

#300509#7508. Fast DebuggerdefyersWA 1ms3500kbC++205.1kb2024-01-08 13:28:172024-01-08 13:28:17

Judging History


  • [2024-01-08 13:28:17]
  • 评测
  • 测评结果:WA
  • 用时:1ms
  • 内存:3500kb
  • [2024-01-08 13:28:17]
  • 提交


#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;

#define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()
#define int long long 
using ll = long long;
using LL = long long;
using pii = pair<int, int>;

const int AND = 1;
const int OR = 2;
const int XOR = 3;
const int FOR = 4;
const int END = 5;
const int AX = 256;
const int BX = 257;
const int CX = 258;
const int DX = 259;
struct Action{
	int op, a, b;

string operandToString(int x){
	if(x == AX) return "ax";
	if(x == BX) return "bx";
	if(x == CX) return "cx";
	if(x == DX) return "dx";
	return to_string(x);
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Action& A){
	map<int, string> ops = {
		{AND, "AND"},
		{OR, "OR"},
		{XOR, "XOR"},
		{FOR, "FOR"},
		{END, "END"}
	out << ops[A.op] << ' ' << operandToString(A.a) << ' ' << operandToString(A.b);
	return out;

int readInstruction(){
	string s; cin >> s;
	if(s.substr(0, 3) == "and")
		return AND;
	else if(s.substr(0, 2) == "or"){
		return OR;
	}else if(s.substr(0, 3) == "xor"){
		return XOR;
	}else if(s == "repeat"){
		return FOR;
	}else if(s == "end"){
		return END;
	return 0;

int readOperand(){
	string s; cin >> s;
		return 256 + (s[0] - 'a');
		return stoi(s);

int getValue(int state, int oper){
	if(oper >= 256){
		return (state >> (oper - 256)) & 1;
		return oper;

struct Func{
	int a[16];
	Func() = default;
	Func(int op, int a, int b){
		for(int msk = 0; msk < 16; msk++){
			int x = getValue(msk, a);
			int y = getValue(msk, b);
			int z;
			assert(x <= 1);
			assert(y <= 1);
			if (op == AND) {
				z = x & y;
			} else if (op == OR) {
				z = x | y;
			} else if (op == XOR) {
				z = x ^ y;
			int ap = a - 256;
			int new_msk = (msk & (15 - (1 << ap))) | (z << ap);
			Func::a[msk] = new_msk;
	static Func Id(){
		Func res;
		for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
			res.a[i] = i;
		return res;

Func operator* (Func f, Func g){
	Func h;
	for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
		h.a[i] = g.a[f.a[i]];
	return h;

template<class T>
T pow (T f, int k) {
	return k == 0 ? T::Id() : pow(f * f, k / 2) * (k % 2 ? f : T::Id());

struct Func8 : vector<Func> {

	Func8 () = default;
	static Func8 Id(){
		Func8 res;
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
		return res;

	Func8(int op, int a, int b){
		// cout << a << ' ' << b << endl;
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
			push_back(Func(op, a >= 256 ? a : (a >> i) & 1, b >= 256 ? b : (b >> i) & 1));

Func8 operator* (Func8 f, Func8 g){
	Func8 res;
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
		res.push_back(f[i] * g[i]);
	return res;

struct node{
	vector<Func8> ps; Func8 tot = Func8::Id();
	vector<int> cnt; int sz;
	vector<node*> ch; node* par = nullptr;
	Action act;

	node* append(Action act){
		if(act.op != END){
			node *v = new node();
			v->act = act;
			ch.push_back(v); v->par = this;
			if(act.op == FOR)
				return v;
				return this;
			return par;

void dfs0(node* v){
	int sz = 0;
	for(auto u : v->ch){
		v->ps.push_back(v->ps.back() * u->tot);
		v->cnt.push_back(v->cnt.back() + u->sz);
	if(v->act.op == FOR){
		v->tot = pow(v->ps.back(), v->act.a);
		v->sz = v->cnt.back() * v->act.a;
		v->tot = Func8(v->act.op, v->act.a, v->act.b);
		v->sz = 1;
	v->sz = min(v->sz, 1LL << 30);

Func8 dfs(node* v, int k){
	assert(k >= 0);
	if(k == 0) return Func8::Id();
	if(v->act.op != FOR){
		assert(k == 1);
		return v->tot;
		int psz = v->cnt.size();
		Func8 res = pow(v->ps.back(), k / psz);
		int pos = --upper_bound(all(v->cnt), k % psz) - v->cnt.begin();
		res = res * v->ps[pos];
		if(pos < v->ch.size()){
			res = res * dfs(v->ch[pos], k % psz - v->cnt[pos]);
		return res;

void solve(int TC) {
	int n, q; cin >> n >> q;
	vector<Action> A;
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
		int ins = readInstruction();
		if(ins == FOR){
			int k; cin >> k;
			A.push_back({FOR, k});
		}else if(ins == END){
			int a = readOperand(), b = readOperand();
			A.push_back({ins, a, b});

	node *root = new node();
	root->act = {FOR, 1, 0};
	node *cur = root;
	for(auto act : A){
		cur = cur->append(act);

	assert(cur == root);
	// for(auto act : A){
	// 	cout << act << '\n';
	// }

	for(int i = 0; i < q; i++){
		int k, a, b, c, d; cin >> k >> a >> b >> c >> d;
		int a2 = 0, b2 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 0;
		Func8 ans = dfs(root, k);
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
			int v = ((a >> i) & 1)
				+   ((b >> i) & 1) * 2
				+   ((c >> i) & 1) * 4
				+   ((d >> i) & 1) * 8;
			v = ans[i].a[v];
			a2 += (v & 1 ? (1 << i) : 0);
			b2 += (v & 2 ? (1 << i) : 0);
			c2 += (v & 4 ? (1 << i) : 0);
			d2 += (v & 8 ? (1 << i) : 0);
		cout << a2 << ' ' << b2 << ' ' << c2 << ' ' << d2 << '\n';

int32_t main() {
	cout << fixed << setprecision(10);

	int t = 1;
	// cin >> t;

	for (int i = 1; i <= t; i++) {


Test #1:

score: 0
Wrong Answer
time: 1ms
memory: 3500kb


6 2
repeat 5
xor ax bx
xori ax 3
and cx ax
xor cx dx
10 1 2 4 3
8 4 1 2 3


0 2 3 3
4 1 3 3


wrong answer 3rd numbers differ - expected: '2', found: '3'