ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#300332 | #7310. Circular Sectors | mshcherba | TL | 694ms | 5268kb | C++20 | 8.6kb | 2024-01-08 03:22:26 | 2024-01-08 03:22:26 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define FOR(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i < (b); i++)
#define RFOR(i, a, b) for(int i = (a) - 1; i >= (b); i--)
#define SZ(a) int(a.size())
#define ALL(a) a.begin(), a.end()
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define F first
#define S second
typedef long long LL;
typedef vector<int> VI;
typedef pair<int, int> PII;
typedef long double db;
const db EPS = 1e-13;
const db PI = acos(-1.0);
struct Pt
db x, y;
Pt operator+(const Pt& p) const
return {x + p.x, y + p.y};
Pt operator-(const Pt& p) const
return {x - p.x, y - p.y};
Pt operator*(db d) const
return {x * d, y * d};
Pt operator/(db d) const
return {x / d, y / d};
db sq(const Pt& p)
return p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y;
db abs(const Pt& p)
return sqrt(sq(p));
int sgn(db x)
return (EPS < x) - (x < -EPS);
Pt perp(const Pt& p)
return {-p.y, p.x};
db dot(const Pt& p, const Pt& q)
return p.x * q.x + p.y * q.y;
db cross(const Pt& p, const Pt& q)
return p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x;
db orient(const Pt& p, const Pt& q, const Pt& r)
return cross(q - p, r - p) / abs(q - p);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Pt& p)
return os << "(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")";
struct Line
Pt n;
db c;
Line(const Pt& p, const Pt& q):
n(perp(q - p)), c(-dot(n, p)) {}
db side(const Pt& p) const
return dot(n, p) + c;
db sqDist(const Pt& p) const
return side(p) * side(p) / (db)sq(n);
Pt proj(const Pt& p) const
return p - n * side(p) / sq(n);
bool parallel(const Line& l1, const Line& l2)
return sgn(cross(l1.n, l2.n)) == 0;
Pt inter(const Line& l1, const Line& l2)
db d = cross(l1.n, l2.n);
assert(sgn(d) != 0);
return perp(l2.n * l1.c - l1.n * l2.c) / d;
bool inDisk(const Pt& a, const Pt& b,
const Pt& p)
return sgn(dot(a - p, b - p)) <= 0;
bool onSegment(const Pt& a, const Pt& b,
const Pt& p)
return sgn(orient(a, b, p)) == 0
&& inDisk(a, b, p);
vector<Pt> circleLine(const Pt& o, db r,
const Line& l)
db h2 = r * r - l.sqDist(o);
if (sgn(h2) == -1)
return {};
Pt p = l.proj(o);
if (sgn(h2) == 0)
return {p};
Pt h = perp(l.n) * sqrt(h2) / abs(l.n);
return {p - h, p + h};
vector<Pt> circleCircle(const Pt& o1, db r1,
const Pt& o2, db r2)
Pt d = o2 - o1;
db d2 = sq(d);
if (sgn(d2) == 0)
return {};
db pd = (d2 + r1 * r1 - r2 * r2) / 2;
db h2 = r1 * r1 - pd * pd / d2;
if (sgn(h2) == -1)
return {};
Pt p = o1 + d * pd / d2;
if (sgn(h2) == 0)
return {p};
Pt h = perp(d) * sqrt(h2 / d2);
return {p - h, p + h};
bool strictlyIncreasing(db a, db b, db c)
return sgn(a - b) < 0 && sgn(b - c) < 0;
struct Sector
Pt o;
db r, s, theta;
Pt p1, p2;
vector<Sector> sectors;
vector<Line> lines;
struct Event
db x;
int i, j, k;
bool operator<(const Event& event) const
return sgn(x - event.x) < 0;
db getY(const PII& ij, db x)
const auto& [i, j] = ij;
if (j == 0)
const Line& l = lines[i];
return -(l.n.x * x + l.c) / l.n.y;
const Pt& o = sectors[i].o;
db r = sectors[i].r;
return o.y + j * sqrt(max((db)0.0, r * r - (x - o.x) * (x - o.x)));
struct Comparator
static db x;
bool operator() (const PII& a, const PII& b) const
int dy = sgn(getY(a, x) - getY(b, x));
if (dy != 0)
return dy < 0;
return a < b;
} cmp;
db Comparator::x;
db getAreaOfCirclePart(db r, db x)
db co = clamp(x / r, (db)-1.0, (db)1.0);
db alpha = acos(co);
return (PI - alpha + co * sqrt(1 - co * co)) * r * r / 2;
void solve(int n)
VI linesBalances;
for (auto& [o, r, s, theta, p1, p2] : sectors)
cin >> o.x >> o.y >> r >> s >> theta;
p1 = {o.x + r * cos(s), o.y + r * sin(s)};
p2 = {o.x + r * cos(s + theta), o.y + r * sin(s + theta)};
linesBalances.PB(-sgn(cos(s + theta)));
lines.PB({o, p1});
lines.PB({o, p2});
vector<Event> events;
FOR(i, 0, n)
const auto& [o, r, s, theta, p1, p2] = sectors[i];
if (strictlyIncreasing(s, PI, s + theta)
|| strictlyIncreasing(s, 3 * PI, s + theta))
events.PB({o.x - r, i, -1, 1});
events.PB({o.x - r, i, 1, 1});
if (strictlyIncreasing(s, 2 * PI, s + theta))
events.PB({o.x + r, i, -1, -1});
events.PB({o.x + r, i, 1, -1});
if (sgn(p1.y - o.y) > 0
|| (sgn(p1.y - o.y) == 0 && sgn(p1.x - o.x) > 0))
events.PB({p1.x, i, 1, -1});
events.PB({p1.x, i, -1, 1});
if (sgn(p2.y - o.y) > 0
|| (sgn(p2.y - o.y) == 0 && sgn(p2.x - o.x) < 0))
events.PB({p2.x, i, 1, 1});
events.PB({p2.x, i, -1, -1});
int idxLine = 2 * i;
for (const Pt& p : {p1, p2})
assert(sgn(p.x - o.x) != 0);
bool toLeft = sgn(o.x - p.x) < 0;
events.PB({o.x, idxLine, 0, toLeft ? 1 : -1});
events.PB({p.x, idxLine, 0, toLeft ? -1 : 1});
FOR(j, 0, n)
if (j == i)
const auto& sector = sectors[j];
if (j < i)
vector<Pt> cc = circleCircle(o, r, sector.o, sector.r);
for (const Pt& q : cc)
// redundant events
for (int idx : {i, j})
for (int lu : {-1, 1})
events.PB({q.x, idx, lu, 0});
idxLine = 2 * j;
for (const Pt& p : {sector.p1, sector.p2})
vector<Pt> cl = circleLine(o, r, lines[idxLine]);
for (const Pt& q : cl)
if (onSegment(sector.o, p, q))
for (int lu : {-1, 1})
events.PB({q.x, i, lu, 0});
events.PB({q.x, idxLine, 0, 0});
FOR(i, 0, 2 * n)
Pt o1 = sectors[i / 2].o;
Pt pi = i % 2 == 0 ? sectors[i / 2].p1 : sectors[i / 2].p2;
FOR(j, 0, i)
if (i / 2 == j / 2 || parallel(lines[i], lines[j]))
Pt o2 = sectors[j / 2].o;
Pt pj = j % 2 == 0 ? sectors[j / 2].p1 : sectors[j / 2].p2;
Pt q = inter(lines[i], lines[j]);
if (onSegment(o1, pi, q)
&& onSegment(o2, pj, q))
events.PB({q.x, i, 0, 0});
events.PB({q.x, j, 0, 0});
set<PII, Comparator> curves;
db ans = 0;
for(int idxEvent = 0; ;)
set<PII> del, add, delAdd;
int ptr = idxEvent;
while (ptr < SZ(events) && !(events[idxEvent] < events[ptr]))
//cerr << "event " << events[ptr].x << " " << events[ptr].i << " " << events[ptr].j << " " << events[ptr].k << endl;
PII cur = {events[ptr].i, events[ptr].j};
if (events[ptr].k == -1)
else if (events[ptr].k == 1)
for (const PII& ij : del)
for (const PII& ij : delAdd)
if (del.count(ij) || add.count(ij) || !curves.count(ij))
if (ptr == SZ(events))
db xl = events[idxEvent].x, xr = events[ptr].x;
for (const PII& ij : curves)
Comparator::x = (xl + xr) / 2;
vector<PII> badOrder;
for (auto it = curves.begin(); it != curves.end() && next(it) != curves.end();)
auto nit = next(it);
if (!cmp(*it, *nit))
for (auto it = curves.begin(); it != curves.end() && next(it) != curves.end(); it++)
assert(cmp(*it, *next(it)));
for (const PII& ij : badOrder)
for (auto it = curves.begin(); it != curves.end() && next(it) != curves.end(); it++)
assert(cmp(*it, *next(it)));
for (const PII& ij : curves)
for (const PII& ij : add)
int bal = 0;
for (const PII& ij : curves)
const auto& [i, j] = ij;
int deltaBal = j == 0 ? linesBalances[i] : -j;
assert(bal >= 0);
if (bal == 0 || bal + deltaBal == 0)
db area;
if (j == 0)
area = (getY(ij, xl) + getY(ij, xr)) * (xr - xl) / 2;
const Pt& o = sectors[i].o;
db r = sectors[i].r;
area = j * (getAreaOfCirclePart(r, xr - o.x) - getAreaOfCirclePart(r, xl - o.x)) + o.y * (xr - xl);
ans -= deltaBal * area;
bal += deltaBal;
assert(bal == 0);
idxEvent = ptr;
cout << ans << "\n";
int main()
cout << fixed << setprecision(15);
int n;
while (cin >> n)
return 0;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 1ms
memory: 3724kb
2 -3 -5 5 0.705 0.217 -5 1 4 3.070 4.136 1 -4 -4 1 0.485 2.260 3 4 4 4 4.266 4.673 2 -4 5 0.353 5.565 -2 1 3 3.974 0.207
35.800500000000000 1.130000000000000 106.444931438703580
ok 3 numbers
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 3ms
memory: 3752kb
2 -2 -1 5 2.250 0.555 -3 0 2 2.189 0.788 2 -5 1 5 0.432 1.643 3 5 5 4.779 2.014 2 2 0 3 4.194 2.691 4 -3 4 0.998 5.376 2 -3 1 4 5.841 2.968 -4 -3 2 4.151 4.029 2 4 -1 5 2.416 2.385 5 0 3 5.315 2.683 2 -2 0 2 3.972 1.255 2 -5 2 0.912 5.211 2 1 0 4 2.826 3.794 -2 -3 1 3.335 3.836 2 -5 4 2 2.496 2.273 ...
6.937500000000000 45.712500000000000 43.533920893527539 31.802000000000000 41.886000000000000 12.932000000000000 31.713102368390353 9.890000000000000 3.811500000000000 26.790000000000000 37.187500000000000 10.700500000000000 31.423500000000000 47.664000000000000 25.456500000000000 54.013595092918764...
ok 250 numbers
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 4ms
memory: 3740kb
3 1 -1 5 3.089 5.717 -2 0 2 4.806 3.257 0 -3 2 5.069 3.049 3 -2 -4 2 4.616 2.875 2 -2 4 5.798 3.097 -1 2 1 0.064 5.418 3 -1 1 2 4.105 3.883 0 5 4 1.936 4.292 2 -5 2 0.278 4.486 3 3 -5 5 3.208 4.696 -2 -4 3 3.609 0.906 -2 4 3 3.796 4.334 3 0 -1 1 4.313 0.711 2 -2 1 2.962 0.344 -4 2 5 2.524 3.043 3 -1...
74.157879726552894 33.235000000000000 47.749461461744601 82.280000000000000 38.565000000000000 57.287500000000000 16.887500000000000 30.812466324073254 18.266137364384574 43.264634755237459 42.494217510621977 26.132749175803262 26.404500000000000 30.106728114671796 48.937000000000000 23.139500000000...
ok 166 numbers
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 6ms
memory: 3692kb
4 4 3 4 1.727 2.114 -5 3 2 5.010 2.690 -1 1 5 4.078 2.852 1 5 5 2.974 4.884 4 3 4 1 5.626 2.021 2 -4 1 1.241 0.231 4 -4 5 0.323 5.472 -2 5 2 2.648 1.031 4 -1 -1 2 0.156 3.062 2 2 1 1.127 4.124 5 3 5 1.105 5.179 4 2 3 3.363 4.235 4 -2 -3 3 1.013 4.047 0 -5 5 1.829 4.952 -4 0 5 2.029 4.410 3 -1 4 1.40...
89.059592091965933 71.472500000000000 72.359337599729827 126.255569920522023 53.321194904763857 59.877062378554662 47.616876770028659 66.382775434501406 26.793763102702925 32.341500000000000 139.853466960893417 81.663107773503010 102.706053155319407 81.919837964614136 30.252901352145075 88.100998126...
ok 125 numbers
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 7ms
memory: 3692kb
5 -4 -1 4 2.566 3.253 1 -1 2 3.826 4.000 1 2 5 4.113 3.814 -1 -4 2 4.386 3.959 -1 -2 1 5.785 3.937 5 4 2 4 2.417 0.945 -5 -3 3 4.946 5.172 2 -2 2 2.380 0.205 3 3 4 0.766 4.402 -2 4 5 3.442 4.263 5 0 -4 3 5.172 0.603 -4 -5 3 1.321 3.688 -5 1 4 4.363 3.784 -5 -1 4 2.943 2.791 -2 5 3 5.292 5.765 5 -5 -...
79.693585184955934 91.736875590339164 79.436470427630910 77.453260899735851 98.285986593755338 71.089224340747053 7.725500000000000 103.276610901060772 18.876111372247369 83.851724321134310 37.132095585543558 80.144201783696144 100.607500000000000 89.227847271325908 94.924728487345116 24.35600000000...
ok 100 numbers
Test #6:
score: 0
time: 13ms
memory: 3708kb
10 4 4 4 2.043 4.661 0 -2 3 4.728 5.010 1 5 5 0.478 2.500 1 2 4 3.314 2.904 4 -4 5 3.408 5.869 -3 1 5 0.644 2.968 2 0 4 5.532 0.421 2 -3 1 3.492 0.855 -3 -3 5 4.475 4.896 -4 -1 3 0.873 1.815 10 -2 -1 3 4.786 3.714 -4 -3 1 0.155 4.804 -1 -5 3 4.225 2.500 -4 -1 4 5.536 3.954 4 -2 4 5.516 2.204 -3 2 4 ...
217.462255720490279 137.080435157705904 68.280440686838588 81.674905544446753 161.394725071889036 109.854743305694669 88.851098028933561 149.663820955674471 141.260453837597516 150.828583153720500 103.530625418356815 80.042106264194868 135.587222368681931 124.154668157309515 142.296821200933604 136....
ok 50 numbers
Test #7:
score: 0
time: 10ms
memory: 3764kb
9 6 -5 6 4.848 5.374 9 4 3 2.135 4.598 8 -4 6 4.443 5.157 0 5 9 3.605 1.226 7 -4 9 1.917 4.657 6 -7 8 3.621 0.258 3 3 4 1.955 5.563 -6 -5 5 3.174 3.778 -10 9 1 5.808 1.214 10 2 0 8 5.479 1.980 -3 -1 10 2.909 0.574 -8 -10 4 1.758 4.039 2 -6 9 5.761 4.499 1 1 2 0.115 0.897 -3 7 6 0.574 4.703 -4 5 6 0....
340.572472199963770 423.411657030425522 188.493590961885124 663.645597577173430 237.474510029904444 435.602263268936953 426.132393829239040 393.573805742597425 204.877572258180112 211.300974323964095 159.246000000000000 84.711314252478468 65.409000000000000 288.210429276220969 53.787500000000000 323...
ok 97 numbers
Test #8:
score: 0
time: 17ms
memory: 3732kb
10 -19 46 24 2.749 0.181 25 -35 45 5.805 4.054 -19 41 38 3.066 0.881 39 -15 22 5.876 4.537 -34 23 23 2.975 5.225 -21 -27 36 5.103 1.849 -43 -27 47 1.506 5.692 8 -12 16 2.217 3.584 -39 2 48 3.455 0.978 23 15 42 2.422 2.305 10 41 -31 32 2.089 3.004 -25 22 41 4.804 4.138 -25 32 37 0.576 3.483 -35 36 32...
12052.406264363612751 8029.721602593827213 17841.160242547987655 8905.310278028087005 9364.474299758411491 11342.793063077791617 7432.277263249038263 4958.018309445385218 12178.815954973788252 12163.545508884978747 10152.091787750142028 5644.239555710109967 8047.133278497371945 10406.167543782263821...
ok 50 numbers
Test #9:
score: 0
time: 446ms
memory: 5212kb
93 48 -38 55 2.613 0.385 28 53 75 4.293 2.033 88 33 4 3.991 5.533 11 57 6 4.203 2.347 95 71 11 4.082 3.258 -4 39 61 0.466 4.435 -28 -36 75 1.871 5.160 15 -42 18 2.512 3.285 -68 10 25 4.824 3.391 -61 -21 75 1.593 4.869 41 -30 36 0.436 3.602 -100 94 48 4.538 1.943 -1 19 73 1.400 1.056 -43 29 42 2.508 ...
90187.884972229950002 95856.664895293357446 78262.905029265647137 76227.524853917551042 101278.184257132962706 89979.898975388800928 81706.668381387154106
ok 7 numbers
Test #10:
score: 0
time: 12ms
memory: 3880kb
4 -46 6 35 0.448 0.600 -38 -36 29 2.044 0.247 87 -33 87 0.139 5.721 -22 -69 56 5.013 5.314 1 -16 11 41 4.997 5.257 10 -80 -53 86 4.687 1.234 -76 -66 64 4.487 2.231 -46 3 39 5.532 4.214 -16 -94 70 1.841 2.220 -66 98 2 4.388 5.140 1 53 15 2.496 0.741 79 79 79 2.831 2.307 -16 10 92 4.938 3.805 -98 65 7...
28820.394977238745323 4418.508500000000001 33061.953463050660385 45686.056434966195095 12072.339439476245466 5985.184023385508815 50770.001552460580502 42946.205898987398879 20200.603769154651124 36999.657973594574191 4337.216000000000000 5574.280499999999999 35395.913270822017527 24095.705148067117...
ok 89 numbers
Test #11:
score: 0
time: 106ms
memory: 4028kb
33 -20 33 3 4.628 3.531 -43 10 4 5.952 4.299 49 -32 7 4.523 5.619 31 -15 5 4.429 1.704 50 40 14 4.025 0.773 -44 -14 31 0.113 2.654 -48 -16 2 4.571 2.209 16 14 11 3.296 3.719 34 -7 17 5.346 2.974 6 -45 22 3.532 2.678 -45 -14 33 3.100 1.706 -30 42 43 2.729 3.312 44 16 46 1.660 2.278 40 44 1 3.442 3.05...
15802.283167443217282 21353.722702477987147 17122.857671863148337 17218.507770068511967 20193.954959457001978 18206.933769756462098 16965.217283117565637 19853.432944954332676 18881.619820128014023 12897.384431902637525 17739.729509985425572 20560.400965029885381 21622.473383571326014 21926.10674976...
ok 14 numbers
Test #12:
score: 0
time: 694ms
memory: 5268kb
100 7 -66 7 3.504 5.074 -99 4 5 2.346 0.874 -68 93 47 4.684 5.490 89 46 87 4.250 0.385 46 79 87 2.659 5.715 -10 34 60 3.444 1.728 -82 69 83 4.298 2.078 -75 28 57 1.351 3.565 3 69 97 2.213 3.702 31 8 14 2.294 0.927 97 -23 65 1.493 1.414 55 47 45 2.466 4.113 -78 58 91 1.963 5.592 -97 49 84 4.659 1.604...
96546.677629778880096 101085.301215711425023 104860.539882848343417 82685.042951206506558 87897.311215470075659
ok 5 numbers
Test #13:
score: -100
Time Limit Exceeded
500 1 -1 2 1.046 1.346 2 2 1 5.506 0.926 0 -2 2 5.468 3.385 0 -1 1 2.747 4.753 1 -2 2 1.805 5.313 2 0 2 1.543 3.123 2 2 2 1.604 0.801 0 -1 2 4.470 5.702 -1 2 2 1.725 4.320 1 1 1 3.526 5.798 2 0 2 2.157 3.678 -2 -2 2 3.575 0.905 -1 0 2 0.226 3.358 -1 0 2 0.655 0.196 -2 -2 1 4.774 0.375 -1 1 2 2.597 1...