;
use crate::algo_lib::io::output::Output;
use crate::algo_lib::io::output::Writable;
use std::ops::Index;
use std::ops::IndexMut;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::slice::Iter;
use std::vec::IntoIter;
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Arr2d<T> {
d1: usize,
d2: usize,
data: Vec<T>,
impl<T: Clone> Arr2d<T> {
pub fn new(d1: usize, d2: usize, value: T) -> Self {
Self {
data: vec![value; d1 * d2],
impl<T> Arr2d<T> {
pub fn generate<F>(d1: usize, d2: usize, mut gen: F) -> Self
F: FnMut(usize, usize) -> T,
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(d1 * d2);
for i in 0usize..d1 {
for j in 0usize..d2 {
data.push(gen(i, j));
Self { d1, d2, data }
pub fn d1(&self) -> usize {
pub fn d2(&self) -> usize {
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> {
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut T> {
pub fn row(&self, row: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
assert!(row < self.d1);
self.data.iter().skip(row * self.d2).take(self.d2)
pub fn row_mut(&mut self, row: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut T> {
assert!(row < self.d1);
self.data.iter_mut().skip(row * self.d2).take(self.d2)
pub fn column(&self, col: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
assert!(col < self.d2);
pub fn column_mut(&mut self, col: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut T> {
assert!(col < self.d2);
pub fn swap(&mut self, r1: usize, c1: usize, r2: usize, c2: usize) {
assert!(r1 < self.d1);
assert!(r2 < self.d1);
assert!(c1 < self.d2);
assert!(c2 < self.d2);
self.data.swap(r1 * self.d2 + c1, r2 * self.d2 + c2);
pub fn rows(&self) -> Range<usize> {
pub fn cols(&self) -> Range<usize> {
impl<T: Clone> Arr2d<T> {
pub fn fill(&mut self, elem: T) {
pub fn transpose(&self) -> Self {
Self::generate(self.d2, self.d1, |i, j| self[(j, i)].clone())
impl<T> Index<(usize, usize)> for Arr2d<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, (row, col): (usize, usize)) -> &Self::Output {
assert!(row < self.d1);
assert!(col < self.d2);
&self.data[self.d2 * row + col]
impl<T> Index<usize> for Arr2d<T> {
type Output = [T];
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
&self.data[self.d2 * index..self.d2 * (index + 1)]
impl<T> IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for Arr2d<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, (row, col): (usize, usize)) -> &mut T {
assert!(row < self.d1);
assert!(col < self.d2);
&mut self.data[self.d2 * row + col]
impl<T> IndexMut<usize> for Arr2d<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut [T] {
&mut self.data[self.d2 * index..self.d2 * (index + 1)]
impl<T> AsRef<Vec<T>> for Arr2d<T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Vec<T> {
impl<T> AsMut<Vec<T>> for Arr2d<T> {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<T> {
&mut self.data
impl<T: Writable> Writable for Arr2d<T> {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
let mut at = 0usize;
for i in 0usize..self.d1 {
if i != 0 {
for j in 0usize..self.d2 {
if j != 0 {
output.put(b' ');
at += 1;
impl<T> IntoIterator for Arr2d<T> {
type Item = T;
type IntoIter = IntoIter<T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a Arr2d<T> {
type Item = &'a T;
type IntoIter = Iter<'a, T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
pub trait Arr2dRead {
fn read_table<T: Readable>(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<T>;
fn read_int_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<i32>;
fn read_long_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<i64>;
fn read_size_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<usize>;
fn read_char_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<char>;
impl Arr2dRead for Input<'_> {
fn read_table<T: Readable>(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<T> {
Arr2d::generate(d1, d2, |_, _| self.read())
fn read_int_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<i32> {
self.read_table(d1, d2)
fn read_long_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<i64> {
self.read_table(d1, d2)
fn read_size_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<usize> {
self.read_table(d1, d2)
fn read_char_table(&mut self, d1: usize, d2: usize) -> Arr2d<char> {
self.read_table(d1, d2)
pub trait Arr2dCharWrite {
fn print_table(&mut self, table: &Arr2d<char>);
impl Arr2dCharWrite for Output<'_> {
fn print_table(&mut self, table: &Arr2d<char>) {
let mut at = 0usize;
for _ in 0..table.d1 {
for _ in 0..table.d2 {
at += 1;
impl<T: Readable> Readable for Arr2d<T> {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self {
let d1 = input.read();
let d2 = input.read();
input.read_table(d1, d2)
pub mod slice_ext {
pub mod bounds {
pub trait Bounds<T: PartialOrd> {
fn lower_bound(&self, el: &T) -> usize;
fn upper_bound(&self, el: &T) -> usize;
fn bin_search(&self, el: &T) -> Option<usize>;
fn more(&self, el: &T) -> usize;
fn more_or_eq(&self, el: &T) -> usize;
fn less(&self, el: &T) -> usize;
fn less_or_eq(&self, el: &T) -> usize;
impl<T: PartialOrd> Bounds<T> for [T] {
fn lower_bound(&self, el: &T) -> usize {
let mut left = 0;
let mut right = self.len();
while left < right {
let mid = left + ((right - left) >> 1);
if &self[mid] < el {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
right = mid;
fn upper_bound(&self, el: &T) -> usize {
let mut left = 0;
let mut right = self.len();
while left < right {
let mid = left + ((right - left) >> 1);
if &self[mid] <= el {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
right = mid;
fn bin_search(&self, el: &T) -> Option<usize> {
let at = self.lower_bound(el);
if at == self.len() || &self[at] != el {
} else {
fn more(&self, el: &T) -> usize {
self.len() - self.upper_bound(el)
fn more_or_eq(&self, el: &T) -> usize {
self.len() - self.lower_bound(el)
fn less(&self, el: &T) -> usize {
fn less_or_eq(&self, el: &T) -> usize {
pub mod legacy_fill {
// 1.50
pub trait LegacyFill<T> {
fn legacy_fill(&mut self, val: T);
impl<T: Clone> LegacyFill<T> for [T] {
fn legacy_fill(&mut self, val: T) {
for el in self.iter_mut() {
*el = val.clone();
pub mod vec_ext {
pub mod default {
pub fn default_vec<T: Default>(len: usize) -> Vec<T> {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(len);
for _ in 0..len {
pub mod graph {
pub mod edges {
pub mod bi_edge {
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::bi_edge_trait::BiEdgeTrait;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_id::EdgeId;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_id::NoId;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_id::WithId;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_trait::BidirectionalEdgeTrait;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_trait::EdgeTrait;
pub struct BiEdgeRaw<Id: EdgeId, P> {
to: u32,
id: Id,
payload: P,
impl<Id: EdgeId> BiEdgeRaw<Id, ()> {
pub fn new(from: usize, to: usize) -> (usize, Self) {
Self {
to: to as u32,
id: Id::new(),
payload: (),
impl<Id: EdgeId, P> BiEdgeRaw<Id, P> {
pub fn with_payload(from: usize, to: usize, payload: P) -> (usize, Self) {
(from, Self::with_payload_impl(to, payload))
fn with_payload_impl(to: usize, payload: P) -> BiEdgeRaw<Id, P> {
Self {
to: to as u32,
id: Id::new(),
impl<Id: EdgeId, P: Clone> BidirectionalEdgeTrait for BiEdgeRaw<Id, P> {}
impl<Id: EdgeId, P: Clone> EdgeTrait for BiEdgeRaw<Id, P> {
type Payload = P;
const REVERSABLE: bool = true;
fn to(&self) -> usize {
self.to as usize
fn id(&self) -> usize {
fn set_id(&mut self, id: usize) {
fn reverse_id(&self) -> usize {
panic!("no reverse id")
fn set_reverse_id(&mut self, _: usize) {}
fn reverse_edge(&self, from: usize) -> Self {
Self::with_payload_impl(from, self.payload.clone())
fn payload(&self) -> &P {
impl<Id: EdgeId, P: Clone> BiEdgeTrait for BiEdgeRaw<Id, P> {}
pub type BiEdge<P> = BiEdgeRaw<NoId, P>;
pub type BiEdgeWithId<P> = BiEdgeRaw<WithId, P>;
pub mod bi_edge_trait {
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_trait::EdgeTrait;
pub trait BiEdgeTrait: EdgeTrait {}
pub mod edge {
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_id::EdgeId;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_id::NoId;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_id::WithId;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_trait::EdgeTrait;
pub struct EdgeRaw<Id: EdgeId, P> {
to: u32,
id: Id,
payload: P,
impl<Id: EdgeId> EdgeRaw<Id, ()> {
pub fn new(from: usize, to: usize) -> (usize, Self) {
Self {
to: to as u32,
id: Id::new(),
payload: (),
impl<Id: EdgeId, P> EdgeRaw<Id, P> {
pub fn with_payload(from: usize, to: usize, payload: P) -> (usize, Self) {
(from, Self::with_payload_impl(to, payload))
fn with_payload_impl(to: usize, payload: P) -> Self {
Self {
to: to as u32,
id: Id::new(),
impl<Id: EdgeId, P: Clone> EdgeTrait for EdgeRaw<Id, P> {
type Payload = P;
const REVERSABLE: bool = false;
fn to(&self) -> usize {
self.to as usize
fn id(&self) -> usize {
fn set_id(&mut self, id: usize) {
fn reverse_id(&self) -> usize {
panic!("no reverse")
fn set_reverse_id(&mut self, _: usize) {
panic!("no reverse")
fn reverse_edge(&self, _: usize) -> Self {
panic!("no reverse")
fn payload(&self) -> &P {
pub type Edge<P> = EdgeRaw<NoId, P>;
pub type EdgeWithId<P> = EdgeRaw<WithId, P>;
pub mod edge_id {
pub trait EdgeId: Clone {
fn new() -> Self;
fn id(&self) -> usize;
fn set_id(&mut self, id: usize);
pub struct WithId {
id: u32,
impl EdgeId for WithId {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { id: 0 }
fn id(&self) -> usize {
self.id as usize
fn set_id(&mut self, id: usize) {
self.id = id as u32;
pub struct NoId {}
impl EdgeId for NoId {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
fn id(&self) -> usize {
panic!("Id called on no id")
fn set_id(&mut self, _: usize) {}
pub mod edge_trait {
pub trait EdgeTrait: Clone {
type Payload;
const REVERSABLE: bool;
fn to(&self) -> usize;
fn id(&self) -> usize;
fn set_id(&mut self, id: usize);
fn reverse_id(&self) -> usize;
fn set_reverse_id(&mut self, reverse_id: usize);
fn reverse_edge(&self, from: usize) -> Self;
fn payload(&self) -> &Self::Payload;
pub trait BidirectionalEdgeTrait: EdgeTrait {}
pub mod graph {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::dsu::DSU;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::bi_edge::BiEdge;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge::Edge;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_trait::BidirectionalEdgeTrait;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_trait::EdgeTrait;
use std::ops::Index;
use std::ops::IndexMut;
pub struct Graph<E: EdgeTrait> {
pub(super) edges: Vec<Vec<E>>,
edge_count: usize,
impl<E: EdgeTrait> Graph<E> {
pub fn new(vertex_count: usize) -> Self {
Self {
edges: vec![Vec::new(); vertex_count],
edge_count: 0,
pub fn add_edge(&mut self, (from, mut edge): (usize, E)) -> usize {
let to = edge.to();
assert!(to < self.edges.len());
let direct_id = self.edges[from].len();
let rev_id = self.edges[to].len();
let mut rev_edge = self.edges[from][direct_id].reverse_edge(from);
self.edge_count += 1;
pub fn add_vertices(&mut self, cnt: usize) {
self.edges.resize(self.edges.len() + cnt, Vec::new());
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.edge_count = 0;
for ve in self.edges.iter_mut() {
pub fn vertex_count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn edge_count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn degrees(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
self.edges.iter().map(|v| v.len()).collect()
impl<E: BidirectionalEdgeTrait> Graph<E> {
pub fn is_tree(&self) -> bool {
if self.edge_count + 1 != self.vertex_count() {
} else {
pub fn is_forest(&self) -> bool {
let mut dsu = DSU::new(self.vertex_count());
for i in 0..self.vertex_count() {
for e in self[i].iter() {
if i <= e.to() && !dsu.join(i, e.to()) {
return false;
pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {
let mut dsu = DSU::new(self.vertex_count());
for i in 0..self.vertex_count() {
for e in self[i].iter() {
dsu.join(i, e.to());
dsu.set_count() == 1
impl<E: EdgeTrait> Index<usize> for Graph<E> {
type Output = [E];
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
impl<E: EdgeTrait> IndexMut<usize> for Graph<E> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
&mut self.edges[index]
impl Graph<Edge<()>> {
pub fn from_edges(n: usize, edges: &[(usize, usize)]) -> Self {
let mut graph = Self::new(n);
for &(from, to) in edges {
graph.add_edge(Edge::new(from, to));
impl Graph<BiEdge<()>> {
pub fn from_biedges(n: usize, edges: &[(usize, usize)]) -> Self {
let mut graph = Self::new(n);
for &(from, to) in edges {
graph.add_edge(BiEdge::new(from, to));
pub mod topological_sort {
use crate::algo_lib::graph::edges::edge_trait::EdgeTrait;
use crate::algo_lib::graph::graph::Graph;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
pub trait TopologicalSort {
fn topological_sort(&self) -> Option<Vec<usize>>;
impl<E: EdgeTrait> TopologicalSort for Graph<E> {
fn topological_sort(&self) -> Option<Vec<usize>> {
let n = self.vertex_count();
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(n);
let mut degree = vec![0u32; n];
for i in 0..n {
for e in self[i].iter() {
degree[e.to()] += 1;
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
for (i, deg) in degree.iter().enumerate() {
if *deg == 0 {
while !queue.is_empty() {
let cur = queue.pop_front().unwrap();
for e in self[cur].iter() {
let to = e.to();
degree[to] -= 1;
if degree[to] == 0 {
if res.len() == n {
} else {
pub mod io {
pub mod input {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::vec_ext::default::default_vec;
use std::io::Read;
pub struct Input<'s> {
input: &'s mut dyn Read,
buf: Vec<u8>,
at: usize,
buf_read: usize,
macro_rules! read_impl {
($t: ty, $read_name: ident, $read_vec_name: ident) => {
pub fn $read_name(&mut self) -> $t {
pub fn $read_vec_name(&mut self, len: usize) -> Vec<$t> {
($t: ty, $read_name: ident, $read_vec_name: ident, $read_pair_vec_name: ident) => {
read_impl!($t, $read_name, $read_vec_name);
pub fn $read_pair_vec_name(&mut self, len: usize) -> Vec<($t, $t)> {
impl<'s> Input<'s> {
const DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE: usize = 4096;
pub fn new(input: &'s mut dyn Read) -> Self {
Self {
buf: default_vec(Self::DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE),
at: 0,
buf_read: 0,
pub fn new_with_size(input: &'s mut dyn Read, buf_size: usize) -> Self {
Self {
buf: default_vec(buf_size),
at: 0,
buf_read: 0,
pub fn get(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
if self.refill_buffer() {
let res = self.buf[self.at];
self.at += 1;
if res == b'\r' {
if self.refill_buffer() && self.buf[self.at] == b'\n' {
self.at += 1;
return Some(b'\n');
} else {
pub fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
if self.refill_buffer() {
let res = self.buf[self.at];
Some(if res == b'\r' { b'\n' } else { res })
} else {
pub fn skip_whitespace(&mut self) {
while let Some(b) = self.peek() {
if !char::from(b).is_whitespace() {
pub fn next_token(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
while let Some(c) = self.get() {
if char::from(c).is_whitespace() {
if res.is_empty() {
} else {
//noinspection RsSelfConvention
pub fn is_exhausted(&mut self) -> bool {
//noinspection RsSelfConvention
pub fn is_empty(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn read<T: Readable>(&mut self) -> T {
pub fn read_vec<T: Readable>(&mut self, size: usize) -> Vec<T> {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(size);
for _ in 0..size {
pub fn read_char(&mut self) -> char {
read_impl!(u32, read_unsigned, read_unsigned_vec);
read_impl!(u64, read_u64, read_u64_vec);
read_impl!(usize, read_size, read_size_vec, read_size_pair_vec);
read_impl!(i32, read_int, read_int_vec, read_int_pair_vec);
read_impl!(i64, read_long, read_long_vec, read_long_pair_vec);
read_impl!(i128, read_i128, read_i128_vec);
fn refill_buffer(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.at == self.buf_read {
self.at = 0;
self.buf_read = self.input.read(&mut self.buf).unwrap();
self.buf_read != 0
} else {
pub trait Readable {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self;
impl Readable for char {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self {
impl<T: Readable> Readable for Vec<T> {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self {
let size = input.read();
macro_rules! read_integer {
($($t:ident)+) => {$(
impl Readable for $t {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self {
let mut c = input.get().unwrap();
let sgn = match c {
b'-' => {
c = input.get().unwrap();
b'+' => {
c = input.get().unwrap();
_ => false,
let mut res = 0;
loop {
res *= 10;
let d = (c - b'0') as $t;
if sgn {
res -= d;
} else {
res += d;
match input.get() {
None => break,
Some(ch) => {
if ch.is_ascii_whitespace() {
} else {
c = ch;
read_integer!(i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize);
macro_rules! tuple_readable {
($($name:ident)+) => {
impl<$($name: Readable), +> Readable for ($($name,)+) {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self {
tuple_readable! {T}
tuple_readable! {T U}
tuple_readable! {T U V}
tuple_readable! {T U V X}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y Z}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y Z A}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y Z A B}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y Z A B C}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y Z A B C D}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y Z A B C D E}
tuple_readable! {T U V X Y Z A B C D E F}
impl Read for Input<'_> {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
if self.at == self.buf_read {
} else {
let mut i = 0;
while i < buf.len() && self.at < self.buf_read {
buf[i] = self.buf[self.at];
i += 1;
self.at += 1;
pub mod output {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::vec_ext::default::default_vec;
use std::io::stderr;
use std::io::Stderr;
use std::io::Write;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum BoolOutput {
Custom(&'static str, &'static str),
impl BoolOutput {
pub fn output(&self, output: &mut Output, val: bool) {
(if val { self.yes() } else { self.no() }).write(output);
fn yes(&self) -> &str {
match self {
BoolOutput::YesNo => "Yes",
BoolOutput::YesNoCaps => "YES",
BoolOutput::PossibleImpossible => "Possible",
BoolOutput::Custom(yes, _) => yes,
fn no(&self) -> &str {
match self {
BoolOutput::YesNo => "No",
BoolOutput::YesNoCaps => "NO",
BoolOutput::PossibleImpossible => "Impossible",
BoolOutput::Custom(_, no) => no,
pub struct Output<'s> {
output: &'s mut dyn Write,
buf: Vec<u8>,
at: usize,
auto_flush: bool,
bool_output: BoolOutput,
impl<'s> Output<'s> {
const DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE: usize = 4096;
pub fn new(output: &'s mut dyn Write) -> Self {
Self {
buf: default_vec(Self::DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE),
at: 0,
auto_flush: false,
bool_output: BoolOutput::YesNoCaps,
pub fn new_with_auto_flush(output: &'s mut dyn Write) -> Self {
Self {
buf: default_vec(Self::DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE),
at: 0,
auto_flush: true,
bool_output: BoolOutput::YesNoCaps,
pub fn flush(&mut self) {
if self.at != 0 {
self.at = 0;
pub fn print<T: Writable>(&mut self, s: T) {
pub fn print_line<T: Writable>(&mut self, s: T) {
pub fn put(&mut self, b: u8) {
self.buf[self.at] = b;
self.at += 1;
if self.at == self.buf.len() {
pub fn maybe_flush(&mut self) {
if self.auto_flush {
pub fn print_per_line<T: Writable>(&mut self, arg: &[T]) {
for i in arg {
pub fn print_iter<T: Writable, I: Iterator<Item = T>>(&mut self, iter: I) {
let mut first = true;
for e in iter {
if first {
first = false;
} else {
self.put(b' ');
pub fn print_iter_ref<'a, T: 'a + Writable, I: Iterator<Item = &'a T>>(&mut self, iter: I) {
let mut first = true;
for e in iter {
if first {
first = false;
} else {
self.put(b' ');
pub fn set_bool_output(&mut self, bool_output: BoolOutput) {
self.bool_output = bool_output;
impl Write for Output<'_> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
let mut start = 0usize;
let mut rem = buf.len();
while rem > 0 {
let len = (self.buf.len() - self.at).min(rem);
self.buf[self.at..self.at + len].copy_from_slice(&buf[start..start + len]);
self.at += len;
if self.at == self.buf.len() {
start += len;
rem -= len;
fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
pub trait Writable {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output);
impl Writable for &str {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
impl Writable for String {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
impl Writable for char {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
output.put(*self as u8);
impl<T: Writable> Writable for [T] {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
impl<T: Writable, const N: usize> Writable for [T; N] {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
impl<T: Writable> Writable for &T {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
T::write(self, output)
impl<T: Writable> Writable for Vec<T> {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
impl Writable for () {
fn write(&self, _output: &mut Output) {}
macro_rules! write_to_string {
($($t:ident)+) => {$(
impl Writable for $t {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
write_to_string!(u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize);
macro_rules! tuple_writable {
($name0:ident $($name:ident: $id:tt )*) => {
impl<$name0: Writable, $($name: Writable,)*> Writable for ($name0, $($name,)*) {
fn write(&self, out: &mut Output) {
out.put(b' ');
tuple_writable! {T}
tuple_writable! {T U:1}
tuple_writable! {T U:1 V:2}
tuple_writable! {T U:1 V:2 X:3}
tuple_writable! {T U:1 V:2 X:3 Y:4}
tuple_writable! {T U:1 V:2 X:3 Y:4 Z:5}
tuple_writable! {T U:1 V:2 X:3 Y:4 Z:5 A:6}
tuple_writable! {T U:1 V:2 X:3 Y:4 Z:5 A:6 B:7}
impl<T: Writable> Writable for Option<T> {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
match self {
None => (-1).write(output),
Some(t) => t.write(output),
impl Writable for bool {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
let bool_output = output.bool_output;
bool_output.output(output, *self)
static mut ERR: Option<Stderr> = None;
pub fn err() -> Output<'static> {
unsafe {
if ERR.is_none() {
ERR = Some(stderr());
pub mod misc {
pub mod recursive_function {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
macro_rules! recursive_function {
($name: ident, $trait: ident, ($($type: ident $arg: ident,)*)) => {
pub trait $trait<$($type, )*Output> {
fn call(&mut self, $($arg: $type,)*) -> Output;
pub struct $name<F, $($type, )*Output>
F: FnMut(&mut dyn $trait<$($type, )*Output>, $($type, )*) -> Output,
f: std::cell::UnsafeCell<F>,
$($arg: PhantomData<$type>,
phantom_output: PhantomData<Output>,
impl<F, $($type, )*Output> $name<F, $($type, )*Output>
F: FnMut(&mut dyn $trait<$($type, )*Output>, $($type, )*) -> Output,
pub fn new(f: F) -> Self {
Self {
f: std::cell::UnsafeCell::new(f),
$($arg: Default::default(),
phantom_output: Default::default(),
impl<F, $($type, )*Output> $trait<$($type, )*Output> for $name<F, $($type, )*Output>
F: FnMut(&mut dyn $trait<$($type, )*Output>, $($type, )*) -> Output,
fn call(&mut self, $($arg: $type,)*) -> Output {
unsafe { (*self.f.get())(self, $($arg, )*) }
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction0, Callable0, ());
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction, Callable, (Arg arg,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction2, Callable2, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction3, Callable3, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction4, Callable4, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction5, Callable5, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction6, Callable6, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5, Arg6 arg6,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction7, Callable7, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5, Arg6 arg6, Arg7 arg7,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction8, Callable8, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5, Arg6 arg6, Arg7 arg7, Arg8 arg8,));
recursive_function!(RecursiveFunction9, Callable9, (Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5, Arg6 arg6, Arg7 arg7, Arg8 arg8, Arg9 arg9,));
pub mod value {
use std::hash::Hash;
pub trait Value<T>: Copy + Eq + Hash {
fn val() -> T;
pub trait ConstValue<T>: Value<T> {
const VAL: T;
impl<T, V: ConstValue<T>> Value<T> for V {
fn val() -> T {
macro_rules! value {
($name: ident: $t: ty = $val: expr) => {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Default)]
pub struct $name {}
impl $crate::algo_lib::misc::value::ConstValue<$t> for $name {
const VAL: $t = $val;
pub trait DynamicValue<T>: Value<T> {
//noinspection RsSelfConvention
fn set_val(t: T);
macro_rules! dynamic_value {
($name: ident: $t: ty) => {
static mut VAL: Option<$t> = None;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Default)]
struct $name {}
impl $crate::algo_lib::misc::value::DynamicValue<$t> for $name {
fn set_val(t: $t) {
unsafe {
VAL = Some(t);
impl $crate::algo_lib::misc::value::Value<$t> for $name {
fn val() -> $t {
unsafe { VAL.unwrap() }
($name: ident: $t: ty = $val: expr) => {
dynamic_value!($name: $t);
pub mod when {
macro_rules! when {
{$($cond: expr => $then: expr,)*} => {
match () {
$(_ if $cond => $then,)*
_ => unreachable!(),
{$($cond: expr => $then: expr,)* else $(=>)? $else: expr,} => {
match () {
$(_ if $cond => $then,)*
_ => $else,
pub mod numbers {
pub mod gcd {
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::IntegerMultiplicationMonoid;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::IntegerSemiRingWithSub;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::One;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::SemiRingWithSub;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::Zero;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::wideable::Wideable;
use std::mem::swap;
pub fn extended_gcd<T: IntegerSemiRingWithSub + Wideable + Copy>(a: T, b: T) -> (T, T::W, T::W)
T::W: Copy + SemiRingWithSub,
if a == T::zero() {
(b, T::W::zero(), T::W::one())
} else {
let (d, y, mut x) = extended_gcd(b % a, a);
x -= T::W::from(b / a) * y;
(d, x, y)
pub fn gcd<T: Copy + Zero + IntegerMultiplicationMonoid>(mut a: T, mut b: T) -> T {
while b != T::zero() {
a %= b;
swap(&mut a, &mut b);
pub fn lcm<T: Copy + Zero + IntegerMultiplicationMonoid>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
(a / gcd(a, b)) * b
pub mod matrix {
use crate::algo_lib::collections::md_arr::arr2d::Arr2d;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::One;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::SemiRing;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::Zero;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
pub struct Matrix<T>(Arr2d<T>);
impl<T: Zero + One + Clone> Matrix<T> {
pub fn zero(n: usize, m: usize) -> Self {
Self(Arr2d::new(n, m, T::zero()))
pub fn ident(n: usize) -> Self {
Self(Arr2d::generate(n, n, |i, j| {
if i == j {
} else {
impl<T: Copy> Matrix<T> {
pub fn column(arr: &[T]) -> Self {
Self(Arr2d::generate(arr.len(), 1, |i, _| arr[i]))
pub fn row(arr: &[T]) -> Self {
Self(Arr2d::generate(1, arr.len(), |_, i| arr[i]))
pub fn new(arr: &[&[T]]) -> Self {
for a in arr {
assert_eq!(a.len(), arr[0].len());
Self(Arr2d::generate(arr.len(), arr[0].len(), |i, j| arr[i][j]))
impl<T: SemiRing + Copy> Matrix<T> {
pub fn mult(&self, a: &Matrix<T>) -> Self {
let mut res = Self::zero(self.d1(), a.d2());
Self::do_mult(&mut res, self, a);
pub fn do_mult(&mut self, a: &Matrix<T>, b: &Matrix<T>) {
assert_eq!(self.d1(), a.d1());
assert_eq!(a.d2(), b.d1());
assert_eq!(b.d2(), self.d2());
for i in 0..self.d1() {
for j in 0..a.d2() {
for k in 0..b.d2() {
self[(i, k)] += a[(i, j)] * b[(j, k)];
pub fn add(&mut self, a: &Matrix<T>, b: &Matrix<T>) {
assert_eq!(self.d1(), a.d1());
assert_eq!(self.d2(), a.d2());
assert_eq!(self.d1(), b.d1());
assert_eq!(self.d2(), b.d2());
for i in 0..self.d1() {
for j in 0..self.d2() {
self[(i, j)] = a[(i, j)] + b[(i, j)];
pub fn add_to(&mut self, a: &Matrix<T>) {
assert_eq!(self.d1(), a.d1());
assert_eq!(self.d2(), a.d2());
for i in 0..self.d1() {
for j in 0..self.d2() {
self[(i, j)] += a[(i, j)];
pub fn power(&self, n: usize) -> Matrix<T> {
assert_eq!(self.d1(), self.d2());
let mut res = Self::ident(self.d1());
let mut temp = Self::ident(self.d1());
Self::do_power(self, &mut res, &mut temp, n);
fn do_power(a: &Matrix<T>, res: &mut Matrix<T>, temp: &mut Matrix<T>, n: usize) {
if n != 0 {
if (n & 1) == 0 {
Self::do_power(a, temp, res, n >> 1);
res.do_mult(temp, temp);
} else {
Self::do_power(a, temp, res, n - 1);
res.do_mult(temp, a);
impl<T> Deref for Matrix<T> {
type Target = Arr2d<T>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T> DerefMut for Matrix<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl<T> From<Arr2d<T>> for Matrix<T> {
fn from(a: Arr2d<T>) -> Self {
pub mod mod_int {
use crate::algo_lib::io::input::Input;
use crate::algo_lib::io::input::Readable;
use crate::algo_lib::io::output::Output;
use crate::algo_lib::io::output::Writable;
use crate::algo_lib::misc::value::Value;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::gcd::extended_gcd;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::Field;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::IntegerRing;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::One;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::Ring;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::Zero;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::as_index::AsIndex;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::invertible::Invertible;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::wideable::Wideable;
use crate::value;
use crate::when;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Add;
use std::ops::AddAssign;
use std::ops::Div;
use std::ops::DivAssign;
use std::ops::Mul;
use std::ops::MulAssign;
use std::ops::Neg;
use std::ops::Sub;
use std::ops::SubAssign;
pub trait BaseModInt: Field + Copy {
type W: IntegerRing + Copy + From<Self::T>;
type T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Wideable<W = Self::W>;
fn from(v: Self::T) -> Self;
fn module() -> Self::T;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Default)]
pub struct ModInt<T, V: Value<T>> {
n: T,
phantom: PhantomData<V>,
impl<T: Copy, V: Value<T>> ModInt<T, V> {
pub fn val(&self) -> T {
impl<T: Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> ModInt<T, V> {
unsafe fn unchecked_new(n: T) -> Self {
debug_assert!(n >= T::zero() && n < V::val());
Self {
phantom: Default::default(),
unsafe fn maybe_subtract_mod(mut n: T) -> T {
debug_assert!(n < V::val() + V::val() && n >= T::zero());
if n >= V::val() {
n -= V::val();
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> ModInt<T, V> {
pub fn new(n: T) -> Self {
unsafe { Self::unchecked_new(Self::maybe_subtract_mod(n % (V::val()) + V::val())) }
impl<T: Copy + IntegerRing + Ord + Wideable + Hash, V: Value<T>> ModInt<T, V>
T::W: Copy + IntegerRing,
pub fn log(&self, alpha: Self) -> T {
let mut base = HashMap::new();
let mut exp = T::zero();
let mut pow = Self::one();
let mut inv = *self;
let alpha_inv = alpha.inv().unwrap();
while exp * exp < Self::module() {
if inv == Self::one() {
return exp;
base.insert(inv, exp);
exp += T::one();
pow *= alpha;
inv *= alpha_inv;
let step = pow;
let mut i = T::one();
loop {
if let Some(b) = base.get(&pow) {
break exp * i + *b;
pow *= step;
i += T::one();
impl<T: Wideable + Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> ModInt<T, V>
T::W: IntegerRing,
pub fn new_from_wide(n: T::W) -> Self {
unsafe {
T::downcast(n % (V::val()).into()) + V::val(),
impl<T: Copy + IntegerRing + Ord + Wideable, V: Value<T>> Invertible for ModInt<T, V>
T::W: Copy + IntegerRing,
type Output = Self;
fn inv(&self) -> Option<Self> {
let (g, x, _) = extended_gcd(self.n, V::val());
if g != T::one() {
} else {
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Wideable, V: Value<T>> BaseModInt for ModInt<T, V>
T::W: IntegerRing + Copy,
type W = T::W;
type T = T;
fn from(v: Self::T) -> Self {
fn module() -> T {
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> From<T> for ModInt<T, V> {
fn from(n: T) -> Self {
impl<T: Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> AddAssign for ModInt<T, V> {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
self.n = unsafe { Self::maybe_subtract_mod(self.n + rhs.n) };
impl<T: Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> Add for ModInt<T, V> {
type Output = Self;
fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
self += rhs;
impl<T: Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> SubAssign for ModInt<T, V> {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
self.n = unsafe { Self::maybe_subtract_mod(self.n + V::val() - rhs.n) };
impl<T: Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> Sub for ModInt<T, V> {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
self -= rhs;
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Wideable, V: Value<T>> MulAssign for ModInt<T, V>
T::W: IntegerRing + Copy,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
self.n = T::downcast(T::W::from(self.n) * T::W::from(rhs.n) % T::W::from(V::val()));
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Wideable, V: Value<T>> Mul for ModInt<T, V>
T::W: IntegerRing + Copy,
type Output = Self;
fn mul(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
self *= rhs;
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Wideable, V: Value<T>> DivAssign for ModInt<T, V>
T::W: IntegerRing + Copy,
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
*self *= rhs.inv().unwrap();
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Wideable, V: Value<T>> Div for ModInt<T, V>
T::W: IntegerRing + Copy,
type Output = Self;
fn div(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
self /= rhs;
impl<T: Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> Neg for ModInt<T, V> {
type Output = Self;
fn neg(mut self) -> Self::Output {
self.n = unsafe { Self::maybe_subtract_mod(V::val() - self.n) };
impl<T: Display, V: Value<T>> Display for ModInt<T, V> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
<T as Display>::fmt(&self.n, f)
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Readable, V: Value<T>> Readable for ModInt<T, V> {
fn read(input: &mut Input) -> Self {
impl<T: Writable, V: Value<T>> Writable for ModInt<T, V> {
fn write(&self, output: &mut Output) {
impl<T: Ring + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> Zero for ModInt<T, V> {
fn zero() -> Self {
unsafe { Self::unchecked_new(T::zero()) }
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy, V: Value<T>> One for ModInt<T, V> {
fn one() -> Self {
impl<T, V: Value<T>> Wideable for ModInt<T, V> {
type W = Self;
fn downcast(w: Self::W) -> Self {
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + Wideable + Display + AsIndex, V: Value<T>> std::fmt::Debug
for ModInt<T, V>
T::W: IntegerRing + Copy,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
let max = T::from_index(100);
when! {
self.n <= max => write!(f, "{}", self.n),
self.n >= V::val() - max => write!(f, "{}", self.n - V::val()),
else => {
let mut denominator = T::one();
while denominator < max {
let mut num = T::one();
while num < max {
if Self::new(num) / Self::new(denominator) == *self {
return write!(f, "{}/{}", num, denominator);
if -Self::new(num) / Self::new(denominator) == *self {
return write!(f, "-{}/{}", num, denominator);
num += T::one();
denominator += T::one();
write!(f, "(?? {} ??)", self.n)
impl<T: IntegerRing + Ord + Copy + AsIndex, V: Value<T>> AsIndex for ModInt<T, V> {
fn from_index(idx: usize) -> Self {
fn to_index(self) -> usize {
value!(Val7: i32 = 1_000_000_007);
pub type ModInt7 = ModInt<i32, Val7>;
value!(Val9: i32 = 1_000_000_009);
pub type ModInt9 = ModInt<i32, Val9>;
value!(ValF: i32 = 998_244_353);
pub type ModIntF = ModInt<i32, ValF>;
pub mod num_traits {
pub mod algebra {
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::invertible::Invertible;
use std::ops::Add;
use std::ops::AddAssign;
use std::ops::Div;
use std::ops::DivAssign;
use std::ops::Mul;
use std::ops::MulAssign;
use std::ops::Neg;
use std::ops::Rem;
use std::ops::RemAssign;
use std::ops::Sub;
use std::ops::SubAssign;
pub trait Zero {
fn zero() -> Self;
pub trait One {
fn one() -> Self;
pub trait AdditionMonoid: Add<Output = Self> + AddAssign + Zero + Eq + Sized {}
impl<T: Add<Output = Self> + AddAssign + Zero + Eq> AdditionMonoid for T {}
pub trait AdditionMonoidWithSub: AdditionMonoid + Sub<Output = Self> + SubAssign {}
impl<T: AdditionMonoid + Sub<Output = Self> + SubAssign> AdditionMonoidWithSub for T {}
pub trait AdditionGroup: AdditionMonoidWithSub + Neg<Output = Self> {}
impl<T: AdditionMonoidWithSub + Neg<Output = Self>> AdditionGroup for T {}
pub trait MultiplicationMonoid: Mul<Output = Self> + MulAssign + One + Eq + Sized {}
impl<T: Mul<Output = Self> + MulAssign + One + Eq> MultiplicationMonoid for T {}
pub trait IntegerMultiplicationMonoid:
MultiplicationMonoid + Div<Output = Self> + Rem<Output = Self> + DivAssign + RemAssign
impl<T: MultiplicationMonoid + Div<Output = Self> + Rem<Output = Self> + DivAssign + RemAssign>
IntegerMultiplicationMonoid for T
pub trait MultiplicationGroup:
MultiplicationMonoid + Div<Output = Self> + DivAssign + Invertible<Output = Self>
impl<T: MultiplicationMonoid + Div<Output = Self> + DivAssign + Invertible<Output = Self>>
MultiplicationGroup for T
pub trait SemiRing: AdditionMonoid + MultiplicationMonoid {}
impl<T: AdditionMonoid + MultiplicationMonoid> SemiRing for T {}
pub trait SemiRingWithSub: AdditionMonoidWithSub + SemiRing {}
impl<T: AdditionMonoidWithSub + SemiRing> SemiRingWithSub for T {}
pub trait Ring: SemiRing + AdditionGroup {}
impl<T: SemiRing + AdditionGroup> Ring for T {}
pub trait IntegerSemiRing: SemiRing + IntegerMultiplicationMonoid {}
impl<T: SemiRing + IntegerMultiplicationMonoid> IntegerSemiRing for T {}
pub trait IntegerSemiRingWithSub: SemiRingWithSub + IntegerSemiRing {}
impl<T: SemiRingWithSub + IntegerSemiRing> IntegerSemiRingWithSub for T {}
pub trait IntegerRing: IntegerSemiRing + Ring {}
impl<T: IntegerSemiRing + Ring> IntegerRing for T {}
pub trait Field: Ring + MultiplicationGroup {}
impl<T: Ring + MultiplicationGroup> Field for T {}
macro_rules! zero_one_integer_impl {
($($t: ident)+) => {$(
impl Zero for $t {
fn zero() -> Self {
impl One for $t {
fn one() -> Self {
zero_one_integer_impl!(i128 i64 i32 i16 i8 isize u128 u64 u32 u16 u8 usize);
pub mod as_index {
pub trait AsIndex {
fn from_index(idx: usize) -> Self;
fn to_index(self) -> usize;
macro_rules! from_index_impl {
($($t: ident)+) => {$(
impl AsIndex for $t {
fn from_index(idx: usize) -> Self {
idx as $t
fn to_index(self) -> usize {
self as usize
from_index_impl!(i128 i64 i32 i16 i8 isize u128 u64 u32 u16 u8 usize);
pub mod bit_ops {
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::One;
use crate::algo_lib::numbers::num_traits::algebra::Zero;
use std::ops::BitAnd;
use std::ops::BitAndAssign;
use std::ops::BitOr;
use std::ops::BitOrAssign;
use std::ops::BitXor;
use std::ops::BitXorAssign;
use std::ops::Not;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::ops::Shl;
use std::ops::ShlAssign;
use std::ops::Shr;
use std::ops::ShrAssign;
pub trait BitOps:
+ BitAnd<Output = Self>
+ BitAndAssign
+ BitOr<Output = Self>
+ BitOrAssign
+ BitXor<Output = Self>
+ BitXorAssign
+ Not<Output = Self>
+ Shl<usize, Output = Self>
+ ShlAssign<usize>
+ Shr<usize, Output = Self>
+ ShrAssign<usize>
+ Zero
+ One
+ PartialEq
fn bit(at: usize) -> Self {
Self::one() << at
fn is_set(&self, at: usize) -> bool {
(*self >> at & Self::one()) == Self::one()
fn set_bit(&mut self, at: usize) {
*self |= Self::bit(at)
fn unset_bit(&mut self, at: usize) {
*self &= !Self::bit(at)
fn with_bit(mut self, at: usize) -> Self {
fn without_bit(mut self, at: usize) -> Self {
fn flip_bit(&mut self, at: usize) {
*self ^= Self::bit(at)
fn all_bits(n: usize) -> Self {
let mut res = Self::zero();
for i in 0..n {
fn iter_all(n: usize) -> RangeInclusive<Self> {
T: Copy
+ BitAnd<Output = Self>
+ BitAndAssign
+ BitOr<Output = Self>
+ BitOrAssign
+ BitXor<Output = Self>
+ BitXorAssign
+ Not<Output = Self>
+ Shl<usize, Output = Self>
+ ShlAssign<usize>
+ Shr<usize, Output = Self>
+ ShrAssign<usize>
+ One
+ Zero
+ PartialEq,
> BitOps for T
pub trait Bits: BitOps {
fn bits() -> u32;
macro_rules! bits_integer_impl {
($($t: ident $bits: expr),+) => {$(
impl Bits for $t {
fn bits() -> u32 {
bits_integer_impl!(i128 128, i64 64, i32 32, i16 16, i8 8, isize 64, u128 128, u64 64, u32 32, u16 16, u8 8, usize 64);
pub mod invertible {
pub trait Invertible {
type Output;
fn inv(&self) -> Option<Self::Output>;
pub mod wideable {
use std::convert::From;
pub trait Wideable: Sized {
type W: From<Self>;
fn downcast(w: Self::W) -> Self;
macro_rules! wideable_impl {
($($t: ident $w: ident),+) => {$(
impl Wideable for $t {
type W = $w;
fn downcast(w: Self::W) -> Self {
w as $t
wideable_impl!(i64 i128, i32 i64, i16 i32, i8 i16, u64 u128, u32 u64, u16 u32, u8 u16);
fn main() {
let mut sin = std::io::stdin();
let input = if false {
algo_lib::io::input::Input::new_with_size(&mut sin, 1)
} else {
algo_lib::io::input::Input::new(&mut sin)
let mut stdout = std::io::stdout();
let output = if false {
algo_lib::io::output::Output::new_with_auto_flush(&mut stdout)
} else {
algo_lib::io::output::Output::new(&mut stdout)
solution::run(input, output);
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 2224kb
5 3 x 2 3 v 1 0 1 x 4 5 v 0 2 1 v 1 1 1 4 1 2 3 5 0 1 1 4 0 2 2
998244351 0 2 1 998244351 998244352 0 0 0
ok 9 numbers
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 3646ms
memory: 42596kb
199999 100000 x 137025 65661 v 572518668 158967010 74946561 x 129836 192657 x 141948 187810 v 574918069 328924434 141474729 x 143312 111002 x 52772 148497 v 922857701 690080961 651915759 v 656198340 28002884 129579416 v 639893144 265359784 646791226 v 796871409 411409966 598676495 v 882562617 224394...
393120558 773766615 387297348 759959566 981774500 128012497 294611811 980011608 533642029 404379574 745296852 53493560 404565501 828869760 78021156 592494858 647751304 881427733 190018467 515243135 518180555 628180500 509984554 257430135 13737245 352087791 917410487 932051309 366591227 479931477 199...
ok 300000 numbers
Test #3:
score: -100
Time Limit Exceeded
199999 100000 x 154525 80092 v 450407262 725458410 590777520 x 24720 135901 v 719242117 114943104 186796011 v 382530926 89156744 943939337 x 183376 26042 x 109984 157873 x 151637 150600 x 4115 27454 x 163135 92648 x 16764 33212 v 849210403 945083972 689295397 v 471196117 68587428 225597765 x 24643 5...
677067461 996514296 449166851 810403092 258196842 853459733 410756156 253348518 912664471 327134890 519245783 922528759 317367558 536888537 506214109 484753530 879045782 772404948 422920052 152084658 517340457 1207902 348787162 320821077 776293878 699474926 711114530 871858473 468497588 822120121 24...