The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#302981 | #15. 虫逢 | Unknown1508 | 70 | 876ms | 32936kb | C++20 | 3.2kb | 2024-01-11 16:26:26 | 2024-01-11 16:26:28 |
Judging History
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void main_program();
signed main(){
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
using u8 = uint8_t;
template <class T>
using uset = unordered_set<T>;
int n, M, L;
string s;
mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
vector<int> mapping, answer;
vector<vector<int>> A;
int newval = 0;
void create_mapping(){
mapping.assign(256, 0);
int crr = 0;
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) mapping[c] = crr++;
for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) mapping[c] = crr++;
for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++) mapping[c] = crr++;
for (char c: "~!@#$%^&()[]`:;\"'<>,.?/|\\=-{}") mapping[c] = crr++;
map<pair<int, int>, bool> cache;
bool equivalent(int a, int b){
if (a > b) swap(a, b);
if (cache.count({a, b})) return cache[{a, b}];
int cnt = 0;
int it1 = 0, it2 = 0;
while (it1 < L && it2 < L){
if (A[a][it1] == A[b][it2]){
it1++; it2++; cnt++;
else if (A[a][it1] < A[b][it2]) it1++;
else it2++;
return cnt >= L/2;
vector<int> vec;
void run_hash_function(){
for (auto &val: vec) val = rng();
void main_program(){
cin >> n >> M >> L;
cin >> s;
answer.assign(n * 2, -1);
A.assign(n * 2, vector<int>(L));
map<int, vector<int>> mp;
map<int, int> compress;
for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < L; j++){
int H = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
H = H * 92 + mapping[s[i * L * 4 + j * 4 + k]];
A[i][j] = H;
compress[H] = 1;
for (auto &[key, value]: compress) value = newval++;
for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < L; j++){
A[i][j] = compress[A[i][j]];
for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++){
sort(A[i].begin(), A[i].end());
// for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++){
// for (int j = 0; j < L; j++){
// cout << A[i][j] << " ";
// }
// cout << "\n";
// }
int remaining = n;
vector<pair<int, int>> group(n * 2);
while (remaining){
// cout << "New iteration" << endl;
vector<int> order;
for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++){
if (answer[i] >= 0) continue;
group[i] = {INT_MAX, INT_MAX};
for (int j = 0; j < L; j++){
group[i].first = min(group[i].first, vec[A[i][j]]);
int crridx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < L; j++){
group[crridx].second = min(group[crridx].second, vec[A[i][j]]);
sort(order.begin(), order.end(), [&](int idx1, int idx2){
return group[idx1] < group[idx2];
// for (auto idx: order) cout << "idx = " << idx << endl;
int sz = order.size();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++){
int ii = order[i];
if (answer[ii] >= 0) continue;
for (int j = i + 1; j < sz; j++){
int jj = order[j];
if (group[jj] != group[ii]) break;
if (answer[jj] >= 0) continue;
if (equivalent(ii, jj)){
answer[ii] = jj;
answer[jj] = ii;
for (int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++){
cout << answer[i] + 1 << "\n";
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 10
time: 2ms
memory: 3856kb
400 400 20 EEg-$7z}ic&Oy(3A7Xhghr!`G"?jPI/cj`BU]dh,35/x:OScim>vk+dwo|((KOM(L_~o#^G5cnL:fC>_#2k1%apE-Q98T-w,8T?w{7Zfk+dwNzj&yAT#M4fSdw#M}??kcY"J]O@TcxT<Mms0h&XIUIK9cnL:K`BVH_-@pXpzL,&i_d^>\*I\k+dwL5vaN`'.Z72Tbb~x^"bLKqV-'u:a4yXn=yW.U/88HNbq&\Y{K&q'a<|8<7j(yc8NVS[2';"N7Xhg?skmC(D"j`BU:G_]Fu[&n'p;($#%~...
39 745 694 66 344 748 379 678 458 596 600 442 323 508 662 435 682 77 32 572 373 527 605 614 616 48 84 444 343 529 242 19 287 632 599 791 421 116 1 258 657 659 625 602 252 181 642 26 510 53 419 140 50 681 184 549 609 453 606 710 730 439 289 232 668 4 464 246 176 477 125 522 384 509 771 279 18 772 112...
ok 800 lines
Test #2:
score: 10
time: 17ms
memory: 4400kb
900 900 30 <$`st_N'e{wTJ!fn%0SA3RJTqP0_Z-H;HA%\\sJNRAV1'[R@.cmba_Bpl|u1z6_J5w%,h/q/w^wM;_%MSX+T16EQK&h?Q>fn(vCT@{[`II-ExNxGV+pg"QcN)}!K({'Vq#N&--'^6$;yt^\A\+3cBs*algVZXS<$nEY5MQ*z[@^GDjN#a_Bpe,0Fxi,{?<5HN;-A':No>MaXQOR)SVWJ8u<ioF3|@C$oOmDaTY}hFcOjS95H0{ZC3?MucIq[g[Ttgnx};NZA~-v;MTt3CAg@a[='k^;eTCytI...
183 982 516 1419 408 1516 557 567 923 999 358 432 1662 980 466 774 731 281 91 1343 1321 1684 963 1093 702 1198 1170 1094 1590 1349 289 1100 503 501 1362 606 1451 967 993 997 446 1183 826 1620 1697 116 1247 198 1098 817 1524 242 1151 83 311 248 1377 1570 1618 854 674 723 1361 172 1595 1471 984 431 84...
ok 1800 lines
Test #3:
score: 10
time: 41ms
memory: 5520kb
1600 1600 40 hsoY4eoY'F,2m06W;)%5}R`:uY5F}Ij?bOw%2^tin}q=p3hf$d]$'s2lCBvo!(e>b1TfN)*)rHlV({x)xIU@~GcPym02ZU6BAmnlpWO|'vUHx~XBk#`MLETV/3H#A'"RsdX7Q1B`]Ej4yqft}Ltr?mMtFj_P$NV1)%2o[R>RLY47i*JX5MpiCf#VP7pSv!QdD+^JF%L{[>xQ?EdFG=Tq}_]Vq6mzM'B#Tlq*!eij3Lbt%aA>qC`XV$gMP=((^)XV-D5"/VAn$a/?}bo5]Ej4Ar^4}yB"9_9...
3183 128 2410 2620 499 344 154 2189 3165 1268 321 2315 1687 2467 865 527 703 166 76 1222 1437 1105 160 1912 3119 3113 2691 2423 446 2500 585 1418 2767 2400 886 2211 884 1470 669 1368 2439 2420 2094 717 1066 536 127 1520 1938 975 1495 1859 816 1953 749 190 142 483 3011 567 2732 706 1000 2407 3097 287...
ok 3200 lines
Test #4:
score: 10
time: 78ms
memory: 7284kb
2500 2500 50 v*+m#?q}Hrg+;H(=ho/Y_DxiGs(B$R|v^$$s)o!p3OGjaI~1\d[f2ZV(E-mXvVOHr(*w5Yl#S7}yYQ[f_lL--:2("W=}2Af`a;cBVIAR(1n|zP@"Pi&,=pR{i2V\sbYR2@[8{X2x-F]o.x=5S7l5e,.3O`?:M]Y25gLF'&o0`c+]$#0|B9]YH!TG}{U=Y[W]r^!6HQ=@r%w3U2-.Jzy$Fz|rv#BVKP)&8'rGDlf=Sv'&0!xPw_=ZR@)l.:*n5w/!R7)eE$9fqeT2Vhe2I6_xm;/pk,.+%^_...
1212 3599 4245 4891 3851 4344 4812 482 4695 15 4025 1431 2874 3143 10 558 2563 328 2640 4346 469 2881 3274 3997 454 2320 3544 4115 1629 440 3605 1303 1757 4767 2603 2820 2225 2724 2085 3468 2234 3976 1656 3141 569 1136 4919 3077 3700 3963 3524 3443 1165 1844 3066 2766 574 204 4447 2496 613 4932 2967...
ok 5000 lines
Test #5:
score: 10
time: 153ms
memory: 10228kb
3600 3600 60 k,i{Q4?)4lEg^l;M-spz5V7G+!+1H~TB!BUPjMuK"hr`>6UFEiX(W4WP)Qq-KdghsXw@*Uw)a3#39qnUxz2H6!7'8A0eTx8$wB|5kVw8-chn1azM`6Ih$m[^pQx=]P4d8$G!5n7+RN|5.Q.Rw`gz5PHG.OhmNbsl&L%8`~I;3+?AFUaIUMbOy)wJU\}hT$;gBFRR/*b#%/*VlDY#28B+/#&{CA0<6JkC-)qQyUg0kEl)//n^$`=a37Ab}nSZ\z/0-,d0s`9<6BeaI`1j<_Nn$([,*UU<DIH...
777 3950 5501 7041 1827 2499 4026 5724 5524 1272 2134 4622 2445 2935 2540 464 2054 103 5976 4313 1869 2382 154 5955 5418 2192 6782 5746 3939 946 5224 5833 4676 2531 3573 2617 3476 4304 4195 4718 659 6386 3120 4308 1947 5619 3563 4075 2803 3996 1614 4142 2941 4666 3817 4370 1615 3762 2698 1092 2390 6...
ok 7200 lines
Test #6:
score: 10
time: 397ms
memory: 20232kb
6400 6400 80 #pYpSE)bn,eSQc3x;7~=8F3vk'sG;Jgzv"JPka&PmF(o'!Q,_3%?G"L.l#)^_r^"[F=SS()UDLq;{1c%Lt~U/7c>%-Mr[S=RD'MHE}<VTe`}r{&I4`%dcT*AAdSD)RBdrkX^tpdp|[hz&qX1Ts$5$gOS4}s]<Io^M2CYbCy^$46"z0,|&qq:%G>oI"%|?nT[E5,cq+C58?qz|z^KN~UNt0p(#XaAj$fc`?p6D_/eaSnFj&I))L@q/S.M{84wB^}ti]:Bh".Kg)$Yey%/uZ\3$hoKx5IS/4'...
8692 9860 4526 7149 3484 10510 6236 6263 4959 1956 4880 2965 11433 11187 6873 3576 10408 6324 5736 541 9760 12294 10107 4406 4503 2401 11576 11256 158 4505 1939 4750 9474 956 2063 8630 12351 3532 10322 6841 3231 12221 4382 7521 2693 4149 7815 7477 7592 10145 10474 11511 4577 3004 6372 12391 1979 413...
ok 12800 lines
Test #7:
score: 10
time: 876ms
memory: 32936kb
10000 10000 100 !`Z+4~yp--uU9|2_g`@{b5M;F>A$NwzlnP8}+!UA!>KV5DJz:S@x<TQW{v.HyZ'6[.!O*s6+W8^X+T^A$m7]&Ge!0PbFKAG$hQZ++nl3/\49}CcccH=Rpl,7-0kTd6m!-=Oj=]D~f\OWiy?Dtt]D#~Aq1b(J6.7l(Z#xwF_e*B#Nh|`,<N3xNq)d8**nMTBTCXM9#{y.^H$jSVsV6Sm"YqC}SODAmT8YpaAHFcd/&l[crSYPav{Q0T3F6M1&{auL!>D]%-?6Rk=j&Z\%SX]2,0EW`&U]...
1968 13206 2013 16015 2355 14558 2296 931 11741 3454 11684 15044 3913 12047 10941 19215 19014 12457 16642 4245 15114 11566 504 13634 2941 12673 3792 13387 14104 10408 3457 4662 5016 1389 18461 3516 3121 15619 13819 3250 1268 348 12772 1748 8696 5917 14919 7592 17404 725 7727 1639 2155 5216 7871 8263...
ok 20000 lines
Test #8:
score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded
12100 12100 110 jNb#M3`q7hFKE*".Lp>.Rl"ggiB|~p0|3h_4^g;|1/:vpCJJAz_\#fBJh6oh9q7w(tJbE31v+t`1t:(bvexrJCS>Dsdyv_`2}{>a9v:.<&XNOa]LTu#=z%c*z)3JEGd3TTTgP$tk]Prf6Hb/1eG6:6e.Bl2!nHJ2<Ja),]S1PBc'$"9tjO2/avMUpfG|q2v[`pl=Nq>cM[RVDOw_M:Ztk~[bH]ZC+T**5DQmv]R>W)U>0T8eMW$-.bCLg}E92I)qFa{slC"J]@CU#<3_^#w'tU>]#`5~...
Test #9:
score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded
14400 14400 120 x]kNS_WN&Y>tRD|@!:V|<HKIp4f[0`=8[l5)a%h&S_/0rTs^rs,)#f5y>p~HXpytf9TR6!~)4jJ-5VSy-_yOJS&V@^Cf>r5O5IeI?p;9OZ%J.G<aHr2-5ioks9@w(x8KWlh161zDot+S8TP%R,*x].sd)V:'&*m:j&}(O`\y6/8@}oo4VG!bVrqLOeGUR^MExfw-Awc-L]zz?JqQuS&;`C#<7sb[+,NjEUP=TPp$ST3!#DfzxIu;^wJ4+c{`2^9d*nv(O#C)S48X+`E5\Cw+n;Ja4...
Test #10:
score: 0
Time Limit Exceeded
16900 16900 130 6)w8p]`Q%T|Ijb+dD@y]xuQf*3z?lKU32J1}rrjdWmG==sShI_Z!s=hIo&3S'9_5LYqp|HK(\GY9J@gH'C=Rh;AHh#T"L{1kY(+->Q<;gJz3NZ*9>yHV\6QGO@o~(kR|nuFShs[H+5PK_Q2KVI_bqWDAetYG|5es)idNhysSseL~%3@PV=vA(Q'e`%iCE~iJ{VTU8jHQ!+Yj+V=Z%Bp&Y*-NV8r&5*y7#CsFl]2]8zAR+I;JN%a[4_Go?-I{.{`_%)6_q2FqDv+`Md1$l4DI$+-l`)^j...