ID | Problem | Submitter | Result | Time | Memory | Language | File size | Submit time | Judge time |
#247927 | #7627. Phony | ucup-team088# | WA | 5ms | 12168kb | C++17 | 11.1kb | 2023-11-11 16:36:41 | 2023-11-11 16:36:41 |
Judging History
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
using namespace std;
//#define int long long
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ul;
typedef unsigned int ui;
//ll mod = 1;
constexpr ll mod = 998244353;
//constexpr ll mod = 1000000007;
const int mod17 = 1000000007;
const ll INF = (ll)mod17 * mod17;
typedef pair<int, int>P;
#define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
#define per(i,n) for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
#define Rep(i,sta,n) for(int i=sta;i<n;i++)
#define rep1(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
#define per1(i,n) for(int i=n;i>=1;i--)
#define Rep1(i,sta,n) for(int i=sta;i<=n;i++)
#define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end()
typedef pair<ll, ll> LP;
using ld = double;
typedef pair<ld, ld> LDP;
const ld eps = 1e-10;
const ld pi = acosl(-1.0);
template<typename T>
void chmin(T& a, T b) {
a = min(a, b);
template<typename T>
void chmax(T& a, T b) {
a = max(a, b);
template<typename T>
vector<T> vmerge(vector<T>& a, vector<T>& b) {
vector<T> res;
int ida = 0, idb = 0;
while (ida < a.size() || idb < b.size()) {
if (idb == b.size()) {
res.push_back(a[ida]); ida++;
else if (ida == a.size()) {
res.push_back(b[idb]); idb++;
else {
if (a[ida] < b[idb]) {
res.push_back(a[ida]); ida++;
else {
res.push_back(b[idb]); idb++;
return res;
template<typename T>
void cinarray(vector<T>& v) {
rep(i, v.size())cin >> v[i];
template<typename T>
void coutarray(vector<T>& v) {
rep(i, v.size()) {
if (i > 0)cout << " "; cout << v[i];
cout << "\n";
ll mod_pow(ll x, ll n, ll m = mod) {
if (n < 0) {
ll res = mod_pow(x, -n, m);
return mod_pow(res, m - 2, m);
if (abs(x) >= m)x %= m;
if (x < 0)x += m;
//if (x == 0)return 0;
ll res = 1;
while (n) {
if (n & 1)res = res * x % m;
x = x * x % m; n >>= 1;
return res;
//mod should be <2^31
struct modint {
int n;
modint() :n(0) { ; }
modint(ll m) {
if (m < 0 || mod <= m) {
m %= mod; if (m < 0)m += mod;
n = m;
operator int() { return n; }
bool operator==(modint a, modint b) { return a.n == b.n; }
bool operator<(modint a, modint b) { return a.n < b.n; }
modint operator+=(modint& a, modint b) { a.n += b.n; if (a.n >= mod)a.n -= (int)mod; return a; }
modint operator-=(modint& a, modint b) { a.n -= b.n; if (a.n < 0)a.n += (int)mod; return a; }
modint operator*=(modint& a, modint b) { a.n = ((ll)a.n * b.n) % mod; return a; }
modint operator+(modint a, modint b) { return a += b; }
modint operator-(modint a, modint b) { return a -= b; }
modint operator*(modint a, modint b) { return a *= b; }
modint operator^(modint a, ll n) {
if (n == 0)return modint(1);
modint res = (a * a) ^ (n / 2);
if (n % 2)res = res * a;
return res;
ll inv(ll a, ll p) {
return (a == 1 ? 1 : (1 - p * inv(p % a, a)) / a + p);
modint operator/(modint a, modint b) { return a * modint(inv(b, mod)); }
modint operator/=(modint& a, modint b) { a = a / b; return a; }
const int max_n = 1 << 20;
modint fact[max_n], factinv[max_n];
void init_f() {
fact[0] = modint(1);
for (int i = 0; i < max_n - 1; i++) {
fact[i + 1] = fact[i] * modint(i + 1);
factinv[max_n - 1] = modint(1) / fact[max_n - 1];
for (int i = max_n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
factinv[i] = factinv[i + 1] * modint(i + 1);
modint comb(int a, int b) {
if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a < b)return 0;
return fact[a] * factinv[b] * factinv[a - b];
modint combP(int a, int b) {
if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a < b)return 0;
return fact[a] * factinv[a - b];
ll gcd(ll a, ll b) {
a = abs(a); b = abs(b);
if (a < b)swap(a, b);
while (b) {
ll r = a % b; a = b; b = r;
return a;
template<typename T>
void addv(vector<T>& v, int loc, T val) {
if (loc >= v.size())v.resize(loc + 1, 0);
v[loc] += val;
/*const int mn = 2000005;
bool isp[mn];
vector<int> ps;
void init() {
fill(isp + 2, isp + mn, true);
for (int i = 2; i < mn; i++) {
if (!isp[i])continue;
for (int j = 2 * i; j < mn; j += i) {
isp[j] = false;
template<typename T>
auto prev_itr(set<T>& st, T val) {
auto res = st.lower_bound(val);
if (res == st.begin())return st.end();
res--; return res;
template<typename T>
auto next_itr(set<T>& st, T val) {
auto res = st.lower_bound(val);
return res;
using mP = pair<modint, modint>;
mP operator+(mP a, mP b) {
return { a.first + b.first,a.second + b.second };
mP operator+=(mP& a, mP b) {
a = a + b; return a;
mP operator-(mP a, mP b) {
return { a.first - b.first,a.second - b.second };
mP operator-=(mP& a, mP b) {
a = a - b; return a;
LP operator+(LP a, LP b) {
return { a.first + b.first,a.second + b.second };
LP operator+=(LP& a, LP b) {
a = a + b; return a;
LP operator-(LP a, LP b) {
return { a.first - b.first,a.second - b.second };
LP operator-=(LP& a, LP b) {
a = a - b; return a;
mt19937 mt(time(0));
const string drul = "DRUL";
string senw = "SENW";
//int dx[4] = { 1,0,-1,0 };
//int dy[4] = { 0,1,0,-1 };
template<typename T>
struct BIT {
vector<T> node; int n;
BIT(int n_) {
n = n_; node.resize(n, 0);
void add(int a, T w) {
for (int i = a; i < n; i |= i + 1)node[i] += w;
T sum(int a) {
T ret = 0;
for (int i = a - 1; i >= 0; i = (i & (i + 1)) - 1)ret += node[i];
return ret;
T sum(int a, int b) {
return sum(b) - sum(a);
using T = __int128;
void solve() {
int n, q; ll k; cin >> n >> q >> k;
vector<ll> a(n);
rep(i, n)cin >> a[i];
vector<LP> rs;
rep(i, n)rs.push_back({ a[i] % k,i });
vector<int> locs(n);
rep(i, n)locs[rs[i].second] = i;
BIT<int> bt(n);
BIT<int> bttmp(n);
vector<pair<T, int>> qs;
T sumq = 0;
rep(i, q) {
char typ; cin >> typ;
if (typ == 'A') {
int x; cin >> x;
qs.push_back({ sumq,x });
else {
ll x; cin >> x;
sumq += x;
T sum = 0;
vector < pair<ll, P>> vp;
rep(i, n) {
int le = i;
while (i + 1 < n&&a[i] / k == a[i + 1] / k)i++;
vp.push_back({ a[i] / k,{le,i + 1} });
int loc = 0;
auto getxs = [&](int x) {
int cl = -1, cr = n;
while (cr - cl > 1) {
int mid = (cl + cr) / 2;
int c = bt.sum(0,mid);
if (c > x)cr = mid;
else cl = mid;
return cl;
vector<ll> ans;
Rep(j, vp.back().second.first, vp.back().second.second) {
bt.add(locs[j], 1);
int cnt = 0;
per(i, vp.size()) {
if (i > 0) {
int le = vp[i-1].second.first;
int ri = vp[i-1].second.second;
Rep(j, le, ri) {
bttmp.add(locs[j], 1);
cnt += vp[i].second.second - vp[i].second.first;
ll dif = vp[i].first;
if (i > 0)dif -= vp[i - 1].first;
else {
dif += INF;
while (loc < qs.size() && qs[loc].first <= sum + (T)(dif - 1) * cnt) {
T dif = qs[loc].first - sum;
//cout << "?? " <<loc<<" "<< dif << "\n";
ll dd = dif / cnt;
ll r = dif % cnt;
int x = qs[loc].second;
ll ansval;
if (x > cnt) {
ansval = a[n - x];
else if (x <= cnt - r) {
int v = getxs(cnt - r - x);
ansval = (vp[i].first - dd) * k + rs[v].first;
else {
x -= cnt - r;
int v = getxs(cnt-x);
ansval = (vp[i].first - dd - 1) * k + rs[v].first;
while (loc < qs.size() && qs[loc].first < sum + (T)dif * cnt) {
T dif = qs[loc].first - sum;
ll dd = dif / cnt;
ll r = dif % cnt;
int x = qs[loc].second;
ll ansval;
if (x <= cnt - r) {
int v = getxs(cnt - r - x);
ansval = (vp[i].first - dd) * k + rs[v].first;
else {
x -= cnt - r;
int vv = getxs(cnt - r);
//cout << "?? " << vv << "\n";
int cl = -1, cr = n;
while (cr - cl > 1) {
int mid = (cl + cr) / 2;
int num = 0;
num += bt.sum(max(mid, vv), n);
num += bttmp.sum(mid, n);
if (num >= x) {
cl = mid;
else {
cr = mid;
//cout << "?? " << loc<<" "<<i<<" "<<cl << "\n";
//cout << vp[i].first - dd <<" "<<dif<< "\n";
ansval = (vp[i].first - dd - 1) * k + rs[cl].first;
//cout << loc << ans.size() << "\n";
if (i > 0) {
int le = vp[i - 1].second.first;
int ri = vp[i - 1].second.second;
Rep(j, le, ri) {
bttmp.add(locs[j], -1);
bt.add(locs[j], 1);
sum += (T)dif * cnt;
assert(loc == qs.size());
//cout << qs.size() << "\n";
for (auto v : ans)cout << v << "\n";
/*ll dr = 0;
ll dd = 0;
rep(i, q) {
char typ; cin >> typ;
if (typ == 'A') {
int x; cin >> x; x--;
ll ans;
if (loc == vp.size()) {
ans = a[n - x];
else {
else {
ll x; cin >> x;
signed main() {
//cout << fixed<<setprecision(10);
//int t; cin >> t; rep(i, t)
return 0;
Tip: Click on the bar to expand more detailed information
Test #1:
score: 100
time: 5ms
memory: 11832kb
3 5 5 7 3 9 A 3 C 1 A 2 C 2 A 3
3 4 -1
ok 3 lines
Test #2:
score: 0
time: 2ms
memory: 11904kb
5 8 8 294 928 293 392 719 A 4 C 200 A 5 C 10 A 2 C 120 A 1 A 3
294 200 191 0 -2
ok 5 lines
Test #3:
score: -100
Wrong Answer
time: 5ms
memory: 12168kb
100 100 233 5101 8001 6561 6329 6305 7745 4321 811 49 1121 3953 8054 8415 9876 6701 4097 6817 6081 495 5521 2389 2042 4721 8119 7441 7840 8001 5756 5561 129 1 5981 4801 7201 8465 7251 6945 5201 5626 3361 5741 3650 7901 2513 8637 3841 5621 9377 101 3661 5105 4241 5137 7501 5561 3581 4901 561 8721 811...
8854 9161 8854 8200 7223 7647 7531 7223 7223 6990 6990 6990 6990 4097 7187 7218 7035 7018 6757 6752 6524 6683 6114 6135 5825 5825 5825 5957 5393 5126 5303 5171 5205 4893 5084 4660 4660 4591 4816 4586 4705 4427 4535 4454 4603 4435 4194 4345 3961 3961 4284 3961 4274 3961 4326 -17552
wrong answer 1st lines differ - expected: '6881', found: '8854'