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ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#287150 | #7008. Rikka with Nice Counting Striking Back | ucup-team1209 | AC ✓ | 4973ms | 93208kb | C++20 | 4.4kb | 2023-12-19 20:08:51 | 2023-12-19 20:08:51 |
Judging History
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define cs const
#define pb push_back
using namespace std;
using pi = pair <int, int> ;
using ll = long long ;
using i128 = __int128;
using u128 = __uint128_t;
cs int N = 4e5 + 5, M = 105;
void cmx(ll & x , ll y) {
if(x < y) x = y;
int T, n;
char S[N];
namespace sam {
int ch[N][26], lk[N], len[N], nd = 1, las = 1;
void init() {
for(int i = 0; i <= nd; i++) {
memset(ch[i], 0, 104);
lk[i] = len[i] = 0;
nd = las = 1;
void extend(int c) {
int x = ++ nd , p = las; las = x;
len[x] = len[p] + 1;
for(; p && !ch[p][c]; p = lk[p]) ch[p][c] = x;
if(!p) return lk[x] = 1, void();
int q = ch[p][c];
if(len[q] == len[p] + 1)
return lk[x] = q, void();
int cl = ++ nd;
len[cl] = len[p] + 1;
memcpy(ch[cl], ch[q], 104);
lk[cl] = lk[q], lk[q] = lk[x] = cl;
for(; p && ch[p][c] == q; p = lk[p]) ch[p][c] = cl;
struct run {
int l, r, p;
} ;
vector <run> runs;
cs ll mod = 995053212556338707, B = 223;
ll ha[N], pw[N];
ll add(ll a, ll b) {
return a + b >= mod ? a + b - mod : a + b;
ll dec(ll a, ll b) {
return a - b < 0 ? a - b + mod : a - b;
ll mul(ll a, ll b) {
return (__int128_t) a * b % mod;
ll has(int l, int r) {
if(l > r) return 0;
return (ha[r] + u128(mod - ha[l - 1]) * pw[r - l + 1]) % mod;
i128 has_raw(int l, int r) {
if(l > r) return 0;
return ha[r] - (i128) ha[l - 1] * pw[r - l + 1];
bool iskmod(i128 x) {
static const i128 mul = []() {
i128 res = 0;
for(char c : "93809386772914624520890844190221243419") if(c) {
res = res * 10 + (c - 48);
return res;
static const ll lim = 2e18;
x *= mul;
return -lim < x && x < lim;
int lcp(int x, int y) {
int l = 0, r = min(n - x + 1, n - y + 1);
while(l < r) {
int mid = (l + r + 1) >> 1;
i128 T = has_raw(x, x + mid - 1) - has_raw(y, y + mid - 1);
if(iskmod(T)) l = mid;
else r = mid - 1;
} return l;
int lcs(int x, int y) {
int l = 0, r = min(x, y) + 1;
while(l < r) {
int mid = (l + r + 1) >> 1;
const i128 T = has_raw(x - mid + 1, x) - has_raw(y - mid + 1, y);
if(iskmod(T)) l = mid;
else r = mid - 1;
} return l;
bool cmp(int x, int y) {
int l = lcp(x, y);
if(x + l > n) return true;
if(y + l > n) return false;
return S[x + l] < S[y + l];
set <pi> ex;
void ins(int l, int r) {
// cout << "ins " << l << ' ' << r << endl;
int p = r - l;
int l1 = lcp(l, r);
int l2 = lcs(l - 1, r - 1);
int L = l - l2, R = r + l1 - 1;
// cout << L <<' ' << R << ' ' << p << endl;
if(R - L + 1 >= 2 * p) {
auto iter = ex.lower_bound(pi(L, R));
if(iter != ex.end() && *iter == pi(L, R)) return ;
ex.emplace_hint(iter, pi(L, R));
runs.pb((run){L, R, p}); // , cout << "RUNS " << L << ' ' << R << " " << p << endl;
void Run(int o) {
static int s[N];
int top = 0; s[++ top] = n + 1;
for(int i = n;i; i--) {
while(top > 1 && cmp(i, s[top]) == o) -- top;
ins(i, s[top]); s[++ top] = i;
void Main() {
scanf("%s", S + 1);
n = strlen(S + 1);
ll ans = 0;
sam :: init();
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
sam :: extend(S[i] - 'a');
int x = sam :: las;
ans += sam :: len[x] - sam :: len[sam :: lk[x]];
// cout << ans << '\n';
pw[0] = 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
pw[i] = mul(pw[i - 1], B);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
ha[i] = add(mul(ha[i - 1], B), S[i] - 'a' + 1);
unordered_map <ll, int> mp(n * 15);
for(auto [l, r, p] : runs) {
// cout << l <<' ' << r << ' ' <<p << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
int t = (r - l + 1 - i) / p - 1;
if(t) {
ll h = has(l + i, l + i + p - 1);
// cout << "FF " << h << ' ' << l + i << ' ' << l + i + p - 1 << ' ' << t << endl;
int & v = mp[h];
if(t > v) v = t;
} else break;
for(auto [x, y] : mp) ans -= y;
cout << ans << '\n';
int main() {
#ifdef zqj
cin >> T;
while(T--) {
return 0;
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Test #1:
score: 100
time: 0ms
memory: 9764kb
6 rikkasuggeststoallthecontestants thisisaproblemdesignedforgrandmasters ifyoudidnotachievethat youdbetterskiptheproblem wishyouahighrank enjoytheexperience
500 679 244 290 132 163
ok 6 lines
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 3824ms
memory: 93208kb
1000 mxsslrrxtwwnwlsrxxxbsmtxxwwntsbrwlxnbxunutnlmrrlubturuwmbnobrolwunwurtbnmlumxmwtwrsulruxslsnltsstmmxbsmuonroubrnnmu sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss glggglgg yykkyyyykykykyyyykyykykkkyyyykkyykkkyyykykyykyyykkykky...
6522 1 20 9443 11294 1 8619 26 7898 260905 9048 6 22114 52 20 45 7 39 10 1 28 26 10 47 32 12977 30 13 7473 12 8402 1 8083 16 1 10462 16 9278 1 1 8968 7858 11148 8130 6 8516 12223 9266 8374 26 45 14 10150 9 10175 298758 203677 11522 12 8985 10687 12 1 6613277686 10 10 1 5794 28 1 280529 7874 13 10564...
ok 1000 lines
Test #3:
score: 0
time: 4961ms
memory: 85860kb
26 hihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihhihihhihhihihh...
9523687993 9529757593 9537405289 9539347561 9533035177 9528058105 564250 9522959641 9542382361 9518953705 9519439273 9534977449 9519803449 9535705801 9519560665 9534249097 9527572537 9523687993 9539468953 9532064041 9525873049 9532185433 9541168441 9524901913 9531092905 9518832313
ok 26 lines
Test #4:
score: 0
time: 4973ms
memory: 84632kb
26 oohooohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohoohoohooohoohooohooh...
9625902365 9628810517 9622671085 9626467839 9628891299 9626306275 9630668503 9620409189 9618228075 9622428739 9628406607 9625336891 9630426157 9626871749 9620086061 9626144711 9616935563 9617177909 9626790967 9627194877 9626467839 354971 9616370089 9618308857 9617824165 9616773999
ok 26 lines
Test #5:
score: 0
time: 4775ms
memory: 84872kb
26 vggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvvggvgvggvgvvgvggvgvggvg...
13085098340 13073668733 13071665606 13067070197 13077910649 13074964874 13078735466 13070840789 13072726085 13067895014 669720 13065891887 13065302732 13076496677 13068484169 13064242253 13065420563 13063181774 13080502931 13067070197 13072490423 13070015972 13083802199 13064831408 13075671860 13085...
ok 26 lines